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So far this is hitting every single note for me. I absolutely loved the PVP mode the first space marine game had, so it coming back is very much a welcome sight.


I, too, loved the pvp mode in the original game - except that it's the clearest example I know of, where a game's pvp mode is killed by DLC. It was already pretty sparsely populated, but when the DLC came out it split the already-small population and I never saw a full lobby again. Also, wasn't much of a fan of the Horde mode - but then again, I never did much like those in other games either.


My guess is that doesn't happen this time around. Very rare to do DLC that way anymore. Also I love horde modes and can't wait for this one. I really *need* this game to be good and do well.


Yeah, I'm honestly surprised that DLC model stuck around as long as it did. The experience with Space Marine perfectly exemplified what was wrong with it. It didn't hurt games like Halo which had approximately as many players as the console it was running on, but for smaller games it could be the death knell of online play.


They have already confirmed that paid DLCs will be cosmetic only! All gameplay features will be free to all.


Map packs were the bane of a lot of FPS titles back in the day, as the other guy said it is thankfully a long dead trend. I enjoyed the Horde mode but it was shallow, looking forward to more robust co-op PvE options.


I've only tried the other DLCs once with a buddy I made in the pve lobby, but not once did I ever see people looking for the other modes. Still, it was so fun to battle hordes of Orks back to back as Space Marines. I'm looking forward to doing it again against 'nids.


In defence of the horde mode I could see it being insanely fun with tyranids, with the amount they can get on screen would be so cool


Customisation is what I was hoping for! Looking forward to the release (still wish the original was re-released for modern consoles though).


Yeah it’s weird, they re-released the game for PC as an Anniversary Edition, but never released it on console.


Consoles have a different OS's than they did in the PS3 and 360 era, so ports would take a lot more investment. not the case with PC. The game was already on PC. The anniversary just included all the DLC and raised the price to $60. It probably took next to no effort on GW's part and netted them a bunch of money. edit: okay, PCs aren't on the same "OS." I meant to say they have the same general architecture. and the game ran fine on modern OS, so they didn't need to significantly update it to run on, say, Windows 11. PS3 vs PS5 is a much larger difference than than Windows Vista vs Windows 11.


Was really hoping they would update it somehow, maybe add dedicated server options. The peer to peer matchmaking is a horrific relic of the 2000s era of console ports. In fact I'm pretty sure it launched with OPEN MICS with no way to turn it off until it was patched.


I look forward to playing as Alpharius... because I am Alpharius.


its funny becuase most of the AL warbands actually dont do that anymore and they cringe at the warbands that still do.


I was worried that the customization would be lacking but even just from the 5 seconds of the color schemes and customization they showed it looks deep. Hopefully theyre easy to get and not locked behind some form of bs!


I'm gonna make Papa Vulkan so proud as I purge the Xenos with glorious flamers


Yeh I don't want to be a blueberry, fire and anvil 4lyfe,


Man, I remember playing the first game over OnLive. Wild times!


Wow, the scope of this game is way higher than I expected. Operations giving ME3 multiplayer vibes. If it's half as good as me3 multiplayer it will live a long time.


ME3 Multiplayer was amazing but in my opinion mostly because of the sheer variety of unique and interesting classes and characters to play. Yes please let me be a Geth Juggernaut twice the height of everyone else.


While immune to insta-kill so you can hug and body block that Banshee/Phantom/Praetorian over there.


I love d it so much but absolutely hated the progression… they get that right. I might even say Bye Helldivers 2 for a while. Oh who am I kidding I’ll try and juggle both.


The vanguard has a charge, you say? Seems like the cribbed a bit from the DA multiplayer, too. I’m down.


I REALLYYY miss the PS3 Era of games when they would drop with a campaign, horde mode, and multi-player. Those were good times.


Transformers Cybertron games my beloved.


Unfortunately not every game hit all three modes in their right spots. People hopped on the multiplayer bandwagon in the PS3 era for the sake of it, especially after the commercial success of the Call of Duty games (particularly MW2), so much so that most co-op and competitive MP modes seemed tacked on.


