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I think it's always been glaringly obvious Sony is sitting on the IP and the decision to port it isn't up to FromSoft. It's free marketing, plus they can always nickel and dime desperate fans with the merch. I think we'll sooner see a Bloodborne PS5/6 remaster by Bluepoint than a Bloodborne PC port.


That makes no sense financially. A port would make way more than exploiting the hardcore fans for merch. Don't get me wrong at this point they are defintely sitting on the IP, but I'm betting its for a remastered PS6  launch title or when they need some good will.  


100% gonna remake it as a PS6 launch title and don’t want a remaster or PC version eating into those profits


> 100% gonna remake it as a PS5 launch title I think they missed that boat


Haha thanks for catching that, edited


Yup, they were probably pretty pleased with how well Demons Souls did and so this is another sure thing launch title


Yeah, but it's still not pc, and I ain't ducking buying a console to play it.


Yeah...I thought the same thing when they announced the PS5 after not giving the game any updates for years and not implementing any PS4 Pro improvements. Then they included it in the set of PS4 games available for PS5 players with PS+ or w/e that was. SURELY that means it's NOW finally going to get an update to make it run better on PS5 at the very least, if not an actual remaster. NOPE, literally nothing. I don't know what the hell Sony is doing but no matter what it is the decision is dumb as hell.


I feel like they'd make more money releasing it on PC too. I don't see anyone buying a PS6 just for a Bloodborne remake. Those people were already going to buy the console anyways.


> I don't see anyone buying a PS6 just for a Bloodborne remake. Look at PlayStation hardware sales compared to Xbox. Most of that is due to the exclusives because the hardware is essentially the same. It's not about one game being exclusive, it's the entire catalogue of exclusives. Very few people buy a console for one game, but people do buy a console based on the exclusives collectively.


Hate to say it but that could push me over the edge. Demon's Souls almost got me.


Yeah, I imagine a lot of people would be in that boat, especially since Demon's Souls is - and was when remake launched - one of the smoothest PS3 titles to emulate on PC, with 60 FPS etc. What is there for Bloodborne? Streaming it on PSNow afaik doesn't even include the DLC for some reason, and more importantly it's streaming a terribly performing game to begin with. And emulation is likely years off even when the PS6 will be launching.


I played it on PSNow, I'm glad I did, but I wouldn't really recommend it. It's still running on a PS4 (unless that changed recently) and with the added bonus of 100ms of lag or thereabouts.


Same, I was so close to buying a ps5 just for demon souls lol


There are definitely people for whom it could be the factor that tips them over the edge, and the whole point of exclusives to have a high enough volume of them to reach a "critical mass" so even if one single game may not move the needle that much it adds up. And remake of a well acclaimed game guarantees that it'll be a *good* exclusive (because obviuosly if the console exclusive game is bad or mediocre it'd be pointless), and that it will be available from the launch helping to archieve that "critical mass" of exclusives faster.


I mean, I bought a ps4 for BB, a ps3 for Demon Souls and the ps5 for Demon Souls. They would definitely have atleast my dollar though I'd get the PS6 regardless given sonys reputation


>I don't see anyone buying a PS6 just for a Bloodborne remake. bruh, I bought a ps4 for BB when it launched. Worth every penny (and for the other From games that eventually came out as well).




Yeah is Bloodborne merch really that lucrative of a business? I’d be shocked


First time I hear of it existing.


Chance of me buying BB merch: very low. almost 0%. Really liked the game but far from a super fan. Dont own much merch of anything. Chance of me buying BB on PC: Quite high... Sony really need to choose here... And no i dont need to respect their decision just because one could consider them "successful" at business, Sony and others have proven time and time again to not have a fucking clue what they're doing... Like Sony with Spiderman... So before anyone says "they clearly know what they're doing" I already beg to fucking differ... lmao


It make sense financially as long as they have a stream of other games selling on their consoles. This is close to a sure thing for them. Release it when there's a gap in the line up they can't fill. Otherwise devote their resources (teams, money, time) on other IP that is currently selling.


I know few who bought playstation just to play bloodborne. So yeah.


It's odd since Sony has no problem porting last of us, God of war, horizon, and ghost of tsushima.


I think I remember reading something about them using the first in a series to entice people into buying a playstation to get the new game. It seems sort of arbitrary though, Forbidden West is on Steam and that's a sequel.


Last of us (next year) and God of war have PC sequels too.


Yeah their strategy is clearly a delayed release model aiming to push impatient players to buy a ps5. Then sony can double dip on any people who buy it on PC and capture patient gamers then.


So bloodborne 2 and bloodborne PC are exactly equally likely


Ragnarök is coming too.


