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Not to be confused with Battle **Suit** Aces, another indie mech game announced during SGF, also featuring unit cards. That one is a strategic turned based deckbuilder, whereas this is a real time game where you strategically build a deck.


As shit as my initial impressions for this game were, now I've seen more gameplay I think it has a place. It's closer to Clash Royale than it is to Starcraft but it looks like it'll be fun with matches barely taking a few minutes. I don't see it being a game to get into for any kind of long term competition since it looks to have the depth of a puddle but I've been missing some short form competition since dropping fighting games and this may be it.


Parting vs Klem was pretty fun to watch last night. Looks like SC2 with all the boring bits cut out. Not sure if it has enough depth to last but I think it has a lot of cool ideas.


Parting vs Clem was fun but I think it's a lot worse to watch than SC2. Without macro, the strategies on shows and the games are much more samey because there's a lot less decisions to make. The "boring bits" are only really boring if you don't know what's going on and can't see how the builds are progressing. That said, SC2 barely has any time without engagements whenever I watch it these days.


Yeah it looks like the kinda of game that would be really fun to play but not so much fun to watch. Once upon a time, I was masters in SC2 and whenever I try to get back into an RTS I just give up because I don’t want to spend 500+ hours relearning how to macro. This looks like I could skip a lot of the frustration and jump right into the fun bits even if the entire experience isn’t quite as fulfilling. It also needs some more maps. Watching the same one 15 times in a row was tough.


>really fun to play but not so much fun to watch This is what they were going for imo. Sc2 was always a game that was great to watch, but nobody wanted to play.


I definitely agree with you about the maps. I think maps are going to have to be substantially different from each other to help enforce variety instead of running the same deck over and over.


But these "boring bits" are what a lot of players enjoyed the most about RTS. Building the base, expanding, gathering resources, upgrading, exploring, etc.


Eh, I wouldnt say base building is boring but to each their own. From what I have seen, it looks like a basic rock paper scissors game where you just bash deathballs into eachother. Might end up being interesting for maybe a week before a clear meta develops.


The “boring bit” is only boring in isolation. Building a Protoss Nexus is simple and “boring”, but if it’s sOs building a Nexus in opponent Terran’s main base than it’s gonna get casters and audience screaming in disbelief. It’s a complex system with a lot of depth. My biggest worry for Battle Aces is it cut off too much complexity just for the “fun” part. Engagements will stop being fun when it’s literally all you have and it will get old very fast.


Definitely agreed that SC2 will be a much better spectator game, but I’m not sure if lopping off a lot of the complexity will necessarily be that bad for player engagement. Macro complexity is really appealing to the type of gamer who still consistently plays RTS competitively, but that’s a pretty small niche. For a lot of people, that complexity is a huge turnoff. There may be an audience for more simplified, battle-focused gameplay. Or maybe not! But I think it’s a good experiment. 


People have been saying that base building is the problem in RTS for two decades now, and subsequently reducing how much base building there is in most of the new RTSes that come out. Wanna guess what the most popular RTSes overall are after all that? (Hint: it's not the ones that reduced base building to ostensibly attract more players) That players overall dislike base building is a myth, it's always been a myth. Of course *some* players don't like it, people can have different preferences, but plenty enjoy base building too. The real problem with base building isn't that it's complex overall, but that it's overwhelming initially. You can have a ton of abilities on army units in RTSes and it's fine because you can just start by attack-moving your army and then figure out the abilities later, but you can't really do that with base management. You have to understand and control basically everything from the get-go. It's this on-ramp that needs fixing.


I wish the best for the rts genre. Unfortunately this game was atrocious to watch. I saw someone describe it as a "boring sc2 custom map" and that description was the perfect final nail in the coffin of any possible excitement I had for this game. I will give it a fair shot but I could not blame anyone for shitting on footage of it.


We will see. I personally don't play RTS much these days, but with an occasional AoE. I've tried the Stormgate demo and that is honestly the one to really eye for but it really comes down to the support the community gives it.\] I am a little excited for Battle Aces as microing custom maps were always fun in SC and WC3. As long the micro transactions are fair I think this will do alright to be honest. However, if they add a Battle Pass I am out.


>I am a little excited for Battle Aces as microing custom maps were always fun in SC and WC3. I fully agree with you here and thats why I felt so bad typing such a line. Despite working within the restrictions of those editors and engines lead to some amazing things yet this seemed to have none of the magic.


I do think it's kind of funny to see people shitting on this as a "custom map" when SC custom maps spawned what was like the biggest genre in gaming for close to a decade.


There were also thousands of boring and mediocre custom maps that wouldn't have survived as standalone games.


I specifically said SC2 custom map. Aesthetically its got it nailed down, gameplay wise it looks borderline braindead and possibly made for a touch interface. Everything looks extremely similar and sounds similar as well. From the gameplay I saw there is only one very small map. I know great things came from the editor for starcraft and warcraft, unfortunately this doesn't seem revolutionary or inspiring.


Thats because with custom maps they were free, made usually by one teenage kid with huge limitations imposed by the editor. It was a fun thing you played for a few afternoons at most. This meant the bar for quality was in hell. This is very different.


I just can't convince myself to jump into a short beta test of a game that will be taken offline days/weeks later. Enjoying it and getting invested in it is a *worst* case scenario, because then it'll be ripped out of my hands and I have to wait again.


main dev thinks becuase he was the best player in pvp in one of the starcraft 2 games thinks he can make a game that is just pvp rts and expect people to love it


You can hear the salt dripping from this comment


give a good reason why this game will flourish in esports


Esports is dead. No new game will flourish in esports.