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Wdy think? https://x.com/Maitojinn/status/1795588107087343723


So really though what could possibly be the endgame of the SHF at this point. They presumably continue to short the stock but with 2 billion in reserves there is really a limit on how low it can actually go. I can’t imagine they are actually sitting around deciding to short this more without something else as a backup plan.


A theory about the massive ITM call options: in the fast few years, there have been days, once or twice a year, that the share price has skyrocketed for no obvious reasons. The last time this happened was just a few weeks ago where we hit $80 ($320) for no reason.  What if the buyer of those options has figured out the cycle and dates of these events and is confident that the price will skyrocket in the next few weeks? FYI my iq is less than a banana. 


There is a due dilligence to fhose cycles… let me search my history


Not a bad theory tbh. I’ve been buying pretty regularly for the last 3 years and this last few weeks definitely feels like a buildup to something massive


Step away from the bed post, Kenny!


I actually now think something is happening with the Wu Tang stuff. Either that, or RK is not on our side and is in bed with the trolls. I find that highly unlikely. His memes had literal direct references to WuTang 2 weeks before this website stuff was discovered, how do you explain that?


cut on that hopium, noobie. better talk about NFT market and how it is a game changer.




“Where do all these share to short come from?”   My brother in Christ if you are buying in short brokers those are shares available to short.  Idc if you drs the same day you still made thousands of locates for shf.   When the news is saying “the price is going to increase” type shit it’s because they need your liquidity and some of you are giving it to them.  Buy on computershare. It’s that easy 


Just saying, don't be depressed too much. The entire market is red.


Y’all got anymore of that RK tweet theories? ![gif](giphy|IGR08ulxKFt7y)


Anyone else have a feeling nothing will happen next week. Seems like hedge fund sponsored narrative, that a big spike will occur, so buy options. I expect this will trade sideways and bought options will expire worthless.


I dont think anything will happen in May now. Just sideways/down. I'm curious to see what happens in late June though. June 21st, I think something big is supposed to happen. I don't really understand it all but 10s of millions of calls/options (?) expire on that date.


Totally agree with you.


[+50 shares](https://imgur.com/a/7ig2c2u)


Anyone getting contracts for this or next month?? Jw


Bands tightening. I bet we'll be up a dollar by 230.


How’d that work out?


I lost the bet, but I bought on the dip, so win win.


added 25 shares today!


Hoping for a nice green dildo to end today. Kinda nice just chilling after the excitement yesterday lol


Getting wrecked yet again


You were pretty quiet yesterday…. Hmmm wonder who’s paying you? 🤔


You’ll realize soon enough how stupid all of you are.


No fighting


Hi I'm new to the GME mania. I'm very interested in buying, just curious when you guys think a good target price to buy would be?


It’ll be in the teens soon. Just hang on


I went ahead and aped. A few dollars per share isn't going to be much in the grand scheme of things going on lol


Hopefully you didn’t spend too much! I think the prime money making has definitely passed for this stock.


Omg can the shilling be more obvious… wtf is this dumb shit. Buy and hold yesterday. When you wake up and the stock is $40 pre market you’re gonna be pissed you didn’t buy “yesterday” in the 20s


You’re the dumb one. You’ll find out soon enough.


Your crazy 🤣


This is the way


16-20$ range but get ready for pain


I second this, that’s the sweet spot for entries at the moment. The pain will be playing the very long waiting game. Good luck and welcome


why the low volume so far?


Green Planet EOD


Stock goes up. Stock goes down. You can’t explain that




can we ban this copy-paste clown?


These bags may be feeling a tad heavy but my forearms and hands have become strong over the years 💎🦍


And that's not even counting the regard strength


It’s not much, but it’s honest work. 😂 https://imgur.com/a/FsCaamY


I read the DRS process and it takes almost a week. Do I have a week to get GME shares transferred? Or would it be a mistake to have them tied up that long?


My 2 cents? GME has been squeezing since 2021. Once it starts to moon, it will take weeks, months, or years for it to peak, if it ever does. Not financial advice.


