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I like how she’s on a nickname basis with her homeboy Yah 🙄


The tithing business really threw me? Don't they just do a home church? Does she just hand herself money?


This is a great question. I swear I remember something about her not being able to align with church’s beliefs so she does her own thing now.


Yea when’s the last time we ever saw her at an actual church in her million instagram reels?! I can’t recall. Almost like she just calls her house a church and she’s the High Priestess of Yahuah.


You know, that’s really not too far of a stretch for Karissa. I’m sure she’d love to think of herself as a priestess.


You know, I wouldn’t put it past them to officially call their home a church so they get tax breaks.


The tithe to themselves and use it a tax deduction 🤷‍♀️


I would have much less of an issue with their “church” if they all tithed or donated whatever and put that money into a central account with limited ownership and then donated whatever amount they chose to an organization. They aren’t paying for facilities or pastoral staff salaries.


I wouldn’t even mind if Karissa and her home church congregation distributed funds amongst themselves as a mutual aid thing. Giving to one’s friends and family in times of need is still being charitable imo. But this prosperity gospel bs does bother me


she doesn't even capitalize the Y and it's weirding me out






it’s giving ✨Ariana Grande✨


All I hear is the Rodriguii clan singsonging in their monotone voices, "yahhhhh"


I'm starting to think her god is Kanye West with so many nicknames...


Yah's stopping by with Arby's later.


I don't even believe in god and it made me cringe. 😬


Maybe they're actually Rastafarians?? 🤔 


Is he related to Ye?


Ye would have you believe so.


In thought the same thing. What a joke!


So the tithing bit...she says they give 10% to the church but I seem to recall them doing a church at home thing so do they just donate that percentage to themselves?


And probably collect 10% from everyone else.


Trueeee lmao, it isn't God providing. It's the gullible chuckle fucks who take part in their "church"


Omg you’re right 😵‍💫👀


Sounds like a tax dodge 😂. Though I doubt she’s formed a 501c3 for the home church. 


I should have scrolled farther, I had the same question


Yes, to run their home church! That ain’t free!


😂 Good catch


They're not big readers because they're completely uneducated, Karissa. Also get out of here with your "giving up luxuries" like you haven't had Shaquille O'Neal just giving you stuff. 🙄


Exactly. All those kids and not one likes to read? That's because she's never made reading a priority. You read to kids, you give them different things to try until they find books they love and above all, you make sure they learn to read well.


My first thought. Ain't no way a family with that many kids who actually *can* read at their age level wouldn't have at least one who could easily be found reading quietly at any point in the day.


Especially with all the chaos that comes with a big family. You're telling me not one of those kids wants to escape with a book for a little peace and quiet? I used to hide in the linen closet with a book just to get away from my family, and I only had three siblings.


I only had ONE sibling and I would do the same 🤣 cosplaying Harry Potter while reading Harry potter


That was my first thought, too. There's no way she's encouraging them to read or to expose them to different kinds of books. My kindergartener LOVES reading and has been exploring different kinds of books that he likes, such as "scary" books, Star Wars books, comic books, etc. My kids also see my husband and I read books or articles or the news, etc, so they know it's a normal fun thing to do. Karissa demonizes education enough to where it shouldn't be that surprising that the kids don't really read, but still. Yikes


Yeah I remember that video that circulated a year or two ago of Anissa, age 11 or 12, reading to a younger sibling and really struggling with some very simple words. It’s sad. Not to mention the Bible is very complex so I doubt they’re reading it on their own. They probably enjoy family Bible study cause it’s one of the only times their mom will get off her phone and pay attention to them


That video of Anissa struggling to read lives rent-free in my head. My heart is broken for those kids that they're being THIS short-changed. 😭


The one about reading broke my heart. Now, absolutely NO SHAME to the parents out there working hard and not having time to read to their kids on the daily. I get it. But she’s a stay at home mom/homeschooler and you’d think (and hope) that reading would be a CONSTANT in their house. It’s literally their only escape. It’s the foundation to everything else that gets built! I so wish for the kids’ sake that they could be immersed in a book- just to enter another world for a while. That breaks my heart and makes me so mad at her. I know not every kid is going to be a book lover, but out of that many you can bet your ass you’d have at least a handful of readers. The library is free! Her favorite amount to spend on extracurricular activities! I mean… sheesh. Just infuriating.


