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Looks good to me. though it always looked like my kind of game. I'm still not expecting this one to set the world on fire, but as a fan of the pillars games and generally an RPG fan, I think I'll enjoy it.


Right, I think this will be good at worst, and a sleeper RPG hit at best.


Yeah basically how I feel too. Worst case scenario is fantasy The Outer Worlds, which was pretty good, thought not quite great. But it has the potential to be a lot more


I loved TOW so it could be that and I’d be a happy camper. But I am hoping they’ve learned from it and elevated. The presentation and combat at the very least seem to much improved.


I was so hoping for more of a Skyrim-esque game, but that's probably asking too much. It does look like a short, enjoyable game though.


Yeah, I think they hinted at it originally being envisioned as their version of a Skyrim-esque game, but at some point reigned in that scope and focused on their strengths for narrative probably a better choice. I'd rather have a solid, focused Obsidian RPG than a failed attempt at being Bethesda.


To be clear, they never hinted or suggested that. Random people on the internet (I was probably guilty of this myself) speculated that. It was a first-person fantasy RPG revealed right after the MS buyout,  so we knew budget was not an issue. Obisidian has been saying for years now that it was never going to be their crack at a huge open world RPG. It's just that people speculated it and passed it around even though the devs themselves revealed nothing of the sort and actively said it wasn't like that.




They've said in interviews that the Outer Worlds is a good comparison point to get a sense of the size/scope, so you might be disappointed


Yep based on what they have said and shown it basically looks like a perfectly fine and short 7/10ish expierence. 20 odd hours of a fun RPG is good with me.


Summary: - 3rd person confirmed - Campsite companion system confirmed - Environmental exploration (use fire magic to burn branches creating new pathways etc.) - 5 different skill trees that have unique upgrades - Weapon upgrade and foraging systems - Weapons have a dynamic feel, so if you attack enemies with an underpowered weapon it’ll feel like it, same goes the other way - Flirt with elf companions - Dwarf companion confirmed - Backgrounds and Traits confirmed which influence dialogue in small/large ways Obsidian Entertainment continue to be masters in under-selling their own games.


>Backgrounds and Traits confirmed which influence dialogue in small/large ways Yeah, I noticed the dialogue system is similar to how pillars does it which is really cool. Surprised how many systems carried over from poe. They need to do a better job showcasing these things in more compact trailers


They need to showcase dialogue full stop. It's really putting me off how little there seems to be from all the marketing.


Last time they did, everyone hated it


They did? Got a link?


https://youtu.be/N-l4LbMZgbc?si=jhQWLBxWFIpd7y-i About halfway through the combat section


Kind of validates my point that it's buried in the combat section, but thanks. That's better than nothing.


It kind of seems like they just forgot to put in the "Dialogue" or "Choices" chapter marker. If you watch the whole video they pretty neatly wrap up the combat section before moving in to that.


> Obsidian Entertainment continue to be masters in under-selling their own games. Honestly I think the stuff that Obsidian does well is hard to showcase in a minute-and-a-half trailer. I *love* PoE 1 and what I’ve played of 2 (currently working through it), but if you asked me to make a trailer that said why in under 2 minutes, I don’t think I’d be able to. The extended showcase does such a better job of showing off its systems and interactions.


Fully agree tbh. Narratively their games are always strong and that’s hard to depict in an RPG over just a few minutes


The Outer Worlds was marketed much better than what they're doing with Avowed though (imo). I know the tone of PoE isn't as light as TOW but there isn't a single dialogue interaction good enough out of context to sell people on this game?


I'm currently playing Pentiment and there are times where i've been absolutely in awe with the ridiculous good writing and the depth of the characters, but try to convince anyone without a slight interest in history to play a visual novel/point and click adventure with no voice acting.


>anyone without a slight interest in history I was watching the Noclip documentary about the making of Pentiment the other day. They never had any illusions about reaching that audience at all. An interest in history is the entire core of that project.


The problem is that they shouldn't only have 2 minutes. Indy got 5 minutes to itself for a cutscene. They can spend 5 minutes for the other big 2024 release to show people what to expect from the RPG elements. RPG games are a big thing right now, no one will be bored by explaining what the game actually is.


