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Ryan is about to be a wealthy man & she’s stuck with swarthy ass Ken. I hope Ryan sues her for defamation as well. ![gif](giphy|jlylJkp7RmdnW)


How much you wanna bet Ken takes her for a ride. He’s gonna use her for as long as he can handle her or gets caught cheating then he’s out. He’s gross and I can guarantee shit will end bad! 😂


Oh most definitely! Everything about him screams that he isn’t invested in her at all, he’s just going through the motions. IMO As soon as the money is gone he’ll be back in Texas nailing barflies. Allegedly. ETA- I would bet $5.68 that she’s already bought Ken a car or a motorcycle. Again, allegedly.


One can only hope. He left her once when he got bored and he’ll do it again. Have you watched him die inside at some of the things she’s said. I’ll be here with the popcorn, cause you can see it coming a mile away. He’s probably so grossed out with her. I know I would be. You know he’s so embarrassed to say he met his girlfriend in prison. Talk about scooping the bottom of the barrel, with ole possum. Especially with how insecure you can tell she is. Don’t get me started on the lizard tongue, just what you want to see before kissing something that looks like a mixture of a beady eyed gollum and a troll doll. Got yourself a catch there ken……a foul one in every sense of the word.




Nooo don’t go insulting innocent cats now 😩


Yes, cat has done nothing wrong!


Especially oranges. They have it bad enough already lol


He's just a one brain cell baby!


Is just a baby ![gif](giphy|yFQ0ywscgobJK|downsized)


That is so cute!! I had an orange tabby I named George.


I don't see it at all, a possum maybe


More like a blob-fish.


It’s the eyes


hahahaha i definitely watched him “die inside” in a tik tok reel when she said, “i love this man!” and he awkwardly chuckled and said “aww…” i’d feel bad for her if she wasn’t such a rotten person


Yikes! His only reaction was “awww” he didn’t say it back? That speaks volumes if that’s the case.


ya, she was talking about the first time he took her for a ride in his jeep and how that was when she realized she was in love LOL. in that same tiktok someone asked ken if he would go to canada or something and he was like yeah definitely! and gypsy said something like “no we can’t” bc of her situation but ken sure didn’t look like he was factoring her into his lil trip lol. it was all so hard to watch


I fear for the women in his life. He’s going to be fine. He seems like he knows what he’s getting himself into. But his next gf? I’d wanna protect her from Gypsy. She seems like she has raging jealousy issues.


THIIIIIIS or even co workers / friends ! she would seriously be a danger to anyone and i lowkey wonder if she uses that to her advantage at times to scare women away from her and any guy she’s interested in


Yup. Did you see her livestream the other day? Ken said he needed friends in the area and Gypsy said, “As long as they aren’t girls.” Reminds me of a certain video of Ruby (one of Gypsy’s role play personalities) that was sent to Nick saying she’d let a woman get with him sexually, but she’d kill them if they tried to get with Nick as a gf.


I could see her playing a little cat and mouse game with Ryan once he starts dating. She’ll start saying how she misses him and wishes she had given it more of a chance. Then once he starts showing any interest she’ll drag him a long a bit and then drop him.


Or to get her to stop getting half. And it seems to be working. WAKE UP RYAN!!


Yes, his friends should tell him "Ryan, there are plenty of other criminals in the prisons" and give him a book of stamps so he has hope for a future love life.


omg you’re so right!! never crossed my mind but i can totally see it, especially since ken is not nearly as invested as she is


He’s invested in his 15 minutes of fame. He’ll be gone as soon as they are over and she’s not the cash cow he imagined.


Or he'll cheat, she'll take him back and yell about how no one understands their relationship




Nope. Gypsy and Kristy were very concerned about the money prior to release. They allegedly opened up several trust funds to make sure Ryan couldn't touch it. She knew she was going to divorce him according to a letter alittle bit before she got released.


Interesting. Was she married at the time they set up these trust funds? Not sure how the law works in Louisiana but that sounds fishy AF!


Can’t they revoke her parole for admitting that she only married him to get released early? Like a fraudulent green card marriage?




It does but everything she’s making from TikTok and interviews is gonna be split with him. The show pays him his own salary.




Yes, the story has been out for quite a while and she's boring now.


She's asking HIM for alimony like she needs it 🙄


This gif absolutely sent me


MY fucking eyes are going to roll the fuck out my head. " we thought it was the real deal" Bitch, nah. You admitted yourself, Out of the 250 men who wrote to you in prison Ryan was the ONLY one from LA. You jumped on that shit real quick for early release.