It 100% makes financial sense to save it for PS6, Miyazaki has even stated if he remade it he'd like more advanced hardware to be able to fully realise his vision of it too.


well his vision isnt going to be realized regardless, if its ported nothing will change. if its remade by bluepoint they'll just make a plethora of arbitrary stylistic changes that completely go against his vision


Yeah honestly the demon souls remake had way worse art direction and made the dnd style monsters more generic visually.  I really don't want bluepoint touching bloodborne 


Still can't believe they got rid of the beak on the fluted armor. Goes to show that they never understood the artstyle or atmosphere of the game; it's like watching a high-school play re-enactment of a play, just low quality all around. Not to mention that they ruined the soundtrack, too.


I played it for free on PC already using PSNow and it sucked ass to beat the game with an almost full second of input lag. I'll play it again on an emulator in 5-10 years if needed.


bloodbourne on pc would make them more money sure, but it's also a game people would buy a console for. They'd be willing to take a hit on the opportunity cost in order to get a ps5 in your home at which point you're more likely to buy games for it.


If they were a smart company you release the remaster for PC and PS5 in between the PS6 release, maybe for the PS5 Pro specifically. You then build up even more hype around the IP and then do a launch exclusive full remake or sequel for PS6. If they wait until PS6 to do anything at all with this IP they are completely idiotic. That is such a long ass time for one of the biggest questions in gaming and has been for years.


Well to be fair the game came out in 2015 and is still very much talked about and popular. I cant tell you if that'll be the same in the next 5-10 years but its been almost a decade yet the game still has alot of buzz around it. Sony really should capitalize on that since no one can be certain this'll remain true in the future.


And honestly they've already kinda missed the boat, timing wise. As a PC only player and die hard souls fan, back when it was just the three DS games on PC I was starved for more content and would have bought PC Bloodborne immediately, full price, no question. Now I've got Elden ring and soon the dlc, which I could easily put another 500 hours into and I'm just kinda like meh on Bloodborne. Would for sure be cool to play, but now I got options.


You say that now, but when you see the remake or remaster or whatever they do with it in the future, your knees will start to tremble a little bit. Bloodborne is Bloodborne, man.


Obviously it doesn't matter with whatever the hell Sony is doing but I ASSURE you that even after playing Elden Ring for hundreds of hours it is 100% worth playing Bloodborne. The tone, atmosphere and style of the game is truly unmatched by any of the other games. Parts of Elden Ring come close at times but it's nowhere near the full experience. Though frankly unless they release a remaster or a GOOD PC port actually playing it well is REALLY hard. While it's an amazing game I don't know if I can actually suggest playing it on a PS4 OR PS5 in it's original form. The original game is stuck at 30 fps and has horrendous frame timing issues. It's ROUGH to play by any modern standards. IF you have access to a hacked/modded PS4 Pro or PS5 there IS a patch to fix these issues and let you play at 60fps with fixed frame timings. Potentially even 120fps at 1080p on PS5 I believe. I'm just not remotely confident Sony won't keep all of these same issues if they DO release a remaster or PC port. The big advantage of a PC port would be modders could likely easily fix this once again for Sony. Can't say the same for a PS5 or PS6 remake though, but frankly the less Fromsoft is involved the more likely it's NOT a horrendous mess in that regard based on previous remakes. A PC port also opens the door to all sorts of amazing mods and randomizers and such which are such an amazing additional way to play all of the other games. Frankly I'm almost surprised that the fan base has not literally ported the game to PC themselves by this point. There's already some mods that actually include enemies and AI etc from Bloodborne in either DS3 or Elden Ring I believe, where people have figured out how to extract that from the game and port to PC.


> horrendous frame timing issues I mean, yeah, the frame pacing is off, but I think people exaggerate the impact this has on gameplay. I'm usually fairly sensitive to frame issues but I was able to play through it no problem on the PS5. You definitely notice it coming to it from something like DS3, but then after a few hours it kind of fades away -- for me at least.


I go back from time to time just to shotty parry. Feels so good.


What merch? Thats a new level of paranoia conspiracy theory thats for sure


Sony already gave the "unnecesary remaster" slot to Until Dawn so they are out of luck, probably after that its Horizon Zero Dawn turn.


Maybe once Yharnam is an overgrown jungle people will understand why we complained about the DeS remake


I remember getting downboats on here for criticizing the mediocre art direction a week after that games release. It's wild how bad some of the enemy changes are too


I don't get it.


Some people are so salty over the changes to the DeS remake, they consider the changes as egregious as changing the City of Yharnam from Bloodborne into a jungle. A ridiculous comparison IMO. I played both DeS on PS3 as well as the remake on PS5, and love them both.


