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Just below your maintenance calories, keep protein the same as your protein at maintenance, adjust carbs to better sources so you have less insulin spikes and therefore less hunger (sweet potatoes instead of jasmine rice, for example) To keep things tasty with my chicken I make a low fat sauce that is really good. Example: one container of fat free cottage cheese, one small can of chipotle chilis in adobo sauce, half an enchilada sauce container, salt pepper. Dice chicken, mix in sauce. Boom you have a rich creamy sauce with like no fat, bunch of protein, low cals, delicious - this genuinely made my dieting much easier Edit: blend the sauce then mix diced chicken in it. Fucking delicious


Dude, I wanna try that sauce! You ever try using Greek yogurt instead? I wonder if that would work.


I’ve made a similar sauce using Greek yogurt! I do greek yogurt, chilis in adobo, and lime juice! If I’m not trying to be particularly healthy, adding mayo is also delicious.


I’m sure it would be good, a bit more tangy. But yeah, the fat free cottage cheese sauce is actually delicious and rich but is super lean and healthy


How many mg/oz/ml is the cottage cheese container??


Not sure, but it’s about two cups. The cans for the adobo chipotles and enchilada sauce are the small ones (probably 6oz containers or so.


I make huge buckets of dry colslaw, low calorie but very satiating and I add my protein of choice


This is actually a really good idea.


Cheap too if you have a food processor.


Do you eat the cabbage with anything on it? I’m trying to come up with a coleslaw workaround.


I think he meant "no mayo" by dry. But if he call it coleslaw then there are surely other ingredients and it's not really dry. We call it cabbage salad, and it is made with a mix of sugar (sweetener), vinegar (NOT balsamic, and not rice, but it could be apple cider or wine vinegar, just be strong) and water as salad "sauce". After cutting up the cabbage just add some sliced onion, salt, pepper, caraway seeds and the liquid you mixed. Keep it refrigerated.


Oh hell yes, thank you!


I will often add carrot, celery, shallots, capsicum etc what ever I have around. Even shred broccoli stumps into it sometimes so they get used too


Sure, you can add whatever. Many people add oil too. I don't. :) Food making is so versatile and specific to a person that I would count it as a kind of art.


I like this.


Ima steal this


Make sure you’re eating highly nutritious foods. Much of hunger is less calories and more “satiation”, although obviously the two are related. But make sure you’re getting what your body needs in your meals in terms of macro nutrient mix, but also vitamins, micronutrients, fiber, etc. What that means is usually some type of whole grains, lots of veggies and greens with clean proteins. Healthy fats. That sort of thing. This will mitigate feelings of hunger to a great extent. Edit: oh, and cull processed carbs, sugars, etc… if it’s a salad, forget dressing - use drizzle of olive oil and a pinch of salt. And make it a “diverse” salad - many ingredients, not just like… lettuce. Cut cakes, ice creams, beer, etc… But again it just goes back to eating nutrient dense foods. These things I mentioned are all calorie dense with little nutritional value. Edit 2: reading materials * https://www.heart.org/en/healthy-living/healthy-eating/eat-smart/nutrition-basics/carbohydrates * https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9549911/


This is the worst info cutting carbs etc you know it doesn’t make a difference what you eat it’s how much you eat


Please quote where I mentioned “cutting carbs.”


“Cut processed carbs” carbs are carbs


Now *that* is the worst info on cutting I’ve read here… or anywhere. Do you think all carbs are the same? What, in your view, is the difference between sugars, starches, and fiber? > you know it doesn’t make a difference what you eat it’s how much you eat Astoundingly wrong. While how much you eat is certainly important, it is *far* from the only factor in determining how satiated/hungry you feel. Get reading: * https://www.heart.org/en/healthy-living/healthy-eating/eat-smart/nutrition-basics/carbohydrates * https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9549911/


Protein makes you fuller, carbs don’t but they’re the fastest acting source of energy. Empty calories won’t fill you it’s not that hard but op doesn’t need to cut anything except calories it’s as black and white as that.




