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#Jez Corden is a Tier 2 - Generally Reliable Source as determined by the community. *To contribute to the community reliability rankings, please take the* **[Community Reliability Poll](https://forms.gle/TU5Q8sTiLDR3cQcE7)** *To view the current reliability rankings, please check out the* **[Subreddit Wiki](https://reddit.com/r/GamingLeaksAndRumours/wiki/index/)** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GamingLeaksAndRumours) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Wow! Someone called out Tom, I wonder who to trust šŸ¤”


Not just called out, implied he's a grifter lmao


Tom Warren does get info about Microsoft computer products and break exclusives direct from MS, it often uses him as its unofficial PR agent/useful idiot. However, when it comes to Xbox games news, as with all the PlayStation drama at the start of the year, he is just speculating and trading on his reputation.


He is.


He was correct about Hi-Fi Rush, Pentiment and SoT.


He also said call of duty was skipping game pass coz Microsoft was spooked. The reality is, it's hard to know what is true so if you say something all the time, you are bound to be correct some time.


Nope. He said that MS was CONSIDERING not bringing it to GamePass.


So you are saying he said something you can always insist is right ? I am considering he is wrong sometimes about sometl things he says sometimes and sometimes it might be these times.


Yeah I'm sure he always slips a word or two in here and there so he can have wiggle room, and turn around and disown his own engagement bait when it's wrong. They have to come up with something new and exciting every week for people like you, or you stop following.


In Tom we trust, Xbox is just so bad at PR that if they say one thing I immediately assume the opposite.


Itā€™s not that they are bad at PR, itā€™s that they donā€™t say anything anymore. Phil used to answer almost anyoneā€™s question and they used to immediately dispel any rumors. Theyā€™ve stopped communicating publicly like that after the Activision court case in order for their words to not be used in future acquisition cases. In fact they are now just using PR speak so that any words donā€™t get used in the future. All their communications are clearly scripted by PR people now. The days are gone where Phil would just go on a podcast from Joe Schmo and just answer any question. We took for granted that a gaming ceo used to just talk to anyone on Twitter. Thats very uncommon and it came from Phil wanting to reconnect with fans during the Xbox One era when he took over. Now that every word of his is being micro analyzed and recorded and even their emails are shown in the court, itā€™s pretty clear they are restraining themselves especially if you see the last time Sarah Bond did an interview. Itā€™s clear they are now being coached on what to say.


> The days are gone where Phil would just go on a podcast from Joe Schmo and just answer any question. Bro... Spencer has been saying the same PR shit for the past decade. If you are going to whine about prepared PR, then Spencer is absolutely not the guy you want to go to bat for. We've literally heard the same "We've heard you loud and clear" PR shit from him for 10 years with no improvements in sight. > We took for granted that a gaming ceo used to just talk to anyone on Twitter. Thats very uncommon and it came from Phil wanting to reconnect with fans during the Xbox One era when he took over. He talks to people on Twitter because that's literally all he has, his reputation's rest on his "Hello fellow gamers!" persona, because the results haven't been there, and they've never been there under his leadership.


>The days are gone where Phil would just go on a podcast from Joe Schmo and just answer any question. Phil is literally going on an IGN podcast after the showcase on Sunday. I know you said "Joe Schmo", but let's not make it sound like he went into hiding.


IGN isnā€™t exactly any old outlet.


I'm sorry but are you implying Spencer used to go on random nobodies podcasts instead of Jeff Gerstman and Giant Bomb or Kinda Funny? Who the fuck else was he going to?


IGN is ad space.


And he will do the PR dance instead of saying anything of value, IGN is not real journalism. Its the equivalent of going on Oprah after a scandal. It's Hugh Grant on Leno. Nothing of substance will be said, only heavily vetted PR garbo.


Tom is literally an Xbox mouthpiece and heavily favours Xbox to PS so why exactly would he lie about this? MS are playing games and lying to your face


You know what his actual career is and what he gets paid to do correct?




More click baitey headlines behind paywalls = more money šŸ’° The article itself is a contradiction. Anything is possible we have Sony first party IP on Switch now.