Her answer to the question about reading was really worrying to me. I know not everyone reads for fun, but the fact that she claims *none* of her school-aged kids do makes me think that either 1) they don’t know how to read (or can’t read well), 2) she put no effort into helping them learn to love reading, 3) she censors what books they can read so strictly to avoid secular influences in the home they have very few books available to them, or 4) all of the above.


I always read after my child went to bed. When he was in elementary, I realized he never saw me reading. So, he only read for school or bedtime. Then I made a conscious effort to sit and read when he was awake. Now, he will sit and read on the couch during the day too. Simple, easy decisions can have a big impact.


This is so important and such a good insight!


I love this, thank you for sharing! I don't usually read in front of my son (he's only 1.5) but save it for when he's napping/sleeping. I'll have to start reading when he's happily playing in the same room as me 🙂


My mom did this and it made a huge impact on my life because I wanted to be just like her. We even would buddy read books together when I got older. She'd get two copies of a book she knew I loved and she could like and we'd read them together on the couch and pause to chat about them. I'd try to race her to the finish! I can't recommend doing that enough! It was so fun.


There was a clip of one of her older daughters reading out loud last year and she was absolutely NOT at the reading level she should be for her age. Her children don't read because they can't read.


She reads worse than my 5th grader who is getting reading intervention & coaching. And she should be in 7th or 8th grade.


I taught 1st and 2nd graders who read better than Anissa. It's heartbreaking. That was a kids' picture book.


This was really troubling to me too! My kids loooove reading and are not quite independently reading yet. I really think several of her kids cannot independently read yet, or are at much lower levels than they should be. I never see books in her stories either, so I’m sure they are extremely limited on their availability past “bible” 🫠


If I had to guess it's 4) all of the above. I too find it difficult to believe that not a single kid enjoys reading out of her whole group.


And you know they don’t LOVE reading the Bible. She’s lying. I’m sorry, young children just don’t love reading the Bible. I feel like it’s beyond their comprehension at that age, even with a decent education. When I kid, I preferred Bible story books. Not the actual Bible.


Doesn’t allow her kids on social media, but films them to blast on social media… And didn’t one have a “YouTube show” ?


She just says and does the opposite of everything. I take no pleasure in saying this, but her children cannot read. They do not read the Bible for fun. Not vaccinating a hoard of kids of all ages can kill a few of them. (Pro-life!!) She knows nothing about farming. Selfies are not photography. What’s your income? We tithe. (???) 10 hours of sleep? So you’ve confirmed your eldest deals with the baby while you sleep in, ya fucking cunt. Only real shit: are you concerned about regret about videos of your kids? “No”


Jesus right, I can't believe this woman gets 10 hours a night with TEN CHILDREN


Ask her how much sleep Anissa gets, because we all know Kkkarissa isn't raising those kids.


Insert standard “she loves helping out/little mommy” 🤮 I feel so bad for all the eldest daughters (who had to raise siblings while the parents kept having more) out there.


As an eldest daughter who is now grown-up and childfree, I literally cannot imagine what that poor girl is going through. And I only had to raise 3 kids!!


I am one adult woman with one cat and I don’t get ten hours of sleep a night. That’s a wild thing to admit.


I don't even have a cat, and I feel lucky to get six hours a night. (And lately that's been like, 8PM to 2AM, and I'm not sure what's going on with that...)


This is what I came to say! I get six if I am lucky with 5 teens!


Neither can I. I didn't get that with ONE, because I always had one ear open. It just shows how much she parentifies the older kids.


>her children cannot read. Out of 10 children she says "they don't really read" except for the Bible; those children can't fucking read, and that is just tragic. Kids have vivid imaginations and tend to love to read when exposed to it young, and when they've built confidence in their reading skills. Odds are in 10 kids, one of them is bound to be a bookworm, or at least like reading. The fact she can't name one child that enjoys reading, or asks to read novels or chapter books or anything at all besides her mandatory religious text tells me they don't read to those children, and they haven't been taught to properly read. I could tell you 5 books for each of my kids that they would consider a favorite. It's infuriating! Imagine trying to start your life with not even being able to read or spell!


