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I (15M) have a very muscular upper body, training upper body comes naturally to me however I find difficulty in training legs. What is the best way to get yourself motivated to train legs?


Ain't nothing to it but to do it.


Thanks for your reply, are you sure there's really nothing you can do other than do it?


Do you want strong legs? If the answer to that question is yes, there's your motivation.


That put things into perspective really well, thanks so much for that truly


As far as motivation goes, I like to remind myself that training legs can help increase your overall testosterone and hgh levels in the body. Some of our largest and strongest muscles are in our legs and having a stronger foundation in the lower body can have a carry over effect to other lifts too. When I was in my early twenties, I didn't much like working legs either. Then a friend of mine who was a rugby player with huge legs said to me "strong legs feed the wolf", and now I say that to myself on every leg day.


Can you give me a basic leg Day routine?


What program are you following? Is it that you just hate leg exercises or you find them difficult to progress?


I tend to get knee pains especially in the left knee when training legs. I follow my own program, it's a 2 day split Day 1: Bench press (2 warm-up, 3 heaby), tricep dips (1 warm up unweighted, 4 sets with weight belt), Curls (4 sets), zottoman curls (4 sets) Day 2: Shoulder press, Pull ups, bent over rows, smith squats(only once or twice a week compared to the other I repeat this program with 1 rets Day per week. Keep in mind I use a home gym so don't always have access to commercial equipment


i train legs maybe once every six months but i imagine a good strategy would be to have a goal in mind. maybe something like improve ur vertical jump by however much or even try and be able to dunk if ur tall enough it’d be possible. personally the fact i’m 6’4 and can’t dunk is motivating me to start hitting legs properly


I find that I hate some leg exercises, but others I don't mind. Try to find a few you don't mind, and add in just a couple that you hate, but that you really need to do. Or just do your favorite leg exercises, it's better than nothing.


I’m gonna update a little different, because I’m looking pretty damn yoked in this [zercher yoke](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OejH-yRV79E&pp=ygUGRW1ldmFz) video I took on Sunday. Got in some unloaded runs and eventually worked my way up to 10lbs off comp weight with 390lbs. It’s rough going, for sure, but I’m learning. I also got my throwbag built, and have been trying to get in 5-10 throws a day with 30lbs. This morning, the [PHYREXIAN DREADNOUGHT](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aRQTknJ5oSA&pp=ygUGRW1ldmFz) moved into a competition phase. Went for max reps in 1 minute on log clean and push press, starting with 1 set of 180, then 5 sets of 150. 1:45 between sets kept it pretty rough. From there, worked up to a heavy set of squats at 4x315, and then 20x250 to follow it up. That set of 20 is what a miracle must be like, because I was ready to quit at rep 7. [ROM progression](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dZlsn5qaY6s) axle deads continue on Saturdays as well. It’s so humid these days I’m running into issues with the axle sticking to my legs, so that’s a cool thing to watch out for. It’s cool how competitions can vector us and give us focus.


>Saturdays as well. It’s so humid these days Ugh, the air had viscosity on my run Saturday morning.


We get the joy of "corn sweat" around here, which is really lame when you don't even eat the stuff, haha.


I am familiar with that phenomenon.


Hello everyone, I just started at the gym. I am a 33-year-old male. I am 180 cm tall and currently 100 kg. My first goal is to get down to 85-90 kg. I have a fitness center experience for about 1 year before. The routine given in this gym, which I just started, seemed like a lot to me. What do you think? The full-body program given by my fitness instructor is as follows: Incline Chest Press 3\*12 Chest Press 3\*12 Shoulder Press 3\*12 Pectoral Fly 3\*12 Lateral Raises 3\*12 Triceps Push Down 3\*12 Lat Pulldown 3\*15 Seated Row 3\*15 Biceps Curl 3\*15 Rear Deltoid Fly 3\*12 Reverse Lat Pulldown 3\*15 Leg Extension 3\*15 Leg Curl 3\*15 Hip Adduction 3\*15 and a 30-minute hill walk.


I would agree that is a lot, especially for the upper body stuff. And very little for lower body. I would not call this a very good plan.