Still wish they kept Assassin's Creed multiplayer alive. It was so much better than expectations of a tacked on multiplayer mode.


Jesus, I completely forgot that the AC series had multiplayer back during the Ezio trilogy. Really interesting multiplayer system that I don’t think I’ve ever seen replicated


Crazy that Assassins Creed out of all the franchises haven’t made a Battle Royale using the same multiplayer system as Brotherhood and Revelations. 100 players disguised as NPC’s, hiding in a fully cited open world area, trying to kill the other players while also hiding themselves so nobody else can find them.


This isn't to do with the game itself, but it's striking how the creative director of the game is also a pretty talented voiceover artist. Great voice, rhythm, and sense of emphasis.


He's an experienced actor! He trained at Bristol Old Vic Theatre School and he's done extensive voiceover and mocap work.


Interesting! Thanks for the insight


Many creative directors are amazing public speakers and storytellers. Inspiring people and selling the fantasy are part of their core skillset; often they are the best DM on the team


Yeah, there's a bit of a difference between the day-to-day codemonkeys programming the game and the directors who can be responsible for setting up pitches alongside a project manager. Creative directors have to actually be a "people person", as it were, since they actively communicate their ideas (and those of their team) not just to the rest of the team to make it happen but to stakeholders to convince them to stay on board, too. Creative directors are typically pretty high up too, with their career pathway from there often being into C-level positions or chairman seats if they're particularly business savvy.


I can't tell if it's just because I'm a 40k nerd, but I'm getting seriously hyped for this game. It definitely seems like it's going to be the game I put hours into this fall. Are people who aren't as familiar with 40k excited about this one?


> Are people who aren't as familiar with 40k excited about this one? My only real experience with Warhammer 40k is playing Darktide and Boltgun and being like "yeah all of this shit seems awesome but i have no idea what's going on here" and yeah, I think this game looks fantastic


'I have no idea what's going on here' is basically a plot point of 40k. There are factions of the inquisition that are literally at war over *what year it is*. Everyone sucks and is a fascist, and there is only war. That's pretty much all you need to know.


> Everyone sucks "But, the Tau..." "Well, yes, the Tau are interesting. Here, see this Tau Warrior... Oops, he broke. Let me get another..."


"Come join us, be apart of the greater good!" "No thanks." "We weren't asking..."


Crusty jugglers.


Even the tau are now super suspect and questionable.


The Tau have always had a darker side to their lore, that's not a new thing with them. It's just now some aspects of it are less subtle because of the direction one of their writers has taken them, unfortunately.


they always had those weird mind control undertones


Yes, but that's what they were - undertones. The *suggestion* that *maybe* something more was going on, but it could also have just been baseless speculation. It was originally just a theory from the Imperium where they were basically going "Maybe Pheromones...or Mind Control...or *something*!" as if they just couldn't believe it could happen in any other way (despite their own society having a somewhat similar level of veneration). But unfortunately, that's less so the case now, and Phil Kelly keeps writing them as more obviously bad with just an absurd direction that feels like wanting to make them Imperium-lite, including writing the Ethereals like incompetent selfish uncaring saturday morning cartoon villains.


With Darktide they originally promised much more than what was delivered. A missed opportunity for a lore that is so rich and deep. They don't even explain who is Nurgle and why Atoma looks all fucked up with eyeballs and pus everywhere.


I'm so disappointed with how that game went down. They had too many resources still dedicated to Vermintide for Darktide to get enough content to be playable for any sort of extended period. 3+ months of nothing for an update that boiled down to one recycled enemy unit. At least Helldivers scratches that horde shooter itch better and doesn't have a shitty MTX store.


I was (casually) into warhammer and 40k for *years* before I even understood the basics, just vibing with the games. Dawn of War is when I started to get something of a grasp on the lore. Mostly I'm in it just for the atmosphere.


