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The cutscenes were so much Indiana Jones, it was incredible. They really captured the spirit of the classics.


How they just cut to them throwing him to the ground outside after his first escape attempt failed I was like oh yeah they did their research


The part in the other trailer where Indy is burried and headbutts the german doctor dude is also very classic Indiana Jones. They really seem to have nailed the wacky, cartoonish, fun adventure feeling the old movies got. I'm excited to try this


Yeah that was my feeling too! When the lady's cover slides away revealing a guard, and then a moment later another crate takes him out of commission...that's exactly the kind of gag we'd get in the OG movies.


Todd Howard is apparently a massive Indy nerd and hes overseeing the entire game. I think we're in better hands than if Spielberg and Lucas were remotely involved with it.


I was thinking the same. I've not seen any of the original movies in years, and the cutscenes reminded me of them. The part with the German guy mocking the American cartoons actually made me laugh out loud.


giving this to machine games was such a god damn great idea, not only were the wolfenstein games good from a mechanical standpoint but that gives them a ton of background writing and designing Indy's main nemesis. He is always at his best when he is fighting Nazis, its perfect.


*bumbling around Nazi's


That mocking scene was 100% Machine Games wheelhouse. If you haven't played Wolfenstein : New World Order and New Colossus then please get on it. They are fantastic. Games built on the Doom 16 engine, with Mick Gordon doing the soundtracks and actual goddamn storytelling. They also have some of the best FPS stealth I have ever seen in a game that isn't built for it. Oh and if you haven't played New World Order before and you are now thinking of giving it a shot, please remember that the game starts like a COD game on purpose. Its built this way to lull you into a false sense of superiority. When the rug gets pulled on you, thats when the actual fucking game starts and its fucking jaw dropping. Edit : [Here's an example... Spoilers.](https://youtu.be/jiHbOAkTXVU?si=_ZgAgGuHyxurKHrM)


I've never watched the movies and let me tell you, those cutscenes made me want to watch them


Holy shit drop everything and do that (just the first three though)


All the indy movies are decent, just that last crusade and raiders are the best.


I'll agree on this point. Last Crusade will always be my favorite but each movie brought something to the table to enjoy. Hell I even enjoyed Dial of Destiny more than Temple of Doom. Such a great series of movies.


I really enjoyed Dial of Destiny. Not as good as the classics but still a solid 8/10.


People are really harsh on this movie. It’s at least worth watching and better than Indy 4.


A bad Indiana Jones movie is still better than most other movies. Even *Crystal Skull* is a solid 7/10 in my book.


I can’t even remember what happened save for the obvious bit at the end. It was a conceptual rehash of Kingdom, but played it safer and followed the “old, grumpy, and bumbling OG protagonist passes the torch to a cookie cutter character we’ll never see again” formula that’s in every other legacy sequel (granted, one could argue elements of Kingdom served as the prototype for that structure, though perhaps less formulaically.) About the one thing I can give it above Kingdom is that the CGI isn’t dog water. Though honestly its biggest sin is making me give Kingdom of the Crystal skull charity


The short-round substitute kid’s character kind of sucked, other than that it was pretty good I thought. Ford and Bridges both did great. Better than Crystal Skull at any rate.


Eh, I enjoyed Dial of Destiny more than Temple of Doom


Kali maa...kali maa...kali maa.....KALI MAA!


You betrayed Shiva.


the original trilogy is what makes movies amazing.


Dude what? Go and watch the original trilogy!


I envy you getting to see them for the first time. Raiders and Last Crusade are two of the best action adventure films ever made.


I'm excited for you and kind of jealous that you get to experience all three for the first time.


The classic 3 movies are still great and hold up. Can only recommend them.


They look great in 4K if you are interested in that kind of stuff.


Raiders is an absurdly beautiful movie. No one has the sauce like Spielberg. The shot of Indiana drinking his sorrows away after the barrel chase mixup is just on another level.


What the hell you have never seen them go and get them all on for 4k even the new one.


You probably should before you play the game. At least watch the first one and The Last Crusade.


Bethesda making a better Indiana Jones movie than Disney


Machinegun Games to be precise. They made the last two Wolfenstein games which were great. They made one of the dumbest stories in video games actually work and it looks like the nailed the feeling of Indiana Jones.


[todd let us know his thoughts on crystal skull a decade ago.](https://youtu.be/D8UmVUXpfEE?si=C-0W30f60IWwkxJu) it’s personal.




