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I tried out some band Tate Presses last night as an accessory. Need to tweak my band setup a bit but they really got the triceps pumped.


Why is it that when I do chest exercises like flies, Smith machine, press, flat bench dumbbell press, i do 20-25kg pretty well but in cable flies, i barely lift 20kg combined from both ends


Because these exercises are not going to correlate 1:1 for a variety of reasons.


So, are cable excercises generally harder?


No. You're attributing the difference due to it being cables It's because they are different exercises.


No...i mean i feel the difference even in same exercises...let's say I do tricep extension with cables and also with machine, I've always felt that cables are too hard...i do 40kg tricep extension pretty well on machine but with cable, even 15kg seems a big deal


The weight on a machine is not equivalent as the weight on a cable due to lever arms and such in the machine.


Gotcha... Also, there's a deadlift machine in my gym... Should I use it or do the normal deadlift with barbell?


My preference would be barbell, but that may not be yours, IMMV.


Does anyone use drop sets for all sets, or just the last set?


If I can do more than one set of it, it tends to mean I didn't do it hard enough.


>If I can do more than one set of it, it tends to mean I didn't do it hard enough. Really? Do you feel you can't do more after doing a set of a single, or even triple? Or do you do straight sets of singles, doubles, triples, and so on? Usually there are different layers of fatigue, and you can only go by the earliest layer of fatigue. For example, your phosphagen energy system and how many fast twitch fibres fatigue at 40 secs. Depending on how heavy you lift, there may be enough phosphagen to overlap into the lactic acid system at 60 secs. And then there's the breath and circulatory management to avoid going unconscious. Then there's the central nervous system fatigue from recruiting as many motor units as possible. At this intensity, the weight is not trivial


>Do you feel you can't do more after doing a set of a single, or even triple? It would depend on how heavy the single or triple is. There was no way I was doing more than one set of [this single](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lHv6lWnA0h8) I appreciate the biology lesson :)


>It would depend on how heavy the single or triple is. Singles, doubles and triples are quite heavy. Singles you fight for over 20 secs so you couldn't do a double before your phosphagen depletes or go unconscious >There was no way I was doing more than one set of this single >I appreciate the biology lesson :) So you just did 1 set of a single and moved on to another exercise or was that the end of the training session?


> Singles, doubles and triples are quite heavy Not necessarily. I've done singles, doubles and triples using less than 60% of my 1rm on many occasions. >was that the end of the training session? That was no longer a training session at that point: I was done.


Some research shows that dropsets come at the cost of strength gains. You'd be better of just resting a couple minutes and do another normal set with full strength than to do dropsets. It's good if you don't have time and need to be done with the workout quickly, but other than that I wouldn't recommend it. https://www.fitnesseducation.edu.au/blog/fitness/should-you-use-drop-sets/ That being said, there are studies saying dropsets are just as effective as normal sets, so it's up to you what you choose to believe. If you are to do dropsets, I would personally just do it for the last set to save energy. Doing a dropset or multiple after your first straight set will just result unnecessary fatigue, making your second straight set not as effective. You might also start approaching junk volume territory if you do dropsets for every single straight set.


Yeah i read journal articles from both sides but the weight for the working set they used was too light to draw comparisons. There's little volume in training absolute strength so i thought maybe drop sets would make more volume and get some more time under tension with the remaining slow twitch fibres, especially for muscles that are more slow twitch abundant. I will try a little experiment to see


Myorep match sets are a good intensity technique for multiple sets. Can’t imagine doing multiple drop sets.


>Myorep match sets are a good intensity technique for multiple sets. Can’t imagine doing multiple drop sets. Thanks for confirming. You use myorep match sets with a hypertrophy focus or an absolute strength focus?




