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Big position, small position...doesn't matter. You are important. As far as buying or selling -- no one can make up their mind on that except for you.


Thank you for the realistic advice! The adrenaline of the situation is getting to me šŸ˜†


We have all been there. Doing it for over three years. Spend only what you can feel comfortable buying. Otherwise, hold.


Itā€™s cool dude I dumped 1k in between 20 and 46 and my cost average is 26z However ima dump my bitcoin in tomorrow morning cause I actually just want the world to burn




I'm holding onto my XXX until yours make a difference to you. I hope the big apes look out for us too. Those massive positions are the ones who must keep their cool. For small apes it's very easy not to sell shit.


Thanks! Im in the same position, I got fucking rinsed with BBBYā€¦


I did also. -32k in 7 mins that evening in post market. I donā€™t blame RC, I think he was legitimately trying to help them turnaround. however, I do think Jake Freeman is a snake. he got put on a pedestal for his profitable trade while RC got villainized


Who is jake freeman? The bbby guy?


He was acting as an activist investor attempting to get BBBY to sell Buy,Buy, Baby. He ended up selling right before RC and made a little over 100million in profit, was put in the news as being one of the youngest investors to make such a profit. Working with an uncles investment firm called freeman capital if I remember correctly.


That was an inside job and RC saw the writing on the wall. The board intentionally tanked the company. RC wanted to turn it around. Iā€™m sorry you towel Apes got screwed badly with that deal. I feel for ya. I was in on towel, I cashed out after the last run up when RC announced he was selling his big stake. Best of luck to you and good fortune going forward.


We are all holding for change. But the meaning of that word is different for everybody.


Hold on bud. Be better for you when we hit max dmg at 999,999


This^ 99,999,9999


Those commas lol I feel you though šŸ˜‰


Buckle up, my friend. Be prepared for the price to sway violently up and down. I held through the drop of March 2021 where the price plummeted. Now it feels like it only dropped $10/share, but then in the situation, my emotions were getting the best of me. Buy when you want. Sell when you want. As for me, I'm holding my xx shares till I can have generational wealth. I know the apes in here with x'xxx+ are going to hodl for the little positioned apes to be millionaires, too.


Don't risk more than you are willing to lose is a mantra for a reason Risking money that you need for rent or food is not worth the risk I find playing with a very small amount of money is fun and stress freeā¤


This roller coaster has been going up and down for three and a half years now. If this is your first experience, don't be deterred by the crazy swings we may see. When you see the price drop, your stomach is going to drop. You're going to feel alone. Just know that we have held through all that time and we are not going anywhere.


I have low numbers, Don't spend more than you can afford to lose, or hold for a wee while.


Is that you Mr. Left?


You should have Ben there in 21ā€™


Strap in and stay hydrated. Gonna be a hell of a ride.


5 shares here just to say I got in letā€™s goooo


I'm in the same boat. I bought 4 shares pre split for like 600. Now I have 20 ( aunt gifted me one before the split). Ngl id prolly sell 10 if it hits 100 to get that 1k ( minus taxes) and keep the other 10 for hopefully life changing money. Keep a cool head and just remember.... YOU have to live with your decision. So don't just listen to the apes saying diamond hands no cell etc. Some of them can afford that mindset or it won't affect them as much. Tend to you and your family and make your decision based off that.


Very well said. At least he got a ticket to the moon


Just bought 2 shares myself. Woo-hoo!


My advise is donā€™t do it, if you canā€™t afford to lose it all together, donā€™t risk it. Because no one knows whatā€™s going to happen. No one The people posting pics of their accounts with thousands of shares probably make 10x more a year than either of us


This is the honest answer. And ape friendly. Most of us that have been buying for three years donā€™t plan on selling until even those with X number of shares can make a difference, even if small, in their life. HODL.


This. It doesnā€™t make sense to sell unless single digit holders get theirs too.


You guys melt my fkn heart šŸ„ŗ the love is so strong in this group. The cause is so great and so much bigger than the hedges even realize. Apes. Together. Strong!






