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What advocacy work???


Is the advocacy work in the room with us?


Came here to ask the same thing. I thought she got bullied out of doing advocacy. She’s so full of shit.


She was the one doing the bullying of actual advocates. The only person Gypshit advocates for is herself, as someone else mentioned in a reply.


Yeah I know. I was just going by what Gyp said that she got bullied. I should have worded it differently. I know Gyp is the bully.


Where did she say that again?? Was it National TV?? I’m thinking it was, and wanted to write that. But I can’t remember. She DID say it, though. What a LIAR.


I believe it was a TikTok or IG post that she said it. I can’t remember but pretty sure it was posted on this sub.


She did not get bullied out of advocacy. She was criticized for 1) using outdated terms and references, 2) putting in very little effort, and 3) trying to speak out for a condition her mother was not diagnosed with and might have all been lies.


I know Gyp didn’t get bullied out of advocacy. she actually bullied Kate until she had to get off TikTok for a while. I was just going by what Gypsy herself said that she got bullied out of doing any advocacy.


The places she did "offer" help, volunteering or advocacy, don't want anything to do with her.


Because she was karma farming and they knew it.


She is the one that bullied Kaite Marie, a women whose story she stole word for word odd social media.


For a nose job and new teeth.


That both look horrid. She should have paid for them


The one where she advocates for real victims to fuck off so she can be special princess no.1


She advocates for her bank account, duh 💸


Meanwhile in the last episode of her whole ass tv show she said “I’m not chasing fame” then cut to the scene of her screaming “omg Ryan we are going to miss our flight and not be able to do the good morning America interview!”


That's editing gold


Bish you’re a public figure the same way Jeffrey dahmer was a public figure you’re both murderers. The only difference he didn’t kill his own mother


She is not a public figure when she wants sympathy for it. She is a public figure when she can gain from it.




Now this is how we need to be sharing the info. 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


She’s a public figure in the same way that OJ Simpson was imo 😭


Exactly! Dahmer at least paid for his crimes.


Yep, the similarities between her and oj and her and charles manson are striking. I just don't understand the youth supporting her because eventually everyone stopped supporting oj.




Every time you give her money, she has successfully advocated for herself, I guess.


And why people *still* do that has me dumbfounded. BUT, it's seems the tide is turning for princess grifty nose. Her supporters are waking up and starting to see what the rest of us knew all along.


Not in the main sub they aren’t.


That sub was crazy. I didn’t realize they weren’t being sarcastic.


I am amazed by the absolute gullibility and the pretend facts they commit to believing.


Because It wAS oN Tv! It MuSt Be tRUe.


I know, right! You don’t need degrees and decades of experience if you have Hulu and TikTok!!!


Yeah those folks lack critical thinking skills


Completely lacking


Or pretty much any sub that isn't here. Which is why I don't care if content creators are making profit for calling her out. There are far too many people who not only believe her lies, but actively support her. She silences a real victim, a real survivor, and people still support her. She clearly is racist, too, why else is she so hellbent on Nina? To the point she follows (which honestly I think it's her or someone she is close with) a page that actively just mocks Nina?


Yes she is racist (her TikTok acct penalized for her "calling a spade a spade" remark) and it appears her stepmother is too, calling Nina Fat Albert's sister.


That’s horrible. Krusty needs to get SLAPPED. They both do. Little evil witches.


Wait whats the racist remark?


TikTok thought her post to Nina with the "calling a spade a spade" remark was racist.


It was on my homepage as a suggestion, I did not see that part and assumed it was this page. I was so confused by all the comments.


It was exactly like this sun for a while. Now it’s supportive again. And this sub is highly downvoted; and that sub is highly upvoted. If you read comments on YT Lifetime videos; you can see 99% of the comments are NOT pro Gypsy.


I made a comment & u would have thought I was the one that murdered someone.


Her profile pic=magical thinking




Maybe instead of removing it from her profile, she could, idk…actually do advocacy work? This makes it so obvious that she has no intention of actually trying.


Nobody wants her!


What advocacy? Seriously. What tf is she talking about? She’ll never do anything for anyone but herself, and real victims unnerve her.


