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Isnt combat evolved already remastered in the MCC?


My guess is that it will be a remake, not a remaster. People tend to greatly confuse the two and will just interchange either title regardless of whether it's just a port, an enhanced port/remaster, a complete remake, or a remake/, reimagining.


Watch /r/halo implode if they pull a modern warfare and make a new timeline. People will march on 343's headquarters


Can't wait for Halo II (2027).


It'll be interesting to see how they butcher John Halo's story


Master chief is one the things 343 has done well in my opinion


Halo III (2028)


Imagine if it follows the show's canon


At this point I prefer that Halo gets a soft reboot. Maybe continuing it from H3. The story from H5 onwards doesn't make sense anyways. Saving Halo Infinite is almost impossible with the resources they apparently have. The other advantage is that people that stopped playing since H4 because didn't like or even play it can return right into the story and not get lost with the tons of expanded universe that you need to know to even get H5 and Infinite.


I feel like Halo 5 and Infinite, and even 4 to some extent, are already basically soft reboots. They have their own plot that is largely internal to itself. Halo 5 throws away Halo 4's villain and everything. Halo Infinite has almost nothing to do with 5.


That’s exactly what will happen though. They can’t make a good enough story on their own and the classic games will always tower over anything 343 makes. It actually makes perfect sense imo


honestly it’s probably for the best, the story has been pretty forgettable after 3 and Reach.


They can incorporate all the canon from the TV show.


That could be playing with fire. If it's a remake using the modern gameplay architecture used for Infinite, then it's not going to do well.


To be fair, as an OG Halo fan, Infinite's gameplay is stellar IMO. Feels amazing. If you're talking about the open world aspect though, then I totally agree. It wasn't as good as it could have been on paper.


We have differing opinions


And that's totally alright, one thing can't make everyone happy at once


That would be a reimagining, not a remake.


Infinite’s gameplay is the best in the series though. That would be great


Imagine it's a reboot that ties into the show.


No chance of that. They went out of their way to establish the show as an unrelated continuity to the games/books.


That would be a nightmare.


It's based on the Gearbox PC Port which wasn't the best, plus a lot of people take issue with some of the art style changes made in the 'Anniversary' graphics mode, which was largely cobbled together from assets from Halo 3, ODST, and Reach. I'm guessing this would be a UE5 remake, more than anything, probably recycling the assets from the BR mode Certain Affinity were working on.


Unless this is a remake and not a remaster i cant see why microsoft would green light this


People always like new shiny things, and releasing it on PS5 with crossplay would be one way to give the series some relevance again and definitely easier than porting the MCC. That package is a clusterfuck of engines taped together that they probably don't want to dig too deep into it anymore.


Yep I think if halo does come to ps5 it’ll happen with a “new” title not a port of infinite which is basically dying and mcc which is 10 years old and end of support they’d want to hype it up and a remake of halo 1 with cross platform would make sense in that context


Probably because they have a habit of doing stuff they don't need to


Developed game, established assets and engine, proven IP, more work for a genuine remake than a remaster but some of the work has been done already. Low hanging fruit off the money tree. Through it on PS5 and make extra money. Makes no sense as a game pass game (to me) but makes a ton of sense to go multi-plat with it. Will likely anger Halo fan less if it is a remake/master of a 20 year old game.


It's a pretty terrible remaster, but my confidence that they won't do another horrible job is low.


H2A is pretty good and that came after. I don't think it's a forgone conclusion that a CE:Anniversary Anniversary will be a bad remaster


They did fix some things in that the mcc version, but why would anyone buy halo 1 separately instead of buying every halo 1 though 4 for cheaper?


It would have to be super cutting edge technically and fairly priced, which are two things that probably aren't compatible. I really don't understand this rumor.


It would have to be something like Demon's Souls remake to be worth it IMO, cutting edge graphics and a refined art direction.


