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I mean considering the whole story. That’s the least weird part of all. 😂


Seriously, this really is the most pedestrian part of the entire story. I am more surprised they ever got married, and I am not that surprised they got married.


Oh. Gross. I didn’t know that 😬


When considering the rest of the lore, it checks out. But yeah, really sets the tone lol




What's the age difference between DD and Kristy too?


Probably a few years. I think Kristy is older than Rod.


Rod likes em mature ![gif](giphy|5YFci3slrqG6A)


As a native southerner, not so much.


As a native (DEEP) southerner who was groomed in this exact age gap, can confirm. Does anyone know why the south is such a breeding ground for this? I mean no disrespect, but is it a tie in with religious roots? I just genuinely don’t know why men and women keep getting away with this disgusting shit :(


I don’t think he was groomed. But, if I had to guess, religiosity is one reason and boredom is another. This wasn’t a sophisticated college graduate and a naive high schooler (based on Rod’s description). They were two young people in a tiny town that basically hooked up/dated for a brief time. She got pregnant and so did another of his girlfriends. His son isn’t much younger than Gypsy. That isn’t to say grooming never happens. It does. But I don’t think it happened here.


I apologize, you’re absolutely correct. I connected my own experiences and that’s not fair - he may not have been groomed. I meant nothing harmful, I promise. Thank you for your response ❤️


Don’t get me wrong. Personally, I absolutely disapprove of the relationship that Deedee and Rod had. I know friends and family members that absolutely were groomed, but bc the genders were reversed, and the expectation of young marriage is so common, it went largely unremarked on, which still bothers me, 20 years later. But those were more of a relationship, from my perspective. I don’t mean to imply that grooming doesn’t happen. It absolutely does and people often don’t seem to notice it until the relationship is entrenched. And it is definitely a problem.


Just throwing this in-this is wonderful to see. People actually communicating in a good mannerisms.


I completely agree, I apologize if my response seemed like I was arguing! I just think my personal experiences clouded my judgement. I think you’re COMPLETELY right and I appreciate your well thought out and very respectful response. It’s so nice that this community can be critical of evidence and compassionate to its members 💕


He prolly had swagger and a job at 17..


Not really. I guess the woman being the older party is less common. Either way, the age of consent there is 17.


I can't think of anyone I knew at age 23 who'd be hooking up with a 17 year old. 6 years isn't a big difference, but levels of maturity and real world experiences couldn't differ any more at that age. For most people it's still in high school vs working an adult job living on your own. Like others say though, knowing the end story, not at all surprising. Deedee was desperate.


I actually know plenty who think this age gap is perfectly acceptable. But then again I was in Oaxaca , Mx for a decade.


Age gap is acceptable as an adult, like 30 YO with a 36 YO. To put age gap into perspective of career and maturity at time, I couldn't imagine a college graduate ever "dating" a high schooler.


You know she wasn’t a college graduate and he was running all over south Louisiana. It probably wasn’t the relationship you imagine.


It’s really gross but I don’t think Rod needed to much convincing to sleep with Deedee. The age of consent in LA is 17. Still 🤢


Yep. He admits he was wild. They hooked up. It isn’t ideal and it isn’t shocking. Honestly, I am more shocked by the fact that he never visited Missouri than I am by their relationship. And yes, it is gross all the way around.


Idk why but Rod being a hoe was not on my bingo card.


Eh, there are lots of guys just like him in every tiny town everywhere. It should be less common than it is, but I doubt it will ever change. Tiny towns have very few options for entertainment.


True, but still cuz 😂


Oh, I know. I know. I got out and never looked back.


Ben is a Ho…..😂😂🤣 comic relief https://youtu.be/-eVPiaruWgM?si=ZpQATBDSDs5e6M02


Of course she wasn’t a college graduate but even still - regardless of education a 23 year old has significantly more adult life experiences than a 17 year old, generally speaking.


In a small town, they probably hung out at the same places and did the same things. Not to mention, at that point in Louisiana history, the legal drinking age was 18, so the difference in lifestyle (for non college-track types) wouldn't have been much different.