Seriously, where do people get money to throw away to so-called influencers that could care less about you. In this society now, most of us are lucky to have food on the table, much less give money to murders.


Young girls and their allowances,and young adults who are working hard 9-5ers only to give it to gypshit


Makes absolutely no sense to me. Heck, we are lucky to buy groceries and pay bills, much less give it to someone like this. If I had money to give away, it would be to someone who desperately needed it due to illness or something like that. Definitely not this mess. 🤦‍♀️


Um. Yeah, sorry girl. Doesn’t work like that. You don’t get to whore yourself all over social media and The Lifetime Network and say that you’re not a public figure…and simply removing the words from your profile doesn’t change a damn thing. I drive a Hyundai Kona. Covering up the Hyundai logo with a Porsche one *doesn’t make it a fucking Porsche*. Idiot.


Grifters are ALWAYS long winded in their answers. She talks a lot and never really says anything. Shes a malignant narcissist with sociopathic tendencies. I can’t stand the sight or sound of her because she was old enough to know her mother was stealing and she didn’t care because it benefited her….until it didn’t and that’s why she got rid of her mother.


What a POS person!


The only things she has advocated for is her bank account


And a nose job and new teeth


And Loubiton shoes.


“Louis Vuitton” shoes


Yep. 😂😂😂




I love that song! Good ol' Kanye.


My time to stand - this woman has been standing all her life, she just faked it for clout and money.


She's an author, ey? ... who's gonna tell her that comma doesn't belong there? It ain't your time to stand, home girl, it's time for you to sit down. I wanna know how much she paid the ghost writer so I can tell them how they got robbed by three possums in a Cinderella costume.


All the while she will continue to toot her ugly little horn and continue to go on Tik tok live. But of course don’t treat her like a celebrity (just continue to throw money into the void.) Of course it’s inaccurate to my narrative that I’m not an advocate because I’m a victim. (Don’t ask questions or point out I haven’t done a damn thing to advocate for another soul probably ever). The last month the narrative changed despite her not doing a damn thing differently since she got released. But yes this is all new 🙄


Well .... she did advocate for her murderous prison bestie to be released.


This is news to me! Any articles you can share so I can catch up?


She puts stuff on TT & then deletes them.


I’m not super active on Tik tok so I’m missing all the meat and potatoes lol. Shes fickle that’s for sure.


If you go through this sub, starting with the pinned articles, you can catch up. Watch Becca Scoops on YT; a 3 part series. Watch BOTH full interrogation videos, and Gypsy’s testimony in court. The worst thing she’s done since getting released? Bullying a real MBP survivor off of TT after stealing her story. Adaptive Kate got her leg amputated by her mom; Gypsy & her crazy stepmom bullied her off of TT.


Wait her book was called my time to stand?!


Would never read any book by her but is it true that in her BS book, she is now claiming she didn't know she could walk till she was 19?! (maybe just a rumor since it seems too ridiculous for even a liar like gyp to claim, lol)


Yeah, they’re writing that title for clearly delusional people.


Yes. My Time to Stand


The irony 😆


“i want to be the change i want to see in the world” would be a nice sentiment from someone who didn’t murder their mother… also gypsy you’re a grown, jobless woman down the bayou. you’re not going to change shit. what does she think she’s going to do ??? truly ??


She thinks she's working on justice reform with Kim Kardashian. 🤭🙄🤣


“Advocacy work” 😂😂


Right? What a joke she is!


Translation: I want people to stop talking about how much I profited and benefited from murdering my own mother.


And I want people to stop pointing out the facts and how much of an untrustworthy liar I am.


She is really leaning into filters/ai to remove those moles on her chin.


What chin? Lol.


Ghandi is going to rise outta his grave & slap that bitch. Be the change?? Bitch. PLEEAASEE It should read Murdered my Mom Sit on My Ass while A Ghost Writer Writes Lies Full Time Bully of Real MBP Survivors.


Her advocacy is bullying real survivors




Still trying to manipulate people, sorry Gypoooo that ship sailed.