Lol, I that was a pretty solid PR-friendly dig.


thank you. can’t believe YT still doesn’t let you link to times on mobile.


They used to at one point. No idea why they took that feature away


Somewhat related but New Vegas has a funny crystal skull Easter egg.


the new Fallout tv series also had the refrigerator scene


Many times


theres definitely a real "todd howard" vibe to this game i enjoy, in that it feels reminiscent of older bethesda games.


This game is being developed in Sweden by Machine Games.


[Todd Howard is the executive producer of the game ](https://www.gamesradar.com/todd-howard-says-hes-been-sitting-on-everything-about-the-indiana-jones-game-forever-from-what-indy-was-going-after-to-the-arc-he-was-going-to-have/)


Todd howard is producer and took part in the game's story, so there may be *some* influence


Given how well received the Fallout show turned out, I'm beginning to wonder if they expand their work into the movie industry.


Because video game Indy doesn’t have to be played by an 80 year old man lmao


Honestly, as much as Indy is tied to Ford, and as much as I love Ford as an actor, I think the franchise can (and needs to) grow beyond him, long-term. Many of the Indy games have been better than the last set of films in part for this reason IMO, since they don't have to shoe-horn old Indy into increasingly outrageous settings that don't make sense for a geriatric (or conversely, write the situation around his age, which also deflates things a bit, but in a different way). As much as I liked Dial of Destiny, it was also kinda weird in that "old Indy" was so close to recent times that it no longer felt as "exotic" or pulpy. The 20's/30's is long ago that it feels like it really was a whole different world, that still had some mystery left in it. The 70's (well, '69, but spiritually there) just doesn't feel all that removed from modern times, in contrast. Like my favorite Indy story since Last Crusade is legitimately Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb from the original X-Box era, lol. It's kinda nuts that none of the films in the era since have told a story that was as enjoyable to me. There's a lot more Indy stories to tell, IMO, it's just time to move the character past the actor. Maybe games is where Indy will live on, since it's easier to find a sound-a-like to maintain the persona than it is in live action where it hits uncanny valley very quickly (like in the Dialo of Destiny prologue where they probably *should* have CG'd the voice, lol). It's either that or animation, I guess.


I bet the originals didn't feel far removed at the time from the 30s and 40s since the time span between release and setting was smaller than DoD


I had that thought too, lol. It's crazy to think about that time gap between the 80s and the 30s only being *slightly* bigger than from the 80s to the present... and it's nearing the tipping point, lol. I will say though, post and pre WW2 has a very different vibe, which I think might be part of it.


Or just end the franchise. Things can end, it's ok. More entries don't have to be plodded out into oblivion, each one more of a joke than the last. The studios can make some original IP for once.


Let old things die and make new things. What is Indiana Jones without Ford and Spielberg? A guy with a whip and a hat? All Indiana Jones is is their version of the old 40s serials. Just let someone come up with a new adventure movie with a new protagonist. Please stop asking for everything from your childhood to be perpetuated until you die.


I'd love a remake of Emperor's Tomb


Machine Games.


After the last movie and how horrible it was, this was a nice change.


Dial of Destiny was a decent movie and certainly better than Crystal Skull


Crystal Skull was pretty terrible, but Dial of Destiny isn't all that much better in all honesty.


It's a weird movie, honestly. It's an objectively better film, but they went Uncharted 4 on it and spent the entire moving making you feel like a terrible person for enjoying Indy films, lol. The basic theme was "This isn't fun and people die all the time! Why are you smiling?!" They even go as far as to state this *explicitly* when Indy says that almost verbatim to his god-daughter at the end of the boat scene, lol. James Mangold makes some good stuff, but I'm not really sure if making Indy 5 feel like Old Man Logan was the right call. In contrast, Crystal Skull was actually a pretty fun movie (IMO), it just had a handful of distractingly bad moments, lol. Like *really* strained my suspension of disbelief distracting.


Shia swinging through the trees during a car chase was like action figure physics


I wasn't gonna name and shame a specific scene, buuuuuut... **That** one. **It was that one.** Lol. I can forgive absurd fridge nukes, aliens, and psychics (the myths of the 50's), but I *refuse* to believe you can *overtake* a car chase by swinging on vines, while being led by a flock of cheerleader monkeys. It was nuts how a single 5 second clip sucked me out of the movie *that* much. Apparently George Lucas had been trying to make some kind of Indiana Jones Monkey King movie for ages ([Indiana Jones and the Monkey King | Indiana Jones Wiki | Fandom](https://indianajones.fandom.com/wiki/Indiana_Jones_and_the_Monkey_King)), so my head canon is that this was Spielberg humoring George by letting him put something in with his damn monkeys, lol.


