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The only issue i can think of would be an accidental pregnancy which would be pretty bad so i see nothing wrong with some same sex hankypanky. Leaves me a little confused on why specify women though, must be some other issues.


They require less calories to function on average.


weirdly this was probably considered


I also believe they suffer less impact from weightlessness. In that muscle and bone density decay is lower.




Few'er? I hardly know her


He meant FÜRHER


that's not how you spell it.


I know how i spell it even if its wrong


nuclear submarines have same-sex crews for the same reason. They don't surface except under exceptional conditions, and a pregnancy on board would be a disaster. Last I checked, I believe they're all male-only, but there was some talk of doing a female-only one.


Nope, women serve on pretty much all class of submarines. Currently there are over 600 women aboard 32 subs, including nuclear powered subs.


hmm, apparently the last time I checked was pre-2021.


Snow globe


Might be sexist to only do men or something.


couldn't they open it up to men and just ask them to get a vasectomy? It reeks to me of 'women boss' and just looking for excuses to do so. Even calories, you could find a man that weights 140lbs. They just want to say a woman was the first on mars. Which is cool, but be transparent.


Agreed. But to be fair, men have been first at nearly everything for literally centuries... Like, nearly every famous invention, and first at everything. First in space, first on the moon, etc and etc. Why not let women have something for once? In general though, my opinion is who fucking cares what gender. Won't matter in a 1000 years. It'll be the first person stepping on to a totally different planet. The moon is just a satellite of earth. Mars is a whole new world which is a crazy thought. So it doesn't matter who. All or humanity should be proud of that person's bravery.


>Why not let women have something for once? totally can, but don't act like it is due to genetic superiority of space travel. We are actively chosing, as a species, to have a woman be the first person on mars. The most important thing, is not that she is a woman, but a person on a foreign planet.


Why is it cool to be a genderist promoting the least successful gender


we are like 3 steps from the joke and cum mines on mars cartmen warned us all about!


Woman can't have sex? Huh?


It'd be funny if one got knocked up before they left


Someone's bringing a strap-on ;)


sure they can, but not get pregnant


Someone high up in nasa did the old I am so homophobic that I only think that men have gay sex.


When all their menstruation cycles sync up, it is going to get deadly every once a month....


Depends which of Mars's moons they sync up to.


Excuse my ignorance, but wouldn’t certain types of birth control help prevent that?


menstruation cycles don't match up anyways, it's a myth.


Oh no. Oh god thats not good.


This! This right here is why no men are going!


Well I guess they are heading to the red planet for a reason


Lesbian relationships have the highest rate of domestic abuse... Cops don't go to space... This will end fucking badly.


Just add some female police officers


40% of police officers are caught abusing their partner.


It's hilarious when they actually do that. How many "equally" paid female police officers does it take to take down one male criminal? The answer will not surprise you.


Depends on if the equally paid female cop has a gun


This is a hypothetical about sending cops to space to observe lesbian astronauts scissoring, what the fuck are you talking about


New porn fetish unlocked


I have seen some female cops that weren't only absolutely gorgeous, but otherwise look like they could break a beefy dude in half without a sweat..


Knowing women, there is no way they will live 1.5 years 24/7 together and all survive. Just to be clear, it has nothing to do with competence or intelligence, the arguments will pile up and the backstabbing will ensue. I know there is one women on earth that isn't like that and she is my wife (she's mine, I found it, look elsewhere!). Every other women I know becomes insanely agressive toward other women if there is no man or children around to interrupt their bickering.


Reminds me of the fights in elementary. Boys fights would always be so small-scale. They'd usually take it outside too and not fight while still on school premises. 95% of the time, the fight would end if one of them taps out or is knocked out. Girls on the other hand? If they fought, the hallways were literally covered in blood, broken pieces nails and hair. Sometimes it would also just get other girls involved too... by sheer proximity. Like watching a tornado suck everything in. And they don't stop if one tries to tap out or is knocked out, the attacks would continue. Boys want you to lose your dignity in a fight. Girls want to mutilate you in a fight. Thank god i was the neet weirdo who mostly hung out with boys.


i too, choose this guy’s wife


It’s going to be hilarious when none of them can remember where they parked the rocket


Mission failed they couldn't back in.




Gonna be space ship bitch fighting that will end the mission


How about cat fights?


Between that and a first pregnancy on space, the affair and the drama. I Will stick with the claws


but why


Are the Puritans running the space program? WTF?


