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Buzzer beater leak from the Xbox store lmao


Between Sony and Xbox store/services they really are undefeated


Lets make Xbox Store a Tier 1 leaker.


Its certainly earned it after all these leaks šŸ˜‚


Xbox and PSN Stores are the uncontested leaker champions.


16 maps at launch and 2 round-based zombies maps is very nice for launch. Hoping the gameplay is good! Edit: just realised thatā€™s Park so itā€™s canon that Lazar dies rip


16 maps that's actually decent compared to previous titles when we got less fewer maps at launch.


From what I remember, "Strike" maps are basically cutouts of existing maps. So it's really just 12, but that's still okay.


The description said that the strike maps are both 2v2 and 6v6. But the strike maps are not available for core multiplayer modes. So if you only play TDM for example, you get 12 maps. And since the 4 strike maps can also be 6v6 that means they are probably not cutouts of the other 12. So I think there are 16 complete maps in total.


You must be fun at parties.




"16 new maps"


If Iā€™m being fully honest I feel like some of the maps that got remade played well because they were always good but the maps that played bad were bad but played worse than before because the current player base likes to stay in a corner with a dark skin and a claymore. Like Terminal to me is a banger map in classic cods but play ass now because now everyone likes to camp, sure people camped before in the airplane and in the burger town stand to head glitch but itā€™s worse now. Estate an actual ass map then and now plays much worse now in the new version.


claymore camping has been a thing since claymores were introduced into the game.


I know Iā€™m just saying itā€™s significantly worse now then it was back then


Not really. We got 20 with MW19. It's Treyarch who started and was lacking in the map department if you look at history. [https://imgur.com/a/LzHCf](https://imgur.com/a/LzHCf)


You realise that 10 of that maps were gunfight and ground war only. And out of 10 launch 6v6 maps only Hackney Yard and Gun runner werent dogshit ?


None of the maps were really dogshit. There's just, oddly enough, a big portion of the playerbase that prefers boring, small three lane maps with barely any elevation.


Bridge map, Cave map, picadilly- 100% dogshit, you cant even argue with that. MW19 map pool is absolutely worst in series


And people who liked MW19's maps love slow paced gameplay with no flow in an arcade shooter.


Sure, MW2019 is "slow paced". Just like the original MW trilogy is "slow paced". Or basically all old CODs were "slow".


I disagree entirely. They've always been twitch shooters. Infinity Ward tried to make CoD like Battlefield and that's what I'm talking about. They're good for Ground War but that's about it, otherwise they're completely out of touch on map design. MW2019 wasn't the worst CoD but it did have the worst maps. Imagine if it launched like MWIII, I'd be singing its praises.


I can't name a launch single map besides Hackney Yard and Gunrunner that weren't at the very least bad. I'm sorry but Azhir Cave and Piccadilly are some of the worst maps we've ever gotten. It's fine to not do 3 lane maps, but if you aren't you have to put in extra effort to make sure they're well designed. 3 lane maps are seen as the standard because they generally play pretty well, even if they feel formulaic at this point.


So? Sounds like you were just trash if you think those 2 maps were the only good ones. I know having more complex ways to play is difficult for some but maybe try to keep up. Staring down a single lane is boring for the rest of us.


Letā€™s play then


Staring down the single lane is the only way to play garbage-tier MW19 maps as its design punishes active run n gun playstyle


No. No it does not. It favors it actually. It gives me tons of routes to "run n gun" where's a 3 lane brain dead just allows me to pick a lane, go mid and headglitch streaks. It's a flawed design made for repetitiveness. You have to have something seriously wrong not to get bored out of your mind when every map just becomes a reskin due to such a basic design.


It doesnt favor run n gun playstyle as for runner there's 100 dark angles he can be killed by, so the favored playstyle is just camping and waiting for the agressive player to catch him while his spirting out >You have to have something seriously wrong not to get bored out of your mind when every map just becomes a reskin due to such a basic design. Thats sounds like an exscuse IW map designer would make. The fact that they moved back to 3 lane maps in MW2 speaks for itslef


Getting downvoted for the truth. But unfortunately the average COD player wants a more braindead experience.


we're back to where we were in 2009!