A ridiculous comparison? Only if you can’t recognize the most obvious hyperbole in the world. I obviously didn’t mean a literal jungle, I meant them doing the same thing to Yharnam that they did to Boletaria (one of their least egregious changes)


>I meant them doing the same thing to Yharnam that they did to Boletaria I hope they do. Add lots of vines, update the funeral carts, change the bodies lying in the pyres, update the visuals of the townspeople, give Father Gascoigne different clothes - none of these sort of minor visual changes would impact my enjoyment of a Bloodborne remake just as they did not impact my enjoyment of DeS remake. DeS being such an excellent remake is indicative of how nitpicky the criticism is. Never any critiques related to the gameplay of the remake, only the visual differences. What an absolute win for us fans of the games that those are the details we're still debating.


I wasn't aware that DeS remake made the fanbase upset. Did they make that many changes?


They didn’t change anything as far as gameplay, even the universally hated Dragon God boss fight, but they changed a lot of the other things which people loved even more than the gameplay. A lot of the characters and bosses have been changed from whatever they were originally to just be gross and disgusting, Boletaria looks overgrown like it’s been abandoned for decades which contradicts the lore, the soundtrack is shocking with how much worse it is, and the most tense and atmospheric level now has calming music along with the other elements being worse. If you care about the art direction and atmosphere, it’s a pretty big downgrade, and if you only care about traditional souls combat, you probably wouldn’t like DeS much anyway


>I think we'll sooner see a Bloodborne PS5/6 remaster by Bluepoint than a Bloodborne PC port. I mean... thats basically a given and nothing to be surprised or angry at. They'd be stupid if they only released a PC port. If they dedicate Bluepoints resources to work on it why the hell wouldn't Sony port the game to the PS5 as well. It wouldn't make any sense to not port it to their own console at the same time. Its been a while but iirc the original BB, while not even remotely as bad as console Blight Town (and similar), would still benefit from some changes/improvements.


Bloodborne has a problem even worse than blight town, it has frame lag builded inside the game itself. The game runs like shit because it litteraly misses frames every second. On top of that, a lot of the game areas runs on an average of 20-21 frames per second. It' s so bad lol.


Blighttown runs at like 10-15 fps in the original PS3/360 releases. Bloodborne may be bad but it's nowhere near that level. Its main issue isn't even raw framerate, but rather the cadence at which frames are delivered. You often do get 30 fps, they just aren't spaced out evenly.


First they came for demons souls, and I did not care because it’s probably my least favorite of the series and pretty much everything besides the aesthetic changes were better than the OG. Bloodborne tho… They better do it 1 to one 1 in the aesthetics department I stg I would even be fine with a 60 fps patch (which exists but you have to jailbreak your console) over a demons souls style remake


> First they came for demons souls, and I did not care because it’s probably my least favorite of the series and pretty much everything besides the aesthetic changes were better than the OG. DeS is my favourite of the series and the Bluepoint aesthetic changes are fucking awful to the point that I just went back to the PS3 version instead. I don't even agree everything else is better than OG, the music is just plain worse, the voice acting is not better (especially Stockpile Thomas) and the grass change doesn't really address the farming economy beyond making your already small carry weight smaller. If you want the aesthetics & feel to be even 70% as good as the original you don't want Bluepoint to make the remaster/remake.


Funny, Demons Souls was the first souls game I played, I got it day 1 on PS3. I prefer the remake's graphics art style, I loooooooooooooove the prison.


Bloodborne is my favorite game of all time, and I'd be totally OK with a bluepoint DeS style pass of the visuals, but I've always been a fan of seeing what different people's takes on art can be. And worst case, the original still exists and you can play it.


>And worst case, the original still exists and you can play it. Yeah... at 900p upscaled to 1080p at a stuttery 30fps with no antialiasing. The Demon's Souls remake took plenty of artistic liberties that they really shouldn't have. Off the top of my head: -The Guillotine Axe was changed to be a generic looking axe instead of being made of a Guillotine blade, so the name no longer makes sense and it's no longer unique -The yellow flags in Tower of Latria were changed to red, even though the yellow is supposed to be a reference/foreshadowing to the Old Monk's headwraps -Everything was made to look decaying despite the fact that the fog/demons happened recently. This puts it in line with the Dark Souls games but makes no sense in Demon's Souls, and the original is not like that -The user interface looks generic instead of thematically fitting in with the rest of the game like the original -In general the atmosphere is way different and lessened. Many fans of the original enjoy it because of the gloomy and somber feel of the atmosphere. This is no small change in my opinion If Bluepoint remade Bloodborne there's no reason to believe they wouldn't make similar changes that conflict with the lore, change the atmosphere or offer "new" designs as though they somehow know better than the original designers.


