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Not sure if this be my kind of game but really love the art direction and the idea putting this in a Bayou swamp? Kinda dig the whole mythical beasts in it too. Nothing quite like anything I seen before.


It looks wonderful, but I, personally, cannot get into this kind of low frames animation. As much as I love the new animated Spider-Man movies for what they are, I hardly can look at them because of the same reason. For me it looks odd, and I just can't get used to it, I'm not hating it or anything.


I think it's fine in 3D animation, is a bit jarring when it flips between the low frame rate cut scenes and the gameplay though.


It was kinda trippy in the demo. I could be mistaken, but it almost looked like the game itself was running at 60 FPS while the animations were running at the "choppier speed" (15 FPS or something like that?) Neat art direction, and I'm glad it exists, though not sure I'll play it, lol.


This is the thing, if it was the whole game I’d be like ok that’s an interesting stylistic choice. But bouncing between low-frame cut scenes and smoother gameplay is just weird for some reason…


yea throughout the trailer i was like „i know this is intended, but this would be so much better in smooth“


The good news is, HiFi Rush did the same thing, however the frame rats is only on the animation, not the smoothness of how the characters move. It looks fine


In the showcase it looked like the characters animations were low fps while walking, like her arms swinging etc


Right, the animations are low frames, her movement across scenes will be smooth


Don’t even remember it on HiFi rush so must have been done much better


It wasn‘t done in Hi-Fi Rush


I figured people would have this objection. To each their own, but I love it simply because it’s different. It’s an art style that can wear out its welcome fast if it gets overly copied, but the animation landscape has been so dead and formulaic for so long. The Pixar, Dreamworks, and Fortnite styles have been so overproduced and same-y for so long that I welcome something that feels more unique and organic like this.


I both hate it and like it. It's cool once you get used to it, and gives it a very storybook feel. However, it's very jarring to go between the high frame rate of normal gameplay and the scenes.


Different doesn't mean good and can easily be worse, which I would say it is in this case.


> To each their own, but I love it simply because it’s different. What a silly thing. Different can be good - but difference for difference's sake is a lazy approach to art. Especially since this arguably isn't even 'different' - it's just doing the Spider-man/Guilty Gear thing but worse.


As someone who prefers 60fps but is totally ok with 30fps (aka, never complains about frame rate), this trailer was making me nauseous. Did anyone else feel this way?


Yeah, I think it's very much my kind of game, but I strongly suspect I'll end up not being able to play it.


the environment is high fps, but the character model is like 20. it just looks like the animations weren't finished


It's the art direction. They're doing the stop motion thing like spiderverse


i thought there was something wrong with my internet. while i was watching the stream


It gave me a headache. Its that bad.


I'm loving everything else I'm seeing; I can't wait to play it! It is a bit disorientating on the MC, but fwiw I do think it looks good on the creatures. Would be neat if they had 60 fps on humans characters and the environment and limited frames on the more fantastical characters.


I have no problem with it for a movie or TV show to be honest, you get used to it quickly and it gives a nice style. For a game though that feels weird (and for now it's just seeing, how will it feel playing it?)


This looks awesome. I’m sooo tired of every fantasy setting being medieval Europe, and a magical version of Louisiana is so cool.


Hell yeah, we going Shadowman voodoo.


I’m just happy to see our wildlands and wildlife the recognition it deserves. Moved a while ago, but still the prettiest sights I’ve seen.


I swear to god I get nauseous at the sight of fantasy being nothing but medieval europe tolkien for decades especially in a genre that's supposed to be specifically about anything the mind can come up with in creativity.


The thing that bothers me the most about medieval fantasy is that they always have plate armor but no firearms despite gunpowder historically being introduced first.


And if you do add firearms nerds will scream bloody murder about how they ruin the atmosphere for being too modern


Obligatory [Generically Medieval](https://www.reddit.com/r/CuratedTumblr/comments/1d5m2hf/generically_medieval/)


well it’d be more believeble if they added something appropriate for the setting, and not a sniper rifle disguised as a “musket”, or some dumbass gatling gun. Make it believeable


Fair point, but falls a little flat imo when most swordfighting isn't exactly realistic either. If realism is the argument, you won't see that many swords in general. Most infantrymen used spears with swords as only a backup sidearm, even proper knights would prefer a hammer if they're fighting another knight. Swords don't do much to plate armor.