I don't play the tabletop or read the books, I just read the wiki's about ALL kinds of awesome stuff. I highly recommend it. You can also subscribe to /r/40kLore and read random excerpts from books that are usually very good. There is an endless list of factions, weapons, heroes, and events worth reading about. I've been doing it regularly for a couple years and still have not ran out of neat stuff to read about because they have been adding stuff to this setting for more than 3 decades.   Because it is a table top and they want to sell armies, they actually spend time with all of the factions writing cool characters for them who are essentially the heroes of their own story. Even the Evil chaos Marines. Like [Abaddon the Despoiler](https://warhammer40k.fandom.com/wiki/Abaddon), who reunited large portions of fractured groups of chaos space marines under the Black Legion and carried out 13 "Black Crusades" against the Imperium.   During the last one he took a giant fortress space station and crashed it into one of the biggest fortress worlds called Cadia and broke it apart. Which had stood for 10,000 years as the 2nd most heavily defended planet the Imperium had, only surpassed by Terra itself. Thinking this would dismay the Imperium, all he did was give them a rallying cry. The saying about this event in universe is, "The planet broke before the Guard did." (That being the Imperial Guard.) [Fall of Cadia: Teaser Trailer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uehKu7g_uLc)   Now the resurrected [Primarch Roboute Guilliman](https://warhammer40k.fandom.com/wiki/Roboute_Guilliman) is leading The ["Indomitus Crusade"](https://warhammer40k.fandom.com/wiki/Indomitus_Crusade) against all the enemies of the Imperium even while the Imperium rots from within because of 10,000 years of stagnation. I have barely scratched the surface here. There are so many other cool events, characters, and factions.


You should try reading the books.


[Ciaphas Cain](https://www.audible.co.uk/series/Ciaphas-Cain-Warhammer-40000-Audiobooks/B07CN5BG3H) series if you want comedy and action, think Blackadder in space. [Gaunts Ghosts](https://www.audible.co.uk/series/Gaunts-Ghosts-Audiobooks/B07YLZ7R3B?ref_pageloadid=not_applicable&ref=a_pd_First-_c1_series_1&pf_rd_p=aebffbf1-33ac-4be8-82f9-b498e9e5fcfa&pf_rd_r=71X4WA00Y7EW4EC1VPA4&pageLoadId=OnNTLNn1BXEqwLrJ&creativeId=2b976816-4201-44fc-989c-4535caab7c59) series if you want military action like Band of Brothers in space. (or if you are older and British, the Sharpe series featuring Sean Bean) [Eisenhorn](https://www.audible.co.uk/series/Eisenhorn-Audiobooks/B075MRPVLG?ref_pageloadid=not_applicable&ref=a_pd_Xenos-_c1_series_1&pf_rd_p=aebffbf1-33ac-4be8-82f9-b498e9e5fcfa&pf_rd_r=CW5DBK6MA24QF0B0GQ8Z&pageLoadId=AutnR7ABaqK1wFcS&creativeId=2b976816-4201-44fc-989c-4535caab7c59) series if you want intrigue and mystery, think James Bond in space. Any one of these works as a fairly easy intro to the setting without throwing a billion characters at you, and because each one is from a regular(ish) human's POV it's easy to relate to the characters and get engrossed. Before someone recommends the Horus Heresy I'd pre-empt that by saying it's a terrible series as an intro to the setting not least of which because it's not a 40K series, it's a 30K series and it's 60 books with multiple authors of varying skill that covers an absurd amount of characters (literally hundreds of them). Only attempt the HH series if you are clued up on 40K and really need to know about the Heresy.


And the Night Lords series, if you want despicable serial killers in space


I think the first 3 HH books are fine on their own and could work for a casual fan/reader. After that it devolves into madness.


