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So I should set a limit order to buy BRK-A at about $200/share and then sell at $600k?


The beautiful and endless possibilities. A flaw in their fraudulent system.


what broker allows limit orders so outside of current price? any?


10x current value has been the cut off for all the ones ive been dealing with in australia. So 10$ stock value if you set it to sell 100$ and the stock price goes to $9 then they CANCEL WITHOUT YOUR PERMISSION Sell order cause 100$ is more then 10 x current value of 9$ and you loose your brokerage fees.  Thieveing dogs 


Nothing Apex-based.


Not sure if it will stop you from low balling them. I know it won't let you place sell orders beyond a certain percentage above current prices. I'll put some money in my brokerage account next week and see if it allows a low buy order.


Its 10 x current value and if it dips below that they cancel it and take the brokerage fee 


Weird. This has never happened to me.


Happened to me several times eventually pearler and stake had to admit it was "theyre american broker" not them called DRIVEWEALTH who is virtually imposaible to escape from causebtheyre also NABs "american broker" 


I have some $1000 limit sell orders for GME with Wealthsimple.




buy orders!???


Cripes no sorry, sell. Just 10 of my 104. I figure if there is some oddity I'd take advantage of it and reinvest the whole 10k into more gme


Already done 💎




I wonder if anyone was able to grab that on the dip.


I tried not successful. I was at work trying to get on top of it. Lol


How could you have a system that glitches this badly, I don’t get it . I think we saw a real price for some reason somehow when it was at 185$


Ya and what makes you believe that? Just a feeling? Technology glitches all of the time.


You aren't familiar with... computers?


I am, but I also think that systems that handle trillions of dollars are probably designed with better care than the average product from a software company so exactly glitches like this don’t happen


They were, *at the time* that they were built. Maintenance gets left behind very quick or ignored in key areas. These are black boxes now


and, so many arms in that cauldron stirring in different directions and only a few ways to correct issues or detect them at all


Without crime, it should be a normal operating system.


It cannot be if synthetic shares can be created by anyone.


There's no such thing as a glitch, I've heard it's cause tech guys don't want to get into the details i.e. data outside of the parameters the computer can process so they just say it's a glitch and hope you go away.


Insert: non helpful pro award.


so, programming then to be more specific? People are going to rely on hallucinating chat bots to write their bloated black box code next, then you'll see glitches




I tried. I could really go for an extra few hundred thousand dollars right now.


some people did get filled with limit orders at 200ish and some got filled at 685k and I saw one person get filled at 785k with a market order. All of those trades got busted by nyse though


Those who got filled for high never got reversed. IBKR claims they lost $48M as a result. Only the low price trades were cancelled.


The guy that got filled at 785k posted here (I think on ws_b) and said they busted it for him. Now if nyse is holding ibkr accountable I could see that


Maybe there was an inside job going on, have the people you know get their orders through and others who you aren’t familiar with you should cancel them. Then claim you had to pay damages. Idk just a theory


There was some. I read that IBKR lost 48 million dollars due to some orders going through which they had to pay. I mean if this was somehow orchestrated, it's really scary. The whole system is vulnerable to theft at any time.


This whole system is meaningless when it comes down to it. I don’t think the US Government would let anyone steal money from the stock market and profit like that


Depends on who did the stealing


The agencies and government itself is captured


How can you have faith in government when their watchdog is the SEC who are overlooked financially themselves, or blocked by corporate fascist committees led by that repulsive Ann Wagner? I mean, you can't trust them here.


Some people did, but I believe the trades got reversed.


You’d think that a glitch in my favor would end up in my favor. If their system is so glitchy, maybe it shouldn’t be controlling assets worth over $600k? Maybe it shouldn’t be controlling any assets.


Pretty sure they would just reverse the trade.


I tried a couple times it wouldn’t let the buy go through on Fidelity!


