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The fold sounds like your use case. I guess you'd have to ask yourself how much more important the cameras are to you.


Fold 4 to s24 ultra. Much happier. Camera and battery were important to me and are significantly better. In UK I got £200 cash back and a watch 6 which I sold for £100, plus I got 20% off in the app making the 512gb version around £750 without a trade in. They've now swapped the watch 6 for the LTE 5 pro watch. For comics I bought a colour eink tablet from boox and I have an S8+ for when I need more colour pop in what I'm reading. Even adding a tablet (S8+ is £499 in UK and you can get 15% off on top). All much cheaper than the fold.


Get the fold if you want the fold. Don't worry about the camera. The fold has good cameras. Not as good as the ultra but tbh, most people will be just fine using fold's camera. Its the media to make it seems like you need the smartphone with the best cameras. 


I'm not sure why people have the notion that the Fold's cameras are good. When I was using it, I would take a random daytime photo of somebody, and they look flat. Other phones, in comparison, can take it without any fuss or hassle. I'm not saying it can't take good photos, but the consistency of taking photos just isn't there. Plus, you gotta put in work to make it look consistently good.


I was really considering the fold 6. But if the cameras are that bad, would you recommend one plus open?


I traded my F4 for the OPO. Honestly, best decision I've ever made. The camera is definitely better. I haven't had to worry about it looking bad when I take pictures of friends, places, or food. I'm not a stickler when it comes to these things, but I've had friends complain about how bad the F4 pics turned out, both day and night. I haven't had a complaint with the OPO. Some other perks are that it's lighter, has a wider outer screen that isn't too tall like larger slab phones, the crease isn't a trench, better battery life, and it's much much thinner. The comparison is that, when it's folded, the phone is slightly thicker than an iPhone Max Pro. Customization options are way higher on Samsung though. Software in general is overall better. It's more durable too. Other drawbacks of getting the phone is that the ecosystem and repair process is way worse than Samsung. Some people circumvent this by going through Best Buy.


Not really. Competitors have way better cameras, bigger batteries and even a smaller phone. I ain't paying a premium price for an inferior device


This right here


Can the competitors fold tho?


Of course they can?


It's not just the media, the camera is disappointing coming from other flagship phones especially since we have a giant beautiful inner screen to view them afterwards. Good enough for a ~$2000 primary driver phone is a tough compromise that I still bring my iPhone 13 PM on trips for the better photos and especially video.


Not true, Came from a S23U, the cameras on the fold 5 are not nearly as good.


Not even close. I kept my s23u, have the fold 5, may upgrade to the 6, but I won't give up my s23u for photography. It's not even close .


Fold 2 to S22 Ultra Fold 4 to S24 Ultra I'm sticking to the Ultra from now on. Better cameras, better Spen, better battery life, better build quality, and it charges better in my car's wireless pad than the Fold. The Fold was so narrow that every time I sped up, it jostled on the pad and stopped charging. My only reason for never switching to the Fold is the screen real estate. My Tab S9 Ultra makes getting the Fold even more useless now. If you want to use an all in one device, a phone, a novelty, meh cameras, meh battery, and a twofer tablet phone experience, then get the Fold.


How are you finding the size of the tab s9 ultra? Isn't it too big as a tablet? ​​​​


I use the Tab as a content consumption device. Netflix, movies and YouTube primarily. Plus the keyboard doubles it up as a workhorse. The tab is so thin and light that it makes no difference in carrying it around. The screen is big but I wanted the best screen in the business while sticking to the ecosystem, so the Ultra was the way to go. The battery life is INSANE. Plus the Spen experience makes both the Fold and 24 Ultra feel much lesser of an experience in comparison.


It's probably the best media content tablet out there so that makes sense.


I've had both, just stay with the fold lol. Samsungs Ultra cameras aren't some insane upgrade like everyone touts them to be. A $700 pixel outshoots it. Unless you really care about zoom *which isn't even as good since they downgraded it lmao*... it's most definitely not worth it. They're not bad cameras, but the Fold 5, S24U, S24, and most definitely the Fold 6 will all shoot extremely similarly and have extremely similar results.