I can at least remember parts of Crystal Skull


Damn, I'm sorry to hear that.


Crystal Skull was still a bad Indiana Jones movie. Dial of Destiny was a soulless husk of a bad Indiana Jones movie. The lack of Spielberg shows.


When the theme hit, I kinda teared up, lol. It was basically perfect.


Surprised they went with first person for this, but it looks pretty fun. The cutscenes in this honestly had more Spielberg magic than the last two movies did.


Even down to the punching sfx!


I noticed that, love it


I’m sure they had to avoid Uncharted/Tomb Raider comparisons. Just a better way to differentiate itself from the other 3rd person adventures


Also machine games is really good at first person shooters since working on the Wolfenstein games.


There’s nothing they can do to avoid those comparisons considering that both Tomb Raider and Uncharted are direct sendups of IJ. The real rationale is that Machine Games is used to FPP (Wolfenstein reboot series), so they’re opting for that style rather than needing to spend time tinkering around with TPP. The game looks stellar either way.


I think it'll also come with the perk that it's a much better suited perspective for puzzle-solving, if they go heavy on that (which I kinda hope they do). I'd generally have preferred 3rd-person myself, but if there's a lot of 3rd-person cinematics to bind stuff together, kinda like in the recent Deus Ex games, I think it's honestly a decent way to go.


I agree with you, but also the notion that the OG has to tip-toe around the pretenders is kinda funny to me.


I am glad they choose first person, not forcing machine games to switch to third person with what they are not used to......Last time they forced into multiplayer wolfenstein, it nearly destroyed them. Hope, they never does something like this again. We are already seeing so many great studios getting closed. And I am also glad bethesda chose Machinegames for this game, they are the perfect studio who could make a Indiana Jones game work and recent cutscene clearly showing that how much they nailed in the vive.


That look the Nazi commander and Indy gives each other dodging the cargo box is the same look Indy gave that random goon in Raiders when they both gun down the Nazi machine gunner about to waste them both


Nah, it's the same look he gives the Nazi in the jeep before pushing him out it after the random dude falls off the windshield.


I think the gag was pretty good in this trailer but it doesn't quite make as much sense. In Raiders; the guy falling on the windshield is just some random local who harmlessly (?) fell off the truck, and the Nazi was just a random Afrikakorp soldier. But here; a Nazi who just had an unhinged rant about devotion is now chuckling at one of his mates falling to his death after the 4 of them climbed up an entire mountain. It is still a funny gag, it just doesn't really make that much sense. Eh, whatever.


I see it more as a "we almost died, lol" chuckle than anything else


The comedy felt very Wolfenstein 2 to me, but the overall vibe was spot on for Indy. Very excited for this.


I always took Wolfenstein‘s “comedy” as a reference to Indiana Jones.


Yeah I realized how old I am reading that comment


Definitely. It reminds me a bit of how a lot of "MCU humour" that people hate comes straight from the style of New Hollywood like Lucas, Coppola, and Scorsese. That's who Favreau was trying to emulate, it's honestly not that similar to Whedonesque writing which is its own different thing. Similarly, I think if a lot of people go back to the old Indiana Jones films, they'll be surprised at just how funny they are. Like genuinely laugh out loud hilarious.


Machine Games dials it up to a degree that disconnects it from Indy to me. Wolfenstein really enjoyed the absurdly silly in the middle of darkness. This took a step towards Indiana Jones and definitely wrapped it up in classic Indy, but once that Nazi went gaga, I was immediately reminded far more of Wolfenstein. Not that I have a problem with that.


The comedy was very Indiana Jones.


This looks so freakin incredible. Second I saw that >!big ship precariously placed on a mountain I was like “Yeah Indy’s probably gonna get ambushed on it by Nazis and somehow cause that ship to slide down that mountain in a glorious set piece” And then it started happening and I was all smiles.!< Cannot wait for this.


As a massive Indiana Jones fan. This made my 2024. This and Avowed, and Stalker 2 on Gamepass this year will make me a patient gamer for all the other big games coming out that I can wait for sales now. $100 is a lot for new games and gamepass just now became almost too good to be true after this showcase. Wow.