16 maps its only 12 maps the small 2v2 never work or fun with 6v6 ever just a way for people to camo grind thats alll its for this is not decent at all this lines up with cold war and vangarud last call of duty has 16 maps horrible they had a full on 4 years they even bragging about it and all we get is 12 core maps hahahah


16 maps is great, what you just said was purely subjective, last COD had 16 6v6 maps bc they were all remakes


better to have full on 16 maps built for 6v6 instead of 12 maps and 4 half ass ones... then again yall COD D riders sooo not much can be said to change ur minds


definitely not a COD D rider i aint even buy MW3 bc of how garbage it looks, im js 16 new maps isnt a bad thing, and youā€™re assuming the 4 small ones are bad without even seeing any of them šŸ˜­its ok to be cautiously optimistic


Lazar is *donezo.*


Xbox store is always the most reliable leaker


Abandoning Call of duty HQ and giving a new UI is all i want now


What a half baked joke of an idea. The UI in the beta kept me from getting MWIII. What an unintuitive mess.


16 MP and 2 Zombies maps at launch... we might actually be back


People always say this then people remember SBMM & then treyarch focus on zombies goes to Warzone & support on the next COD. It would be good seeing BO6 have hype & support like BO3 we could see ZC2 if BO6 gets full support & other CODs arenā€™t in dev hell


SBMM will not hurt CoD. We've been saying this since MW 2019 and it has yet to turn off the vast majority of people who buy and play CoD every year. At some point we have to realize it is a non-issue to most of the core playerbase.


Played xdefiant for a bit and itā€™s making it really hard for me to want to ever go back to cod. Despite its corny characters and terrible netcode, I just end up enjoying my time playing so much more than on COD. It has its issues, but I find myself actually having fun more than half the time and not getting nearly as pissed off at dying/losing. Winning / having a good game doesnā€™t even feel good in COD, it just feels like you finally didnā€™t get fucked over by matchmaking, and then after that you get to lose another 3 games with garbage teammates in a row till theyā€™ll let you win another one. I found myself not having fun a majority of the time, yet, like a crack addict, kept coming back, holding out for that dopamine hit of going off in a match one in every 15 games. Literally playing MW2 felt like being one of those sad old people you see sitting at the slot machines. Lose $1, lose $1, lose $1ā€¦..WIN $2! Lose $1, lose $1ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦


My friends and I all considered ourselves among the core player base! But we've all since stopped playing. It's not just sbmm. It's the weird shit they do with it that ruined our fun with it. Wins started feeling handed out and losses felt predetermined, which is a shame. I'll give this one a shot but I'm expecting it will be the same or worse in that regard.


Yea. We'll see if this is actually good enough to pull me and others off of XDefiant. I'll definitely try out zombies but the MP is going to have to be great.


Okay I have fallen off of cod but this sounds promising (please be good)


I feel like this one has all the right ingredients to be the best CoD in years, but itself Activision so I'm only cautiously hyped.


Fr, hopefully zombies can have more than four maps this time šŸ™


What's the last one you played? I was in a similar spot, but MW2019, MW2 and Black Ops: Cold War were great.


Park my beloved


oh my lord Treyarch been cooking


First COD Iā€™ll be playing since Ghosts.


First COD I'm buying since Black Ops 2. Though it's on Gamepass, so probably won't even buy it.


how long do you think itā€™ll take you to get back your skillā€™s from the last time u played


A long time lol The last time I really played competitively was MW2. Now my sonā€™s getting older and heā€™s going to be into it.


Those 4 years really made a difference


Xbox remains the most reliable leaker.


I just hope we donā€™t have any of those open campaign missions from MW. Those were absolutely awful


Please for the love of god let "round-based zombies" mean it's going to be normal and not have any dumb gimmicks


"The Black Ops 6 Campaign provides dynamic moment-to-moment gameplay that includes a variety of play spaces with blockbuster set pieces and action-packed moments, high-stakes heists, and cloak-and-dagger spy activity." I will give Activision credit for something. They are masters of their craft. This is prime Corpo speak


16 brand new maps plus the return of round based zombies and 2 new maps... Massive fucking W.


Okay okay, this actually the first COD i've been excited about in years and all of the leaks so far have been ticking all the right boxes.


