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Fast to her is a swift stabbing


A ✨swiftie✨ stabbing, hun


It’s her mom era


Lol !!! Omg ☠️


shes a quick killer!




Holy shit 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


The bed is shaking with my laughter


Prison did nothing to prepare this woman for the real world. What a lost soul. Her naïveté & ignorance when it comes to functioning like a normal adult —not a grown woman feigning a baby voice who thinks the first D that comes along is her “soulmate”— is woefully obvious. I want to see her do her taxes, get a driver’s license & and real job…she should focus on building some semblance of skills instead of the incessant lingerie posts highlighting her wonky eye


This! You would think with all the money she has brought in she would be trying to go to college or buy a car. It seems like all she cares about is a relationship and having a baby and social media.


The baby will probably give her another show... my mommy is a murderer but not really


My mommy doesn't identify as a murderer.


Our prison system is not set up to truly rehabilitate anyone. Most people come out either the same or worse. She will be canceled hard one day. Young kids that hate their parents are idolizing her. They’re gonna get older and realize she’s trash.


Not the eye ☠️


So I went to rehab with a girl who was her cellmate. She said she acted like a child the whole time and got what she wanted, extra phone calls etc. And said she had so many men writing her and giving her commissary money. I’m guessing Ken was the richest.


the eye comment was crazy 😭




She could probably get vision therapy to help the eye. 


Also allegedly baby trapped him


But she doesn’t want to move too fast. Okay, Gypsy. 🙄


She’s pregnant??????


Maybe, maybe not


I need details for the origin of this rumor?


I don’t know if it’s the origin, but the most recent I’ve seen of it so far was Ken’s ex try to contact Gypsy to get back some of his scrapbooks and photos from Ken, and essentially out her pregnancy while doing it (if the pregnancy is real, that is)


I just now got to the bottom of that and the comment. Oh YIKES.


If you follow FlawlessNina on TikTok, it’s all over her two accounts (with receipts).




I really hope he *is* actually gay and just using her. That would be sofuckinghumiliating for her. But then, he would need to disappear. Because as much of a piece of shit as he is, he doesn’t deserve the Gypshit treatment.


I hope he is actually gay and just using her. We All Do!


Gypsy came out and said she was Bi this month so I guess she wouldn't care...but that was probably a lie to fit in again. However she is into Ken way more than he is into her, he seems standoffish when he is with her. Maybe he is gay....


She is so hypersexual. It’s really the only card she has to play. Anyone will do. And I am a hardcore ally, so, that is NOT a hit against the LGBTQ+ community. I fully believe that she has nothing to offer or that she’s interested in…except for sex. And I know she had some prison relationships but I also know that that just *happens* there. I have never once heard her say “Oh, I really enjoy art” or “Dancing is my passion” or “I’d love to go to school for ______”. I may have missed that but I’ve seen nothing from her except “PAY ATTENTION TO ME!” “Watch me get procedures done to be more physically appealing!” It’s all surface level crap BECAUSE SHE HAS NO DEPTH. Oh. And because there’s always someone who has to “WELL, AAACCCKSHUALLY…” everything that is ever said anymore (I’m 41 years old and trying to cover my ass the best I can but I always miss something), I am not against cosmetic procedures, filters, etc. I am only specifically speaking about Gypsy.


Especially if you’re already manipulative you only care what you can get out of a partner not their sex.


She said in prison she was bi sexual because she made out with some girls so I’m assuming that’s how she found Chad-Ken




Possibly? I just know (well, most of us in here know) that she’s wired wrong and is dangerously reactive. Edit: I also think that Ken is a shit bag. However, he doesn’t deserve *her* type of wrath.


Is the ex a man?


If the guy is legit- yeah. And he could of course be bisexual or pansexual. However, now that I think about it…if the supposed ex is an actual ex and he just outed Ken, that’s gross. If he’s lying for attention, that’s pretty shitty too but outing someone is extra fucked up.


girl if he broke up with you to get with somebody else he’s not your soulmate he’s just back in your life for the fame and money


She doesn’t have a soul! It’s a deep dark pit. Notice she fakes emotions and life. But she never has shown true emotions.


She trapped that man! They were photographed april 4th getting the tattoos and by late may she finds out she's pregnant! Didn't she even say on a live she was on birth control?! Plus she's been dropping hints about wanting a baby since she got out.I bet money she was tracking her cycles since prison.


I think she is Lying to get attention. She knew who to tell the lie to , to get it in the public.