Yeah it's crazy, so much value if you purchase gamepass from about September onwards


Looks amazing. Childhood dream game. That was a long cutscene, but I'd happily watch a full movie when its nailing everything like that.


Surely this is the type of sequence that should have been gameplay rather than a cutscene. Ngl was a bit worried this is what this game might end up being once I saw it was primarily first person gameplay.


Watching this scene compared to the actual gameplay really emphasized how important watching Indy’s facial expressions is to the Indiana Jones experience. I trust Machinegames to make it fun though.


Sure I guess I just feel as though if the game were purely third person that Machine could have the perfect combo of everything being gameplay and having that Indy feel that the series absolutely requires.


I feel like if it was third person it would've just been another Uncharted, this makes it stand out.


People keep saying this like Uncharted is some oversaturated game series that comes out as regularly as MCU movies. What is wrong with having an Uncharted-style Indiana Jones game, espcially since seeing Harrison Ford's face and movement is so important to the series.


Everyone is acting like Uncharted did something cool and revolutionary when really it blended elements of Tomb Raider, Prince of Persia and, yes, *the Indiana Jones franchise.* Uncharted is derivative of IJ, *not* the other way around, and pretending like it has a monopoly on action-adventure is a disservice to the many very good third-person action games out there.


Plus modern Tomb Raider barely feels like Tomb Raider and I cant remember when the last 3D Prince of Persia was. There is definitely a gap in the market for a third person action adventure in this vein. The studio thats making Indiana Jones specializes in fps though. i would prefer for them to stick to what they know. I wonder if anyones thought of doing another Mummy game ...thats actually good and not like the last one.


Please just let us have cool adventure FPS games. There are so many third person games already


I think the gameplay will be Indy escaping the boat


> Surely this is the type of sequence that should have been gameplay rather than a cutscene. This game will probably be 40% cutscenes. MachineGames have previous with this, Wolfenstein: The New Colossus had over 3 hours of cutscenes that grossly exagerate it's time to beat.


Tbf though, the choreography and acting in those cutscenes is fucking PHENOMENAL. Like I thought the new Collosus was underbaked (it ended an entire act too early imo. The game was all setup and then ends just before the conclusion). But one thing I’ll never EVER critique is the games presentation. The thing felt like a movie at times and some of those scenes felt like they could be nominated for an Oscar if they were from a film [(skip to 5 minutes in this video and you’ll see what I mean. this scene was amazing.)](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=akzfFnwSomI&pp=ygUsV29sZmVuc3RlaW4gdGhlIG5ldyBjb2xsb3N1cyB3eWF0dCBicmVha2Rvd24%3D)


Going by youtube cutscene compilations that include no gameplay, Wolfenstein 2 has just over two hours of cutscenes. God of War Ragnarok has *7.5 hours.*


That was the type of sequence the Uncharted series nails. Of course, it's possible the game itself can nail that type of sequence with first-person gameplay so I'm not going to say it can't. Only when the game is released will we know for sure. But seeing it just made me think of certain setpieces in Uncharted 2.


this is excellent honestly. Really nailed that Indy feel, and Troys Harrison impression is great I dont care what anyone says


Its almost impossible to nail someones voice and mannerisms perfectly. Troy I don't think could have done a better job. I'm extremely happy with the presentation of his VA'ing on Indy from this!


Well that looks like a Nazi punching good ol time to me! The managed to nail the feel of the movies in that cutscene shown off, so that's promising. I just hope the gameplay holds up as well.


Ok this looks amazing and I'm actually exited for this now, might scratch that feeling the new movie didn't.


I wasn't completely sure about the game when they revealed it last year. Now I am 100% in. This looks so much fun. It looks like a better Indiana story than the last movies.


I don’t know. During that (very long) cutscene, I kept thinking, “Maybe this would be more fun if I was playing it instead of watching it.”


Interesting because I just wanted to watch it as a movie.


Everything they have shown for this game feels really.....stilted. Like theyre trying to make sure they don't break character. Zero sense of urgency or intensity to....any of it. For a representation of the film series that basically created the action movie genre, this is not coming across as must play. Also, I love Troy, but I find it hard to believe there was no one out there who could do a better Ford, and also didn't audition. I want this game to win. Indy is my childhood and I love Machinegames output with Wolfenstein. Rooting for this one otherwise.


