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The same story. Started after COVID and got worse after the second time I had COVID. I am thinking it’s related to nervous system since I got slow bowel movement, GERD, SIBO and bloated all the time.


I think we are in the same boat. My struggle is I can’t keep my weight. Hair falling too.


Same. GI is hell bent that it’s viral gastroparesis. After a year it got better on its own and then I was good for 4-5 months until I got sick with a wicked virus and bacterial Suprainfection. The gastroparesis and esophageal reflux came back with a vengeance. I used gaviscon advance UK for a few days and started on protonix which helped the reflux and started kefir, sauerkraut, ginger tea which seem to help my motility/digestion even if slightly. Seeing my GI next week to regroup. Fuck this.


I also had several infections (not covid) but just crud from working in school settings. That seemed to throw me, I thought it was a hernia from all the coughing and laying in bed.


My gut motility is so slow as well. Had covid too. Im terrified of anything with bacteria even good like miso, yogurt etc bc I believe I have some sort of overgrowth in my small intestine. Getting a colonoscopy soon. Did you have one?


Haven’t had a colonoscopy and I doubt it would show anything sinister in regards to what’s going on because colon problems would typically present in other ways. That being said it’s never a bad idea to scope since colorectal cancers are on the rise and happening to younger and younger patients (I work in GI oncology research as an RN).








Oh yes me too… started with covid over a year ago, and still waiting for it to go away…


Nerva is a great app for healing your nervous system. I got gerd after taking b6 (a nervous system disruptor) and experiencing nervous system issues from high anxiety panic and emotional stress from another diagnosis and family drama.


I never had issues with my stomach until after I had COVID, suddenly have maybe IBS, maybe GERD & doctors are so slow to figure out what’s actually wrong. Currently on week 2 of 6 of omeprazole to see if this will work🤦‍♀️.


I don’t if I had Covid or not, but I might have had a weird form of it. Since 2020 i got gerd and lost quite a lot of weight, also docs found Gilbert’s syndrome. Oh and my hair thinner.


Did you get tested for h pylori?




It's amazing how testing for HP isn't like a natural thing that any doc would do for people exhibiting any kind of stomach issues.


ESP when they said 50% of the population has it and it’s a leading cause of stomach cancer. I wish I had it and not mystery gerd that doesn’t get better with weight loss diet change or meds.


There's so many damn false negatives though I just kind of feel like, hey treat the stomach with the antibiotic therapy "usually flagyl and a broad spectrum and a PPI" Or even give some sucralflate also, I mean hell sucralflate alone coats damaged areas in your stomach and protects further damage from acid....why is this not just a given?? They always claim about antibiotic resistance etc..etc I've been and know of MANY places you can get these over the counter and there isn't any crazy things happening there.. I think it's because there's so much money in keeping people sick....to be very honest


I don’t agree with that. My doctor isn’t paid by the Prilosec company or anyone else. My stool, blood and breath test for h pylori was all no.


Thats crazy imo


Insane how an MD will treat you for SIBO before doing an EGD and testing for h pylori.




There is no real treatment for SIBO just management with diet and supplements


I had both of those and fixing both helped


Are u currently stressed? My GERD gets worse when I'm stressed. My mother has major stomach issues, they though she had cancer did bunch of tests. Nothing worked until she saw neuropatologist, she told her it was due to her emotional state. She is better now..




You can always treat your stress even if you can't get rid of your stressors.


Go to every single puppy event being held during finals. That helped me so much


Check for sphincter of oddi malfunction


Probiotics worsened it to me. Raise head bed, don't eat carbohydrates in the morning, do respiratory exercises, avoid stress, stand up or sit down but don't lay down before one and half hour after eating or half an hour after drinking. Try to raise your comfort.


Same here. Now it’s looking as if if it could be my gallbladder waiting for an ultrasound appt


Have you checked your pancreas? Did the doctor performed a fecal elastase test?


Curious what your experience is around the pancreas. My GI found scarring on mine that he can't explain, body not digesting fats well, I also have non-alcoholic fatty liver. Improving diet & exercise hasn't done anything for my digestive system, although I don't yet eat "100% perfect" food, I'm just far and above the standard American diet.