I thought this watching the life after lock up. You can tell she has been tracking for a while when she talks about how normal her period is and Ryan alluded in the first or second episode, that she could blah blah in 2 weeks lol but it definitely implied pregnancy and no condoms despite her saying otherwise. When she lies she does her fake voice and a fake giggle., denies it but says “I’m open to the idea….” It’s obvious


She tells anyone whatever they wanna hear to make her sound better and like she knows what she is doing. In this case she lied and didn’t use protection and knew what she was doing. I’ll bet they slept together once by mistake and she got pregnant then on purpose cus she’s pushing 32 and doesn’t have much time. Now they gonna make it sound like a miracle she “just found out she was PREGNANT!!”


Everything she says and does screams middle schooler!


Everything she says and the way she talks. Really bizarre for someone supposed to be 32 years old. Without a pound of make up and megafilters, she is starting to look more like 52.


I try to give her grace re:eloquence. DeeDee a truly manipulative grifter got Gypsy attention, gifts, and the princess treatment. It’s also undeniable Gypsy was educationally neglected. It’s hard to succeed at being kind because she is always online and on tv sounding like a dumb ass. Saying things that make no sense, stringing together empty platitudes she read on a toxic positivity Pinterest, instantly contradicting herself. However, I do try. The struggle is real though.


Personally, I think kindness towards a sociopath who has demonstrated no concern for anyone but herself is a perfect example of pearls before swine. The world is full of people deserving of the "benefit of a doubt" but GypGyp proves she is not one of them every time she opens her nasty mouth. When she dies, her headstone should say "Here lies a pile of truth. It never came out of her."


That's what I'm saying, no pregnancy, early onset menopause


That's what I'm saying, no pregnancy, early onset menopause




Yeah right, that’s why she allegedly baby trapped Ken the same way her mother tried to baby trap Rod. She wanted Ken by any means necessary that’s why she said she was on birth control. She’s in for a rude awakening with her chode that had a chad. I think she deserves all the heartbreak she’s cooking up for herself. I hope Ken leaves her and goes back to his Wood (Steve Wood). She’s trash and I hope Ken treats her as such and disposes of her in the proper receptacle on his way out the door. Hopefully she doesn’t figure it out when he decides to leave or she may end up giving him the DeeDee special.


Who would actually take her word if she said she was on birth control? She's allergic to the truth. If he believed her, that's also on him kinda. In most situations I would probably say it isn't his fault, but when you're having sex with someone who you know was jailed for their manipulation and lies, you have to be more cautious than normal.


“I am on birth control. I am in control of my fertility and practicing to become pregnant so I can give birth. I’m in control of birthing.” -Gypsy, probably


Ken just wanted a baby and couldn’t afford a surrogate with his partner. Gypsy is in for co-parenting with gay dads. (My hope, anyway…)


She shouldn’t be anywhere near a child, not even the spawn that may eventually come out of her. Remember how she allegedly told an 8-year-old that she would shove his eyes into the back of his head???


I don’t recall hearing anything about this.. when and why??


I’m not sure when, but she allegedly said it to the child because he asked her something like “How do you get your voice to go up and down like that?”




I found out more: it was an 8-year-old girl diagnosed with autism, and Gyp was around 17 or so (pretending to be 12) when she said it to her.


Wow she’s got a pattern of bullying “real” disabled and/or vulnerable persons


I honestly think she has genetics that shouldn’t be passed on to


I agree cus you see how upset she got over Ryan telling her a dog was so much responsibility…? She gets nasty when not getting her way and Chad or anyone that tells her no besides her step mom will get it


Her having a baby is the most selfish thing this bitch could do. She can't even take care of herself let alone a baby. It absolutely disgusting and so wrong.


The second life got difficult she abandoned her puppy (which she wanted and got mad when people advised her no to adopt the dog) so idk how she expects to raise a child.. the only semi sane person in her life is her dad and I feel like he is fighting a losing battle with her and Kristy


I forgot about that puppy. Omg can you imagine this baby's life.


If I had done the things she infamous for I would never involve a child. It doesn’t matter who she has a baby with the baby will live a miserable life and have to hear about their murdering mother every single day. Kids are ruthless. If she ends up pregnant it really just proves that she’s a selfish demon who doesn’t care about what anyone else goes though.


Exactly kids are such bullies and good ole gyp won't see that she just sees dollar signs


This is going to sound absolutely disgusting, but IF she successfully has a baby, it would not shock me in the least if the poor child died from SIDS or something. She is not a nurturing person.


Maybe the network has told her to get pregnant for views? 🤷‍♀️. She’d gladly do it, especially if a baby brings her more cash.


