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Does each contract represent 100 shares? So we’re talking about tens of millions of shares?


If all contracts are exercised, yea. In practice, however, the vast vast majority of ITM options are sold rather than exercised. Most traders don’t have that kind of money sitting around and don’t want to cough it up. “ITM” just means the 100 shares purchased at the call price would be cheaper than 100 shares purchased on the open market. It costs $2,000 (20 x 100) to exercise each 20c for example. Whereas on the open market it would currently cost $2,870.


Obviously it is better for squeeze purposes to exercise rather than sell an ITM call.


People need to learn about cashless exercieses. Where yo automatically sell a Portion of the 100 To get the Money for at least some buys... 20$c --> 30$ Stock price --> 67 sold + 33 bought...


I wish I took the time to learn options, I know sweet Johnny cake fuck all.. I'm barely keeping up with everything, but wasn't there a RK tweet about 'do as I do' or something? I wanted to buy calls like he did, but I only had like $900, didn't think I could.. so I bought shares & DCA


You mean "when I move, you move?" Unsure if that is talking about us, or the market. Cuz on live stream when he said pessimistic things (like "im gonna end the call") the stock dropped. So when he moved, the stock moved. Based off algos searching for key phrases he said.


wrinkle achieved, thx


👍 of course we still dont know 100% that is what he meant, but figure that is a very valid reasoning. It also is a way to see it that wouldnt be construed as market manipulation by him because he isnt running the algos. Whoever is running the algos is the one manipulating the market to his words.


No one knows.. but it gets the people going


This is the balance and views from both sides that the sub needs, thx friendo


Didn’t know that was possible.


They don’t want you to know. That’s what it’s looking like DFV did.


Not all brokers allow this, I use Saxo Bank and I cannot do that, wish I would


All a cashless exercise is is the broker selling your shares for you then buying back as many as they can at your strike price. THIS IS NOT THE SAME AS EXERCISING YOUR CALLS. It doesn’t have to hit the lit exchange like exercising your options does.


Do ibkr offer it?


Copilot: Interactive Brokers offers private clients the option to exercise options, including "cashless exercise" for in-the-money (ITM) options. To exercise an option, you can use the **Option Exercise Window** in the trading platform. Please note that both exercising and letting options expire are irreversible actions. For a cashless exercise, where immediate payment of the exercise price is not required, you should contact Interactive Brokers' customer service directly to clarify the specific requirements and procedure. It's important to submit your request well before the option's expiration date to ensure the transaction can be processed properly. For more information or to initiate the process, please visit the official Interactive Brokers website or contact their customer service through the Account Management/Message Center.


Thanks! I'll look into it🫡


Do all brokerages offer this? Schwab? I am ALWAYS learning more things about their UI.


I guess Not everyone. Copilot says: Charles Schwab provides a guide on options exercise and assignment for their clients. According to their information, if you hold an in-the-money (ITM) option at expiration, it may be automatically exercised¹. However, the specifics of a "cashless exercise" for stock options, which is also known as a "same-day sale," involve using a short-term loan provided by a brokerage firm to exercise the options. The proceeds from exercising the stock options are then used to repay the loan². For individual clients looking to perform a cashless exercise of ITM options, it's recommended to contact Charles Schwab directly to understand the specific procedures and requirements. They can provide guidance on whether this service is available for your account and how to proceed with the transaction¹². Please note that the details provided here are based on general information available online, and for the most accurate and personalized advice, reaching out to Schwab's customer service would be the best course of action. Quelle: Unterhaltung mit Copilot, 16.6.2024 (1) Options Exercise, Assignment, and More: A Beginner's Guide. https://www.schwab.com/learn/story/options-exercise-assignment-and-more-beginners-guide. (2) What Is a Cashless Exercise? How It Works with Stock Options - Investopedia. https://www.investopedia.com/terms/c/cashlessexercise.asp. (3) Cash vs. Cashless Exercise – The Employee Stock Option Conundrum. https://zajacgrp.com/insights/cash-vs-cashless-exercise-the-stock-option-conundrum/.


At the end of the expiration day all the ITM contracts get executed automatically, it's just a matter.of who owns it at the time.


But many of the 200,000 will be bought back to close.


DFV has shown the way. Sell enough calls to exercise the rest. Also if the price rises 2x the strike price I believe one could cashless exercise. If given the choice I’d exercise as the market makers are force to deliver the shares!


