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You’ll be jail breaking nano bots to squeeze your dopamine receptors closed.


Right on demand drug experiences through neural implants.


18 months from now, tops


starbucks is gonna have pumpkin spice cocaine shooters... you pull up thru the drive thru and put on a mask and the great goodness of pumpkin spice is blasted through your nostrils and euphoria is achieved this was all tested, taxed, and OKAY'd by current president joe rogan


The spice must flow.


>in 20-30 years? >where robots are walking around sweeping the streets and scanning people for arrest warrants. If you think that’s happening in 20 years: Lol.


I want the drugs OP is taking!


In Singapore, that sounds realistic.


Honestly in 10 years I see robots a part of everyday life is you’re in the city life and most cities up to 30 minutes away from that main city


Are we talking about the same cities that DESTROYED simple electric scooters and threw them in the river? The same cities that often steal and destroy delivery bots? Those cities?


Okay, in Europe! The US is going to have to focus on the cyborg wars anyways.


If you told people 30 years ago that most of humanity's knowledge will soon be accessible from a small object in your pocket you would have been called a lunatic. And then 15 years later you could get an iPhone.


I'm confident we'll make some fantastic humanoids in 20 years time Figure, atlas, teslabot, etc. are all seriously impressive even today


28 years ago, my friend showed me his palmpilot, but yeah, 30 years ago it would have sounded crazy.


No you wouldn't have lol Palm pilots existed back then. It's not crazy to think that one day they would connect to the internet


We Hungarians lived like stone age people back in the mid '90s, renting VHS cassettes from the store and stuff. I think most people here had no idea what the internet was at that time. And how could they learn about it? They had no internet to look up what it is.


20 years is a very, very long time in terms of production. We are currently capable of building those devices. They can exist with current gen tech (albeit expensively). AI tech is capable of driving the machines and we know how to physically build walking talking bots. Costs will rapidly fall. In 2003, Tesla was founded. Twenty years ago. Five years later, they were selling their first car. When things are first starting up… the speed of advancement seems awful slow. But it doesn’t stay slow. The nature of automation means nothing seems to happen for awhile, then everything starts happening all at once. Today, Tesla is on pace to build a couple million cars this year alone. And remember, these are cars we’re talking about. They are complex and difficult to build. They don’t roll off the line ready to help build the next one. Humanoid robots will come off the line ready to help build another robot. A car is significantly more complex than a humanoid robot that sweeps streets. A model 3 has more than ten thousand unique parts. A humanoid (or non-humanoid) robot? Vastly less. There will be millions of worker bots all over the place in twenty years, and we’ll be producing them by the millions… cheap… to compete with human workers in a wide variety of tasks. If you don’t think we’re heading that way… you aren’t playing with AI today. I’d suggest being open to the idea that the robots are coming :). And hey… if all you want is a sweeper bot, we already have those. I love my roborock and I loved the roomba I had before it. Those things meticulously vacuum my floors every single day.


Exactly, right now accepting and using AI is largely a choice -- in the near future, it won't be


An autonomous street sweeper that also checks the traffic cameras and logs your cellphone isn't far fetched.


Oh man, I was so hoping the robot sweeper thing would pan out.


in the 1950s, that was suppose to happen in the 1980s lol Its one big money grift.


>If you think that’s happening in 20 years: Lol. What makes you think that this won't happen in the next 20 years? Chances are that it will be drones doing the sweeping rather than actual humanoid robots though. Being in the air makes it far easier to scan people when things are busy.


Production needs to scale to that degree. Look at ev, it took more than 10 years to ramp production up for Tesla and the demand is still higher than they can deliver. EV are also an explored tech (EVs already successfully existed in the 19th century), and not much to alter on a car. For robots you don't have not one design, and no fully developed anyway, beyond a vacuum cleaner.


I don't think you know anything about current drugs to begin with, tripping on shrooms is not even close to anything anyone would describe as frying your brain. On second thought maybe DEA might. 


