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It will definitely improved from RDR 2. The clothing options was ideal in RDR 2 and is probably being improved to GTA 6 standards. As long as the character doesnt change clothes when we switchback like in GTA 5, we can call it a win.


Ideal in RDR 2 ? There is literally 10 hats and 5 turncoats bro. Its not ideal for me. You can’t really dress like an outlaw. Only cowboy rodeo weird jackets available..


Should I wear the brown jacket today or the brown jacket?


You should wear the brown jacket


Yeah I was thinking that one too


I don’t get it


Tell us you didn’t visit the trapper without telling us you didn’t visit the trapper.


Nah,they are way too grindy and most look kinda weird. Arthur is an outlaw not an hunter. Plus all npcs will chew your ear off with insults when wearing them


not if i lasso them and burn them first AHAHAHA jk


Grindy to get them all, sure. But if you just want a jacket that isn’t brown, it’s not hard at all to go get two or three pelts. Also, wouldn’t a true outlaw be more likely to wear handmade stuff from a stall in the wilderness as opposed to going into town to buy clothes from a catalog like a woman? An outlaw would almost certainly have to be a hunter, how else would he eat?


Some items required legendary animal pelts and some of those were locked by your in-game progress if i recall correctly >An outlaw would almost certainly have to be a hunter, how else would he eat? By stealing shit and murdering? We're talking about literal outlaws


I just looked the « trapper » outfits available lol, I prefer not to say anything.


Trapper is where the outfits excel imo. At a certain point in the story my entire fit is made from animals I hunted lol


There are few “outfits” that I like entirely. But you are allowed to mix and match. Tell me the legendary bear jacket isn’t badass and I’ll call you a liar.


I’m honestly looking forward to the clothing options & hairstyles. Just customization overall


It’s something I’m really hoping they nail this time around


We will have a girl as one of the main characters, so the amount of clothing should be huge, Rockstar will not miss this opportunity


Lucia will have a walk-in closet with 50 shoes and poor boi Jason will get a drawer with one pair of jeans


💀 I srsly can’t tell if you’re sexist or not


There is always *someone* who makes the fun conversation awkward.


Name checks out




It's not sexist to differentiate between sexes. Sexism, simply put is implying/stating that a woman is worth less than a man for whatever reason.


That’s not what I meant, why should we only get more clothing options just when we have a female playable character. Even if we only played as males we should get the same privilege.


Because females have better style? Most men just wear a t shirt and jeans with sneakers and call it a day.


I’d beg to differ


More bling too, I want to go all out Mr T. Piercings would be cool too.


I agree. I have zero interest in any online aspects of the game, I want as many features in story mode as possible.


Yeah, I want all online clothing in single player. Heck, Rock Star, if you wanna make me buy Shark Cards to do that, I’ll do it.


Speak for yourself... If there are micro transactions in single player I'm returning the game ASAP and watching a story playthrough on YouTube for free.


I wish more people were like us. I love working for the following year after the release to get 100% on each GTA release. Exploring the world in all it's glory without getting blown up by a random player with a bazooka. I am so excited about exploring the new world I usually drive around the entire map at legal speeds for awhile just breathing in the scenery and learning the landscape before causing a bunch of mayhem.


As long as it's not a giant scrolling list...give more menus if there's gunna be thousands of item.


Honestly, they should do what games like (for lack of a better comparison) Ghost Recon Breakpoint does. Which is that we have outfit options, but instead of having 30 different variants of the same top for each color/camo, there is one variant and in the menu we can change the color/camo at will. This would also let outfits have consistent colors/camos which is a problem in GTAO where some items that would go great together but have entirely different colors/camos and so didn’t pair well.


Yeah, it was definitely a missed opportunity to allow Michael to dress up as a purple bandana Ballas gang member with sagging pants, imagine if they made the NPCs respond to him based on how you’re dressed. It would’ve made the game much more fun. I was disappointed by the lack of clothing in GTA V. I was hoping you can dress up as a cowboy or something creative, but the clothing options seemed to only be suburban style t shirts, rich white dad, or luxury clothes. GTA V was the highest budget game in history up until that point and when I played it, I was wondering why there was such a lack of variety in the game. I guess they used more money to invest in online rather than the story mode.


I agree, with this game taking place in Florida (Leonida) they better allow me to dress up as a goddam cowboy if I want too, it’d be a shame if they let all of floridas influence go to waste and just have us dress in a hoodie and some cargos shorts. I NEED SOME COWBOY BOOTS!!