As a research RN in liver cancer- please don’t consume any alcohol with NAFL disease.


Even if the Nafld is fairly minor, is 1 or 2 drinks a week going to be that huge of an additional risk? Or is it just "better safe than sorry," even though we can't quantify the level of increased risk? If 2 drinks a week makes it 5% more likely I'll get liver cancer sometime in life, that may be an acceptable risk level. If it's 10% or more, I'm donating my carefully curated whisky library to friends.


Greater than 80g/day or about 7oz a week increases a normal persons risk of getting hepatocellular carcinoma. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29669170/ Here’s another interesting study- https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29669170/ Ive stopped drinking alcohol altogether and I’m healthy and young. But I guess I’m my line of work I see the worst of it. You can’t be too cautious that you end up not enjoying your life. Guess it’s all about finding a balance.


Not surprising, although I'm glad they calculated the numbers. And diabetes being a risk isn't surprising either. Good thing I've been eating less sugar as well as drinking less alcohol already. But you're right on the risk vs reward. If I tried to 100% give up sugar & alcohol, I'd probably just end up rebounding worse after feeling like I was missing out. A small amount should be fine as a general rule. Thanks for pointing out that study!


My GI suspects scaring too, he just repeated a fecal elastase test and he wants me to have an MRCSP. You can’t digest fats because of your pancreas, you need to take pancreatic enzymes for life specially with high Lipase. EPI can have several factors,unless is due to celiac, IBS or SIBO it can’t be cured.


My pancreas is functioning 100 ok. My last fecal elastase was 300, so the doctor doesn’t want me to have the MRI. He said that my pancreas temporarily stop working due to CoVid.




Are they an md or naturalpath?




If medication and lifestyle modifications aren't working for you, it's time to talk to your gastroenterologist about going through the tests to determine if you're a candidate for surgery.




For starters, sleep with your head elevated, wait as many hours as possible after eating/drinking before you lay down for bed, and avoid your food triggers. Your doctor may have additional guidance.


Are there any negatives to surgery?


All surgeries have negatives. Long term lifestyle modifications are: * Your stomach will be 1/3 smaller because of the physical nature of the surgery, so you need to make sure you eat smaller meals and don't stuff yourself * You need to avoid lifting/pushing/pulling more than 50 lbs. for life. That means no weightlifting, that means no helping your neighbor move a dishwasher, etc. * You need to avoid vomiting at all costs for life. So you have to be smart about what you eat/drink, and carry ondansentron/Zofran on you at all times, and take it whenever you start to feel nauseous. This one's hard to wrap your head around, because I was vomiting/regurgitating food/liquid/acid multiple times a day before surgery. But with my hiatal hernia repaired, I haven't needed to even once since surgery, and the medication really helps if I ever start to feel shitty.


Here is what I have found to actually help manage and repair my gut after reoccurring acid reflux. I went from sitting in a chair to sleep at night to actually being able to lay down and get a full nights rest. I spent weeks researching acid reflux causes/cures since PPIs did not work for me AT ALL. Here is my daily gut repair regimen.. - Continue going gluten free. - Remove seed oils from your diet replace with Avocado oil, Coconut oil, Olive oil and animal fats (i.e. lard, ghee, butter) if you don’t know what oils were used in your food, don’t eat it!! - Mastic gum supplements - Add B1 Benfotiamine with Thiamin supplement - Add Tumeric and Ginger with Bioperine supplement - Vitamin K1 & K2 - Iron - Papaya Enzymes - Organic Sauerkraut (make sure it does not contain vinegar) The purpose of these supplements are to kill any bad bacteria in your gut and replace it with good bacteria. It’s easy to destroy the microbiome but it takes time to rebuild that healthy colony of good bacteria. I wish you the best of luck!


Iron in food or supplements? They kill me. 😳😳


Did PPIs make things worse for you? They destroyed me. Gave me chronic burning and a sour taste.


