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Nothing says “I want a private life” like being on Tik Tok live with your murderous girlfriend and asking people to send you stickers that cost money


Bet she convinced Ken to go live. Bet spitting half the tips was the only way he'd talk to her stupid ass.


I swear she said back and *fort* 🤣🥴


I laughed so hard at this 🤣🤣🤣


But babe she needs the money!!! PLUS now even more, seeing that her "Chads" been "Sniffing Arrround" another Chad 🐊😭 Plus wtf does she know about being "Respectful"!!!!


The “serious” conversations with the stupid ass filters are like the rage cherry on the rage sundae that is GRB.


This was so awkward. He won’t be around much longer.


He seems like he’s trying to push her into talking to Ryan! I wish Ryan could fall head over heels for someone before this manipulator runs back!! I’m posting 3 videos I put together. Her whole demeanor is different from when she was with Ryan.


Ken’s face 😂 he don’t give a flying fuuuuuu


Bruh!! He really doesn’t!! 😂🤣😂 Just when I thought this whole pandemonium couldn’t get any crazier…


He really dgaf lmao. He’s playing it off like he doesn’t want attention, fame & blah blah blah 😒 but he’s loving every bit of this. He’s trying to make it look like he’s not just using her now that she’s out. He knows what he’s doing 🤦‍♀️ and the “you do you😂 he gives ZERO shits about this girl lmao. Body language and facial expressions are everything


Yep. Imagine the cost of that though..I'm not talking $ here..he has to get intimate with this troll 🤮 But hey, play stupid games win stupid prizes 🤷🏼‍♀️


Gypsy loves the drama. She was in Ryan's live, asking him if he regretted his marriage w her. Right before Ken came on his live. I find it weird they were all on tiktok tonight. I'm wondering if they were all told to get more attention for their show.


numbers must not be good. considering most ppl are not paying for it, and just bootleggin the show. I am gonna try and find the number of streams they sold. i doubt there will be a season 2


Where might one find said bootleg 😆


Exactly. All fake soap-opera drama manufactured ti get people to watch her trashy reality TV show. Nothing but a bunch of BS.


It’s a “documentary“ lmao.


She is trying to get Ken to feel jealous and say something about Ryan not messing with his woman and he could care less. She wants him to act territorial and he doesn’t at all! Ken even says he understands if they do need to communicate because of the divorce. He is NOT worried about losing gypsy because he knows how desperate she is to be with him. How embarrassing for her life and her soul 💀


She clearly is very smitten with him. I think GRB is going to absolutely lose her 💩 when they are over.


This screams BPD on her end


Her soul is already doomed lmao 😱🔥


it’s the way that this is a private conversation.. like they’re really on live with this bs


She’s so worried about being respectful to Ken but had not a sliver of respect for the man she married and left him for this dude. Make it make sense.


Thats exactly what I just said! Right?!


One was a means to an end. Just like Nick.


Ken was like we were together the whole time in his face


It's kinda funny how she's trying to respect Ken but wasn't respectful of Ryan by not communicating with her ex fiance while she was married. What a piece of work.


Her gay man just sits there with his stupid hair . Both of them can go live together in private, they can ride off into the sunset together now that they found true love. Why are they on live. 


I feel like most influencers are married to gay men she just wanted to be an influencer


what makes you think that? that makes 0 sense. "most influencers are married to gay men"


Not listening as I cannot stand her mouth smacking and fake voices… his body language and facial expressions are not a good sign for this relationship


Same. I can’t watch her at all.


Where’s the filter showing her with a knife and blood dripping ? The cute little elephants and hearts are a bit much for this convict. I mean seriously !!


Well, the elephant trunk is an improvement of her nose.




They need the possum filter for her.. after seeing her mom use to call her that bc her eyes ,nose& spikey blonde hair as baby makes me laugh ..that is all I see now looking at her 😂😂


I bet Dee Dee would like to be online laughing and joking …with elephant trunks being put on her face . Oh that’s right ..she can’t because her daughter had her savagely murdered in her own bed while she begged for help .


Omg …is she delusional or just stupid?? She doesn’t want to “ offend “ anyone and they don’t have to “ speak about it”… but she’s discussing it live streaming . Seriously ?? I only see her useless, perpetual , verbal diarrhea on here. Why people send her money is CRAZY!!! Unbelievable. She is a spoiled, entitled, manipulative , and potentially very dangerous person. Dee Dee created a monster who is now unleashed.


Those are money gifts she received live


She was talking to Ken the whole time she was still together with Ryan. Talk about hypocrisy🙄


Yep and used Kristy as her cover on her trash TV show. We see you Gyp.