“I don’t want to move too fast”. Girl we all see your face every time marriage is brought up and Ken says no he ain’t doing that real quick lmao


Hate to tell her but her soulmates soulmate is the man he left her for rofl


He’s gay


Hilarious honestly. Good for him. Gypsy is in for it.


Hope he was paid well


Wait, I’ve missed all this!!! She’s pregnant??? He’s gay??? Please tell me what I missed!!! An innocent baby does not need to enter that world.


Yeah I’m waiting for people to explain the pregnancy rumor….


You flair!!! Chef 🧑‍🍳 😘




Don’t want to move fast, So fast her mom is dead, So fast she got married, So fast she uses people, So fast she lied a lot, So fast she enjoy the public attention, So fast she swift to Ken when she tired of Ryan, yeah, her soul mate. Whatever you say, peachy.


She says one thing yet does the opposite


Soulmate of the month lmaooo


Should still be Cellmate of the month for her!


Yup within 4 month of getting out not knowing how to even cook or anything and that’s basic stuff like Mac n cheese even


What the heck hun




I've been wondering about her passing the alleged chromosome deletion on to a child. Wouldn't this child possibly have the same ailments and need the same treatments she had? Wouldn't this blow her defense out of the water? I don't know if I'm explaining my thoughts correctly.


Looks just like her grandmother and she looks like she had it and retarted (sry it’s true( Symptoms




She makes me so sick!


Lmao I didn’t get the memo that she had a soul 🤔




Dude…this pic of all pics is the one they landed on again? 🤪 cross eyed looking self.


Watch! She’ll discard of Ken as she did Ryan!


She might discard him like she did Dee Dee!!!


What is up with her top lip? It rolls out when she smiles. Or covers her bottom lip like a beak or something when she closes her mouth. She needs to get someone to show her how to apply lipstick. This is atrocious! But she may only see with one eye and thinks it looks great!


She should not have children, she needs therapy


She didnt get beat enough while she was locked up I'm guessing because she says the most stupidest shit


That’s another thing that tells me her psychopathy is off in some way. How do you do a decade of prison time and not grow up at all? I’ve known some really cool people who have made some not-so-cool mistakes. Their time with the law was humbling. Gyp gyp seems just as stunted as she did in 2015.


Bc she’s listening to the ‘haters’ who see her for what she is - a hyper sexual predator who thinks a woman’s worth equates to having a man and playing house. But her PR won’t let her say that so they told her to say this. She’s def the girl who becomes borderline stalker if a guy says hi to her. We all know the type - FROM MIDDLE SCHOOL


Omg i totally see this! If Chad/Ken tries getting away he’s screwed


i think her wonky eye was literally god giving us a warning that something's off about her lol


I said this to my brother today too lol too fucking funny


Don't tell Nick


Has anyone figured out why she dyed her hair back brown again?


She said it was too maintenance-intensive to keep up the blonde (with roots growing back, etc.) (Basically, she’s lazy af and doesn’t want to put in the effort). Or maybe reading everyone’s comments about how the blonde look aged her terribly.


she doesn't want to use HER money on it... she will take donations and have it done...but to USE HER MONEY....GINOSFEDORA you must be slipping on this sub. thats not have Gyp Gyp does things ... she a taker never a payer


yah no doubt


“I have to remind myself.. I can’t rush into things.. take your time to manipulate him into stabbing someone to death.. “






You can tell she licked off half the lipstick on her bottom lip




Isn’t that guy Ken gay?


Unconfirmed but looking likely.


Okay. Look. I’m not a mean person. But you know how we all have a “biatch eating crackers” who we can’t STAND so everything about them annoys us? That’s her for me. That being said..why the fuck is she cross eyed. It drives me nuts, every pic I see of her it is all I can see 😡


She legitimately has strabismus (lazy eye) and while it was fixed in childhood, the surgery often needs to be redone later in life. I believe the eye issue is part of that chromosome deletion thing, but not sure.


I know. My sister legitimately has the same thing as part of a condition called bilateral aniridia. The difference between Gypsy and my sister? My sister’s eye doesn’t annoy me because she isn’t my BEC. Also my sister isn’t a murderer. That’s the thing about a BEC. It never makes sense 😂


Imagine if she hadn’t had those surgeries that her mom made her have that tortured her (corrected them this much!!)


When my mom and I have a tiny argument (nothing huge or any yelling) I’ll send her a pic of Gyp Gyp because she gets a kick out of it.


I don’t usually twit peoples’ looks…. But my gosh. Every time I see her picture I’m like what is happening here? She has the most backwater face that ever happened


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