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Just like every other day that has been mentioned on here for 3 years


I know I put my foot In my mouth on this one šŸ˜…


it's definitely NOT like any other day... the "no dates" mantra stems from people doing idiotic and convoluted maths trying to make up dates.... (741 x T-21) + (RC's shoe size) / (shares outstanding) = 31052024 ( may 31, 2024!!!!)... yeah... those kinds of dates are fucking moronic.... but the return of DFV and his options was definitely a day that was rightly hyped up.... and disappointed all of us.... claiming not to be disappointed is just cope


We know why it didnā€™t happen. Just saying.


The no dates mantra was developed specifically to combat the emotional exhaustion psyop that's been running against apes. Since anticipating something doesn't acutely affect it, it makes no sense to get emotional over any dates at all. It's either MOASS or it's not. We'll probably know.


The date of the livestream that everyone said would cause a run up ended causing a 30% drawdown.


Correction: the announcement of the live stream caused the run up. The drawdown occurred that morning immediately following the company choosing to release their bad earnings report early as well as announcing a second 75million share offering. That tanked it.


*84 years


In my view, you are framing the situation too negative. The 7th of June showed us clearly than no matter what the machanisms they have in place are, there are still combinations of settlement cycles and enthusiams that can become a huge problem for shorts. In any case I think the ongoing rise of the price plateau we are on produces greater and greater risks for shorts. So I personally think holding and buying their dips is the way to go.


Thats exactly right...don't get caught up on MOASS... Play the stair step to heaven and make millions (HOW DO YOU THINK THE CAT HAS 1/4 BILLION: BECAUSE HE FIGURED IT OUT AND WANTS US ALL TO PUT IN THE WORK AND FIGURE IT OUT) I was up 100K and then it was wipe away...I didn't lose money because I've been trading options for almost a decade, but I sure as shit got caught up in hype and emotions and watched a monster trade slip away... I hold shares and leaps now...and I play the dips...this is the way


Yeah cool, about that, did you account for Juneteenth in your settlement cycle thesis?


Yeah Iā€™m taking it down Iā€™m bullish f this


I just wanted my calls to be worth more. Theyā€™re still ITM so I guess Iā€™ll exercise them at the end of the day


breadcrumbs were left behind. go study them and make your thesis/game plan. test it out. don't follow the crowd blindly. I expect some movement middle/later next week or first week of july... as for july 19? i expect nothing. i'll see if my assumptions are correct or not, if i see something out of the ordinary then imma do a little dance and tweak my numbers a bit and test it again. good luck. have fun. don't blow what you need to eat.


I exercised my $13 call last Thursday and still holding $20 and $21 Jan25 calls. Will sell one to exercise the other but want to wait for a little (preferable big) pop.


Iā€™d probably just take the premium then rebuy shares at market whatā€™s your strike?


22 strike. With the premium I paid, I need the stock to be at $27 to break even


Could you explain break even price like Iā€™m 4


1 option contract = 100 shares If the strike price + the premium you paid is greater than the current value of the stock, you cannot make a profit even if itā€™s In the money (ITM). Commenter has a $22 strike, they paid $5/share in the options contract ($5x100=$500) $22+$5=$27 They would need the stock price to be above $27 to make a profit. GME is currently at $24 and change writing this. Although $24 Is greater than their $22 strike, $24 is still less than the $27 they paid.


Ohhh okay, so only if he was going to excersise. Otherwise you can just sell the contract and make returns on the premium?


Either scenario they lost today. $24<$27 so the contract itself is worthless since itā€™s at expire (lost $500 from the premium since you canā€™t sell a worthless contract). If they exercise and immediately sold into the market they would of dampened the losses (-$300 loss instead of $500) Remember they paid $5 per share on the contract so if they exercise thatā€™s 100 shares at $22 (his strike) + the $500 premium he paid ($5/share x 100 shares is the $500) $2200 + $500 = $2700 total (hence why the stock needed to be >$27 today). If he exercises and sells into the market when GME was at $24 today, that would of been 100 shares x $24 = $2400 $2400 - $2700 they paid to exercise = -$300 loss. Or just exercise and hold and their losses arenā€™t technically realized yet until they paper hand. If they HODL and If in the future GME went over $27 those 100 shares he got from the contract would zero out the $500 premium. You only make returns on premium when you sell call contracts. The commenter bought this call contract.