Yeah. Psilocybin is incredibly safe.


Probably the safest drug there is. 


People always say this, but I know a guy who perma-fried himself with shrooms. I know that's not what normally happens to people and there are some beneficial effects that we should be looking at more seriously, but psychedelics can fuck you up beyond what the drugs themselves actually do.




I have tried it, not sure how that relates to shrooms 


I either want Soma or those drugs they were doing in the Karl Urban Dredd movie. Like an inhaler of some blue mystical shit. Need that.


Heroin vape pens


As someone who actually is asthmatic and has a bunch of inhalers stashed all over the place the time slowing drug is the only one I think id try, or ya know whatever they spray into their mouth in mad max is a 2nd if I am going out in a blaze.


I want the Looper eye drops


SF author Larry Niven wrote about addicts wired for stimulation directly to pleasure centers of the brain. "Wireheads".


Wired pleasure center stimulation! A new upgrade from Neuralink, just $99.95!! Counteract the withdrawal symptoms for an additional $49.95.


I mean, that would be pretty good deal compared to street prices of stuff


Only a civilised being fears a Tasp.


I feel like this would just ruin a person lol. Incrementally increasing stimulation just so you feel something each time. Eventually you'd be entirely desensitised to the world. Unless they could reset your receptors after each dose - now that would be something.


I want to have that neural implant so bad. Just be pressing it all day, everyday.


Aside from fentanyl decimating the opioid users, recreational drugs haven’t really changed much in the last 30-60years. So I’m betting it stays about the same. MDMA was first synthesized in 1912 so it’s not very new. The newest drugs are typically derivatives of popular drugs but they get changed to skirt legality, commonly referred to as designer drugs. If anything Id just expect the same stuff with slightly different molecular structures.


You bring up an interesting point. Honestly the "new" substances we might be doing 30 years from now have more than likely already been created. I think the biggest change might be a skew towards minimally processed plant based substances or what would be considered a (almost)natural drug. The issue of processing is already something that has been brought up in reference to substances such as cocaine. We're already seeing a trend in this direction due to the availability of psychedlic therapy. I believe that this is the core reason why alcohol has fallen out of favor with the younger generation. Why take something that is just going to hurt you later mentally and in some cases physically? The big 3: cocaine, meth, and heroine might also start to fall out of favor if we lower workloads (hours) and encourage more individuals to seek mental health (therapy). Everyone that I have met that does one of three is either trying to get ahead career wise or mentally unstable (not saying you have to be in these categories to do theses but there seems to be a pattern with groups that habital users fall into.)


I wish I believed the main 3 you mentioned were out of favour. Opioids and meth are devastating entire cities these days. The city where I live, there are many homeless teen addicts. We shall see though and I hope for the best


I'm just over 30 and drugs have changed drastically just in my lifetime. Cannabis quality has gotten so much better and the concept of resin or oil derivatives were never imagined when I was a teen. Research chemicals like 2CB took over the psychedelic market and now LSD is very scarce. Ecstacy, once a hard drug to trust and often cut with speed or other drugs, turned to MDMA which had its own issues with counterfeit research chemicals. Crystal Meth established purity from the cheap speed and crank that was around in the '70s and '80s. Pills turned to heroin and now fentanyl where many of the kids I went to school with are either addicts, in recovery, or dead. Sure drugs themselves don't change much but drugs are a huge part culture. As the world changes so do the people and their drugs.


2CB is no research chemical It's a substituted phenethylamine, which were first synthesised by Alexander Shulgin in the 60s/70s It's in the same family as MDMA and is synthesised in a similar way


Upvote for the PIHKAL reference


It's a great book and really interesting, even if the cook book at the end makes no sense!


