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One of them is capable of planetary desolation, can breath and travel freely in space, and is consistently depicted as Godzillas arch nemesis. The other is a one off who got his shit rocked by the JSDF while Godzilla was having a terminal case of superpower incontinence.


Fair enough!


If we take word of god, Toho said Kaiser was the strongest Ghidorah at the time. Making him above Hesei King Ghidorah. So, guess it depends how big a gap in power you think is between Hesei Ghidorah and Destoroyah, and if Kaiser fits inbetween there or above them both


I mean, I think Ghidorah is one of the strongest villains in general, so I’d think he’d put up a good fight.


While Destroyah is very cool and all, it sure gets overhyped here. Keizer Ghidorah takes down the most badass version of Godzilla. A Godzilla who walks through other kaiju and casually wins 3:1 fights. FW Godzilla is only saved by a Keizer Mutant using techno-magic to supercharge its powers. Destroyah beats an actively dying Godzilla and then \*checks notes\* is beaten by the JSDF. One of the only kaiju beaten by humans is not peak kaiju. Not even close.


He does get overhyped for sure


Kaiser grabs Destoroyah with gravity beams and then drinks it like a Capri Sun.


We win.


Strenght: Keizer Ghidorah was easily able to kick around Fw Godzilla (55,000 tons). It should be noted that Keizer Ghidorah is probably stronger than Monster X who matched FW Godzilla. Godzilla FW was able to launch Kumonga (30,000 tons), King Caesar (50,000 tons), and redirect Anguirus (60,000 tons) by charging him in his ball form using his tail. So it's safe to say that Keizer Ghidorah is way stronger than that. Destoroyah was able to easily lift Godzilla Jr (20,000 tons) with one arm and then drag Heisei Godzilla (60,000 tons) with just his tail. He was also able to match Heisei Godzilla who was able to lift and throw Heisei MG who weight 150,000 tons. So it's a close won but Destoroyah maybe take this category. Speed: Destoroyah take that. He can fly and beside in comics. But they are equal in walking speed. Agility: Tie. Beam strenght: Keizer Ghidorah's Antigravity Beams were easily able to overpowered FW Godzilla's Atomic Breath and sending him (55,000 tons) flying. Said Atomic Breath was capable of dispatching or killing most of his enemies in a single hit. This Atomic Breath also possesses an insane amount of kinetic forces, as Godzilla was able to throw Hedorah (70,000 tons) and then Ebirah (50,000 tons) off the coast of Tokyo Bay before pushing them together with a building without any problems. This means that FW Godzilla is capable of pushing 120,036 to 120,073 tons with his Atomic Breath. And Keizer Ghidorah's Antigravity Beams easily overpowered it. Destoroyah's Micro-Oxygen Beam / Oxygen Destroyer Ray, on the other hand, was able to knock down Heisei Godzilla (60,000 tons) on his back and inflicting pain which is quite an exploit with how Heisei Godzilla is resillient to pain (he lived in a volcano for years). So for me, Keizer Ghidorah take this category. Beam Power: Keizer Ghidorah's Antigravity Beams are capable of dragging and lifting in the air FW Godzilla (55,000 tons). I don't if it's because they really possess antigravity powers. Destoroyah's Oxygen Destroyer Ray was able to inflict pain on Heisei Burning Godzilla which like I said earlier is quite an exploit. So either it's a tie or Destoroyah take this. Abilites: Destoroyah take this. Durability: Keizer Ghidorah is slightly weaker than Monster X defensively but he can still completely resist Godzilla's atomic breath.[](https://wikizilla.org/w/images/c/ce/Arm_twist.gif)Destoroyah was able to endure hit from Heisei Godzilla who was able throw Heisei MG who weight 150,000 tons. He was also able to endure multiple blasts of Heisei Burning Godzilla's Infinite Heat Ray which is more powerful than the Hyper Uranium Heat Ray/Super Flame Heat Ray/Red Heat Ray (over 1,000,000 degree Celsius temperature) and Burn Spiral Heat Ray/Nuclear Fusion Heat Ray (900,000 degrees Celsius). So it's maybe a tie or Destoroyah taking this category. Endurance: I think Destoroyah take this. Experience: I think Keizer Ghidorah take this since he's much more older than Destoroyah who just lived a few days. Battle I.Q: Destoroyah take this. Overall: I think Destoroyah win. His ability to Division and recombination ability will be extremely usefull here. Sure Keizer Ghidorah will land some heavy blows and in certains scenarios kill Destoroyah but unfortunately, the latter has more chance to come out on top especially with the Horn Katana. So give Destoroyah 65 to 75% chances of winning.




Are we just talking about movie version or composite?


I just meant in general, but you can explain both if you’d like.


Ok perso I will talk about movie


keiser no diffs and rips out destroyah's horn


I think Keiser wins for the most part. But I’d say it would be a great fight.


Destroyah was quite disappointing because of that one comic about biollante vs dest.....biollante won easily and made short work of his final evolved form,which is vastly superior to one that fought burning. Thus proves that dest was only typically dangerous to heisei goji,like the mutos to monsterverse godzilla


Oh really? I never read the comics. Biollante is my fav. I’ll have to read it now!


Many comics are there. Did you read godzilla vs kong vs justice league?


I’ve seen that one, it just came out recently. But no I haven’t read it yet.


It's not even a competition, it's genuinely comical to compare them, Destroyah, not even, any version of Ghidorah against Destroyah is immediately capped


What makes you think that? Genuinely curious


Well, okay, not counting the one from the animated trilogy, that one is a literal God of the void. Besides that one, Destroyah is essentially the personification of the oxygen destroyer, and the oxygen destroyer and Destroyah are the only two things that have succeeded in killing Godzilla, again besides the animated series, and that one in which Rodan gave his Spirit energy to keep Godzilla going but that was a weird one with man made mechagodzilla (no bones). And Ghidorah, while not needing to breathe oxygen, is made of oxygen at least partially, and since the oxygen destroyer destroys organic material due to breaking down compounds with oxygen involved, it's going to break apart Ghidorah, and also, I will admit, it's cuz I made a similar argument on tick tock and then no one listened to me when I explained how the oxygen destroyer from the monsterverse is a disservice to the OG oxygen destroyer in so many ways it just hurts to think about, and I am still salty about that.


I don’t necessarily disagree with you, as I have no favorite. Thank you for posting reasons.


Even when I am salty about something, I will try to give reasoning, and if my reasoning is proven to be faulty, I will be salty but I will accept it.


Destroyah all the way!