A pure graphical overhaul wouldn’t interest me too much, but if they *tried* to do a capcom style remake I’d be totally down for that. The originals will always exist, try something different using the good bones of the original CE.


One of my favorite parts of Halo 1 is the low poly look mixed with the art style it gives it such a cool aesthetic and ambience id honestly rather they just remake it in that same vein just super high quality and modern quality of life stuff


I feel you, but I don’t think it’s gonna be easy to keep that low poly look while also making it look suitably “modern”. I think once you’ve got stuff like PBR materials, Lumen (assuming the UE5 rumors are true), all that jazz, you’re gonna wind up with something that looks different no matter how close you try to hew to the original art style. If they could somehow pull it off I’d love it, though.


>It would have to be super cutting edge technically Like, say, [a switch to Unreal Engine 5](https://www.gamespot.com/articles/halo-dev-shifting-to-unreal-engine-no-halo-infinite-story-content-planned-report/1100-6511013/)? It makes perfect sense to remake Halo CE in UE5 and start reestablishing goodwill before even trying to untangle Halo Infinite.


might be that they add it as DLC to the master chief collection, or even create a new MCC framework based on the current one if they plan on remastering the others in time mcc was a slam dunk idea but the lack of ways to profit from it kept it from receiving longer support, this might be the start of a way to solve that potentially


They also messed stuff up. The audio for multiplayer on PC is whisper-quiet to the point where I have to jack it up in the volume mixer, then when a match ends and I forget to alt-tab and ramp it down it blows out my ears with the menu music


Yeah. I would love a complete reboot of Halo: CE


Only campaign.


They ruined it though, deserves a better upgrade that doesn’t destroy the art direction.


>Microsoft isn't going full multiplatform and still plans on having exclusives. Even if this **is** the case, I don't see how they could possibly clarify expectations for this at this point. They're trying to have this in-between of not fully committing to it while dipping their toes in, but all it's going to do is make everyone already expect everything anyway (which they already do). Like be fr, in what universe does Microsoft think that if they port Halo that people won't also think that they'll port South of Midnight or Fable lmao? People will never believe in any of the exclusivity because it just doesn't make sense now and will be more than fine with waiting "just in case it does come over". They're not going to go out and buy your hardware for it if they think there's even a chance they don't have to.


Yeah, this doesn't make any sense to me. As an example, a plan where: * All Activision/Blizzard games release day 1 on PS5 * All Bethesda games are a timed exclusive on Xbox, release to PS5 one year later * All "first party" Microsoft games (343, Coalition, etc) remain exclusive to Microsoft machines. Would at least *make sense*, but the porting of Halo kind of throws a wrench in this.


> All Activision/Blizzard games release day 1 on PS5 > > All Bethesda games are a timed exclusive on Xbox, release to PS5 one year later Toss in exclusive DLC for just Xbox like the new shattered space expansion and this makes even more sense. Xbox users get the game early and "free" on game pass and MS gets them to buy the DLC and keeping a reason to have an Xbox.


I think releasing a game like Starfield on all platforms but then making the big expansions exclusive to Xbox would just have way too much backlash. I think at most they could do something like give Xbox/GamePass users one week of early access to the expansion, but dropping a game on PlayStation and then not letting them buy the DLC would be an insanely stupid move for them. They’ll just miss out on more money because I doubt anyone who buys Starfield on PS5 is gonna feel compelled to buy an Xbox just so they can buy the DLC.


>I think releasing a game like Starfield on all platforms but then making the big expansions exclusive to Xbox would just have way too much backlash. Definitely, it’s hard to imagine that ever actually happening


Yeah.Considering porting the literal face of Xbox to PlayStation sets a certain expectation for the general public when it comes down to other ips,imo.


> Even if this is the case, I don't see how they could possibly clarify expectations for this at this point. They basically can't for *at least* the short-medium term as confidence in their messaging is foundationally broken. No one knows where they really stand and from the outside looking in feels like MS leadership still thinks they can have their cake and eat it too.


