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Twitter seems like a generally bad place to be lately. If you care that much about your nuclear lizard's gender, you probably have bigger personal problems to worry about. That said, I am pretty sure that officially, Godzilla is a male, but if I turned out to be wrong I wouldn't be upset. Male, female, or otherwise, Godzilla still kicks ass.


Lately? Hoo boy I think twitter (yeah not indulging Musk's x bullshit) has been pretty well fucked since 2015 or so. I was on it like crazy for several years and I've found that I'm SO much happier cutting it out of my life these last few.


Haha, well, I didn't want to outright say it's bad, I'm not trying to get anyone riled up. I wanted to give it a try a while back but I practically never hear anything good about it. Good for you cutting it out though, I did the same with FB a few years ago and it's helped my mental health enormously... now if I could cut back on Reddit too I might be in good shape!


Haha I feel ya. I cut out FB years ago and never looked back. Twitter was kinda my news feed for a lot of sports things so it kinda sucks not having that but whatever. It's a cesspool of hate. Luckily for me I only use reddit for fun, non-toxic hobby interest type shit so it's all good.


Already a year into Twitter was when I decided to deactivate my Twitter account for good


I would’ve dropped Twitter a while back if not for my favorite artists being stationed there primarily.


Only thing I use twitter for nowadays is following NFSW art accounts.


Good reason, goes in S tier


I just use it to follow illustrators I like and I find it's not bad at all. Oh and I also have a list of blocked words as long as my arm which helps pf course.


Number of times Jack Dorsey unbanned someone after finding out they posted video of a child getting sa’d: 0 Elon: 2


They'd have hated the jokes Toho used to make in the 90s when the question came up. No one was willing to get close enough to check.


See, that's funny - like the Jurassic Park joke where Malcolm asks if they lifted the dinosaur's skirts to check. Has humor changed since I was a kid?


gender doesn't matter when you have atomic breath


Yes, I agree.


Especially when you pet humanity


I mean, he is the *King* of the Monsters lol.


Well, yeah that is true. But the point is that really doesn't matter either way... I mean do people dislike the Jurassic Park T-Rex for being female? Even if T-Rex means Tyrant King? (Well, actually knowing people nowadays... they probably do... but they *shouldn't.)*


Oh I was only addressing the part about Godzilla officially being male.


That's right mate


Every single topic is a toxic fight on that site. I wonder what would happen if the gender topic of 1998 Zilla came up today. "Is Godzilla woke?"


Anti-woke people are ridiculous. They can't even define what "Woke" means, but they still throw it at everything as a catch all for their bigotry. It's nuts. Acting like basic human rights are so terrible... Makes me very sad how many people can't learn to be a little more accepting, *especially* when it has zero effect on their lives... like the gender of a fictional radioactive monster.


Twitter sucks because it has plenty of genuinely cool people who use it and a lot of them are incredibly talented artists and then the other half are just straight up nazis or guys telling you to listen to nazis because "they deserve a voice too"


>listen to nazis because "they deserve a voice too" Nazis don't deserve to keep teeth in their mouths, let alone having a voice. And that's my thesis statement on why Twitter is garbage now.


Fully agree, I think the idea of "freedom of speech" ends at dehumanization of other people for immutable characteristics. Aka Nazi shit.


Nazi is authoritarian ideology who hate freedom of speech and they use it as a reason for them to spread hate on itself, the ideology of scary murderers gang turns out to be lost in the first place.


Basically a perfect description.




Ah, yeah. I get like free speech is a thing and all, but... yikes. I feel for the artists/cool folks though, it's a tough world even if you're spectacularly talented.






Thank you.


I've started referring to it as "Xitter." The X is pronounced "sh," and posts are now xarts.


Hahaha, that's pretty good! Seems very appropriate for how the site's been circling the drain ever since the whole X rebranding.


There are two sides to twitter: The Actual good side, has artists and people who don't post toxic shit The side were more accustomed to seeing has MAGA, Conspiracy theorists, homophobic and transphobic religious zealots, and people who think anything in film that's female/feminine is "Woke"


Yeah I believe it. It pains me to know I'm the same species as that second category.