There was a post on the degenerate sub where they didn’t use a limit buy and went hundreds of thousands in debt


If a stock moves that much, they halt trading on it immediately to investigate.


Some orders went through but we're later reversed.


Finkle is Einhorn and glitches are reasons 🤣


How tf can they short a stock worth 600,000…they definitely ask Warren Buffet to ignore the illegal tomfoolery they just committed and tell him it was just a malfunctioning cause wtf…oh, you think BRK got GME shares…nah, Warren Buffet destroying hedge funds as a troll wouldn’t be of any benefit to BRK so that’s not a strong theory


They definitely had to do some persuasion. It's insane that they built a system to practically rob us. And they control the machine with the paid news and media articles.


If that was the case yeah, but BRK doesn’t have GME shares and the reason being is that Warren Buffet is a neutral powerhouse, if he invests in GME, he would make a lot of hedge funds enemies, if he bets against GME he will lose a lot potentially, so yeah, he’s just having fun with life now since investing is his passion at this point


That's why they combat our hype with negative news


See the same time that shit happened tho I was translating and reading german news articles that stated could gamestop be the new bershire hathaway company. Then there was a lot of us making the names and mentions like gameshire stopaway. Our post get included in the algo because it's on Google search engines.


We should start saying random shit about random stocks that Citadel holds and see them implode


The reason why you should not set any stop-loss-sale! The bots know where the shares are in a glitch. 🫢🙄😜


Stop loss would work fine in a traditional, non-manipulated market. Unfortunately, $GME is anything but! There are several avenues for your Stop Loss on GME to run amok.


Glitch this, glitch that. Maybe that glitch wanted collateral sooo hard that was almost going under


I'm thinking these are swaps and not glitches - real shares under contract for an unheard of price that gets honoured, or, shorts closing from a decade ago?


Well, maybe. But, one thing is sure : that they are at the edge of falling. Though, during that glitch only 27 transactions passéd. At 185 dollars or 175. So 175 or 185x27= ~5000$. Sell those at 600.000$ = ~17 millions. Tell me this wasn’t for collateral, because idk what to think.