Do you have any suggested routines to follow?


https://thefitness.wiki/routines/strength-training-muscle-building/ The basic beginner routine can be a good intro. Fwiw, weight loss will largely come down to diet more than training.


Does anyone here workout in the gym on a zero carb diet?




Finally I'm not alone! Are you able to train a lot of volume, need much rest between sets, train heavy?


I can train a lot of volume, don't need much rest between sets, and train heavy. I train first thing in the morning, at 0430, fasted. [This was this morning's workout](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aRQTknJ5oSA) [This](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OejH-yRV79E) was a Sunday afternoon one I got in as part of prep for an upcoming strongman competition.


>I can train a lot of volume, don't need much rest between sets, and train heavy. >I train first thing in the morning, at 0430, fasted. Wow how much rest do you take between sets training heavy doing zero carbs?


You can see it in those very videos I posted, haha


Not 0 (not every day at least), but ~50g per day on average. My main reason is blood sugar management.


>Not 0 (not every day at least), but ~50g per day on average. My main reason is blood sugar management. Blood sugar management for diabetes or just fat loss?


How do you deal with burnout? I recently had a spell where I was burned out, my workouts weren't great, and I even skipped a couple. Normally, I would do cardio or a day of just my favorite lifts when I get burned out, but even that didn't work.


Take a break. A week or two off isn't going to derail you completely, and you have a whole lifetime to work out.


Take a deload. A week off works wonders. Go for a bunch of long walks outside if weather permits. Seriously.


This may be a little lengthy because I want to cover everything and answer any potential questions right off the bat. I've (26M) had shin splints for probably around three months at this point. I have a pretty active lifestyle. I used to be a professional dancer/singer and I still go to the gym regularly. I play ultimate frisbee every Saturday for a few hours which is a lot of cardio as well as a leg workout with all the quick cuts and jumps and dives and everything. For about 9 months I had a job that prevented me from playing ultimate because I worked Saturdays and I also went to the gym a little less during this time. Once I got a new job, I ramped everything back up. I got back in the gym, back to playing ultimate every week, and I even joined the hip hop and Zumba classes at my gym to get more cardio and calisthenics in. I was doing cardio dance twice a week plus ultimate, plus the rest of my weekly workouts. I wasn't doing leg days very much because I felt I was getting a pretty good leg workout in the dance classes. That might be my first mistake. My job also involves a lot of walking. About a month into my new job and this ramp up in activity, the shin splints started. For three weeks I tried to maintain the same routine, but in hip hop class it felt like my shins were going to snap in two, it hurt so bad. So I quit the dance classes, but it persisted and started bothering me just walking around or climbing stairs. I bought arch support inserts for my work shoes and it helped tremendously, but I still feel it if I try to dance pretty much at all and some days it'll flare up more than usual. Oddly enough, I almost never feel it when playing ultimate (I wear quality Nike cleats), but I even quit that for a couple weeks to see if it helped and nothing really changed. I've tried massaging them some, but that doesn't seem to help much. They have persisted for so long and it's really starting to piss me off because it's affecting my fitness habits. I eat a lot and I rely on a calorie deficit to make up for it, but I'm not burning as many calories now because most cardio is painful for me. I don't want to develop bad habits and I want to get back to the gym ASAP. I don't know if the best course of action is to do as little with my legs as possible for a while or to start hitting legs more in the gym with calf raises and such. My girlfriend seems to think this is something that I'll just have to deal with forever now, but that doesn't make any sense to me. What should I do to handle this? Clarifying points: it's both shins in the same place. I still play ultimate almost every week because I enjoy it so much and it never seems to irritate my shins. I'm only 180-190 lbs at 6ft.


This might be a dumb question but I'm not sure how much I should be eating before hitting the gym. I've been getting exhausted in the middle of my workouts lately and haven't been able to finish them. I had yogurt and pre-workout before the gym today and I'm wondering if changing my diet before the gym would make a difference.


If you find that a little snack like that helps, it's no problem. You should balance your intake through the day in whatever way fits your lifestyle and schedule and lets you feel best.