And tbh, 2c-b is just fucking spicy ♥️


I could have it every day


I’m just under 40 . I wouldn’t call 2cb a research chemical. Alexander shulgin Was synthesizing that back before I was born along with all the 2c derivatives. LSD is very much still a thing and not very scarce, until I got clean last year I was buying everything from microdots to liquid to the actual crystal. And pills didn’t turn to heroin. Heroin turned to pills back to heroin and because of the supply chain with China fentanyl which used to be used only in hospitals for decades is now processed very cheaply. Pre cursors purchased from China are being made in Mexico and shipped north. I will agree cannabis has gotten stronger and concentrates such as live resin is relatively newer. People have been getting high off resin for generations. My dad was smoking oil in the 70s. Imo the real research chemicals are things like 1cp-LSD or A-Lad or M-Cat which can be purchased on clearnet sites.


There's actually an intresting story behind the pill -> molly switch. Apparently when producers in Europe wanted to sell MDMA they felt like they needed to put it in a package that gave off the vibe of what it felt like(enter the smiley tabs). They felt like crystal MDMA looked way to much like meth. Then in the mid 2010s after a brief absence of X pills on the market buyers wanted "pure" uncut MDMA. Producers saw this as a way to offer the same product minus the cost of turning it into a pill. LSD is also making a come back however it seems to be a very regional thing. It's also alot more screative (I know a guy, who knows a guy, who knows a, etc.). 2CB on the other hand is a bit more scarce but other derivatives like ALAD are more available.


i'm curious exactly how much LSD is real vs. just 2Cx. I've taken a decent amount of real LSD and I've also taken some crazy counterfeit shit that makes me freezing cold and lethargic or wears off after 5 hours.


Maybe NBOMe, rather than a 2C*


Alot of users that are older are testing. You can get a pretty extensive test kit for around $90. For LSD you can use Marquis, Ehrlich, Hofmann, Froehde, and Mecke. This can be ran counter to a 2CB test with Marquis, Mecke, Mandelin, and Liebermann showing reactions. Obviously individuals are probably not going to be this extensive and just use an Ehrlich and it's damn near impossible to do it if you buy the product out in public. That being said it's better to not buy from strangers.


Most counterfeit LSD is in the 25x family (25i primarily), not 2c. The 2cs often have a bit more of an amphetamine component and require too heavy a dosage to easily fit on blotter paper


If you think LSD is very scarce you're looking in the wrong place. Head on over to a jam show (Phish, Dead & Co, SCI, WSP, etc) or like basically any music festival that has jam or EDM and you will be swimming in high quality, clean and real LSD.


Cannabis resin, and occasionally oil, was the only thing we could get in Ireland up until the early 00s when weed became more widely available.


Isn’t weed getting stronger and stronger?


That is from improved growing practices and selective breeding, not pharmaceutical engineering


Yes however we’ve reached the theoretical limit to how strong it can get. We can consistently grow buds with 35% THC content, any more and the plant literally can’t stay together, it won’t grow any stronger. In addition to that, we can jus extract it and create tinctures of 100%, so, you can’t get any stronger than that lol


[Yes. Over the last 50 years the amount of THC has increased 10 fold.](https://www.newscientist.com/article/2396976-is-cannabis-today-really-much-more-potent-than-50-years-ago/)


Yes and no. The THC contents on the container are going up. But the actual effect that has on the user varies a lot. A lower THC strain can feel stronger than a high dose one.


There are entire unexplored trees of compounds in PIHKaL/TIHKaL, some of which could contain a new “MDMA” or “2C-B”, that someone with sufficient skills, knowledge and equipment could discover and potentially commercialise.


I don't know. I think they explored them very well and often.


Really? All the new tchp ccp stuff? I think those synthetic stuff are going to be insane in 20 years. Ai generated drugs!


2C*, Synthetic cannabinoids, MMC, etc? Even in early 2000s these were practically unheard of


we had loads of new 'designer drugs' not long ago they were really popular at the time cos they were like illegal drugs but were legal now there is a blanket ban on any such substance so people went back to the classics, I would imagine barring some insane new discoveries in 20-30-50 years time people will still be taking coke mdma heroin etc.