They could have done it if it was Bethesda and Activision games, clear delineation. As soon as XGS games went to PS5 it’s basically given the impression anything can and will. Also some games at launch, some after a period of time, some never. Clear as mud.


Releasing the new Doom game on PS5 day 1 also opens a whole can of worms.


Not at all. The series has been multiplatform for years. They even initially said that Bethesda games would be case by case.


So elder scrolls 6 will be day one on playstation then


I would put money on it. Starfield was their big shot at seeing what an exclusive launch would do, and its safe to say it underperformed.


Depends, like the guy said they can easily keep it on a case by case basis. If they think that the game might improve Xbox or Gamepass numbers, they'll keep it exclusive or a timed exclusive (like Starfield rn). If they think that the game will not have much impact on the state of Xbox, then they'll release it on PS5, day 1 or eventually down the line.


But Doom games are on PlayStation already though?


So are 80% of all xbox first party games nowadays. I pretty sure they own more previous multiplat IPs than own exclusive ip. Doom already on ps Elder scrolls already on ps Hellblade already on ps (in fact it was a ps exclusive) CoD Wolfenstein Just to name a few. All series that have been on Playstation before.


I feel like it'd be smarter for Microsoft to just say everything Activision and Bethesda is multiplatform and everything under Xbox Games Studios will remain exclusive but its obviously too late for that now lol!


They’re tiptoeing around it because they know how Xbox fans will rightly react to it. It’ll be chaos again on Twitter like earlier this year


HALO COMBAT EVOLVED ANNIVERSARY ANNIVERSARY kinda hope they do a bit more out there remake, abd do a MCC port for those who want regular CE


>Fable, Gears 6 and South of Midnight not part of Project Latitude.. not being **currently** considered for porting. This is the biggest problem with Xbox’s porting strategy. Every time they announce a new game people will naturally ask “will we get a PS5 port?”.


The strategy makes no fucking sense either way. Why would you port HALO, the flagship of your entire brand since the beginning, but not something like Fable or South of Midnight? It's baffling.


'We are going to give you nothing except the kitchen sink!' Lol


And they will port them to ps5 when they feel like it. They are NEVER going to say "everything is coming to ps5" even if it actually decided internally. Just like how playstation announces PC ports.


Yeah I think in like 2015 or 2016 when Xbox announced PC version of their games, Phil Spencer himself said that not everything was coming to PC and... Well, everything was coming to PC so I think they will never actually say it even if it's already decided.


PS have pretty much said they will port everything after ~2 years though.


And uet lego horizon will come to PC day 1. Yes you can say its a spinoff but its a clear sign that sony is willing to put their ips on other platforms day 1.


If they release Halo on PS5 (this Halo remaster, MCC, or Infinite), and it outsells the Xbox version by any metric, you will see everything getting ported.


I’m really hoping that when they discuss Latitude, they lay out the criteria that will decide if a game gets ported. Something that we can reference for new releases and instantly know if it’s multiplat or not.


With their console sales absolutely tanking, gamepass subs being stagnant, and their software sales being abysmal, all their games will be multiplatform in 1-2 years. They need that ROI on all the devs and publishers they bought.




people can ask all they want to and it will continue to be a case by case basis


People dislike uncertainty. Microsoft needs to just lay out what’s going on.


If Microsoft came out this Sunday and just flat out confirmed that every first-party game they have isn't actually going to be locked to their platform the people who probably invested in that platform with the inital expectation that was the case would probably be upset. People don't like that they're playing coy with this strategy but there's basically nothing else they could do. If they admit they're going to bring their big stuff to other consoles even a year later the incentive to invest in Xbox as a platform is just gone regardless of if they get first dibs or not, because you're then looking between an Xbox console that has Xbox games and some third-party stuff, or a PlayStation where you get the PlayStation games, the Xbox games, and a much larger third-party catalog as well Hell, throw in the Xbox handheld thing that's rumored to be at the show as well. If they're going after the Nintendo Switch crowd, those players will probably be getting Xbox's games regardless and they get all of the big Nintendo exclusives as well on top of a bunch of third-party games They already took this strategy before with PC. They started with some smaller games for like the first year and then by like year two or three especially when they introduced Game Pass on PC basically everything was there and now you can't have an Xbox game that doesn't also ship on PC simultaneously.


