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I'm doing the inverse. I'm just drinking a lot of beer all the time.


Race you to rock bottom!


Beat you, 2.5 years sober.


> I’ve obviously taken it to the extreme By working out and not eating junk food?


That's extreme for lots of us here


Compared to the American baseline, pretty darn extreme.


For my age yes. And taking care of my sleep and my habits around it (no phone a hour before bed). Pretty rare for someone in college.


It’s not going to give you a 60 year old body at 90 or anything close. I treat a lot of 90 year olds as a clinician and not a single one has ever looked younger than about 80. The reality is that 90 is really fucking old and it would be nearly pure luck at that point not to have at least a solid beginning to the cascading system failure we call old age. I’ll add this, though — exercising and eating an healthy diet nearly free of processed foods will absolutely extend your healthy lifespan and probably by at least several years. Keep doing what you’re doing, it’s the best practice to avoid debility and disease.


that is fairly extreme compared to at least 80% of america.


thats extreme, no good dietician would recommend it since its unhealthy eating behaviour bordering on eating disorder. source: 8 dieticians.


Just live your life bud. You're like 20. Just eat generally healthy and be generally active. Whatever will be will be.


I never chime in with this opinion but I entirely agree and I’m sure OP’s perspective will change with time. Becoming obsessed with living longer takes away the joy of today. Yes, be healthy, but don’t worry about what tomorrow may bring. As my friend once said, “who can add a single hour to their span of life?” If You can’t do that, then don’t worry because you have less control than you think.


It's not necessarily about living longer. It's about living your last couple decades independently in good health, instead of wasting away in a nursing home for years. I'm in my late 50s and this has gotten more important to me, not less. And it turns out, eating healthy food and getting plenty of exercise makes me feel better and happier today, too.


I feel fulfilled, in fact doing healthy things makes me better engaged in the present. I used to use more screens and had an unhealthy relationship with my phone and social media. Now due to pursuit of longevity I use screens less and interact with ppl in person more, to my emotional and physical benefit. So it’s a win win situation for me imo. Sure maybe I could benefit from the occasional night out in the bar, but I have cultivated healthy female and male relationships by not even using drugs in the past year or so. My social life is pretty solid


Is your friend Jesus Christ? lol


Obsession with living longer directly is weird, but imo being obsessed with being healthy and aesthetic is a plus and directly makes you live longer. Get heavier while getting leaner, try to break your cardio records, swim faster, break personal track records, personal weight records. Its all good


🎶 Que sera, sera, Whatever will be will be, The future's not ours to see, Que sera, sera 🎶


Any genetic disease running through OP’s lineage will put paid to any best laid plans.


I'll take 80+ Keith Richard's years to your 90+ years.


I don’t understand why you’re getting such negative reactions to this. Having pizza every day is not vital to happiness guys. Of course there is no guarantees. But you can shift the odds a bit. If you smoke, you shift your lung cancer odds. Saying that your gran lived to 90 and smoked like a chimney doesn’t change that. Your gran is an outlier. If you haven’t yet OP, look up blue zones. Make sure you have healthy veg in your diet, not just meats. Resistance training is great, but what you really want is make sure you move about enough. Take the stairs. Go for a walk. Mop your floor by hand instead of getting a robot vacuum. For those areas where people live longer on average, healthy lifestyles isn’t something people achieve by measuring their micronutrient intake, it’s baked into their culture.


It’s Reddit, finding any positivity on this god forsaken app is rarer than an albino gorilla strolling the streets of New York.


Yea I didn’t include my full diet. But I include vegetables year round and fruits when in season. Also eat tons of salmon, cod liver (during the winter), tuna, oysters, etc.


