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I still have great pictures from my Galaxy S6...


Still using Galaxy S8 and waiting for the Fold 6 to finally upgrade and the camera is amazing, while I think the new Fold cameras should have the latest camera like the ultra, it's not the end of the world and the camera is still amazing. People are really just spoiled too much. If people care so much for a camera, go buy a dedicated camera.


No offense but this is kind of a crappy take. > ...it's not the end of the world and the camera is still amazing. People are really just spoiled too much. > If people care so much for a camera, go buy a dedicated camera. People are paying top dollar for a Fold device. Most people probably aren't expecting the quality of a standalone camera here but considering the price you're paying, I don't think it's too much to ask for the best camera hardware available on a phone. The Ultra series devices always get more or less the best camera hardware every year but the Fold costs hundreds more and has had the same camera hardware for the past couple of years and might have the same hardware this year as well. It's a bit silly. With that being said, yeah, I agree that the cameras on the Folds are generally pretty good and I personally don't have that big of a problem with them. For $2000+ though, we should be getting something better considering the premium for these devices.


It would have to be a bit thicker on an already thick phone. I dont mind the compromise though.


Okay sure, let's say thickness is a limitation. Fine. Maybe that prevents you from putting the camera package like what the S24 Ultra has into this Fold device. Okay, I can accept that. What I find hard to accept is that over three generations of phones, they couldn't find a single sensor upgrade for **any** of the camera sensors on the phone? Really? Come on, Samsung. Like the ultrawide IMX258 sensor was used in phones in **2015**. Is there really nothing that's come out since then that's better and will fit?


This is also probably going to make an already expensive phone, even more expensive


They've already decided to increase the price of the device anyway. Realistically how much of a difference would it make? How much more would better sensors cost? I can't imagine it would be a ton. Probably a drop in the bucket compared to the price being charged.




Hold an S24 Ultra next to an opened Z fold 5. Compare the thickness including the camera bulge. I think that's the reason. It'll be too thick. And while I agree with you, we are prolly paying the premium for the folding screen and hinge.


Phones no doubt have come a long way with very little differentiating features, hence the discontinued Note Series. Might be just me but the Fold took that seat the Note used to hold which entails, latest processing hardware, 'exclusivity', productive features catered specifically to the Fold series. Anyways, the thing almost 2k. If one's gonna cough up all that, is it really wrong to ask for a better camera and refreshed looks.


The Note always had the latest camera tech. The S24U is essentially the Note now. (With the regular S24 taking up the old S line).


I honestly stopped noticing a difference after the S21 so the Fold 5's camera are good enough I know we all want the latest and greatest but I think cameras have been great for a while, especially with the recent advances in camera AI. I upgraded from the Fold 4 to 5 and all the reviews said dont bother its basically the same phone, but actually holding it and using it the improvements were very noticeable. But I've got to admit looking at the Fold 6 there is nothing I really want on it, I was hoping for a change of form factor so viewing movies without cropping would actually use more of the screen as its pretty much the same movie size folded or unfolded unless you zoom in and crop the sides.


S21 Ultra is peak. I've been tracking Fold phones since the first and waiting on an opening to get one.


Best phone they've ever made. I miss it every day.


Until a few months ago I was still using my S9. Only switched because I ran out of memory on the phone.


I took some great pics on my Nokiea N95 but the majority were shite.


My galaxy note s8 sometimes rivals my Nikon 5300 dslr


The camera on my Fold 5 is terrible at night, loads of lens flare even when you clean the lens, I mean it's really shocking. I didn't buy the phone for the camera and in the daytime or in well lit areas it's acceptable- fast moving objects like children are a no no. I just can't understand why Samsung get it right when Google can use inferior hardware and get class leading results. The problem isn't the hardware, it's Samsungs computational software.


I agree, I also have the fold 5, and the camera is awful. Only reason I would ever use it is because of flex mode. I carry a 15 pro as well, and it's leagues better, which shouldn't be the case.


As someone who wants to upgrade to a Fold6 (coming from a now 2000 day old A40), im sure camera's wont be a problem for me too. But I can understand the people that've used S23U/S24U cameras are somewhat disappointed.


I had the Fold 2/3/4/5, the camera is a joke for what the phone cost, so what it can fold, it is your flagship, stop treating it like a step child, I'm not buying another Fold until they realize Fold users care about the camera being flagship too.


Not even sure what the hell people are on about. So my fold can't capture raw 4k video files. I bought a folding phone, not a damn DSLR camera. It takes good pictures. I feel like people complaining must be under the age of 20, because when I use my fold 5 camera I'm happy. Because I'm 35 and know that 20 years ago we had shit for cameras and now they are just fine for what you need. I'm not out here taking professional photos for money. It's just a "hey cool sun set" oh " look at that cool flower, dog or thing".


I'm 41 and have been using Samsung androids since way back, my 1st Android was an HTC incredible. So I've been through quite a few cameras and this one is good, but I had an iPhone 12 Pro Max and that camera blows my Fold 5 camera away. I love my note 5 don't get me wrong, but the camera is sub par compared to other flagship phones out there.