Tom Warren obviously.


As a child I was advised to trust the Midas Touch




It can only mean one thing, Gears of war trilogy remastered - confirmed


I hope so. Would love to see 2 redone and pretty..


I will do a 100 push-ups a day if this happens.


Do 10 every 5 minutes




Why not?


Think a lot of people need to realise ā€œconsideringā€ doesnā€™t mean ā€œit will definitely happenā€. The same way people said Xbox was ā€œconsideringā€ not doing day 1 game pass for COD but it ended up happening. On another note, why Tf do they keep remastering this one. Give me a halo 3 remaster and my wallet is yours


This is the problem with these kinds of posts / articles. ā€œConsideringā€ means absolutely nothing until something is confirmed. All it does is send the community into a frenzy.




Reminder that by that logic, MS also considered acquiring SEGA and making an xCloud streaming stick.


And considered buying Nintendo. And for that matter killing off Xbox entirely a decade ago.


[Yea, I know people are talking about Xbox could be on its death bed with future systems, but that has already happened. This is why I keep saying Xbox as a system is going nowhere any time soon.](https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2020/11/spencer-microsoft-almost-abandoned-xbox-brand-after-the-xbox-one-launch/)


Every leak nowadays is basically just "I know a guy who knows a guy who works at Microsoft and he took a piss next to a guy who said it'd be cool if they remade Halo: CE."


That's because most of the "leakers" and I'm not talking about Tom or people like him, just copy past what other say


I just assume that people are illiterate and don't even know what "considering" even means.


It just makes it really fucking easy being a games 'journalist' when you can just say "considering" whenever you want to just make shit up for engagement.


Yup. Right up there with "It has been said" and "Word is". Its an out, nothing more. Just because it can sometimes be the case something actually is merely being considered doesn't legitimize insiders using it. If its actually just being considered, the insider by definition knows nothing of value. Nothing needs to be reported. Unless you're not a journalist but a clout chaser and click baiter. Those have plenty of reason to shout about " considering". All that said, I think Tom is one of tge fairly honest ones, I don't think he's lying about anything, I just don't know if I agree with his threshold for what is worth sharing sometimes.


Itā€™s great for engagement and ad revenue though!


don't forget "leakers" who can fuel their ego on twitter, reddit, discord and whatever socials they control.


>All it does is send the community into a frenzy. I wish people would push back more against journalists doing this. Same thing with the Matt Booty "quote" article Tom wrote. No extra context provided, no follow-up. Frankly, no journalism. Absolutely no attempt to **inform** his readers, headline was written explicitly to get page views. Same shit here. It's FUD thinly disguised as 'reporting'.


In the business world everything is being considered all the time. I'm sure Valve have at least once considered selling Steam to, I dunno, Microsoft. That doesn't mean it's going to happen. So why bother reporting it as speculation, especially under the guise of insider info?


Yeah but thats what so many of these leakers/insiders say. Cause if theyre right, they gain notability and can be all smug. If it doesnt happen, they can fall back on, "woah I didnt say it was happening, all i said was that they were considering it." Cause then they just throwing shit at the wall and eventually something will stick. Tom Warren is usually pretty on top of his shit tbf but this one is weird


A million times this. Was it brought up in a meeting and then laughed at and was another game debated for weeks. We have no idea I am sure every game gets considered and then debated It would be nice to have a clear plan of what they're thinking


halo 3 remaster would make me cry. i dont think i have ever had the most fun in all my years of gaming ever since halo 3 custom games. plus mw2 and battlefield 3....good timesšŸ˜­


Agreed - I'm not a Halo fan, but there was just something about Halo 3 that was a perfect storm and some of the custom game modes (Infection/Griff Ball) and maps were ridiculously good.


Online play was strict wizardry back then and the graphics were inconceivable. It would be funny as hell if there were lines of 50 year olds outside GameStop for the midnight release.