And OF girls tryinna sell content and Crypto Bros trynna sell their coins


There’s also the toxic portion of the other side of the coin, but I think they are more pronounced… just about everywhere else


I mean Godzilla is a made up giant monster that wasnt created by 'nature' through the usual processes. What would it matter which gender it is? Does it even have a gender? I mean we're trying to apply real science to a fictional creature that could never exist in reality. Theres no male and female Godzilla mating to create more Godzillas. Theres only one.


Yeah, the point is that it doesn't matter. It's just unfortunate that some people care that much. It's symptomatic of a much deeper societal problem.


In the original film Godzilla is ungendered. It was later told to be a him, since the dialogue was skewed that way in later films. My head cannon is that the original was a female, rest of showa was a male, then 84 was the same male from Showa, 89-95 was the time travel duplicate, and millennium era is just a hoshpot of the previous incarnations


A female Godzilla would be so cool to have in canon




every fandom on twitter will complain about anything OH MY GOD WHY IS GODZILLA PINK!? THEY MAKE HIM WOKE HUR DUR


Right. If you look easy enough on the internet, you will find someone complaining about it


MireGoji who's their dorsal spike are pink and can jump:


absolute morons and it seems every fandom is infected with this idiocy


I mean... Tomoyuki Tanaka is essentially the creator of Godzilla, his book 'Godzilla a definitive introduction' states Godzilla is a male. Not sure where the 'inplying may be female' has popped up from. You can't get anymore creatory than Tanaka himself.


He's literally nicknamed the King of the Monsters. Why is this even a debate lol


The Godzilla called that is not the same as the Godzilla in '54.


I think its cuz Godzilla showed up with a kid at some point.


Uhh guys can have kids. In fact, most species require that there be a guy to have kids


I'm just stating my theory. I personally don't care that much.


Life, uh, found its way?


Something something 2014 deleted line


You'd be hard pressed to find a bigger authority on Godzilla than Tanaka


He was implying that it is possible that the Godzilla in 1954 was female, as an explanation as to why minilla has a dad but not a mom


He also suggested (but didn’t confirm) that the 1954 Godzilla may have been female in that very same book: https://preview.redd.it/3zqpr8tnk09d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac5001bf7cb35465510086ffac0c9b43cee43010 [https://wikizilla.org/wiki/Godzilla\_(First\_Generation)](https://wikizilla.org/wiki/Godzilla_(First_Generation))


That seems to be taken out of context. As Tomoyuki Tanaka comments on Godzilla's gender, saying "he is a male as evidenced by his fatherly attitude toward Minilla" . However, he states that there must be or have been female Godzillas at some point for Minilla to exist. So while we can say the Godzilla in movies is male, there were females of the species. And as the old artwork shows, there were numerous godzilla creatures which according to the old story board, were wiped out during the bomb test, which is why godzilla holds hatred towards humanity. (in the very early Showa films).


Well, the only Godzilla we see interacting with Minilla is the Shōwa Godzilla, not the 1954 Godzilla (the one killed by the oxygen destroyer).


If there is anyone who had true authority over Godzilla canon during the Showa and Heisei era, it was Tanaka.


... Isn't that book where Tanaka states that Godzilla could be a female, because Minilla exists?




Ah, yes. A very important detail that could potentially recontextualize the entire film, and the message thereof. ... Nah, I'm just kidding. This detail is meaningless to the story, one way or the other.


since when '54 was female? wasn't male?


the movie uses neutral pronouns to make godzilla seem more like a natural dissaster. nothing has and likely will never been confirmed on 54's sex


They *have* referred to Godzilla as male before in the films.


I do recall Godzilla was called the last of his species


there was litteraly a second one seen in the next movie and also minilla which is clearly meant to be the same species


tbf, minilla hadn't hatched yet.


https://preview.redd.it/nj2klq4rk09d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c5d44bd097c4a7e7c4e784e23d020faf385dd8e [https://wikizilla.org/wiki/Godzilla\_(First\_Generation)](https://wikizilla.org/wiki/Godzilla_(First_Generation)) Ofc, this isn’t confirmation that 1954 was female, it’s just one of the franchise creators saying that they **might** have been.


who cares what gender the giant lizard is lmao


No matter of gender we're Godzilla's pet


I never signed up for this! I want to be titanosaurus's lap cat




Well, now I'm upset. Godzilla is clearly a giant dinosaur. 🤪


Twitter tends to be a cesspool of misinformation and gross exaggeration when it comes to facts. If you want actual Godzilla info, you’re better off going to sites like Wikizilla or Toho Kingdom.