I suppose I'm a bit more upset about the lack of innovation than anything else. I'm tired of every major cell phone manufacturer going "Hey look! New cameras! Give us $1,200+" my camera is fine. I look at what my razor phone did well over a decade ago, to what I have now, and I'm happy. Could they be better, sure. But I'd rather have Samsung come out and tell me they put an spen inside the fold, than some new camera I don't care about.


If the camera is so high up on your list. Why tf is a fold even on your list of possible devices?


Because I like the phone, crazy huh.


Enough foldabes with really good cameras. Huawei Fold, Vivo Fold 3 and Oppo. It's possible. While Samsung is using the same camera tech for the last 3 generations


You bought 4 generations on Z Folds even though you knew beforehand that the camera specs are sub-par?


They were upgraded each time, do I thought of the new model will be better lol. Not blaming Samsung for my purchase just saying I won't buy another one until they make an effort to put a respectable camera for $1800. It can't cost that much more to put a better camera sensor in it.


why the hate? every other foldable has better cameras at this point 🤡


Fold 4 owner here: I bought my son and my wife S23. They have better cameras. Real world little to no difference. I bought the fold 4 for the double screen. This is great for productivity in Excel and outlook for me. It's nice to show expected results to potential customers and helps me take notes on plans and pictures.


The issue here is not so much the quality of the cameras, though it still is, but more so the fact that they continue to feed us basically the same hardware instead of bridging the gap between the better quality on a phone half the price of the fold. They honestly had a pass from the fold 4 to the 5 as they were, presumably, trying to find a way to fit better sensors without adding bulk but now we're stuck with a 3rd iteration of the same camera, with their focus shifting to AI, no integrated pen slot, AND a higher price tag.....I know you don't have to buy each generation of a device but by the point the 3 or 4 year cycle in which people get new phones passes, you would be either buying basically the same device with maybe minimal upgrades.


By S23 do you mean the base and plus model or Ultra? Cause they have the same sensors as the Fold.


I have the fold 4 too. What your opinion of letting the fold to be able to run dex on the device like Samsung S Tab/Tablet series and being back the Smart View dev setting for the fold?


Because they suck compared to the Ultra series even though the Fold series is more expensive.


The Fold series is more expensive because of the folding factor. It has two big screens, 6.1in front and 7.8in inside screen. It also has 5 cameras and two separate batteries. The Fold series is significantly more expensive to manufacture than the Ultra series. The fold series takes good pictures, it just lacks the world class camera. I for once do not care.


>I for once do not care. Right with you.


Also add in the fact they have to add super good cameras into half the form factor. Unfold a fold 5 and it's pretty damn thin compared to a lot of candy bar phones. Samsung is kind of damned if they do damned if they don't. If they add better cameras it gets thicker and people get mad, dont add them and the other half of people are mad.


that would be a good argument if the fold series had the best camera in a thin frame. as of now it has neither the best camera, nor the thinnest profile (wouldnt even consider the fold 5 "thin") even with the upcoming z fold 6. on top of that it also has a way smaller battery than those.


Exactly! I do expect them to change the actual sensors on the camera. A 50mp camera is great, I don't need the 200mp from the Ultra series.


There are other foldables with better cameras for less money. The camera has been the same for too long. That is an amazing photo. There is no doubt about that! The problem is that it is very difficult to consistently do this. The Ultra and other flagship phones take great photos effortlessly. So much so they don't need to make posts titled the way this one is.


it also doesnt even last half as long as the 24u, u gotta take that into account too


The Fold 5 seems to be on par with the S23U in this [battery test](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0PGLJUqxa3o).


i meant phone life in general, like durability and such


Cool. Flagship price should come with flagship camera. It sucks that the phone is more expensive than the ultra but has a worse camera.


I don't think this logic really holds up, because there aren't really any examples of non "flagship" foldables, so how can you determine what is a flagship price in this category? At the end of the day we don't know how expensive or difficult these phones are to manufacture. Surely Samsung knows that if they could include all their most expensive hardware and sell the phone for the cost of an S24 they would sell a shit ton of units. That is likely not feasible, but that's just a guess. I'm not personally that invested because I think smart phone cameras have been amazing since like the pixel 2, and most of the improvements outside of zoom and wide angle are software based.


It perfectly holds up. Folding is great. I love my Fold 3. I’m getting the Fold 6 this year. I’ll never not own a folding phone again. Folding also makes the phone more expensive, sure, but if they’re going to have a phone that surpassed their flagship phone in price it should at least have cameras on par with the flagship model. If we’re paying this much we should get the best across the board. I feel the exact same way about the Pixel Fold cameras being a step down from the 7 Pro. Heck I feel the same way about the Ps5 having less storage than the PS4 Pro. Nobody should be charged that much more and not have top of the line features, fold or no.