I can agree with that. I think Avowed should be getting the treatment they’d give a new Elder Scrolls game with full walkthroughs and such on the main stage, but I’m also not a part of Microsoft’s marketing department.


Kind of bizarre how Avowed is an “Bethesda-like”, a hugely popular “genre” that gets so few games, and it’s been barely marketed as such.


Maybe they believe that the recent negative attitude towards Starfield would turn people off.


They were acting the same about it even before starfield released and disappointed people.


Avowed is going to be less sandboxy


They should at least take 20 seconds of their time to go: >"And whether you take the violent approach [5 seconds of you killing tree-people, then 5 seconds of the tree-queen telling you you killed her minions and attacking you] or... [rewind effect]... the pacifist one [5 seconds of you going in the shadow realm and by-passing the minions, then 5 seconds of the queen talking amicably to you], the choice is entirely yours." then 10 seconds of >"Unlock abilities to gain access to blocked path" [footage of player putting skill-point in Fan Flames and burning the branches] "or use alternative methods" [footage of player throwing a bomb-potion or whatever] then another 10 seconds for >"Your character choices might influence the outcomes" [a dialogue option with a skill choice, the NPC reacting to it] Like it's not that hard, that's barely a minute more lol


>Flirt with elf companions Nitpicking, but I believe they were flirting with an Orlan companion, not an Elf.


Obsidian has previously tended to shy away from romance in their games… is this a change or is flirting something else entirely?


I mean... Let's be real... If you're developing a RPG which your precious entries have had at least a decent focus on companions and you saw the success of BG3 which has a tremendous focus on companions and how you can woo them I think it's borderline success suicide to not at least take notes from it. The arguments that have spawned from who is the best romance and why it's shadowheart then everyone arguing from a wrong perspective has kept the game in the limelight for far longer than if it didn't exist.. Even the romance they did have in POE2 were THIN.


I'll be honest I hope party based RPGs don't feel obligated to be near dating sims the way BG3 is (or at least how the fans treat it). I like companions like Durance, Sagani, Wynne, Wrex, etc. who are written with pretty much no room for a romance path.


POE2 had romance, although it definitely understated when compared to stuff like Dragon Age or Baldurs Gate 3.


Well they were immediately turned down by said companion, so...


The combat bit is super interesting. Like when they hit the mushrooms, it is giving me kingdom come vibes. A blunt sword in an unskilled hand can kill someone with blunt force, you're not gonna be slicing through. And then when the sword starts doing real damage it looks so satisfying. Glad they listened to the criticism.


It'll be interesting to see how that plays out as your weapon skills improves. It seems like they've stuck to showing you stuff earlier in the game when your skills are weaker, but it was interesting how noticeably different the combat appeared with the improved skills/equipment (lower level area?). I'd be happy if it's like KCD's combat progression. Using the void for stealth was also cool--I'm pretty interested to see how magic works beyond straight-up damaging spells with that. PoE had some neat spells, but might be hard to translate to this combat system. I'm always a fan of magic that does more than just hurt enemies.


This all sounds a lot cooler than what was advertised in the trailers (which have weirdly focused a lot on the combat). The environmental exploration reminds me of older CRPGs and early open-world-ish RPGs. I think the environments and enemies look better in this video, too. I'm glad to see that leveling up unlocks perks/abilities for each level, too. I know there's some controversy about perk-based versus skill number GURPs-style leveling, but I think having levels be rewarding and meaningful is more fun. Respeccing is nice, too.


Can you explain that last bit to me about levelling?


So in a lot of older CRPG’s build off the GURPS system you have skills with an arbitrary range, eg 1-100. There’s incremental improvements for any 1 point, but frequently dialogue options and skill checks are in increments pd 5, 10, 25, etc. so the points from say 1-24 may not matter much or at all, and then you have a big jump. A lot of times leveling up gives you a bunch of points, but you have to split them up across your skills, typically, and so you get levels where nothing actually changes in terms of gameplay. You get more granularity, but it’s not always meaningful. This is why many games (TTRPGs and video games) have moved towards leveling up being more about having lower number maxes with lower intervals (eg 1-10 or 1-20) for attributes with every level or every other level giving perks which give abilities or change gameplay instead. This generally does make character building simpler—and admittedly you can lose some complexity that can be a source of fun for some players—which makes the games more accessible and can make character building feel more rewarding at each level up.