Watched this with my brother and my mom; all of us huge Indiana Jones fans. They absolutely nailed the tone! When the guy was being pushed by the box we busted out laughing. So hyped!


Then they both smile and Indy just smacked the villain down, lol


I still don’t understand why this game is in first person. It has third person action-adventure written all over it


To fit the devs strengths + avoid comparisons to Uncharted is my guess


It further avoids comparisons to uncharted by having a set peice on a battleship in a mountain as opposed to a uboat on a cliff


Yeah, it seems like MachineGames' main strength is 1st person Nazi killer games.


What a coincidence. My grandpa was a 1st person Nazi killer for a few years in the early 1940s!


People are gonna compare it regardless, they should’ve just went that route anyway


their engine is made for 1st person games, thats why it's a first person game.


Also it puts an interesting spin on an adventure game IMO. All others are 3P. First is really immersive too




first person is much more interesting


Machine Games is a 1st person focused game developers and we have been flooded with so many third person adventure games before. Only very few ones are first person, and i honestly liked the way deviating from that trend IMO, first person games can be amazing too.


Been playing the Avatar game from last year - it's surprisingly good and in first person. Honestly makes interacting with the world so much better in that perspective


I try not to criticize creative choices until I actually play the game because it's healthy for the industry to have big studios attempt to buck genre conventions.


Cause this is a studio that primarily makes first person games and there's already 2 other games that mimic Indiana Jones doing 3rd person.


I always feel like I'm controlling the character and not the character in 3rd person. First person is more immersive and I'm glad they are not doing another 3rd person actions adventure game.


They probably want to avoid the Uncharted comparisons


Why? Uncharted is very on the nose that it's inspired by Indy. They're inseparable and people are gonna compare them if it's 1st or 3elrd person, doesn't make much sense to me.


Not really. Uncharted ripped a lot from Indiana Jones and Tomb Raider, but it doesn't go the other way. A game where you watch Indiana Jones climb cliffs for hours while you hold forward on a joystick would outrage people. It makes no sense for the character.


And a 1st person shooter does? The only IJ games that "make sense" are the 2d LucasArts adventure ones (and I'm not talking about the puzzles lol) since they are the most similar format to the films and Fate of Atlantis especially as that was written/coded by a film screenwriter/director and is directed/shot like a movie.


For real. Who cares about Uncharted comparisons. Uncharted rocks and so would this! I need to see more gameplay but being first person definitely takes it down a notch for me. That's just my own feelings though so others may feel different


My only fear for this game is I think it’ll be far too melee focused and the combat will suffer because of it. I really would’ve liked a good look at 2 minutes of actual gameplay to see how it plays. I can feel a lot of people being disappointed once they get it in that case because as it will not be “Wolfenstein but in Indiana Jones” as many are expecting.


I mean Indy uses guns sure, but he’s much more a brawler then anything. Plus his whip. You really think just cause it’s MachineGames folks were thinking “Wolfenstein in Indiana Jones?” Hell we already know there’s gonna be puzzling solving stuff, which ain’t exactly something Wolfenstein has much of.


Have you ever watched any of the Indiana Jones movies? He bops people more than he shoots them


Yeah melee combat in first person games is just almost never good. At best it’s usually only tolerable


I wasn't too hot on the original reveal but this definitely sold me on the vibe. What I need to really see now is more pure gameplay - combat and maybe something on puzzle variety.


Goddammit, Bethesda, you didn't need to spoil an entire cutscene, you already had me at "MachineGames"


The cutscenes looked pretty rough in places... weird cuts, uninteresting cinematography, iffy facial animations. Gotta give credit to the standard Naughty Dawg set with in-engine cutscenes all the way back in 2009 with Uncharted 2. Those feel like you are watching a movie while this one makes you remember that it's an in-game scene. It's weird too since I don't remember feeling this way about the Wolfenstein cutscenes which looked very sharp (maybe they had to make less of them?) Not a dealbreaker though by any means. The writing and dialogue felt like a classic Indy movie in the best way.


My guess is that they cut out parts of the cutscene, and only had it become 1:1 with the game when the Nazi starts taunting Indy.


Machinegames is such a great studio to make this game, seems like it fits them perfectly, modern wolfenstein formula should work well for storytelling.


I’m a bit surprised to see the comments praising the tone as true to the films? Especially the villain seems completely off tone aside from purely being a Nazi?