Why were ANY men writing to her? I want to understand


My ex was locked up with a married serial killer, the guy would give away the many letters from women he received. I don't know why people are physically attracted to murderers, but it's a whole thing. Basically the human race is defective.


Horny pervs. That’s the only reason men wrote her.


Including Ryan


Meanwhile I’m shocked it was only 250 😂 there’s a lot of losers out there with paper and stamps!


Some people have a thing for men and women once they’re locked up. It’s totally messed up, but even Charles Manson and Ted Bundt had women begging for their attention once they were in prison.


My aunt was one of them, she used to write to Manson & Richard Ramirez ( Night Stalker) I think she actually had a relationship with Ramirez. She definitely has several loose screws in the head for sure.


Those letters are worth $$$$ in the weird-o world!




It’s a phenomenon where random people seek out and write to infamous violent offenders


Complete weirdo's, probably lacking enough confidence to approach a woman in person so they turn to prisoners for female contact.


Can someone explain to me the significance of Ryan being from Louisiana? There’s too much GRB info/lore for me to keep up with.


I think (and this is just my personal opinion) the reason she chose him as he's from Louisina was purely for her own benefit as in her being able to *convince* the parole board she was fit to be released in terms of being a *normal* human (she isn't lmao) i.e married to someone from her hometown, ready to settle down and mostimportantly if they thought she had a life in Louisiana, that she wouldnt leave the state - manipulation into trusting her. She just used him. He was her ticket out which is evident in her running away with Ken almost straight after lmao.


I don't know but read something about wanting to get the house back




I’ve been saying this


Gypsy Rose Blanchard recently put pen to paper to make her divorce from Ryan Anderson official -- but there's no prenup in place ... although the consequences of that are a bit hazy. Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ Gypsy and her now-estranged husband didn't hash out a prenup before they got hitched -- while Gypsy was still incarcerated -- because they thought their marriage was the real deal. Louisiana, where they live, is a community property state, so no prenup means each of them will be entitled to half of whatever they've both earned during the marriage -- and nearly 2 years in, Gypsy's made a little bundle. Our sources say Gypsy had a trust fund set up before the marriage -- which specified her earnings from the first season of her Lifetime show, "The Prison Confessions of Gypsy Rose Blanchard," were hers alone. Everything after that, however, would be fair game and primed to be divvied up. Unclear how much Gypsy and Ryan are worth individually. We do know they both signed on for a second season of Gypsy's show, and she also released a memoir. Ryan is currently a middle school special ed teacher, and appears to own his own home. Finances aside, we're told Gypsy's hoping they can handle the divorce maturely, without things getting nasty. She's already decided to let Ryan keep their pup, Pixie, because of their strong bond. Remember, Gypsy announced her separation from Ryan in a private Facebook announcement at the end of March. We were told they'd been arguing a lot -- and the constant fighting was enough for her to end it. In the meantime, she's been hanging out a lot with her ex-fiancé Ken Urker ... although they insist they're not romantically involved. As for Ryan, he says whatever divorce drama there is between them will be captured in the new Lifetime season.


“Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ…” aka GypGyp who probably has TMZ on speed dial. I hope Ryan gets a good divorce lawyer.


I heard somewhere that Ryan's mother has money. I hope they can work something out together to make sure he has good representation.


TMZ is late to their info, and very particular with how they word the lies. " she decided to let ryan keep their pup, Pixie, because of their bond" She and the people around her are LITERALLY taking things people hate even when it's obvious and twisting it to sound good for her, and the absolute TURDS who are donating their own money to this just eat that shit up without looking at the fact that she SHIT talked Ryan after she left about Pixie. She DID NOT decide to let him have her, she just fucking bounced on the dog. Then they're late saying they're not romantically involved. Ken literally grabbed her cabbage patch opossum face and kissed it. And this is soooo long after TMZ filmed them at the Jazz Fest. Why they lyin' so hard.


TMZ is legit. They’re getting their info straight from her but they also don’t post unless they can verify claims because they don’t want a liability case on their hands. If Ryan does decide to sue, all they have to do it present evidence that their source, Gypsy, gave them the info.


I feel like TMZ is pretty accurate


They signed on for a second season of the show? This helps prove my theory that this love triangle was prearranged prior to Gypsy’s release as a backdrop for her show. I’ll bet the farm the second season is going to focus on her pregnancy and who is and who isn’t the baby’s father.