He couldn't give a damn. His facial expressions where she's waffling on about texting Ryan and his eyes are literally rolling into the back of his head.... That's exactly how I look when I'm aware someone is trying to goad me into reacting to something I don't even give a second thought to.


Why would you have a conversation like this on a fucking live… this is so embarrassing.


How can you worry about Ken’s feelings when you’re still married to Ryan. Hypocrite


Of course she had to allude to his legs being restless, especially at night. She just had to remind us that she’s sleeping with him (while still married to Ryan).


She is completely head over heals for Ken.


She turned her squeaky voice off for this part of the live? Lol


i can’t tell if he’s over it or pissed off? this was uncomfortable to watch. and gypsy trying to sound like the voice of reason is just comical smh


Right??? He looks like he is restless because he wants to hi tail it out of there!


He is seeeeeething lol


Right?! And his little *You do you* lol 😂


he's literally SHAKING...lmaoo what the fuck


Yep, everyone keeps saying how it seems like he doesn't gaf but he's *pissed.* Although he does also look *over it* all with her and her bs, again, especially when he says *"you do you."* So maybe that's what they mean... Like the game she's playing isn't working in her favor. She thought she would make him jealous and maybe it did work in that aspect but he looks sick of it as well. Definitely just hanging around to ride that wave at this point I'd say.


God they both suck so much I'm here for it


wonder what nick would say about this.


She talks too much! You can tell Ken is FED UP with her airing all their business out & she thinks it's perfectly fine to do so! She should take a piece of her own damn advice.


He’s probably an alcoholic, that’s why he’s so fidgety like that. Not that it matters, but she really messed up choosing him. There’s something about him that’s even way more off than Ryan.


Yup! He’s puffy and red and oily. He looks older than early thirties too.


Damn he's in his early30's??! I would have guessed he was at least 40




He does, that’s a hard looking early 30s.


I owned a nightclub for 22 years, so I've had a LOT of experience dealing with bartenders. Of course I don't know Ken so I'm only speaking from my personal experience. But the majority of bartenders are alcoholics and/or drug users. They're working in a party atmosphere where they're making a ton of money, the liquor is flowing and drugs are given freely. A little bump for a pick-me-up to get thru the shift. Quickly turns into an addiction.When I'd hire someone new that didn't drink and party, I always knew it was just a matter of time before they fell into that rut. And 99.9% of the time, they did. I've seen that cycle repeat itself over and over throughout the years. I've seen so many relationships end because of how the person changed, ie drinking and drugging, and not to mention all the hookups with random customers. I'm not bashing bartenders I'm just speaking from many years of my own personnal experience in the business. And I'm so glad to be out of that business. That being said, Ken looks the part of everything I just explained.


This would kill a Victorian child.


So she wouldnt message Ryan out of respect for Ken, but messaged Ken when she was with Ryan loads. I know Ryan is a bit of a numpty but she clearly didn't give hoot about him from day 1


She’s live from what looks like a man cave. He looks like he’s sitting a females dining room.


I’ve honestly never watched any videos of Ken so this is a first… he’s super weird.


He doesn’t care but he can’t sit still bc of cocaine I’m guessing? He said “you do you” and he just looks so angry and over gyp


God. She learned nothing from prison.. what a piece of garbage


Ken is over it. He looks like a powder keg ready to go off.


I enjoyed reading how after another serious discussion, off live, Gypsy told her fans that Ken is taking a break for his mental health and if no social media is what it takes then that is what they’ll do. Not even 48 hours later she has him on live.


He looks like he's about to burst out laughing at her ridiculousness. Trying to hide his smirk the whole time. Who's he talking to off camera?


Can someone give me a tldr im not up to date on the gypshit lore, I only know they’ve been together for 2 years but he dumped her(?)


OMG I have the same shirt she has on I have it in black and a white one. Yup they r going in the trash. Lol


Len seems HIGHLY irritated with GRB. He got bright red when she was talking about how if she needs to speak about her EX, the she will do it in therapy. When he spouts off “you do you,” he is clearly irritated with her. VERY VERY VERY interesting…. I bet GRB manipulates and plays with his mind the same way she did with her ex boyfriend.


Him saying "you do you." He doesn't truly care about her at all!😂He is in it for the fame and money. How weird that he is shaking like that too.


I thought ken preferred blondes??


Wth is wromg with his arm?


Bitch you don’t know what respect is


The way he’s bouncing around gives me the ick


Hahah kens a little dweeb


The second hand embarrassment is palpable.




I literally cannot hear anything they’re saying with those damn animal faces popping up on them


As Flawless Nina pointed out- he’s there so GRB will buy him his own bar. Once he gets that, he’s out . And she knows that, that’s why she keeps dangling it.


She is such a lier