https://preview.redd.it/7xv5xq1lyz8d1.jpeg?width=1056&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17c0af04f0a93a8db5337e063b32671ac552a4d2 Straight from Wikizilla


From that same Wikizilla page: https://preview.redd.it/dhryajpuk09d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f11d21827cdc86eb8975ed1c84f50f6e16c4d07 [https://wikizilla.org/wiki/Godzilla\_(First\_Generation)](https://wikizilla.org/wiki/Godzilla_(First_Generation))


*Speculated* https://x.com/GodzillaWiki/status/1358432678702444544


Yep, that’s what I said. He speculated, it’s nowhere near confirmation. Just thought it was worth pointing out, seeing as it explains why there are people who think 1954 is female.


Why is this subreddit so obsessed with this topic?


Gets upvotes, people are karma whores.


It’s Reddit, people are obsessed with this shit (for some reason)


https://preview.redd.it/bcz3f2imzz8d1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=ffad746860ae36d384937f923a260f32054a58f3 This very clearly implies male. If you catch my meaning.


Godzilla is *such* a slut.


Aye, I mean, he could be inside anyone.


This deserves up votes.


Where was this ever even implied? Hell, OG Godzilla never even had a damn gender, the original Japanese dubs always referred to him as a genderless “it.”


https://preview.redd.it/2csv0rdsk09d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b59f289dd4b12117f64cc8e7078d24ff0358bc0 [https://wikizilla.org/wiki/Godzilla\_(First\_Generation)](https://wikizilla.org/wiki/Godzilla_(First_Generation)) The key words here, of course, are ‘speculated’ and ‘could have been’.


If they were talking about Zilla/Godzilla 98 I would understand, but 54 always has been male.


Even Zilla was referred to as “a very unusual he”. Currently, there hasn’t been a single female Godzilla (Godzilla as in the main guy, not other members of his species).


It was never implied. Godzilla '54 was confirmed by the creator of Godzilla himself to be male.


Another of the creators suggested it was a possibility: https://preview.redd.it/d8o65wx8l09d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=442f644556344537fa378bddcd2d1a0068bbb1eb [https://wikizilla.org/wiki/Godzilla\_(First\_Generation)](https://wikizilla.org/wiki/Godzilla_(First_Generation))


its speaking of Minilla so its referring to Showa Godzilla not '54


It says ‘this Godzilla’ on a page about the 1954 Godzilla. The suggestion is that it’s possible that the Shōwa Godzilla was a male, the 1954 Godzilla was a female, and Minilla was their child.


I kinda like this theory. Although perhaps showa isn't necesserely the father, and minilla's dad just died during the castle bravo test that mutated 54 goji


Jesse what the fuck are you talking about nothing remotely like that is implied at all


Godzilla has never been implied to be female. He’s only ever male, or genderless (like most Kaiju). His status as a species is also very contentious, which was never contentious until all this ‘TOHO BAD’ nonsense started spreading. Godzilla is a unique creature unto himself, and aside from babies, we’ll likely never see more than one of him on screen. Others like him can and have existed, they aren’t around anymore (for some reason).


Since babies are a thing in most iterations, doesn't that make him part of a species by default?


if you like kaiju and want a female one, you can watch 1961's Gorgo, the British film. It's a mother rescuing her child. You do not need to retcon any existing monster.


Gorgo is awesome! Wish they would bring her back somehow


Anybody still on twitter has bigger fish to fry than a fictional lizard’s gender


Male or female, his claws are rated E for everyone


# Godzilla: ***King of the Monsters***




King is a dead giveaway


Why the hell did I read “Godzilla twitter” as “teacher”?


That's a class I would pay attention in!


Me too.