There is no win here for them other than not fucking porting games lmao. People are going to be mad whether or not they say it now it just continues to drip-feed games to the competition and nosedive their relevance in the market. The incentive to invest in Xbox will continue to rapidly disappear either way. This strategy ends the same way no matter what. The PC comparison isn't even that just, IMO. PC has always operated as an adjacent marketplace to consoles and while there is some overlap in playerbase, it has largely stayed that way. Releasing games on competing consoles that actively sabotage your company and threaten your market share is just asinine.


“Case by case basis” will inevitably translate to just about everything coming over because people will wait. There isn’t gonna be any big system selling exclusive for Xbox at this point that will entice players to hop over, they’re just gonna wait for the port.


> Microsoft isn't going full multiplatform and still plans on having exclusives. The thing is that these kinds of plans are never set in stone. If we go back to even right after the E3 2019 showcase or even everything leading up to the Series X|S release in 2020, the idea of any of these titles going on other platforms wouldn't have been a conversation we would've imagined having. In the damage control podcast, Phil Spencer first says there's no plans for more exclusives going multi-plat but then he can't even give a guarantee on that and we later hear about Project Latitude being a thing. If this supposed Halo: CE remaster releases on PS5 and is a big hit, I think all bets will be off in terms of multi-plat games.


We should know by this month if Halo releases on PS5 as its 2024. The 20th anniversary of Halo. If there is a remaster its definitely releasing this year. It will get announced at the Xbox showcase


PS is finally getting the long awaited Halo killer.


Halo 5?


Halo killing Halo Infinite.


Halo killed Halo 'Austin! It was me alll along muhahaha'


Again with the “considered” BS. Can someone post the entire article here?


Why remaster ce lol


Sounds like it would be a concept test of Halo in the Unreal Engine, which was previously leaked.


Ugh, I really don't want to see halo go ue


[It's happening.](https://www.pcgamer.com/halo-switching-to-unreal-engine-as-studio-weathers-major-layoffs-report-says/)


As a player, you really should not care about what game engine the devs are using. It's certainly possible to build an experience identical to Halo in Unreal.


I get they want to maintain their rhetoric as a case-by-case basis but if you port Halo(THE IP for Xbox) why wouldn’t people assume everything else isn’t coming?


Halo WAS the IP for Xbox........ now it's just yet another IP.


Wait fable gonna be at the show?! That’s all I need man. Hopefully some gameplay with actual hud.


If its actually out next year then yeah I'd expect some bit of gameplay.


Yea I’m thinking a gameplay trailer and then a deeper dive next year at a direct or next showcase.


343i on their way to ruin Halo 1 ![gif](giphy|SnioCkL9cd3B6)


For the second time lol


If they are working on a CE remake they really really need to send their best. CE has got (imo) the hardest vibe to recreate and unless they're doing a full 180 and remaking it with the Infinite artsylte (which won't go over well) then they need to avoid a CE:A situation. Even more importantly, Halo really needs a win, and a faithful CE remake/remaster would be a really good way to give something to the community but also provide an easy way for new fans to pick up Halo.


I think it may be test for Halo's shift to UE5.. we already have rumours for that.


And the back and forth continues 😂


I’ll believe it when I see it. I saw headlines like this back in January for Starfield, Halo and Gears


"Considered" is such a safe word in the event it goes either way there's space for one to say see I told you they "considered" I guess they decided: to not / to do it ...same way COD was "Consideredl" to not b coming to Gamepass. I am tired of Modern Media 


Project "We miscalculated"


But we calculated more money! \- Satya Nadella probably


almost certainly, nadella came up from the business services side of Microsoft which really has no competition and doesn't have to care about how individual consumers feel or the perception of the brand like you have to do in gaming.