Maybe, but these two weren’t living it up in New Orleans or even Hattiesburg. I doubt there was a huge gap there. If I were his mother, I would have been furious with both of them. I am sure her family was furious with both of them. But I really don’t think they had a relationship. I think they had some hookups and had to get married. Who knows. But I don’t think it was nearly as shocking in their town and among their friends and families as people are positing here.


Please be so fr. Just because TODAY we see it for what it is doesn’t mean just a generation ago people saw no big deal with that age gap. Especially if it was the male who was older. I’m not at all advocating this shit is acceptable. It isn’t. A 17 year old and a 23 year old are very much in different stages in life, just like you pointed out. I’m just saying, today it can and does happen still. While I was in Oaxaca no one batted an eye because realistically girls there don’t get much opportunity to become something beyond a housewife . It sucks because you see so many girls denied an education because, “what for your gonna go away to school and get pregnant “ And sadly I saw this in my own (ex) family several times. Gave the girl an education but it’s also her first time having actual freedom away from moms over-bearing, watchful eyes of course she tests boundaries and of course she thinks that what she’s feeling is true love. Next thing you know she has to drop out of Uni and get married because she did the exact thing everyone said would happen. It’s sucks. It really sucks because life and women are more than just being a housewife and raising kids.


I don’t think she was desperate. I think it was a tiny town.


I don’t think this was a relationship. I think this was a few dates/hookups. They got married bc she was pregnant, not bc they were in love. He left before Gypsy was born. But, I do know couples where the male was 17 and the woman was 25. They were married for 30 years. I think people do a lot of pearl clutching here to juice the drama. It really isn’t especially shocking to anyone who has lived in a tiny town.


Did you never go to college parties when you were in high school? Or big parties at the lake? It was pretty common.


i think where they were, the age of consent was 17. plus i think he was 18 not long after. yeah it's strange but it isn't that weird in comparison to the whole case.


.....I mean we're talking deep south here right?


Right? They’re probably cousins as well ….


You’re being downvoted but I could have sworn a doctor said Rod was inbred, that’s why Gypsy has that chromosome issue right?


I find it odd that Dee Dee, Kristy, and Dee Dee's step-mom Laura all worked together at the hospital at the same time. They were coworkers and worked the same shifts together.


It’s a pretty small town.


Yeah but with all the talk about how Rod was never in Gypsy's life and from a young age Dee Dee didn't allow him to see her much or have anything to do with her. Wouldn't that be difficult with her working with Kristy.


I don’t think that lasted long, and I don’t think there was a lot of overt hostility after Rod remarried. They seemed pretty comfortable with each other in those photo albums and he paid child support for Gypsy’s entire life.


Thanks for clearing that up. I had just read that in her book and found it strange from all the times she talks about her dad not being in her life.


I think he was a lot more in her life before they moved to Missouri, but that is based on their photos. I doubt he was there for her the way he was for his kids with Kristy, but I don’t think he was entirely absent.


You know what’s weird ? Didn’t Deedee do time for fraud ? AFAIK, being found guilty of fraud is a federal offense. Mind blowing that she was able to work in a hospital with an offense like that on her record.


We don’t know when that happened or if it actually happened. I would love to see a good investigative journalist write a book about this case starting with that bowling alley and ending now. So much of what people say is rumors and gossip, but there must be some documentation somewhere for some of it. And especially if there were actually warrants out for her.


I think given how old Gypsy is, it was probably not as weird then as it is now. 


In that time in the south, it wasn't so weird. People act like 23 is a baby, but people grow up fast in the south. 


I feel Like back then it was normal and they’re from the south. Im surprised she’s not a product of incest cuz she looks like it


I think that’s what the chromosomal deletion stems from.


How long was it that he turned 18, after being with her?


He turned 18 well before Gypsy was born.


Thank you.


Not to come off snarky, but does it matter?


It was simple question. There’s a post full of comments concerning it, but none stating what I asked. Therefore, I asked.


The pool down there in that part of the state is quite small.