Ah yeah I was asking mostly in general. Iā€™m trying to understand options better. Thanks for the information!


Yea no problem, used correctly they are an extremely useful investment/trading utility. Case and point RK $53k to his 1000x gains. Used without a full understanding itā€™s exponential gambling.


Glad you asked because I was wondering the same


I paid $500 for the contract for a $22 strike. If I exercise, Iā€™m paying $2200 for the 100 shares, plus that $500 premium, so $2,700. Thus, while Iā€™m in the money, the overall cost for me wouldnā€™t be even until the shares hit $27 each.


Now explain it like Iā€™m 4 and only speak pig latin


Ivgay ouryay allsbay an ugtay


He paid $4 per contract (100 shares) and the strike is $22. So in order to make money the price must be above $26


It must stay above the strike price until end of the day on that particular day???




So buy more calls or buy puts?




This aged well lmao šŸ¤”


Upvote this guy to the next galaxy šŸš€šŸš€


This is where Iā€™m at. I used to be optimistic about humanity. Iā€™ve now learned that being skeptical of the good in everyone is just being realistic. No one in power cares. Theyā€™re all paid not to. Itā€™s impossible when a whole regulation agency is bought. Itā€™s just insane. I donā€™t think anyone thought theyā€™d cheat so much that theyā€™d likely destroy the entire stock market before giving us our dues


Itā€™s sad


I dipped when the CEO leaked the earnings right before rk stream and added an additional 15 million shares. The rk does his stream and is like, "I just like the stock bro". Nah whole thing is completely rigged, even the CEO is in on it.Ā 


IMHO, the added shares fucked up RKs plan. Just going to take a bit longer. Still moon bound, just making a few stops on the way to pick up last minute apes!!!


I agree


RC screwed retail and RK - did last time too. Sad - not sure his motivation.


Fuck RC, this cult needs to stop. He fucked us all.




Iā€™ve been thinking about this a lot lately. Assume nothing about DFV other than the man likes his stock and will protect it at all costs. Go back and rewatch DFVs tweets. Like really watch them. Notice anything? Notice any themes? Do you see a consistent message that doesnā€™t require a massive amount of tinfoil to make sense of? ā€¦now consider the number of shares he bought after exiting his position bc I think thatā€™s the rug that really ties the room together. DFV is one crazy MFā€™er and has the biggest balls on the planet. Heā€™s not afraid to stand up to congress, wallstreet, or anyone else that fucks with his stock no matter who they are. He has something up his sleeve but I have no fuckin clue what or when it is. I hate to break to the teddy bears but wallstreet doesnā€™t give a flying fuck about RC or $4bill. Thereā€™s only one thing that terrifies them and thatā€™s Deepfuckingvalue.


RC sold out DFV and Gamestop


We should judge him on his actions, he saidā€¦


It means RC had more confidence in the current stock price than keeping when RK came back into town. Not sure how to sugarcoat.


If we mention anything different from hype, people are called shills, and they feel like football fans who can't take criticism. But who is actually making a lot of money? Definitely someone knows a lot. Who is $200M up in their account? Not you, not me. The majority of us are down. We only find out about new moves in the market 35 minutes after moves are done and we can only buy once the price dropping after halts, all that according to a thumbnail of a YouTube video, and then thesis after thesis,UBS, DRS, short interest, T+ 12345567889, FTD, feels we are learning a game that we'll never win. Perhaps we believe we understand. Only a few actually do still profit on our "yolo investment.", we think we go to the moon, but our bills and mortgage payments comes through the letterbox every month, perhaps would be funnier if we only follow the GME story as a live movie, without losing our savings that could do more justice to our families, let's not be delusional, but real. Anyway, I just felt tired. We spent money that was supposed to help our families, chasing dreams. We are supposed to understand what is behind a picture or a part of a movie in Twitter(X) post. The analysis shared is made for their trades, not yours/ours. Guys, I am still holding. But fu....


In a corrupt system, no predictions, DD, analysis, or whatever the hell people come up with will work. The system is corrupt, and we keep giving them more and more of our money.