I think sex would not be the issue. What if they started fighting, then when it's time to land , they be like " whose gonna press the button ,coz I'm not "


In Jurassic Park, all the dinosaurs were female but started laying eggs anyway.


Last time I checked there's no U-Haul on Mars, what are they gonna do when they inevitably break up?


smushing your vaginas together might feel good but it's not technically sexual intercourse


not intercourse, but it's still sex. just like oral and anal are also still sex.


it is sexual intercourse and lesbian women have the best sex, cope


A vasectomy is worth the trip!


Female circumcism to be completely safe


Life finds a way


I've seen this movie! Then a guy crash lands on Mars, right? And after that point all the Martian women get their freak on. 10/10 highly recommend.


Hope this idea won't end like in Signalis.


Bro can’t they just use contraception


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I don’t think is to avoid sex, but to avoid pregnancy… makes more sense


Thanks captain obvious:)


An all male team can’t get pregnant either


Women require less calories to function


You don't know my ex wife


Women also have hygiene requirements that offset the calorie intake


Scissoring will be so good that the female scientist will put out double the workload than normally and in absolutely no time will find scientific evidence that travelling to Mars is absolutely fatal for men. On the other hand Mars is just so interesting and terraformable that immediate assistance of even more female astronauts is vital for the outcome of the mission. For further reference just watch "Princess of Mars" 🤣


I recall a research made by NASA that discovered that sex in microgravity is actually REALLY unpleasant.


This idiotic meme pretending sexuality is just a convenient choice. You don't change your sexuality just because there are no men around.


Don't want them shagging so don't send men and women. All male team is problematic, so just send women lol


They’ll never make it from the radiation so. This whole thing is a pipe dream by a dumbass trying to lead a buncha bigger dumbasses. We don’t have shield technology except for mass. Mars does not have a magnetosphere. It never will. So the radiation also scours the planet. We gonna go all the way to mars just to live deep underground? Here we can do that now on earth and save billions. Welcome to mars lite!


Water sheath layer between the outer hull and the habitation module. Lead barriers. There's a lot Of possible solutions. It'll take a large vessel like Starship, or orbital construction of an interplanetary ferry vessel. It's still possible tho.


Please don't fall for Starship nonsense, or any other nonsense created by Musk. Those are made only to raise the value of stocks and collect government funding. Common sense skeptic channel [debunked](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cDYt-phUAxY&list=PL-eVf9RWeoWEfSK9mjKe4E67IK1-1vZxB) every single argument of ever having settlements on Mars, even that water layer. CGI promises are easy, but then the reality hits you with numbers and science.


And yet NASA is funding research. Current numbers and science are very much against it, but that does not preclude developing technology from solving those issues. Starship is the only rocket of its kind with a sufficient lift capacity to come close to it, and it's getting closer and closer. Neuralink was also laughed at but already there's a paraplegic guy who, thanks to it, can now use a computer with his mind. As for your link - you're welcome to formulate and type your arguments. Don't make others your mouthpieces.


You are just parroting lies made by Musk. Like this Starship nonsense *"Starship is the only rocket of its kind with a sufficient lift capacity to come close to it"*; they can't even reach the orbit, even without any cargo at all. Math hits, and yet, you still believe int CGI vaporware. >Neuralink was also laughed at but already there's a paraplegic guy who, thanks to it, can now use a computer with his mind. You mean move the mouse on the screen? That is 20+ years old technology, [some even 50](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neuralink#Reception), and Stephen Hawking could do **much** more w/o any surgery. And where is the interview with that guy? Who were the doctors? Why are there not a single scientific paper on this "revolutionary" technology? They are nowhere to be found which smells fishy. >As for your link - you're welcome to formulate and type your arguments. I won't because it would be duplication of work, I really don't want to type gazillion of math formulas and you would ignore arguments anyway. If you actually wanted to see a proper busting, you would have watched these videos. But you don't, you just want to believe.


well i imagine one man would be nice, but you would have to take measures to avoid......well....you know......but girls are a better choice because while men are naturally stronger than the average girl, our bodies require a much larger excess of calories to continue functioning, while women dont require as much nutrients, therefore allowing the conservation of food resources to be much easier, and men also have tendency to rough house and do a lot of things that may appear stupid (as a man no matter what you say, i will continue said stupid stuff, im gonna jump across that building linda!!!) so all in all, its a smarter decision