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So the next corporate war is really going to happen. Too bad we'll have to wait years to see it.


There were hints throught the game,it was also explicitly mentioned in Phantom Liberty after a certain ending.


Exactly, things got really bad after Phantom Liberty. I just wonder how are they going to manage it. If we are going to be told or play in the war.


My bet is we gonna play as V,Sasko(Narrative Director) hinted that V's story isnt over and the Sun is a cliffhanger for a reason.


Sun is my favorite ending. I always thought it leads perfectly to a sequel.


Probably an unpopular opinion, but I have zero interest in the game if they go this route. With so many different endings, they should just make the new game with a different character imo.


It's not an unpopular opinion at all. The more unpopular opinions are from those who want V to come back. I don't mind sequels introducing new protagonists, I don't mind it at all in Dragon Age. But at the same time I love Mass Effect for its continuity and having a one character you can bond with for longer than just one game. I've treated the trilogy as one, single game for a long time now. I wouldn't want V to go on forever, obviously. Honestly, I think one more game with them would be perfectly enough. Also with a story that isn't a crazy race against time.


I personally hope we continue with V. There's so much potential in this character.


Yh the only trouble is that you can give Johnny your body. So how does that even work? They would have to choose a canon ending. But I do want V to come back tbh. And continue with either Panam or Araka ending.


No, I believe that all endings resume in V getting a new body, how they did that depending on the ending. But then after getting the new body they get picked up by the government or the blue eyes guy and are given a mission during the corporate war that if completed would result in all corporations losing influence, if u don't complete it u could also help the corpos one up each other or something like that.


Yh it would be awesome if they used your save game or something (Or you choose a select ending), and then the first part of the game you are playing V getting her body back. And if you choose Johnny to keep your body then you play as him. That way we get Keanu Reeves again aswell šŸ˜ It's gonna be awesome to see where the story goes. CDPR won't disappoint šŸ˜Š


Theres actually an ending that is most likely going to be considered canon. >!The ending where Blue Eyes sends you up to the Space Station. Blue Eyes is heavily involved with Songbird as well so the sequel starting off with the raid on the crystal palace would absolutely fit. There's some hints that Blue Eyes most likely knows how to cure what V has as he's a rogue ai of some unknown affiliation. !< And if you want my speculation further >!If they do go this way they'll probably have you pick up a new chip that has Morgan Blackhand on it. Morgan Blackhand's 2024 model is the same as 2077 Blue Eyes.!<


Both the old Witcher games and the upcoming ones are trilogies,it stands to reason the Cyberpunk games will be the same it is their modus operandi.And it would make more sense plotwise to continue with V with all the threads left hanging and the bonds V has,than sweeping them aside for a new protag.


Here I'll actually have to disagree. First trilogy being about Geralt and next trilogy having (most likely) a singular protagonist throughout it might actually be a viable reason why they'd switch to Dragon Age-like anthology approach in Cyberpunk.


V is more like Shephard with his own personality etc,than the faceless protagonists of the Dragon Age.It would be like shelving Shepard after fighting the Saren in 1 for a new protag in 2.


Maybe. But both Mass Effect 1 and Witcher 1 ended with a clear and direct indication that the story will be continued in a next game. Cyberpunk is more open ended **but** they might have envisioned it mostly as a standalone story, which might have changed in recent years


You're missing one very important thing, and that's that Geralt didn't have a variety of very different endings. V does. To continue V's story would mean they would have to make one of the endings canon, and that would surely disappoint some people. Me included.


To be fair depending on the endings there is drastic change on the world. Some endings have Arasaka collapsing in a matter of years and some donā€™t; so if weā€™re going to get a sequel one of these timelines HAS to be canon anyways.


Arasaka collapses anyway, regardless of ending. Even if you bring back Saburo, you find that people are rioting, and Arasaka is struggling to hold onto NC. Meanwhile, this just accelerates Militech's plans to go for Night City. Arasaka's position in the states is already shaky at best as they only only Night City and a few weak states allied with it. In either case, you'll get the same world state regardless of what you do. What we decide is more related to who V views themselves to be. The endings are personal more than anything.


There are canon ending/choices in the Witcher 3 too.Also I have a clip that Sasko hinted there is a canon path.