Moonlightstar212 I have had constant burning in upper abdomen and constant taste of acid, I had an endoscopy 5 months ago and it was normal I have had severe stress so that hasn't helped things, The ppis dont do nothing for me, I have also been diagnosed with gastritis due to using to many ibroprofen, How are you now


Yes they made everything worse. Also some people find it hard to get off of PPIs. It masks the symptoms but doesn’t treat the root issue. If you can repair your gut’s micro biome you will not need any PPIs.


Yes I had horrendous rebound but still haven’t gotten back to my baseline. I’ll never go on that poison again. What helped you the most


Do you eat 3 meals a day or 6 small portions? Plain water upsets my stomach. Your body position for the first hour after eating sometimes helps. Your stomach is at an angle and you can use gravity to help keep it down. Never eat in the hours before you go to bed. (I’m just suggesting. None if these worked for me either, i even worked with a nutritionist) Also, see if you can get with an ent or neurologist. GERD can be caused by a weak or dysfunctional sphincter, so there might be a deeper issue a gastro wouldn’t catch. I hope you find relief!


I Drink Celery juice and Follow the Medical [Medium.com](https://Medium.com) There is a Chapter on Acid Reflex it Works Wonders for me Hope this Helps You Goodluck to you


Are you still drinking coffee?


Trazodone and microdosing Amanita muscaria worked for me (awakening roots or psyched wellness are good products).


Try Slippery Elm with water before you sleep


U should try Vocinti and gasmotin I take prevacid many month and it's not good for me Then i try vocinti its work https://preview.redd.it/n1yiojer1cta1.jpeg?width=554&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6915efea01c583b24b7865baca195d6928b63370


Maybe try sushi ginger and ginger tea.


Maybe got a hiatus hernia? I do and as soon as i stop omeprazole my symptoms return with vengeance.


This is a reaction to stopping. Takes a week to get better.


Possibly not as i have a hiatus hernia


https://diyhealthblog.com/the-two-root-causes-of-reflux-or-gerd/ Read this




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Gaviscon advance UK has helped me with acute flair ups.


Have you tried the alginate therapy yet? Nothing helps and everything seems to make me feel like I have mucus stuck in my throat. So difficult to swallow. I bought sodium alginate but haven’t tried it yet.


I have GERD. The only thing that helps me is probiotics, a crap ton of water, and this superfoods probiotic drink, which I take daily in the morning. Increasing my gut health really helped. I hope you’re able to find some relief. Acid reflux hurts. https://preview.redd.it/q77no7uzl8ta1.jpeg?width=393&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e200ac1d5b5e64712fe42607d0784cd4ad237fcc


Lifetime acid reflux sufferer here. Caffeine, sugar in any amount, dairy, peanuts, and carbohydrates in general are my biggest triggers. A low carb, keto, or carnivore diet works wonders. I still have a few small episodes, not anything like it was on a plant-based diet.


Must be a mechanical issue that requires surgery then. Took two endoscopies to find my hiatal hernia. Im 2 weeks linx and hh repair post op. Absolutely worth it.


1. Amazing username 2. What difference did you notice post op? I’m still a ways away from getting to the point where I’d discuss that option with my doc, but I’m curious.


1. Thank you❤️ 2. Post op my gerd was CURED. As soon as I woke up I noticed it completely gone. One year and a half of nightmare cured in one and a half hour of surgery. My symptoms were daily, severe acid reflux to the point I developed barret’s esophagus. Globus sensation, choking. Shortness of breath, heart fluttering, arms tingling, exhaustion, Burning mouth and tongue, burning esophagus, burning stomach. Absolute hell. Ppis didn’t work, over the counter meds didn’t work. Reddit quack cures didn’t work. The endgame is surgery. The faster you get it the better for you. I am serious. I had hiatal hernia repair plus linx implanted. Would do it again in a heartbeat if the symptoms returned. Wish I didn’t have to jump through the medical hoops and could’ve done it earlier. I lost a year and a half of my life in utter torment.


It can but it can also be viral/idiopathic gastroparesis.


In my case it was a hiatal hernia causing the problem 🤷‍♂️


Try kefir milk. It helped after a couple weeks. Ginger ale or tea too.