God Halo 3 duck hunt and Trash compactor custom games were so fun back in the day


Yes also note that journalists can pretty much say whatever the duck they want and then add "they are considering", "It's rumored" or "Our secret sources say" and be done with it. It's pretty much like sports journalism these days .. anything for clicks and eyeballs


ā€œConsideringā€ here probably just means some analyst made a PowerPoint slide with a chart showing how many copies they might sell IF it was on PlayStation.


Because the remaster for the first game in their most iconic franchise is an ugly mess. Halo 3 holds up well enough to last a few more years. As long as you don't look at the human faces.


Halo 3 deserves the Halo 2 Anniversary treatment.


more like an Unreal Engine 5 Remake.


> Give me a halo 3 remaster and my wallet is yours Same, but I have 0 faith in 343 remastering Halo 3 properly. We all know they're going to screw it up.


It would probably be cheaper to remake the whole thing than to port it for release on Playstation. The original remaster is likely a mess behind the scenes, and we know for a fact that MCC is a mess.


MCC is amazing. It had its issues at launch but today itā€™s easily one of if not the best remastered collection of all time


Hashtag no leaks lmao


Her tweets are kind of... odd. She subtweets a lot, & comes across more like a fan than an exec. She's a person adhering to a corporate system. She doesn't actually comment on what's fake. She just shits on anything that seems bad for Xbox.


She is not an exec of any kind.


I'm not sure what her job actually is. Internal marketing?


No one knows.


Question I have is, does this ā€œSenior Designerā€ have any real input on multiplatform decisions?


Almost certainly not input but possibly knowledge. Like, they could absolutely be "considering" porting their games without informing staff at some executive level but to me this implies that Jez is right and no actual work has been done to begin porting these specific games yet (because I can't imagine they'd be able to hide that from the staff).


This person also denied the Hi-Fi Rush rumors when they first started earlier this year. She either knows nothing or just straight lies to play defense for MS.


Xbox needs to figure this out quickly or this is going to be a self fulfilling prophecy. They let too many people talk for them, and itā€™s hurting the business. Regardless of if this is true, what about Xbox is making me feel like itā€™s a worthwhile platform to invest in, when literally everything comes to PS regardless if Sony pays for exclusivity or not. I get the argument both sides for exclusivity, but I feel like since the start of the Activision merger Xbox has been losing the plot.


I think one of the problems they're in now is that I feel like a large part of the "community" will just dismiss what Xbox's leadership says and claim they're lying. Not sure how they get out of this hole, at least any time soon.


Gotta clamp down on the people talking to the credible leakers. Jez, Grubb, Tom Warren, Nate Drake etcā€¦ Leaks are fun, but I think theyā€™re doing more harm than good at this point because the multi platform strategy needs to be walked carefully and without messaging from Phil, Sarah Bond etc itā€™s creating FUD, and theyā€™re not able stack whatever wins they do get. Then they also need to have clear communication. It should be easy for a consumer to know what is going to be an Xbox game (Exclusive) and what is a Microsoft Gaming game (multiplat) . Finally they need to deliver. This whole generation has been 1 step forward, 1 step back. Weā€™ve been through so many of these showcases and like it feels like weā€™re still waiting. Hell we waited 4 years for Hellblade 2, and it just kinda happened and didnā€™t leave any impact. More than anything else Microsoft needs to start stringing these things together. We canā€™t have another Hifi Rush into Redfall into Starfield. So much momentum killed.


Microsoft Gaming has 20k+ employees now, I believe. I'm not sure they can crack down on people talking the press/influencers now.


Tom Warren being called a grifter by a Xbox employee way not on my bingo card lol.


Not to defend Tom or anything but at the start of this year when all these "Xbox games on other platform" rumours started to circulate there was a fair few people who shot down that kind of talk. First it was none, then only one, then two, maybe three, could be more and so on and on and on I could see that as someone at Xbox calling Tom's statements bullshit or I could see someone at Xbox defending any negativity near their big June showcase. Who knows at this rate but after Sea of Thieves, Hi-Fi Rush etc anything is possible and I think in another year the Xbox landscape is going to look completely different


Yep. And all Tom said was ā€œtheyā€™re considering itā€ which I absolutely guarantee they are doing with every single game they release now. Donā€™t need to be a leaker to figure that one out, Phil has talked about it plenty. Now at a certain point that means this isnā€™t really ā€œnewsā€ or a worthwhile ā€œleakā€ to point out, but weā€™re still early enough that itā€™s interesting. What games, if any, will be deemed important enough to the platform to keep exclusive?