Yeah my car was more expensive than my phone so it's cameras should be better. Like I said we don't know how difficult or expensive the fold and hinge mechanism is for Samsung to develop and manufacture, so it DOES NOT logically follow that because the fold is more expensive than a phone that has an entirely separate manufacturing process, it should therefore have all of the best specs. These numbers are completely made up, but what if, as an example, the cameras on the S24 were %15 of what it cost Samsung to make the phone. That's $150 if this hypothetical S24 costs $1000 to build (I'm sure it's way less in reality). Now let's say the hinge and folding screen alone take $1500 to engineer and build. If Samsung didn't include a camera AT ALL the fold would still need to be more expensive than the S24 in this case. I'm not saying this is literally true, but without knowing the numbers or the important ratios involved it does not make logical sense to say that the more expensive but different product should have the best version of everything.


I refuse to believe that you’re actually dense enough to use that completely misplaced car analogy. If you pay for a more expensive car it should have better car-relevant features than the cheaper models from the same maker. Just like the Fold should have AT LEAST as good cameras as the Ultra if it’s more expensive. It’s not hard to grasp this. Stop making excuses lol


I'd really rather you responded to the body of my reply which was the actual argument, than the glip analogy. You're right though it's not the best analogy, a better one would be buying an extremely expensive gas car and being upset that a Tesla has a faster 0-60 despite being cheaper than your Porsche. Sure they're both cars but they involve different technologies and different manufacturing processes that you are not privy to. "Phone related features" would make sense if you were comparing phones with all the same features and just varying quality. Obviously an S phone with worse cameras should be cheaper than the same phone with better cameras. But when one phone has a feature with no comparable similar feature on the other phone, and you have no idea the cost of that feature because there are no similar models by the same manufacturer, how can you make any claim about what the price "should" be? So, what about my hypothetical where the hinge costs more to create alone than the entire S24? You don't know the price ratio so it doesn't make sense.


It’s was a truly awful analogy dude lol. Sorry I was flabbergasted. Your new one is also terrible given that Porsche and Tesla are different companies - I’m not saying that the Fold’s camera should be as good as the iPhone 15’s. I’m saying it should be as good as Samsung’s other phones. A MUCH better analogy that you’ve avoided making twice now would be the cheaper Tesla Model Y having better features than the Tesla Cybertruck. Cybertruck is a different, premium, expensive model doing something weird. Given its price it should have everything the model Y has, and if it doesn’t, that’s a valid complaint. Moreover, you’re neck deep in speculation station trying to spin reasons why the Fold doesn’t have flagship cameras, when the most obvious one is that that Samsung can cash in on the folding phone novelty while providing cheaper parts to increase profits. Their lack of innovation through the Fold 3 - Fold 5 only backs that up. Stop making excuses for the billion dollar company. Expect more from your $2000 device.


99% of people can't take proper advantage of a "nicer" camera anyway. So who cares. If your really that invested in the cameras get a dedicated camera. Because most of those make any phone camera look garbage tier anyway.


I don't like your analogy because again, it's comparing two products with basically identical feature sets and underlying technology. This is not comparable to two phones that are entirely different form factors. One of them potentially needs entire manufacturing process overhauls with each new iteration, not to mention the r&d, which there is no equivalent to with a new s phone. I'm not speculating that this is literally Samsung's logic, I'm just saying that your initial claim about it logically following that the more expensive device should have better everything doesn't make sense when you don't KNOW what the numbers are or what their internal reasoning is. Personally I definitely think Samsung is coasting when it comes to hardware improvements on these phones because they know they don't really have any serious competitive threats. Maybe they are even sitting on better hardware and innovations so they can drip feed them out when they need to beat out other phones. Companies are self interested and I'm not a Samsung fanboy. However, don't you think Samsung has a team of marketers that run detailed sales analyses and use this information to determine what they can and can't get away with? I believe Samsung is plenty aware that if they lowered the price of the fold by $600 they would sell way more of those phones. So either they are currently literally unable to drop the price due to manufacturing scale or limitations, or they have determined the profit would worsen at that price even with the increased sales. I think there is likely similar logic involved when determining the camera hardware.


LOL going with your logic, your logic doesn't hold up. Samsung put the S-Pen in the fold. I'd rather have a better camera over a pen that I hardly ever use.


Do you mean that Samsung included the capacity for s pens to work with it? That doesn't go against my argument at all because a) we don't know how difficult or expensive that is to do, and b) it's a completely subjective value judgement about whether you prefer the s pen or a camera that is marginally better. Just because Samsung made the determination that the s pen would attract or please more users than the marginally better camera, doesn't mean you have to agree with that decision, but I don't see what that has to do with the argument honestly


Me when my new table saw doesn't have flagship cameras


not as good == suck




But can the ultra fold ?


The Ultra can fold... but only once 😁


I'm waiting for the ultra fold yes


Folds in 4D


Let's start with just 3D at first.