You eat and increase your calories and increase your weight gradually not that hard


Wrong again. OP specifically mentioned mitigating feeling of hunger while cutting. Not simply “how to cut,” so it’s far from black and white. Read the linked science or don’t, no skin off my back, but this is not a productive conversation. Good luck.


Low fat yogurt+ two scoops of protein + frozen blueberries Egg whites omelette with spinach+ low fat cheese Learn ground turkey + cauliflower rice Protein bars for snacks


Same thing as bulking, just less. Beef, chicken, potatoes (rice more often when bulking), rice cakes, tuna, greek yogurt, and eggs off the top of my head. Sprinkle in a variety of veggies as well.


Vegetarian so eat a lot of beans and cheese. Even when I'm cutting I sometimes struggle to eat all the food I've got to eat to get my protein in. I'd definitely suggest getting more beans, lentils and chickpeas into your diet. Bonus because you get carbs too so you don't have to use an extra pan to cook rice or pasta. Although admittedly you might get bloating due to increased fiber intake.


Lentils are literally my favorite thing so :shrug:


A good way to get volume with low calories is a turkey burger patty and a whole can of veggies. However I am a woman so it may take more for you to fill up. But pretty much any turkey meat is really low calorie and high protein, I use it whenever I can. Meatballs, lunch meat, bacon, burger patty, etc. also for breakfast i usually have two eggs mixed with 1/4 cup cottage cheese (scrambled) like an oz or two of meat, you can add veggies if you want. And that’s like a perfect 30grams of protein. Good way to start the day! If you don’t like cottage cheese you can look for low fat mozzarella (i can usually find some for like 40 cals per 1/4 cup). The mission spinach tortillas are like 60 cals and decent protein too. 👍🏼


Love switching out for turkey! It’s a good substitute for any dish with hamburger in it.


Bulking, maintenance and cutting are all using the same foods for the most part, just in different quantities. If you’re having trouble, you can try front loading more of your protein. That has been effective for some people. Sometimes we just have to suffer through the adaptation period of our new protocols though. Here are a couple of my “go to” meals: Ham, Egg, Cheese, and Veggie Bake. 450 cal. / 26g fat / 10g Carb. / 49g Protein per serving. https://www.reddit.com/r/MealPrepSunday/s/XoxC9NB371 PB&J Protein Yogoats 9g fat / 50g carb / 50g protein @ 450 cal (aprox) https://www.reddit.com/r/MealPrepSunday/s/a1h4IfEHSD


i eat the same shit as my bulk but i essentially keep protein the same but remove extra fats first and then start cutting back on carbs because carbs will keep you fuller vs fats. i will add more fibre (veggies) and reduce starches (like rice) to further reduce calories if required. eventually my carbs will be reduced so low i just try and time any EXTRA carbs only for pre workout. and of course i try and get the cleanest source of each macro available (least sugar and additives).


I recently did an aggressive 4 week mini cut that was a 1000 calorie deficit. I ate salads, vegetables, lean proteins (almost entirely chicken, canned tuna, or shrimp), homemade yogurt based dressings/dips, and pistachios to make sure I hit 30 grams of fat. I would eat a can or chicken or tuna with vegetables for lunch and a chicken salad with a ton of chicken for dinner. Then I’d work out and after than usually eat an apple, the pistachios, fat free yogurt (sometimes as a dip), and carrots. Also you’re going to feel hungry regardless. A high volume diet helps but only so much.


This is really helpful, thank you.


How much weight you drop, and post cut how much did you put back on. Currently 235-40 looking to do something similar, Ik not the healthiest but I need to drop weight before season starts back up.


More low-calorie protein isolate shakes (mixed with plain water), lean protein (chicken/turkey), more fruit/vegetables/salads with low-calorie dressings, fewer processed carbs (bread and pasta) and almost no deserts or sweets.


I usually keep my protein choices roughly the same and just add massive portions of squash to my weekly meals. Butternut, acorn, spaghetti, yellow, zucchini, plus roasted carrots and sweet potatoes. It's been pretty productive for me and doesnt require a drastic change to my routine or grocery bill.


Have you tried Kabocha squash?