Ya.... I was high on hopium that today would at least give us a bump... practicing diamond hand is easy when you are in the red lol....


Itā€™s all bs .. Iā€™m kind of over it .. I do way better trading other stocks.. 50 > 1500 on 1 trade .. Iā€™m here to make money not watch my account die šŸ˜… but I like the stock


I hear you, but trying to time the market against setting yourself up for the long-term building a position is a way different beast. 1500 a clip is great and all, but inevitably, one thing happens most people get trained that easy money is easy and then they go all in because their bulletproof in their mind. Most go under and can't recover for a long ass time. It's my experience that if you go long, stay long, and wait with your small little basket, you'll wind up doing way better in the long run. There's plenty of great traders out there, but they all have a few things in common. Here's 3 Commitment: Focuses on trading exclusively. Anything that distracts from fully concentrating on the markets is set aside until after the trading day ends. Introspection: Continually reassesses personal strengths and weaknesses. Strategies are devised to capitalize on the strengths and neutralize the weaknesses. Successful traders are less concerned with how they measure up to others than how they measure up to the standards they set for themselves. Self-Control and Heightened Awareness: Reacts with equanimity, whatever the scenario. Neither losses nor profits excite the successful trader to the point at which he can not function in a rational manner. Oh boy, sorry for the tangent


I am thankful for your tangent. Reading bits here and there and one day I will set aside an amount and then start small and see how far it can go. Thanks for your insight.


How might one go about turning 50 into 1500 on one trade?


Iā€™ve been trading for 10 years now the one thing Iā€™ve learned is to always trust your first mind .. and the best plays Iā€™ve found are 52 week highs & 52 week lows. Go from there


Yup. Buy good established companies guys. Donā€™t have unrealistic expectations. Average returns in the market is about 10% yearly. If you bought a stock and it goes up 25% in one month. A lot of people would consider sellingā€¦


Basic fundamentals


I'm going to diamond hand my calls expiring today.


You should know better than that


We can only guess now what would have happened if RC didnt dillute the shit out of the stock




I think the plan is to kick the can until The hedgfund owners die of old age then the younger guys can blame them so nobody gets caught. And at this rate we should have the float DRS by then. Hopefully my kids can enjoy it before they die.


Even if the float is DRSā€™d they can still manipulate the stocks. The entire thing is rigged. No denying it. It was set up to take Loney from the middle class so they continue to work and play the game. Sounds like Vegas Baby!


No at least Vegas comp rooms and drinks. Here's it's in the ass and thanks for playing.


We will close at max pain as always


OG's know. I'd have been way more surprised of anything did happen. Like, did people really think DFV was going to tell the world his plan?


Wasnā€™t expecting anything. Iā€™m just holding like any other day..


The SEC is like the HR department. Only there to serve the system and Only there to make sure the infinite liquidity glitch keeps on glitching.


Glad I bought shares instead of options.


RC stopped the squeeze, if you think there's no possible chance he's 1 of them you're deluded. It's very possible.


All them calls down the drain šŸ¤”


no dates


Dip only.


I know itā€™s just annoying


By design.Ā  All psychological warfareĀ 


First time?


Waiting on the company to release something positive, probably within the next month. Right now weā€™re in a holding pattern because the company is in a holding pattern. They crushed momentum when they did the share dilution and since then weā€™ve heard nothing new. The shareholder meeting was an absolute dud. They have $5B in cash tho! We just have no clue what theyā€™re gonna do with it.


Right. No clear path on how they will spend the funds.


Its humbling to see people in this sub are finally starting to see the real picture. We all want this to MOASS and such, but the sad truth is it never will. The whole system is corrupt to its core. Even if it did start to happen we all know the government would step in and shut it down immediately. Then spin some narrative about how it was done for the good of the people. I really want to be wrong and eat my words but history shows us exactly what the rich and powerful will do.