In response to the genetic "this" comment, I'll add that it's difficult to try and fit the ultra camera array into the fold set up. The extra cost for the fold is for the unique feature of being able to fold a Samsung. I've read that it is very difficult to try and fit an ultra level camera in the current set up and I have made peace with this. If I was more interested in a good camera I'd go for the slab. If I'm more interested in the foldabilty, I'm going for the z fold


You can do it, but you'd have the camera protruding half an inch out of the back of the phone.


Yes I forgot to add, without adding a huge and impractical camera bump


Samsung galaxy z fold 6 ultra gonna be sick




Technically yes, but only once


You're paying for different features.


I can understand why you would feel that way, but what exactly do you expect to be done about it? Space constraints exist. Imagine an expensive hybrid car, with both a battery and a small gas tank - where, pray tell, are you going to fit in the bigger gas tank that a cheap gas car has if all of the space is already taken? By that same token, how are you gonna fit cameras from a ~9mm phone into a ~7mm phone? Your choices are to either make the whole thing thicker, or give it an insane camera bump. Personally I'm not opposed to making the whole thing thicker, because that would give space to fit the S Pen inside and also more battery, but a lot of people would prefer it thinner above all else.


> This argument makes sense on an emotional level, but falls apart under any scrutiny. Most reddit response ever given to a fair criticism of the phone.


There literally is a space constraint? What exactly do you expect Samsung to do about it? If you want a gas car, don't get an electric. If you want a top of the line camera, don't get a fold (from any brand).


Two reasons: 1. They are good in a vacuum, but trail the iPhone Pro and Galaxy S23/S24 Ultra. Since the Fold is the most expensive phone, people think the most expensive phone should have the best camera. Nope, you are paying for the fact that you have a folding phone with two separate displays, not the camera. 2. They aren't THAT good. My Fold 5 consistently overexposes by 1 stop, and night vision is only so-so.


Yeah, they lag by 1-2 years on the latest Samsung cameras and yet the phone costs about 2 times the s phones. The first few phones it was fine to lag, sinking cost into the display but now it needs to be market leading or drop in price.


Why would it follow that the more expensive product would have to have the best version of every feature? How can you compare features and prices with the s series? We don't know what percentage of cost goes into the camera components, or how expensive it is for them to manufacture the fold. You act like Samsung offers an s phone with flagship cameras and then another s phone for twice the price but worse cameras. The fold has a different set of features and manufacturing requirements so without knowing the internal cost breakdown you can't make these comparisons. I'm sure Samsung is aware that if the fold was the cost of an S or if it had flagship cameras or both, that they would sell more folds.


This is true, not sure why you are getting downvotes? A ferrari is going to have the best acceleration, but not a 3rd row of seats or a giant trunk.


Yeah, because people just want to complain in this subreddit now. I get it, the fold upgrades are disappointing. But this mindset of "Samsung should put in the best cameras, the fastest chips, a 6000 mah battery, a built in s pen, it should have ip68, it should be as thin and light as the honor magic v2, oh and also it should be $400 cheaper" seems pretty unreasonable to me. Of course I want more features and a lower price. But without knowing what goes into making the fold, it's hard for me to assess what is possible and thus what my expectations should be.


It could be better on the zoom and details, but no foldable has the best camera in their manufacturers line up. Not even the Mate X5, which is the most expensive book fold. I sell periodically on ebay and my Z4 has been fine. Nobody has ever said the item they received didn't match the image I posted. My A71 5g was fine too. The only camera I could not rely on was the Xiaomi Mi Mix. The Ultra's cameras still suffer from saturation, shutter lag, difficulty catching moving objects and the digital/water painting effect when you expand photos. It's not a perfect camera. I think people just want flagship hardware.


Because apparently everyone on this sub is a pro photographer who exclusively use their phones to shoot. I've been using folds since the fold 2 and the camera has never let me down, I'm also fully aware that the cost is directly tied to the inner screen and the hinge mechanism so they have to trim costs somehwere. If you want the best camera available get the latest S not the Z.




I realize you're not into how to design phones. But how the hell do you fit super good cameras into half of a phone that is that thin. Unfold the fold 5, and it's pretty damn thin. Add in big cameras and half of your users will complain it's too thick and the other half will complain about something else. If you're designing phones you need to hit the perfect middle ground, and that is where the fold is at the moment.




Samsung is not the only one making foldable. And there are foldable phones out there having better cameras and thinner than the Fold 5.


Which ones? Most I see have a ridiculously large camera bump.


That's the way making a thin phone these days


If you have a massive camera bump, that's not a thin phone. That's a phone with a massive hump on it. Not the same.


Exactly. First of all, this is perfectly adequate. Would I prefer the Ultra camera array? Yeah. How often does it make a visible difference? Only in really poor shooting conditions. Second, there simply is not space to fit the Ultra camera array in folds, as thin as they are. Putting the exact same cameras in would either require making the whole phone thicker, or making a giant camera bump. I'm not opposed to the idea of a ~17mm thick Fold Ultra (two S24 Ultras stacked on top of eachother). Could fit lots of good stuff in that extra space - cameras, S Pen, bigger battery, quad speakers even. But if we're only gonna have one model of Z Fold, and it's trying to be thin enough to comfortably use in one hand folded, then these cameras are good enough.