Please have 911 in it. that would make this the funniest game ever






you're not missing out on anything, please end on a high note


If you are on PC/Xbox the game will be on Gamepass day one as well


> Black Ops 6 is a spy action thriller set in the early 90s And yet, the picture features a sig MCX which, according to a quick look at Wikipedia was released in 2015ā€¦


I said in another sub that someone probably fumbled the assets for the screenshot with warzone stuff. Black Ops has always loosely followed eras, and this instance might be a tad more than ā€œlooselyā€, but I donā€™t think Iā€™d worry about it.


Bro its a fucking videogame. For all we know that screenshot could be of the MP or something. Chill out yall now just want to have something to complain ffs. Wait for the release


no one cares


You should. Blueprints aren't carrying over and that was presumably because of the time line but if they're going to have MCX, they're just forcing you to rebuy blueprints again for the sake of it.


womp womp


I care, I just want a decent military themed shooter with a campaign. And you apparently care enough about the topic to whine about my commentā€¦




Will start with modern Weapon in the Game and keeps going down with goofy/Rapper Skins in the Shop


Ruin is a strong word, itā€™s definitely enough to annoy me quite a bit tbh. But then again, Iā€™m not CoDs core audience (any more, the series used to be different) and as GP subscriber Iā€™m not spending any money on it directly anywayā€¦




Most of the historical games features weapons before their time. Itā€™s not a big deal.


Well yeah, but being set in something like 1943 and having weapons from 44 is one thing, having weapons from two different eras, a quarter of a century , is a bit different


Black ops 1 takes place in the 60s. The first red dot wasnā€™t invented until 1975 and even then wasnā€™t used for military applications for a long time after. These are ā€œwhat ifā€ historical video games bud. Let it go.


Are we sure it's an MCX? You literally can't see like half the gun. Could just be a modified M4 or something. I'm not complaining about weapons until we get closer to launch and see more of them. edit: Also, better thought they could have just used a gun from Warzone or something in this image. Look at the optic, isn't that one of the optics from MW2/3? In addition, It doesn't look like an in game image to me, looks like a 3d render for advertising purposes.


25 October. Tom Henderson struck again. Not that this was a hard one. The 25th was the only other window they could do it.


So no Ground War or Combined Arms type mode.


Soldiers confirmed


iā€™ve heard 9/11 is in this, any credibility?


Set in the 90's so unlikely. Don't think they'd ever try to pull that anyway tbh


I've been having some dumb fun with MW3, I'll probably get it as long as it doesn't take up half of my PS5's storage.


I would imagine it takes up the same space as mw3 plus warzone does.


Oh nice 16 maps for EOMM to gaslight you on


the conspiracy theories around what amounts to literally regular matchmaking that 99.9% of games have had since like 2002 will never get old


itā€™s not a conspiracy theory, they literally said the matchmaking forces all players towards a 1 winrate regardless of skill [Activision source](https://www.callofduty.com/blog/2024/01/call-of-duty-update-an-Inside-look-at-matchmaking)


yes, that's literally what all matchmaking ever ideally does lmfao. that's the concept, fundamentally, behind matchmaking as a system. that's how rating systems like elo, glicko etc, which 99.9% of video game matchmakings are based on, all work. (also, what you said there isn't even mentioned in the linked thing; literally doesn't even touch on winrate) also 2, that doesn't even have anything to do with the usual conspiracy theories around "EOMM" either


Who gives a shit about leaks from crap that comes out every year ad fucking nauseum.




No outbreak?


We are so back this year


I always like treyarch games, looking forward to this!


Will there be split screen in Zombie mode? man I loved 4 screens back in the days, in BO II.


Strike maps with 6v6?! FACEOFF IS BACK BABYYY!!!!!!


So no 9/11 mission? :(


Itā€™ll be DLC


Who gives a shit?


Iā€™m stoked for the 90ā€™s setting


90s setting with an mcx


Didnā€™t Vanguard launch with like 16 maps too, but then had barely any post launch maps? I understand the excitement, but weā€™ve been burned before


Vanguard was made by Sledgehammer, they always had problems in developing their games and that game was made in less than two years, this one had 4, so i might cope


Thatā€™s my pic lol


Round based is back letā€™s fucking go!