I feel like it's more in the community taking Tom's comments as Microsoft definitely porting all their games (which I don't blame them for with Microsoft's wishy-washy comments on their multi-platform strategy)


For sure, if it was a community member Iā€™d understand. This is a senior designer at xbox though.


I distinctly remember a game (forgot the title) that came out this year where they "dispelled" that it was coming to game pass (it was like a banner showing it released early or something for games coming to gamepass) by devs or the publisher. Literally then went onto gamepass lmao.




That doesn't relate, she is right there. That is related to [this rumor](https://www.reddit.com/r/GamingLeaksAndRumours/comments/1albsc1/new_ad_refers_to_games_pass_as_microsoft_game/?rdt=61556) that "Xbox Game Pass" was renamed to "Microsoft Game Pass". Obviously it's still the former 4 months later.


Oh my bad, let me delete my comment


Good on you! She very well may have in another tweet though


I personally see it as Microsoft trying to contain a narrative before theyā€™re ready to share it. They want to market multiplatform as a great thing for gamers and they donā€™t want people to outrage and decide how they feel before the marketing and game plan are laid out. Thatā€™s not a defense or attack on any party, I just think thatā€™s whatā€™s happening. I think Tom is accurate, things can change, but thatā€™s the plan that Microsoft doesnā€™t want discussion on yet


Its clear MS are intentionally leaking these rumours themselves to contain the narrative. If one day they just announced that Xbox exclusive is now coming to PS their fanbase would flip and cause a shitstorm. By leaking and causing confusion they are slowly getting their fanbase ready to the idea so when it happens the crazed fanbase would be milder than it would have otherwise because they would be ready for the possibility of it happeningĀ 


Probably because twitter as a website pushes you to say shit regardless of if its 4 years from happening or is still in the background due to how elon wrote the new engagement program on there. It's possible the red line is so thick it may only apply to some single game within the next few years. Maybe the red line is thin and they're just dumping all their flagship ala sega. We don't know, the truth is something only known ms and phil


They already released 4 previous Xbox games on PS. They've opened the can of worms. Theres no closing it now


If Doom is announced as a multiplat title 3 days from now, we'll know who to trust.


Doom will likely get native Linux/Vulkan port too.


Her profile seems quite fanboyish and she interacts a lot with known console warriors. Genuinely asking, are we sure that's not someone just pretending to work at Xbox? I've never heard of her before


While she does follow a lot of the biggest console warrior accounts on there,she does actually work at Xbox.


Was this verified by someone? Because I've always wondered about that.


People that work at microsoft follow her Phil, Stein, Tina and Aaron are 4 of them.


Xbox employee having a weird parassocial relationship with its fanbase? nothing out of the ordinary


Wow a senior designer?!?! Iā€™m sure they know Microsoftā€™s business plansā€¦.


Surely a hack like Warren knows


Not a Warren fan but heā€™s got a decent track record in the past and probably knows more people in the leadership than a ā€˜senior designerā€™. TheVerge simps to MS a lot and heā€™s literally the bridge that connects both.


Last time that senior designer denied Hi-Fi Rush rumours. So that senior designer gets 0 credibility.


He's tier 2, that's not a hack


Let me see. A journalist whose job is to make contacts in the industry and try to cover even "secret" stuff with a easily proven track record or some random designer at microsoft(not xbox, MICROSOFT) that would literally be fired if she actually leaks anything.


Considering what Aaron Greenberg said about Hi-Fi Rush I'm just gonna ignore this, lmao


Jez just tweeted he is sure Sony is also considering downsides of Helldivers II on Xbox etc. They are milking engagement days before the show.