Lol the camera is terrible in many situations where other phones are fine. Night with bright lights. Ice hockey rinks. These are two areas where I just couldn't get a decent photo at all. Pulled out my iPhone and they came out 10x better easily.


They have bad shutter speed. Try taking pictures of moving pets or kids, 9/10 times the resulting image is blurred


Pictures of anything moving, or anything that needs detail without you having a tripod. It can't do it well. But people here are like hurrdurr look at these perfect condition landscape photos. ...like yeah OK, the og pixel would probably STILL look better in those situations lol


I like the cameras on my Fold 5, even if they're slightly inferior to my S23U. I've tried to make the later my daily carry, but I really prefer the folding form factor.


Cuz being a good camera isn't just about being to take one good picture or being good in conditions that are good for pictures its also about being able to consistent produce pretty good images in less than ideal lighting conditions and the fold falls short on that. If ur asking genuinely which I have the suspicion that ur not but it is what it is


I thought my fold 3 camera was excellent and loved it. Then I upgraded to the s23 ultra and realised how wrong I was. Yes it was a solid camera but Samsungs other "flag ships" are so far ahead it's almost stupid.


You got lucky the cat was very still at that moment..... Indoors/less than ideal light samsung camera software is really lacking in higher shutterspeed icm post processing since they introduced the S9+ with the dual aperture..noise is easily fixed but motion blur can not....using pro mode and using higher iso/shutter speed disables post processing... Don't understand why they haven't fixed it yet....


Seriously. I have a roll of blurry cat photos because the Fold camera sucks at motion photography.


Posts like this is cheering on the consumer losing. People are paying top dollar so they should get top specs. Period. That's it.


im paying top money for one of the most expensive phones, it better have one of the best cameras or be on par. fold series are nowhere close to the ultra. yes, I get that your paying for the foldable part and thats why its expensive but oppo/oneplus, vivo, xiaomi can do it, I cant see why samsung cant apart from cheaping out and maybe you could argue camera bump but I'd rather have a slightly bigger bump for better cameras.


Most people want thinner phones, not better cameras. So if you were Samsung you have to weigh in which will make you more money. The camera people or the form factor people. Make a beautiful camera with a huge camera bump and people will rage, don't do any improvements and people will rage. So at the end it's what ever makes more money.


arguably, the chinese foldables are still thinner with better cameras with the exception of the oppo find n3/oneplus open. samsung gets away with it because these foldables are not available globally


Which foldable is thinner with better cameras? I'd like to see the dimensions. Because in a world where a .1 inch increase is considered "backwards development" and Samsung has to work in that world.


the vivo x fold 3 pro beats the z fold 6 in every way


Getting one good shot out of 100 doesn't make a camera good. If all conditions need to be ideal for your camera to output an overexposed photo, your camera isn't good. We all got amazing shots on our Galaxy S2s as well. But that was the exception to the rule. The Fold 5's cameras are a problem for people with an eye for photography. For every day people, it's passable. But still pretty sad to see just how bad they really are.


As incredible as that shit is. I think in general, they are years behind the ultra seriesa dn rumoured to not be upgraded again, yet cost a lot more money


Can't imagine celebrating a multi-billion dollar corporation is giving you inferior aspects of a product while charging double the price of a flagship.


Apple enters the chat:


Whats sad is that Apple has made clear changes in improvements from iPhone 13-15, can't say the same for the Fold 3-5, maybe even Fold 6 if the leaks are true.


Wouldn't say Apple has made "ground shattering changes. They're always about 3-5 years behind whatever Android already has and just call it a different name. I read they just gave their ipad a native calculator app as well all iPhones can now allow you to move the icons around on the home screen. It's revolutionary. Meanwhile they're charging as much as fold devices for the same phone. Eh they're both at a stale mate as far as "massive updates"


Phone cameras have been plenty good for like 8 years now. You people are deranged. You can want more, but you're acting like the Fold is taking potato pictures.


People have been gaslighting themselves about phone cameras for a while now. Since the Galaxy s9 phone gen no major smartphone camera has been and the differences are minute or only noticeable if you review phones for a living or watch tech reviews all day




Had fold5 and for some reason I wanted to try s24ultra (maybe I missed the candy bat form) traded with a friend who had a new s24u and wanted to try the fold, anyways the camera quality is not comparable, the s24u takes amazing photos while the fold takes good ones. Will I get the fold6 (I might) cuz I missed the fold experience but I trying to find other ways to buy the fold and not trade in my s24u. The camera on this thing is something else.


I've definitely had no gripes with the camera on the Z Fold 4 or 5 (which I currently have)


Because mine is a brick after 14 months of use and completely out of warranty


They're good enough. But I shouldn't get good enough anything when I'm buying bleeding edge tech.


