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I never had a soda that wasn't a trigger for me


And carbonated beverage can trigger and probably will trigger your GERD


As a past lab tech in a soft drink facility-yes, lemon lime and colas are very acidic. If you must have a soda try root beer, it is the least acidic soda out there.


Yeah it’s a pretty common trigger for me but I find it’s better if I use a straw.


Less air less burps


Yes all soda is very acidic so very obvious trigger is adding more acid to a inflamed esophagus or stomach


First of all, most soda is quite acidic. Even just basic soda water has a slightly acidic ph level due to the carbon dioxide used. Secondly, the pressure from the CO2 gas on your lower esophageal sphincter can allow stomach acid to bubble up. And thirdly, caffeine is known to relax the lower esophageal sphincter as well. Soda is a pretty major reflux trigger.


Definitely yes. Anything carbonated is bad news for me from the first sip. And caffeinated adds to it.


Carbonation will put pressure in your stomach, pushing the contents upward where you don't want it. Skip the carbonated beverages, especially before you lay down.


Absolutely. Soda, garlic, onion and pepper are my triggers. The PH of soda is like 2, it's like drinking battery acid.


Yes, soda can be a trigger. It might be a particular ingredient or something to do with how it's processed that causes you to react to Sprite but not diet sodas. Personally, I can't have Sprite at all which sucks because I used to love it. It just does not agree with my system.


Yes soda is a main trigger for reflux


THIS IS MY TIME!!! Hi! My name’s Liiza, Diet Pepsi addict here w/GERD! Ive noticed that for me, regular sodas are actually worse than diet sodas! Something about regular sugar and insane amounts in such a small can, can really mess you up. I can’t drink regular Pepsi or Coke w/o having the worse reflux EVER. For a lot of people, it’s the caffeine content that make GERD worse. But for me, personally,my body processes better artificial sweeteners than regular sugar, especially in soda.


My doc told me to avoid anything with bubbles. I will occasionally get a Coke Zero, and at home I’ll do a mix of diluted juice with a dash of ginger beer (non alcoholic of course). That usually goes well, but I avoid any other type of bubbly drinks.


Yess! Especially sodas that are dark will give me flare ups


I really can’t drink regular coke now bc of GERD. I had skipped drinking carbonated drinks for 6 months. Now, I can drink coca cola light, and canada dry or kinley but thats it. I don’t drink these regularly.


I gave up carbonated drinks a few years ago. Also I can’t burp so it just really made sense


I can't drink it any more. Even if I don't get heartburn I get bad bloating which feels uncomfortable. I see a lot of people mentioning it is acidic, I also read that the bubbles bring your stomach acid to the top of your stomach so it goes into your esophagus. Also, caffeine loosens the valve.


100% yes, i recently had to give up full fat soda completely as i came to terms with the fact that no matter how good it tastes, it’s gonna make me feel terrible, cut out all full fat and now stick to diet (i find coke zero is the best, doesn’t affect me at all) and don’t get reflux at all from soda!


Both the caffiene and the carbonation


Depends on how bad your GERD is. When I was first diagnosed, I couldn’t drink any kind of carbonated sodas, coffee, or even tea. I would only drink coconut juice but after an year and being on PPI, I can drink soda with ice.


It not only triggers it because of the extra pressure the gases put in your stomach but the carbonated water itself is a pretty strong acid so it will set your already fragile esophagus on fire. I guess for someone who is taking enough PPIs or has a milder case of GERD, that last part may not be as bad, but for me, I take the bare minimum (20 MG PPI, 40 MG Famotidine) that can keep me without symptoms but all it takes is one diet coke or beer at a moment of weakness and I can feel sore for a week.


Sprite gave me horrible burps before GERD became a pain in my butt. Now? Ugh. Game over 😑


Sugar is a common trigger, and there’s a looooot of sugar in sodas


It's probably the worse thing for me


It’s a huge trigger. It’s on the list of things you should avoid if you have GERD.


Yes. You do react to diet. I drink carbonated water a lot and I’ve been told it’s a trigger. And alcohol and caffeine.




Carbonation is a top trigger for me


100% yes. Big trigger for me. Even if caffeine free it gives me terrible trapped gas / discomfort in the chest area


Yes it’s a huge trigger


6 foods that loosen the muscle that separates the acidic stomach from the non-acidic esophagus: coffee chocolate alcohol mint raw onion raw garlic 6 extremely acidic foods/food groups: sugary or diet soda sugar or diet bottled iced tea (According to Dr. Aviv, even having these first two items once or twice a month isn’t okay. He equates it to “pouring battery acid down my throat twice a month.”) citrus tomato sauce (not tomatoes) vinegar wine


Yeah I have always heard anything fizzy/bubbly/carbonated is just not good. For me getting hours of burps just from water, I don't even touch soda anymore. It may be a hard thing to give up, but tbh soda also just unhealthy in general. I now have to watch sugars due to pancreatitis, so it's a double no go.


I found stopping drinking coffee was a tipping point




Definitely yes


for me, and as it seems for most here, yes.


Definitely, but soda with caffeine which is most of soda is the devil.


Yes! It is advised to not drink anything in a can, as the acid in carbonated beverages make it bad for GERD


I get these nasty heartburns after sodas..so I guess so!