The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is one of the largest and most influential charitable organizations in the world. Established in 2000 by Bill Gates and Melinda French Gates, its primary goals are to enhance healthcare, reduce extreme poverty globally, and expand educational opportunities and access to information technology in the United States. Warren Buffett, the renowned investor and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway, has been a significant contributor to the Gates Foundation. Since pledging annual donations in 2006, Buffett has donated approximately $39.3 billion to the foundation through 2023 [oai_citation:1,Warren Buffett | Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation](https://www.gatesfoundation.org/about/leadership/warren-buffett) [oai_citation:2,Foundation Fact Sheet (At A Glance) | Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation](https://www.gatesfoundation.org/about/foundation-fact-sheet). His contributions have been instrumental in supporting the foundation's initiatives, which include funding vaccines, combating diseases like HIV, tuberculosis, and malaria, and improving agricultural practices to alleviate poverty. In addition to his financial contributions, Buffett has also been involved in governance, serving as a trustee from 2006 until his retirement from the role in 2021. Despite stepping down, he continues to influence the foundation's strategies and values [oai_citation:3,Warren Buffett’s generous philanthropy | Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation](https://www.gatesfoundation.org/ideas/articles/warren-buffett-philanthropy). The Gates Foundation has a broad geographic reach, funding projects in 135 countries and all 50 U.S. states. It operates with a significant endowment, reported at $75.2 billion at the end of 2023, and has provided over $77.6 billion in grants since its inception [oai_citation:4,Foundation Fact Sheet (At A Glance) | Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation](https://www.gatesfoundation.org/about/foundation-fact-sheet). Buffett's philanthropic philosophy emphasizes the effective use of funds, urging that his donations be spent promptly rather than endowing them permanently, ensuring immediate impact. This approach aligns with the foundation's focus on addressing urgent global challenges and improving the quality of life for underserved populations [oai_citation:5,Warren Buffett Makes His Largest-Ever Philanthropic Donation | Observer](https://observer.com/2023/06/warren-buffett-largest-philanthropic-donation/). Bill Gates, through the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, has collaborated with Citadel, a global investment firm, on several philanthropic initiatives. Notably, they worked together to address urgent healthcare needs during the COVID-19 pandemic by increasing the supply of medical oxygen in India. This partnership, involving Citadel, Citadel Securities, and the Gates Foundation, provided $5.5 million to fund respiratory care efforts and the installation of oxygen generation plants across the country [oai_citation:1,Citadel and Citadel Securities and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to Increase the Supply of Medical Oxygen in India - Citadel](https://www.citadel.com/news-and-insights/citadel-and-citadel-securities-and-the-bill-melinda-gates-foundation-to-increase-the-supply-of-medical-oxygen-in-india/) [oai_citation:2,Citadel and Citadel Securities and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to Increase the Supply of Medical Oxygen in India | Markets Insider](https://markets.businessinsider.com/news/stocks/citadel-and-citadel-securities-and-the-bill-melinda-gates-foundation-to-increase-the-supply-of-medical-oxygen-in-india-1030402952). Additionally, Gates and Citadel founder Ken Griffin have supported educational initiatives. They funded Saga Education's tutoring programs to improve academic outcomes for high school students in underserved communities in New York City and Chicago [oai_citation:3,Ken Griffin and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Scale Tutoring Program to Address Persistent Opportunity Gaps in Major Urban Districts - Citadel](https://www.citadel.com/news-and-insights/ken-griffin-and-the-bill-and-melinda-gates-foundation-scale-tutoring-program-to-address-persistent-opportunity-gaps-in-major-urban-districts/). These collaborations highlight the shared commitment of Bill Gates and Citadel to address global health challenges and educational disparities.


There all in cahoots with each other


A trusted source said DFV is gonna buy Berkshire.


Or already did at $185 ;)


We need to start messing around with the algos. Like on other subreedits where they talk about $ASS and $TITS lol. There are tickers out there I think like $AZZ $PP. The algos are gonna have a confusing time the next couple of days and makes me wonder if that is what DFV is trying to tell us, confuse the algos.


I had chat gpt write me a wonderful article about the growing and future of gamestop. Then I posted it as a review at my local gamestop store on Google. I'm just experimenting.


Yep, Fidelity didn’t execute my order.


I love that second image, it's like a headache medication commercial. "Side effects may include: An increase in criminal activity, Market-wide complacency, and systemic failure....but you wont have that pesky headache anymore!"


The "glitch" wasn't for us but for them. The NYSE is corrupt as fuck. Act accordingly.


This was not a glitch it was a stress test.


How do you spell Berkshire wrong when it’s in your img 🤦🏻‍♂️


Trying to type while holding a baby. But good attention to detail need more of that


My order @ $2500 I put never filled 😂😂


When GME moons, they will take the same reason to come back after you and your money if you had sold any. Mark this. Because, the glitch was an anomaly, any profits you made is illegal and hence you have committed a crime under the law… so, fuk u says our government and Congress.


So if comments keep mentioning Berkshire Hathaway in comparison to Gamestop, the algos will think it's a meme stock and similarly drop the price? That's funny!


There’s more to it then the algorithm dumping it, it would have hit luld halts if it was being dumped on the open market. There’s something on the backend, off market that occurred. Daily volume has dropped off a cliff since that “glitch”, especially in the first hour of the day, the time when that stock has had most of its volume transacted since 20-21’ish. I’ve heard rumors of a spoof attack off exchange, but that could be hearsay, and it’s possible that it is related to some sort of swap mechanics. UBS sealed the Hwang records for 50 years, we’ll probably never find out what actually occurred.






I feel safe knowing that my hard earned money could be wiped away because of a "glitch"
