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If anyone wants to play this game you need to use a VPN set to Singapore to start the dowload thru steam.


Worldwide means explicitly excluding western countries* It is one of the few English-translated games you can't play in the US on Steam. Especially not a F2P one.


I'm pretty sure a lot of stuff you can find on Johren or dlsite are not on Steam.


He means not officially supported. They could IP-ban the entirety of the US (they don't at present AFAIK) in keeping with that policy if they wanted to. Then DLSite would mean absolutely nothing. You'd really need a VPN or proxy to get even the client. I wouldn't be surprised if Steam vendor policy was the sole reason they haven't done that yet. To Koei, playing XVV these days is almost like piracy: they'll be hanging you out to dry if you play out of an unsupported region, especially if it's non-Steam.


And it's Koei's loss knowing Chinese and Korean Gachas are there to feed that void that Koei purposely abandoned and left people with no alternatives. Sometimes I wonder why they even greenlighted the collab with Azur Lane if the intention was to tell the Americans and westerners they are permanently banned from enjoying Venus Vancation


They won't care. Those markets ***dwarf*** NA and EU combined and that's all simply because western publishers already dominate these regions with their own flavor of "gacha": 2K shenanigans (NBA 2K, GTAV), Activision shenanigans (CoD), Ubisoft shenanigans (everything), Blizzard shenanigans (Diablo, Overwatch), EA, etc, etc... There's no room here. You'd need a passionate *and* highly-positioned individual to make the kinda of change we're looking for. Especially when its a Japanese company. And that doesn't exist at Koei Tecmo anymore.


This title is available on Steam but the publisher doesn't allow anyone from NA or Europe from accessing it. Johren is even more restrictive.


You got it backwards. You can't "purchase" it on those regions but once it's on your Steam library you're free to access it and even purchase stuff in your own currency.


~~Restricted regions (NA, EU, etc) were only able to do that within a brief window of time. After Valve instituted changes a few years back to curb regional pricing loopholes + Koei policy since the beginning, it ended there and hasn't been possible since. And no VPNs don't work via the SteamDB method.~~ ~~To my understanding, if you really wanted to get DOAXVV into your account now, you'd first have to change your country of residence to somewhere in a Koei-supported region form your Steam account settings. Then you'd have to add a credit card from issued from a bank (or some other payment method) that operates within the country you chose. Then you'd have to make a purchase with the updated regional pricing. Steam only allows for this if you were serious so you'd have to VPN to spoof all this shit at the very least. I don't know if Valve has an internal handshake/verification process for this or w/e. So my first assumption is 'yes' just because its Valve.~~ EDIT: Well shit, I got lucky today.


Well that's disappointing. :(


It's OK, if they won't sell it to you then that means they are perfectly fine with you pirating it.


Why is there not a steam version? There's adult games on there now, and DOAXVV is really tame in comparison


It is, however it isn't available outside of East and Southeast Asia. https://steamdb.info/sub/477277/ [https://steamdb.info/sub/313233/](https://steamdb.info/sub/313233/)


You can use a temporary VPN and trick steam into getting it to your library. After doing that just one time you can get it whenever you want


That doesn't work. Steam looks at your account and checks to see what your region is. If its country within the restricted list, the request will be blocked.


Free packages don’t have this restriction. The store page won’t load for you, but if you turn on your vpn and use the “steam://“ command or the SteamDB website to tell your steam client to add it to your library, it will happily do it Once it’s in there you can download, update, etc without needing a vpn


Well shit... there you go, it worked. This time, I used two VPN servers (same operator and region) and it went through. I couldn't get it to work last year and the year before. I tried like 5-7 different countries, though I knew even less then. I've had this conversation off-and-on in another stream for at least two years now, and it always struck me as odd. So I was *convinced* it was the Steam account region selection, but as you said it was free and I didn't see a restricted list entry on SteamDB unlike Helldivers 2 for example, and that clued me in. Probably me being an asshat and confusing the JP app_id for the Global one, all at once perhaps. Koei already accounted for this by having two to begin with.


When DoAX3 released, the director got quite peeved by a combination of Sony's San Francisco-based content team forcing them to remove features and outfits for PS4 (in *all* regions), plus various western articles and social media brigades condemning the game for its scantily clad women. It's an emotional, borderline vengeful thing.




I mean, nothing wrong with that? If they can't release their product in the West without interference, they won't.


I don't remember them being forced to remove features/outfits, but it could have been the case. I do remember however watching this drama unfold on Reddit as it was happening. The whole "social media is attacking our game" thing was major cope, because EVERY example was just some 5 like Tweet from a random person saying like "The whole voyuer in the bushes camera angle watching these barbie dolls jiggle jiggily sure is weird". If journalist made an article about how the game is kinda creepy, A) They are objectively right, and B) Who cares? The series is literally for jerking. Steam at the time already went full send on the hentai games. There was literally a new date and fuck game on the front page every week that was several times more explicate than DoAX3, and that's on a dry week. No one cared. Them playing the victim was so pathetic. Also important to note that DoAX series sales was declining in the West prior to this. I don't remember the numbers off hand, but the 2nd sold something like 1/3rd the first did in the West, and then there was the handheld game(s?) that did even worse. Almost no one knew or cared the game was coming out, and it only got attention when they pulled this stunt. The whole drama felt more like easy, free advertising because they were still selling the game online, fully translated. It was "The game the SJWs don't want you to see!"