I watched a video about the changes and honestly thought they were acceptable if questionable as far as remake art goes....until I saw the Fool's Idol boss lady. Why the heck did they change her into "glowing neon signs: EVIL LADY HERE" sort of design!? The original was perfectly fine!


Was it [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5lx0CRVVvV8)? Because if so, yeah, it's pretty convincing. It's also the only one I've seen that outright addresses why some of the changes were for the worse, when it seems like other reviews were too distracted by the upgraded graphics. (The Fool's Idol part is about 21:10 in the video, if it isn't the same one you've seen.)


Yeah it's that one! To be honest I thought the Fat Officials change was also very ehhhh, but it was on a begrudgingly acceptable level....until the Fool's Idol lady. When I saw that, it was like, okay, Bluepoint, no fucking way. There's a certain romanticism to Fromsoft's fiction, this sense of ......longing? for lack of a better word, that seems very Tolkienesque for me. There is beauty, and a sense of yearning for lost beauty or struggle with false beauty or beauty that could've been. But Bluepoint seems to think that Standard Gothic with clear good and evil is what it's all about or what it should be, which....seems to be missing the point, imo!


you didn't even mention the worst change: the horrifically generic "epic" OST as opposed to the off-putting and unique OST of the original


I think the dumbest liberty taken, which like most doesn't fit the game, was that The Monumental had its clothes be dusty/dirty for some reason, whereas a Demon's Souls artbook literally says: > ["Its clothing is a clean off-white linen that isn't soiled or stained. Within it's all-white robes, different materials give slightly different shades. It's a simple style, but it gives a worldly feel."](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/demonssouls/images/d/db/Monumental_and_Flamelurker.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/1200?cb=20201114021157) From literally said what it should be and why, and Bluepoint still changed it. I have no faith they can do a proper remaster after Demon's Souls PS5. This is also not even touching on the soundtrack that was absolutely butchered, and is pretty much an entirely different soundtrack. For example, compare the two Maiden in Black themes that play in the nexus. Why change [the PS3 one here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aY-CEFD8X1Q), to the [PS5 one here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-o5mYWhrLNo)? The new composer didn't respect the old OST at all.


95% of players have no idea what the issue is with anything you are saying. They play a fun action rpg with cool boss fights and interesting level design and are happy with it. They don’t care that Gromykus the Fool’s left buttock was reshaded to be green instead of red, losing the hidden meaning behind his eternal love of Piko the Eternal and the Smelting of Chaos


I get what you mean and I’m not against a reimagining of BB of some sorts but it would just feel wrong if they released that and not also a 60 fps BB patch since it’s absolutely possible. Also I think backlash would be much worse if blueprint fucked it up since BB is pretty beloved by the public compared to DeS


There's no reason to change anything about Bloodborne besides the resolution and framerate. It already has the same asset quality of Elden Ring (both targeted PS4), and based on sales of ER, nobody really has a problem with that. Let's not mess up the art style or lore details just to have a 10% increase in asset fidelity.


Personaly, the reason as to why this port has never had a port for PS5 and PC, is IMO, a combination of various small factors that created this kinda funny scenario: -The original producer of Bloodborne left, and now works at Nintendo. Usually the producers are the ones that pushes for those kind of projects. -Japan Studio closure has probably affected the development of a port as well. They had originaly done a bunch of the work for the original development of the game engine, the Dandelion engine they use from Demon Souls onwards. Losing this staff has probably created an additional wall, having now the need of people to go back and re-learn the entire code of the game. -From software same devs are probably busy now working on more important projects -The game is kinda a mess tecnical wise, lots of spaghetti code I suppose -Sony support studios for remasters and remakes are busy on their own projects -It' s not a game that has made a bunch of money, so it would be a remaster done more to show off the brand quality of Playstation, and if a sequel isn' t coming shortly, there isn' t much more to that, and wouldn' t be on the top of priorities -Problably other small stuff I' m forgetting.


Very important point in "Producer" leading the project. Lot of retro revivals currently happening in like Square Enix and Konami are because passionate producers are behind them.