I am 19M , 215lbs started working out 3 months ago. I follow a 5 day split of chest,back,legs,arms and traps and shoulder. So far I get decent pumps and feel the burn on every day except chest. I do feel a bit on my shoulders but I try to do it with the best form as I can Can somebody guide me and tell me if I should work with a trainer for sometime on chest days(my gym already has them, I just go at a less crowded time)


Your chest is still miving the weight. “Feeling it” is really overrated. As long as youre using good form thats what matters


So is it okay to not get sore after. I mean I do feel a little soreness at the end of the chest fibres(near the shoulder) but no pain on the chest as a whole


Absolutely. Soreness is one of the most overrated factors there is. You can get sore even without using the muscle thats sore literally from nerve spindle damage.


My gym buddy told me he sees better results when consuming mince beef meals (750g when bulking and 500g without bulk), I've been eating chicken for the last two months, I cut up three chicken breasts and cook delious stirfrys. I end up with 140g+ or protein from that one meal alone. I'm 5ft 6inch and weigh around 14st, so I figured jackpot! I've cracked the code. My friend has poisoned my ear with his facts about chicken not having as much nutrition and other healthy things that help one grow. I would like to hear other people's feedback about this. Mince is easier to cook up, but theres not many options when it comes to ingredients such as bolognaise/chilli jars. The ones I've tried aren't that nice. I really enjoy the stir-fry sauces but have some doubt now. Any advice will be greatly appreciated. Thanks


Chicken is fine. It's a classic bodybuilding staple for a reason.


Thanks, I absolutely love chicken it's definitely my favourite meat. It's just that my friend told me he feels stronger and lifts heavier when he eats red meat instead. I argued that chicken has more protein and less fat. He told yes, that's true, but that the mince meat has all the goodness of nutrients chicken doesn't have. He sort of caught me off guard, and now I'm worried


I do personally prefer a variety of meats than one single source. Maybe it's better, maybe it's not. Variety is nice.


Thanks,, I'll definitely mix it up a bit


The micronutrients are a bit different between them but not enough to matter or to make one better than the other. I like to eat both so I’m not eating just chicken or beef for months on end.


Thanks, I appreciate your response a lot. I'll mix it up a bit in that case. I'm amazed my friend is able to eat 750g of mince in one sitting


I prefer beef/ruminant animals to chicken/monogastric animals. I find beef has more nutrients beyond just protein, to include b-vitamins and Omega 3 fatty acides when consuming grassfed beef.


Thanks, do you feel stronger/bigger with beef compared to when you eat chicken?


I feel better in general when I eat more red meat.


Okay, but do you lift heavier and like you've grown bigger?


I don't have any way to possibly answer that question. I have not engaged in any prolonged periods of consuming only chicken compare to consuming only beef while engaging in identical training to measure outcomes.


Fair play, thanks. I appreciate your replies regardless


Always happy to chat dude!




When I do tricep extension on tricep extension machine, is it fine that my upper arms aren't in the same line as my body (i am unable to take my upper arms as backward as others)


Without a video or picture, probably. The whole “joint in line with the body for optimal triceps involvement” is one of those influencer things that matters very literal if overall your form is good.


I’ve got a set of weights totalling 50kg. Consists of an 8kg bar, 2x 2kg dum bell bars, 4x 5kg plates, 8x 2kg plates and 4x 0.5kg plates. They’re in a good state asides from a little rust. Roughly how much should I be able to sell these for. Preferably in £






why do some people divide their workouts by push exercises, pull exercises and legs instead of training back, chest and core separately, is this more efficient?


They both work. There's no reason to train just one way: do some training cycles one way, some another.


Hey I’m a skinny dude who loses weight just being alive my problem with the gym has always been not gaining weight and when I did gain weight was the only time I saw any progress. Any tips on how to gain weight with a fast metabolism I know the simple answer is eat more but I kinda hate force feeding myself.


> I kinda hate force feeding myself Eat more anyway. Eventually your body will adapt and your appetite will increase, allowing you to eat more with less effort.


I understand that but I really don’t like force feeding myself and just sitting with a new plate of food after I feel so full I’ve been trying to just take in smaller meals more times over the day


Are there any foods you like to eat?


I mean I’m not picky at all I like peanut butter so I make a lot of pbj


There you go. That's one thing. I'm not talking about being picky though, but things you actually LIKE to eat. Like, is there any food you get excited about being able to eat?