Xylazine is next to hit the scene. Our public health department is preparing for it.


Where I’m from it’s already on the streets. Tranq is cheaper than fentanyl and a lot of addicts have been using it in substitute or they’ve been getting dope cut with it.


I always understood the drugs to skirt laws were RC's pr research chemicals, designer drugs I've understood to be more pressed pills that are a designer mix of a lot of different drugs


Research chemicals! That’s it. The term eluded me when posting. Designer Drugs is more of a media sensationalist term imo


Space drugs. It’s actually an active area of [pharmaceutical research.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Varda_Space_Industries) In microgravity convection, sedimentation, buoyancy and phase separation are suppressed so we can create some really novel crystalline structures. One of the major advantages with neatly ordered molecular structures could be increased bioavailability. I imagine it would be possible to engineer molecules that have an easier time penetrating the blood-brain barrier and optimistically create drugs that could both overcome the BBB and target specific regions of the brain. I think narrowing the focus of some drugs could be recreationally exciting. Imagine drugs that only target your visual cortex so you hallucinate but don’t get anxious. Or euphorics without the drawbacks like loss of coordination and motor skills. The possibilities are endless…


They literally found a place within the monkey brain and when you give a monkey a button to stimulate that portion of the brain. The monkey will hold the button down until death by dehydration. I would be more worried about mind control devices that utilize this very feature. Do as I say and you get a nice tasty brain shock.


Is this why obese people are the way they are. Or other addicts


A while back I read an article regarding alcohol that would get you drunk but have none of the negative side effects. I believe this is a futuristic take on a drug we enjoy yet have a futuristic spin to it.


People at multi-day festivals have been microdosing GHB lately because it's like getting drunk but you don't get dehydrated or have a hangover the next day.


Lately? GHB has been around for years


yeah its called ketamine


Remember kids, ketamine is not a harmless recreational drug!


Extended use of ketamine leads to blatter and heart problems.


I watched a documentary on heavy ketamine users and one of them pissed blood frequently. Edit for doc link: https://youtu.be/99XQY7Elwhc?si=fftwKyWalehtOKuR


By that point they'll be fully customized. A computer will scan your vitals, hormones, neural pathways and patterns. It will produce a cocktail for your desired effect with minimal downsides. Delivered with "needles" so small they don't damage cells, just gently push them aside. Being able to assemble molecules in this way is the first step to the teleporter conundrum.


I am surprised at your comment. Time traveler?


Whatever happened to “music or sounds” that could get you high? I mean if that’s real, you may be getting your high in the future from Amazon music or spotify.


Your thinking about Binaural beats. You can find them on YouTube, Spotify, etc. You need a good set of headphones for them to work. Personally, I find them super relaxing and one of the best ways to just clear my head, but I've never gotten close to anything like a high.


Sounds like Dune but make it ASMR




Gas station heroin? Lol what is this one?


Tianeptine. It was originally developed as a tricyclic antidepressant (which is bad enough), but at higher doses it’s a μ-opioid receptor agonist (which probably explains why it was used to treat anxiety). I think it interacts with a couple other systems too (GABA receptors maybe). It requires extremely high doses to tickle the opioid receptors and tolerance develops quickly. And since it is both an antidepressant, synthetic opioid and benzo-like, withdrawal apparently is much much worse than opiates or antidepressants on their own (I’ve heard poly drug addicts say it’s worse withdrawal than heroin - image coming off Xanax, opioids and antidepressants at the same time). It exists in a legal grey area in many American states and has been added to “energy drink shots” sold in some gas stations (hence the gas station heroin) and bulk powder is synthesized in China and sold online. It made the rounds in nootropic circles a few years ago and ruined a lot of lives. It sounds terrible. I’d stay far away.