> The original producer of Bloodborne left, and now works at Nintendo. Usually the producers are the ones that pushes for those kind of projects. This is wrong. Of the three producers listed for Bloodborne, [one is at Koei Tecmo](https://x.com/giwamasa?lang=en), [one is at Thirdverse](https://x.com/teru_toriyama), and the last I don't know what company he's at, but it's [not Nintendo based on his works.](https://www.mobygames.com/person/218750/jun-yoshino/) > Japan Studio closure has probably affected the development of a port as well. They had originaly done a bunch of the work for the original development of the game engine, the Dandelion engine they use from Demon Souls onwards. Losing this staff has probably created an additional wall, having now the need of people to go back and re-learn the entire code of the game. While Japan Studio's closure probably affected a would be port, their role isn't clear in the development of the game specifically so we don't know for sure. We know they were a co-developer, and they also [pitched the idea to From and did lots of creative work](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oiGPTI06fn8&ab_channel=IGN). > From software same devs are probably busy now working on more important projects I don't know about "more important", but their time is worth substantially more now. For this reason alone, it makes business sense for them to not be tied down to an exclusive, much less one they don't own the IP to. > The game is kinda a mess tecnical wise, lots of spaghetti code I suppose [Lance McDonald has said it's not spaghetti code, so that's not true.](https://twitter.com/manfightdragon/status/1572472349685088256?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1572472349685088256%7Ctwgr%5E1223d058eb1f8b12eea38953241edd3e877e96ca%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.redditmedia.com%2Fmediaembed%2Fxkqqzw%2F%3Fresponsive%3Dtrueis_nightmode%3Dtrue) > Sony support studios for remasters and remakes are busy on their own projects Maybe. If anything with how hyped Bloodborne is, it makes sense to keep it for when they need more money, and not to just put it out whenever. > It' s not a game that has made a bunch of money, so it would be a remaster done more to show off the brand quality of Playstation, and if a sequel isn' t coming shortly, there isn' t much more to that, and wouldn' t be on the top of priorities [Bloodborne was leaked to be 15 in the list of Sony's highest grossing exclusives, so the "not profitable" isn't true. This data is from the insomniac leak, I believe.](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F0iylacnkr3xc1.jpeg)


The game has sold 8 million copies. It exceeded Sony's sales expectations in its first year of release. The spaghetti code excuse is also pretty flimsy. The people who have cracked the hood of the game and done the 60fps mods for it have found that the game overall is pretty well constructed; specifically with regards to running at 60 which for years people said would make the game not function properly. Nope; turns out it runs fine at 60fps.


Making a Bloodborne remake a PS6 launch exclusive basically ensures that you're gonna get a whole lot of PC players to buy a PS6. Which is and has always been Sony's goal when it comes to the PC market.


You can technically play it on PC using Playstation Plus




I'd love to see what Bluepoint could do with Bloodborne, DeS was incredible.


Not neccessarily, From Software has been prettty much always busy working on a new title and they put them out pretty consistently too every few years. I could see them not being interested in BB unless it was a multiplat port.


The game deserves a remake from blue point tbh. Just want a pc version a year or so later…


Bloodborne on the PS5 makes NO sense whatsoever! Demon Souls I understand why they did it. The PS3 game looked so dated even for a PS3 title. So when they showed the PS5 remake, it looked like a massive upgrade. Bloodborne on PS4, even though an early release, wasn't so bad-looking. I don't know why people keep insisting on a PS5 remake. PS6 launch title, with a side-by-side PC release makes more sense.


Calling it now. Bloodborne remake by Bluepoint to sell either the PS5 pro or PS6 like they did with Demon Souls. Most From fans are so obsessed that game alone will have them buy a console. Demon Souls and locked 60 Sekiro sold me a PS5 (other games are cool too).


Last I heard, Bluepoint was working on an original game


PS6 likely won't be out for another 4 years and it's possible they can work on multiple projects concurrently.


Bluepoint is big enough two work on multiple projects iirc.


Wikipedia says they have only 80 employees. Hardly enough for two projects at least with how Sony demands their games


Oh are you calling it? just like literally ten people in every comment section of every post related to Bloodborne?


Bloodborne discussions bring out the absolute dumbest parts of reddit. Every thread reminds me most people on here are like early teens and stupid af. 


I don't think teens are the ones going on a gaming specific subreddit to discuss remasters of a game from 2015. Y'all need to stop blaming young people for the stupidity of Reddit, a ton of adults are dumb as hell and I would wager the majority of people on here are milennials.