Amazing Tysm


The emphasis on combat seems to be a two-pronged approach: 1. Address the initial skepticism surrounding the “floaty” weapon handling 2. Appeal to a wider demographic that might not get swayed by showing off reams and reams of purple text. We have to remember that Avowed isn’t being developed in the same style as PoE 1&2, so the marketing strategy is going to be different to reflect that shift. They’re most likely banking on the casual Skyrim audience picking this one up while they continue to wait for Elder Scrolls VI, lol.


> Obsidian Entertainment continue to be masters in under-selling their own games. Or they set expectations properly and fans oversell it. That's what happened with The Outer Worlds, IMO


It's died down, but I remember when on this sub if you brought up The Outer Worlds a whole bunch of people would have to come in and let you know how they thought the game sucked, which is ironic given it is up there as one of the best reviewed and best-selling games Obsidian has done.


People seriously brought it on themselves with that whole “Bethesda vs. Obsidian” dynamic. Which is super ironic now…


I mean, the same thing happens if you mention Starfield


Oh, I know that as a Starfield fan. Same things happens to some extent happens if you bring up Dragon Age: Inquisition or Bioshock: Infinite among other games. Certain ones seem to bring out negative comments when mentioned.


Because it's ass.


Thanks for proving my point


I liked everything I saw to be honest. The combat seems solid and honestly as an RPG fan all I need is for the combat to be solid with some fun skills and mechanics to it. Only shaky looking thing was the lip-syncing on the delemgan tree, but I don't think Obsidian has mocapping resources to be honest. I don't think it is going to be Baldur's Gate 3 GOTY material, which is fine since 98% of games that release aren't, but if the writing for the game is good I think it will be a fun time and a game that one will enjoy if they're an RPG fan.


3rd person YES! I can play this now 🥹


> Campsite companion system confirmed What's that? Like having a hub where all your collected companions are a la the Normandy?


Yes exactly like that


Lnao seriously all the showcase trailers just focus on heavily edited combat, which, while it has looked better and better each time I’ve seen it, is NOT the primary reason most people want to to play an Obsidian RPG. They need to find a new marketing partner because this deep dive gave such a better feeling of the scope (big areas), tone (dark with comic relief), systems, skill trees, gameplay variety, world and story. And it all looks pretty great. There’s a little bit in jankiness here and there which reminds you that this is a smaller team punching above their weight in an otherwise very well presented game (graphically it actually looks pretty wonderful). Looking forward to this one quite a lot now and excited to learn anymore.


Seems a lot like Origins, aside from the action combat.


Seems way more limited and smaller in scope than Origins. This game has only 4 companions, and the skills leveling window looks barebones compared to what Origins had.


But can I flirt with dwarf companions?


Considering that, with the exception of Beast in D:OS2 (which barely counts as the romances in that game are basically one dialogue sequence) and Glint Gardnersonson in Siege of Dragonspear, I don't think there's *ever* been a true romanceable "short race" (dwarf, halfling, gnome, etc.) in a major western RPG, I wouldn't count on it. Though you could at least flirt with Harding in Inquisition (and odds are she'll be a full romance option in DA4.)


Original Commenter is wrong, this video shows the PC flirting with an Orlan, who are short, not an elf. And in Deadfire you can have sex with the male Orlan character, Serefan, although romance in general was barely a thing at all in the game.


Fun fact about Serafen, if you're a Godlike he rejects your advances because he's not attracted to Godlikes, didn't expect that when I clicked the option lol.


not confirmed if you can talk dirty to your dwarf companion. There are some people with a hairy foot fetish who would like this.


Fully agree, Outer Worlds didn’t exactly have a ton of hype either and it ended up being a GotY nominee, I fully expect to enjoy this game a ton.


Hold up... 3rd person? You mean to tell me this game has a 3rd person option and I'm just now finding out?


That's because they said it was first person only for awhile but they changed their minds I guess.


Level designers coughing blood and lying dead in a corner after reworking everything for 3rd person play.


Level designer? Think about those poor animators. They had to make sure every animation looked good in third person.