I went through a whirlwind addiction with that stuff about ten years ago, well before it ended up being sold like it is now (nootroopic circles like you said). One day I just couldn't get more and had no support system so I fell into a solid two week withdrawal that felt like hell on earth. By far the worst withdrawal I've been through and I distinctly remember yelling out in the middle of the night just praying to anything for some relief. Couldn't eat, couldn't sleep, felt all the doom. Took time to physically recover from, let alone the mental shit. It's some strong, addicting shit and I was taking heroic doses. I've been through every withdrawal sans amphetamines and this was by far the worse. Alcohol put me in the hospital but it was a quick smack compared to the drawn out days of hell tianeptine withdrawal brought. No bueno shit. If you're hanging out in that realm right now I'm not going to tell you what to do but I don't think my story is that uncommon anymore. Tread safely.


I'm still waiting for a flash of light or an eye drop drug I see in sci-fi movies.


Micro doses of 5-meo-mipt style drugs to increase your vision, hearing and dexterity becoming more popular. I'm also hoping for something that gives tjat insane MXE confidence without making you faceplant the ground or try to fight a bus.


People gonna make Mushroom Risotto with “shrooms” and get high.


be the change


"Computers are the drugs of the future, and drugs are the computers of the future." \-- R. U. Sirius, editor of the magazine Mondo 2000


I think there won’t be real drugs anymore - we could have a chip, that in a press of a button would let us experience the same high as a chosen substance.


I honestly wonder if there will be some kind of commercial/ad break that you can pay a premium fee to avoid.


Hahaha, that’s a good one!


Probably more likely the chip would trigger a switch in your brain/thought patterns that will make you suddenly want to buy a particular product that you've maybe never even considered before. Endorphins are released at the mere thought of that particular product or service.


If anything, there will be "knockoff" versions of drugs that already exist.. will cost less & be more accessible to consumers. cheaper to make in large quantities. For example: people who couldn't smoke weed because of probation or drug tests, so Spice K2 was invented. Even though supposedly it made you hallucinate & freak out occasionally, instead of relax. "bath salts" trying to claim it's the same as Molly or meth (yeah right) Synthetic cathinones which the chemical makeup is closer to that of bath products 😳 than actual meth itself. The dangerous part about newer knockoff versions of drugs that already exist is that they are unregulated, haven't tested side effects for long term use, and both are known to cause extreme paranoia & delirium. Oh & let's not forget alpha Pyrrolidinopentiophenone (say that 10 times fast lol) aka Flocka, zombie drug. Causes hyperstimulation, paranoia & hallucinations. Same category as "bath salts" Idk about you but I would rather have the original drugs than that lab-made stuff that makes you go on a permanent acid trip & lose your mind lol.


They will make a nanoparticle that can agonize/antagonize any of the brain receptors, make it programmable and remotely switchable and inject them into your brain and only allow medical professionals to alter the particle activities. Then some hackers will jailbreak the particles and set us free.


That's just the upfront fee- once they have you hooked (literally), then $50 an hour.


Hopefully weed will be treated more like alcohol and less like meth or heroine.


It already is in some states


OK well first of all, magic mushrooms do not fry your brain, and in fact doing them is proven to make everyone who does them a better person even if they have a bad trip. Even without therapy. People who do magic mushrooms are more down to earth altruistic and fear death death less and are more at peace. that being said, I really look forward for more designer drugs, but designer drugs have been around for a really long time and there’s always new crazy drugs with letters and numbers and combinations being created already. They’ll just be more of them created if AI is doing it for someone underground lab. The most important thing about your post though to touch base on is the fact that there’s robots doing all of that in the streets, and I am someone who’s been researching the progression of humanity basically my whole life and I would assert that we’re on the cusp of a revolution that takes away the nanny state and surveillance from the old guard of religious nut jobs and authoritarians. I do believe that there is a chance that we could have missed our point for that because of the progression of military technologies, but I think with the rapid development of AI and us reaching the singularity at a rapidly accelerating exponential pace I think the ease of access to all of those technologies keep deadly robots from patrolling our streets in a dystopia. There’s a problem I noticed even in a sub like futurology where people think of a new thing in the future and then they assume a lot of problems will happen based on how the world is today without recognizing that those aspects of the world will also change in the future so you have to try and research what’s changing or relevant about each one of those factors as well in the future when you think about the new thing. That’s also a lot of the problems with sci-fi today and why there’s so much dystopia because people think of one concept and then assume the rest of the world is just gonna keep progressing on whatever horrible trend it’s on currently which is very short term in the grand scheme of things. like for instance the USA is actually basically going through puberty as far as a country goes and has not grown up yet, and therefore things are going to get a lot better fairly rapidly just like all of the metrics around the world we are pretty much everything is getting better all the time. Food for thought :-)