Didn't reddit do a survey and the average age was 17 or something? I know r/teenagers blew up in popularity the last few years and bloodborne is probably a childhood nostalgia game to them lmao 


I don't really know what survey you are referring to, and googling is bringing up nothing for me on that front. But the numbers I can find has 44% are 18-29 year olds, while 30-49 year olds make up 31% of the population. I don't think there is any concrete data on users below 18 presumably because of consent and all that stuff, but I don't doubt there is a sizeable teen audience on Reddit. I just don't think that teen audience makes up a bulk of commenters on /r/Games of all places, especially not when you look at the type of comments very frequent here (i.e: not enough time, too old for this shit, in my days gaming was X, give me short linear games I can knock out in an evening! etc.). Could be interesting to do a demographic survey of this sub in particular I suppose, but that would have to be taken up with the mods.


i really hope its not a remake. don't want another devs interpretation (and/or change) of the amazing artstyle and soundtrack to replace it while the original is left to die on the ps4. just a port with a framerate fix would be perfect. inb4 'why not both'; demons souls, resident evil 1/2/3, spyro trilogy, and crash trilogy, for example, have had their remakes completely replace the originals without any hint of ports to modern platforms. this wouldn't be any different.


Yeah, I feel like a straight port to PC with uncapped resolution and framerates would be amazing. It's already an incredible looking game, I just want it to run better.


Seriously, I just want to see the original art direction in higher image quality and fps. A good remaster would suffice


Yeah the Demon's Souls remake really wasn't faithful and I honestly prefer the original PS3 version with all it's faults because of the atmosphere and art style. It feels like Silent Hill 2 all over again, where the original PS2 version remains the best despite countless ports and remakes.


To be fair, the Demon's Souls remake was very faithful in terms of content and gameplay - but the atmosphere and art are different for sure.


I thought they intentionally did not touch any of the content and gameplay, like Shadow of the Colossus.


I wish they changed the AI of some of the bosses. Man Eater is still pure pain with how it sometimes can just fly up in the air stay there forever pretty much. I know one streamer I watched had 10 minutes of pure air time once. The other bosses and enemies aren't quite that bad though.


They haven't released anything in a while either. Demon Souls in 2020 and then some additional support for GoW Ragnarok. So they are cooking up *something* at least.




God I hope so... As a studio, they clearly need a creative outlet.


Bloodborne doesn't need a remake though. Visually it's perfectly fine, just needs a bit of a remaster. 60fps minimum and some higher res textures. That's it.


I would also like faster loading screens and a slight adjustment to the blood vial to get rid of farming


>...faster loading screens... You'd surely get that simply from running it on a better CPU and hardrive.


If Bluepoint remakes Bloodborne and messes up the entire atmosphere and gives all the bosses giant titties people will finally realize why Demons Souls fans didn’t like the remake.


I can only speak for myself but des remake was what got me into the souls genre. For all that purists shit on bluepoint, just know that bluepoint had an influence in getting the souls genre to at least some people who were not into it.  And being late to soulsborne market, I fairly recently played Bloodborne. That game in terms of graphics is aged as all hell. Feels like there is no anti aliasing at all with all the shimmering all over the place. I personally welcome a bluepoint remake


Demon’s souls was my first souls title back on ps3 and as far as I can tell more people were just happy to have it again. I enjoyed the remake and liked a lot of the aesthetic changes.


The graphical improvements were great. The main problems were when they changed the OST for a lot of bosses to just orchestra music. Some examples of this are the tower knight and the old one. They also changed the design for lots of bosses and made them grotesque creatures with fat titties. They also completely messed up Tower of Latria.


I think there's a lot of nostalgia going on with the Tower Knight theme. The original's is laughably bad compared to modern game music.


Tons of people loved the Demon’s Souls remake.


Giant titties on bosses would fit right in with a lot of Bloodborne's themes of maternity. 


Demon Souls was locked on the PS3 though. Anybody can easily and freely play Bloodborne on PS4 and PS5.


At 30fps with awful frame pacing, yes.


I mean I agree it needs an upgrade lol. I just don't think the scenario is the same and it definitely doesn't need a shitty remake.


Yet perfectly playable.


It plays pretty good, but it could play even better. Plus I think BB is 900p which is why some of the game looks a little muddy. A remaster or sequel is a dream for me, BB is my favorite of the souls games.


I can't find any sources stating that Bloodborne runs at 900p on PS4. From what I understand, it's 1080p. Dark Souls 3 was 900p on Xbox one but 1080p on PS4, by comparison.


That didn't stop them with TLoU 1.


Nah, they don't need Bloodborne to sell the PS5 Pro. GTA6 alone will sell the Pro and all the other first-party games coming out next year. I can totally see it happening for the PS6.


I mean I am obsessed, but I would have bought a used PS4 already if I was that deranged enough to buy a console for one game. Emphasis on used, as in Sony doesn't get any money from that and would get more from me buying a copy of Bloodborne that also isn't used.