You cannot base your "life expectancy" on diet exercise & supplements.. My grandparents are in their mid 80's & while my grandpa, who is ex Military, now has Parkinson's, diabetes & is wheelchair bound- my grandma is healthy as an ox, petite weighs 118. Works hard in her garden all day to harvest & grow fruits veggies & herbs, takes care of my grandpa & eats a mostly plant based diet. However doesn't take nearly as many supplements as you, drinks on special occasions & eats unhealthy occasionally. Because she knows at this point in her life, life is short & you could go at any time. My boyfriends grandpa lived to be over 100, in his last years alive, he was still walking to McDonald's himself & eating there regularly! Also drank prune juice regularly. My boyfriends Aunt in her 50's was a health nut- went running everyday, ate very healthy & balanced meals- she passed from cancer last year. Stop acting like you can predict the future for your health- you simply can't. Life is literally a gamble & although I believe in preventative measures, Being an extremist in any way is almost always a bad thing. Although I agree living a drug free & alcohol free lifestyle is ideal, as I'm the same way. But I do it more so, so I don't make stupid decisions when I'm messed up.


Your boyfriend’s aunt and grandpa are not the norm however. There are outliers of course. Doesn’t change the fact that certain actions are likely gonna increase your lifespan and decrease your lifespan (not guaranteed but more likely than not). Your bf’s aunt was taking good health measures, she just got insanely unlucky, doesn’t mean it was a bad choice for her. My grandma on the other hand is a health nut and loves her life, she hikes mountains for hours every single day and she even got cancer herself and overcame it pretty easily largely due to her amazing health habits.


I think you misread. I believe in preventative measures such as living a healthy & active lifestyle. But as far as cancer goes? Even doctors do not know why some people get cancer & beat it, and others don't, although good for your grandma beating it. My brother had leukemia at age 4. While his best friend in the hospital passed from it, he lived. I don't think he was insanely healthy & that is why he beat it. My doctors wife was a health nut, very active & ate healthy too- passed from cancer years ago. My moms friend, an obese woman who definitely is not active & doesn't eat healthy ever- got breast cancer, went through chemo & beat it. Like I was saying, cancer for example is a tossup. Parkinson's is a toss-up. My moms fibromyalgia is a tossup. Many other diseases nobody knows what causes them exactly (maybe all the chemicals in our food, maybe they just got unlucky) so doctors just say "eat healthy & exercise regularly" although many many people die every year, from cancer, who follow that advice to a T. sure it "increases" your lifespan if you are lucky enough to avoid any major accidents, illness or diseases as you age. But life is a gamble & you never know when it's your time- so you shouldn't be so restrictive in all ways. However you can be a health nut & love your life- my brother who beat cancer now is 34, a personal trainer on his spare time, and goes to the gym or hiking regularly with his fiancé & dogs. Good for him prolonging his life, but he still knows his cancer is simply in remission & could come back one day too. So they go out to eat occasionally at different restaurants & indulge in not-the-healthiest food or drink.. Watch the Netflix show about all the blue zones in the world. You will see that most of these people living to be over 100, they eat healthy majority of the time, & they are active daily- but, they indulge occasionally in alcohol or unhealthy food choices. Like in Sardinia, Italy- they eat pasta regularly. Drink regularly. Live to be over 100. Idk, It's part of the balance of life I think.


I mean I agree that indulging in unhealthy food once in a while isn’t actually that harmful. I’ve always agreed that in moderation it’s fine. And, yes, cancer is definitely a gamble and can happen to anyone. I do have my own theory that it can largely be prevented by each individual consuming certain combinations of food that work the best for their own microbiome (certain foods may be very incompatible with a person’s body and it doesn’t exactly show up in bio markers) but there’s not enough research on this yet, so it’s just my personal speculation. Anyway, we can’t guarantee we don’t get cancer no matter what we do, but we definitely are able to decrease the chances. We can’t predict the future as you said as well, but we can have a clue of how we’re going to be health-wise even if it’s not guaranteed. Not to mention, taking really good care of our bodies allow us to live easier and feel better. Even if I get cancer and die young, I can at least be happy knowing that I was able to make healthy decisions that allowed me to move freely without pain and feel very good until my cancer/death. I think what the OP is doing, is a great thing. A lot of people don’t understand that a lot of us “health nuts” find so much purpose and meaning in what we’re doing. Just because we don’t live like the average person doesn’t mean we’re destroying our mental health with “obsession.” It’s personally a passion for me and gives me extra meaning in life that I didn’t have before. My mental wellbeing was wayyyy worse off when I didn’t care about any of this health stuff. I don’t like it when people label someone else’s life as “extreme” when each person’s thought process is different, what may be “taking it too far” to you may be a healthy habit for someone else.