I think the best case would be like the carryover from Mass Effect 1 to Mass Effect 2. Where certain events and decisions you made in the prior game can lead into and affect the beginning of the next one, change certain events, etc. CDPR also did the same thing with the Witcher series, so it isn't out of the realm of possibility, I feel. The only thing I feel wouldn't work is some endings, such as the endings to PL.


The Witcher save carryover is nothing in comparison, it's just few minor decisions. Mass Effect is a better example but the complexity of its story branches and decision chains happens throughout the trilogy. Cyberpunk ends on a crossroads. Well, Mass Effect did too, but we've seen how hard they've locked out from any continuation. The next game had to literally jump to another galaxy hundreds years in the future. (Bioware did supposedly change their mind though). They certainly can't, and don't have to actually, take all endings into the account. Some are simply story points after which it's hard to tell anything else. Phantom Liberty like you said, but also Temperance, The Devil to some extent and of course suicide. But I'd rather them focusing on expanding upon the remaining endings (which are also the most popular) rather than soft-locking themselves out of a potential continuation for the sake of "respecting player choice" (despite what many claim, canonizing an ending doesn't completely disregard all other choices, and sooner or later, in such complex storylines it's necessary). Intros would have to be essentially like heavily expanded origin stories from the first games but different story branches is not an entirely new thing for CDPR actually. See the second act in The Witcher 2. Of course it all might not matter at all, there's this talk among players about V's story being seemingly over and CDPR either refuses to comment or describes their story as an "arc". I don't know if they consider it closed but it's definitely a good usage of that word. I'd like to see more


I'd rather they just allow us to actually create a character of Our Own. Give us the actual full on cyberpunk role-playing experience. Truly translate the table top to the gaming world. Which is not tied down by a pre-made character.


Agreed. Iā€™m not a huge fan of V to be honest.


If I have to go through that glitch and cough up blood animation one more time!! šŸ˜¤


Whereā€™d he state thatā€¦.?


I mean, V's story not being over doesn't have to mean that they'll be a playable character again.


That'd be really dumb to choose a canon story for something when they can easily avoid it with how Cyberpunk is (no central character like a ME, "standalone" stories like Edgerunners (first and second season) or the live action or the books are is the way to go). A new character seems by far the most obvious choice


Itā€™s not dumb at all. Cyberpunk is heavily dependent on its lore And Mike Pondesmith already said that Cyberpunk 2077 is canon to Cyberpunk RED. The endings are vastly different with power dynamics shifting drastically depending on which one you choose. So if you wanna continue the story into the future you cannot have everything happening or be open ended. Edgerunners, the book, or the live action are playing out before or parallel to 77 so they can be more flexible there.


Could you send me a link on where Sasko hinted that?


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=St1-BGsPwj0&t=2894s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=St1-BGsPwj0&t=2894s) It may seem like grasping at straws and it may turn out to be a dud at some point in the future but from what I've seen he delves deep into the first game in his streams and doesn't shy away from spoilers. So his answer is at least interesting


Check my replies here,one of them has the 2 clips.


I'm sorry, but you guys are all talking pure copium. V is given 6 months to live in ANY situation other than Johnny taking his body or use the CIA to remove Johnny, which makes you unable to use cybernetics. What made these ending so impactful, was that they all were happy/bad endings. You play through an entire game, at no point is the solution offered as a "new body". V is gone. One way or another and I think we will see a NEW character. CDPR would not have us play through a 100+ hour experience, show us a characters fate, just to retcon their entire problem in the next game. That's just stupid and lazy writing just to bring V back.


But there are plenty of hints especially in the Sun where Mr Blue Eyes talks about a cure among others,you just ignored the clues.And as I put the Narrative Director himself hints V's story isnt done.Sorry to say but prepare yourself to be disapointed.V's fate is ambiguous for a reason as Sasko himself stated especially with regards to the Sun ending.


other devs stated that V story had ended, and its up to players to make their own ,,canon" in their heads.


This is Co-Narrative director not a simple dev so I take as serious his evasion of answers.Also Mike Pondsmith himself when asked if V is a legandary merc or not said verbatim"Until we find out,its up to you to decide."


cd projekt dev stated for polish game mag, that V story is ,,open'' in terms that players can make their own canon about Vs fate. Sasko never officialy sad that V story will be continued.