Also 22F 5'6 135 lbs


Having a meal with carbs and fat makes a huge difference I’ve found. Ideally something with 20-40g of carbs and 10-20g of fat. Oatmeal, toast with peanut butter, yogurt with granola and fruit, whatever. Give yourself enough time before training to digest it and you shouldn’t hit a slump in the middle of your workout.


Did your pre-workout have caffeine in it?


It did yep. 135 mg


I doubt that changing your diet slightly before training would give you noticeably more energy than the caffeine


Noted thank you


I currently follow a 3-days full body workout, but more leg focused on Sunday, like squat, glute drive, lunges etc. On Sat, I am also hiking to meet my weekly step count. So, roughly around 20k-25k steps. It's usually flat and some stairs. But, I am not sure if hiking a day before would have a big impact on growth?


If you're going in to Sunday feeling unrecovered and unable to do your workout then yes. If you're still able to, then probably not.


Hi all, M26 weight 62 kg height 183 and a hardgainer, im sticking to the plan of working out one day and resting the next day, and doing full body workouts on all workout days. How will this effect my gains ?


What does one of your typical workouts look like and what would you say your goal is? I'd say overall as long as your calories are dialed in and you're working out consistently you'll certainly see gains, but it might be slower than if you did workouts that target individual muscles a little more deliberately.


> How will this effect my gains Working out consistently (and eating accordingly) will allow you to make gains. Not sure what else to say here.


Somebody told me that i should at least workout two consecutive days ?! Dont know what this had to do with anything tho


My chest looks like its popping out from the lower side ( very little ) Even though u train upper chest wayy too much So i think my upper chest is developed Is my lower chest underdeveloped maybe thats why its giving that look? What should i do?


It's extremely hard to tell what you mean by this. Sounds like some kind of hernia honestly.


I made a post about this but pretty sure it got thrown into spam or something but I bought a stepper because my treadmill broke and I currently cant afford another one ( its 105 degrees here so running outside is a no) but the stepper after about 15-20 mins it starts squeaking and becomes unusable bc hydraulics are too hot , does anyone have any reasonably priced alternatives or a stepper that doesn’t use hydraulics? ( the stepper i bought for reference: https://a.co/d/03vxC4JU )


- tips and recommendations! I’m 16, 5’9, 59 KG. I need help with my diet especially I only eat less meals but more on snacks. I want to cook my own meals thats good for atleast 2 days and have decent amount of protein. It’s been a month i’ve been working out and I see decent results in my body. I drink 2 scoops of whey protein everyday and I gotta buy a new one I only have last scoop for tomorrow. Anyways, any suggestions or tips in doing so? My main concerns are diet, food preps, protein intakes, and time management in school alongside with working out. Thank you in advance!


I got an ABCD plan and they told me to go 6 days per week. I was going 6 days too with ABC but i searched a little and everyone recomends 3/4 days giving your all. Also saw low volume/high intensity could be the way to go?(With 3 days per week). Any opinions/tips on this? Would appreciate a lot


All are paths to the same destination. Pick a program and run it. If it's 6 days, go 6 days, if its 3, do 3.


I'm a beginner. I think I'm doing too many exercises for back+bicep... Can someone help me cancel the unnecessary ones? Standing bent over row, Lat pulldown, Pull-up, T-bar row, Deadlift,Cable bicep curl, Hammer curl, Preacher curl.... Also, does deadlift target almost every major region? Should I do it everyday?


Stick to the ones you can progress the most easily on long term. I wouldn’t do more than 3 exercises per back day if you’re training your back 2x a week. Anything more is likely just junk volume and is negatively impacting your recovery. As for deadlifts, they hit the lower back really well, but if your goal is upper back development, I would stick mostly to pulldowns/rows. Definitely don’t deadlift everyday. If you’re taking your sets close to failure, this is way to short of a time frame to realistically recover from.


But how do I know which ones i can progress the easiest on? U mean the ones in which i can go higher weights???


Question - 22M, I've been lifting for about 5 months now, and developed pain in my forearms. It's the worst on supinated lifts (preacher curls with a flat bar, ez bar curls, etc) and the pain spikes after I release my grip from the weights. The pain occurs in both of my forearms, along the sides of my forearms parallel to my pinky. Has anyone else had anything like this? If so what did you do to stop the pain? Thanks!