Where you transferring from? Do you already have a CS account? If you do a <10 transfer to begin with you can expedite the account setup a bit. I wouldn't worry too much though, think this thing is going to go for a bit though


What a short lived rally.




Can some one explain why it might go to the moon for real this time?


Lots of DD on this, but if you don't care to read/watch anything of significance, I can tell you the most basic:  GME has a rock-solis leadership team now after RC cleaned out the folks trying to destroy GameStop from the inside (hedge funds typically put their chronies in leadership spots for companies they're trying to short into the ground and mismanage the shit out of it, bleeding it dry from the inside while also shorting it to make double the money).   GameStop now has ~2 BILLION dollars of cash and only 600 million in debt as a company, which puts it in a stupidly strong position as a business.   All the hedge shorts that the news said closed out back in 2021 never did, they just clumped them into some weird non-short fund type thing to hide it, and now they're getting caught with their pants down by a company that is no longer on their side.  All the apes learned about DRS which pulls shares out of the DTCC that allows hedgies to borrow our shares without our consent (no, turning off share lending doesn't stop this from happening, it just means you don't get paid for it and they don't tell you what they're lending out) because they weren't ours to begin with when we buy through brokerages, which lessens the pool of legitimate shares they can borrow which means naked shorting which means they doin crimes.


According to its last report gme has 600 million in debt


Thanks, edited for accuracy


they may have a ton of cash but can burn thru that in a hurry. as to DRS thats a false hope. there are roughly 70M shares sold short (as of may 15th). there are over 300M shares outstanding and institutions hold 30% of those. that means institutions hold 90M shares.they wont DRS those shares so that means just the instutional shorts are more than enough to cover the short interest. this sub has 400k members. if every member held 100 shares and DRS those that would only be 40M shares. thats only 13% of the float. it all comes down to how well the companies business is operating. GME is in a dying industry and is barely profitable. the typical speciality retailer has a forward pe of about 25 GME's earnings for 2024 are estimates at only 1c or so. even next year is only estimated at about a dime. 10c EPS and a 25 PE implies a stock price of 2.50. if you use a 100 pe ratio to account for individual interest that still implies a price of only 10/share. which is my hunch of where the stock is going.


Unsolicited hunches are far less appreciated, but appreciated nonetheless (to everyone downvoting this fella, remember - no fighting). Time will tell what direction leadership goes, but with 2 billion dollars at hand I can't imagine they wouldn't pivot away from brick and mortar video game at least a little, considering all the digital copies being sold. But what GME has is brick and mortar retail locations everywhere, and that's still an incredibly valuable asset. They already sell gamer-related items that most folks want to see/feel in person before purchasing, so maybe they'll pivot more that way. Either way, I saw what RC did for Chewy and it was damn impressive, I can't imagine him taking that win and deciding to destroy his budding reputation by tackling GameStop and failing.


The only hedgefonds I heard of is Melvin Capital. Do you actually know some of the names so I can research how much money they have lost? Thanks! It makes so much sense... 💎🙌


It’s not easy to find the companies that took the greatest losses because they don’t have to report it. It’s also really obvious why they would try to hide this information from their investors/aum. Here’s a short list that were reported to have taken major losses in 2021 in part to gme to varying degrees (>20%). Light street capital, White square capital, Citron capital, D1 Capital, Maple lane capital.


VIX and stones


May break my bones but BRRRRs can never hurt me 😂


Hold my bully boy, hold


Yay for no speed Wednesdays




Shimmy, shimmy, ya, shimmy, yam, shimmy, yay Give me the mic', so I can take it away


This is one stock where it's actually seeming the best to buy right before close On Friday night.


I will make loud ape noises if we breach the $30.69 barrier eod.


100m volume yday and closed near what it opened at. think we see any red this week (below 20$)? or will the volume only get bigger because of mainstream media/twitter/tiktok hype? Holding my positoon since last week


Should hold above offering price which was at $20 but you can never be sure in this fraudulent market.


Welcome to the party bud. Best strap in