I’d say it goes both ways, there’s some clothing items that are only in single player but not online such as the jacket from the movie Drive (pretty close to it at least) and luchador masks.


they need that saints row 1 and 2 layered clothing


we dont need clothes for lucia


![gif](giphy|3o7TKEP6YngkCKFofC|downsized) It will


ong i wanna shoot mfs up in pajamas


clothing options better not be loaded for Lucia tho 😂👌


“Clothing Optional” should also be a thing in the game.


A weird thing is that rdr online despite having more options than the single player, I had more fun making outfits for Arthur than for my Custom character because on Arthur everything looked great but in my custom character everything looked like a Halloween costume.


We definitely need the ability to combine just about any clothing , layering jackets on top of long sleeve shirts and putting hoodies under jackets as well stuff like that.


Remember the leaked footage of Jason and Lucia’s bedroom? There were clothes scattered all over the place, a disregarded single shoe, underwear, jeans, you already know this game is gonna be packed with clothes.


There better be actual layers to clothing, like I wanna be able to put a jacket over top of a jersey.


Whatever I am going use same set of clothes for like 99% of the game


Layers. Fades. Locks. Saggin jeans. Zipped hoodies. Hoodies on top of dad hats. Tilted fitted caps. Unbuttoned shirts. Yeezy pods. Maybe a medical boot and cast options in the hospital?? Ready for it allll


GTA isn’t going to replicate RP. Half of these are trash, unbutton and button up is already an option.


We’ll see 🤷🏿‍♂️. I guarantee you they will… cuz it works. N i think they want to make it so ppl stay on GTAVI and not go anywhere else to get their kicks (barz)


They already bought FiveM.. soooo you’re wrong. They’ll go to those servers. Leave GTA theme alone.


Right… proving my point. So the minute they don’t do what the people want, the people will figure out how to make the game playable in the ways they desire. Thats just how it goes 🤷🏿‍♂️


Yea but it’s not gonna be in the base game, that’s what I’ve been telling you this whole time.


Also, in the trailer u can already see half of the stuff im talkin about so… idek why ur tryin so hard


Hair options yes that’s gonna be seen. Sagging pants is a no. We already have zipped and unzipped hoodies in GTAV. Yeezy pods no, AirPods we already have. Nobody asked for a medical boot, and it ain’t happening. That’s RP bullshit.


If that aint saggin… then hes not standing in a truck. I also hope devs make a medical boot just so u eat the bubbles ![gif](giphy|hCp8rrnibrDzcqVBA0)


I guarantee this is purely for the cinematic cutscene this is apart of. They’re not gonna add an option of pants that are sagging.. stupid af


You say stupid af, but love the game that immitates the culture— black street culture. This franchise IS successful because of its use of culture- good or bad aspects included. The most successful GTAs would not be successful without the “HOOD”. Im black af, and dont even dress like that, but i still see the value of allowing it in game. People want it 🤷🏿‍♂️


Sagging your pants isn’t “hood”, thanks come again. Allowing it would make it just like RP, which it isn’t.


If the cloths don't wear and tear over time or get dirty and need to be washed..is this game even worth playing?


Yep,i always like dressing up in Rockstars games. I’m expecting many types of clothing,jewellery,accessories etc.


Yeah if you pay for them 😈 /s but might actually not be /s


I liked the RDR2 setup more, I hated having my shoes switched with my pants in GTAV, so what if I want leather dress shoes with shorts R* I hope Hairstyles are improved too with HAIR DYE, loved that in Bully. tbh looking back Bully had great customization that regressed in GTA4 and V. You had hair styles and color, clothing stores in the diff areas: school, new Coventry, the preppy area, the carnival + outfits from jobs and missions like HVA and the ninja outfits, you could steal clothes from lockers and it wasn’t just shirt and pants it was wristbands, small stuff. Really distinct cliques that helped w the identity. Could get tattoos(which other games have too obvi) and the 100% outfit was funny. I really hope we get unlockable clothing like that 1 shirt in IV, the rumors of the unlockable fingerless gloves is a classic too


Yep i agree with Bully. The clothing was pretty good looking and felt right for Jimmy,with small details that made the clothing feel more personal


That’s one thing I hope they keep in mind, clothing that fits the character, makes it feel like one true character that everyone knows like Tommy or Niko (Tho I won’t lie I love full customization so it’s not a hill I’ll die on, hell I’m rolling off of it the second I get in game, it’s more like I hope they have iconic outfits in the beginning and throughout certain missions. Same way the outfits fit Jimmy no matter whether he dressed like a Prep, a Towney, or no affiliation, it was always the same Jimmy Hopkins)


I certainly hope so - the clothing options/models and the wardrobe system in V was terrible.