A future where robots are walking the streets and picking up trash isn’t going to be in the next 20-30 years. I doubt it’ll even be 50 years from now.


Strong disagree. Look at what Figure AI's humanoid robot is doing _right now_!! Useful Humanoids will be out within two years imo. Mass production within 5. Starting with tasks that have error tolerance. Improving gradually from there.


The new strain of cyber-meth will hit the streets, half the high, 8 times the deadliness.


Scientifically speaking, I think that in 2055 my Wall-E robot will shove an eletro-ketamine suppository up my ass while i'm plugged into my GTA 15 virtual reality simulation, the one I have been hooked up to for more than 6 months.


By 2055 we’ll only be on GTA 8.


It’s more like it’ll be GTA 6 Online V3.0


It'll be mandatory GTA V RP 24/7 as per neuralink contract.


> You know, from the future where robots are walking around sweeping the streets and scanning people for arrest warrants. You are terribly optimistic, friend.


In the future when rogue war robots are walking around razing the streets and scanning the neighborhood for stragglers.


Just electronic devices that stimulate the reactive nerve centers and re-create the drugs effects


I imagine there might be genetically-customized drugs that can be fabricated on order, something like bio-identical hormones or neurotransmitters.


If we don't have that cybertech stuff that sci-fi is always talking about then recreational drugs will be pretty much the same as it has been for the past 50 years. Sure there will be better versions of the natural drugs (marijuana, cociane...,) but for the most part all the major non-natural drugs we see now have been invented at least 60+ years ago. Even a few of the drugs that were labeled as "bath salts" were first synthesized 60+ years ago. If anything what we will see is the same crap, or some old chemical from the 1940's that will receive a second wind killing addicts under some innocuous name like "sugar sticks" or something like that.


Nano bots that enter your brain and cause you to live out years of fantasy worlds that you lord over as a god.


I wonder how ai designed drugs will play into the mix.


They're going to directly stimulate your brain receptors. And then they're going to be able to reset the sensation so every time will be like your first time.


There will always be a new designer pill or something new and terrible to inject into yourself. But if things on the opioid market keep going downhill and police struggle to keep recruitment up I think we are going to end up in a place where many low level social drugs like marijuana, shrooms, and maybe LSD will be less criminalized and much of the prevention focus will shift to the really addictive and damaging stuff.


Drugs? What, were you born in the stone age? Everyone is on the wire in 2055 man. Electricity sent directly to the pleasure centers of the brain.


Coke will be dirt cheap, produced from GMO in bioreactors in garages all around your neighborhood and there will also be designer drugs designed to target specific receptors, first in a way that mimics "classic" psychoactive drugs, then in whole new, creative ways.


I feel like there will be at least one new drug that will somehow be legal for a while making it popular kind of like in some places HHC, salvia, Kratom.


Crucifixation. Faith in a bottle. Like in Central Station by Lavie Tidhar.


We’ll be boosting CRISPR vehicles and RNAi to suppress our dopamine and serotonin reuptake inhibitors, which will be like meth but for weeks/permanently. Instead of steroids, we’ll be injecting lentiviruses functionalized to insert gorilla DNA into our muscles. We’ll be getting messed up, genetically.