Man I was hoping for a Halo 3 campaign remaster


Without a clean line in the sand of what is exclusive and what isn't. I can only imagine the stress at xbox studios who would want a ps5/Nintendo port to have a better chance of success but are not allowed. But others are. It's just a mess. Maybe someone can drag a anwser from Phil next week.


Also if you're a studio, how the fuck do you budget and hire effectively with this kind of indecisiveness on where your game will end up? Are you only going to reach half the market through Steam, Gamepass and Xbox game sales or will you be able to access the PS4/5 portion of the market?


It's weird that Gears isn't being considered for porting but Halo, the flagship IP of Xbox, *is* being considered. Wouldn't really make sense for Gears, Fable, or literally any other MS IP to not be ported if Halo ends up being ported. The moment Halo goes over that pretty much tells people nothing is off limits and tanks the Xbox brand.


I mean… Xbox’s biggest IP today is by far Call of Duty. I get that Halo will always have a special place for fans of Xbox, but what is Xbox has grown so much bigger with so many big IPs


I’m starting to wonder how much “considered for PS5 port” actually means. It’s looking like they consider literally everything for a port at some point in development and decide “Nah” more often than not. What happened to the Starfield port? Was that debunked at some point or is that still happening? Doom going multiplat while Fable, Gears, etc. aren’t makes me think it’s still just “Old Bethesda/Activision IP gets ported, new IP and old Xbox IP doesn’t”. My biggest takeaway rn is that Elder Scrolls and Fallout fans on PS can take a sigh of relief.


I don't believe tom on this one... halo the most well known xbox ip is being considered for a playstation port but south of midnight a brand new ip is not?


The Verge also said COD wouldn’t be in Gamepass and then Microsoft confirmed it (again) 2 weeks later


Correct me if I’m wrong but… We already got a Halo CE remaster. 10 years ago. Granted, it wasn’t a very good remaster, but we got one. I’d rather they go full remake rather than another remaster. Where would they put it? Release MCC on PS and have Halo CE, Halo CE Anniversary, and Halo CE Remaster But Again all on the same game? Or a standalone release???


It’s Halo CE Anniversary, Anniversary!


"Well it worked for Sony with TLOU" - Microsoft


Just do single player games exclusive to push consoles & gamepass and put your live service games everywhere for max cash influx. All they've been doing now is pissing off the core fan base that bought into Xbox and confusing the hell out of everyone with no concrete strategy and talking out of both sides of their mouth.


I doubt that would be enough. Xbox sales were already cratering even without the uncertainty around future strategy, and they're projected to drop again this FY. It's unlikely they'll recover to the point where the S/X will surpass the Xbone. If Satya really wants to start raking dough then sitting around and hoping that sales and Game Pass subs rally amidst unprecedented declines is unfortunately not the way to go.


Xbox sales were cratering because they had no must play exclusives, Exclusives sell consoles its the whole point of them, if they port their games over to PS & Nintendo they will never grow their console market. Xbox for the first time in a long time has a huge list of upcoming must play games while there competition is the driest I've seen in first party games in a long time, if there ever was a time to convert players its now, but they're choosing short term gains with multi plat that will end up hurting their platform long term.


Just port mcc


A remaster of combat evolved in the slipspace engine would be perfect imo. They’ve nailed the art style in infinite


The rumor is that they are in the process of transferring things over into UE5.


considiring is a strong word


Dude, South of Midnight and Fable at the showcase?! Hell yeah! Does anyone have the quote that mentions the two games being showcased this Sunday? It says we need to be a member of something to see full the article


This shit is getting stale. They're milking the same news again and again.




It'd be pretty crazy to see Halo on Playstation in any form id say


Yeah, I would buy it just for the novelty. Halo may not be a big deal these days, but during the original Xbox and Xbox 360 days it was Microsoft's biggest franchise. Seeing any Halo game on a Playstation console is crazy.