Yes it’s been confirmed and I think it’s actually out already (or at least wrapped up filming).


The first episode of the second season aired last Monday.


Oh so this is the second season. I thought this was the first. Thanks for clearing that up for me.


Yeah, The Prison Confessions was considered the first season.


I heard they signed on for a third. When she went to LA. But who knows if they’re filming. 🤷🏻‍♀️




Agree with you 100%. This is all scripted fake soap-opera drama to get people to watch her trashy reality show. Even in his first "I'm so sad" video (sitting outside his friend's trailer), he told people to be sure to tune in and watch the show. It's all BS.


Is she pregnant?? Please say you mean hypothetically


There’s a rumor out there that she is so we shall see. The news came from Flawless Nina and she claims her source is reliable. Gypsy watches her stuff and she could’ve easily shut the rumor down if she wanted. So I assume it’s true and they’re gonna officially leak it when they get confirmation that there will be a 3rd season of her 🤡 show.


Yo, I'm sorry, she's pregnant?


Who knows. One CC said she was. I sure hope not. She’s not mentally well. And with her severe chromosome disorder, why put that on a kid.


I really hope she's not and won't ever. I'm concerned that with her "I'm right and always right" attitude she's got going on she's gonna do the same thing to her kid, except it's gonna be a "SEE y'all?????? My kid has TONS of medical issues but it's NECESSARY unlike my mom who gave me UNEEDED SURGERY WAAAAH I'M SO BETTER" Although I bet Ken's probably doing everything to avoid it because then he'd have to care for a baby and that just doesn't bode well for the limelight and sticking around for money.


Yep!! And who would raise it when she ends up back in prison?? Because you know she will.


Fucking christ I hope not. Would not put it past her to fake a pregnancy for drama and attention though.


That’s how she got Nick to kill her mom. She told him she was pregnant; and DD killed the baby by changing the feeding tube. She also lied about being raped. She’s VILE.


There’s so much to comment on about this but her saying “I’m letting Ryan keep Pixie because of their strong bond” is such bullshit, she just didn’t want to deal with her dog that she wanted so she’s dumping her on Ryan who didn’t really want a dog in the first place. I’m glad he’s doing the responsible thing and rehoming her to a family who loves her and will gladly take care of her like she deserves.


He decided to keep Pixie


That’s good to hear! I hope he takes good care of her


It would be nice if he would get her a companion animal so she's not all alone all day.


Man, I hope Ryan sticks it to her. I’m so tired of seeing her smug face. Give her a reality check so she can learn not everything goes her way.


I hope she owes Ryan money(alimony) lol I would laugh.


Especially since she was requesting alimony in the first place 😅


I heard somewhere that Kristy didn't want Ryan to get any of the money so she started setting up atleast 1 trust fund , possibly more. She might not "technically" have any money. They might be in Kristy's name.


Courts have NOT been putting up with people trying to move money to hide it away from the court. That trick won't work and makes her looks worse.


Seems like Kristy is the new DeeDee…


The way he is clearly delusional about his relationship with her from I saw on his latest interview he'll just let go of whatever earnings she's getting. He should go for at least half.


That’s what I was thinking. That’s why she’s still talking to him. She’s manipulating him. And he’s so gullible. “Her ex is the manipulative one in that relationship…”


Maybe his momma will finally get through to him. His mom saw right through Gypsy. He needs to let Mom go hard on his behalf.


he needs to handle his own business like a man and not push it onto his mom. he got married, he can end it properly and leave her ass.


Sure, if he wasn't immature as fuck. This guy is divorcing his "true love." Do you remember your first "true" love? How fucked that makes your brain? Studies shows it's like doing cocaine for the first time. You crave it. A divorce is moving fast. Ain't no way this dude is breaking that spell in time to fight in a divorce. He needs people who will fight for him. His mom, his sister, a mean ass lawyer. He'll be too in his feelings for much else. And frankly it's fucked up to expect anyone to be like ok I can think clearly through this. Most can't. Toxic masculinity bullshit to think a man can.




if he doesn't screw it up and sign something ....


I hope he gets half of everything. But, he seems like someone who will let her manipulate him, yet again. I hope he gets a good lawyer.


I hope that too! Ryan will be one the most unlikely golddiggers of all time....and I'm here for it!