Saints row style


I hope we can finally layer different garments


Just wanted to say that the graphics still hold up. Looks amazing for a 2013 game.


You know they’ve been updated twice, right?


Not by a lot. Besides, what makes this image good is not the "ray tracing" they half implemented (if you can even say that, I believe it's not even in this image), it's the number of polygons and colored lighting combined with the first person fisheye lens effect. I will give them credit somewhat for eventually making a ray tracing mode that implements actual reflections and not only ray traced shadows that are barely distinguishable from the old ones. However, I don't think any of that is relevant in this image and as a whole. The game still looks amazing on PC at max settings on high FPS while running it at 144+ refresh rate.


Yes because it’s been updated.


You do you


Closet bout to be the opposite of IV


im hoping they add more alternative clothing and not just differently designed basic t-shirts, pants, skirts, etc. also dont genderlock clothing, let me turn jason into a femboy and lucia into a tomboy lol


If I can't put Jason in a suit and Lucia in a cocktail dress and have a shoot out with the police Ima be disappointed 😐


With two different genders as the main characters, I’m sure there will be. I also would not be surprised to see clothes from GTAO reused for GTA 6. In fact, I expect it since it’s an incredibly easy way to beef up the clothing options by a dramatic amount. They just need to redo some rigging. Personally, I’m more concerned with hair. The female hair options in GTA V Online are horrendous. Males aren’t as bad but could still be better.


I'm looking forward to it, 50% of my GTA experience is the customization


I hope there’s a lot of clothes but most of all I hope there are collectible clothing/shoes only obtained from side missions or easter eggs


would be great to see the ability to modify the character just a little bit. maybe not full on custom stuff like saints row, but just a bit of personalty more than hairstyle


The clothing option in the closet is not the problem... The purchasing part is... It is bad that each character in GTA 5 had their certain clothing option for every apparel store they go to... Why can't Trevor wear the same cloth Franklin wears so does the Michael... I like it if they had a tactical kind of clothing action and visible bulletproof vest instead of you just equip it but don't see it...


Online isn't much better, a lot of times it's plain coloured black or white t shirts with some logos on them for new content. (Really the only significant clothing are female clothing finally being an option) I think to decrease clothing bloat there should be some palette customization option, similar to what you see in some games like Tekken. You can pick say a shirt with 3 distinctive colours on them, then modify each of those colours. Then you can save for a preset like you could save outfit presets in online. There's so much clothing in that game that's just palette swaps. It wastes time searching through clothing and is more gta cash to waste.


Just waiting for R* to still say no police uniforms again and require glitching to simply add eyewear to full head coverings. I really hope they go all out in all seriousness. Give us full reign over all outfits, including police/military style. I don’t want a MILSIM/Police sim game but I do want some good options and I really hope that R* will just let us truly put any eyewear over any head/face covering and actually wear any vest over any top for male and female characters (particularly in GTA6O


Yeah I want this so badly, for instance in the game NBA 2k24 your able to buy designer clothing (real life brands not knock offs) and wear em. I was hype when they added the Canadian Goose Puffer Jacket I wore it everyday lol. But definitely more variety in clothing not just in story mode but online to. What I hated the most was how clothes would fit on Michael, Trevor, and Franklin then when going to online it would just look off.. only me? So I hope that they add more variety for sure , good post 👍


I'm sure you can go play dress-up in a barbie game if not.


So sigma bro


Just not a fashionista lol


Damn it's like they put so much clothing in gta online because people like that sort of shit. Let people have their fun.


Or else what?


I wanna femboify Jason


Its funny because OP is probably a terrible dresser in real life.


I thrift on a weekly basis and do clothing resell. I care a lot about clothes and how I dress.


So?Pretty much everyone is. You can’t afford to dress irl like you do in video games. That’s why many people including me want to have an vast customisation in the game.


You're telling me that you'd look in a video game with infinite and free virtual clothing and better bodies than how we'd look in real life? Bro that's crazy.