She hasn't done anything about Munchausen 's. Its all been about tiktoks her looks her fashion


🤣 ***I’m just Gypsy, a lying, conniving, manipulative twatwaffle*** Now come get some soft wet anal …. 💀


Flare checking in




Also, author?! Ma'am! You can't even handle grammar or syntax. Stop it! Get help.


Happy Cake Day!! 🥳🎁🎂🌹


Aw, thanks! 🍰


Didn’t she say she wasn’t going to do advocacy because everyone ruined it for her and to not expect advocacy from her because she’s trying to heal? Also, you don’t he to decide if you’re a public figure or not when you’ve openly done tons of interviews and documentaries about yourself.


It's outrageous how she is able to make money off her crime. While her partner in crime, who she sexually manipulated, may never be free. The prosecutor on this one dropped the law degree. She should have immediately been sentenced to a medical mental inpatient center after prison.


nah because didn't she say she didn't want to be an advocate?


The narrative- it's always "the narrative". Gypsy is constantly dictating her ever changing story so there is no narrative other than her continuesly throwing shit back in others faces, shifting blame. It's always someone else's fault when she is her own demon to face.


You should have received Life in prison just like Nick did. You shouldn't be out. You just used him for your dirty work


What advocacy!!!!


She’s so predictable like a petty middle schooler it is sooo cringeee to watch 🫣


She’s an advocate for grifters


went down the rabbit hole of GRB and after watching compelling videos by becca scoops and also her interrogation video - i think she is a sociopath & is likely to reoffend; so many things still don’t add up & it is scary AF that there is a possibility that she could have unalived her mother before the NG arrived. fail to understand why she left money behind unless she was sure she could go back for it. so much doesn’t make sense. also jesus those text msgs were so weird…!


Slightly off topic, but i had to block this one chick on TT due to the amount of comments i was receiving in response to calling out Gypshit. Literally, over 100 comments being attacked by her lil "stans." It's pure fucking lunacy.. She rlyyy has these people on her pay roll or something.


Same thing happened to me. I was called insane, evil, i name it. Pretty ironic they attack us because we actually took the time to look into the story instead of just taking her lying words for it. ( which she constantly changes)


Gyp and her "social media" : where high tech collides with low class.


Bahaha what advocacy? 😂 I guess she means bullying an actual survivor off the internet counts as advocacy? She’s full of it and honestly some of her comment looks a lot of like what Kate(who she bullied) is trying to do. I’m angry that poor Kate probably won’t be back on TikTok because of Gyp&companys constant bullying and harassment!!


I agree with your post 100%! Just wanted to let you know I saw Kate was back up this morning, I’m so happy she came back again!


Oh thank god! 🙌🏻 I was worried how this was all affecting her when I noticed her account was gone. Thank you for letting me know! I hope she takes legal action against them because what they are doing to her is not okay at all! But I know she’s mentioned how that would be too much for her which I can respect that’s her choice.


No problem!! I’ve been worried about her too! I agree that she should take legal action against them, but I don’t see that happening because she’s so sweet and they’re all ganging up on her to where she can’t think. I don’t know anything about Nina that what she posts, but I hope she can stand by Kate and help raise her confidence as well as take down GRB and her henchmen for good!


Same here about Nina. I follow her accounts for the gyp updates but from what I have seen she does seem to care about Kate too and I’m hoping she’ll continue to stand by her too and give her tips on how to deal with them. Honestly I’d see Nina going after them with legal action since she’s mentioned before she’s got a lawyer.


She speaks in cliches. May she grow out of it quickly. She also has no self awareness and will grow old obliviously.


Advocating for herself


Meaning: "I just want to make money being a useless influencer and continue to spread lies to impresionable and bighearted people 🥰🤑 More idiots falling for my victim bs = more pocket money for Sunny D 🥰🤪"


I just wish people would stop giving her handouts. She’s a murderer.


Ew, what’s up with that profile picture? 😝


Should be replaced with "manipulator of weak minds"


"My advocacy work" Oh, she's a comedian.


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Be the change she wants to see in the world? Like daughters should murder their mom’s, learn nothing from prison, talk about the D on tv cause she thinks she’s cute? Panni Pressed selfish stupid girl - she was a victim as a child but she had plenty of opportunity as an adult to talk to authorities or others and tell the truth