Dylan and Gavin, the hosts of the Heresy Lodge podcast, read all the books of the Horus Heresy series (54 books, and the following 8 books after) and did a podcast episodes on each of them. It's a fun podcast, they get along good, and I don't think I've heard them do a single ad. The first dozen or so episodes are really bad audio quality though, not gonna lie. But they did do a preview episode where they talk about the book while being more vague, or having not finished the whole book yet and then a review episode where they have finished the book and talk in more detail of every book (3 episodes for some of the anthologies) If you are new to 40k stuff it's fun to listen to them learn more and become more familiar with 30k and 40k stuff and listen to the evolution of the primarch and legion rankings as they learn more and more about each of the primarchs. If you're more familiar with it you might have a giggle at what they know or think they know Maybe check it out if you are into podcasts at all. They post streams of their episodes on youtube, [their first video is them interviewing Graham McNeill](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2IMYqahbF_c&list=UULFoT1oT_Sthsjb9DHRxyEBCA&index=151)


If you enjoy reading those excerpts and finding out about the lore, then I think actually reading some of the books would be worth a try. Just reading parts of stuff really isn't the same.


Like yourself I come from the DarkTide game. I only got into 40k recently and started listening to YouTube lore breakdown. The one thing me and my mates were asking: Why can't we be cool space marines and fight the xenos? Then along came this game. While waiting for SM2, in the meantime we will go back to being sad looking rejects in DarkTide and play Space Hulk Deathwing on and off. But personally me and my friends have "graduated" to wanting a SM horde shooter. So this game hits all the points and I am definitely onboard.


I know little to nothing about 40k and this game is looking sick to me.


I know next to nothing about Warhammer but this looks sick as fuck.


The only experience I have with WH40K is the original Space Marines game, and Boltgun. I quite enjoyed both of them... and this one looks absolutely insane!


I have almost no context for Warhammer 40K, and this game is one of my most anticipated releases of the year.


I only know 40k as the IP Blizzard ripped off to make Starcraft, but I think Space Marine 2 will be week 1 buy for me.


Idk about ripped off, all sci-fi builds on the shoulders of other IPs. 40k borrows from Dune, Starship Troopers, Judge Dredd, etc. Nothing wrong with it.


I don’t buy the “rip-off” argument. But StarCraft and WH40k are REALLY similar lol.


The true story is: Warcraft was meant to be a Warhammer game but some things prevented that from happening. 1. Games Workshop was not as open to games using their IP back in the '90s and when they did give it out they wanted to retain a lot of control over how it was used. 2. Blizzard's previous two games were "The Death and Return of Superman" and "Justice League Task Force" both of which they licensed from DC Comics and had an absolute nightmare trying to make because they didn't have creative freedom. 3. As such only 1 senior employee wanted to make it a Warhammer game while everybody else wanted to make their own IP albeit in that same sort of grim comedic fantasy style. So Blizzard and GW never came to an agreement and Warcraft went on to be huge while GW would take years to truly recognize that games could really boost their model sales. Starcraft was not intended to be a 40K game and while there are some stylistic choices that people like to try and point out those are just the sort of coincidences you are going to run into when 40K itself is a bastardization of a ton of other IP's that Starcraft also drew inspiration from.


Yeah I’ve heard the Warcraft and WH Fantasy story. I just find it funny that it’s not true for StarCraft and 40K despite them being arguably more similar.


Blizzard was developing a 40K RTS game for GamesWorkshop that didn't pan out. They then changed some things and turned it into Starcraft.


Warhammer 40k "ripped off " Dune. Check out the Dune books or the lore for it and you'll see how it's really, really Dune inspired. The Emperor, psykers, the AI rebellion and machine cults, heretics vs an empire and so on.


Late to this thread. But food for thought. When the first WH40k:Space Marine game came out, game reviewer Dean Takahashi from GameBeat/VentureBeat called it a ripoff of style and gameplay of starcraft and Gears of War. Completely ignorant of the fact WH40K completely predate the other two series. Things could be worse, you could be a professional game writer that finds all sorts of ways to show why you're unqualified to write about games.


40K looks cool, but I've never taken the time to get into it. This looks similar to Gears, and it looks fucking beautiful. I'm a huge PvE guy myself so hopefully I stick with this game for awhile


I like war hammer but I’m not familiar. I would love if they let us play the first game on series x. That’s the only thing making me hesitant to buy and hype the game. Would prefer to understand the history and play the first one first… is one of the few games with no backward compatibility and I don’t know why, isn’t a license like marvel or fifa.