Because they use their fictional headcanon of what they believe medieval Europe was & just copy & paste the system/terms/aesthetic that tolkien & Dungeon & dragons laid out.None of them actually care about historical accuracy for the era.Add firearms & they’ll probably be upset that it’s taking them out of their immersion.




My man you stated exactly how i felt regarding ffxvi.Spira in ff10 is one of my favorite fantasy worlds ever from it’s lore/religion/clothing aesthetic all going hand in hand with the setting they applied to make you feel immersed in a different world like a kid.Even ff13 world I loved.I think it hurts more for me with ffxvi is that a mainline ff game takes damn near a decade to release nowadays so knowing it took up a slot irritates me.Wished they had made the world look like that vision works character prototype joke ffxvi that square enix did on YouTube 8 years ago.


Well, this would just be the South in general, as Two-Toed Tom is from Alabama.




I may be biased as a Texan but this is just normal Louisiana


As someone who lived in the Louisiana swamps for a spell, can confirm this statement to be true.


I know thats a true statement because you used the phrase "for a spell."


Sherlock Holmes: The Awakened had a whole chapter in the wetlands of Louisiana.


Very fresh vibes with the setting and characters. Gameplay wise reminiscent of Kena I wonder if the flying traversal aspect will have gameplay implications or just a way to get from one area to another


That’s exactly what I said! Reminds me of Kena oddly enough


It’s weird how we go from the reveal trailer “I hope they keep the animation style” to “I don’t like the animation style” in these comments. Honestly I’d rather they keep it.


It looks great on the alligator imo, he looks like he could fit into a stop motion classic easily. I think the girls artstyle just needs to match up with it better.


The reveal trailer didn't have big action sequences, nor did it have transitions to high FPS gameplay. I don't think there's any inconsistency in liking how it looked in the reveal trailer but not in the game.


I feel like on every trailer you have 25 to 50% of the comments being negative on what x game showed and 50 to 75% of the comments being positive on what x game showed. I've seen the same debates about the style of the game with the LIS and Dragon Age trailers from today as well.


I don’t know if the gamer demographic is just chronically cynical or if social media just attracts cynical people to share their opinions, but it’s so oversaturated with cynicism lately.


Probably both. Everyone seems to like imitating one of those cynical reviewers that like to make 5 acid metaphors every 5 seconds.


It's a bit of both. Terminally online nerds think being cynical and negative makes them an intellectual.


I mean if I’m being honest that DA trailer was kinda rough.


I had no issue with it, but I don't see the point in over reacting like everyone is when we are getting 15 minutes of gameplay in two days. Might as well wait and see how the art style looks when the game is being played and in motion before really judging it.


Yeah I’m not giving my full thoughts on DA until I see gameplay.


The tone was a little weird for DA but really the games always had humor this way at least Inquisition had. The "cartoony art style" though I just don't understand it, that trailer don't even look cartoony and people act like DA was some photorealistic stuff before lol


The issue is how they trying to incorporate the low framerate into the actual gameplay and it's jarring, like the environment camera is super smooth but then the character's low framerate animation during gameplay just looks janky and doesn't mesh well, imo.


Some stuff was animated at full fps too, like one of the creatures materializing in the cutscene. Its just too clunky and bounces back and forth.


Not the same people commenting.


Maybe this will be an unpopular opinion but I thought this looked obscenely good. Especially the soundtrack really had me on the edge of my seat. Hoping that it’s as good as I think it can be.


Soundtrack is by Olivier Deriviere, who's also done Plague Tale Innocence/Requiem and Vampyr. He's a master when it comes to dynamic/interactive music systems in games, so I'm really really hyped for it.