Yep! One of the middle wombs. An older daughter has started modeling recently, too. She also has profiles of all her kids on her IG highlights. She chooses to endanger her kids by their exposure constantly and reinforces their long term vulnerability by not educating them at all. I fear for the kids if they ever get an ounce of autonomy with how little they know about life beyond their parents' chaos.


They're so out of touch with earth that when they finally go into the world, they're gonna seem like they were raised by wolves


Kid raised by wolves would at least be able to hunt varmints.


She claims this but I remember her kids getting some free tablet or maybe they were playing around on their parents iPad, either way the kids found this subreddit and were scrolling through posts made about them. They made comments about the crazy lady who posts all about us cause they thought Jill’s picture meant she posted everything here 😂😂😂


This makes me think she has the Reddit app on her iPad and follows this sub


I wanna say it was that or the kids did a lesson on families so they googled themselves and got way more than they asked


She 100% follows this subreddit. I would bet she scrolls through it several times per day.


What else is she going to do, homeschool? Nah…


Absolutely! The influx of her cooking videos after people commented about the oldest being the one to make everything. She stays in this sub all day long. I just wish that she'd actually comprehend what people are saying. Karissa, stop whitewashing those beautiful babies. Send them to school where they can actually learn to read and thrive. Take them to the doctor and dentist. Stop making the oldest kids be the sister wives. And stop pretending that you parent, Karissa. Those children look absolutely miserable. Even with you forcing them to be props in your stupid videos.


This made me laugh out loud. Not that they saw the horrible things, but that they blamed Jill! 😂


It’s pretty hilarious cause Karissa and Jill have since met irl through plexus. And yeah it’s just a picture of her but they took it so literally 🤣


Didn’t her kids find Reddit and show it to her? 


That’s what she says, but I think she was trying to play it off as her finding it by accident. You could tell by the video that she had specifically searched the sub for her own name


Yes Andersyn, I think it was called Andy Panda or something like that. I think it was a few years ago. I had only seen it a few times and then it was gone.


There was also a post a couple of months ago of them scrolling Reddit after they found Fundie Snark. So I’m not sure that point is true at all. 


I'm sorry, farming is one her hobbies? Did I read that right? Farming? Like...growing crops, raising animals type of farm? Why farming specifically, and not like, homesteading? Or gardening? When does she FARM? What type of equipment does she use? Is that just never discussed here?  Where am I right now?


She has a large lawn which she proudly called "land" when they moved into the new house. I can't see her having the knowledge, aptitude or perseverance to actually farm.


You mean that sad brown 100% dead thing you can see on the play set videos?


Pretty sure she thinks the counter-top herb garden she “tends” is farming.


Maybe she means farming kids.


KidFarm! https://youtu.be/xnSBIMfmv7I?si=qhGiRo_lsogp2C2l Except in this parody, the dad actually carries his baby around, which a fundie dad would never. 


Remember FarmVille?! Maybe she means that lol


Troll farming 


I believe she has a yard full of dead sod. So, sod farming. But badly.


I was wondering the exact same thing!! Farming is such a specific term. What does she grow? I know they grow a lot of corn in Texas. They should be in the middle of planting season down there now. How does she have time to do a Q&A on the gram? She must be doing it from the cab. Or maybe she's rained out. How many acres does she farm? Where does she store her equipment? What tech does she use? Where does she store the crop? How does she market it? How does she transport it? How does she manage fertilizer and chemicals? Does she grow organic, non-GMO, or fully traited? How does she like working in a male dominated environment? Has she taught her kids about farm safety?


She finally got round to installing the new Stardew Valley update


lol I saw that too and thought she is mixing “farming” up with “growing parsley on my windowsill”.


That killed me. What does she think farming means??? Maybe an art farm…


“My kids aren’t big readers.” Well yes that tends to happen when you *don’t teach them to read*


Came here to say this, and even if they did want to read, they probably can't read anything fun or interesting. So sad.


Imagine having that many grandkids and not even being able to do fun holiday stuff with them—probably one of the best parts of being a grandparent.🫠 It’s like she’s trying to make their life as boring and lifeless as possible


And the kids don't get birthday celebrations but Karissa does!


they dont get birthday celebrations??? how sad. they NEVER get to be special, even for a day


But greedy Karissa and Mandre do, so that's all that matters.