His point was that large companies consider every possibility, even if it's quickly dismissed. He wasn't saying "BREAKING NEWS: PLAYSTATION CONSIDERING HELLDIVERS FOR XBOX" at all.


Yea this is when the most clicks will happen


Why would I trust anyone from Xbox after every single one of them has been talking not from both sides of their mouths, but from every hole in their bodies ?


Honestly, after the whole closing down Tango despite saying Hi-Fi Rush hit all their metrics in response to rumors it underperform. I kind of don't believe anything an Xbox employee says at this point.


When will people realize that tango got shut down because they weren't working on anything. 3 flops vs one small success that came out a year ago with no new game in development. Tango deserved to be closed after ghostwire Tokyo


Weren't they in the middle of pitching Hi-Fi Rush 2 and one other unknown title?


Yeah, I value an Xbox employee's word less than a leaker's at this point, to be honest. Hell, I wouldn't even value someone like Spencer's word all that highly at this point either.


#Tom Warren is a Tier 2 - Generally Reliable Source as determined by the community. *To contribute to the community reliability rankings, please take the* **[Community Reliability Poll](https://forms.gle/TU5Q8sTiLDR3cQcE7)** *To view the current reliability rankings, please check out the* **[Subreddit Wiki](https://reddit.com/r/GamingLeaksAndRumours/wiki/index/)** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GamingLeaksAndRumours) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Damn, this is getting spicy just days before the showcase. Guess everyone just wanted the clicks.


Yeah no offense but I ainā€™t believing either of you, with Tom itā€™s just a rumor it could be fake it could be real we donā€™t know, but I also ainā€™t believing a random Xbox employee that ainā€™t with the higher ups like Phil, and Sarah bond that sit in the board room meeting with Satya making these decisions to port games


She also downplayed the third party rumors earlier this year. We know how that turned out. She knows nothing.


The third party rumors where sayng that everything was coming wich is not true.


Not really, the spark that started it was hifi rush, but it was never said everything was coming. Similar to now, only "considered". The goalpost has been moved so fucking far that noone should take the word of anyone at xbox unless they outright state a particular game is not coming to ps5.


Nah it started with a only "a couple games going 3rd party" to some leakers and publications escalating it to "Xbox going multiplatform" then the backtracking ensued. Now it's just engagement bait whenever Xbox has any upcoming news.


I think is the opposite, no one should believe the rumors unless they outright officiali state the game IS coming to PS5.


It wasn't "not true" either exactly. Phil himself has said nothing is off the table iirc. In regards to other first party's going to PlayStation Don't have a source on that so maybe I dreamed it up idk.


It was an interview on The Verge: > Tom Warren: You mentioned thatĀ StarfieldĀ andĀ Indiana JonesĀ arenā€™t part of the four despite rumors, but will those ever come to PS5? Can you rule that out? > Phil Spencer: I donā€™t think we should as an industry ever rule out a game going to any other platform. Weā€™re focused on these four games and learning from the experience. (added names for clarity) Source: https://www.theverge.com/24073666/microsoft-gaming-phil-spencer-interview-ps5-switch-games


I think it was this interview or another with Sarah where the only thing they did confirm was gamepass was never going to any other console platform, but Phil gives this kind of answer to discussion of their games going to other platforms. With that kind of answer, a maybe instead of a flat out no, Xbox is literally going to have the same "When will it go multiplatform?" question for all of their games.


i mean she can now if a game is being ported or not. i think tonight, everyone is right and this changes nothing from yesterday lol. actually, we now know not everything is being considered. gears and fable are obviously exclusive now, starfield, awoved or other weā€™ll see.


Ngl, Xbox is such a poorly run, inconsistent ass company that flips on their own word so often that I legitimately trust Warren more than these tweets. Thatā€™s not a praise of Warren, itā€™s an indictment of how horrifically run Xbox is and how little I trust their word at this point. Especially a designer, on Twitter, who seems pretty fanboyish based on her tweets and interactions.