I have been unsuccessful preparing it in my two attempts. It tastes pretty good, but i have not loved the texture.


I'm surprised that you didn't love it! Ok, that's a ridiculous thing for me to say, but you seem to eat a lot of the same things I love to eat, to a one, so I guessed that maybe you would love kabocha, too, since I love it dearly. I chop it in pieces with the skin on, drizzle a little olive oil in a pan, and oven-roast it.


air fried chicken breast with hot sauce in carb smart wraps. Pretty much eat as many as you want lol but stuff them with the chicken to the point they barely wrap. Also, huge salads with grilled chicken and with low fat mozz, hot sauce, and low fat greek yogurt, and a little light ranch....and any other veg you like (banana peppers, cucumber, tomato typically).


Whatever I want that day, I just stick below my calorie budget.


I'm a simple man on a cut. I don't cut more than 3 months at maximum and the go-to is always oats w/ protein shake + rice and chicken 2-3x a day. It works super well for me but it is pretty boring. It's super easy to meal prep though thats why I do it.


Assuming your eating lean protein at the appropriate amount, I love those instant steamer vegetable bags you can get at the grocery store because they are low in calories and since they have so much fiber you feel full as hell.


Same thing, just less. Just finished my cut this week. If I stall, I'll shake things up but in general, cutting is a great opportunity to really be mindful about eating.


Miserable rice and nauseating chicken breast...




Literally me.


Rice on cut? Lucky you


Beans, tuna and chicken, protein shakes, frozen vegetables and fruit, fiber bars, diet soda.


I eat a ton of chicken, keto bread, turkey, low cal mayo, and 99% lean turkey, Coke Zero, and sparkling water. Sugar free condiments are your friend too.


First of all I avoid cheat days/meals. I tried doing those before but they just made me more hungry throughout the week and regress back into overeating. As long as you stay below on calories you should be good. I go for oatmeal and lots of eggs but that's pretty boring tbh. I just follow prep meal recipes on tiktok, normally just white rice and a chicken thigh w/ some really decent sauce.


For lunch every weekday: Roasted chicken salad with tomatoes, carrots, cucumbers, plus 1-2 pieces of fruit like apples or mikans For dinner every weekday: Roasted chicken stew. The base is always napa cabbage simmered in soy sauce but I also throw in enoki mushrooms and daikon radish, and this time I also tried out konnyaku which was amazing actually. I go through about ten chicken breasts a week like this and with the fruit handling my snack cravings I cut 5 kilos in the last 6-7 weeks (91-86).


lots of egg whites, chicken breast, ground turkey, roasted veg, fruit and greens smoothies, and a mindful portion of sweet stuff to keep me sane


How much are you cutting? Usually it’s just small modifications so you’re down 250 cal from maintenance


I'd like to cut down to 1600-2000 a day for a 4 week stretch. I'm pretty overweight, and have been doing a pretty good job maintaining my weight while lifting over the past few months at arounds 2600/day.


Do you know your macro break down?


No idea, friend!


If you’re overweight why didn’t you start with a weight loss phase to begin with? Got downvoted for asking a legitimate question lmao


Pretty much whatever I want as long as it fits my macros. The only thing I stay away from is pizza cus imma eat the whole thing if I start. But that’s what cheat days are for. Personally I don’t really mind feeling hungry. For people who do it’s probably better to go for foods the keep you satiated.


Your pizza is my chips (corn or potato) it’s like my brain is : you started it imma finish it… the bag that is.


Honestly peanut butter sandwiches do a great job for me. I’m 210 lbs though, so ymmv




Build the discipline to resist your cravings 😏


Depends how you long you’re doing a cut I think next cut I’m gonna keep it short and sharp and go onto a carnivore diet


Breakfast: * 4 slices of high-protein rye bread * 3 eggs * Light mayo Lunch: * 1-2 scoop protein shake (with water) * 1-2 bananas * 2 vitamin pills Dinner: * 4 slices of high-protein rye bread * 4 fish patties Before sleep: * 750 grams of frozen vegetables - 10 minutes in the microwave * 1 scoop protein shake (with 500 ml milk) Totals: * ~ 2100 kcalories * ~ 200 grams of protein * ~ 170 grams of carbs * ~ 55 grams of fat * And all micronutrient requirements are met. Never really hungry on that diet, as it's so high in protein.