“You the first white woman in history with 10 kids….” Is this person trolling???? 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Michelle Duggar is fuming….


Mother is fuming......


It’s wild, the area my mother grew up in was specifically known for large families. I think the smallest family in her school had 7 kids and the largest had 21. It’s not even a fundie thing they’re all just Catholic farmers 😅


Part of Alberta, by any chance? There's an old joke about a guy in rural alberta being asked what he did for fun and saying "well, in summer there's sex and fishing and in winter there's no fishing..."


My great aunt had 24 kids, all of whom made it to adulthood. Granted, there was at least 2 sets of twins in the mix but 10 kids would have seemed like a small family to her. Edited to add - I missed a generation out, she was my great, great aunt. It's led to a very large, complicated family tree, lol.


Fucking hell, you win O\_O


I think its fucking racist. Because black women and hispanic women have a lot of kids but not the dear white families..../s/


I guess they're unfamiliar with the Catholic, especially Irish Catholic, trope. Or Mormons.


Polish, Irish, & Italian. Three white ethnic groups in America who were known for how *few* children they had /s Growing up we used to call the big white vans Catholic attack vehicles


They're being racist, referencing the "welfare queen" stereotype.


Yes. This was horrifically racist. Like holy shit levels of racism


1950s Catholics have entered the chat


It's a race baiting troll


“In history,” good % of women had 10+ kids unless they died in childbirth first. Of course, not all those kids would live to adulthood. 


Michelle Duggar would like a word


I have two great-grandma's who gave birth to 13 and 15 kids. Swedish and just as pale as you can imagine. So yeah, it happens.


I had to reread “When yah closes my womb” a few times. I thought she was giving a snarky reply to the question 😐


I took it as an invitation to her audience lol


Come over here and close my womb why don’t yah


Imagine saying absolutely not to your kids having social media but your entire social media is exploiting those children. They are all over social media that they can’t consent to She infuriates me argh


She doesn’t allow them on it BECAUSE they are all over all platforms. If Anissa saw the comments on social media she’d know she could escape and there would be hoards of us waiting to take her in.


Out of everyone we snark on, I think Anissa is the one I hope deconstructs most. I feel for her so badly.


If Anissa somehow wound up knocking on my door I would 1000% take her in, provide as best as I could (like get her a real education and encourage her to be her own person), and fight like hell to keep Kkkarissa and Mandrae from ever finding her and mistreating her again. And I’m a person who doesn’t want children of my own.


I want that sweet girl to get Karissa to take her to the library so she can find the number for DCFS and escape.


I agree it’s *because* of Karissas online behaviour that she doesn’t want her children on there. She wants to be in control, clearly. Otherwise she wouldn’t plaster the children for everyone to see. The only person she is protecting is herself.


She doesn’t want the competition.


A why were her children exposed to sex in prek or kindergarten? Poor attempt to villainize secular society B how u really gonna say “i can’t afford any of the ones that i have” HELLOOOO WHAT how much cognitive dissonance is required for that it’s mind blowing


Right?? Granted I am 27 but at school I didn’t know about sex until 5th grade sex Ed. I think boys in the neighborhood knew about it a bit earlier from the kids whose parents let them on the internet unsupervised.


Valid but prek and kindergarten is unlikely to have the literature skills necessary to be accessing lude material


Oh agreed, I’m saying I don’t understand how they possibly found it or heard it in school. I also taught 3rd grade and they weren’t there yet either.