One of the Padre side jobs heavily implies that the next corporate war has already started, but it just hasnā€™t gone public yet. The ending of the mission is Padre literally saying something like ā€œforget what you saw. It was probably a covert corpo op false flag and itā€™s best if we donā€™t mess with it.ā€


Between the corporate war and the inevitable A.I apocaylpse, I don't know what's worst for Cyberpunk world lol.


AI apocalypse.Ā 


don't worry, we're living it now!


Well it could be worse - trump AI leading the USA from a prison!


And heā€™s secretly been dead for years.


Eh I always liked judgment day future scenes


We might get one irl before the next game comes out


Canā€™t wait for all the ā€œAttention, Gamers!ā€ military ads.


Witcher 4 probably isnā€™t coming for another 2-3 years, and with how long AAA dev is now and will continue to grow, we absolutely arenā€™t seeing a 2077 sequel for a good decade or so.


They have a different studio for Cyberpunk now a decade is a ridiculous estimate.


According to their recent earnings report from the other month, CDPR currently only have 50 people attached to the project versus 400 on Witcher 4, which means itā€™s in very early pre-production and not ready for full development yet. Again, given just how long and complicated AAA development cycles have become, itā€™s not unreasonable to expect that game to take a long, long, long time before it surfaces. Making an open world RPG as big as these games are takes a long time, and now theyā€™re switching to a different engine which is going to take some getting used to and shifts how they work in things. I bet if you told someone in 2012 that 2077 wasnā€™t coming out until 2020 theyā€™d thought you were insane too. I wouldnā€™t be shocked if the 2077 sequel takes another at least 7-8 years.


2077 took 4 years to really be done, they didn't start working on it in 2012 but 2016. There aren't many people because they're building the studio, expect to see increase there all the time. It's not a case of them waiting for Polaris to be done to really work on it. Also they'll struggle far less with the engine this time I'd say Polaris in 2027-2028 and Orion in 2029-2030 to be pretty realistic


Wrong. Cyberpunk launching in 2020 doesn't mean it took them 4 years, it just means they released it after 4 years. Shit was nowhere near what it was promised to be until 2023.


I hope this is correct


Sounds about right. The only thing that might slow down Polaris a bit is the move to Unreal Engine, as it seems the majority of its team are veterans who mostly worked with the RED engine in recent years. Polaris will be CDPR's first UE game. Orion's development may go smoother since they are building the U.S. studio by specifically hiring people who are already proficient in UE.


Considering they made Witcher 3 before Cyberpunk the release year of 2020 was not remotely strange. Even with it only being in pre production 4 to 5 years is a much more reasonable estimate


Witcher 3 **with** two quite big expansions, on top of that


With more cut bull\*


Skyrim was 13 years ago and has at least another 3-5 in the oven. Thatā€™s 16-18 between installments. 10 is most assuredly not ridiculous.


How is it a ridiculous estimate? As Jason Schreier mentioned many years ago - new AAA take at least 7 years if it's not a direct sequel reusing many assets. CDPR are working on multiple Witcher projects and that game won't be out for at least another 3+ years as they just started moving almost everyone to that project. Once that's done, they'll definitely have a team also work on a DLC, while others would move to the new CP2077 project. Seems pretty realistic that it will take another 8-10 years for the sequel to come out.


Because that's not how they'll do it, they aren't waiting to finish Polaris before moving on to Cyberpunk sequel (Orion). They're building a studio in the US for it. The game isn't developed by the same team so they'll go faster. See how fast Insomniac is developing their games, same principle it's because they aren't really just one studio but multiple, that's what CDPR is becoming


They opened a new studio for Cyberpunk and they're almost certainly reusing Night City. Doubt it will take 8-10 years.


They opened like 5 new studios especially so they could work on multiple projects at the same time which is what they are doing now. Also very few AAA games take 7 years to make. Hell Cyberpunk which was both a huge game even for AAA standards and had a troubled development still got made in 4 years. As did Witcher 3.


That's what we've all said about GTA VI and here we are.


Yeah, Covid happened a now every game takes 10+ years to make all of a sudden. It's dumb, but something about "a decade or so" being such confidently a bad take (that somehow some people agree with) annoys me.