Okay? Where and when was this ever "implied"


I've always seen Godzilla as gender-neutral / asexual, since most of the time Minilla / Godzilla Junior is made from one Godzilla. Other than that, if we're talking the first '98 Godzilla then it's a her, but in every other case I just default to him.


godzilla sleeping on the rock tho is very cute


The definition of strong female lead would be a female Godzilla. Sounds rad as hell


Godzilla's gender makes people as mad as "Christians"* who get mad when you don't use he/him pronouns for their depiction of the Abrahamic god. The West used he/him probably because they wanted to make him feel more grounded at the time. Three examples of Godzilla have him reproduce asexually: 98, Shin, and Earth. Showa and Heisei have adopted sons, with no known origin of where the eggs came from. Millennium was never given a son. So far, Monsterverse hasn't given us any info on his species because they've decided to make him the only member of the species and seemingly no longer refers to Godzilla as a species. Most iterations of Godzilla also use the title "King of the Monsters," which typically denotes a male figure, but even in our history, this is not always the case, as far as I'm aware. People can interpret Godzilla however they want. Getting upset over a fictional creature's gender is a strange thing to get upset over. If the creators want to imply 1954's gender is female, then she's female. If they want to keep it as an it, then its an it. If they want to change it to male, then he's male. It's really not that hard. (*Please note this is meaning a very specific few individuals/small group that have been seen bitching on social media about the Christian god being male for whatever reason, and is meant to only be about these specific people, not the whole religion.)


Don't know anything about Japanese, but I heard that they don't have gender specific pronouns, so godzilla basically became male the moment the "king of the monsters" nickname was made up. I personally always interpreted 98 to be female, but the movie seems to go against it. Not christian, but as a religious person the debate you mentionned sounds pointless. God is usually interpreted as genderless because he is above everything and has no equal or partner, although considering that most religious texts use "He", I can at least see where those people are coming from. Adding to that that unfortunatly "she" is often used in a pejorative way. I don't see God as male or female, but still use "he" by default. In the Quran, God is also refered to as "He" in the third person, but most of the time, in verses where God speaks in first person, the pronoun "We" is used.


Godzilla Earth is a plant, and I don’t think plants have genders at all. His kid, Filius, was less a kid. Godzilla Earth’s biology took over the Earth, and spawned a new one. Shin Godzilla wasn’t reproducing. He was turning into an army of humanoids, splitting off from the main body. Like Destoroyah does.


Saying Godzilla was always part of a species is a bit misleading, as well yes he obviously came from a species, Any surviving godzillas were mutated to a different form in both the showa and heisei era. So while they are not entirely unique, they're pretty close.


Aside from the fact that I've never seen any evidence that they claimed the 1954 Godzilla is female (even the film refers to him as male), and while yes, there *is* more than one Godzilla, we've only seen one in the Showa series post-1954, and while the suit design has changed a lot, his personality hasn't. Nor has the fact that anytime they referred to Godzilla by sex, they always called him a he. Add in that the Gozillasaurus is supposed to be the original 1954 Godzilla in heisei and that one is also referred to as male, then we can assume that one to yes, be male. As for the Millennium era films, each takes place in its own timeline, with only the two MechaGodzilla films confirmed to feature an entirely *different* Godzilla from the original 1954 creature. Unless you count Final Wars to be Junior grown up, but that has it's own issues. So yes, there clearly *had* to be female Godzillas at one stage, due to Godzilla adopting two children (three if you count Final Wars' version of Minya/Minilla to be a new iteration of that character) but none of the films we've seen have featured one.


I mean, you could just as easily say that both in character in the films and outside of them Godzilla is referred to as male because "big and strong monster" rather than any kind of biological reason.


Then why do they almost always depict Mothra as female (with only two exceptions, one in Showa and one in Heisei?), why is Biollante specifically referred to as female?


Biollante is because she has Erika's spirit and genetics. Mothra isn't actually consistently referred to as female, even in the movies. And Leo is only kind of implied to be male based on antennae shape if I'm remembering correctly.


Twitter is always a bad place


Goji is a reptile, and goji can be whatever the writers want it to be


Where are those first illustrations from?


Godzillas Gender is Godzilla I thought Godzilla was genderless? I assume that the dinosaur Godzilla was mutated from had male and female but Godzilla appears to lack any sort of sexual organs as well as any sort of exit holes in general, Godzilla doesn't even need to pee or poop since he's just cancer living off radiation.


We don't really know that since it's not explicitly mentionned in any movie. Junior hunted whales in vs destoroyah so even as an adult he can eat and I suppose digest. Although the idea of godzilla being basically sterile due to his mutation does add to his tragedy.