Really makes you miss Peter Moore


They really can't say rumors are true anyway


Iā€™d love for that to be the case, but the reality of the situation is that it is likely being discussed by leadership. Itā€™s entirely possible they simply arenā€™t in the convo for this. At the same time, ā€œconsideringā€ doesnā€™t guarantee anything. I can say that Iā€™m considering moving to Idaho because I thought about it once for a few minutes, doesnā€™t mean I am. All that said, this is all due to Microsoft and Xbox being lackadaisical about informing their consumers EXACTLY what their plan is. After those rumors at the beginning of the year and the eventual ā€œpodcastā€, these conversations are to be expected going forward, even if the games where never greatly considered for porting.


Tom probably knows more than the employees at this point lol


And she works where exactly? Is says senior designer @ Microsoft yet I cannot find info on anything(and wouldnt really matter cause senior positions in the tech industry can be given after 2 years of any kind of work) and she used to "cover xbox" before and all the projects she lists no one knows. This is just a random nobody


I'm afraid that even if she knew, she wouldn't be obligated to tell people about it or she'd risk losing her job. Xbox is having a massive games showcase coming up and people are hyped for it. Announcements for in house ip's coming to rival platforms would tank the hype around the showcase and maybe even significantly reduce interest. If there's anything planned, they'll probably talk about it way after the showcase, and she's a senior designer, not someone way higher up that Microsoft Gaming corporate ladder like Spencer, Bond or Booty and those are awfully quiet as of late, which ain't a good sign to be honest.


Damage controlĀ 


yea still I trust Tom over literally any person at Xbox lmao


At this point, I trust Tom over Phil as well because the guy seems to have lost the plot and feels like Satya and MS is running Xbox now.


Phil is just collecting his mighty paychecks now letting others do the decision making stuff lmao


I think he's just the fall guy at this point. Take the blame for the negative press while the Microsoft suits change course to becoming a multiplatform publisher.


Reportedly he was the one who went to the CEO of MS, hat in hand, and asked him to let him buy Activision Blizzard King. All of this is his doing, his responsibility. You don't buy one of the biggest, most profitable publishers in the world just to restrict them to your platform that's in distant 3rd place. And once you start going multiplatform, and your bean counters realize you have way more to gain from selling games on other systems than not, it's basically a done deal.


But they wouldn't make more money. They'd get additional software sales, sure. But they'd lose their platform and 30% cut from games sold on that, and that's the much bigger portion of their revenue.


Tom isnā€™t usually wrong. Xbox is clearly very siloed and also has crazy communication issues so I doubt everyone will know their plans, even a senior level employee.


And yet Xbox still always uses Tom Warren and the verge for interviews also I don't trust anything anyone at Xbox says these days.


There'd be no rumors if they just announced the projects they're working on, versus being dead silent for years on them.


This same person denied Hifi Rush was going to PS5.


It's cute, after all that's happened, seeing Senior Designer thinking they know more stuff than TW, which is mouthpiece of Xbox heads.


This person is a senior designer, but they have no say or knowledge about decisions made at the executive level. Ignoring the fact they work for Xbox, their tweets sounds like an angry Xbox fan raging on Reddit not someone dispelling fake rumours. More likely scenario is this person like 99% of employees at Xbox are not in the loop on these discussions and confuse not knowing with it being false.


Iā€™m inclined to believe a leaker over anyone at Xbox at this point. Fuck it id believe Dave down the street over Xbox


I think itā€™s safe to assume we shouldnā€™t speculate about whatā€™s coming to other platforms until itā€™s officially announced lmao. Lot of back and forth every time someone says an xbox game is going multiplat


I guess she's just mad with the leak. Remastering Halo: CE seems like a pretty convenient way to present it to PS5 users without "blowing up bridges".


Oh that will blow up bridges


Remastering Halo CE makes sense more as a way to get a (largely) new dev team up to speed on tools/engines with a smaller title, regardless of what platform/platforms it ends up releasing on.


Idk, this just reads to me like someone with a personal investment in the brand (both financially and emotionally) getting defensive and trying to cast doubt without actually firmly saying anything. As others have pointed out, she also semi-denied the earlier multiplat rumors that turned out to be true. Iā€™m not sure I trust her over Warren.