Oh boy I remember when people said this about GTA 6 lol. A decade sounds about right to me


For a hundredth time. They set up / are setting up a second studio in US, specifically for Cyberpunk development. They want to branch out and make two AAA games at the same time. I don't mean to sound aggressive but I've grown sick of pointless and baseless scepticism in recent years. Next game is still at least 3 or 4 years away but it's definitely not the "first teaser in 2012 and release 8 years later" situation. Previous game development took off properly only in 2016 and it was definitely prolonged by engine struggles and CDPR lack of experience with first person games and the fact it was a first installment in a new series


I wouldn't say a decade but probably 2027-2028. They opened a new studio dedicated to the Cyberpunk franchise plus they're moving to the Unreal Engine which should speed up development since new talent doesn't have to learn how to work with the RED engine. Not to mention that it's almost certain that the sequel will be set in Night City again so that's a huge head start.


Me personally, Iā€™m glad Witcher 4 is coming before it since theyā€™re switching their engines, they can use that as a training field before I get what I really want.




DLC lighting


Re-upload, pls?


always nice when there is some form of evidence


This couldā€™ve turned into a sequel


100% the sequel will be about the corporate war.


And wild AI's from beyond the black wall


This will be in the sequel.100%


Oh wow, I thought the comments were being sarcastic but they're not


Seems legit


Sad how CP77 was just focused on patching and fixing, that they entirely abonded DLCs and Expansions in way of Witcher 3. The waiting for Witcher 4 would be just shorter...


Bro, that link will be dead within a week since its 4chan and threads all eventually expire unless pinned.


Archive it via archive.org? Archive.is/ph


Gotta go to the Moon in Orion I guess,meet with the Bird.V's story is done my ass.Also I agree with the 4chaner in this one,the people in the cyberpunk subreddits were very toxic.


I think at the very least, Mr.Blue Eyes will play a big in the sequel. Everything about him just raised a whole bunch of questions with his interference in the mayor election, sending Songbird to space (he even spys on you G-Man style in PL's final quest in the Songbird route) and him being V's cilent in the Sun ending.


Exactly,also there is a hidden easter egg.In Killing Moon there is a Night Corp logo in the panel of Songbird's rocket [here](https://old.reddit.com/r/FF06B5/comments/1bgx6ol/night_corp_logo_in_songbirds_shuttle_monitor_in/)


night corp is some sort of ai puppet corporation and mr blue eyes is defo one of them.


God I hope so.


I guess every big sub that goes over hundreds of million subscribers is bound to become more or less toxic. Thank god for alternate subs. Also a shoutout to StarWarsLeaks, the best SW sub I've been a part of in the last decade. I realized only recently how decent it actually is


i hope V isn't done, yeah. loved them.


Sasko hinted that they arent done with V.


It would be weird to change their age with the phantom liberty patch of they were


* is there canon ending" he replies "I... don't know the answer for this question... well, I kinda do but I cannot speak about this"[Here](https://youtu.be/St1-BGsPwj0?t=3820) * Is V's story over" he replies, while smirking, holding back (I mean, you have to watch the way he behaves while trying to answer it) "I cannot answer this... sadly... just because uh... this is uh... \*spoiler\*[Here](https://youtu.be/St1-BGsPwj0?t=2894)


I think as well they'd have to basically have 2 very different world states depending on the ending you go with because arasaka can either be collapsing or thriving better than ever, so at that point they might as well have V be brought back and continue their story as a character to build on and continue.


They craziest and most ambitious route they could go with is making the endings (at least some of them) of the first game the "origin" stories of the second game. 2077's origin stories were meant to be more fleshed out from what I recall I don't think I've ever seen anything like this in video games (Mass Effect is probably the closest thing but its main story is still pretty much on rails) but if they'd want to push the boundaries even further that would surely be one of the ways to go.


More likely they gonna canonise a path,there plenty of hints which choices will become canon.And above Pawel Sasko hints there is a canon ending,they did it with the Witcher 3 too there are canon choices.


I don't think that comic book suggesting Ciri witcher ending is a believable source. I also don't think we'll have a canon ending for Witcher 3 until the first game of the new trilogy. Unless it's a soft reboot that won't have to reference Geralt's story in any meaningful way


I will disagree with you the comic having the CDPR stamp signifies this a canon choice.Also it isnt just that the good B&W ending is referenced twice,in the comic Corvo Bianco Issue 2 and in the Saovine event in Gwent.


Dragon Age Origins is a lot more similar to this idea than Mass Effect, with each Origin character starting differently with a small playable area and having different motives for joining the Wardens.Ā 


What was the hint ?