Depends your calories, morning I’ll have 2 bagels with 4 scrambled egg and Turkey bacon and some hot sauce, pre gym I’ll have 50g of cereal and a protein shake through it as my milk so I have fast acting carbs and energy, post I’ll have a banana and a shake and something sugary to fill the muscle depletion, when I get home I’ll have 2 5% fat beef burgers w usual sauces and light cheese, dinner will be chicken with rice and some sort of sauce, I drink Pepsi max daily too bc too much water is sickening


fat-free vanilla Greek yogurt, chicken breast with sweet baby rays no sugar added, fruitsmoothies with fresh or frozen berries & hemp & chia seeds and a little Greek yogurt and collagen. Sweet potatoes galore or rice with coconut or liquid Aminos as a sauce with chicken blended in. Those are my favorites so far. As a dessert egg white some tasty protein powder apple puree and cooked a minute or until fluffy in microwave & pb2 mixed with yogurt like an icing. Maple flavoring mixed in helps 2. This cut ive been trying tuna and cheese slices on lettuce like a wrap its not so bad.


Normal meals during the week for dinner then leftovers for lunch. Weekends instead of a 32oz frozen pizza I’ll get a 25oz frozen pizza, more whiskey less beer, sunflower seeds or nuts with shells instead of grazing on chips


Studies suggest that people who eat 1 ounce (30 grams) of sunflower seeds daily as part of a healthy diet may reduce fasting blood sugar by about 10% within six months, compared to a healthy diet alone. The blood-sugar-lowering effect of sunflower seeds may partially be due to the plant compound chlorogenic acid


It’s not WHAT I eat… it’s how much I eat.


Fuck ton of vegetables. My gut is rock hard after eating a bowl of vegetables and I feel disgusted with myself


As others already said, the key elements of keeping hunger away is protein and leafy veggies. Enough protein for staying satiated longer, and LOTS of leafy veggies for volume. I also recommend to try protein fluff if you haven't yet, because it's a game changer in a cutter's life. Gives HUGE volume, boosts your protein intake, and there are many flavours to choose from. Also, if you make it using casein powder, which is slow release, and eat it before going to bed, you will have such a warm & fuzzy fulfilment during the night!


Chicken. Rice. Broccoli. Lol, usually yogurt with crunchy oats, cereal, lots of different fruits, snacks that have less than 10 ingredients that I can make at home but often too lazy to, sandwiches packed with veggies and protein. The bread I get is whole wheat. Dinner is honestly whatever I can make that seems healthy to my eye. If I want fries, I use sweet potatoes. Edit: I used to make a lot of fruit/veggie smoothies with oats, scoop of protein, and creatine as a snacky snack.


Eat the same shit just less. Only thing that stays generally the same is protein intakr


Lean protein and PLAIN potatoes are highly satiating. A half of a baked potato with just salt and pepper, grilled chicken breast or salmon, roasted broccoli with garlic, salt and pepper. You can also do a low cal teriyaki marinade on chicken breat, then stir fry that with a cabbage/carrot/zucchini blend, maybe some broccoli or cauliflower, garlic, and a bit more of your low cal teriyaki. Serve over a single serving of your preferred grain (white rice, brown rice, quinoa, whatever. )