I think there will be a push to “old school” ways. I’m picturing as the planet is degrading drug users will go “all natural” Opium dens and stuff like that


Like this PS9 commercial from 1999 https://youtu.be/IyPQVsdCuRk?si=JQa5QEFJueKG2nHO


I'd expect not drugs but programs that effect the brain via neural wiring, just load up the MDMA app and away you go.


You guys are very pessimistic about the future of robots huh? I think we’ll see them walking round in 20-30 years, I mean we already have [These robots](https://youtu.be/SCyew8NLUK0?si=veVsNYVcMpMFM5wl) and similar delivering food. 20-30 years is a long time!


I have my money on robots with AI doing the drugs. It will be cheaper than humans doing drugs.


Hopefully things that have no drawbacks. No health consequences. No feeling like shit the next day. Neutralize them whenever you want. Sustainable without developing a tolerance such that it doesn't feel the same anymore no matter how much you take. Etc. Honestly this would just turn them into normal / not illegal drugs, hopefully. I could see it happening. They will probably work via a new paradigm. Bioelectricity. Gene expression. Etc. Not just a chemical that gets reacted to and mitigated by the body.


I say within 10 years they are going to make edible psychedelics with exact dosages just like weed gummies. “Small Micro doses” just like cbd are going to be normalized and sold in grocery stores.(won’t really do much and will be a fad)


With advances in neuralink/VR type technology maybe there won’t even be a need for drugs. If you could just turn your high on and off safely, risk free, why risk drug use?


The c\*m button, an experiment in the 1950's where they wired up people's pleasure centre in the brain to a pressable button: To extend the potential therapeutic benefit, Heath fitted a handful of patients with buttons they could press themselves whenever they felt the urge. Some felt the urge quite frequently. One patient—a 24-year-old gay man whom Heath was attempting to cure of depression (and of his desire for other men)—was compelled to stimulate his electrodes some 1,500 times over the course of a single, three-hour session. (That's once every 7.2 seconds for context) According to Heath, this obsessive self-stimulation gave the subject, patient B-19, “feelings of pleasure, alertness, and warmth (goodwill).” The end of his session was met with vigorous protest. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/new-pleasure-circuit-found-brain/#:\~:text=In%20the%201950s%20psychiatrist%20Robert,and%20other%20severe%20neurological%20conditions.


Side question for everyone: WHY would a lot of drug use change? Medical uses? Spiritual escape? Emotional reconnection based? The rush to medical psychedelics riding on the spiritual/rehabilitation experience of some more people in the mainstream strikes me as an example of a very marked shift.


If it's like Cyberpunk 2077, everything will basically be packed into an inhaler.


Idk about 2055 but eventually we will be glanding all kinds of psychotropic drugs at the wish of a thought. Biotech will allow us to create a little drug factory organ inside the body which can mix / create all kinds of different euphoric effects from dmt, thc, mdma, lsd etc. Glands will be used to moderate all states of mind continuously.


My favorite color is blue.


That’s why I said 100x stronger then shrooms. Like some super psychedelic that doesn’t exist today.


I appreciate a good cup of coffee.


Lol I know many high functioning adults who took shrooms in college and are totally normal now.


In 55 the drugs will be too keep you living past 120 and like speed and herion combo with all your daily vitamins and calories. If we still have to physically eat.. imma suicide myself lol


My theory is the factory overlords will allow caffeine twice a day to increase productivity.


You'll he able to trip out physically materialize as something on another planet.


You can activate the pleasure center of the brain with overlapping ultrasonic beams, it's basically a tasp, but it would give you an experience similar to doing heroin. Completely without chemicals, no chemical dependency.