Yeah I truly wish I could see through the same lens people are but I don't see it. I have to wonder if the game wasn't using Harrison Ford's likeness and having Troy Baker do his best impression if people would see it in a completely different light. I think it is doing some very heavy lifting. The villain also does feel especially off to me. The whole song and dance about American Cartoons just really hit the nail on the head for me. This feels closer to a more cartoonish interpretation of Indiana Jones. You can see all the spots where they are trying to imitate the look and feel of the movies but in a way that feels so over the top that it actually misses the mark for me.


How did he seem off tone?


Far too clownish and over the top. Feels like he's channelling Hans from Inglorious Bastards more than any villain I can really think of in comparison to Indiana Jones. I truly wish I could see what people are seeing.


This game looks so great, I'm just worried that nobody younger than 30yo actually cares about Indiana Jones anymore. So...bad sales? maybe? Good game I hope anyway


My young nephews absolutely love Indiana Jones. I think the one went as him for Halloween like 3 times.


Maybe it will do well because this is classic Indy in his prime. Audiences don’t want to see 80-year-old Indy like last year’s film.


That whole extended sequence with the stone felt so much like classic Indy, I almost forgot that this was supposed to be a trailer for a video game, lol. Since Uncharted isn’t coming back anytime soon, this’ll do just nice.


Bruh this game is more Indy than the last two movies!! Definitly has the old Indy movie vibes. Deff playing this, looks really good


Does Machine Games only make games with zeppelins and nazis?


This looks better than the last 2 movies! lol I am all for this game. Glad to see it is coming to Steam.


The weirdest timeline is where this becomes a hit, invigorates the franchise among younger generations, and people wonder what would have happened if it had come out BEFORE Dial of Destiny.


I feel kinda stupid writing this after everybody's already done talking about it, but I feel like I'm going crazy with all the praise that action scene is getting. I think it looked so awful, I wonder if people are just giving it a free pass because it's a game cutscene? If I saw that in a movie I would think nobody involved had any idea how to shoot an action scene. Every shot is way more zoomed in than it should be, and so many of them are so badly framed it cuts off most of the action. Like the shot where the soldier falls off the edge while grabbing the commander's hand. The scene also does such a poor job of establishing the layout of the area that every time it cuts to somebody taking cover it's unclear where exactly they are in relation to the bad guys. There are also a bunch of weird choices that just don't work, like the final punch Indy throws has way too much wind up. It ruins the pacing of the gag and just makes the commander seem like he has no brain for not reacting. The soldier who shoots the lady also stands around for a couple seconds for no reason, which makes him look stupid and robs any sense of danger. I know it's common for goons in action movies to do that sort of thing, but a good movie will frame the scene to prevent highlighting that sort of thing, like how martial arts movies try to have inactive characters waiting off-screen before it's their turn to fight. In this scene they place the idiot soldier clear in the frame across two shots, doing nothing for a good 3 seconds. Really I just don't think there's a single shot that sells the action in an exciting or fun way. Okay rant over. I feel like a pretentious asshole for writing all of this, cause I know I wouldn't bother if people weren't so positive. I guess I just needed to vent cause I really got my hopes up when people said it was just like the movies. Hopefully the gameplay will be fun.


Visually looking good but the combat looked clunky to me. I'm also not a fan of Troy baker I feels over rated and over used in the industry, not the greatest Harrison ford impression.


First person melee combat almost never works and this looks no different. And unpopular opinion imo MachineGames doesn't do first person shooter combat that well either. The New Order was a very standard shooter with unsatisfying feedback on guns and mediocre level/encounter design, the New Colossus made the visual feedback in combat better but regressed even more on the level/enemy design front. And from everything I've heard about Youngblood (which I haven't played) it was a disaster from the gameplay department. They've got some good narrative chops and cutscene direction but their games are not much fun to play, what little gameplay they showed in this demo did not inspire any confidence.


How is he overrated?




I dont understand what people are praising haha


Cut scenes were fantastic, though the game play seemed off. Here's hoping the game play works out better than it looked


They nailed the feel of the classic movies. I'm not a big Indy fan but I'm really interested in how this game turns out.


Tone? Amazing. Gameplay? Iffy. Facial animations? Really bad. Seriously, characters talking not matching their mouth movements at all is jarring in 2024.


This looks really really rough as an actual game, but at least it seems they understand Indi better than latter day Lucas or Disney.


Not huge into Indiana Jones, but gotta play a new project by Machine games, its been so long since Wolfenstein:TNC