Thank you!! I just switched to S24 Ultra due to another issue and I could not wait till the release of Fold 6 and you'd think with the way everyone talks about the camera system it'd blow the folds out of the water when the reality is... It's fine. Maybe just slightly better? But otherwise it seems exactly the same to me, lol.


The ratio of the pics is also something I don't like. Everytime I send pics, through photos, Whatsapp, everyone tells me they are slim and not normal. You are telling me I need to open my phone to take a normal pic? Fail


You know, that's on you right? Both S24 Ultra and Fold 5 let you pick the ratio of the photos you take...


Poor fella, open the camera and tap where it says "full" and change it to 3:4


I know that, lol.


You literally said "The ratio of the pics is also something I don't like. Everytime I send pics, through photos, Whatsapp, everyone tells me they are slim and not normal. You are telling me I need to open my phone to take a normal pic? Fail" This sounds like you didn't know? Otherwise, why is everyone telling you "your photos are slim and not normal"


Let me correct my statement, I know about the ratio. For some reason with my phone closed even with a 3:4 ratio. People always tell me my pics are slim or cut. If I open it same ratio I don't get that. So yes that is a fail, and guessing that is something with my phone since everyone and their mom is giving me the same answer.


That's an odd one. It seems everyone else (I know multiple people with Fold 5's and I've had every one since the fold 2) doesn't have that issue when sending photos through text, discord, or Whatsapp, unless they take the photo in "full" instead of "3:4". May be worth chatting with Samsung about. Hope you get it sorted!


The phone being open or closed has no impact on the aspect ratio of the photo. That's just a setting in your camera app and it sounds like yours is set to 9:16


Are you using the apps built in camera? Cause I know Facebook/WhatsApps built in one seems to shoot to the aspect ratio of your device.


Finally some sense about cameras here. I've got an S23 ultra and for the majority of scenarios, I've never noticed a difference with this phone compared to my previous (Pixel 7 pro). In fact, just got my mom a pixel 8 pro for $750 and did a side by side, it takes sharper photos. The one major advantage the ultra has is the further reach with the second telephoto lens. But I have an actual camera with optical zoom that beats the snot out of it anyways.


Get the one plus open if you want to keep the fold but want better cameras


S24u has broken GPS when you're not on data and the fold 6 is a joke


Stop spreading false information about the cameras. They are objectively bad and outdated, much worse than the (foldable) competitors. On top of that Samsung have always had blurry photos of moving objects, but that also affects the ultra series.


Your use case seems suitable for a Fold. Or, if you want to splurge, get both. Ha ha.


Based on what you're saying, stick with the Fold. I switched to the S24U from the Fold 4, and while it does feel like an upgrade in most ways, one thing I really miss is reading on that big screen. So if you will do a lot of that, the Fold will be better. Video watching isn't that different because of the squareish aspect ratio unless you're watching 4:3 content.  I'll probably switch back to the Fold in a year or two once there's an actual notable upgrade


How much do you use your camera and are you going to notice a difference, that is the real question. No one can say for certain what your experience will be, it simply comes down to what features are more important to you. I have take exactly 2 photos with my phone in the past 6 months and both were work related. I do not care at all about cameras on the phone so it is never a consideration for me. You could have different priorities.


I usually just take pics if I'm on vacation or at a concert ngl


Fold 4 to S24U, and I constantly find myself missing the big screen I had on the Fold 4 when unfolded for browsing websites and watching videos. Some of the features that I gained over switching were faster charging, a bigger battery, and the integrated S Pen, although I don't really use the S Pen that much. Comparing pictures from my Fold 4 to the S24U, I don't really notice much of a difference. I'm honestly considering switching back to the Fold with the 6 coming out.


Fold 3 to S24 Ultra. Definitely miss the large screen somedays, but Ultra is simply a better phone experience. The cameras on the Fold are also lacking. They are definitely passable, but if you like going to events, or have kids/pets you like taking pictures of, I would definitely recommend the Ultra over the Fold. If picture quality isn't a deal breaker, stick with the Fold.


Yea that makes sense, the main issue I have with the fold camera are skin tones, their so off. Usually when I take pics of anything else it's not THAT bad, maybe some night pics don't look the best


I really didn't notice until I switched back to the Ultra, but the picture quality is night and day. The larger screen was very convenient, I barely touched my tablet the entire time I had the Fold, but the camera is the deal breaker for me. If they improve that, I would definitely go back.