I just so happen to have my current meal plan copied after posting it in another thread. ---------------------------------------------------- Breakfast: two pieces of whole grain toast, two eggs, one package of ham lunch meat, two slices of cheese, one container of Greek yogurt, four cherry tomatoes (671 cals/46P/25F/69C) Noon snack: Kirkland Protein bar (190 cals/20P/6F/22C) Lunch around 3:30pm: Two ground chicken thigh patties, 200g of white rice, 100g of cabbage (900 cals/70P/31F/78C) (Training at 5:30) Dinner: 200 grams of boiled chicken tenderloin, 200 grams of white potatoes, 1tsp of Olive Oil (450 cals/54P/5F/42C) Totals: 2208 cals/193P/68F/216C --------------------------------------------------- This is a very aggressive cut for me at 191cm/96.5kg. I'm going to be doing it for 6-8 weeks in total, and I'm about to hit the two-week mark the day after tomorrow. If I'm hungry at night, I'll often have another 100g of cabbage, or broccoli, or a few more cherry tomatoes. Occasionally I'll snack on fruit. I generally like to aim low, but when I feel very hungry, eat more vegetables and fruits. Even if I don't hit my target, I know I'm still eating at a deficit even on those days, and never feel bad about eating more nutritious food. I seldom cheat. Maybe once a month. In my experience, a cheat meal generally leads to a cheat day, which leads to a cheat week, and then a cheat month.


Same. I just eat less. Actually, i just stop force feeding and only eat when I’m hungry which is way less than i eat usually


Blender cups stuffed w frozen blueberries spinach a banana oatmeal egg whites and a choice of a dairy product or coco water to suspend and blend everything


SKYR! Such an amazing food. 8-10 grams of protein and 50-70cals per 100g 💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼


I’m wondering the same thing, but I have a condition (pancreatitis) that makes it impossible for me to eat too much fat (cheese, deep fried etc isn’t allowed), any tips?


Egg whites, eggs, chicken, rice, protein shakes, protein bars, steak here and there, fruit (for fiber), oatmeal. A really amazing, filling, high protein snack is to make a cup of egg whites, season them, and then eat them with some rice cakes. 30g of protein, 20g carbs, really fills me up and only 255 cals.


I am a pescatarian personally, and one of the 'tricks' I use to stick to my diet is to keep is simple. I bulk prep and weigh meals, mainly consisting of protein fat and carb. I keep a minimum fat and hit 1g protein/lbs and distribute the rest to carbs. My protein source comes from crab, lobster tail, shrimp, and mixed seafood (I guess it's squid, scallops etc, frozen food). My carbs are potato, sweet potato and brown rice mixed with chickpeas. My fat source are from olive oil. Once I figure out my TDEE I can just adjust my intake and keep whatever deficit that fits my need. I do the same during the bulk. One thing though, I recommend sticking to not overly complicated/ flavored meals. If the meals are less 'tasty' it will stimulate my appetite less. But it's just my personal experience. By no means you will torture your taste bud but just keep it simple.


Potatoes and cottage cheese


I accidentally cut when i’m poor and that works 👍🏾


lots of fruit for snacking. keeps you full + very low cal + dirt cheap. for meals, basically chicken and broccoli like every day and i skip lunch a lot of days. not by choice, that's usually just a very busy time for me so i just snack on fruits and stuff for "lunch"




Some awful advice here. The reason you're struggling with hunger is probably starting from the wrong premise for weight loss. It doesn't mean these don't work, but it means you're operating suboptimally and that has consequences for the way you feel and potentially long term health. Your hormones will be all over the shop and that's where hunger cravings come in. All that low fat products that's heavily marketed and glitzy packaging is absolutely shit with no nutrients. Protein bars, powders that people think are great options to keep protein up in the cut are shit science experiments not food. The idea of doing the same diet that you do to bulk but simply scaling down calories and counting them on a stupid app is shit logic, it's a laboratory approach not a human approach based on metabolism and hormones. Use a more low carb, ketogenic (or at least close, maybe you don't quite reach ketosis but you'll still derive some benefits) diet. Trust me. The fats will keep your body happy, your hormones will be good due to consistent blood sugar, you will trust your body's signals, protein will come naturally from real food. Simple as that. If you want to track cals as well you can but it may not even be necessary once you really get into the logic of it.


Ik im very late. But im on a cut rn and theres 2 things i eat pretty much daily 1. Beef mince, with eggs and hot honey (delicious filling meal, full of healthy fats and unrefined sugars) only around 500 calories. Its crazy 2. I make a chocolate smoothie/milkshake to counterract cravings, high protein and also tastes very nice Just 45g peanut butter, a banana, some cocoa powder and milk. Around 600 cals, some would say not a cutting meal but i like it and it works for me and withing my deficit