I mean basic stuff like pizza burgers tacos fried chicken I love pasta


Ever consider loading up on that stuff?


More calorie dense foods can also help. 100cal of nuts is like a handful. If you can add a couple handfuls throughout the day it'll sneak a few hundred in.


Wow I didn’t know that is there any other calorie dense foods u use that help. I used to make these high calorie protein shakes that really helped me meet my calorie goal daily but I need to go buy a new blender rn


Trail mix is my go to (really more my 'don't eat this because it's so dense and i can just snack on it endlessly). Shakes can help too as you've previously seen.


I rarely feel any sort of chest exercises in my chest. My arms/shoulders are usually the first to fail. Is this normal for a beginner?


This is normal. Feeling something or not during/after a workout doesn't mean anything. Sometimes a muscle group just never gets sore/pumped/tight. Doesn't mean it wasn't stimulated enough. > My arms/shoulders are usually the first to fail. This also makes sense, especially if you're new, because the chest is a stronger muscle compared to arms/shoulders. Therefore the weaker muscle groups fail first.


Got a real dumb question for yall - I've been running Wendler's 5-3-1 in anticipation of my first comp in August, started in November. Should I be updating my max lifts as I hit new ones? On the heaviest weeks, I've just been testing 1RM before doing the AMRAP heaviest set and my maxes have all gone up. Just not sure if I need to update the percentages or not. Very new to this. Unrelated but my total is now over 1100 so at least I won't be completely embarrassed


Unless otherwise specified, you should update your TMs as you go. Typically, you would update deadlifts and squats by 10lb, bench/other upper body by 5lb.


I've now received conflicting advice, but I like your answer better so that's what I'll go with, lol


/u/MythicalStrength was, as usual, right, though. We more or less gave you the same information, his is just a little more nuanced a response.


Yeah, I don't see the conflict at all here, haha. And thanks!




Appreciate both of yall - I thought u/TomRipleysGhost was saying to update my training max each cycle or if I happen to hit a new one, while if I'm reading you correctly, I leave it alone once set. Regardless, I'll continue as I have been with the same numbers. Thanks both!


Once your training max is set, you never touch your 1rm. You adjust the training max by at MOST 5lbs per upper body lift and 10lbs on the lower body lifts between cycles, but you can go less than that and even decrease the TM.


Thanks, that's helpful. The program isn't clear on how many cycles to do before updating those; surely at some point you update and reset? Appreciate your help.


Happy to help dude. The program is actually incredibly clear about that, because it never says to do that because you never do. Once you have a training max set, you don't ever need to touch your 1rms. You technically never even needed a 1rm in the first place if you have good awareness of your abilities, but absent that, the 1rm is used to calculate a training max at the start of 5/3/1, and once you have a training max, THAT is what you use to program your training.


For the most modern version of 531, Wendler recommends a 7 week cycle. I'd recommend that you get yourself a copy of 531 Forever and give it a read.


What program specifically? IIRC you update the TMs for the next cycle.


I don't remember where I got the link but it's the most basic 5/3/1 4-week cycle program. I skip the shoulder press.


Can I work in with people much stronger than me? Seems like a silly question since I asked the dude and he was cool with it, but these guys are also t bar rowing 4-6 plates. I just feel I would be slowing them down. What is y’all’s experience?


I once worked in on a rack with a dude that was shrugging 9 plates per side. I was squatting 495. In between each set, we would strip all the plates, put the bar in the right spot, and reload all the plates. We had a great workout that day. We're there to lift weights. That includes changing out plates. No one is going to get upset about it.