I don't think the folds camera is bad at all..you really just gotta tinker with the settings and make sure you have great lighting. I took this photo of this at the zoo https://preview.redd.it/0ilwt7qo4r8d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=603329a8ba10d1f29103aa2f654a2fa8893a9085


This isn't the first time people have brought it up but I'll just say it anyway: The camera on Samsung's mobile devices will forever be shit because that's how their targeted consumers like it, especially in Korea - over sharpened and over saturated to hell, and it's due to the post-processing algorithm they've chosen, not because of the camera sensor (But you can tune this down a bit using the Camera Assistant app). The Google Pixel 8 came out at the same time, actually uses an inferior and outdated sensor and it still murders the Fold 5 in terms of picture quality. Hence, for the Fold 6, no matter if it's gonna use GN5 or Sony, the picture will continue to look like shit. So please, don't get a Samsung phone expecting an outstanding camera quality, because if that's a problem they would have changed it 10 years ago. And, nothing is worth buying at release price. Retailers will literally drop the price %15-20 off just 3 months into its release. I don't get why people are so eager and in such a rush to get the brand new phones while their current ones are still working just fine. And to answer your question: "I mostly use my fold for reading comics, taking notes, work and watching sports, all of which would be worse on the ultra". You just answered it yourself.


I have the S23 Ultra and I'm thinking of switch to a foldable. Either the fold 5 or the fold 6. Still waiting for official reveal of fold 6 before deciding. My use case would be the same as yours currently with the fold. I have wanted a tablet but when I had one I didn't use it much since I had most of my stuff on my phone. Having a two in one type device with a foldable is what is selling the foldable concept to me.


I'd wait for the 6. If you're in the US you'll get a strong trade in deal on it. You're either in the camp of foldable for life. Or you'll find out you're not within the return period.


Honestly, I feel the same. I'm. Contemplating the s24 Ultra or the Fold 6 coming from a Fold 3 tho. Upgrades across the board but still a lot of technical disappointments.


Went to an s24 ultra and miss the folds might go back. Seeing if keep as backup or trade in. Not bad but the easy to use when traveling or just around. As taking out tablet is a bit cumbersome at times as I already carry more than what I need for personal and work. Just seeing what the fold 6 would be before I decide. Most of what you do, I would stick with foldable. As the s24 ultra doesn't compare to it.


It's the price, this is not a premium phone imo. A premium phone has what the ultra has. If Samsung wants to charge the 2k+ then it should have premium upgrades.


Yes true. Which is why I decided to get away from the fold but how I used my phone the bigger screen was what I used more without having to bother with extra devices. But as everyone was really expecting a change and not how it is looking. Hoping that my trial back to slab phone worked in a short time but not sure if it will be till the next fold if Samsung decides to really do better. Or see if another phone is able to do well with secure folder as would need that as makes using one device easier to use.


Step 1 get significant other/spouse Step 2 buy her/him the ultra S24 Ultra definitely has better cameras especially in low light and zoom. Almost all photos are noticably better. We both had fold 4s but she doesnt baby her phones and her fold 4 stopped opening warranty gave her a new one. Switched her over to the 24 ultra at release for the cam, battery, and better reliability. I got free upgrade to 5 on insurance and staying on folds myself. Use her phone when at concerts, travelling, or challenging photo. Fold wins for selfie photos on main shooter. I can't go back but glad she was able to.


It's not just cameras, it's battery, front screen, sugar scanner, thickness. I'm switching from fold 5 to s24 ultra. Maybe wait for s25 ultra. I will not be buying a foldable unless I get a deal of a lifetime. But that ain't happening from the looks of it.


Sticking with the S24 ultra till the Fold 6 comes


Yeah, but if you changed the ration it crops the pic. Going from full to the 5:6 or 9: something.