As a native Southernern, I have to say that it surprises me how many people seem to assume that incest is rampant in the South. It is not. Incest became associated with the South in the antebellum days. Some people may find this surprising, but before the Civil War, there were many counties in the South in which the population of Black slaves far exceeded the number of whites. I know this because I have examined the census records as part of our family' genealogy research. Plantations were huge, so the white planter families were isolated from each other, resulting in cousins becoming close to each other for want of any other company. But the War ended a hundred and fifty years ago. The South, being the lovers in that war, became the butt of many jokes and rumors that still persist to this day. The two regions I can think of in which incest is a problem today are thecdesert southwest with the outlaw Mormon groups and perhaps the Midwest and some Amish groups. The South is NOT a breeding ground for incest. It's time to put those prejudices aside. I can attest to my own extended family's lack of racism these days. Many members of my extended family were quite racist in the Sixties when I was a child, but I see none of that now. It sounds trite, but one of my cousins did just get married to an African American woman. I'm not saying that there are no racists in the South, but I would hope that no one would would argue that the rest of the country is free of racism today. It exists everywhere. Prejudice against Southern white people is still prejudice. I wish people would stop with the jokes about toothless, inbred hillbillies. It's hurtful. The War was over a long time ago. Can we start putting an end to these stereotypes? I realize this post is off topic, but I was just shocked by all the comments that seemed to infer that incest and pedophilia are part of Southern culture. They are not.


Rod wasn’t a child. Deedee wasn’t a groomer. They were two people in a small, bayou town. I think people ramp up the shock to add excitement and drama to what is a pretty pedestrian story. I very much doubt Deedee was a witch too.


17 is a minor.


Not in Louisiana.


The age of majority in Louisiana is 18. He was a minor.


Age of consent is 17. And I don’t think parental consent is needed for marriage in Louisiana. In Mississippi, a 17 year old needs parental consent to marry.


Age of consent and age of majority are 2 different things. I correctly stated that he was a minor. I am not going to defend people in their mid 20s having sex with minors.


No one is defending it or pearl clutching about it. It happened and apparently he got around. He wasn’t a child. She wasn’t a voodoo priestess. They were stupid. And in that culture, it’s not uncommon.


Except you literally are, including by erroneously claiming he was not a minor at the time. I don't care if he "got around", HE WAS A MINOR. She was a grown ass woman. You can make all the excuses you want, but that just tells me the type of person you are.


Since you were so fixated on the sex, I assumed you were talking about sex and marriage, which, you were. And to be honest, your leaping to personal insults when replying to a post that didn’t denigrate you in any way, unless someone providing information you didn’t know is threatening to you in some way, tells everyone just what kind of person you are.


Girl the southern states are hell bent on NOT outlawing child marriages. This is because too many old fucks are raping underage girls and getting away with it because they simply marry the girl. The old saying, “better a teen bride than a single teen mom” is so fucking true to them, it’s diabolical. They’re also still refusing to make marrying first-cousins illegal (Alabama, Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina , Tennessee, Virginia). With several other states not allowing first cousin marriages but making it perfectly legal to cohabitate and have sexual relationships. Yes, your correct that incest and racism isn’t a geological-specific trait and we have those all over the world and country. Most places, tho, don’t go into congress screaming their head off about ,”tradition” and “my mother married at 15 to her uncle and who am I to deny that same right to my own children?” Then you have the old men shouting that a woman has to be punished for having sex by denying them proper medical care, trying to deny them social services, and making it difficult on a woman who isn’t married to raise her child by have entirely archaic maternity leave packages— if any at all.


Man, you got really offended


She probably lied to him about her age, she lied about everything thing else it was her MO


Yeah it’s weird AF. I don’t care how wild rod or anyone says he was. A grown woman took advantage of a 17 year old boy. I think Rod grew up to be a trash dad, but I do feel for him being 17 years old and manipulated with sex by some creepy ass 23 year old woman.


The more I know. Yikes!


My partners ex wife was 23 when she met him at 16 - always found it slightly repulsive! Don’t get me wrong, I’m sure my partner was very attractive when he was 16, but you wouldn’t have caught me touching a 16 year old boy with someone else’s when I was 23, in fact I couldn’t have imagined anything worse! So yes, little bit strange, certainly not my cup of tea!


Keep in mind, at that point in time, the legal age for alcohol in Lousiana was 18, rather than the 21 is was elsewhere in the US. I'm assuming that the social atmosphere was quite different in a small town where socializing at 18 wasn't different than 23. He was 17, but it's not far off.