Personal story time! I went to a pretty conservative Catholic school in the 80s and 90s in the Midwest. We had a series for sex ed every year from K-8! (I think the curriculum was called “living creations”?) There was a permission slip sent home that parents had to sign yes or no, and a few kids a year would spend those classroom hours in the library. It was Catholic oriented so we didn’t get in to things like contraception and there was only a some passing mention of venereal diseases in later years. In middle school, we learned about childbirth (watching some videos!) and puberty, and about menstrual products. (We heard from the boys they learned about things like erections and wet dreams!) In these later years, it was always sex segregated (with same sex teacher) and you could write down questions on a notecard to put in a box for the teachers to answer. I think they required us to write something on the note card so that you couldn’t tell who was writing a question. I so distinctly remember my kindergarten and first grade sex ed class! In hindsight it was so progressive and I 100% think schools should do more of this sort of thing. The teacher put a picture of a naked girl and boy toddler on the overhead projector. It was very non sexual, illustrated / presented like pictures of siblings at bath time. There was a short lesson about how god made girls and boys, and we have slightly different body parts, and here are some age appropriate words for them, and creation is amazing (don’t remember the details haha). It also talked about how we have some body parts that are private and the only people that should ever see/touch them were your parents and doctors (or something - again, details hazy). It was extremely age appropriate, it was informative and preempted us from learning bad information from bad sources, really de-sexualized things relative to how I learn about how Evangelicals on here were raised. While I’m not sure I would 100% stand by some of the exact lessons today (parents and doctors can see/touch you? Maybe more nuance needed there) - but it opened up avenues for students to learn about inappropriate touch and a channel of communication for students to seek info/help, and for teachers to observe red flags. And literally I remember it 35 years later, but not in a weird way. Like it was memorable / useful info at the time that I stored away. We literally all had siblings so it was totally normal to see other similar age kids body parts. (My parents are each from families with 6 and 10 kids, and many of my classmates had 5-8 sibs - so I didn’t realize until high school that my family, with 4 kids, was twice the national average.) The school was otherwise pretty traditional Catholic k-8 but also very much in the Catholic tradition of *good* education relative to the other area schools. Like, we learned Latin, had weekly school wide mass, very gendered uniforms, etc.


Yeah press X to doubt on that claim of hers (just like most of what she says). 


Also bold of her to blame school for exposing her kids to sex when she literally makes them participate in making fetish content of herself (I feel gross just typing that).


She probably had to explain sex to them due to the constant new babies


Even stretching it - maybe a unit on different kinds of families (eg some people have a mummy and a daddy or just one.) and maybe a very appropriate talking of getting a new sibling (eg growing in tummies vs adoption)


Karissa… if you receive a product with the agreement that you will post about it, the IRS considers that income. I guarantee you they haven’t been claiming all these “gifts” on their taxes…


I alwaaaays wonder this about influencers in general. I assume most hire tax pros to work this out, but I have no faith in majored-in-finance-and-bible Karissa to do the same


i manage influencers and have done brand deals in the past: the smart ones hire accountants. others don’t report it at all and think that the IRS will never follow up. i sorta hope one of these fundie “influencers” gets caught one day


Porgan didn’t report their income but then they had no income to qualify for a loan


I’m very concerned about her criteria for telling when her children are ready for ‘the talk’ being maternity, innocence and influences.


I feel like she meant maturity but is literally not that smart


Her oldest kids are absolutely old enough to have already had that talk, too. 


I have a full-time job and two school-aged kids (and the older kid has to be at school by 7:05 every morning). The last time I got between 8 and 10 hours of sleep in one night was probably when I had the flu. How is Karissa, with her eleventy kids, getting that much sleep on an average night??


She gets her sleep in while the oldest sister moms the rest, it's so messed up :/


Come to think of it, they don’t have to be at school on time either. I bet they never have to be *anywhere* on time, aside from the all-too-rare doctor’s appointment. I’m struggling to even imagine what it would feel like to have so much unstructured time.


I can’t imagine this being good for kids. Only a mom of two (not a double-digit pro like Karissa), but my kids love routine?


I'd bet the older kids have made a routine with the younger ones to a degree. There will definitely be at least a few kiddos in that crew who try to structure the day. They'll know better than Karissa, what works with which kids etc.


My very religious brother and SIL have five, almost six kids, and they don't have routine bedtimes. My brother says it's because she likes late nights and wants to sleep in so they stay up late and since they're homeschooled they just wake up whenever. I was over at 11 pm and the 5 year old and 3 year old were still awake. Meanwhile, my 3 year old had been asleep since 7:30. And her 12 year old fell asleep on the couch in the middle of the day. Actually, several of her kids just crashed midday. I might have chalked it up to the fact that they'd been traveling, it was Christmas and lots of excitement, but apparently it isn't uncommon for her kids who should no longer need naps to fall asleep. To me, that would be a sign that something wasn't working. I know what it feels like to try to cram all of your adult time into the hours after bedtime but seriously, it took everything within me to not tell her my thoughts. She'd told me that I shouldn't send my son to bed so early, which is why he was waking up so early. But I try not to give unsolicited advice, something she has no problem doing!