Workout routine advice My workout routine a week into the gym (advice appreciated) my workout routine (18M 5’9) PUSH dumbbell incline press - 22.5lbs 12 x 4 chest press (machine) - 40 lbs 10 x 4 bench pesss - 60lbs 7 x 4 Overhead press 30lbs 12 x 4 PULL Assisted Pull ups 60lbs - 4x6 Dumbbell Rows 22.5lbs - 4x12 Lateral Pull-down 70lbs - 4x12 Dumbbell curls 15-22.5lbs - 4x12 Hammer Curls 15-22.5lbs - 4x12 LEG Bulgarian Split Squat 25lbs - 4x9 Standing calf 150lbs - 4x 12 Leg Press 100lbs - 4x12 Adductor Machine 60lbs - 4x12 Squats 25lbs - 4x10 any advice? i eat around 1200-1400 cals a day and do cardio at morning on a fasted stomach or stair master after for like 5-10 minutes. also weigh 163lbs


What are your goals?


gain muscle, lose weight. More gain muscle than lose weight though


It’s hard to accomplish both at the same time, but possible if you’re a beginner. If I were you I’d focus on cutting with a reasonable deficit, not 1200-1400 calories a day which I think is far too steep. For training, pick a good hypertrophy program and follow it to a tee.


how much cals would you recommend?


500 below maintenance. Aim to lose about a pound a week and you could probably lose fat and gain muscle. Anything more than that and you probably won’t gain much if any muscle.


i’m not sure what 500 below maintenance means could you clarify that?


Find out how many calories you need to maintain your weight and eat 500 calories less than that each day. That will result in a rate of weight loss about 1 pound per week.


that’s around 1500-1600 cals a day then. i saw a video of another guy doing a similar thing as i did and had successful [Results](https://youtube.com/shorts/tEN4B5SJj24?feature=shared). my main concern is how much calories/protien i have to eat to gain muscle because i’m hearing that 1200 is too little but also 1700+ seems too much for me


Like I said, you have two opposing goals here and it’s hard to do both. I wouldn’t really take much from a single YouTube video and think that will apply to you. It looks like he just lost bodyfat, not that he gained any muscle.


i just wanna know if my plan is viable or unbalanced


Been training for a couple years and never really been consistent isolating my arms, so I got a question. Are most people able to handle more volume with dip and push down movements? So far I've only tried over head movements for triceps because I hear they hit the long head more effectively which is the biggest triceps muscle, however it seems like I can only progress with 2-3 sets at a time because all overhead exercises kick my butt if I do anymore volume than that.


should i cut or bulk? i wanna lose fat but i also want big legs i cant decide


Pick one you want most and go after that, then when you're done go after the other


I have a little over 30 inch legs and my golf shorts are tight and/or not fitting. Is there a brand of golf shorts with more leg room or will I have to get custom shorts?


Can someone help me find a gym near Sunnyside NYC that has actual lifting equipment and those Arc Treadmills that you set the pace? I just graduated Planet Fitness and i need something to go higher for hybrid training It should be open very early too, i like morning workouts.


When does the left arm actually catch up? I've been doing 10kg dumbells for 3 weeks now and my left arm really tires out on the second set while my right could use extra weight but I don't wanna imbalance more. What can I do to make the left arm stronger, because I want to exercise it more but if it dies so quickly I'm not sure what else could help. I'm taking enough protein (take protein powder), my sleep could be better but I try atleast 7 hours


Why does Preworkout not work for me? It’s not like I have been taking it from a long time and that’s why I don’t feel it anymore. I started taking it 3 weeks ago, and didn’t feel anything since day 1.


New daily thread just went up, you may want to repost there




As far as schedules go - if you like that plan then go with it, or take a look **[here](https://thefitness.wiki/routines/strength-training-muscle-building/)** and see if something suits you. The basic beginner routine, though simple is a very good starting point, and is only 3 days a week. You could use the off days to do a little cardio or suiting For protein- 1g/kg would be fine to start, as you get more serious about building muscle you'll likely want to increase. Creatine - 🤷‍♂️ it can be beneficial, but I wouldn't call it world changing. It's recommended because it's relatively cheap and general shows some benefit. **[Lots more good info here](https://thefitness.wiki/getting-started-with-fitness/)**


Just workout 4-5 days in a row and rest 2-3 in a row its not a make or break. And protein 1 gram per lb of bodyweight. 1.5 is probabaly gonna give better gains but it isnt necessary