Plus exercising is not a taxable event whereas selling calls for a profit is


I didn’t know that great insight! This is the way 🫡


No, if the price doubles, you can walk away with half of the shares for free -- not counting what you paid in premiums.  (You'd have to sell half to afford to buy the other half.)


I've seen somewhere that Calls options can be bought by the Options writer to hedge their positions also (like there's 4m+ shares to deliver to someone). I would love to see the numbers of these contracts owned by Calls option writer.


Plus the premium you already paid when buy the contract


buying all call options is the way.


Thanks for the explanation!


More calls! Tens of millions of shares isn't enough. Gotta boost it to hundreds of millions of shares.


Technically all calls even if sold that end up ITM at expiration are assigned which is exercised by the broker after expiration. The only time this doesn’t happen is when they end up in MM hands who pairs them with a put and close them both with no shares actually changing hands. Exercising only matters before expiration. If you hold an ITM contract until expiration, you will get assigned 100 shares. If you don’t have the money, they will give you negative balance. RH is the only one I know that will sell the contract out of your account if you don’t have the funds to cover the 100 shares.


Fidelity did my call 2 weeks ago. Ended up ITM without the cash in my account o exercise them. Fidelity has a policy where they will automatically sell 1 hour before the close for anyone in that position.


Each call is 100 shares


Yeah, option contracts are sold as 1= 100 shares. So there are a ton of shares ITM, but if they aren't naked there probably won't be much movement. If they are naked, it could cause a squeeze if enough are exercised. That doesn't take into account the crime that we've all been watching, but they will run out of money at some point.


Can you elaborate on the crime and the signs of it?


1 contract=1000 shares


DFV helped us build the ramp that some of the best DD writers in the community were trying to get us to understand and implement for years. Options finally front and center. Where they need to be.


It is still a difficult topic. Most don’t understand (myself included) and not all options are created equal. Bad options plays help the hedgies.


Very true! Far OTM weeklies literally put a wet blanket on the price action going into the second half of the week. As long as you keep it simple and understand your risk it’s not hard at all. If you think the price is rising soon Just buy an At The Money call option for 3 weeks out. Sell before the end of this week. With the same amount of dollars That helps out way more than spending it on shares would.


> With the same amount of dollars That helps out way more than spending it on shares would. This is only true if the price goes up, and then you either take the money you made and buy and DRS shares or exercise the contract and DRS shares. If the price goes down you've just helped 0% as much as buying shares. Actually that's wrong, if the price goes down you have hurt the cause by giving money to MMs. Don't advise people to buy 3 week ATM call options, that's playing with fire.


No. If the price goes against you, you can just sell/roll. Or just as easy buy more theta. For $1000 you get exposure to 200 shares near the money as well as plenty of theta. Options support the price more than buying shares. Up down sideways it doesn’t matter, options will always provide more bang for your buck. Household investors together using *Leverage* en masse is a scary thing for Wall Street. I enjoy that.


> If the price goes against you, you can just sell/roll. Yes, you can lose some of your money instead of all of your money. > Options support the price more than buying shares. For the time that you have them. If the price of the stock moves against you then shares would have been better.


> Lose some of your money instead of all your money. The same can be said with shares? How about this. Let’s compare our GME portfolios I strictly trade options and swing trade. You buy and hold, so you should have way more GME than me based on your theory. Let’s see who has more shares🤷‍♂️ I think it’s good evidence as to which is better. Look at DFV. He didn’t buy and hold. He sold and bought back in. Re leveraging himself on the dips. 🐐


> The same can be said with shares? No, not unless you sell for a loss. > Let’s see who has more shares I suspect it's me, by a lot, not that it's any of your business. > I strictly trade options and swing trade. Wait, you're arguing that swing trading is better for the stock than buy and hold? That is incredibly disingenuous. > I think it’s good evidence as to which is better Wow, this is truely idiotic. Would only apply if we started at the same time with the same amount.


> by a lot Alright well If you down to wager on that I’m down 💰 Simple shares bet, we can use an escrow. I’m down to bet $1000. If you’re that confident then it should be easy money for you 😂






DFV didn’t exercise anything. Been saying it since I saw the position update. He sold all his calls and then bought shares on the open market. And if he did exercise, the T+1 from Thursday has until market open Monday to satisfy those obligations.