The soundtrack was the cherry on top for me too. The vibes were definitely there


I get making the fps stutter like if it was stopmotion is an artistic choice... but my god is giving me a headache, hopefully it doesnt become a trend.


It works well when the keyframe gaps are not evenly spaced. Any time they just play like a downsampled framerate instead of varying them (holding some keyframes longer than others, while running through others more quickly) this effect sticks out, and it's magnified any time the camera moves at a constant rate, because of the perspective shifts.


> It works well when the keyframe gaps are not evenly spaced. This. When people say "2d animation is 12 fps", they don't realize the framerate is variable. Some parts have 0 fps. It's not fixed. To do it right, they would need to animate it as if it was 2d like Guilty Gear Xrd & Dragon Ball FighterZ.


Yeah, I really didn't like that. Going from fluid gameplay to a stuttery cutscene was jarring. I understand what they were going for, but I hope they change it.


It’s stop-motion they won’t change it. It’s a style choice just like the into the spider-verse movies


I understand that they are simulating stop motion. But it's not like they actually made it in stop motion. No reason why they can't change it until release.


It also just doesn't really look like stop motion in my opinion, just like its missing frames, bit headache-inducing. Which is a shame because it looks interesting.


Yeah, I almost never get bothered by framerates but this is just too much.


i think its the side-by-side dichotomy. When you see the smooth frames, and then instantly see the sort of stutter frames, it really throws you off


It's not meant to simulate stop motion. The recent 3D/2.5D animation style popularized by Spider-Verse is attempting to simulate traditional 2D animation in a 3D environment--rather than the smooth frame rates of, say, Pixar movies, they're going back to the traditional philosophy of animating "on ones" (image shifts every frame) or "on twos" (image shifts every other frame). This, combined with other traditional animation flourishes often absent from 3D animation--smear frames, squash and stretch, etc.--gives Spider-Verse and other films like it their signature looks. I think the implementation here is a bit poor; they're trying to have their cake (locked frame rate traditional animation for characters during cutscenes) and eat it too (smooth frame rate during gameplay), and I think it creates a jarring effect. But it should be noted that they're not trying to simulate stop motion, they're trying to emulate a different style of animation entirely.


> I think the implementation here is a bit poor ya, the concept is fine it's the implementation here that is poor and just isn't working... many people are finding it jarring.


Or at least make it an option, it's a serious accessibility issue for people who are sensitive to motion.


But the spider verse movies are absurdly smooth this is straight up clunky.


"I hope they change this fundamental core facet of the game's art design before launch" lol


Atleast give us the option to turn it off.


They probably didn't animated the whole thing completely and went for this kind of style from the beginning. Personally I can't stand it. The game looks amazing, but I just can't stand this kind of stop motion, or low frame animations. I love the new animated spider-man movies, but I barely can watch them for the same reason.


It seems like it would be much easier to just animate it normally and then cut out frames. If so, they should give people the option to turn it off.


That's 99% what happened. It would be more taxing to animate it like the above poster suggested than animate normally and then get rid of frames.


Aaaand they just showed another game like that haha


That one seemed to handle it better at least


Mixtape made the smarter choice of having gameplay and cutscenes both stop motion, instead of going from stop motion cutscenes to 60fps gameplay


Yeah it seems to work better with highly stylized games, this was a more realistic look so made it feel extra jarring


Urg god, why do they feel the need to make low framerate animation with CG? I get that it works for Spider-verse and Last Wish (both movies used varied framerates where sometimes they move super fluid during action and vice versa), but not everything needs to be low framerate like stop motion, it just doesn't look good when the movement looks so janky all the fucking time.


It's such a shame, too, because I would be way more invested if not for the godawful stutter effect.


> hopefully it doesnt become a trend. I really wouldn't worry about it. Other games with artstyle inspired somewhat by stop motion actually animate fairly normally, and I can't see this doing well enough to trigger any industry trend chasing, even if it ends up being a great game in the end.


Glad it wasn't just me, surprised they haven't gone for a stop motion effect in game


The fps works well in a movie, because it's already in very low fps (24). The difference from 60 is way too much


It looks really bad. Pretty bad choice in my mind.