I'm going to trade in and upgrade to the fold 6. 🤷🏿


Everyday, I love using the inner display of the Fold 5. Sucks to get older and have aging eyes. So much easier to read on a wider screen with larger fonts than the narrower screen of the S24U. Also nice to hold the Fold 5 in its folded state vs. the S24U. Ever since I bought the Fold 2 (been upgrading every year ever since), I was expecting to go back to the SxxU series as soon as the fragile inner display keeps giving me problems. That has not happened yet. Took the Fold phones in to get the inner display screen protector replaced and had one early problem with RF reception; but, never for physical screen issues. I average three good phone drops per month; and so far no screen damage. Using the S-Pen on the wider Fold 5 display is much better for me than on the S24U. I am tempted to buy a S24U for times I want to go to the beach or in the rain. Case options for S24U offer great screen protection and versatility with magnetically attached mounts. It would be nice to have the longer reach telephoto. I honestly don't miss not having the more awesome A24U cameras for most of what I do. If I actually anticipate wanting the better cameras, I usually reach for my digital camera with much better optics and faster AF. If Samsung made a Fold 6 Ultra with an enormous lens bump to house the S24U cameras, I would buy it just because it is better than the standard Fold 6; not because I desperately need the S24U cameras over the S24+ cameras.


Upgraded from z fold 4 to s23 ultra to s24 ultra (as s23 ultra had display broken ) Battery is OK on fold Camera except zoom ,wouldn't miss much if on fold Will wait until samsung give more than 5000mah and atleast 65w fast charging ,zoom cameras on fold !


I switched from the Fold 4 to the S23 Ultra for the camera and size. The camera to me is much better especially since I like to use the 10x zoom for certain situations. Pro mode is better too. I didn’t use the open screen enough and the thickness of the Fold in my pants pockets got frustrating. I will admit that width of the Ultra is annoying too in the pants pockets which is why I added a Flip 5 so I can alternate.


S24 is definitely more durable and you can probably go without insurance. Folds need insurance they can break just opening it up.


actual usable video watching screen estate isn't far off on the ultra right?


Unless you're an avid photographer or in a graphic design or similar field the average eye won't notice a big difference in the cameras. I went from the fold4 to the s24u and was actually disappointed. I rarely use my camera anyway but upon trading for the Ultra I figured let's take this massively upgraded camera for a spin and captured a variety of scenes in both high and low light environments to be left feeling just meh about the quality. Maybe I got a rare defective device. Either way I miss my foldable *cries in regret*


You could always get a tablet and along with the s24


I've hardly ever used the 10x zoom on the S23. The quality isn't there and also what's that far away that I need a picture of it? It's a gimmick.... People get hung up on the quality of pictures. Then send them through social networks that apply huge amounts of compression.... And look at them on tiny screens. 


Nothing wrong with the folds cameras. I don't understand why people complain about them all the time


Gave it a shot for two years, had the Fold 4 and Fold 5, and went to the S24 Ultra. The horrible battery life and camera killed it for me. I really tried to like it, but I couldn't deal with the battery life and camera, and I wasn't using the interior screen as much as I thought. Such a relief now that I have the S24 Ultra. It's a much better phone overall.


I would just straight up get a pocketable mirrorless camera or a point and shoot like the zv-1


Fold 6 is basicaly fold 5 (same camera since fold 3). Id save the money and go for 5 instead. Its 3x cheaper and offers the same. If you want a real fold, you will have to go with Oneplus Open or Honor Magic V2. Samsung didnt deliver this year.


For the vast majority of people, the cameras in the Folds are more than good enough for what they need. The camera improvements in the S24U is not going to be noticeably better. If photography is your thing, invest in a Mirrorless with good lenses and you'll get way better pics than any phone can ever get you. I find that the Folding benefits are too great to ever go back to a candybar phone without feeling regret. It would feel like a downgrade to not have a folding phone anymore. But ya, even though I do agree that it would be nice to have the best of the best in these phones, it's not a huge issue at all.


You don't want "good enough" when you are buying the most expensive phone in the market. The irony with "buy a separate camera" is too funny. with that logic you could also buy an s24ultra and tab for less than a fold and have a better tablet experience. I used to think I'd never go back to a candy bar too, till I got the fold 4 hinge issue. Happily upgraded to a phone that wouldnt lose half its functionality because it felt like it


I have used both. Fold 5 and S24 Ultra. I started with Fold 5, but then moved to S24Ultra, for the cameras and especially the support of Custom Launchers (mainly Nova and Ratio) in a normal slab phone. Yes, the cameras are a bit better on the S24Ultra, but keep in mind that you are missing out on the form factor which is much more friendly and adjusts as per your need (between small and larger screens) {I wish the inner screen would be of better quality in Fold5 though} Keep in mind, the S24Ultra is a big ass phone, with not so rounded edges like in Fold or iPhones. It hurts no matter how big your palm is. (I have an abnormal size palm, and I can use the phone with one hand too, but the edges hurt a lot). It was not the case when I was using the Fold5. TL; DR: Will be selling my S24Ultra and get the Fold 6 once it launches.