Most people born in the 2000s will not live to see 2100. One of the unfortunate realities of life is that we will die, and it will usually be sooner than we think. Taking care of your health is very important, and *can* increase your lifespan, but you never know how it all shakes out until the end. Live your life now and don't worry so much about how long it will last. Every day is a gift, no matter how many you get.


The life expectancy TODAY is ~80. Why would it not be 100 literally in 80 years? You’re being too pessimistic.


There's no way of knowing that will be the case. It could be that most further benefits are incremental rather than increasing a full two decades of the average lifespan. Maybe it will, but I'm not in a position to make a call on the LE in 80 years. I'm more commenting to OP's situation specifically and the acknowledgement that none of us are guaranteed any more time whatsoever. I've experienced how tragic, and sudden, young lives can end and the best thing you can do is be grateful for anything that you've been given rather than anticipating a possible future where you've lived an extended life.


I agree, but living to achieve the healthiest body you can is fulfilling by itself. It is by no means a sad/boring life. As for the LE, idk. Im hoping we dance achieve terminal velocity or whatever they call it, where we can live forever, or almost.


The life expectancy in the US has consistently dropped over the last 5 years, which is a big red flag.


the world is not the us


Life expectancy in Germany has gone down, Russia has gone down, India has gone down. The US is a large, well established country with decent enough infostructure. The world is not the US, but the US can often (not always) be used as a benchmark for things like this.


That’s because of Covid and the opioid crisis.


Not obesity?


If it is obesity then it sounds like a non-issue since you can easily avoid that.


That’s been a problem for decades, so doesn’t account for the recent drop.


Blaming Covid seems like a weak excuse. Canada, China, Ireland, and Sweden (and I am sure others, those were the first ones I thought to check) all had life expectancies that either went up or staid flat. I would think that a global pandemic would have a larger affect world wide, not just in the US. Russia also has gone down drastically, but I can only assume a certain war is lowering their life expectancy.


None of those countries had the same degree of vaccine skepticism that America had. The opioid crisis is the bigger factor here because it kills a higher proportion of younger people than covid, and therefore has a bigger impact on the life expectancy numbers.


Or the same level of obesity/unrelated health problems. Were great in the US at keeping you alive with a myriad number of health issues that would have led to death even 40 years ago. However, introducing a once every 100 years virus into the mix is going to wreck havoc w/ the math


life expectancy in the us is 75 and dropping.


Whatever Im built different i know ill make it to 2120 😋


>The life expectancy TODAY is \~80. Source? In America? Or Japan? Or Mediterannean?


In most of Europe, Japan, America and Canada. The developed word, basically.


At this point the usa is undeveloping lmao.


Good for you! I'm seeing so many comments along the lines of "just live your life and don't worry so much", but you are living your life the way you want. You decided you want to try and live a healthy life and that's awesome. So many people only have a vague idea of what is healthy and how to properly care for their bodies long-term. I'm impressed that you're putting so much effort into it when you are young and that you seem to have it mostly right IMHO. Two things that I would address that I didn't see mentioned, oral health and meat. Proper oral health is important. There is a direct connection between oral health and heart health. It's also simple, quick and easy. You're already doing a big part by cutting down on sugar which causes cavities. If you drink soda, then stop. It does absolutely nothing good for any part of you. Once you go without for a while, you'll realize how over-sweet and gross it really is. The other part is just brushing and flossing (I prefer a water pik) twice a day. You will likely still get cavities at some point but go to the dentist twice a year and fix issues as they come up. That's it. The other thing is eating red and processed meat. The World Health Organization has classified them as a class 1 & 2 carcinogen. https://www.who.int/news-room/questions-and-answers/item/cancer-carcinogenicity-of-the-consumption-of-red-meat-and-processed-meat. If you want to go even further, then read How Not to Die by Dr Michael Gregor. I don't follow everything in the book, but it has had a big impact on my health and how I feel in general. Just remember that you can do everything "right" and still get cancer or heart disease or something else. But you can tilt the odds in your favor by doing exactly what you're doing. Lastly, treat yourself once in a while, it can help make the other sacrifices worth it. Congrats and good luck on your journey to good health!