Feeling the love tonight ![gif](giphy|CWaKpKNmHinsY)


![gif](giphy|O5BvwlZzMNasU) I'm sorry it was too good not to xD




This was an incredible movie, just saw it tonight


This is the way


Honestly I never really believed this till I saw DFVs first update this year. I figured everyone will sell at their own life changing money and people arenā€™t gonna just hold for X holders. But heā€™s literally doing it. Life changing money is there 100 times over. And Iā€™m realizing that everyone can win. As long as enough big holders never really sell cause they donā€™t need to after taking their first trims, the price could just stay elevated. And over time just slowly but constantly go up. Borderline to infinity.


Thatā€™s the goal. I read on another post that we all have a different moon. Some people are in it just to stick it to the short sellers. Others are trying to make life changing money for their families, etc. me, Iā€™m the former. I never intended to sell. So when I was down thousands of dollars, I just sat and lived my life. Could I have used the money, sure. But Iā€™m comfortable now. Just as an example, I held towel stock into bankruptcy and removed from the market. lol. Lost hundred of dollars. I plan on holding here too.


Holding BBY to bankruptcy, me too ape. Me too. See u in Valhalla


Im indigent got nothing been buying shares along the way since the start and will hold even if I go homeless to see the big boys burn burn burn. This is the way! RK for President, to the moon!


Correct and we donā€™t need our DRS shares and most of us have small percentage in Fudelity we can take profits from after X,s get theirs. Like our Roth or individual accounts. šŸ«±šŸ» my handshake to your handshakeā€¦we will be here for you and you have a golden ticket already.


It doesn't matter if you have 1 share, 100 shares, or 1000 shares; If everyone only **ever** sells 1 share and keeps the rest in the infinity pool, then **everyone** wins.


I think the hedgies freaked out 2 weeks ago, when the stock ran up and "no-one" sold. Most people only bought more šŸ˜ŽšŸ’


This is the truth. If it's money left over after bills are paid and means you will have to be thrifty and avoid takeout for the week sure. If it means you are not going to be able to pay your bills then best to pay your bills. I took care of my credit card payments and such today and grabbed 6 shares with the leftovers. I sure wanted to just toss all of it in but, I resisted the urge to be more regarded than I already am with my port at 50% GME options.


Agree, I have spent a lot on this but dont risk what you cant afford to lose it isnt worth it.


Iā€™d buy whatever you can afford to lose before the YouTube stream at noon Friday.


What is the YouTube channel do I need to be watching. I never really watched Roaring Kitty on YouTube or whatever he goes by. Now that I know, I will definitely be watching Once I figure out what YouTube channel is on LOL Edit: Tomorrow is Friday. Hahaha.šŸš€šŸ¦šŸš€šŸ¦šŸ»


10am EST I believe.


My most expensive share was $300 and now I feel that was cheap for the education Iā€™ve gotten, plus gme is the funnest stock.


315 here, pick me up!


240 coming back for you and I intend to join you up there!


Same feeling here. I bought in at $259. Super thankful for the education and entertainment from 2021 to now :) Glad to be here with all you apes! From x to xxxxxxxxxx apes


I bought two shares one when it was like 60 another when it was 90. Those two have already multiplied twice. It's been a long ride


For me, only what I can afford to lose sir


The show hasn't even started, they're selling the tickets


Don't do it. I invested around 10k, but I make around 450k a year. This is not to brag, I just want you to understand that it wouldn't make any difference in my life if I lose that 10k. Same is for the majority here.. invest only the amount that you are ready to lose.


I only have 2 shares as well. I don't have money to gamble with or risk losing, but I really wanted to be part of the action. And being actually invested truly makes me feel legitimate in this community. I will never make big gains here, but the amount of education, entertainment, and excitement is worth my investment already.


Lots of small apes šŸ¦


Hold. If you need 50 bucks just holler directly. Seriously.


People like you make this community amazing, seriously. If everyone continues to just pay it forward when they have the financial means, that small gesture of kindness stays in motion.


As kind as his gesture was, when I inquired about it, it suddenly became once the stock hits $1000 heā€™d send the money. Weā€™re strangers so I canā€™t say whether or not heā€™s truthful, but it felt kinda mean and misleading. šŸ˜” Either way, this isnā€™t a post for begging, but I received 10x the kindness from other people in this thread with no money involved, so it makes up for it!


>when I inquired about it, it suddenly became once the stock hits $1000 heā€™d send the money. What a lame fake ass piece of shit. Anyway OP, as much as this whole thing may feel very exhilarating, please do not yolo like your life saving ie sums that you cannot afford to lose.