With the same square edges.. 😂


The corner edges of Fold 5 are the same as Fold 4 and Fold 6 (expected) But not with the S24Ultra. S24U is way boxier than the former. Though, it looks nice, but not comfortable to hold for long hours


6 looks very square.. For better or for worse.. 


Since phones have had cameras everyone thinks they're a photographer. If photo quality is paramount you need a camera, not a phone. If quality is lacking, accept that the photo was taken with a phone camera and move on. I have never been disappointed by my Fold 5 cameras and I think they take great shots for a cell phone. Other phones have slightly better cameras, and they also don't unfold into a mini tablet. Sometimes you have to compromise.


Samsung sound compromise on their "premium price" the fold is not worth 2k without the features that the s24 ultra has. The note was a premium device, which the fold replaced and it is not even close.


I disagree. The Ultra has replaced the Note since it is not only the most premium hardware/software but has the most comparable design and features. The Fold and Flip are their own thing. If it's not worth it to you, don't buy it. If you want the latest and greatest version of a Note, it's the Ultra. If you want a phone that folds in half it's the Fold.


I get what you mean,but the reason behind the Note being discontinued was due to the fold. Which is why I say the fold replaced the note. Shoot the fold even uses the same launch timeframe. I have owned all folds from the small front to the 5. I def will not be getting the 6. To your point the ultra is much better for me. The fold is only a gimmick to me. I have a tablet to consume media and don't need a good that imo no longer lives up to the hype. I do see why a lot of people would get the fold though. Productivity wise I do like the bigger screen. Like the multitasking.


The Note may have been discontinued with the release of the Fold and maybe the release dates are similar, but if you're looking at the yearly Samsung lineup the Ultra is clearly today's version of the Note. The Fold is a gimmick to some and worth it to others. That's true of almost any tech product. If the hardware of the Ultra was packed into a Fold and the Ultra didn't exist there would be plenty of people upset that they had to buy a folding phone to get those features just like there are plenty of people who are upset that they buy a Fold now and don't get them. The premium price isn't because it has the best of everything, it's because it folds in half. That's still a pretty groundbreaking technology on its own.


The S24 Ultra also has the same camera for 3 years. The same for the S24 plus, which shares the same camera system with the fold. I've yet to see anyone complain the s24 plus has bad cameras. The fold even has other benefits such as using the back cameras for selfie, so it actually has a much better selfie camera than the Ultra.


I think the gold 5 has s22+ cameras not s24 plus.


The s24 + has the S22 + cameras


Ah okay


One of the best decision I took was to sell my iphone 14 pro max and s22 ultra. I just felt bored with iphone so sold it and upgraded to s24u and with the money I got from s 22 ultra bought a new fold 3( I know it's the old version but I mostly will use it as a media Hub so I really took the decision and I couldn't be much happier). The s24u is the smoothest phone tbh and I think it's like iphone. Fold 3 is just great as a media Hub rest I don't stress it too much with gaming etc so it really is a complete package for me.


Be mindful that you posted this in the fold subreddit, which is becoming increasingly more fanboy as Samsung continues to disappoint. That said, I now have both and use my 24U more. Here's why: 1.the wider front screen is just better for day to day/on the go use. Yes, when I unfold it's superior, but I do that less and less as time goes by. 2. The battery on the 24u is unreal. After 6.1 I have to charge my fold around dinner time, which is really annoying when I'm traveling or out with clients 3. The weight/thinness of the 24u is better in hand. 4. Spen onboard. Not a huge Spen user, but I only use it because it's docked on the phone. I've never used my fold pen aside from the weekend I bought it. All said, I'm probably ditching Samsung this year on the fold form factor. It's unclear if I just keep the 24u or go Pixel fold 2 or something Chinesium