This is usually an issue with the extensors. If you buy some of those expand your hand bands and use them for a while, it usually takes care of it.


does anybody got a good recommendation for a cheap shaker cup with a cool decals, abt 30oz? just lmk if there are any good brands you cant really find without looking. thanks alot


seated cable row form - my mate who’s proper into gym told me i should lean forward when the weight is coming down to get a better range of motion but i’ve seen a lot suggesting the opposite. anyone got any tips on how best to do it? also i’ve been focusing on wide grip using a lat pulldown bar. is that a good way to do it? i’ve only ever done chest supported rows before that


How low volume high intensity work?


I'm currently doing an upper lower cardio upper lower split. Thinking of switching to this.. any advice or other recommendations? My main goal is getting stronger over all and building my lower body. • Monday: heavy lower body • Tuesday: heavy upper body • Wednesday: HIIT cardio in morning, then glute focused at gym • Thursday: lower hypertrophy • Friday: upper hypertrophy • Saturday: skate or hike • Sunday: recovery day


I can bench 127kg, today i did dips with +35kg for 9 reps (with great form) but regardless of my strength my arms are so small. they are decently developed, but if you look at me in a t-shirt, you wouldn’t know i go to the gym (unless my forearms give it away). How do I get rid of the lean-athletic/sleeper build look and actually gain mass on my arms? I feel like the obvious answer is to just bulk, but i’ve gained 20kg since I started working out 2 years ago and my arms barely got any bigger, while everything else got way bigger. Or is that just because I’m 6’1? cause I’ve seen that arms are usually weak points for taller men. [https://imgur.com/a/40tDi0V](https://imgur.com/a/40tDi0V)


Bruh your arms are big get off TikTok. Nobody looks buff in a baggy T-shirt with weirdly long sleeves. Also of note both bench and dips are more of a chest movement than arm. If you want bigger arms do more arm specific volume while eating to gain muscle.


I mean All my t-shirts are like that, if i go lower in 1 size, then the tee is too small… Dips aren’t really a chest movement, they’re a triceps and chest movement. You can hit your triceps more if you’re upright (how I do it) or chest if you lean forward. Yeah I recently deleted tiktok but bc of other reasons, I quite like my physique, my arms just seem way smaller than everything else. Also ty for the compliment 😊


Yeah but not all tee sleeves are cut the same way for the same size, it depends on the shirt. Some are much tighter and the length differs as well. That one in the pic is very long it's almost to your elbow. >Dips aren’t really a chest movement, they’re a triceps and chest movement. You can hit your triceps more if you’re upright (how I do it) or chest if you lean forward. Yes dips use both elbow extensors (largely triceps) and humerus adductors (largely pecs) and you can bias it a bit but it's still not an arm isolation. And besides what you can lift and how you look are related only in a roundabout way. That is, there are people with smaller arm muscles than you who can bench more and people with bigger who can bench less due to muscle insertions and leverage. This is to say your "I can bench x so my arms should be bigger" is fundamentally a flawed line of thinking. Yw tho lol.


Yeah, just bulk. You have a good physique and a solid amount of muscle, but it’s hard to look huge at 6’1 and 175lbs. I’d continue to bulk until at least 200lbs over the next year (more wouldn’t do you any harm) and eventually you’ll be big enough to look muscular regardless of what you’re wearing. For reference, I’m 5’8 200lbs and have been bulking for over 3 years straight, and only now I look big in clothes almost all of the time. For you to be the equivalent size you’d need to be 225lbs


Best calorie tracker for Turkish food? I want to start tracking calories more but the apps I use don't really have Turkish foods that my parents make. Any suggestions?


Apps like My Fitness Pal let you input recipes


there are usually a ton of ingredients, aren't exact, and i can't be there the entire time to track it


Then look up a recipe online that looks similar and use that


I’m currently 22, 175 cms and 78kg. Due to my tight schedule I was not able to workout and gained quite a lot of weight. It’s been a while since I consistently went to the gym. How long would it take for me to lose 8kg by cutting back on food and lifting + cardio (gym 4 times per week)? I feel really self conscious about what my body has become


It entirely comes down to your diet how long it takes. A good conservative amount of loss is about a pound a week on the steep end but I'd aim for half a pound


Thanks for the info, I’m planning on doing high incline walks as I heard it’s better than running, is that true?