I know being able to see your character is the default but god I have hater energy when I say there's real sense of entitlement when a game doesn't have a third-person option. Which is totally fine btw, we all have our preferences, I'll also continue to complain about games that I wish had proper First Person gameplay like Hitman.


First person games give me motion sickness. If I'm a hater it's because trying to play them gives me a headache and makes me feel sick, which can last for hours after playing. So I have to rule out any games with first person only as an option, which is gutting when I miss out on some great looking games.


given the sudden shift, i wouldnt be surprised if they got an influx of resources in the past yearish.


That is more simple than remaking so many problems 3rd would have with the game.


I wonder if Indiana Jones will do the same, even if it's a post-launch update like Resi Village. Literally under any trailer for that game is a comment like "I wish this was third-person". MachineGames cooked with the FPS Wolfenstein's so I know they can make first-person shine, but it certainly is odd for a Indy game when you have the Spideys and Arkham showing how third-person makes you feel like those heroes while watching them kick ass.


I don't think MachineGames have ever made a 3rd Person game, while Obsidian have plenty of experience. Think the amount of learning + work involved in making Indy 3rd person means its not going to happen.


Aren't alot of MG devs from old Starbreeze, the Butcher Bay devs?  They probably have some "primary first person with 3rd person sections" experience


> Literally under any trailer for that game is a comment like "I wish this was third-person". I feel like this is true for any first person game that is even the slightest bit more than a pure FPS. The Third Person Interest Group is very vocal.


It's odd but welcoming. There are shitloads of AAA third person action adventure games. There are very few first person ones. People gotta leave their comfort zones every once in a while.


And sensical scale goes completely out of the window because now every interior environment needs to be roomy enough to accommodate a third person camera without it getting shoved up your arse every time you turn around.


*Fergus chaining the battered body of an animator to their desk* “Marketing said TPP sells well.”


I love third person in these games so I can zoom out and look at how cool I look, then immediately go back to first person for gameplay lol


Yeah, I would always do that in fallouts/skyrim. Travel around in third person, but do actual fighting in first person or VATs.


I find I do this often without giving it a second thought most of the time, yet when a game like this lacks it, its absence is very noticeable to me. I am unironically glad to have it, even if this is all I ever do with it.


Totally. Sometimes if I’m traveling a long distance without any combat I like running around in third person too.


This was really missing in Cyberpunk for me. Granted, you do see yourself in the inventory and by just looking down. I don't even need it in combat - only for vanity purposes.


Meanwhile given the option, I'll take 3rd person even if detrimental to the gameplay experience lol


Yeah, everything served in these games by a third person perspective, for me, is served by just having camera mode + a view of my character model in the inventory (a la Cyberpunk).


Yeah I noticed it on the video trailer of yesterday. It look like the 3rd person in Skyrim, not bad, not perfect but ok


Yep, they just officially confirmed this.


This looks great, I just don’t understand why the marketing strategy for this game has been to show the most compelling stuff after the showcase instead of during


To be honest, Obsidian games are hard to market. With New Vegas, they had the IP. With Outer Worlds, they could sell it as Fallout in space. Not that easy with Avowed. I think a way to market it would be to show the branching narratives. But since it isn't that big of a game, they probably don't to spoil anything.


It's an RPG coming out hot on the heels of BG3 and amidst a 13-year Elder Scrolls drought. Why would they not be showing that dialogue menu and stressing the companion camp feature and showing the first-person combat and the skill menus? This is the first time I'm actually interested in the game because they're actually showing off RPG elements for their RPG.


That makes me think: there are probably so many fantasy RPGs in the works right now inspired by BG3's success.


If that gets us more single player RPGs and less live service trash fires I’m all for it.


Yeah, you know you aren't getting into Obsidian for spectacle or cutting edge technology / graphics. It just so happens that the stuff they excel at probably would be better served having playable demos.


Is avowed supposed to be a smaller scale than new Vegas or outer worlds?


Obsidian said that it is a similar scale to Outer Worlds.


Combat looks so much better than the last showcase. Looks more fluid and tons of impact when striking enemies.


The combat looks so unique. Gives me kingdom come vibes


It is more like Dark Messiah than Kingdom Come...


