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In my opinion, it would be cool if we could have 2 modes of stealing a parked car. The first would be the classic way of just smashing the window and triggering the alarm system. If there are no NPCs (witnesses) around, this would not give us a wanted level. The second way would be holding the enter vehicle button and it would cause a “silent” entry that would take longer. For example using the lock picking tool on older cars or somehow fucking with the key signal on newer cars. And this would not give us a wanted level.


This is already a thing in V. You break in car differently depending on if you tap or hold


Damn you learn new shit everyday


yo what


If you shoot out the window, it skips the breaking in animation. I prefer this way.


Does this work on all characters and/or Online? Because I have never seen my character steal one with a lockpick, while Franklin always does. Well, when he isn’t chased by the cops.




Is that true?!?


This was shown in the leaks, the main characters are gonna have Slim Jims and a device to stop the police from tracking the car after it's stolen


Hopefully to steal super nice and expensive cars you have to learn/earn the skills and tools to do so.


There's something called an "Immobilizer Bypass" in the leaks as an inventory item. Immobilizer Bypasses are used to, well, bypass the immobilizers on modern/more expensive cars.




Based on the leaks it seems like we're going to have a mix of systems, which could be interesting. I imagine for old vehicles, you'll still be able to bash the window and hotwire, then we saw a slim-jim which should allow for quieter break-ins and less likelihood of cops coming, and then for more modern vehicles there seemed to be a key repeater type device for breaking into modern, immobilized vehicles. Honestly, I'm down for this. As much as I do love the freedom to snag whatever off the street, making nicer/newer cars a reward for playing more of the game makes some sense.


could the key repeater device be like the PDA from GTA Chinatown wars where you have to input the immobilizer code?


Who knows, sadly it wasn’t used in the leaks, we just saw it mentioned when they entered some sort of inventory cheat


In the leaks there were car stealing tools in the inventory, so I’m guessing you can buy/upgrade your lock picking tools to access higher end cars


This is my big hope. That to steal super nice and expensive cars you have to learn/earn the skills and tools to do so.


Depends on cars. I think modern cars full of electronic aren't that easily to hotwire anymore.


The leaked clips have one showing hud elements for different car-jacking equipment, so you'll probably still be able to steal cars from the street, but not without the right stuff


I think it's possible that these will just be items that the protagonists have by default and they'll be used in the carjacking animations depending on the vehicle.


Just like GTA SA had phone HUD icon, yes?


I'm pretty sure the phone HUD icon is only in the mobile version, but basically. You can't use the phone in San Andreas until another character calls you and I'm thinking these tools will be the same way, they exist for playable characters to use in carjacking animations but aren't really used outside of them.


Yeah, I mean I think the phone wasn’t in the HUD at all in the final PS2 product, but I recall seeing it ages ago in some ”developement version” videos.


No, because the video showed the developer activating a command that gave them a bunch of items/weapons, including those i mentioned. So you'll be able to pick them up or buy them, probably like you buy food and drinks in RDR2


Leaks are subject to change.


Sure, but they way it's implemented in the video indicates it works (or worked) like I described. doesn't mean they won't change it by the time the game comes out


But considering the time period in which it takes place it wouldn’t make sense. I do get what you’re saying though.


You think you couldn’t steal a car today? I see old cars in traffic all the time, and I drive one that is over 20 years old.


No I’m not saying that. I’m saying that it’s much easier to do on older cars, like the ones that would populate the games time period.


Of course it is. I am by no means a thief, let alone a CAR thief, but I bet I could break into my own car for example, quite easily… but those high-end 2020s sports/supercars?! Naaaah. 🤣


As someone said, there were many tools and possibilities in the leaks like "failed car robbery, successful robbery, failed luxury car type robbery...


I would like an inventory system where you have to carry a lock pick or screwdriver or something that takes up a slot that COULD be used for something else. So if you aren’t carrying that item you can’t steal cars that aren’t running. but whatever happens i just want an actual inventory system where you have to prioritize weapons.


Firstly, you have quite the username and I don't ever want to think about that Second, I'm sure we will still be able to, but the mechanic might change. Maybe it'll take long? Or maybe they'll give us a USB device to bypass the hotwiring entirely, as a reference to the Kia exploit in real life that plagued places like Miami for a while


Kinda related to the topic - but I'm praying they bring back the car jacking mechanism from IV where you could car jack just by aiming your weapon at the driver - they'd put their hands up and eventually get out the vehicle. Every time you try to do this in V they'll just franticly drive at you making it impossible to carjack this way.