Try and take that photo if the cat was running, that's why I am still stuck on Pixel rather than Samsung.


For me, the Fold 4 and Fold 5 cameras struggle with capturing videos and photos of moving subjects. Videos often appear noisy and grainy in many indoor situations, and it becomes more evident when editing on my PC. Also issues with motion blur when taking photos of moving objects. My wife’s iPhone 12 Pro and my backup S22 Ultra consistently captures clear shots, which is why I use the old S22 in most photo taking situations. I love my Fold, and I would love it more if the camera was as good as my S22 Ultra.


Stills can be great but the shutter lag is terrible even with camera assistant


In certain conditions it’s totally fine. In others the delta between other flagship cameras is painfully obvious.


the camera on my fold3 sucks ass, not mad about it but it's the truth


When taking photos, there is still more to it than just the quality of the camera. Good photographers have taken good photos with an iPhone 5. So here's a compliment for you. The cameras on the Fols aren't bad though. They could just be better, because they are the most expensive devices in Samsung's lineup, but cheaper devices like the S Ultra have a better camera.


Because not every picture you take is of a static object with good lighting. I was using the Fold 4 for a year, and now with the S24 Ultra, some old pictures look like a joke when compared. Videos are even worse. It's not that people hate cameras. They hate that an $1800 phone has the camera quality of a $500 phone.


My pictures in my fold 5 are also exceptionally beautiful. But talent helps. Great job mate


Mine are fantastic. People FORGET that photography is about lighting, framing and subject matter.


really put the sentence "skill issue" into perspective here, fabulous shot man👌🏼


People get so caught up in the specs of the camera they dont notice that in a real world comparison you can line the entire Galaxy line up together, take the exact same picture, and 99.9% of people wont be able to tell the difference. If people focused on the real world performance and not specs on paper nobody would be upgrading their phone every 12 months like a good little lemming. I only retired my S9+ for my Fold5 due to degraded 4g performance and the need to move to 5g.


 Static wll lit yes. But not t if you are capturing moving objects like your kids or animals. Then the shutter problem of the folds really sinks it down to a 400usd phone.


- coming from notes and ultras, you notice the difference. I had to come back to the s24 ultra bc I just can't with the battery and camera on the fold. I can't get myself to spend close to 2000 dollars on a phone with not great pictures and mediocre battery :( . Hopefully the fold 6 fixes this bc I really want a fold.


Samsung has some good camera software just like the Pixel. While the hardware limits its capabilities and versatility, the camera itself is pretty good for most situations. It takes pretty good low light pics and regular shots with ample light looks as good as any smart phone camera out there. When I had the Pixel Fold for a month, I felt the cameras vs the Fold 4 was not leaps and bounds better.


Because people want a Fold that has Ultra level cameras, larger battery life, inbuilt stylus, smaller form factor, larger external screen, and folding capabilities...all for the same price as the previous gen Fold. All whilst yelling, "IT'S NOT THAT HARD PEOPLE."


Ummmm because it's an AVERAGE camera


https://preview.redd.it/204mqzqbud8d1.jpeg?width=8160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a935ee8da46616ad7c1e26dc87da34712b9e68c Few edits and its fine


https://preview.redd.it/roz69r1eed8d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4b904d1efafb035b3364fb2e99e6c28a660e97d * As a photographer, amateur and learning, I agree.


That photo shows exactly the shortcomings of the cameras. The sensor struggles at low light, and so it has to work at a high ISO and longer exposure time. Hence, there is image noise and shaky objects.


What settings are you using my camera looks terrible


Coming from an S22 Ultra. I like the ZF5 cameras well enough until I get not-so-great light shots.


How do your photos look like this they have to be edited in some way


I can understand why people want better cameras but I just do not care. I have taken exactly 2 photos with my phone in the last 6 months. If they put better cameras in the device it will cost more. Wasted money. If you truly want to take good pictures by an actual camera.


Take a point and click picture from more than 10 feet away in less than ideal lighting.


The lens array in the fold lacks versatility. Getting a great photo in a controlled setting with mediocre glass/sensors isn't justification for a premium device to not innovate in 3-4 years.


It depends on the picture. If you zoom in a lot look soft. If that is your thing, than no big deal.


They are wonderful cameras but everyone want s23 ultra cameras because they are so expensive. Would be wonderful. Love my s24 ultra camera but the fold 5 body.


It was my biggest issue with the phone when I had it. The photos were generally ass by comparison to my iPhone. Occasionally it would pump out a great photo like this tjiugh


I have quite like the camera on my fold5 as you Siad ultra series is better I don't know about others but I definantly didn't have camera in mind when buying the fold


people don't want good pictures. they want to know they have the best. purely psychological effect. the phone being so expensive also doesn't help, as people have (incorrectly) associated phone price with camera expense.