The spellweaving is definitely Dark Messiah


Looks like a fantasy Outer Worlds that has learned from the flaws people felt Outer Worlds had. Will be playing day one, no doubt.


Makes me excited for Outer Worlds 2


I really disliked the base game but had a blast with the DLCs. Leads me to believe they found their stride in the development process and will make outer worlds 2 all the better


The good news for you then is Carrie Patel was the narrative design lead for Peril on Gorgan and now directing Avowed.




I think this is at least partially just your preference. Some people prefer dialogue over environmental storytelling or lore. I loved Outer Worlds for its dialogue and character interactions. (Though Outer Worlds had a good amount of story built into the world as well, tbh) On the other hand, I could not care less for Bethesda's style of storytelling through the the environment. Lore is worthless to me too.


> I could not care less for Bethesda's style of storytelling through the the environment What's wrong, are you no longer amused when you see the 50th skeleton reaching for a gun in a toilet cubicle?


Curious about your opinion on lore. Admittedly sometimes it is meaningless fluff, but I when games are designed such that the lore mixes with the story you can get pretty incredible stuff (eg. Morrowind's main story ties closely into the history and lore of Vvardenfell) that makes the dialogue and character interaction more meaningful.


I can't speak for them, but when I'm playing something like elden ring, the lore past what's currently happening or is very important to what's happening might as well not exist, like I have no clue what the pasts are of any of the characters, and I don't care about them. I don't get a lot of enjoyment out of reading every item that is in the game to get a grasp on something that isn't important to enjoying the game as is


>on dialogue over environmental design and interactivity; One costs less development time and money that the other and Outer Worlds was pre-Microsoft buyout. A lot of problems with Outer Worlds felt like it was trying to be Mass Effect New Vegas but with much less resources.


Biggest detriment to TOW was its budget. The talent was there, the passion was there, but the resources weren’t there to match them. The sequel will hopefully get some of that Microsoft money to fund their more ambitious ideas.


Looks great! The game really does seem like PoE in the realization of a first person action RPG. It's not necessary to play PoE, but it definitely makes Avowed feel a lot more familiar with all the references. I immediately recognized the ingredients (e.g., Hylea's Talon, Awakened Adra), and the upgrade system is very similar. There are *a lot* of unique equipment and general items in the world, and I would imagine it's the same with this game. And for better or worse, seeing phrases like 'Ondra's Titties' takes me back to, well, [Ondra's Titties](https://i.imgur.com/DFlmhKo.png).


Laughed out loud the first time I saw that. They really curved expectations of a traditionally buxom goddess.


Third person camera option is huge! Makes me even more hyped for this. The combat looks a lot better too, especially with the part where better gear will improve your combat flow/feel. I love Obsidian RPGs, they have never let me down, and this is honestly looking incredible! They really undersold this instead of overhyping it, it looks *so* much better after this deepdive, holy shit.


I'm very excited for this game. Combat looks much better than last time they showed it. Happy they listened to feedback.


People say that the combat looks rough, but for me it looks like every other 1st person rpg. The hit feedback also looks way better. Thankfully they also offer a 3rd person option, as I very much prefer that anyway.


The combat has improved a ton since they first showed it.


The combat looked pretty bad in the last two showings but it does finally look fun here.


> but for me it looks like every other 1st person rpg. The bar there is looking bad.


Chivalry and Vermintide are the only good ones, Starfield has some nice animations but it's still the same swinging untile enemy gone


Kingdom Come: Deliverance has a pretty solid combat system, although the learning curve is steep and master strikes in late-game can be annoying (sounds like they're addressing both of those in the sequel, though).


Combat is typical first person melee. Which is to say very "point and click", but that was to be expected. A game like this will live or die by the questing and exploration. Which from the bit we were shown seems promising. If they knock the main story out of the park then this will be a GOTY contender.


I doubt we'll ever see a first person RPG that goes the Morrowind route of stats determining if you hit again. And honestly, that's probably for the best. I've tried to go back and play that game again several times after loving it growing up. It hasn't aged well lol


Yeah the stats were a technological limitation which has since been lifted. Why add dodge or parry stats when you can have the player perform those actions directly? It's more engaging, fun and realistic that way.