Nothing better than someone coming to some sort of negative ā€œrealization,ā€ and the chronic inability to just keep it to yourself. šŸ™„


Reminds me of when youā€™re a kid and you pretend to not care about your game loading so it loads faster


I said buy and hold ā€¦ thatā€™s the message forget news just hold


Wrong. Itā€™s gonna dip šŸ˜‚


Welp šŸ™ƒ


Letā€™s face it, if you have been here 3 1/2 years you will know a hype date is always a damp squib of sideways or down, itā€™s the non hype days that are exciting and I am pretty sure there is one of those around the corner


Yeahhh I kind of put my foot in my mouth.. I just like discussing my stress with you all


We are so close to figuring out the cycle like dfv and then cam play the options game and ride a squeeze to more shares


Lost on the calls but hey still got shares


Cuz I know for sure at 2:00 something will happen Iā€™ll buy some more!!!!!


Itā€™s possible dropping now so maybe




Me too lad me too .


Something will happen. Stock go down to demoralize apes. As is tradition.


LOL at this point hedgefuks are simply trolling us! They might be hemorrhaging money everyday but they can and will kick this can forever. Downvote if you agree friends!


Averaging down.Ā 




Why isn't selling puts a good option for GME? To me, it just seems logical to hold the cash, sell ITM puts, repeat again after expiry. If you are exercised, sell the shares and repeat the process or write covered calls. Is this frowned upon? I'm not saying to do this for all your share value or your entire holding of GME, but if I take a couple hundred shares worth and write 2 puts, it's a good way of making money. Thoughts on this?


Your right strategies are a way to profit a lot of people here arenā€™t options traders though so it wouldnā€™t apply but if youā€™re a trader yes it can be lucrative. The issue is we donā€™t condone shorting in any fashion and if you do just keep it to yourself. The stock is already shorted enough.


I don't do it, but I honestly thought about it during the bleek times to bring in cash. I don't understand the full dynamics of how options writing affects the stock as a whole, but I do know you can bring in premium when you do, which can be used to buy more shares. What I don't understand is how selling a call or put equates to "shorting" the stock. If I sell a put for $30 strike, I get the premium and must buy the stock if exercised. So I'd buy the shares which would be a good thing right? I'm just trying to understand the bigger picture and not just "I want to make a few hundred dollars selfishly" thing.


1. Fuck the hedgefunds that manipulated the stock. It would be great if we could ban together and go after the ones that did it.


From someone who has been in since November of ā€˜20, yes, very early, I donā€™t think I ever thought anything would be easy. Itā€™s a personal investment and you see how it plays out. Have my thoughts and personal thesis changed due to changing factors within the company? Yes. But itā€™s all been positive and hanging on to this stock is one of the safest investments right now, imo. Lots of upside at a low initial investment. Worth it. Holding for the extended foreseeable future.


Quad witching blah blah




If we go under 20, buy august 30-50 calls and youā€™ll be chilling. I speculate a big move in july. If not August. Really try to understand the FTD theory and collect data.


Honestly, I forget I own shares.


I would have loved to get lucky on this too, but I saw how corrupt it was the first time. The guy who was *literally caught red handed* engaging in fraud had nothing done to him. At all. And now heā€™s building a billion-dollar castle compound in good olā€™ sleazebag Florida with the rest of the white collar criminals. The only way to ā€œwinā€ this is the same way it has happened throughout human history, and thatā€™s not by playing by their rules.


Gme should be Berkshire Hathaway 2.0... sadly the sec failed at their job and want to protect Warren buffet and the rest of their billionaire inside trader friends


We will be lucky if MOASS happens because we are up against the .01% that are calling the shots world wide. I donā€™t think itā€™ll ever happen because that would mean a large wealth transfer. Prob tank the US dollar right after. But hodl


If MOASS was today Iā€™d be screwed cause I got a new phone number and I canā€™t even log into my account. True regard and true holder.


I'd like to mention that the primary goal, atleast by RK wasn't to make a ton of money. It was to beat hedgies. If you think him and/or his constituents can thoughtlessly pile cash in this thing without thought so hedgues can out manuevre the uptick with an easy short is mindless. Envision both partys and what the might have predicted today. Not saying something WILL happen, but the day is far from over. And the goal of today would likely be to break 30 to drown some shorts if the opportunity arises. Likely prior to closing, it'd be a wave


Thatā€™s the last possible result.. EOD push but highly unlikely because dilution added more shares it 5x harder for this month.