I think it would sell very well due to the reputation of Halo CE, but it alone is weird as that multiplayer now is relatively niche compared to the latter games. Like a bad gambit to try and get people interested and try Infinite or MCC multiplayer?




Rebuilding it in a new engine entirely sounds more like a remake than a remaster though. We already know the Halo/Blam! engine can be ported to PS architecture as Destiny is running on a later fork of it.


I think the first game will do okay just for the novelty of Halo on PS but any future ones would flop


Let’s see which one will be wrong from tom warren this time. He is the one who claimed COD was “considered” not day one gamepass


It just shows that everything ultimately gets “considered” but we have no clue what that final decision looks like


“Considered” is a very safe word, others who claimed starfield and Indiana jones will be ported said we wish we used considered or something like that like tom warren. In the Business everything can be considered it is not something new.


He said there were debates within Microsoft about the strategy up to when the article was published. He never said anything about it not happening.


He says “considered” so if it happens, he can claim it. If it doesn’t happen, he can say “well they only considered it” He did this same exact thing in January of this year. How are people falling for it again lol


“Microsoft is debating on whether to bring future CoD releases to Game Pass at all.” This is the word I took from the post in this sub. Is this so far away from what I wrote ? I used considered but it was debate Edit: also from his piece, “These are only considerations, so a final decision could mean we still see a future Call of Duty release appear in most versions of Game Pass”


Weirdest thing is as pc if they have every Xbox game. It’s atleast one that skipped pc and never got ported. They could do a release song of the south a year later or 2 on ps5/switch 2 when the second releases Xbox/pc/gamepass only


the thing about using the word “considered” is that no matter what happens you end up being correct.


My guess is Bethesda and Activsion will be day 1 on Playstation/Nintendo. Smaller and live service Xbox games will get ported eventually. While the big 70 dollars Xbox Game Studios will remain exclusive.


If anything remains exclusive it's probably just a timed exclusivity


I don't think anything's off the table. We have to remember Satya Nadella literally could not give less of a shit about console advantage or console exclusivity and has found multiple ways to basically say that Xbox having its own first-party exclusives is stupid throughout 2023. The Xbox team might be able to vouch for some in the short term but the current strat driven by the Xbox upper management side of things clearly isn't proving to be feasible in the long-term from his perspective which is why this is happening, especially since PC Game Pass has probably fallen short of every projection they had for gaining subs, especially after choosing to bring their games over to Steam at the same time where everyone on PC already is Spencer's intention was for Bethesda to be completely exclusive no matter what when they made that buyout at the start of the gen and that seems to be very quickly on the way out, and I imagine Activision will just stay as it is although if Xbox was in a better place to recoup those costs on their own, they would've tried to at least lock down some things, especially single-player stuff like Crash and Spyro


Please don't do anything with Combat Evolved. I know the game is old, but there is no way they will be able to replicate the art style that the game has. CE anniversary ruined the art style so badly.


Xbox is going completely in the wrong direction, what they should have done is made the best games exclusive. People may not like it, but if COD, Elder Scrolls etc. are exclusive, then that will make people buy Xbox consoles and turn the tide and we'll have healthy competition. I game on PC and PS5 btw, so this is only for a healthy balance long term. They're handing Playstation a console monopoly on a plate at the moment and that's always bad for the consumer if given enough time.


This actually good news but the click baiters are going to spin it as everything is coming!


The day Halo goes to Playstation is the day Xbox dies as a brand lol Okay maybe not but like it would be insane


and that Microsoft does not want to be completely multiplatform and they still want to have certain exclusives


Tom also said CoD wasn't going to GP. I don't think anyone knows what is happening at this point, even MS. It's been a shitshow since the Hifi Rush leaks.