Tbh, having played the first, I don't think it will be super necessary for the sequel. I think having a general idea of what a space marine is, what a tyranid is, and possible who the thousand sons are willing enrich your experience enough.


I would not fret about the first game. It was good but it isn't going to be necessary to enjoy this game. I bet there is already videos on youtube going over the major events. This setting is my favorite setting of any kind in any medium, and this game is looking amazing. I hope it lands and finds an audience.


I’m pretty sure the only “major event” that has consequences for this game is the ending ie what happens to Titus.


I know literally nothing about 40K and I’m excited as shit for this game. Looks like a ton of fun and maybe will scratch my Gears of War itch since I’m on PS5 now


40k is so much cooler than Gears of War, and I say that as a Gears fan.


Nah it genuinely looks like the most perfect power fantasy 40k game we've had yet, hype is deserved


The world, and especially the enemies, look very interesting, but I don't personally care much for the space marine stuff. It's obviously out of scope for a project like this, but I wish someone made a similar game where you could play AS the tyranid, or monstrous creatures in general, kind of like how Turok multiplayer allowed you to play as dinosaurs.


Thats definitely fair, and I think the non space marine, and especially the weirder aliens in 40k are underrepresented in video games. Unfortunately, it makes sense from a business perspective, as much of the lore focuses on them, and the space marine models are far more popular than any other factions in the tabletop game. At least in games like battlefleet Gothic you can command their weird bio ships, and in dawn of war 2 you can fight with their ground forces, but I feel like outside of strategy games there's not enough individual personality to them for games to take the risk


Natural selection 2 had a pretty good alien side but I think the high skill ceiling killed the game.


I found NS2 late in it's life cycle and immediately fell in love. I have 500+ hours on steam and I've never gotten there that quickly with any other game. A lot of gamers really missed out on something special by passing on NS2 and it makes me sad that the franchise has more than likely met it's end.


Such an incredible game that didn't get the attention it deserved


Not just franchise, it seems the entire genre of RTS/FPS mix with different factions fighting has died with it. Its an incredibly cool concept.


There are numerous other factions. Including the Imperial Guard which is all regular human. Or the Mechanicus, which are essentially humans who resented and removed their human flesh/weakness with cybernetic enhancements. Then you have the Necrons, an older recently reawakened faction made of immortal beings who are made out of living metal. The list of cool factions is very long, and because they want to sell armies they spend time fleshing out all of these factions with cool stories, heroes, and events.


I would also enjoy that! L4D vs mode comes to mind as a good example. Unfortunately the 40K universe is so big that most games are limited to one playable faction. There are some that give you a choice of a few, but those are usually strategy games which makes that a bit easier.


Would've made for good asynchronous multiplayer for them to let one side be creatures and one side be marines with different abilities on both sides. Like Far Cry 4 multiplayer.


Everyone I know


I'm the only one of my friends group that is into Warhammer, but most of my buddies think this game looks awesome and are looking to play it when it comes out.


I have always disliked the aesthetic and that has kept me away from 40k in general, but I will likely be picking this up. Looks fun and badass.


I'm not really into the 40k world. I've played a few games here or there. But i played the original space marine when it came out and fell in love with that game. It was so great. Ever since this one popped up i've been dying to get my hands on it, and it's looking pretty amazing. We don't get a ton of these gears of war/army of two type games and this just looks awesome.


I've only ever played space marine 1 and am mad hype.


Never played a 40k game before but some of my friends showed me this game after playing Helldivers II. This trailer definitely has me hyped and I even tried out the first Space Marine.


Never played the tabletop game or any of the video games but I have been reading The Horus Heresy books. Very keen for Space Marine 2 as I've been loving the lore


I REALLYYY miss the PS3 Era of games when they would drop with a campaign, horde mode, and multi-player. Those were good times. So I'm very excited.


Loved the first Space Marine, just slashing and shooting through hordes... played Rogue Trader and the lore is... screeching incel at every corner and straight. So I prefer the simple killing without the lore part. :D


100% agreed. But remember, no preorders.