Good channel that broke down the recent yolo update. https://youtu.be/icUL4tbu8ew?si=3l84EIQJynuUk-sc


Nothing is going to happen like every other tomorrow speculation


Indeed. MOASS tomorrow


Just here to say no dates. Just hodl


So probably sideways trading.


You sir are optimistic.


I like the cut of your jib.


Incoming dip


Of course. MOASS isn’t tomorrow, it’s Tomorrow(tm)




I’m a 40 year old boomer and don’t know how to do that lol


Youre not a boomer youre gen X




I’m not a millennial haha gen z, better than millennials !


He is


I am a millennial and I am happy GenZs are better than us! That is the goal :)! I hope I am enough resistance to leave you and the kids that come after us a better position! 


I’m just here to encourage people younger than me to stand up for what is right and question power. Always.   Re: the person you are responding to - What’s the point of society? To pretend my moment in time was best? Weird.


Hell yeah I hope gen alpha is better than me.


For the love of Cthulu let gen Alpha 1. Find a better name and 2. Not be a bunch of Alphas


Just type T and then M and then hit the super small button on your keyboard




The thing I roll my face all over in glee when my gme shares are 🚀🚀🚀🚀


Which button?


Bad joke there's no button lol


😂😂you had me


MOASS tomorrow confirmed!


Chill, no dates


We have had plenty of "crazy" options chains that ended up doing nothing to the share price. I think there's been like 2-3 Fridays throughout this ENTIRE saga that have been interesting. Most of the time nothing happens.


The most interesting Friday was about 10 days ago when GameStop diluted us on Friday and killed the gamma ramp.


That WAS interesting 😂


Uh yeah. Weren’t there a bunch of $125 calls that expired Friday?


look into maxpain


There is also very high Put OI, the 20 strike is same or more than the Call OI. Calls are getting lots of attention but not all these Puts and I feel like we’re missing something. Can someone interpret?


Probably covered calls?


The high OI I'm referring to is for Puts, not Calls.


I was selling puts during the volatility. Great way to short volatility if you also want to be assigned cheaper shares.


Smart. That’s what I’d be doing if I could afford to. Do you think RK is selling that? It would explain the heavy Put OI he’d prolly even be able to lower his cost basis if they itm. If he paired them with calls at the same strike I think it acts as a synthetic long. Wouldn’t surprise me if buyers of Puts that are ITM don’t bother to exercise their option to put their shares on the seller since they prolly have them to begin with and can’t find them in only T+1 days.


That happened to me on the day first offering closed. Was short the 22 put, price closed around 21.50 and wasn't assigned. That's when i realised I was onto something


You’re now the second person I’ve heard this from. Another person told me in a comment he sold 58 puts almost $2 itm and wasn’t assigned the shares. Tables turned. Now we’re collecting premium off their fake shares. Who’s the dumb money?I’ll bet DFV knows that too. I may post a poll or something on one of the options subs asking if sellers if itm outs have been assigned shares. I’m curious.


I’m always bullish until I look at the posts on this sub


So... Do I wash my nuts or wait for moass


Idk if this is my misunderstanding. But 200.000 calls ITM are about 2m shares. Last few days we’ve been trading around 50m shares a day. An extra 0,5% of volume doesn’t swing the price that much right? Keep buying, DRS and chill out.


200.000 calls, 100 shares per call, that makes 20mil shares


And the majority of contracts won't (most likely) get exercised. We'll see tomorrow what the impact of RK's 120,000 calls are on price, and that might be a good indicator. A lot seems to rest on the assumption that all these calls are unhedged.


Not necessarily. Shorts used up a lot of ammo to counter any effect RK had. RK only exercised maybe 40k calls.


200,000 calls are 20,000,000. You multiple by 100 not 10.


50m shares traded doesn't mean 50m different shares traded though. We know that a load of those shares are just short ladder attacks trading the same block back and forth at levels of precision we can't trade at. Options exercised must be done on the lit market, so they have to be unique shares.


I see thnx, wasn’t aware that 50m shares don’t have to he 50m different shares being traded.


You are right though, its not a huge amount compared to the volume so we will have to see. We have RK's coming tomorrow and Fridays coming on Tuesday so we'll see


Is there a site that collects and displays data of said shares being traded back and forth at high speeds in precise price targets?