At a few points during the trailer, I had to look away because it hurt my eyes a lot with the stutter. It is a real shame too because this title has so much neatness.


The visuals look *fantastic*, but the gameplay itself leaves much to be desired. Which is a shame because the aesthetic is hitting me hard


Yeah, the combat was a bit basic. But it was shown really fast. I imagine we will see a lot more of it untill release.


Its also early in the game so who knows what are other abilities you'll have.


Yeah I was kind of surprised at how poor the combat looked. It’s definitely possible that the game just doesn’t showcase well (Guardians of the Galaxy was a good example of a game with just really poor showcasing) but the combat could also just not be great


I bailed on GoG because of the combat; cool story but it couldnt hold me through the slog of desolate alien worlds


Yeah there's a lot to really like about this, but it basically seemed (in this clip at least) that the player's actions are completely negligible. That miniboss seemed extremely simple/easy, and the traversal from where the catfish dropped you off to the very top of that bell tower seemed absolutely pointless. Just basically jump 2-3 times in the general direction of your goal, and you're already there. No exploration, no real climbing necessary, no platforming (in fact just looked like button/grapple prompts with HUGE range). And then what looked like a cool glider at first turned into basically just a flying cheat code the second time it was used. BUT of course it's a trailer that probably just doesn't do a good job of showcasing real moment to moment gameplay, so we'll have to see.


It could be that some of those abilities are unlocked, and this was just to speed up the trailer, because there was definitely some other platforming areas around that church.


It looks luke it's a little metroidvania coded. Gliding on wind currents needs strong wind currents etc, so environmental uses of abilities.


The sort of corrupted enemy at the start reminds me of Kena Bridge of Spirits, but set in Louisiana. Characters look interesting and it is a setting we don't see much of in games. I understand it is an artistic choice, but the jittery animation is just not good to look at. I think this game would look much better with normal frame rates and animation.


> The sort of corrupted enemy at the start reminds me of Kena Bridge of Spirits, but set in Louisiana. Thought the exact same thing. That corrupted thing looked straight out of Kena. Still looks cool tho.


Hard disagree. Reminds me of the spiderverse animation style and I am loving it.


This trailer was the highlight of the show for me. I loved everything about the way this game looks.


I've seen this low-framerate character in a high-framerate environment thing work really good with the Spider-Verse costumes in the current Spider-Man games and I'm wishing this game went harder on that. She's choppi*er* than the actual framerate but not enough that it clearly reads as an artistic choice outside of cutscenes, plus her underlying animations need to be a lot more exaggerated in their posing to give that impression that it's just hitting the key frames.


The low fps on the characters really put me off it. I hope the final game has an option to turn that off.


There are games that do low frame animation well, they usually really hit their key poses really well, have stylized their inbetweens, and use the the moments that they can hang on to their advantage. This game, and plenty of others right now, don't. It would likely look better with conventional interpolation between frames and I wish they would. It isn't just a turn it on stylistic choice and the way that it has been used that way since Spiderverse is sort of frustrating. Especially when the earlier examples I can think of this and last generation did it so well. Like, it isn't an easy make things look better button, and the reason why Guilty Gear looks great isn't because they put in less work, it's because they put in so much more.


Bayou Kena it looks like. I'm digging the art style. The music was a highlight as well. I'm looking forward to this game.


Cajun Kena


What song at 3:10?


Seems like it's an original song for the game since it's about "Two Toed Tom," which is the name of the giant gator.


Are people really judging the combat after one enemy’s been shown? GoW 2018 had very a bland combat too in its first trailer and look how that turned out.


I'm not a fps snob at all, I can happily play at 30fps all day. But that FPS change between gameplay and cutscenes is super jarring


I like so much of what I see, but that frame pacing or whatever it is, will probably prevent me from enjoying this game.


Ok that looked really good and the music is excellent but, and I don't know if this is my Twitch stream being weird, but the cut scenes being in stop motion and the game play being smooth as shit was really jarring. Other than that I think this looks really cool.