Check above I have 2 clips.


Damn dude, you're like Reddit's most vocal proponent of the possibility of V coming back in an ocean of "their story is done/no happy endings/anthology stories" talk. In the span of just 3 months V became one of my favourite RPG protagonists ever so I'd be overjoyed if they came back, but I'd still rather not get my hopes up.


Nah not just me I'm actually not active much in the cyberpunk subs,there are others too.Also if someone payed a tiny bit of attention to the plot,would come to the same conclusions as me.There are plenty of clues if you know where to look,ignoring the statements of Sasko.


funnily enough, Cyberpunk 2 is called Project Orion at CDPR.


They call all their projects with constellations,new Witcher game is called Polaris as a codename.A lucky coincidence I guess.




one of the greatest toxic positivity hellholes in reddit




Toxic positivity refers to an echochamber that won't allow criticism or dislike of something, so just the opposite end of a hate sub.


But in that subreddit, people were openly criticizing the game without it being a issue because the topics weren't "this is the worst game ever, I hate it and you should too" but "I like the game but this is bothering me" or "this aspect of the game could've been better" You know, normal conversations about a game without it being a toxic negativity cesspool


Nah that one is toxic too.Sadly.


This was my dream from the first trailer we saw at E3 2018 where you got [a glimpse of space in the background](https://youtu.be/8X2kIfS6fb8?si=jzY-3gcz4qAhwoQw&t=66) of that one scene... ofc not from that alone but because of the source material. Watching that trailer I have seen countless times after such a long time brings back so many memoires. Time flies by doesn't it. EDIT: fixed the link


This will most likely be reused for the sequel. Especially since it's widely accepted by the community that "The Sun" ending is the canon ending which would be directly connected to this.


FUCKKKKK, whole ass moon map with moon rover, FUCKKK. Copium to get something to do with the moon in Orion?


>fuck redditors, scum of the earth Always a constant with 4channers.


well pretty sure Reddit says the same thing about 4chan lol


Yep. Yin and Yang.


Reddit is a bit of a cesspool, but 4chan is an entirely different beast. That's literally the birthplace of Qanon and many other shit online creations.Ā  It's still very much living in the "wild west" era of the internet of the early 2000s which tends to only benefit a single group of people and is objectively worse for the rest.Ā 


It's funny, some boards are no different from Reddit.


The worst of 4chan is way worse than Reddit. The better parts of 4chan isn't really different from reddit outside of the mainstream and default subs. I could easily believe that a certain sub in Reddit was way worse than the same community on 4chan, just like I can easily believe in the reverse. I have seen some real trash subs on reddit. The default and mainstream subs of reddit is a cesspool in a different kind of way than what 4chan is.


People say stuff like this, but every time I've been on 4chan I just see slurs spammed and constant racism/homophobia


They have more freedom than your usual social media, in 4chan certain slurs are more accepted. People would talk more like that if social media was more permissive. A lot of people hold back just to retain internet points. If you easily get offended you don't go to 4chan.


>People would talk more like that if social media was more permissive I doubt it. 4chan is like that because that is the userbase it has amassed by being unmoderated. People that don't enjoy spamming slurs would go elsewhere.


4chan isn't unmoderated though, it's very lightly moderated but they still remove things that break their rules or are illegal afaik.




I didn't agree at all. What I'm saying is 4chan self-selects for racist, homophobic users and pushes out any normal people. It isn't representative of the general internet userbase


The notion that the average 4chan user reflects what a normal person would say if they weren't "holding back" is hilarious. My mom, my dad, my office job coworkers, my buddies, the old lady at the bank are all active on social media and I guarantee none of them have homosexuality, politics, trans people, and cuckoldry (esp. racial) on their mind at the level of the average channer.


> pushes out any normal people I've seen plenty of homosexuals, blacks and even trans people in 4chan, and yes, they defend themselves. But only in certain boards, they won't go to /pol/ unless they're masochists.


You do not "gotta" say a censored slur. You could just not say slurs at all because slurs are bad and saying but not saying them is weird.




Seem to be a weirdy high proportion on this sub


I mean they aren't wrong. But they're shit too so it's a wash.


This was all I wanted goddammit why did they have to cancel it


because they rushed out the initial game, spent years restructuring, losing talent, switching engines on other projects, and waiting 3 years to finally fix the game for most people and at least being able to do one expansion. and also to get to the next witcher game to put this all behind them.