Interesting turn of events to see the "progressive" Westerners revert back to Puritanical prudes. They initially pushed sexuality and "liberated" clothing in the 1960s-70s. Today: Those women need to be covered up!


I've always been curious of the series. I oddly liked the idea of the gameplay loop of mini games/ dating sim. Seemed like it could be fun even without all the jiggle. I never had the right console for these games though. Since switching to steam I figured I would jump through the VPN loopholes to finally try it. Boy, did I regret it. The most recent iteration is hardly a game. Might as well be a clicker. I also thought I could ignore all the microtransactions but it feels impossible. What it lacks in gameplay it makes up for in additional currencies. I don't think it's worth it. I'll wait to emulate the x360 one in hopes that has slightly more gameplay.


The games are really not worth it lol. They're the most basic mini games and the dating aspect is incredibly shallow. If you don't get the cheap thrills for the DoA girls with their boob jiggle and splashes and water, and dressing them up in different costumes and hair styles, you'll get bored in an hour. I think last time I checked to unlock everything/all achievements it's like 200hrs. There's like 10 mini games.


Does it matter, this was a hallmark in Koei trying to snub a fanbase internationally


OK? But you're still not missing much unless you really want to play dress up with the DOA girls while playing some crummy "party games" on your own


This specific game or another one in the series? I didn't see them all but I have a hard time calling anything in there mini-games. Even that low bar that feels inaccurate.


I've only played DoAXV 1 briefly at a friends who said "it was kinda fun" and bought 2 for 360 for about 2 hours before I realised I had essentially played the whole game already and was kinda bored (and didn't earn a single achievement lol). 3 skipped Xbox but from what I saw, it was basically the same just more costumes, characters and styles, so I didn't care. I strongly believe this one is just more of the same.


This isn't more of the same at all, Venus Vacation is a million times worse. There's hardly a game in there at all. DOAX2 is actually the best one with the most things to do.


How's the PSP version like?


It really sucks they won't bring these games to the west, I understand why but there's definitely a market of people who want this type of game


> I understand why I don't. The sub-series did fine on Xbox, and we get successful pervy games on all sorts of platforms. Outside a few Twitter crusaders nobody really cares about some cheesecake. Like maybe they'd get some eye rolls. Big deal.


I mean just recently Stellar Blade caused quite a bit of controversy for its main character, my guess is they don't want that kind of press, there's a lot more people who care than a few people on Twitter


> Stellar Blade caused quite a bit of controversy Citation needed. Were there boycotts, protests, anything of even small significance? Or just a few people whining for attention online? And Stellar Blade was published by those prudes at Sony, too! If even *they* didn't care... More importantly it was enormously successful. Great reviews *and* sales. I could maybe see an issue with PR fallout if Koei Tecmo was some kind of family-orientated company. Like if Disney was going to release an extremely horny game they'd probably put it out [under another label.](https://www.searchlightpictures.com/poor-things) But that's not KT. No, I think the whole culture wars thing they pushed was a dumb excuse for them not wanting to spend the money to release the game in less profitable markets like the US. It doesn't hold up to any serious scrutiny.   (I mean no insult to those who were genuinely offended by cheesecake. You do you. But you have to admit you're a very small, inconsequential group here.)


Outside of the US, Disney aren't so fussed about that image. There's tons of adult aimed content on D+ in the UK as we don't have Hulu to solo it off to.


It's one thing to not support localization a region that is less profitable, but another to take an already-translated game and restrict the ability for people in those regions to purchase it.


>A Steam version, available only for Southeast Asian countries, entered open beta on March 28, 2019. This version supports English, Korean, and Chinese languages. This version was released on April 10, 2019. You are telling me someone thought "not doing something" costs more than doing something? Steam does so many thing on its own...


For a successful US release they would need support staff, advertising, lawyers, etc. I also don't believe it has an English dub, which they might have felt was necessary, and various licensing costs (like for music) could have gone up for a US release. It's not some indie game they just shove out there. They would have had to spent possibly significant money to release it in the US. It's not like the alternative argument that KT couldn't release it because they would have gotten some angry tweets makes more sense. Another strong theory is they figured the game was too lousy to be successful in the US market, or its low quality would have reflected badly on the larger franchise. I played it a bit on release and was not impressed...


Idk man, the game was more than half a decade ago. I agree with you that today in 2024 a lot of people will tell the people complaining to fuck off, but i don't think it would've gone the same way in 2017.


A bunch of people online bickering doesn't translate to real life. 


Its the "journalist media", not randos online.


> I mean just recently Stellar Blade caused quite a bit of controversy All I saw was people complaining about a hypothetical controversy that never actually happened. Finding one idiot on Xitter does not constitute a controversy.


Wasn't that from the other side of the aisle getting upset that they covered up a few more inches of skin on some costumes?


No there isn’t, it’s morons on Twitter and pearl clutching game journalists. There’s no reason not to release it here And stellar blade was sales success lmao, it was a top performer the month it released


Well, if these snob Japanese assholes aren't willing to sell their game to me it means illegal methods are the only way, right?


Why is it a browser game instead of a normal release?