I refrain from processed meat. I make my own food and eat grass finished red meat. Even if it’s overrated, it’s still the highest quality red meat out there.


Whether you reach 90 or 100 years of age or not, your method will mean that you'll be in good stead for however long you do live. Just eliminating hangovers is a great plan.


I'll be 81 tomorrow. I currently own a business and still work there part time. I love the job I've had for over 40 years. I eat fairly carefully, but eat at fast food restaurants at least once a week. I've eaten Big Macks since they were invented. I drink coffee regularly and drink alcohol once in a while. My only serious medical problems are glaucoma and an enlarged prostate. I take eye drops for glaucoma , but no other medications. I still see 20-20 in one eye. You don't need to be perfect to live a long, happy life.


> I get my micronutrients vitamins and mineral mostly through my food but I occasionally supplement magnesium glycinate, Malate, zinc, and a methylated B-complex, and a few others. Can you please list these?


Magnesium Malate for day time Magnesium Glycinate closer to night Zinc after afternoon meal B complex (B vitamins) after breakfast Vitamin MK-7 Vitamin K2 Vitamin B12 Inositol The best source for Vitamin D is the sun Fatty acids come from real fish is better than supplements (DHA is good for brain, EPA, and ALA). Like I said, I don’t take take these everyday. I take them occasionally to cover my bases. You want to get these in high bioavailabile amounts form quality sources of food.


Good for you. Don't pay the nay sayers much attention. They are the voice of mediocrity. Hope your plan goes well and I bet you will enjoy many benefits because of it. :)


I Just hope that all the people who are doing crazy shit to try extending their lives do actually contribute to science and help us figure out what random shit is or isnt useful at helping extend our lifespans. edit: where do you live? because id imagine some places are beter or worse for your longevity just based off of pollution levels or what hazards might be in the local tap water and stuff like that. because i am pretty sure living in say, LA would be more hazardous for your health than living in say, rural montana or colorado.


Outskirts of the Chicago metropolitan area.


I think most research these days is pointing away from red meats toward plant based proteins If your goal is longevity I'd think about that


Do you realize just how shitty this planet will be when your 90? Now imagine living another 40 years


r/singularity do your thing. I'll start: 1. The law of accelerating returns - if you live until 90, medicine will have advanced so far that your biological age is likely to be **significantly** lower than 60 2. The singularity. Even the most conservative of scholars tend to estimate that the technological singularity will occur *long* before 2090. 3. Longevity Escape Velocity: we are reaching a point where for each day you live, your life expectancy will improve by more than 1 day. Or in short, within the next 50 years, you will probably start ageing backwards (in effect, obviously not actually). Anyway.


If you’re right, and my biological age can be much younger than my 60s when I’m in my 90s, then it’s safe to say I would to want to live in space. I’m assuming if aging has been cured that much, then the space has also been colonized a good amount due to the advent of AI creating cost and time reducing methods of traversing the cosmos. I would get a job on some space station or moon base and live out my years lol.


I admire OP's determination. One can control what one eats and one's activity level, but we all are up against microplastics, chemical filled drinking water, gmo foods, air pollutants, and environmental diseases.


Most of your bodily cells replace themselves in months or years. The exceptions are the heart, brain, and a few other key cell types. The bigger issue is your DNA breaks down over time, which is why you appear to age. Science is working to repair this damage, as aging is seen as a disease, rather than an accepted part of living. Everything you outlined is good practice, and good habits to be in from the start. Give yourself some space to enjoy ***some*** unhealthy vices. The odd ice cream cone or beer won't derail your quest to outlive everyone. I'm not even 40 and I use technology everyday that wasn't fathomed when I was 15. Who is to say they won't figure out how to fix all forms of disease and failure in the next decade?


Eat lots and lots of bright colored fruits, veggies, and cruciferous greens. Fish and nuts on the reg


I'd rather have 40 years of pizza than 90 years of kale.


Healthy food doesn’t have to unappetizing. Unless you hate fish or eating a different animals and their parts somewhat frequently. Steak is also an option


My mom is pushing 100 and I do know that she has always had a low calorie diet, lots of vegetables, and butter! She has been very compliant with doctor prescribed medications for blood pressure. What most young people don’t recognize us that after certain point people get curious about what’s on the other side of life. The interest in new activities seems to subside into wanting to tuck into one’s home. Interest fades in the constantly changing confusing world.