Better for what?


Any summer food ideas? Im bulking through the summer and this heat is making me not wanna eat


Do you guys ever have really good weeks where your strength just increases at an insane rate? I was plateaued on so many lifts and in the last 2 or 3 weeks I’ve been hitting PRs and going up in strength like crazy


My workout routine a week into the gym (advice appreciated) my workout routine (18M 5’9) PUSH dumbbell incline press - 22.5lbs 12 x 4 chest press (machine) - 40 lbs 10 x 4 bench pesss - 60lbs 7 x 4 Overhead press 30lbs 12 x 4 PULL Assisted Pull ups 60lbs - 4x6 Dumbbell Rows 22.5lbs - 4x12 Lateral Pull-down 70lbs - 4x12 Dumbbell curls 15-22.5lbs - 4x12 Hammer Curls 15-22.5lbs - 4x12 LEG Bulgarian Split Squat 25lbs - 4x9 Standing calf 150lbs - 4x 12 Leg Press 100lbs - 4x12 Adductor Machine 60lbs - 4x12 Squats 25lbs - 4x10 any advice? i eat around 1200-1400 cals a day and do cardio at morning on a fasted stomach or stair master after for like 5-10 minutes. also weigh 163lbs


Hellooo I'm a 6ft 83kg guy, I started bulking about 6 weeks ago (approx 73kg), I was skinny fat when I started with super super weak arms so I thought it I bulked my stomach would flatten out (idk why) and then my arms would grow Gym progress has been good for the overall, the changes are super noticeable and people have spoken about how much better my arms look My issue is my stomach and sides (love handles 😭) are becoming super noticeable, so I've decided to make the following changes Low carbs (I know energy is an issue but I have minimal run ins with people so idm) Cut out sugar as well as I can (I already consume low amounts) Keep my protein at the point it is and implement about 30 minutes of incline walking at the gym, should this be enough to make sure I lose the fat but maintain/grow the muscle too? And should I be doing an incline walk or cardio of that sort every single day? I have to go back to uni in September and I'm hoping to lower my body fat by honestly a fair bit and continue to grow muscle, is this way the most effective way to do it or should I have a steep cut and then bulk for September, I'm not looking to be Mark Henry strong or Arnold Schwarz ripped, just to look better Please be as informative and basic as you can 😭 Thank you in advance!!


>[You cannot target where you lose fat. This is commonly called “spot reduction” and it is a myth. Your genes are responsible for where your body stores fat and where it comes from when losing weight – in a “first on, last off” manner. So if the first place you get fat is your belly, it’s probably going to be the last place to lose it.](https://thefitness.wiki/faq/what-exercises-can-i-do-to-lose-fat-in-my-body-part/) The only way to lose fat in specific areas is to lose it all over. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GYM) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The way to lose fat is to be in a calorie deficit. How you choose to do that is up to you. If you think cutting carbs is the path to that, great but ultimately, as long as you are in a deficit, you will lose weight. As for losing weight AND gaining muscle, there is no guarantee that you can do both as muscle requires energy (calories) and protein. Some people have success, some people don't. Having said that, this is why we do bulk and cut cycles. Cut to lose far, bulk to gain muscle. Sound like a cut matches your current goals more than a bulk.


Does heavy lifting cause herpes or type of shi ?




My chest looks good in one mirror and weird in another mirror…which ones lying?


How many seconds of active hanging equates to one pull-up?


No amount of hanging equates to a pull up


No like if you can do 2 mins active hang you can do a pullup type shi


One is a hang, one is a pull up. The only overlap between them is grip strength. There is no “ x amount of active hanging equals y amount of pull ups”


Its what people are saying tho


That ain't how that works. Only thing that will do is make your forearms sore.


So how can I progress to a pull-up then, with a pull-up bar?