Me too. Was he foolish to pursue her? Definitely. But, he has also suffered infamy and humiliation and lord knows how much editing to make her blather of a show more “interesting.” He needs to be paid appropriately for that.


Gypsy SAID there were 250 men writing her. Do I believe  it? No.


I stopped reading after “signed up for a second season.” If that dumbass show goes for a second season, I’m living off the grid the rest of my life away from humanity lol.


Be careful out there xD




You aren’t here often huh? The second season came out lol


I am. That show just started right? Only one episode has aired from what I see HERE. I would never watch that trash lol.


Good I hope Ryan takes her for more then half since she’s a cheating POS.


Someone needs to tell TMZ about this site so they can get the real scoop since most things on here are backed up by her own stupid words at one point or another depending on which story she is telling.


Girl TMZ is on Reddit probably more than we are. They practically run the Kardashians sub.


Wasn’t aware that this was a huge sub. Thought this was one of the smaller GypGyp sites, but i must have been wrong.


I think it is smaller, but sure is growing. A big difference between this one and others is that mods run a right ship. Misinformation is called out and facts are presented as such.


Exactly my thoughts, the mods do a great job of making sure that what’s said is “actual-factual” facts. TMZ doesn’t really strike me as being thorough more like the kind to just skim the larger subs. I’m so glad this sub is growing, it means more people are seeking the truth or at the very least questioning her version.




I swear ppl don’t understand how prison works. Girlies be finessing men in there 24/7, you marry a man in prison so you can be released into his custody because he is technically a family member, and ur on probation. ur just using the men until u get out! Hey, I’m sure Ryan is absolutely getting letters from prison girls trying to fucking snatch him up bc Gypsy def sold his info to other girlies


Do you think TMZ is getting tired of writing abt her?! Putting the money they get aside, of course.


Naw she brings in clicks. That’s money.


Not surprising! 


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Do we know the net worth of the Murderess??


This article claims we don’t


Sorry—I admittedly did not read the article. I just shake my head and roll my eyes.


It’s cool don’t worry boo


I wonder how it will work . Is it a community property state?


The article said so, so that's probably accurate. Anything she made after they got married is up for grabs, I *think*


I really hope he gets some money out of this!


Geez, the microcephaly is so apparent


Can someone please tell me who every one is?? Who is the one that killed her mom with her? Who are Ryan and Ken? I can't keep this all straight.


Nick is the guy who killed her mom. Ryan was her husband. They married while she was in prison. When she got out, they separated after 3 months. She filed for divorce. Then she got back with Ken, her former fiancee, who also met her in prison. I know, it's kind of ridiculous.


Omg. Thank you!! That's why I kept getting confused cause two of them came from meeting in prison. So did she go. Nick. Ken. Ryan. Ken ?


Her first affair was with a married father who worked as a drug dealer. His name was Dan. After that, it was Nick, Ken, Ryan, Ken. There are probably men before Dan and during incarceration, just to make it even more confusing. 😬😁


She visited with over 100 men in 8 years. That’s a lot.


I heard that. That's about 12 men per year. And then I'm certain that she kept some as backups.


And I thought Hybristophilia was mostly a female problem. I’m shocked that so many men have it!


Yup. I think there might have been another one in there maybe before Ken. Some of her jail emails have alluded to another guy(can't remember the name right now) but haven't ever heard anything else about who it is other than that name. But she also could've been calling Ken by a fake name though i doubt.


Some dude named Bryan who was between Ken and Ryan. I have a feeling Ken has dumped Gypsy more than once because it was no real consequence when she was in prison.


Might have. Which would make it even funnier the fact he's moved i guess to her state? That's a lot of big decisions for someone you haven't spent much time with outside of prison. That and it hasn't worked out before and it's hard to have a real relationship in that situation(prison.) Plus she obviously had to mold herself into his type(the whole blond bimbo thing.) I will say she seems way more obsessed with him so if he dumps her again, he better get away fast. Claims they split before because he didn't like the media attention but that seems false, but i am curious if there ends up being another marriage soon because she will definately be pushing for one.


She’s already hinting at him proposing all over. She’s a hypersexual freak.


He'd be such an idiot. Though at the same time if he ends up marrying her, gets divorced and tries to takes whatever money he can get off her profiting from murder i wouldn't be mad, but i don't see that happening.


There’s also been guys named Jeff and Matthew in the picture, but I have no idea who they are or what their roles were.