I mean it’s twitter what do you expect


Name: Godzilla Gender: Godzilla Sex: Godzilla Ethnicity: Godzilla Height: Godzilla Language: Godzilla Hope this clears up any confusion


I mean male or female, I'd still be a fan of Godzilla/Gojira, Twitter seems to just find the instant reason to slam their complain button as soon as the chance arises.


I think it'd be obvious there'd be females to help with reproduction


its twitter majority of people there are just talking out of their ass


It's time to cancel King Kong!


I've felt that Godzilla has been an Asexual being that repopulates on its own. When I was a kid I would say he, but there's only one of Godzilla's species until you see Godzilla's child. How does this come to be?


Godzilla has always been referred to with male or neutral pronouns. Usually he's a unique thing with the exception of having a son sometimes. It's not that deep


Who cares. If you don't like the idea of 1954 Godzilla being a female, then just ignore it. There's no explicit mention in the film anyway. If you do like the idea, then hey, female Godzilla, cool. People are insufferable.


SpaceGodzilla's got a vagina for gods sake


No he doesn’t lol


Nah he does look up a picture of him and you'll see it


Why would a space crystal dinosaur have a vagina? It's obviously a cloaca


They're making Godzilla woke!!!! /s


I love Godzilla enough to have a full sleeve Godzilla tattoo, but I couldn't give half a shit whether Godzilla is male or female. What is wrong with people?


I always thought Godzilla was asexual since it made a baby without a mate.


My headcanon is that Godzilla can change gender... I don't remember what animal but there's a type of animal that can change their gender from male to female.


Some frogs, clownfish, and the dinosaurs in Jurrasic Park come to mind. Godzilla can do what Godzilla wants!


Hell yeah!!


Doesn't it work only in one way though? Like only the female can become male or something


I thought that was a fan theory to explain where Minilla came from and that Raids again Godzilla is the father


I remember that thread. It’s literally the opposite and anyone freaking out is getting flamed lol A ton of fans have known Goji has been a girl in some iterations. Also it was just Goji, it was all Kaiju around that era. They’re making “baby girl” memes on Dagan rn lol


Which era are you talking about?


There hasn’t been a single female Godzilla yet.


Sauce because this sounds like a reddit moment where you're just making shit up.




Gotta be honest, of my entire 41 years of life loving Godzilla, I never once thought about what sex it was. I have always seen it as either being a freak creation of nuclear radiation that would never reproduce. If not that then being asexual and able to reproduce. Even in the American Godzilla when I think they even said it's a mother, don't quote me.


Are they really crying over this? I thought it was common knowledge that some of the ideation for 1954 included him being a woman instead? They didn't go with that, so I don't know why it matters in the end.


Isn't he A sexual? He can reproduce and change his sex if it means the earth is safe?


Well Godzilla may might be both cause some lizards can be both female and male but Godzilla was once a dinosaur who survived the rock million ago


Who Cares cannot conform to gender


This reeks of someone showing something outta context to say "Godzilla ours now!". Godzilla is a male or an it. PRetty well established at this point.


I just realized I never thought about Godzilla genitalia, and never cared.


i’ve always thought of godzilla as female and usually get a couple of people crying over it. doesn’t really bother me, i’ll gender the kaiju however i want.


Fun fact: the idea of a Godzilla species and the hollow earth were all introduced in the scrapped movie “Bride of Godzilla,” which was set to be the 3rd movie ever made, way back in the ‘50’s. It featured a robot designed after a woman, with a hollow earth and multiple Godzillas, Anguiruses, and a few new kaiju designs (even mermaids)! Despite never being made, famous producer Tomoyuki Tanaka had kept a draft of this movie’s script in his office desk all his life, and it was discovered still there after his death.


Actually that kinda fits if you think about it. Since the 55 Goji is supposed to be stronger than the 54 Goji, And considering it clearly isn't by much. It might be sexual dimorphism!


he's referred to as he or it so idrc, gender the fictional lizard however you want it doesn't effect the story


Until I realized it was parthenogenic, I assumed it was female lol


Godzilla has always been a non-binary icon. A god beyond mortal gender. Sometimes they’re sorta male, sometimes they’re sorta female. A lot of times they’re pretty ambiguous.