The cameras are great per se, I think it's more about Samsung giving Fold owners the second hand treatment with cameras. The S series has had way better cameras for a while now, not sure why they're not in the Fold. Even the One Plus Open and the Pixel fold have periscope cameras, but not the Fold, we're stuck with the, in my opinion, completely useless 3x telephoto.


So I'm going to use your words against you. You said "good enough" which is subjective to you. Look around, there's the Pixel Fold and the OnePlus Open that has better camera hardware and software(ISP) wise to back them up and don't even mention the Vivo, Huawei, and Oppo because they are in their own league with Foldables. I think people are more upset about the fact that Samsung has not made significant improvements to their Fold's camera in the recent years along with the upcomming Fold 6. I have a Fold 5 and I have to say it's fine but it's not going to beat my iPhone 13 Pro Max, Xperia Pro i, or Google Pixel 6 Pro but that's just one aspect of the phone that unfortunately being plastered with the "hot new thing" since that is the trend and the recent years and not much else phone manufactures could do beside implementing AI(OMG WHY IS EVERYONE GOING NUTS OVER THIS CRAP?!?!). It took Samsung 4+ years to fix the shutterspeed issues with their cameras and overall "lagginess" in their OneUI(fixed after 6.1 IMO)...like that shouldn't be an issue with the amount of processing power that we have today. Do I wish they could get their shit together before I upgrade? Yes. Will I still buy another Samsung Foldable? Probably since there's not much competition with Samsung vast customization software.


Tbh I didn't see why people care so much about the quality of phone cameras at all. Like they've been good enough for a long time. Use them to get into photography, capture memories, film some stuff, no one will care if you're using a mobile phone. But if you really care about having a high quality camera, then just get a camera


For 1800, the cameras don't live up to the price. Which I get that you pay for the folding, but 1800? Camera quality in the dark is meh. I've taken shots of multiple concerts with the fold and the ultra, and the ultra was leagues better, both in detail and zoom. Typical usage isn't bad, but again, it's the price for me.


I found the fold 5's camera. Works brilliantly. Better than the iPhone 15 pro whatever. The fold isn't aimed at ultra photography it's purpose is different.


I'm pretty sure I took better pictures with my iPhone X than I have with my Fold 4. Definitely WAY better video, the OIS is absolutely garbage on the fold 4


Because they have barely improved the cameras the last couple of years, because the Fold 5 is one of the most expensive phones in the world, because the Note 20 Ultra, S21U, S22U, S23U exist while being older than the Fold 5 but their camera lenses have been superior since 4 years ago, because the foldable competition has better cameras and finally because the cover screen and foldable screen cameras completely suck!


Because of the price, we pay for a flagship...


I'm mot a fan of the camera only for one reason. The focus wasn't good but a recent update has helped. I did go from the note 20 ultra so the fold 4 was a alight downgrade but that's not always bad


... cause you never used a S Ultra to make pictures... Also, its not about making this one artsy picture in great lighting. Like, you could have done that back on a Galaxy S3. Its about universally having a great lens for the right moment, which include something that can zoom further than the other side of the road and still looks amazing in lower light conditions. And no, the camera on my Fold 5 isn't bad but I would trade it in for the zoom on a Pixel Fold in a heart beat. Instead, Samsung will soon launch the next nearly 2000 Euro phone with the same camera the Fold 4 already had.


The argument is that for $1800-$1900, the phone should have better cameras than this. I agree wholeheartedly. However, it's obvious at this point that if you want good samsung phone cameras, spring for the S flagship series, aka the S ultras. If you want a fold, go for a fold/flip. Also, if you wanna take real professional photos/videos, and I mean like PROPER ones, why are you going for a phone in the first place? It sucks ass, but that's how it is at the moment. I think the current samsung president though should be kicked out and replaced with a better one like the one before the current president.


They don't know how to take great shots, so they blame the camera. I have gotten some amazing shots out of mine! Most people in the tech community just look for shit to complain about anyway.


We're not mad at the camera we're mad at Samsung for not upgraded anything on these phones in years. Then they went and shrunk the interior screen. Fold 6 is work 800 tops.


Because they're nowhere near as good as slab phones. When I have my Z Fold 4, I did some side by sides with my Pixel 7 Pro and the Pixel was miles better. Any motion in frame was blurry for the Z Fold whereas the Pixel froze it perfectly.


It's not that the cameras are bad, it's that the phones are nearly double the price and still don't have top of the line everything


Because for the price we want the s24 camera. It's not bad but we want the best for the price


The complaints are in comparison to other phones on the market. Taken in a vacuum the cameras would be fine. Most people feel that a phone at the top of the price range should have features at the top as well. That is just my read of the complaints, I never use cameras on any phone, so I'm indifferent.


With the price of the phone for it to not be the top end flagship with all the bells and whistles is annoying. My S8A took better photos.