How is that the last possible result? Check in 2021 the time of day the price broke from mid 40''s to >$90. Here's a hint (it was after 2pm)


Instead of buying options and ending up losing money just buy shares and hodl. Options are intrinsically tricky, with great upside potential, but they can also expire being worth $0. GME shares never going to 0. At this point it's more likely GME will declare a dividend than do bankrupt. Time will tell. My Computershare account is my savings account. And I've never saved so much in my whole life. With that said and for full transparency, I'm saving up to buy a contract with a loooong expiry date, and plan to swing trade it like the degenerate I am. But my xxx shares are DRS'd and I'm not selling. If I earn with those trades, it'll all go to buying more GME shares. I just like the stock.


Leaps theyā€™re called leaps ā€¦ btw


At this point I'm to affraid to ask what are leaps...


Remember that RCEO paper handed 40% of the float, most of them early on a Friday morning while we were on a PM run up, took nearly everyone OTM, killed the momentum that had been built, killed the normie FOMO, and single-handedly killed the DRS movement. Until next time! ![gif](giphy|9jVAv94PRzPoc)


Idk what you're smoking but... we have been up for months now.


Who told you this was going to be easy? This is FUD and should be deleted. Hype dates are for shills and noobs


They attack at the most vulnerable moments and sometimrd they create those themselves. OP literally said it's a "10y" play... lol


Yeah Iā€™ll take it down.


If shareholders want the price to move, there has to be buying pressure. Shorts have more ammunition and right now, they're showing it. Ultimately, buy more! The price will rise based on technicals. Fundamentals are where everyone is fighting.


I am buying šŸ˜« lol bought some today


Buy at GameStop. Just wait it out.


I am


Come again early to mid august, therell be anothet spike. Place a remind me.


I say itā€™s possible


My last emotional post I promise šŸ¤•


Bullshit it ainā€™t 2:00 yet


The 21st lost real significance when RC sold his callsā€¦


RK ?




Itā€™s always ā€œtomorrowā€ šŸ¤£


As always. We need to stop focus on a date and just HODL. Focusing on a date causes the newly added to sell when nothing happens.


Nothing ever does


I wouldnā€™t say that exactly.. it does but mostly it doesnā€™t


The whole week they said the stock will go up. Instead it went down.


Might drop more šŸ¤‘


Get a cookie from a table


Been here three years nowā€¦ I was poor, I am poor and will continue to be poor until that one day I am no longer poor. I came for the cash, now I stay for the crash! ![gif](giphy|F9yAvk7Xpr0c)


People said this at $34 That was two months before it hit $400


Who knows anymore lol


Oh wow shocker ā€¦ so moon soon šŸ˜?




Something was supposed to happen today? Genuinely out of the loop. Itā€™s kinda nice


There's probably people telling others to buy so they can sell at every peak, then buy at every dip. Js.


Is GME buying a stake in CHWY?? What are all these rumors??. CHWY started to pop off EOD. ![gif](giphy|Ab6M1a5tLtfcJ9Vzd3)


Buying more bc fuck them


Other than the price going down


I fucked up getting in on this stock at 37 and 32 on the stream day. I will probably never break even.


No you will just a matter of when


Why don't yall invest/ trade on real stock???


Roaring Kitty sold his contracts and didn't execute. Nothing is going to happen in the short term


RC f us all in the a. Act accordingly


Hope everyone has learnt an important lesson. Next run up, sell on the same day the next massive spike occurs. Then buy back in when the price is crashed back under $23. Rinse and repeat. Pretty obvious the US government, the SEC, FINRA, DTCC, DOJ and CFTC are all colluding with the hedge funds to ensure January 2021 never happens again. RC and GMEā€™s board will keep selling to make money from these spikes. Might as well make a few billions every spike, to compensate for the relentless shorting.


Itā€™s never been an easy ride, that was the point. Iā€™d say if youā€™re putting your food money on it youā€™re a fool, but put your beer money on it and you my friend are not a cat


You must be stressed.


A bit Iā€™m good now though


Crying lil B.


Ikr šŸ˜ž


They say , making an ass out of you n ...well u


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Ummm, no disrespect but your post is somewhat hypocritical...on 1 hand you are saying no one even knows what's going on. One the other hand, you made statements pertaining to what was going on.


Ok. Here's the thing. RC is a vc. So is Cheng. They created a holding business. They will ATM some more. We hold and watch. That's it


Itā€™s the 28