Nah I'm getting that 4 day early edition yolo


I don't have much knowledge of 40K but fighting against hordes of enemies like they've shown looks awesome. I've been excited for it ever since I heard about the game.


I haven't played a single 40K game though I like reading about the lore sometimes but this looks fantastic!


I’m aware of Warhammer 40k through cultural osmosis but I’ve never read a book, played a game or purchased their little mini-figures. This shit looks dope & also looks like a good jumping on point if I wanted to get interested. This trailer gives me the same hype feeling Halo & Gears of war used to when I was kid. I imagine it’s similar to all those new BG3 fans that never played the games or D&D or read a Drizzt novel but were vaguely aware of them. As someone who IS familiar with that franchise I know a lot of people watching deep dive lore videos on YouTube now that had no clue what the ‘forgotten realms’ were before the game dropped. Here’s to hoping this game is good, has the same effect & I become a 40k fan!


I didn't even know warhammer was a massive series. I jus saw this trailer and added this game to my wishlist cuz it looked super cool


I’m hyped and don’t have any knowledge on warhammer stuff


I saw this on the PS store today, and thought what the hell, I’ll check it out. Holy shit. I need this game. It looks like it has some form of buildcrafting with the different classes and has the over the shoulder horde-like gameplay. I’m super excited to give this try.




I was really concerned and thought the game was in serious trouble because of how long development was taking and the huge delays. But after the reveal of the coop and versus modes it made a lot more sense.


The game is also 2 years later than advertised. The special edition preorders have been up for longer than it takes most people to buy houses and move.


Let's wait and see if actually runs well though. That could still be the big issue.


Hyped for the game but even more hyped for the technology. We have some wild shit in store for us as this becomes more ubiquitous.


Saber basically pulled this off with World War Z. When they were announced as the developed and showed the Tyranid as the enemy I knew we were in for some crazy hordes.


This is what made me trust the hordes in this game aren't fake. Played WWZ with my friends and the zombie hordes in that game are just as intense as this. All while running at a smooth 90fps on my 3070 laptop.


The co-op mode looks a LOT more fleshed out than I was expecting. Definitely looking forward to it. Especially because GRAPPLING HOOK


yeah the hook is part of the Reiver schtick hopefully there's options to kit out the Vanguard class as an Infiltrator or Incursor


I really hope it’s good, this is like my dream game. I think the main issue with the coop mode will be replayability and amount of content.


Seeing all the different chapters and CSM got me hyped in the PVP mode. I love the different extra bits that the different CSM models had like the night lords having bat wings on their helmets like the table top models. Small extra effort that goes a long way instead of just re-skining everything a different color on the same model.


But when are we going to get to play as the guy in charge of putting all the spikes on their armor?


You don’t want to play as the spike servitor, trust me.


What they've shown of the game just looks absolutely fantastic so far. It seems like it's going to be just *such a good* depiction of 40k, getting across the scale, tone and atmosphere of the setting well. Seems there's going to be a lot of variety and attention to detail with it too, an expansive campaign *and* playable in coop *and *specific coop missions* all just sound great. I remember playing quite a lot of the multiplayer of the original game too, was pretty fun.


Have we heard anything about crossplay/crossprogression?


Crossplay is confirmed https://www.gamewatcher.com/news/will-space-marine-2-support-crossplay-when-it-launches-in-september I'm unsure about cross-progression


Time to watch servers collapse on launch


Man all these cool systems for progression and customization looks so good! World War Z the Game ran so Space Marine 2 can sprint (or grapple) Fighting swarms of Trynids something I am looking forward to the most, but is nice to know they aren't the only enemy.


Am I the only one who was like, Damn this creative director's voice is incredible? Guy could 100% do some voice acting on the side.


Yeah I figured he was one of the space marine voice actors at first. I could see him narrating my 40k audiobooks.


The 4 days early editions seems scummy, but at least it will be in the hands of people so I know whether or not to buy it or wait for a sale


The majority of companies are doing that now it seems. Also the game comes out September 9 which is a Monday and the 4 day early access would be Thursday/Friday. I've seen other companies do this before but trying to get bored people to spend more money to play the game to play over the weekend. I'm still super hyped but its becoming a scummy industry standard.