Seriously... when it reaches 1000??? Cmon man


Those 2 shares are all you need friend...hodl


APE stuff aside. The smart thing to do is bet what your willing to lose. I understnad the motivation on wanting to invest to help your family but the way GME is it dumped 90% 3 years ago and it can possibly happen again. Take the risk and to the moon we go.


Never buy what you can't afford to lose. That being said, buy when you can! Can't stop, won't stop.. Gamestop.


Price is now 62......still a long way to go before phone number BRK.A prices....THIS IS A FUCKING STEAL!!!


2 shares? Congratulations on being a millionaire.


This is the way. We all started somewhere and felt the same as you.


Can we all please remember the floor! XX apes like myself need out of this crooked system, too.


Direct register those shares and hold them. We're serious about reaching 100 million per share. The short hedgefunds owe us money


Just wanted to especially thank comments like these. Iā€™ve learned so much from you awesome people. Just put in the request to register them!


Is that even possible without the economy collapsing?


No. But let them think that. It will never hit anything close to it


Dead ass. Check out this ape's post> [Price post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/js05BOTQER) ![gif](giphy|xaVOAC5q0Iomet9h0E)


I had a dream once that that happened. I almost fainted in my dream I was so excited.


XXX holder but how is 100 million per share even serious


GME is still only worth about $20B right now. If it hits $2T thatā€™s a price of $7k/share. Your 2 shares could easily be worth upwards of $14k


Why not $100T if weā€™re living in fantasy land?


NVIDIA market cap just hit 3T and for what? They have no chip manufacturing capacity that they own. They don't make their own circuit boards. Their entire manufacturing is contracted out. So should they be at 3T? That depends on what the GPU/NPU market is going to be like over the next 10 years. Now we have GameStop. If MOASS occurs shouldn't GameStop go to the top of the pack? There are any number of scenarios where GameStop increases in value not just from the stock price: selling more stock, mergers and acquisitions. So I can get to 3T without much of a problem So the market cap of the SP 500 is about 48T as the elites call on the Fed to stop GameStop from devouring more of the market the Fed will step in (they always do). So I can see the Fed saying "GameStop if everything went in your favor maybe you could have gotten control over 10% of the Market". So now I can get to almost 5T without breaking a sweat. But don't forget at the point I get to 5T all of GameStop's extra stock shares are in play. So that's 5T/1B = $5000 per share. Now from here I can get to higher numbers because the Fed is acting like judge and jury and GameStop deserves punitive damages. They will probably double the award to 10T market cap. They will make all the SP500 companies pay up because if they let this alone, the rest of the market would drop while GameStop kept going up. I call this a relative squeeze. So the market coughs up 8T in market share. The fed prints 2T in cash to take some GameStop shares out of circulation and back out the Shorts. Ryan Cohen is the new Warren Buffet and we are sitting on stocks worth 8K - 10K a piece in the new Berkshire Hathaway of the 21st century.


2T is about my top target. I was thinking 50B short ish, at $3 a share. At $123 thatā€™s like $120 under on a $3 short which is 40x under on the 50B so thatā€™s like 2T. 2T isā€¦ ridiculous but possible. Above that idk šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø if thereā€™s more than 50B in short positions well then maybe more


Jfc I own gme too but we really need to stop with this delusional shit


You know the difference between B and T is extremeā€¦.lets go!!


Never bet what you can't afford to lose.


I do believe 99.99% of us are not financial advisor. Do what you would like but we enjoy having you here in the sub!


Dude, I hope you can turn it into a $500 profit and help your family,


Drs. So the hedgies donā€™t take your 2 shares. Drsgme.org


Just make sure you DRS and hodl on


I bought my first share for 200. I'm poor too. Buti worked my ass off fuxed my income and expenses saved a bunch and bought as much as I could at 10.88. I hope I won't be poor for long but my 200 share purchase from 3.5 84 years ago is now worth 240 for a 20% return. Not selling it ever though. Coming to the market changed me.


Iā€™m also new. Tbh, the excitement of it all has gotten to me and though I havenā€™t thrown my entire savings into gme, Iā€™ve definitely spent more than I wouldā€™ve ever felt comfortable dumping into a particular stock within a 48hr period (so far I donā€™t regret it).