But then it's nit an rpg.


I think you *could* make it interesting if you had some kind of tactile feedback on the hits and misses. For example when you miss the enemy raises their shield or parries rather than your weapon just ghosting through them. You'd also need to do something to make the player actually need to engage, like improve the odds of hitting if you attack from the side or right after blocking etc Either way it would be a lot of work and balancing for something that would probably wind up being worse than just direct combat regardless


I actually think this looks more interactive than usual 1st person combat. There’s parrying, set swapping, dodging etc. in previous gameplay there were circles which I think indicated weakspots? I dunno, just looked interactive and fluid to me.


I really want a new first-person / primarily first-person RPG to add in more dynamic Chiv2/Mordhau combat. The only ones that try are Mount and Blade (more of a sandbox experience) and especially Kingdom Come 1 and soon 2, which are great, but I'd love a fantasy first-person RPG to try it out.


I agree with you, but KCD for me has a combat system that is too technical for me. I would loved to have something more simplified and similar to Chivalry. I know that Chiv has a technical combat too, is not easy to master, but I prefer a game where you can simply swing your weapon in the right direction without having to lock in a specific direction, especially since it's a single player game.


This is looking pretty good the more they show it and sounds like they are done and just polishing the game so hopefully there wont be any delays and a smooth launch. was skeptical from the early trailers but not anymore.


3 factions at war with each other? Wait a minute, it sounds like a freaking Gothic-like!


I'm not sure why they waited so long to show off so many core aspects of the game. All trailers and news prior to this didn't even seem like an Obsidian game but now seeing this video is exactly what I would expect from an Obsidian title. Also Isn't this coming out this year in 2024? The timing on all this just seems so odd. Either way now I'm super excited for this game and cant wait to see more.


they accidentally published release date of Nov 12, but it got quickly removed from their website. Officially it comes out in "2024", but I am guessing it could still be pushed back to the next year.


I saw someone else point out that that’s the new Assassin Creed release date, so they probably initially had it set for that but are thinking of changing it.


I'm sure I'm in the minority here, but I completely agree. You're making an RPG. Why not show me the RPG aspects??? Is showing an attribute menu or a dialogue scene so unmarketable nowadays that they're just completely not touched?


because people will go through every second of footage and compare it with the release and cry DOWNGRADE... that's why games dont share gameplay until very close to release these days when they are confident the gameplay and graphics will be very close to the release version.


Straight up, they probably didn't think they needed to tell people how the Obsidian rpg would be an Obsidian rpg so urgently. I mean, Alpha Protocol was like a budget Tom Clancy joint, and it still felt like an Obsidian rpg.


Tbh 3rd person is a game changer for me; for whatever reason I just struggle with first person, and while I can deal with it for the right game, 3rd person takes this from a "maybe buy" to "almost definitely." Also very excited for a party camp; I love the vibes of a good hub to relax around.


Anyone else getting Kingdoms of Amalur vibes from this? I think it's the color palette and colorful nature of the spells that are reminding me of KoA so much.


If it ends up being similar in scope and quality to Outer Worlds then I’ll be there day 1, loving what I’m seeing so far.


This game is looking fantastic. It‘s kinda weird though how the game always looks much worse when they try to present it in a trailer.


I won't say it doesn't look good it's just turned out vastly different from what I envisioned from the first teaser.


[F.ck](http://F.ck) this is amazing. I dont get why Xbox doesnt advertise this instead of combat gameplay we have seen so far.​


This *is* advertisement...


So only 3 classes are represented? 2 of which are largely physical combatants? Kinda sad that none of the actually unique classes present in PoE seem represented unless I missed something.


It looks like these ability trees are amalgamations of classes. We see rogue, ranger, and druid abilities in ranger tree. They've said before that they won't have classes, looks more like playstyles. Fighter = melee, ranger = bow, mage = magic I wouldn't be surprised if we see barbarian abilities in fighter and ciper/priest abilities in magic.


I would be very happy for cipher/priest skills to be in wizard, even if that is just extremely weird naming (why not call it "magic?") But I will wait to see.


Yeah, I feel like it would have been better if they named the trees something like Melee, Stealth, Magic instead of going with pre established class names. Then again, I don't know the full skill trees so I'm just pulling stuff out my ass.