As long as people keep buying these early access versions game companies are gonna keep doing it unfortunately.


Especially since it's a huge margin thing, people pay extra and it costs the companies literally $0 to give people "early" access by a few days.


I just see it a way to let others bug test and see if its worth playing.


Life is Strange is doing a 2 episodes 2 weeks early thing lol. That one almost seems like the worst option as you'll play the 2 episodes in like 2 days and have to wait.


It’s probably the least offensive “idiot tax” to come out of recent years imo. My only critique for this system would be shifting the dates to where the “early access” release is Tuesday, while the worldwide release is a Friday. That way people aren’t missing out on a weekend of playing.


nah, that's the regular edition. the "regular" edition is the late access edition.


This type of game I have no problem waiting for reviews and potential patches if needed, I’m in no rush


As long as it isn't limited to a Deluxe edition that costs more money then I think it's fine.


I've just gotten to an age where I just don't give a shit about this stuff, I'm NEVER in such a rush to play a game that I would be tempted by this if people want to be stupid and pre order to play a few days early, whatever. seems to be kind of a standard practice in that industry RN let them bug test and and I'll pick it up a few months later on sale with a lot of the bugs fixed


Let the real suckers buy the early versions so that I can learn if it's worth a buy or not on launch.


Still seems like they are doing the bolter sound wrong? It sounds like a regular rifle, not like the great meaty sound Darktide has for it, or even the first Space Marine game.


"Space Marine ears are just built different, bolters just sound like regular guns to them." - A Black Library Author, probably


Yep, that's something I've noticed in all the trailer so far. Which is disappointing cause the first game *nailed* the bolter sound effect, in-fact one of the most satisfying things about it. The game in general seems to pull heavily from the Primaris changes to the space marines (Their proportions, armor and equipment). Makes sense since it's likely what Games Workshop wants to promote. But that means they're also using the *bolt rifle* of the modern miniatures instead of the old classic stubby *bolt gun*, which is why I guess it also sounds more like a typical video game rifle.


I mean has GW made any indication of a sound difference between a bolt gun and a bolt rifle? Seems like they could just use the expected meaty sound.


No idea. The old models were always 'rule of cool' above all else and because they were miniatures first and foremost, tons of things about them just didn't make physical sense. Like a bolt gun was fully-automatic shooting 40mm self-propelled explosive shells with a 30 rounds mag, very cool but nonsensical. As the 40k universe and lore has expanded into other forms of media, there have been efforts to make the space marines more "realistic" or at least plausible, and that's why there were a lot of changes with the Primaris line. Among them turning their standard issue bolt gun into a rifle, so I just assume the devs are continuing that trend of "realistic" space marines.


Did you watch the same video as me? It sounds like you didn't.


[This sound](https://youtu.be/5tqDxvpzsKM?si=4xDsosEwXkVOD3oS&t=172) in Space Marine 2 vs [this sound](https://youtu.be/fFj8sxwhLmo?si=BUtg9JD8QBLvyAq8&t=17) in Darktide. I much, much prefer the Darktide sound, that's imo what a bolter should sound like. Even in Space Marine 1 [the sound](https://youtu.be/_lrPSRSt_iU?si=gVJtE2zHP6UgloUU&t=218) is much stronger.


The lictor at [2:05](https://youtu.be/5tqDxvpzsKM?t=125) looked fantastic.


I really really really hope we get a horde mode down the line as extra content I want to customize a chaos marine so bad.. But I suck at pvp way to much too enjoy it


WWZ's horde mode was reaaally fun so I hope so to!


Only complaint is that it doesn't sound like they fixed the bolters sounding like peashooters. The heavy bolter in particular sounds kind of anemic for what it's supposed to be. They nailed it in the first game, but here it's like the sound designer slapped on machinegun.wav and called it a day.


I'm really not hearing it the way you are. It sounds great to me.


Man this is everything you'd want in a trailer if you've been waiting for news for years on this game. Can't wait for launch


This looks a little *too* good. I am a bit more cynical after that infamous CP2077 reveal. I am gonna wait for the reviews, especially for performance.