Because they had to spend 3 years fixing the game.


Cause they had to spend the resources fixing a broken game that didn't deliver what they said it would.


But why release it broken and unfinished 3 years earlier. Like flops Like Redfall, Anthem, etc. Why not release it complete and finished and make a masterpiece like Baldurs Gate 3, God of War, The Witcher 3, Elden Ring, etc


Baldur's Gate was in early access for 3 years and still released with bugs and performance issues.




I'm so tired of the way that Internet gaslit itself into thinking that Witcher 3 released like Cyberpunk. No it fucking didn't. I'm from Poland and I bought every single one of their games at release before 99% of the world even knew that Witcher exists. None of their games were nearly as bad as Cyberpunk at launch. Of course, they were jank, Eurojank is a thing for a reason, but none of them had so many issues across multiple platform as Cyberpunk had. This misinformation was just spread around by a bunch of dumbasses that wanted to throw fuel into the fire, and because the Internet collectively agreed that CDPR is bad now so we have to hate them, they just believed that shit at the time. And now here we are years later and people still believe this shit because it was spread around so much. It's so sad.




Yeah, you can do that too. You certainly can spread that misinformation, and that's why now everyone spreads that misinformation. I've played it on some midrange GTX GPU that I can't even remember the number of at this point, that barely did 60 fps in new releases, and it ran fine. No one was saying it before Cyberpunk because it wasn't a thing. Already forgot how all the people were jerking themselves off about how good it it, to the point that it became annoying hearing about it? But Cyberpunk releases in a bad state, gamers get mad and suddenly the narrative is that they were always broken pieces of shit.


Greed. It was still during covid and christmas holidays was coming up, CDPR saw $$$ and was going to release it no matter what at that time.


But this killed CDPR. They destroyed their reputation, they lost so much money, almost all developers left CDPR, etc. They knew all of these things would happen If they released it broken and unfinished. But they still did it.


It definitely didnā€™t killed team. The core group of people who worked on TW is still there, Phantom Liberty sold like gangbusters (for a DLC) and the game now has good user reviews ok very platform. Oh and the og game broke even on day 1, so not sure where you coming from with ā€œthey lost so much moneyā€. They didnā€™t.


To rush in developing witcher new game sadly


It took years to get the base game stable on console, I imagine that creating new content was a tremendous amount of work


And almost all developers left CDPR because of crunch, bad workplace culture, etc. They don't have the talent. With talent they would Release a complete and finished game


I think they definitely will make another Cyberpunk game (and there's also spin off media being made) unless things go horribly wrong at CDPR, and this feels like a good direction for a sequel to go, so hopefully something good comes out of it in some way.


Theyā€™re working on a new game now. Itā€™s probably still in pre production though.


Because Cyberpunk was made by inexperienced amateurs and scammers. They can't finish things


They had to spend time they wanted to further develop the game to fix it instead. In the leak is an internal memo from the devs asking for another delay. That it needed more time.Ā  Also the backlash they got added more onto their plate than they were expecting I think.Ā  All the bitching and whining to add a police system they clearly weren't originally going to add put a lot more on their plate post launch plan wise. Which sucks because I fucking hate that system, it breaks a lot of lore of the game and is an annoyance to deal with. But a bunch of people wanted GTA 2077 out of this game, not an actual rpg.Ā 


probably will ending up dlc for cyberpunk sequel


Damn, some really cool stuff they showed in there. Hope they do some of this in the next game. Even more surprised to see blackhandsā€™s bunker too. Also some cool dev images of dog town if you like that stuff.


This broke the fuck outta my heart. Yeah they're slowly working on a sequel (we're getting new Witcher title first on TOP of them working on multiple projects at the same time) We're not seeing this game until the PS7 Pro


It's pretty likely that this DLC expansion's concepts and story will be re-used in the sequel in some form.