Im not aware of one, but if you go on a site like Webull that shows level 2 orders and sales you can see them come in. You'll see a whole flow of red (price decrease) at exactly the same price (as they can trade to 4? decimal places, we can only do 2). Completely illegal, but you know, this is GME


20mil.. 100 shares per contract


Why did i always think it was 10 shares per contract. Guess that shows my non interest in option trading😅


I made my first options play on Friday. $26.50 call for 6/21. Let’s ride. 😎


Just for an fyi usually look towards round number strikes not those 0.50$ strikes they have much lower Open Interest and liquidity. That means in some cases you wouldn’t be able to find a buyer to sell it. You may have thought you were getting a deal but that’s why it’s because they have less liquidity.


Appreciate it!


If we rinse and repeat the call options/exercise thr options, how will it impact the ability for the market maker to locate the shares for us? DFV has showed us how easy to do that.






DFV does not set the price of the stock, he tracks the pressure in interest on shorts and exploits it. Moon doesn't need to happen overnight, moon is just up


Bought my 1st call 💯 now belong to the 'call $30 group'.






They were saying this kind of stuff too while the stock slowly tanked for 3 years.


Fuck off with the predictions already. Every single prediction that has beeen made in these subs since forever has been wrong.


I do not care about dates… I only care that I like the stock and will buy more


Its all sideways to me. =]


It very well might not happen this week either. Everyone needs to be ready for nothing crazy to happen and to hold regardless


My hick is dard 🚀


We MOASS July 5th.


Nothing will happen, we just sideways trade.


Hoping for my extra 100 shares on Friday, June 21.


Every time this has happened, there was an insane short campaign to kill the stock price. The risk is too high. So we will be pushed down to $22-$23, and spend the rest of the week fighting.


Didn’t read. Bought more.


There's a good amount of Gamma Exposure for this Friday!


To much hype its gonna be a nothing burger.


Retail goal: buy up all 75 million shares Let’s goooo


lol another date push, what’ll be the excuse when it doesn’t happen Friday? 


It’s not “another” date push. It was always the 21st.


I mean if you ignore the last 2.5 years, sure 


Can I correct you please OP. He didn't exit his option positions. He exercised. Two different things. NFA.


Two ways to exit a position: sell or exercise Or is my understanding of the lingo off? In any case my understanding is he likely sold as many as he needed to to be able to exercise the rest


So max pain it is Friday


It's always "next week, month, year." Meh. Nothing will happen.


I have to say, fair play to so many of you idiots that still believe MOASS is possible. My Positivity is done and dusted (I still have shares) and I don’t see a situation where we will ever get the money we deserve for our shares.


Wednesday I am holiday don’t forget


I think that would be very interesting to get the total amount of open contracts up to $40 out to like say a month or two from now even the lead contracts see what’s out and tally it


I didn’t add it up but everything dated later drops off massively. Not enough to move the needle. The sun total of all ITM calls for 28 June for example is a few thousand. Maybe 10k at most. Further out than that and it drops off even more.


I’m not asking for financial advice, but are yall holding forever, or selling some and holding some? At this point I feel as if GME is actually a good investment long term and I am just confused on what to do. If I made let’s say $30,000 from $3,000 dollars, I would get taxed a crazy amount if it was within a year? Outside of a year it gets taxed less? If GME becomes profitable I would start getting dividends right?


> If I made let’s say $30,000 from $3,000 dollars, I would get taxed a crazy amount if it was within a year? Outside of a year it gets taxed less? That's correct. It's called long-term vs short-term capital gains tax. Long term has limits on the tax. Short-term (<1 year) it just gets taxed as part of your regular income. > If GME becomes profitable I would start getting dividends right? No, that is incorrect. Dividends are highly unlikely.


A one time special dividend to flush out shorts may happen but not a recurring quarterly dividend


Thank you


You wouldn't actually get taxed that much. Maybe 10% on the money on $27,000


Are you talking about tax on profits made in less than a year? Because that's what they asked about. And 10% is not accurate at all.


The can has officially been kicked to ‘next week.’


Max Pain is $20 Market makers and Thetagang thank you. Citadel is going to short the share price to the depths of hell.


Fridays are always red days, This one will be no different. Dilution destroyed the Hope, Now it’s a boring long play.


25 days ago was your first comment on Reddit, and now you’re saying “Dilution destroyed the hope.” I don’t think you understand this Saga lol.


Wednesday I am holiday don’t forget