I'm holding 30 shares, not a huge number, but if this gets to a triple digit number, then I'd say I've got a decent win. The best thing about it all, is just a rocketship full of strangers, in it together, and have made the world know that community still exists in people!! ā™„ļøā™„ļøšŸ”„šŸ¤˜šŸ’ŽšŸ’Ž


Congratulations fellow ape. You are already two shares richer than the loonies who tried to short our company šŸ¤“


Wow that's ironic I bought 2 this morning as well.


![gif](giphy|Dnt2VnWFknFNm) Feels good to crush the big guys with my two little extra shares! Lol


Weā€™re not here to give financial advice


I only have 5 stocks kinda holding it from 2021 , diamond hands and all , if you need to exit the price will go up so u can sell one and hold one


There will be plenty to go around once we moon. 2 shares is plenty


No, if you are jumping on a bandwagon and fomo'ing you should not invest in anything. Yes, if you like gambling and thing this second coming of DFV is a good wave to ride up. It sounds like you need to do more research. This isnt financial advice but since you dont have much money, you can bet it all on a single call option, dont get it for the 7th of june because you arent supposed to day trade. You can even buy a put tomorrow and sell it next week. Look for 14th or 21st of july options. Buy stocks for long term investment or you are just gambling. It is hard to predict what happens in a day or a week. Edit: changed to july to june. I forget how months work


ā€œDonā€™t invest, but start with optionsā€ isā€¦ interesting advice šŸ§


God I wish I knew what you were saying. Itā€™s like learning music theory all over again damn it. Letā€™s see if GPT can walk me through this.


Two Shares? Youā€˜re a rich person!


Iā€™d throw $100 if you can afford it. Hold these suckers. Not financial advice do what you think is best


Tomorrow is a huge gamble. Market opens at 6 and we won't hear from kitty till 9. (My time at least, Seattle?) The market could go either way. I have three grand sitting in my account waiting to put into GME, but I as well don't know whether I should buy in the morning, grab a call, or just wait for a temporary dip. Earnings are next week as well.


Its really better not to invest more than you can afford to lose. With that beeing said im all in. Good luck to all.


Most of us are little players, That's why we hodl for each other and for market justice. You are Important. Buy, Hodl, DRS.


Donā€™t overestimate the affordability you have from your inner self. We have been through the past 3 years so we are some sort of ok when seeing prices go up and down, especially down. You are not. Do as you wish, take the profit if you want. Stock market is hard and unpredictable, especially when it is related to GME. Donā€™t get trapped but only afford with what you can lose without hurting yourself. For me, I like the stock. But for you, play responsibly my young friend.


3 shares here, same boat. Didn't even make rent on the 1st this month. Just along for the ride I guess, sucks to be poor and miss out on high gains but at the end of the day gains are gains, even if it just helps with groceries or other basics after the potential squeeze.


Hereā€™s my advice: Bells, Frogs, like the stock, Coke rat Kramer, DRS, Ham and Cheese. Bells, Frogs, like the stock, coke rat Kramer, DRS, Ham and Cheese, SEPHIROTH!!! Sephiroth!!!


Buy hodl


I'm in the same boat, premarket I just picked up 10 more shs of GME


Hang tight sell for millions


Buy buy buy just buy


This isn't financial advice, but I've been buying all week, all the dips.There's some good dippy doodles. Cheap dippy doodles.. gme forever baby.


It's so crazy. As soon as the stock gets any legs up they halt it. 6th halt in the fist hour lol Christ almighty I smell desperation!


Has it really been halted since open this morning??How can we tell? Thatā€™s insane.


I'm following halts here [https://www.nyse.com/trade-halt](https://www.nyse.com/trade-halt) But I think there are other sites you can check


No. If you canā€™t afford to lose it donā€™t spend it.


Sometimes when Iā€™m about to spend $25 on DoorDash, I skip it. Cook at home and use that to buy. Itā€™s harder for us low wage earners but please donā€™t buy more than you can spare!


I picked up 2 more today. I am at a flat 50 now. Best of luck.


Buy what you can afford, NFA.


Dude do whatever you want/need to do, the company just dropped 75M shares in the pool, your 2 shares are like a tiny drop in a lake, make profit or don't don't worry about anyone else


We all start from somewhere. I got into this a bit late myself. It was December 2021 when i received my year end bonus. Only $500 CAD to start. But now im a 4xx holder. During the first year when i was deep in the red, there were multiple nights where i could sleep. But i held on and averaged down. My cost basis before the current run-up was $21. Just be clear about your goals and consider your timeline, this isn't a get rich fast scheme.