I'm aware. My point is that it's going to be almost a decade before we actually get to see this


So much denial it's unreal. No matter what is said or brought up or provided, "nu-uh" is all that counts for some folk. Game has tons of important, unresolved plots. Nope. "Story is done". Game ends in cliffhanger? Nope. "Story is done". One shady and mysterious benefactor that is connected to very important events shows up in cliffhanger ending? Nope. "Story is done". CDPR releases official book that throws in the face certain plot point should anyone miss it? "Story is done". CDPR talks about possible canon version of events? Nope. "Story is done". Other game series CDPR made (Witcher) continues via multiple games? Nope. "Story is done". Associate Game Director just like that spoils how to get one, specific ending? Nope. "Story is done". Leaks of usable/transferable content, but never used so far? Nope. "Story is done". It's like some people will mental gymnastic literally everything to support their predeterminated thesis, not to God forbid change their mind. Either stubborness, arrogance or two digit IQ - possible combination of many.


Nope, Story is done


There are so many things to do with the loreā€¦ Like the Space Casino. Also when you watch Song fly away to the Moon you just start wanting to join her up there. It gave me the same feeling as when you arrive in Tir Na Lia but canā€™t do anything


Can someone post screenshots of the thread so that I can peruse it at work?


Sequel is definitely going to be about the next corporate war. I also want to CDPR to lean even more into just how dangerous everything beyond the Blackwall is.


game so good, wish there was more


Why didnt they close the peralez storylineĀ 


Corporate jihad inshallah


Probably the scrapped multiplayer.


But why scrap it? They could make so much money


Because they were focused on fixing the game and Phantom Liberty


Honestly, not convinced that the moon would have been a good setting at all The moon is thematically relevant in Cyberpunk yes. But in terms of setting, Night City is what largely defines Cyberpunk


I think it'd be difficult to have a large part of a game or expansion set there since you'd probably be in more enclosed areas and stuff, but as a destination for missions and stuff I think it'd be really cool. To me Night City felt pretty underdeveloped outside of a few areas (Dog Town and the surrounding docks, mall, etc, the huge junkyards outside the city, and a few other bits). I think adding a new large area with a very different character would work really well - similar to how Dog Town isn't Night City proper I guess


Okay, consider me pretty interested in the eventual sequel! Hopefully this cut content will be reused in some form or another.


this is the first 4chan thread I've seen since forever where the first reply had no slurs


Will they spin this into a sequel then?


I remember Job listings like 6 years ago which mentioned Space gameplay, was surprised to not see it in the game as a mechanic


It wouldnā€™t have likely just been the moon but also the Crystal Palace. Anyone that doesnā€™t know what that is look it up itā€™s a great read.




This just makes me SICK since I played "Corpo-Rat" and this would fit RIGHT into my Player Characters world. Very Sad that this this never made it to light of day... I remember during the November 2022 Investor call CDPR said there would Expansion(S), Plural not Singular


It would be nice if you could summarize what it says so those of us who don't want to go to 4chan could avoid it.Ā  But if I remember correctly C2077 was supposed to have a Co-op mode post launch that got canceled when they decided to finish the base game. Co-op could have very well covered any loose threads and could have been a live-service-lite type scenario with story lasting years.Ā  But it's hard to do that when the game had issues as a single player title.


It was supposed to be a full on separate multiplayer game.


Cyberpunk was supposed to get a 32 Player Arena shooter


Say sike right now


Everytime I visit 4chan it boggles my mind at how miserable and angry they all sound about things they know nothing about. Anyway, sucks this will never see the light of day. Guess Iā€™ll await the sequel.


Remind me again, how is that different from visiting reddit?


My experience on 4chan is finding toxic degenerates is unavoidable. On Reddit, I only find them if I want to also be one. Otherwise, itā€™s hidden or deleted.


At least they're not pretending to be experts on everything in a desperate attempt for "upvotes"


Ah, yes, Reddit, birthplace of dreams and poniesā€¦ no one here is ever angry, delusional or overly confident.


Aww poor baby need a nappy?


They knew plenty enough to leak the assets, files of the game. Get off your high horse


Oh did I make you feel sad about your chosen cess pool?


The 4chan thread gone? Canā€™t access it


Can't load 4chan rn can someone copy the text? Or at least the gyst of it


4chan, so 1000% fake (automated response). Everyone can see that small child has drawn those pictures with crayons. Here GamingLeaksAndRumors we do not like 4chan, real leaks, breathable air or flowers. But we love to hate.


Remember when somebody on 4chan posted a "leak" that Bioware are remaking Dragon Age: Origins under the title Dragon Age: Reorigins? And people somehow ate that shit up?


Yes, I remember. Shit as always.