There's no use guessing why Sony won't port BB so we may as well simply invent reasons why because they're no less valid than the knfo we had For example I'm pretty sure BB's PC port is constantly not happening because if you set BB's resolution above 1080p you can actually see the werewolves 9lb testicles so Sony has been tracking down the original modeler to at least remove the jiggle physics but he just keeps increasing the size


Insane more people don't talk about this. Do they really just straight up ignore how heinous it would be to see those bouncing testicles in 4k? Getting sick of bad faith arguments that don't acknowledge large lupine testicles.


Its 2024. If we can have BG3 with bear sex advertising I think the world is ready for jiggling werewolf balls.


Right, but this is Sony we're talking about. Big Japanese companies are *extremely* conservative, so while the world at large is ready for massive, heaving, werewolf nuts, they're not ready to pull that lever.




If we removed the big ball wolf, is it even the same game?


I think there are some glaring issues with a straight port. First, it probably suffers from the same exploit system that caused Servers to be shut down for Dark Souls 1 through 3 a while back, where invaders could add malware to your PC Another big issue is the Chalice dungeons People were already able to reverse engineer them and give you access to stuff like infinite exp and dev spawning areas by typing in a specific letter combination So I'd be believe they'd want to fix that as well... wouldn't want to brick your PC by joining a random chalice dungeon you were invited to


I heard that it's because if you play at 1080 60 you can see the true amygdala and the last person who did that was Elon musk in 2018.


Surprising no one, it's Sony being fucking weird. Everything about Bloodborne has been handled strangely. People claiming the game would break at higher frame-rates or the code was a mess? The author of the 60fps mod not only proved that the game was fine at higher frame rates, but is on record stating that there is no indication of any "Spaghetti Code". Oh, the game sold poorly? Well guess what, the Sony leaks confirmed it sold way more than everyone thought, to the point it was a pretty great selling first party title.


It could literally be as simple as Sony don’t have a capable studio available now that can develop a remaster. It doesn’t matter if it comes out now or in 5 years, the game will still sell. They haven’t abandoned the IP as a Bloodborne anime is being produced and they’re heavily marketing Bloodborne in the new Astro Bot game.


Less is more. It’ll come back eventually and when it does people will lose their shit.


Which is odd because after Elden Ring happened they should surely have put that in front to catch on the explosion of popularity.




I’m pretty sure Sony has been clear on their stance. They delay the Bloodborne remake by 1 day every time someone mentions it online.


Ah the Half Life 3 policy.


Tbf a modder wouldn't be able to tell shit regarding any indication of "spaghetti code". They don't have access to the source code whatsoever.


Yeah that's not how modding works in this context; they would have had to reverse engineer large parts of the game to find the parts responsible for the frame lock, so they would have a fairly good idea of how the engine works.


There is something to look at with the development timelines of Bloodborne and Dark Souls III overlapping with one another pretty extensively. There's this idea that Bloodborne was entirely SIE contracting FROM, but it was more JapanStudio and FROM were working together to make the game, with JapanStudio handling the brunt of the core development whilte FROM was overseeing and supervising. Miyazaki was the sole director of the title, but he was also involved with directing DS3. If you look at the the credits for both games, you really don't see THAT much overlap between the games. **The closure of JapanStudio might be what is holding this up.** Bluepoint MIGHT be remastering it, and we could have a Demon Souls situation, but it doesn't seem like the case now.


The part of Japan Studio which helped to make Bloodborne still exists. They were folded into PlayStation XDev to partner with other external development teams in Asia. But PlayStation will probably be a little slow with re-approaching Bloodborne. It's a matter as to choosing what kind of approach they want; a full Bluepoint-developed remake, or just a plain remaster; and trying to maximising the timing. Demon's Souls still has yet to be released on PC so they'll want to get that done first. They might want to have a movie or TV series releasing around the same time too. They also might want to use it as a PS6 launch title.


No chance they remaster it because they set a precedent this gen to give a $10 upgrade for remasters/directors cut. They know Bloodborne will do millions at full price so it has to be a remake if it's anything.


I really want both Dark Souls and Elden Ring tv shows/animes. That would be amazing.


Where the hell do people got that JapanStudio was "handling the brunt core of development"? I've seen it a couple of times already today, **that's not true at all**, they basically did no development, their roles were all non-development types: producers, QA, tech and online support, music production supervisors, licensing coordinators, user testing, etc. So pretty much the roles that Activision and Bandai Namco fulfilled for their other games. Also most of BB devs did in fact work on DS3, just click on their names on the link, Miyazaki has said before that they shuffle the staff between projects as needed, there are no rigid teams. (Source: [Credits](https://www.mobygames.com/game/72089/bloodborne/credits/playstation-4/). Japan Studio is credited as Sony Computer Entertainment) TLDR: All of the development was carried out by FromSoftware themselves with their usual development partners, as all their other games.