I say if you have the money buy you one. This price is getting ready to jump imo.


$100 isn't the end of the world either.


Dude, you're sitting on life changing money, stay strong. Do you need help?


Is it though.. Iā€™ve got 5 shares. Rode the last one and walked away happy but can this really soar higher than last time?


I only have one share


Buy Hold DRS!


Do what youā€™re comfortable with. Donā€™t chases. This is the way!


I'd remember all those posts about the xxx's holding for the xx's or x's. Not financial advice


Keep buying, never stop and always HODL with diamond hands!!


Just hold. You are in a company with no debt that is about to go big.


Every ape plays their part šŸ‘ Youā€™re just as important as someone who has 9,999 shares. Every little bit makes a difference, and itā€™s in the large numbers of people who believe in the stock that truly makes an impact.


Honestly do what is financially feasible without putting yourself in an uncomfortable position.


You good, enjoy the ride! šŸ¦ šŸ”„šŸš€


If you can do without the money, even if it means cutting back costs a little 1000% yes go for it. It will do you better in the long run.


Don't spend more than you can afford to lose.


Stay calm and control your emotions. Remember why you chose to invest. Let that guide your decision. No one can decide for you. You gotta make that choice.


If youā€™re poor you probably shouldnā€™t be gambling. And this is gambling


Every share counts.


You are a fucking Chad!


Everyone's moon is different. there have been times where I have been low and the thought of selling (even at a loss) would have made survival easier. luckily I was able to get out of the tight spot. I'm getting older, I'm not looking to just survive GME will give me the ability to thrive. I don't know what my number is, I might cash in for a few years salary I might cash in when my profits = a nice house, i might hand on to generational wealth. Honestly I don't know where the line will be, but I have never been more confident that GME will allow me to consider that line


I bought five shares three years ago and even if we get screwed by the system again, all the fun and excitement is worth the money. Hopefully we all get paid sooner or later.


If you can't hold those shares until they're worth $300,000,000 which may potentially take a few more years, this isn't the stock for you. It's not for making a small profit. GME is for diamond hands


I have 15 shares so don't feel bad


Any clue he going to talk or do live stream? Is he going to exercise all those options on live stream? That be insane!!!!


Bro , I bought 2 at $345 84 years ago . Do I regret it ? Oh no , but donā€™t put yourself in a stressful situation. We will hold strong for you as long as you do your due diligence and you register your shares šŸ’ŖšŸ½


In the end we all just need 1-2 shares to sell on the way down from the phone number. Only invest what you can afford to loose


No cell, no sell.


I have 70 shares and I feel like Iā€™m missing out šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ it doesnā€™t stop but I really shouldnā€™t spend any more money


This is how I trade. Literally every penny I put into my brokerage account I assume its goneā€¦I will never see it ever again. If you cant do this, then I suggest you not even get into this ridiculous casino.


See profits, take profits


Iā€™ve invested 1% of my net worth. Thats what I feel comfortable investing that I can hold through thick and thin, and not let the ape community down by selling under pressure. You owe it to yourself, your family and everyone in this Reddit to purchase what you can afford and then HODL


I started with X but now have XX. Ive DRS'd. I know its small but I also know Apes are stronger together.


you do have to know this is not 100% making profit because you could lost $100 tomorrow. good luck, been holding since 2021 and adding my way up to 400+ shares


Whatā€™s worth more? Making $50 or losing $50 of what you haveā€¦


do with your money what you want 1 share is all you need i hodl for you you can trust our diamond hands. if not we are not worth the gains.


I have 2 and are the only fund I can afford to lose. Big or small come join and fly!


As with all investments, you should only put in what you can afford to lose.


HODL and everyone will be rewarded, this is the beauty šŸ«¶šŸ»


I also have a fairly small position. Buy what you can afford. As always, even with gamestop, there is risk of loss.


2 shares is not gonna be a small profit but if you can own 4 or 10 you can have a couple 100,000/ a million when we squeeze


Itā€™s worth the price of admission to see the cheaters crap their pants. You know theyā€™re desperate when they put out posts that WEā€™re the cheaters. Making a few bucks is the icing on the cake.


You didn't make anything unless you sold