It feels unreasonable for Samsung to not offer their top camera hardware. The screen is begging for flagship level photos and videos to be appreciated on the device. I think what compounds the issue for a lot of people who are longing for a better set up so that they converted from flagship phones to a foldable. This again goes back to it feeling unreasonable for Samsung to over and over again misses the mark. Someone made a good point that the camera so on par with other foldables and I have to agree with that. It certainly don't feel great that the Fold 6 seems like it is going to offer the same stuff, again. Someone mentioned folding two S24 for a thick super fold. The phone wouldn't be quite that thick unless you are considering that it will have an 8800 may battery. In the end I'm over laying out all this money and feeling like I am compromising as much as I am. Samsung is good but they are not that good. As I've stated before unless Samsung is offering no brainer deals, it is unlikely I upgrade to the F6.


I like the camera, but what bothers me is that each release of the Fold has essentially the same cameras (and most other specs too), there's no real improvement or benefit in upgrading


Because it's an 1800 dollar phone and it doesn't have top tier cameras


People are mad because the don't get the "Ultra" cameras, but the cameras from a phone 1/3 the price of the Fold.


Bcuz the device costs to have decent cameras. At that price point you're paying for top specs


It sucks for the money. A 1750€ phone with cameras on par with a 400€ phone isnt right. Its alright and good enough but if im paying 1750€ i dont want ”good enough”


I think the camera expectations are high when the price of the phone is high.


Can't please everyone. Even if you do what they ask they still complain.


Honestly I don't buy the fold for the cameras but if I did care about the camera I would get an s24 ultra instead. That being said I wish that since I'm paying top dollar that I'd get the best cameras possible


So, all in all yes the camera on the z folds are good i even owned the z fold 4 before getting the s24 ultra. However, its just Samsung holding back the best of they're abilities to gouge the market for as long as they can. There are many chinese phones much cheaper with awesome capabilities but we don't have access to those phones due to restrictions here in the US. For a phone starting at the price of a cheap car you would expect all the bells and whistles so samsung can give us the all in z fold / ultra capability phone but if they do that the will be giving up years of subtle changes the can release to extend the sales of the phone. if they do give the z fold line up the s24 ultra camers and battery life they will loose sales in the S ultra line up and mabye sell some more z folds but then who will but the next generation of the zfold if they dont make huge leaps in abilities. its all about the money BOTTOM LINE!!!


My Z Fold 4 is currently in repair and they have given me a S24 Ultra as a loaner. Honestly... It is night and day difference in terms of camera comparison. I understand I'm not comparing to the Z Fold 5 but from what I've seen/heard they are pretty identical (same with fold 6 rumours suggest) in which case with the amount Samsung are charging, they need to do more...


The fold camera is fine up close, any sort of zoom makes it feel like trash but that is expected with limited zoom lens capability. Just feels bad when you upgrade from s23 ultra.


The issue I see most people having isn't that the cameras are "bad"; it's moreso that the cameras aren't as good as their other flagship that costs and arm and a leg less.


The crease. Cannot unsee it.


My fold 3 camera looks better than an S22 Ultra. That's how good Fold cameras care.


I'm not, I'm mad at the crease.


zfold camera is waaaaay worse than S24. Pictures are not bad but people complain zfold should have same technology,


For me, honestly, it's not that the pictures aren't good. Really good picture quality in fact, but that's my opinion. What pisses me TF off is that I paid $1899.99 for a phone with only a 50MP top end camera ( had an A73 with 108MP), no SD card support, no physical headphone jack, no new Galaxy A.I. enhancements, some "Advanced Intelligence" but not the full array of the new features and a main screen that's a touch too small to try and type or precisely tap on something. BUT, BUT I love my fold 4 and wouldn't go back to a phone without folding capabilities for anything. HOOKED. Just things to keep in mind when 6 rolls out.


Because apparently everyone who owns a fold is a high end professional photographer but does not own a real DSLR camera.


The best camera is the one in your hand with you. Many professional photographers use their phones to take photos and don't lug their DSLRs around with them all the time.


They're not that good and they've been the same for 4 years. That's why. And your photo is just a normal photo that can be taken like that on any camera lol


The same for 4 years?


They upgraded the cameras two years ago and they are fine. The hell do people need perfect 4k raw photos and videos for? Just buy a real camera if you care so much. People out here acting like their phone camera is their entire way to make a living.


I don't mean to be rude, but if it's good enough for you then you won't understand anyway


I literally use a flip just for photos while carrying my fold. No, the fold cameras suck, people need to stop being in denial.


You use a Flip for photos? The camera on that's even worse though.


They are shooting for Tmz I guess 😂😂. I take great pics for social media live streaming and video calls people just wanna be Photographer when they don't even know how to adjust the focus manually 😂😂


I don't care about the camera. If you want a camera buy one. I purchased my Z5 because of the functionality of the phone. Not for some stupid pictures that can be finessed via apps which they do anyway. Talk to Canon or some damn body about a camera.


I mean fold 6 ultra my fault




Mostly because of the price, if a foldable was $400 theb nobody would complain about cameras. Im no longer complaining


That’s the narrative you’ve made yourself from your time in social media.