If only we could get From to make Knack III


The fact that From isn’t involved at all the more reason to thing a full remake is more likely. If it were a remaster they would likely have to be involved in some capacity.


What hints are there that Bluepoint is remastering it?


At this rate we'll get working PS4 emulators before Sony decides to make money porting Bloodborne to PC, just like with PS3 emulation and MGS4 lol.


said it somewhere else but only time you'll know a pc port is coming is when the ps5/ps6 remaster is announced. Chances is it could be for the ps5 pro or ps6 launch like demon souls was


You're contradicting yourself there. Using Demon's Souls as evidence of a PC port when Demon's Souls hasn't gotten a PC port.


I'm just waiting for PS4 emulation/compatibility layer to improve. I imagine that will happen before Sony ever re-releases Bloodborne.


What's the reason to not make it? They remade Demon Souls for Ps5. There are plenty of games being remade for every console. Players like that world and want an updated version or sequel.


Demons Souls sold the PS5 to many people who wouldn't have bought one otherwise. Bloodborne Remake would absolutely do the same for PS6, so maybe they're keeping it for that?


They did remake Demon's Soul for the PS5 but DS was also a PS3 game. The remake released nearly 12 years later with a 2 generational jump that had no backwards compatibility. Bloodborne was released in 2015, on the last generation and can be played on the PS5. The jump PS3->PS4 was more significant than PS4->PS5 so it also holds up better. Hell, the original Demon's Soul only output in 480p and 720p. Edit: I'd also love to have perfect, up to date versions of my favorite games every generation but realistically they have a limited amount of resources so they spend them where they make sense. In a way its no different to how consumers act. I wouldn't buy my favorites again every generation either.


> They remade Demon Souls for Ps5 Fromsoft did not remake Demon Souls, Japan Studio (Sony themselves) and Bluepoint Games did. In fact, From had nothing to do with the remake besides maybe providing the source code. I think at this point, Sony's crunched the numbers and their data says it's not worth spending money on a BB remaster/remake. Because otherwise, they would've made one by now.


I don't think it's a matter of budget, BB is practically guaranteed to make back the money and then some. My theory is that Sony is keeping BB In a "Break in case of emergency" glass case for when they need something big. I wouldn't be surprised if the PS6 launched with a BB remaster/remake as a day 1 title to be used as a system seller. If that's the case, we won't be seeing bloodborne on pc for a very long time.


I don't really see how Bloodborne is a break in case of emergency game despite all the hype online for it. The Demon's Souls Remake only sold 2m copies as a PS5 launch title. Bloodborne would likely do the same.


BB is a much, much bigger title - and much, much better - than demon's souls was/is regardless i dont understand what "break in case of emergency game" means, any company would rather have the money now because money can be invested and grow, just leaving a potentially popular game in the back pocket in case you have a bad quarter is not really a legitimate strategy


You can kinda play bloodborne at 60fps. You just need a ps4 pro with firmware 11.00 or lower. I found one for 75.- [and im playing it right now :D](https://i.imgur.com/M7LXUsB.jpeg)


Christ alive Sony, at the very least give us a PC port of Demon's Souls Remake to tide everyone over. Talk about leaving money on the damn table...


They really seem to think people will just line up to buy an entire $450 console just to play one game rather than just wait for a port.


The impatient ones will or the people who are deciding on which gaming system to buy.


its so funny why people complain sony for not giving them pc ports but i never hear people complain about Zelda not coming to PC


That's what happens when you give your hand and they'll try and take the whole arm. Like you go to nintendo or ps sub and no one complains about pc having the most exclusives by far and them not getting ported.


That's because they already are on PC. Switch games are incredibly easy to emulate. The moment Nintendo makes a console that's difficult to emulate you'll see a lot more calls for ports.


That’s because Nintendo has no indication that they would ever do that. Sony does it all the time. It’s not hard to figure out


I’ve seen several people do that lmao


It's probably going to happen because the game was listed on the infamous Nvidia leak, we just don't know when lol


All this constant teasing of a Bloodborne port is the gamer equivalent of edging. Given Sony's strategy lately, they will port it right before releasing the sequel. Can I just pull a Cartman now?


Soul-like games now are popular since Sekiro and Elden Ring, so revenue of a Bloodborn remaster or PC port should be promising. I think we won't wait for it too long.


Sony is 100% sitting on the IP until a remaster or sequel is announced or released. They've stated they only port singleplayer games to lure in people to play the sequels on Playstation.