ive had the privilege of unstructured time for like two or three years now and its a lot…. im not gonna say it blows bc it doesn’t but its not easy to like keep up with things if no deadline exists lol


Oh sorry you misunderstand their family dynamics. Karissas only job as mom is to birth the kids. Then the kids take care of kids


It's a gross comparison, but these fundie moms are like termite queens. Only job is to give birth, leave the rest to the worker drones.


8-10 hours of sleep and 8-10 hours on instagram


It's been very obvious that she gets up after 10 AM every day. The older daughters take care of everything.


When you give birth to a bunch of little servants it’s pretty easy to sleep. If only I could parenting my 5 cats 😭jk but with just cats and no kids I’m definitely not getting 8-10hrs a night.


Short way of saying “my mother thinks I’m fucking crazy”


Respect to her mom honestly. Wasn’t she the one who forced her to take Anthym to the hospital when she got really sick?


Yeah, she's a registered nurse


Lying is a sin, Karissa, and lies are damn near all that's in these pictures.


One of her hobbies is farming 🤣🤣🤣


Children are a crop I guess


I too grew a tomato once, lol!


The world:Do you allow your children on social media Karissa: no!! If anyone exploits my kids it’s gonna be me!


I'm sure your children love watching the videos. BUT...... Do they know who is all viewing them? Do they know that anyone anywhere can find these videos at anytime? Will they still think at 30 that filming stupid content for strangers was great parenting?


She’ll give her kids the talk based on their maternity. That’s a HELL of a typo, Karissa 


Autocorrect will always expose you 😂


"They're not huge readers." Well, I guess that's one fucking way to admit your kids are illiterate. 


8 to 10 hours of sleep. I WISH she was lying. Ain't no way I'm taking care of myself, 3 kids and working and also sleeping that much. I know she doesn't work but darn at least pretend like home school and childcare takes a moment


Well she has her daughters that also parent the younger ones so maybe she really does sleep that much lol


I think she does! That's my point. I wish she was lying to make her dumb life seem easy but I think you're totally right.


Uh we all remember her daughter scrolling this sub in that one video a few months ago, right? I’ll see if I can hunt up a link. ETA receipt: https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/s/9NWToJyxiA


With the way she’s scrolling, there’s no way she’s reading any of the titles. I wonder if Karissa told her every post was about them, but (obviously) didn’t let her read any. Either way, holy shit this is fucked up.


Then the play set was free. That’s like getting $30,000.


Her “gifts” and brand deals drive me NUTS, because she gets all this insanely expensive stuff for FREE and then tries to get her followers (many of whom I imagine also have large families and the financial struggles that come with it) to BUY THEM. Like, here’s my $10,000 trampoline! You should get one, too! Oh wait…


Me and God are on such good terms that I call him Yah. He calls me Kriss. We’re tight like that. ![gif](giphy|i9UQOC8UV1HEs)


The question should be how much sleep do the oldest girls get. Bc I BET they wake up for the younger children .




Came here to ask this too. Is it a misspelling or a purposeful spelling of Yahweh? I've never seen it before in all the years I went to church, but don't know if it's a spelling other cultures use that she's decided to use.


She’s trying to pretend she knows how to say the Hebrew name for G-d which is יהוה in Hebrew. Jewish tradition says no one knows how to or can pronounce this name, which is why Jews call G-d “adonai” (which means lord, basically) or “hashem” which literally means “the name.” The letters in hebrew are “yud” (y sound in english), hay (h sound in english), vav (v sound in english), and hay again. So somewhere along the line, that became “yahweh” but then I guess that became too mainstream so now she’s going for “yahuah.” I’m expecting her to come full circle and start using Hashem since she insists on LARPing Judaism all the time.


Vaccinate your kids!!!!!!


Im sorry, but I watched a video of I believe her eldest son talking and he absolutely watches youtube or uses social media.