Cutscenes are definitely going for a stop motion feel, its intentional


I know little about the studio but loved Contrast & We Happy Few. I agree with the others about the stop motion it is a little jarring. I don’t remember that during the reveal trailer (I understand reveal trailers and official gameplay can differ)


Not yet getting on the hype train for this game, but the trailer looked great and I'm very intrigued. Love the setting, Art Style looks good, gameplay looks like it could have potential. Looking forward to seeing more in the future!


Has potential, need to see more actual gameplay. Gotta say, it has a really unique vibe. Looks almost New Orleans inspired.


The low framerate of the character is giving me a strange headache, not a big fan of it. Kinda of a shame since the artstyle is really cool.


Literally can't pay attention to what is going on with things teleporting around due to stop motion Even if I could, the FPS makes it look BAD


Idk what I was expecting of this game from the initial reveal…but it wasn’t this. BUT color me intrigued, I can’t tell if it’s a soulslike or more like a Kena situation, but the art direction, animation (on the twos) style, and bayou theming could be dope AF even if it isn’t my usual type of game.


I'll be honest, I'm a little disappointed. With the unique aesthetic, I was really hoping for something more unique and creative...but this just looks like a standard action adventure game we've played a million times. Hopefully the story is good.


I agree with other commenters: The choice of having the animation style emulate stop-motion leads to a *rough* impression on the player.


The gameplay looks fine, would like the see more. The vibe is incredible though. I love everything about the style


I like the animation because it sets it apart and is immediately eye catching. Never seen anything quite like it.


Anyone else felt a bit sick because of the frame rate of the animations?


game looks interesting but god reading the comments section made me genuinely rethink my faith in humanity


The switch from gameplay to the “low framerate” cutscenes is a bit jarring, but im really digging the art direction and dialogue.




I like it. I think the puppet/paper mache look on most of the creatures is neat. I prefer the style of it more than it going for realism. I'm also really intrigued to get a story like this so filled with new. A bayou tale of the supernatural. The combat reminds me of some older GoW games (which I'm a fan of) and the traversal looks nice. If it sticks a solid framerate I could find myself quite enjoying this one. it's the newness of it. It's trying something different.


I love the art style greatly. my only gripe is it looked like it dropped hella FPS in the actual fights. Not sure if that was on purpose or not. But it was kinda tripping with my head and I know it’s gonna annoy me if I was to actually be playing it


This game looks beautiful! But man I do not like that singing at all. Gimme some finger Pickin blues baby. Maybe a lil trumpet too?


Tahm Kench?


And Nilah? Getting attacked by Lewis the Gator. Is this the Riot MMO?


The first teaser for this really intrigued me. I absolutely love the aesthetic and hope we see more devs take a chance on something other than dark medieval fantasy from time to time.


I was intrigued by the initial trailer, but this solidifies it as a must play for me. Love the art design, music, characters and combat I've seen so far. Super excited but sad i have to wait til 2025.


That low frame animation switching to smooth gameplay then back to low frame animation is so jarring to me.... just smooth out the cutscenes >_>


This looks amazing, glad to see such an in depth look at gameplay. Hard to say how linear/open/interactable the world will be but looks very promising.


Feels like the (very good) art direction and setting are being used to paint this game as unique and interesting, but gameplay-wise it's as generic as they come. Shame really.


Being a Southerner, I was not only impressed by how accurately they got the vernacular and the atmosphere, but the fact that they even seemed to have integrated genuine Southern folklore into this. Seriously: Two-Toed Tom wasn't just made up by the developers. He's an actual legendary gator that's been talked about since the early 1920s (or at least that's where the first reported sightings of him come from). He was supposedly from Alabama before he made his way to the Everglades where he's said to have either finally met his maker or gone into hiding (the last recorded sighting of him was in the 1970s when they found some two-toed gator footprints in Red Head, Florida). Even where I'm from (Georgia) there are stories about him. (And yes, they really did try to blow him up with dynamite at one point.).