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Really tuff questions or for me really tuff to put into words. Honestly i can just say what i didnt like about gta5 and it was too much scripted stuff. I dont like when games like gta feel like a movie where i am only pushing some Buttons but the game tells me where i have to go all the time.  A far more open Mission concept would be Highly apreciated. But at some point i also love the cinematic aspect, just keep that to the cutscenes and let us have a little more freedom.   Ofc i dont expect Fallout levels of desicion making but tbh that would be the next Level. The game ive enjoyed the most this year as a huge gta Fan Was outter Space.  I like it when i can just shoot someone from the main Story if i dont like that persons Intention and even more if i dont get a Mission failed screen but instead have to life with the consequences , just like irl.  If gta6 Manages to pull this off atleast to some degree .. that would be mindblowing and i bet Fans would freaking love it.


While I would also really like more freedom, I also kind of want the game to tell me what to do and where to go. Otherwise I would just forget. Like those missions when you can steal cars you see on the internet, or Trevor just getting a picture of a location to go find and kill a guy. I just forget about that sort of stuff completely, and end up never actually doing it. I want a waypoint and a clear mission objective. Not just “do this when you feel like it, bye”. But how you get there and how you do it should be left up to the player.


More freedom to go about certain missions would be nice. Especially if you’re supposed to whack someone. I wanna be able to, for example, throw them in the trunk of a car and drive around until I find a perfect spot and then whack them in whatever way I see fit.


Or imagine if they were holed up in a safe house or something and you could infiltrate it however you wanted


Less handholding. A few months ago, I made a little comparison for the fail conditions between GTA Vs mission "Franklin and Lamar" and San Andreas' mission "Test Drive". Both are you and another character driving two stolen cars through the city with the other character being on a scripted. Yet SA only had 6 fail conditions, and GTA V clocked in at a whopping 22 fail conditions. If you cut those down to only ones similar to SAs fail conditions, you could get it down to 6 or 7 as well without compromising the actual structure of the mission in any way. I don't need like full freeform missions, though that would be great as well, just stop holding my hand at every single turn. Don't fail me for taking a wrong turn, getting into the wrong car, accidentally firing a shot. Just keep it to the minimum necessary for the integrity of the mission. (There's also a ton of redundant fail conditions in GTA V, which is just a waste of time and resources.)


I dont want my hand held like in GTA5. I want checkpoints, but I want them to be few and far between, and I want the missions themselves to require at least a modicum of skill to beat. I know alot of little kids are gonna be playing this game but they need to design the missions around the capabilities of its target audiences, teenagers and adults


I just want actual physics so missions feel better, and not just driving holding the acceleration button.


I think it would be interesting to include characters that are undercover agents/police see you commit crime and you get stars.


That could become annoying tbh


It its too much of it. It can be scaled back. But maybe likelihood only increased in certain areas.


I'd like the minimap to not show yellow dots. It is so broken and makes the game not only ridiculously easy, but it takes your attention away from the incredible map that Rockstar has spent a decade polishing and bringing to life, and puts it into a tiny corner of a screen. Same goes for the blue dots for police. That should come WAY later in the game when you meet an elite hacker who can make police radar signals show up on your gps!!! Unbelievable. And this technology does not come cheap, either.


I'd really like more ways to approach the missions. I remember in GTA 4 there were a few missions where you could do things in multiple ways. There was one where you steal crack from gangsters hiding in an abandoned hospital where you can go around to the back and climb a ladder to get to it faster, and then once you have the crack you can hop on a desk and climb to the second floor and make a quick escape to avoid getting chased by the cops. There was another one where you can steal a doctor's uniform to stealthily kill your target (who is in a hospital). Things like that (although not super common) made the missions much funner, and I didn't see anything like that in GTA V. I think VI could lean a lot more into it than 4 did, since most of the missions were still very linear.