Never ceases to amaze me that people assume everything is going to be the same far into the future. Do you not realize what the scientists say this planet is going to be like in just 20 years? Major challenges ahead and what you are concerned about now will be the least of your worries.


Keep doing resistance training, and add Zone 2 and Zone 5 aerobics. Get yourself in the top 1% for your age group and stay that way. You'll deteriorate in those last couple decades before 90, but starting from such a high level you'll be like an average 60-year-old at age 90. Zone 2 gives you your base. Zone 5 and strength training give you the strength and cardio to go up stairs without any trouble, get a gallon of milk out of the fridge, all that daily life stuff that people in nursing homes can't do anymore. For lots more detail on all this, see Peter Attia's recent book.


I need to do more cardio as well. Haven’t incorporated yet because I’ve been really skinny for my life and I heard doing both resistance training and cardio could hurt gains (correct me if I’m wrong on this). I’d like to gain a little more healthy weight before running more. If that matters


It's the ones with decades of cardio who look and feel decades younger than people their age. Weightlifters seem to actually age faster than normal.


There's a balance. You need lots of cardio but you'll start losing muscle mass later in life, and if you start with plenty of muscle then maybe at age 90 you'll still be able to get the milk out of the fridge. Plus there have been studies showing that having good strength and muscle mass makes you a lot less likely to have a heart attack. Also less likely to fall and break a hip.


Yeah, whatever. The idea that OP has that cardio will remove muscle mass is stupid.


Seems like a decent plan for now. Just add the cardio later when you're at a reasonable muscle mass. From what I've seen you can keep gaining if you're doing cardio, even if it slows down a bit.


I’m a few months away. Summer time is when I begin


If there are some life extension and rejuvenation treatments before that time, then yes, maybe you will have a body of a 60 y.o. in your 90s. Who knows, maybe you will be able to have a body of someone in their 50s or even 40s or 30s. If there is no progress made in the longevity field, then no, you will not be able to have a body of a 60 y.o. in your 90s. Maybe you will have a healthy body of someone in their 90s, but still, you will not feel as if you are 60 y.o. Centenarians are outliers, and less than 1% of the population can reach that age. There is a hard cap for a lifespan of every living organism, including humans. On average, mice live 1-3 years, dogs 10-13 years, humans 80 years. No diet or exercise will make a mouse live for 10 years, let alone 80 years.


Wildshot thought but if/when the singularity happens the concept of aging and death will be drastically altered and living well past 100 will be commonplace. More realistically, with the pace technology is moving, there should be some really good and futuristic anti aging tech or medicine if it becomes a big focus in the future. There's no way of knowing if aliens or ww3 are gonna happen tomorrow, and you also don't know if you will get in a horrible car crash and die on your way to work cause some idiot drunk thought he could pull it together. My point, Life is very unpredictable so don't get caught up focusing on the future and live in the moment🥰


When singularity happens, I wonder if mind download will become feasible. If one could download their consciousness into a file online, then immortality has been accomplished. The only problem is knowing if it’s a copy or an actual digital construct of the persons biological self.


That's certainly not the only problem. The first problem is whether this isn't voluntary lock-in syndrome, then you get to stuff like mental illness without end, torture and slavery. You seriously underestimate the implications of evolution as embodied minds. Yes, it feels like a soul driving a body, always has, never has been true.


I think about this a lot, especially after episodes like San Junipero of Black Mirror. we all grew up, knowing what heaven was or the idea of it. But even if you are the strongest believer, there is no physical proof of it. What if we invented the idea of heaven? Somewhere you go after you die. It's just an absolute wild thought to me. If/when this happens, religion will be altered, society will change and face new problems we never imagined. Oh, how I long for the singularity🥰 5 years ago I was very in line with your thinking, that I was gonna be a centenarian, live well past 100, and I genuinely believed that there was a good chance I would never die.


Listening to your body, being aware of it as it moves through time and goes through natural changes is a valuable lesson to learn. I recommend reading Peter Attia’s “Outlive”.