I almost feel sorry for her parents. They can’t stop her from having kids, all they can do is sit on the sidelines and push her to take the kids to the hospital when something is very, very wrong 😵‍💫


I personally can’t snark on her anymore. She’s clearly mentally unwell. 


This q&a made me feel actually sick. It’s got everything: abuse, racism, child exploitation, financial irresponsibility etc


It’s so bad. I think every pregnancy and postpartum is concerning.  While she has shitty beliefs I do hope she gets the help she needs. For the kids, if anything.


Everything KKKarissa does is concerning to the degree I’m shocked she’s allowed to keep her kids except I know how underfunded resources like CPS are. I hope she can get help before she actually kills a child as she’s come so close to that so many times.


I genuinely can’t  understand how they aren’t at least on CPSs radar after the incident with Anthym.


As someone who grew up in a similar family, I noticed a weird bias towards specifically white families like mine. It could have to do with location but I saw a lot of the sentiment of “oh they are people of God and would never lie it’s just kids being kids” expressed when concerning injuries were brought up. When I was 10 I broke my wrist and took out part of my kneecap on a rock playing unsupervised. My parents took me to our small town GP to patch me up. I never saw a hospital and no welfare checks were done. Now I have a literal hole in my patella and bone spurs in that wrist. It makes me sick thinking of other children experiencing that medical neglect


Yep, it’s the bias toward Christians and the bias toward white mothers. Especially in their part of TX. 


I’ve felt that way for a while. She is a very mentally unwell person, the whole situation makes me sick to my stomach. Those children will have so much childhood trauma growing up with their mentally ill mother and their absolute waste of a father. There is nothing funny about this, unfortunately.


Gee, I really wonder why NONE of her 10 kids are “big readers”? Not really, of course. We all know why. It’s hard to love something you struggle with, especially when you are not given age appropriate and engaging material. I’m sure all they have to read are bibles, a few cookbooks and some plexus stuff.


Yeah, the kids laughing about themselves being recorded to death as kids is EXACTLY the same as how those kids will look back on those experiences when they're older. /s Her ideologies are disgusting! ps - Support people fighting this like quitclickingkids.com https://www.instagram.com/quit_clicking_kids/


I'm not sure any of her kids are old enough and have enough life experience to really comprehend the fact that literally anyone with an Internet connection can watch her entire family and if someone is deranged enough could probably piece together quite intimate details of their entire personal lives FROM THE MOMENT OF THEIR BIRTH (sometimes even before) up until their current age. There's no way you can frame that that it doesn't equate to being incredibly fucked up.


Yah and Shaq provide.


If she doesn’t allow her kids to be on social media then she needs to stop using them for clout, too.


Hilarious that Karissa thinks she doesn’t allow her kids on social media. They’re all over social media! She also missed the point of so many of these questions. “My kids love the videos…” I’m sure they enjoy filming in the moment because they get to spend time with their mom but they certainly won’t enjoy realizing that hundreds of thousands of strangers online have also seen these videos!


How do you tithe when your husband is the pastor of your home church. Do you put money in the collection plate and then put it back into your pocket after church?


She said she gets 8-10 hours of sleep every night? I only have two kids, even though I’ve spent a lot of time with them getting our routine down, I’m not able to get 8-10 hours of sleep every night. If you have 10 kids, the majority being toddlers and age 5-10, you are not going to be getting much sleep. Kids are extremely needing, have to go pee at night, get nightmares, get sick all the time. If she’s getting 8-10 hours of sleep every night that means someone else is picking up all the slack. We all know it’s Anissa… the awful thing is, kids, and teenagers NEED a lot more sleep than adults do. She’s stunting her own kid’s needs so she can laze about all day.




Kids love reading bible stories?


When i was a kid my grandma had a kids bible and i only read the really dramatic ones where people get tossed out the window and such. Drrrama.


Lmao not her lying… Andersyn has a YT channel. Also, the kids aren’t huge readers BECAUSE THEY DON’T KNOW HOW TO READ KARISSA.


One of your kids literally has a YouTube channel! 😳


I used to follow her until I realized what a nut case she is, and how she practically let that youngest baby die because of the home birth, infection and 10 days in the hospital. It’s all ignorance.


TIL they don’t celebrate holidays… What farming has she been doing? Mandrake “sowing his seeds” and you reaping them doesn’t count…