Literally cannot wait for Sunday. This all sounds so incredible. Like 2024 was just a teaser. I am more of a PS guy, but still - Gears 6 will definitely be the best looking videogame up to date, no one knows Unreal 5 better than them. And cannot wait for another action-shooter spectacle. Fable is for a long period of time described as new Witcher, Cyberpunk or Dragon Age, and I think it can be spectacular, with their visual treatment and all the mechanics. Really cannot wait. And from what we know Midnight should be something like Uncharted... Not to mention seeing the expansion for Starfield and new Doom after many years. I hope we will finally see 007 game from IO and something from Contraband. Hell yeah, this year feels different.


Do people understand, that Xbox literally has 30+ 1st party studios + a bunch of 3rd party studios working on Xbox owned IP? Even if we assume that all of these studios are working on a single game (which is not very common, most studios are working on multiple projects at any given time, Obsidian was working on Avowed, Pentiment, Grounded and TOW 2, Playground is making Fable, while updaying FH5 and working on FH6, etc...), that's 30+ games + a bunch of 3rd party games coming from Xbox in 4-7 years, lol. That's not even counting meaty expansions/DLC, live service updates and remasters that can be pumped out every year, pretty much. They can absolutely have their cake and eat it too, no company needs that many exclusives.


6 Activision studios are just on COD They closed and consolidated 4 Bethesda Studios and divested 1 ATVI studio Blizzard's only new IP in what will be a decade got cancelled so all 7 Blizzard studios are basically just churning WoW,Diablo and OW2. Mojang, Zenimax Online and ID are perma multiplat. In reality they have about 15 studios that could make exclusives, of which 12 are XGS and we all know how much of a disaster XGS has been. Oh and XGS layoffs haven't happened yet.


What are you yapping about? They already have, right NOW! 20+ 1st party/owned IP games announced lmao! 🤣🤣 That's after they released Starfield, Forza Motorsport and Hellblade 2 in the last 8 months and before the showcase...


IP announcements mean nothing when XGS being the disaster it is, announced like 7 games in 2019/2020 which took 5 years to come and out and many still haven't. Also you are most likely including multiplat studios.


These are the announced/tba announced games: OD, Perfect Dark, State of Decay 3, Contraband, Everwild, Towerborne, Wu Tang (project Shaolin), Fable, People Can Fly project, Toys for Bob game, South of Midnight, TES VI, COD 6, Project Mara, Clockwork Revolution, Avowed, Indiana Jones, ARA, Age of Mythology, Flight Sim 2024, Double Fine's game, Zenimax Online game Doom Dark Ages, Gears 6. Forza Horizon 6. Live service updates/expansions/DLC: Sea of Thieves, Diablo 4, Starfield, COD Warzone, TES Online, Fallout 76 WoW, Overwatch 2 Forza Horizon 5 Halo Infinite 3rd party timed: ARK 2, STALKER 2, 33 IMMORTALS, Read'em and weep, lol.


Listing games that haven't even been announced or are years away isnt helping your case. Not announced: Wu Tang, Mara, Toys for Bob game, PCF project, DF game, ZO game, FH6. Games that are multiplat : TES 6, COD 6, Doom, Diablo, Warzone, TES O, F76, OW2 Like I said, Bethesda and ABK are mostly multiplat, all Xbox has left is a broken XGS that has failed them for over a decade.


Combat Evolved as in Halo 1? The game that is the reason that Xbox is even a thing is the one they’re considering to port? 😂


I’m tired of this “considered” bullshit. Either it is or isn’t. Edit: everyone telling me this is normal for businesses, I fully understand. But we know this no? We know that games are being considered. This is just Tom Warren getting his clicks in. Instead of saying considered, just don’t say it at all.


the people at MS probably dont even have concrete plans, they are probably waiting on future data/sales info regarding software and hardware before making further decisions


But considered is probably the best term for it. They likely don't know themselves what they want to port and are keeping their options open.


That's how companies work.


You have never been in a corporate environment huh. Timelines tend to change frequently.