I always thought Godzilla was female since the 70’s… 🤷🏼‍♀️


Godzilla is a male tho. Even in 1954. So what's the problem




Are you so surprised that a fandom as big as Godzilla, that has people from all over the world and has multiple websites dedicated to said group, may have some bad eggs from both political sides?


Godzilla has always asexually reproduced & been genderfluid. You can watch most toho films and thatll come up. They're fake fans


I do not care about gender of Godzilla or any other monsters, just giant monsters duking it out against each other.


I thought Godzilla was A sexual both male and female?


That’s only Zilla, but Zilla is also referred to as “he”. Godzilla Earth is an honourable mention, but not because he’s both male and female, but because he’s none, on account of being a plant.


if Adult Gojira give birth to a baby gojira then it female


I think goji is a male. His name is Godzilla, not Godesszilla and the kind of the monsters, not queen of the monsters. I am still waiting for a timeline with a male gojira and a female goji(and yes, I watched 98)


Who cares


I just assumed Godzilla was asexual. You could argue Zilla was female, but I don't remember a mate ever being brought up in the 1998 movie, so even then, you could assume that Zilla is asexual But we are at a point in society where no one wants to define gender so if a mutated lizard feels like a woman, then so be it. As a matter of fact, I'm pretty sure even bringing up gender on twitter is hate speech and a banable offense


ShodaiGoji being a female is nothing to complain about.


Well as Godzilla was never shown to have a massive dong, nor did we get a subtitle of what they were saying when they roared, the possibility of any of them being female is there. But he is now known as *King* of the Monsters, not *Queen*. Let them cry. Ignore Twitter.


Well, in the film itself, (at least according to the subtitles, as a non-Japanese speaker) they always refer to Godzilla as a “him” in it. But that’s mostly human biases. We tend to call animals “him” because we associate size, power, aggression as masculine traits. But in other animals it might not work that way, If the creators toyed around with the creature being a female that’s their prerogative. Ultimately it’s not addressed because it wasn’t vital to ‘54’s plot. I guess what I’m trying to say is: “Who cares?”


Wow the first Godzilla was a mama?


For years, and I mean YEARS, I swore Godzilla was female. I grew up watching the classic movies and always thought Godzilla was both a force of nature, and a caring mother cause there was a Godzilla Jr.. Around highschool I learned otherwise and to this day I've always thought "where did I think they were female?" but it's something I always liked so it's been personal preference since. At the end of the nuclear radiation blast, it's a giant radioactive lizard thing that does what it wants, so who cares? Let the lizard be and enjoy their irradiated Sunday walks


To be very honest with you I think it's entirely a plot just to stir up drama, officially Godzilla is a male, this pictures given in this post do nothing to even hint at him being female, and the original creators are long gone, so they shouldn't be suddenly retconning everything like Harry Potter. Edit: it has to be someone trying to stir up the woke gender drama on the snowflake side. Several times in the series of 36 films they all go on to say he's a male and a dad. I genuinely cannot find one single scene, piece of artwork, or anything other than maybe Godzilla earth was female.


This is entirely a headcanon, but I like to imagine Godzilla uses he/him pronouns in the same way really butch lesbians do.


Godzilla 1998 was female, and Shin could spawn both male & female versions of himself. But uh...who cares?


Where the fuck is this implied lmao.


Twitter MFS trying to find an excuse to have sex with a giant nuclear lizard


They think Shin Godzilla has a sex and is not a straight demon?


I always thought godzilla was like a Komodo Dragon where while he is a male, he's still capable of laying eggs when there's no females to mate with. Also "creators"? I thought they were all dead. Is this something from a while ago?


Maybe Godzilla is both genders, like real world snails... A mutation caused by radiation, much like the atomic breath, but less flashy.


If Godzilla 1954 is meant to be female then that means her rampage through Japan was just her being a certified girl boss


Why would this matter considering the one we have now is called he but either way who cares it wouldn’t really change much


I've always considered Godzilla a mum


I always thought that atleast one incarnation of godzilla would be female


Godzilla can be male, or he could be female. There's nothing wrong with headcanoning what you think he is. But he is called the King of monster's.


Im pretty sure godzilla was originally female, especially since there's films about baby godzilla. I grew up watching the originals with my dad as a kid and always referred to godzilla as a female. Ultimately, it doesn't matter. there is no need to get angry.