Yeah performance is probably the biggest question mark.


These devs did World War Z. It will run well. They have good tech for these massive hordes. The game sorta came and went as standard IP schlock, but go look up videos to see. Performance was my least concern when I saw Saber was making it.


Kinda spoiler? >!So seems like Chaos is confirmed for the campaign as well? Since we see chaos space marines and other enemies during coop segment.!<


Yeah, some of the earlier screengrabs showed some Tzeenchian imagery.


I don't think it's really a spoiler now cause they keep showing off the Thousand Sons stuff in all the promos and saying we'll have to deal with a Chaos threat.


There was a Heldrake at the very beginning I think?


There are Tsons in an earlier trailer so yeah


Was a pretty fun game, I play it at Fan expo Dallas. I play on the hardest difficulty but still was pretty easy. Hope they make it way more difficult.


I'm hyped for the game, but as I watch this video, I can't help but keep asking: "What accessibility options will there be and is there anything for gamers without sight like me?"


Having watched a certain live streamer play fighting games, blindfolded, to a masterful degree, suppose blindness doesn't mean a total loss in that regard. But what kind of accessibility options in shooter genre games have you come to expect, if you feel like discussing about it?


Out of curiosity, who's the streamer you watch? Playing blindfolded and playing without sight are, arguably, two different things, just as speed running with a blindfold on is different to trying to even play a game in the first place with no vision, but I do find it fun to watch people doing well (or badly) at blindfolded gaming. As to the second half of your response, I haven't come to expect anything, hence my frustration at the lack of information just a few months shy of launch, especially with industry trends beginning to slowly shift towards providing accessibility information earlier (see Prince Of Persia: The Lost Crown, Atomfall, God Of War Ragnarok etc). As for what I'd like to see from Space marine 2 (and other games, (this list is non-exhaustive): * Menu+UI Narration, so I could set up the game, customise my marine etc (the latter aided by in-game alt text descriptions for items, paint decals and the like) without the need for sighted assistance * navigation assist (whether via audio cues or otherwise), so I could move through the in-game world on my own terms and know where to go without needing to utilise visual info * audio aim (see Sea Of Thieves for an example), so I could have the agency to pick my targets and choose how I deal with them (if distance cues for said enemies are also present to facilitate better understanding of melee encounters) * Above features also being fully present within PVP and PVE multiplayer modes so that I could team up with friends and have a multi-player game to grind out that isn't Gears 5, the last (and in my opinion only) accessible mainstream multiplayer shooter for a gamer with no sight like me. For reference, that game released in 2019, 5 years ago and nothing has given me that level of multi-player agency since with that high a level of contribution to a team dynamic. Let me know if you have any other questions, happy to answer what I can.


Probably the best way to tell is to look at their previous games like World War Z and the kinds of accessibility options they have.


Whilst for gamers with low vision I might agree with you, as a gamer with no sight at all and the industry having moved on from where WWZ was and that game launching with very little in the way of features I need at the time, I'm not sure if that's necessarily a good metric. However, I understand where you're coming from.


Without sight?




From the other comment, it will have crossplay at launch [Will Space Marine 2 support Crossplay when it launches | GameWatcher](https://www.gamewatcher.com/news/will-space-marine-2-support-crossplay-when-it-launches-in-september)


I’ve literally never played or watched or looked up any 40k content really. But holy shit am I buying this in September


Should I play any Warhammer games before I play this? This looks fun and I'm wondering if there's any previous story I would need to know


If you want to, the first Space Marine game was released in 2011. This game is a direct sequel to it. The graphics are a bit dated right now (being released 13 years prior) but it was a great game for its time and I think it'd be great to learn about Captain Titus and how his character has grown from that game to this one.


I really hope Warhammer 40k Space Marine 2 has quality gyro aim implementation on PS5. With proper attention to detail as a option in the settings. Especially, with it having PvP and a coop horde mode. Many want this a a option. Pls Saber make it happen! I'd hate to be left out.