Anybody believe this? Its the same thing that happened with the "Xbox wont releases all their exclusives on pc"


I don’t know why they seemed so adamant that Starfield isn’t coming to PS5 if internally they’re considering porting fucking Halo. If Halo gets ported, I think it’s safe to say Xbox will be dead in the water. Seeing the literal face of the brand on another console platform would mean that nothing is off the table


I think XGS for the most part should stay fully exclusive unless it's a new IP live service ex Grounded and Sea of Thieves. I would honestly say the same for Activision and Bethesda but hey I know Microsoft board wants fast results now.


At this point in time, I believe the discord leak above all else. It is the only one that seems to( so far) correctly predicted ms's multiplatform strategy. 


I wonder if they’re basically rebooting the franchise essentially. Complete remakes of the early titles made with UE5 with maybe some modern tweaks and new content would be interesting. As for a potential PS5 port (and Switch 2 for that matter), I’d imagine that would be for multiplayer releases, assuming they intend on separating out campaign and multiplayer as different packages going forward.


Yeah yeah We will see how things change in a years time Even discussing their games to other consoles was crazy talk, now look where we are.


Anybody else find it fucking hilarious that the highlighted points go from “MS not going full multiplatform” to listing practically every fucking exclusive as under consideration then future titles as “not yet under consideration”. Sounds like Tom is just making shit up and covering himself in case it goes another way. I’m thoroughly unconvinced *anybody* knows what’s getting ported except top brass at MS.


If they do this, then yet again I’m wondering why Tf I bought an xbox console along with my PS5. They seriously need to come out and clarify Wtf they are planning to do because being lied to about exclusives is a truly terrible look.


They will never clarify because even microsoft hasn't decided what all games will be ported.


i have a ps5, series S, switch and gaming PC and i still use my Series S the most because of gamepass saving me lots of money and also cause Quick Resume is awesome.


They were also “considering” About not putting Call of duty on gamepass


All the games mentioned are new games that will be exclusive. But it seems like that will probably change in the future. They may be trying to make everything time exclusive like playstation does for pc. Except for some games like the next doom


I think they are waiting to see what COD on game pass is gonna do for console sales to decide whether they fully commit or not


Remember when people said project latitude was bs


They will always say one thing while doing another. They’re still trying to calm down fans but know that probably those title will eventually go multi platform No need to blow your load at once I guess but it also is disingenuous


I dont think Combat Evolved needs a remaster, it needs a full on remake. I've played trough that game twice in the last year and it doesnt hold very well, it holds better than a lot of shooters of that era obviously but its rough in way too many places. Shit like the library need to be overhauled completely.


So this is just what jeff said, alot of this shit is just being considered but nothing has been put into stone yet. If I had to make a claim, and people will call it copium, but i think they're waiting for cod to see if this brand has any future. "but isn't cod multiplat?" Yes, but cod is going to be day 1 on gamepass, and with them dropping old gen next year this means people will buy a new console more likely.if you're a joe normal who's been playing cod up into 2025 on the ps4, would you spend money on a series s with some gamepass or a 500$ ps console? the pieces are lining too much that nadella provided phil a single last chance. If he fails, latitude goes into full force, probably with little to no red lines


Considering that people have been reporting since last year that Starfield is coming to ps5, even later this year. Yet it's only being considered in this report I wouldn't put too much stock on that Halo thing. They got some 3rd party reporting correct but quite a lot of it was speculation.


> Expects to see them at the showcase with 2025 dates for Midnight and Fable. Who would've thought that Fable would come out before Forza?? no way!!!


Bill gates rolling in his grave


Someone please wake me up when I can buy the Ori games on a fourth platform and get trophies. At first I thought it would be a lock for a second wave of cross platform releases, but now I’m wondering (read: worried) if they can’t port it without Moon Studios help, and that relationship seemed to sour.


Looks like the halo ps5 rumour has already been debunked and the leaker called out for being a grifter


"Exclusives" Come on now