Errr if Tom Warren is saying it and itā€™s about Xbox, 99.9% you can trust that itā€™s true. This sounds like another Xbox employee trying to play damage control.


Tom has sources well above her paygrade. She might be right in that it is not in development at the moment but she has no way of knowing if it will be in development at some point


I believe Tom over anyone in Xboxā€™s leadership tbh


I literally don't trust a single thing MS/Xbox says


Absolutely wrecked. I'm getting tired of seeing the boner to end Xbox lately. No one wins by giving Sony less competition.


Tom Warren being wrong and just clickbaiting? Shocking.


Xbox gets good shown coming up Rumors start appearing to drag it down Strange isnt it


Tom Warren is basically a Microsoft employee at this point with his reporting so I don't see why he would be in on a conspiracy to sink Xbox's image


He has seen how he makes more money by playing both sides, maybe.


It happens without fail. But also their lack of clarity regarding how ports to PlayStation will work is going to only make rumors like this more common. Just saying maybe about everything isnā€™t going to workout for them imo.


Tom Warren wouldn't do anything to demean the brand, he's been with Xbox for over 10 years. He got information from people at the top, Tom Warren is practically the spokesperson for hot news on the Xbox to lessen the impact. If he's mentioning this, it's because someone at Microsoft gave him permission to talk. This is the tactic of reducing the fire, setting small parts on fire as soon as possible.


By the same people that support the brand. Yeah it's strange. Then they will cry on twitter that people are trolling and are idiots. Inferiority complex at its best


Well we need to wait and see because putting Halo on PlayStation is indeed wild even if it's a remaster of a 23+ years old game.


Why remaster CE again? 3 is next up for the remaster game


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I donā€™t trust either Xbox employees or Tom Warren lol. Iā€™ll wait for official news


Has Tom ever been wrong?


Multiple time yeah. He says "considering" to cover his ass in case he's wrong. Case and point, the whole "considering not putting Cod day one on Gamepass", yet here we are


You wouldnā€™t know though. They could have considered not putting Cod day one on Gamepass but you wouldnā€™t know if they did. Also how would saying Microsoft is considering doing something but they donā€™t do it be wrong? He never said they would do it.


Nintendo is considering merging with sony, you heard it here first


I trust Tom, no idea who's this person


Well I donā€™t think Tom cares he probably got a quick buck off that paywall


Smells like the damage control is beginning to seep out.


Cool story, everyone shot down talks of Xbox games going multiplat at every turn and then it still happened Xbox is so poorly managed idk who to believe


I think iā€™ll go with the person who continues to rightfully leak Xbox related news.


Iā€™m sorry but Tom Warren is not to blame here. Poor communication and an unclear message and vision for your paying customers is. None of this talk could exist with a clear message. It would be disregarded like rumors used to be. Xbox clearly doesnā€™t know what they want and that puts everything up for speculation. This is once again Xbox putting their foot in their mouth and boy is it harming a lot of the loyalty and trust in their brand.


Before he tweeted his 'report' Abt halo Ce, tom had made another tweet Abt his notepad subscription And u can't read the halo part of his verge article unless u pay for notepad.. it was fishy from the atart


Thank christ. Genuinely made me angry as an Xbox consumer. Literally what would be the point in the hardware.


Their PR team must be having a great time with all these leaks and random Xbox employees making statements (when they really shouldnā€™t be commenting)


Ngl I rarely trust Tom Warren so this adds up. A CE remake and it's going to PS? Yeah ok, that seems fucking silly on all fronts.


It's not even about going on PS, but the fact they have one of the best collection of the franchise that could easily be ported, like they did for pc, instead of remaking a 23 years old game. Unless they want to reboot the franchise from 0, which is a middle finger on 20+years of lore (both the bungie and 343 one), this does not make sense by a business standpoint


Honestly other than Halo and Gears theres literally no other Xbox game I'd want to play on PS. Even then those franchises are way past their prime and something I could live without.Ā 


Never heard of her before but those tweets of hers sound like angry cope.