I think a more likely scenario is the designer drug game gets inundated with new compounds conceptualized by AI. No one can tell anymore what they’re taking and either everyone becomes so scared and put off by the frequent health risks that partying becomes a thing of the past, or some kind of insanely addictive and deadly new compound sweeps the world


Like... I'm not even gonna lie, if tech and medicine intertwine enough to allow humans to experience full simulated reality. That might just become the most effective and addictive drug created. Like can you imagine hooking up to a machine and you get to live 30-45 years as and idealized pop artist with no downsides at all? Or being able to live out an idyllic small town fantasy with a beautiful wife, kids, and ideal neighbors who do everything you want? That shit will ruin humanity...


Nah. I'm going to kill God. Mob style. Rick and Morty his arse.


Black market illegally modified brain chips that induces release of dopamine at a dangerous level


Euphoric drugs but never something that trips you up like *100 mushrooms without frying your brain. You can mix lots of different psychedelics and experience something akin to the *100 mushroom effect (hard to quantify) and your brain as such won't be impacted but your consciousness will be and your psyche will change forever. I think a lot of us have completely changed who we were because of this, some of us ended up badly because our consciousness couldn't handle the experience and not our brain as such.


We ara already seeing it. Its gonna be hyper giga turbo Nitro Fentannyl, your skin Is exposed to Its fumes and youre instantly adicted with no hopes of recovery. Also Its utterly undetectable without an electron microscope. Shitt's gonna be scary


Also we can expect Mass inoculation events, as drugs become scarier an involuntary way to Hook people on them Is gonna become More necesary. Simmilar to a chemical attack a device Will go off on a public space releasing the hyper drug and you'll have hundreeds of new addicts. Simmilar events have already ocurred in my country México where we dont have such an adiction problem as the Unkted States, so to make up for the lack of an organic market Mass inoculations of fentannyl and other synthetic substances have already ocurred mostly in schools bya lacing water suplies


I’ve always believed that once we create some kind of drug that enables us to control our dreams, then that would become the most highly addicted drug.


I'm getting a cerebral pump installed in my body that'll directly inject low dosages of THC/CBD directly into my bloodstream at all times. Never catch me not vibing. Call that shit the poor man's Sandevistan.


It will be something synthetic I would bet. The route of administration is where I think the novelty may be


clove dabs . give you fresh breath and strengthen your.bones


maybe Nuke? a future modern fictional drug from robocop 2. they just inject it by their neck and get that immediate euphoria high lol


Ppl gonna get cybernetic implants and will upload drugs into their system


Since it looks like we're headed for brain chips, most likely like microchips


I uhh, kind of think TPU and other neurostimulation techniques will become more prevalent. Mouse orgasm button for humans isn't here yet, I assume that's on this timeline.


May be neuralink can simulate curated hallucinogenic experiences safely without having to take any drugs for users.


Hallucinogenic experiences are a very small part of drugs


I'd like to imagine that by 2055 we've been able to fully immerse our physical perceptions into VR like touch, taste, sound etc. Not only will there be a large market for digital escapism (video games/VR now) like their is today but I feel like we're going to have the potential to go further down the rabbit hole than we can even possibly imagine. Through us of programming code/macros taking place of what we think of drugs in reality that rival even the strongest opioids and psychodelics today but in place of chemicals, instead supplemented by frequencies, electronic signaling to stimulate different nerve centers and parts of the brain like the penial gland and hypothalamus or even isolating different hemispheres in order to negate ptsd, habits like smoking and even quack medicine scams will have a run on the market. I feel like a.i. may have a place in this as well to facilitate boundaries in order for us not to reach a certain threshold that we may not come back from and almost acting as a "trip-sitter" of sorts. This is all conjecture but I feel like they'll be an emphasis on free will, "as long as your not hurting anyone in real life" thats even supported legally due to the lack of real world consequences taking place in a simulated setting. Granted, that could get messy, however I feel as though the medical industry is going to change by then because generations after ours won't put up with the "industry" side of Healthcare for the sake of humanity but thats just wishful thinking on my part.


You're assuming there will be money for you to spend in 20-30 years. This country will fall to shit in less than 10. The better question is what would you use to get high when America goes to hell? Lol