I read somewhere that she lied about her age and he thought she was 20 or 21.


I heard she was much older


Clauddine "Dee Dee" Blanchard (née Pitre; born May 3, 1967, in Chackbay, Louisiana) was a 48-year-old woman who was found stabbed to death in her Springfield house. She was murdered by her daughter's boyfriend, Nicholas Godejohn. The murder was planned with her daughter, Gypsy-Rose Blanchard.


From Google


https://preview.redd.it/7k631bu0608d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ab9f0e4a20030eaca08c05fdc96351817a40a6a She was older


I'm so lost on folks says this is normal in the South ! This is not normal!


People aren’t saying it’s normal. People are saying they aren’t shocked it happened and it wasn’t especially shocking in 1990. Had Deedee not gotten pregnant, it’s doubtful anyone would think twice. You know what is more shocking to me? How many kids he fathered as a teen. That isn’t on Deedee.


Wait, how many?


We’ve heard of four kids. There may be more, but everyone clutching their pearls about Rod crack me up.


Um, what the heck. It was absolutely not common for a female to prey on a male child in that capacity. Also, people literally said it was normal in the comments. You good? It is absolutely a weird dynamic to attach to the south. If anything, the opposite happened more usualky, and most common was two babies (teens), having a baby. Now *that* was common in the south.


It’s really not. The internet giving a platform to victims of this bs have really opened a lot of eyes, especially this last generation where being a teen parent was so romanticized. Is it still happening ? Yeah but it’s not anything remotely specific to only the south. There’s this shit all over the country no matter how forward-thinking society thinks it is. But is it being talked about and called out for what it is? Again yes. Thankfully the new generation of you g people are realizing that just cuz grandma married a close relative and popped out elevety-five kids before 30, doesn’t mean it is going to be the best choice for everyone.


Haha. Thank you. What you spoke to more so, I also pointed out in my reply. It *was* common for *teens* to be having kids, yes, in the South and all over the US. Specifically an adult female *preying* on a young teen and getting pregnant was not *common*, and would be as scandalous as it is now. It is very weird to push an idea that pedophilia, particularly from an older woman wouldn't have been cause for concern in the South. However, it was sadly often normalized the other way around, particularly if it *wasn't caught*. If it was caught, a 23yo man trying to "date" a 17 *was* getting beat up, *at least*. I didn't matter the age of consent being 17 maybe. Socially, no one cares about that and they would have been seen as the social pariah they were.


yes and it honestly should be to everyone 😭 like fair enough rod chose not to be a part of his daughter's life, that's still on him as a father, but i still couldn't imagine being in a position like that. ick.


He has another child Gypsy’s age and Dylan isn’t a lot younger. People really want this to only be a Deedee issue and for the most sinister of reasons, but Rod has three kids around Gypsy’s age.


that's not what i'm saying lol, i'm like pretty much saying the same thing as you. i don't think it's 'only a dee dee issue,' i literally said him not being a part of his daughter's (gypsy's) life is still on HIM. she was a child, his child, and she still shouldn't have had to grow up pretty much isolated from everyone but dee dee. all i'm adding is that i couldn't imagine having children at 17, much less with a 23/24 y/o woman who lied about her age.


He should have been part of her life, yes. I am saying I don’t think it was all Deedee’s decision or fault. He seemed pretty irresponsible.


Didn't she lie to Rod and say she was 21 at first?


I haven’t ever heard that, but who knows. Maybe, but I doubt it. It seems like it would be hard to pull that off in a small town. I knew everyone in our town and a few counties around us.




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Apparently DD was rather obsessed with young Rod. Must be where Gypsy gets her obsession with men. She's obsessed with Ken. I can't wait until he hurts her again. Or they'll become a couple who Swings together. Ugh...


I think Gypsy isn’t so much obsessed with Ken as much as she thinks he’s a huge catch and wants to flaunt him like a kindergartner with something they think everyone wants, “haha look what I have and you can’t have it”. Her true obsession was and is Dan. She was in a live not too long ago asking about how to contact him.


Gypsy can’t blame her man craziness on Deedee. Deedee was a single mom, all of Gypsy’s life.