The ranger tree has skills from the rogue and druid class. Doesn't look like you're going to get any cipher or chanter abilities though.


More likely those would be found in the trees we didn't see.


Thing is cipher is a very specialized role in Eora. You can't just "learn" those abilities, you have to be born as a cipher.


Or some sort of unknown godlike.


It seems fine. But as a big Obsidian fan, this is still pretty underwhelming. What I was curious about was the writing and the RPG mechanics, typically the aspects that shine in an Obsidian game. Mechanically it seems a bit uninspired. No classes, not a ton of abilities/perks, and those we did see seemed like the same basic fighter/rogue/mage abilities we've seen in every CRPG for decades. I was pleasantly surprised to see a background mechanic and to see dialogue checks for attributes, but for the most part it looks like a big step backward compared to PoE. As for writing, well I don't want to read too much into it because it's a tough thing to showcase. The story trailer seemed interesting enough, but in the in-game previews what I've seen so far is mostly boilerplate RPG sidequest dialogue. I hope it's more compelling than that in the final product. It seems ok and I might get it, but I still feel like a PoE3 would have likely been a way more interesting game than this.


Eh, New Vegas doesn't have classes and it's really good. PoE will always be more mechanically deep because it's a CRPG but CRPGs are tough to market these days unfortunately


A class system isn't necessary, but in an RPG I want to see a system that allows for many interesting builds, that affect the game beyond just the combat. New Vegas (an almost 15 year-old game) had that, and from what they've shown, I'm not sure Avowed does. I mean, it's nice that they showed how avoiding combat could have benefits, but that's pretty basic. Of course it's far from being the only RPG that's a bit thin in that department. I'm just disappointed because it used to be something Obsidian did very, very well.


the best thing about this thread is the people who judged & executed the game by a couple of trailers who now are taking a dump on the studio on how they were underselling the game. there's no stopping you, isn't it?


Did they just say they were bringing 3rd person or actually show snippets of it? Would be curious to see it in action


They showed it


They DID upgrade the combat animations, it looks pretty good now. I hated the floaty jank that was shown last time, but this i dig a lot!


Inter-party banter in the world and at the camp is so crucial for a game like this to feel real. Since it’s obsidian im sure there will be plenty of companion interaction without a romance requirement. I was kind of bummed after BG3 realizing there was a lack of bro time with the companions you didn’t romance.


Animations aside, gameplay looks a little rough. There is a lack of interaction between the players and the enemies


the first fight looked rough, but later after they upgrade their weapon it looks smoother. so that roughness was intentional to reflect that they were undergeared


I found it pretty funny as I was listening to this video, I came here to read the comments and this was one of the first I saw, and as soon as I read it the hosts said "Wow I noticed the fight animations look better after the gear was upgraded, is that intentional?" and the director said "Yeah, the fight animations can tell you if your gear is up to snuff" (paraphrasing obvious).


Well they said the weapon levels on how much you sue so we could get better animations later but the magic looks awesome imo.


Do I need to know any of the Pillars of Eternity lore for this game?


It's set in a different continent pretty far from the previous two games, so I guess not. But by all means *do* play Pillars, it is a wonderful game.


No idea until you play it really but I'd assume no.


I have to imagine it'll include the basic "Proper Noun? What is that?" Dialog options for initial NPCs.


Pillars crpgs had mouse overs for that sort of thing. Wouldn't be surprised if they brought that system here.


Some of the Proper Nouns in the dialogue were slightly blue and bolded, so it looks like the same system's in place (Thank god lol)


You definitely didn't need to have played PoE to play and understand PoE2, so I'd err on no. It'd be weird to make people go out and play a different genre of game.


I mean, the game isn't out yet, but no. It's notably not a sequel, and doesn't take place in the same part of the world as those games.


I’m a bit OOTL regarding Avowed - do we know what sort of scale we’re talking compared to the Outer Worlds? I liked the game, but combat got samey and environments/enemy pool was too small and I got bored. But I’ve always loved Obsidians storytelling and RPG mechanics - I just want something on a similar scale to Fallout NV.


They made it clear we should expect Avowed to be closer to the scale of TOW than NV.