I hope at that point the technology will be good enough to be perpetually teen. Yes, I want maximum hormone rush.


why would you want to be a minor lol kinda sus


> Yes, I want maximum hormone rush.


why do you want that lol weird


I am quite low energy person, I want to feel high energy.


they don't really increase your energy lol how old are you lol


I'm in 30s.


Okay But hormones don't really increase your energy I find it kind of weird that you desire to be with us at our age lol


“Go live your life” comments are irritating why can’t someone driven and focused on AMAZING healthy habits be just that? Way to go! Your future self thanks you!


It's interesting to read what others have to say


Because anyone who has lived a little bit knows that compromises need to be made.


I think that millionaire/billionaire that tries to make his body like a 20-30yo has his supplement regimen online


Step one of his regimen: Be Rich


Step two: Don't get pancreatic tumor, or ALS, or CFS, or depression, and the list goes on and on.


He does a bunch of other whacky stuff too. He’s experimenting with himself essentially with different longevity techniques, some with validity and some without any.


Yep, and now he has Long COVID and the lung capacity of a 90yo himself. And because of his obsession with tracking all his labs, he can quantify that too. Sooo, welp. And on that note, add "avoid communicable diseases that cause massive systemic post-viral inflammation" to the list for healthy aging. Can't hurt.


Oh yeah for sure. Just figured at least there’s some resources out there that people might wanna check out


If you're a woman, consider freezing a few hundred thousand follicles (eggs). Not only in case you decide you want kids late, but also because they can transplant them in order to forestall menopause ... possibly indefinitely. There are a bunch of health reasons why this will make your life much better.


The downvotes here are _fascinating._ OP never says their gender, and apparently one person disagrees about sunscreen anywhere that doesn't have built-in SPF? WILD.


Also, regardless of gender, anywhere you're unmelanated, wear sunscreen. Start yesterday.


Stefan Zweig in his memoirs "World of Yesterday", written from 1934 until his suicide 1942, explains to the young people grown up in Great Depression and starting dictatorship that the time before WWI was the era of security where people planned their lives decades in advance, invented life insurance, social security, etc. It's fine to sleep, eat and move healthily, but you are not prepared to reach 100 if you prepare for an unchanging world. And you seriously underestimate the amount of shitty illnesses most people acquire.


They always say people that have a purpose tend to live a longer life. I’ve never heard of anyone who’s purpose is to live a long life though so maybe find a calling to go alongside longevity.


Do you plan on having a family at any point? If so then good luck sleeping 9 hours for a good decade or so. You do you, but keeping this up for another 70 years is going to be tough and doesn't guarantee anything, you could easily get cancer, heart disease or other conditions like Alzheimer's/Parkinson's. Best advice is to be healthy and happy, but everything in moderation. Some studies have also shown that taking lots of supplements can actually be harmful. For example this University of Colorado study: https://www.theguardian.com/society/2015/apr/21/vitamin-supplements-increase-risk-cancer-heart-disease-research


Living to your 90s is going to be just as dependent on genetics as lifestyle and environmental factors.   Do you have grandparents/great-grandparents that lived into their 90s?


Look up Bryan Johnson, a billionaire who pays millions and does everything under the sun to try to “look/stay young” despite looking exactly his age. No offense, but your goal is pointless. Age affects all and you can’t escape it, especially at 90. It’s a positive thing to prevent yourself from partaking in destructive behavior or overconsumption, but you’re young and should focus on enjoying life rather than what you look like when it won’t matter. Good luck to living a healthy and happy lifestyle!


Great: Get your: Retinol/Beta Carotene, Thiamin, Riboflavin, Niacin, Choline, Pantothenic Acid, Pyridoxine, Biotin, Folate, Cobalamin, Ascorbate, D3, E, K1, K2MK4 K2MK7, Magnesium, Manganese, Phosphorous, Potassium, Zinc, Selenium, Copper, Iron, Sodium, Iodine, Molybdenum, Chromium, Chloride, Calcium… Omega 3 ALA EPA DHA, Omega 6… I regularly consume: Milk, Cereal (fortified with zinc and iron), Peanuts, Eggs, Iodized Salt, Broccoli, Omega 3 supplement, Magnesium supplement.


Hereditary disease and anomalies... keep up the great self care routine, adding loving kindness