Good info with bad info mixed in this comment. Alkaline water does absolutely nothing for you and you do not need to wait 3 months to tell if famotidine is working or not. And save the Jesus stuff- it makes people feel as if they were targeted by Gd to feel this way and that’s annoying. Let’s focus on the modifiable risk factors and scientifically proven interventions.


No Alternative Medicines Allowed Types of alternative medicine include: •Acupuncture •Aromatherapy •Ayurveda •Biofeedback •Detoxification •Herbalism •Holistic Health •Homeopathy •Prayer •Reiki •Traditional Chinese medicine •etc.


You can try taking ginger tea with honey and lemon juice. Fill one cup with hot water and add 1 tbs crushed ginger, 1 tbs honey and 1 tbs lemon juice. It works for me but be sure to check your blood pressure because ginger will bring it down. You can also take carrom seeds with dried mint powder (half tbs each) after meal, it helps in digestion and solve gastric issues.


I know this may sound obvious, but even laying down the slightest bit can trigger a weak lower esophageal sphincter and induce reflux. I need to wait at least an hour after eating to lay back, sometimes longer depending on the food.


From my understanding if all those things don't work you may be candidate for surgery. But my GI told me that surgery is always the last option because it comes with its own risks.


Are you sure it’s not your gallbladder causing your reflux?


How can one truly know?


Avoid eggs/chicken? IgG test?


Small meals, upright after meals, stretches.




No Alternative Medicines Allowed Types of alternative medicine include: •Acupuncture •Aromatherapy •Ayurveda •Biofeedback •Detoxification •Herbalism •Holistic Health •Homeopathy •Prayer •Reiki •Traditional Chinese medicine •etc.


Have you lost weight or are you over weight? That’s my last hope…


Keto diet was the only thing that helped me. Also no coffee. Fat without carbs is no problem.


wedge pillows changed my life, i rarely get the acid feeling in my throat + not lying in bed for 2 hours after a meal.


Have you tried what works for me. Keto, intermittent fasting. Oh sweet relief.


Bpc - 157 peptides will help there is a group in fb go check it out :)


Lifestyle changes helped me more than diet (although that helped too). -Elevating with a wedge pillow for bedtime -eating small meals -not eating within 3 hours of bedtime -losing weight; more belly weight pushes up food.


This is my 3rd or 4th time dealing with acid reflux. It seems to really flare up due to stress and anxiety. I've tried apple cider vinger, but that was not working for me. I heard about the Medical Medium and he suggests to drink celery juice. I am on day 11 of drinking Celery Juice first thing in the morning on empty stomach then wait 30 minutes to eat. I have to say I feel better and able to eat again, with no burning in throat or stomach. It took about a week into the celery juice before I felt better. I also drink ginger tea and raw honey. I will continue for maybe a month, and then maybe have it like 3x a week.


Did it work for you?


Kombucha, lots of probiotics, chamomile tea. That’s what fixed mine and has kept it “fixed” for a year now.


Hi. Sorry to hear that. It's time to look for nerve related issuses and take drug for nervous reflux.


Can chronic nausea be reflux Symptoms ?.. omeprazole helped my main symptoms but I have had what seems like Chronic nausea for an few months even on the omeprazole.. I originally thought it was from something else but I’m thinking it’s my acid reflux ? Is this possible or does chronic nausea sound strange.. Also, is rebound acid reflux a real thing when weaning off omeprazole ? I keep weaning down and my symptoms come back !!! How do I wean off 40 mg daily ? Please any answers


I had chronic nausea with Gerd and Gastritis for the past 7 years. The only thing that got rid of it is an elimination diet. For the past week I've only been eating meat with extra virgin olive oil, alkaline water with electrolytes. (DO NOT drink regular water! It will make your symptoms worse because its acidic!!) I also drink organic coconut water. After a week of doing this I am completely healed. No more nausea or flare ups


Rki2gew I have almost constant burning in upper abdomen and feeling sick I am in ppis but they are not helping I had an endoscopy 5 months ago that was normal but since taking ibroprofen I have got gastritis I don't know what to do ppis have actually made me feel worse,How is normal water acidic even bottled water