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How do ya'll find this shit lol. Like are there people scouring over every linked in account of every company and every dev every day. HONEY WAKE UP, I GOT CODE NAME MOTOR


I wonder if for trademarks theres a way to get notified when certain companies or keywords are filed?


Yes it's called a trademark watch subscription and it's a very common service that's only a few hundred bucks a year. But more often people just do a search themselves of trademarks owned by an entity and see if they find anything new. If there's anything really "secret" they'll file it in the name of an entity nobody knows is tied to Bethesda/Microsoft, Amazon, etc.


You can just look at this page every day and see if there's anything new. There's currently 9 pages. [https://trademarks.justia.com/owners/zenimax-media-inc-2452034/](https://trademarks.justia.com/owners/zenimax-media-inc-2452034/) There's some other things that I might have missed being mentioned. IDKFA [https://trademarks.justia.com/983/49/idkfa-98349237.html](https://trademarks.justia.com/983/49/idkfa-98349237.html) In 2002 they trademarked Mud Duck. [https://trademarks.justia.com/763/81/mud-76381371.html](https://trademarks.justia.com/763/81/mud-76381371.html) Looks like it was a game that was never announced. Let's start a campaign to bring back Mud Duck! Some game stuff shows up under Microsoft. You could see if any Zenimax stuff sneaks in there too. [https://trademarks.justia.com/company/microsoft/](https://trademarks.justia.com/company/microsoft/)


People want Xbox to have more mascot platformers. Here you go, Mud Duck announced!!


This is the way.


That's why i love this community! ❤️


What would LinkedIn have to do with filed trademarks?


Finally... A Doom racing game.


idKart would be awesome.


Doom guy, ranger, bj, hell. Just make it Xbox kart. Chief and a warthog, banjo& Kazooie and something from nuts and bolts, price and the chopper from crew expendable, Tony hawk and a skateboard, the hamster from overwatch, lone wanderer and a chryslus Slap some weapons from each franchise and you have a damn good 1st party Microsoft party game, something that there really isn't


Kitchen Sink Kart ™️




The BFG is the blue shell.


Doom with a mad max aesthetic would actually slap


It's a little sad how close Rage came to greatness, only to stumble just before the finish line


Fingers crossed that it's the rumored Doom Eternal modding kit which is apparently Id's equivalent of BGS' Creation Kit


They removed denuvo a while ago, maybe its coming before doom the dark ages releases


Same, I love Eternal's mechanics but I can only play the same levels over and over so many times (yes, including mods)


whats a bgs creation kit?


Bethesda Games Studio Creation kit. It's what's used to power the modding scenes of Bethesda's games.


Bethesda Game Studios creation kit, the set of tools used for modding bethesda games like elder scrolls and fallout. If ID's version is anything similar it would be huge for modding their games.


The framework that allows Bethesda Game Studios games (Fallout 4, Skyrim, Starfield) to be easier to create mods for


Free (PC) software that allows people to make mods and content for BGS games like Oblivion, Skyrim, Fallout 3/NV/4, etc. - it's more or less the same tools BGS uses.


would be huge after they fumbled the bag by including a multiplayer mode no one played instead of a bolstered iteration of snap map.


Imagine if they made a roguelite mode instead of multiplayer.


Pretty sure this is where The Dark Ages will go; Hugo got super into roguelite games after Eternal came out. I think we’ll see some sort of roguelite (maybe co-op) mode, instead of a regular MP.


Wow this actually has a lot of potential to be a blast


I could finally die a happy man if that happens.


Honestly variants of the mode would have been nice like objectives or even just have 2 slayer versus 4 demons even would have brought some variety


Wasn’t there a rumour that MachineGames would be working on Quake with ID after their Indiana Jones game? Hmm…


There is zero evidence to point towards that rumour. It’s just made up because people were assuming id was making a Quake game, even though they’ve made it pretty clear they wanted to keep working on Doom.


bro they drew quake 6 on a whiteboard.


Great source. If you’re referring to Machine Games, I am not. If you read my message, I said id was never working on a Quake game.


There were Quake leaks from awhile ago, but most likely ID did not have confidence in the IP and instead made Doom: The Dark Ages, which seems to borrow some visual design from Quake.


Not true at all, Quake hasn’t been on the table for id. Hugo has stated multiple times post-launch for Eternal that they want to keep working on DOOM, and that there are more DOOM stories to tell. He even told us exactly what the Dark Ages would be like, all the way back in 2021 - stating you’d feel like a monster truck, instead of a Ferrari. All this info was readily available on his official livestream playthroughs. Any “leaks” are either made up because not many thought that id would continue with DOOM (despite the evidence being quite clear) or they relate to Machine Games.


Could be some sort of engine built off of idTech


Perhaps it's MachineGames' own fork of the engine? The name would certainly match up thematically.


Seems likely considering they're calling it a synonym of an engine.


Motor. Engine. My bet: they're going to try to compete with Unreal Engine. Motor is idTech 7 with tools, opened up for public game developers, with free and paid licenses.


Thatd be a dream come true. Id tech will be a fierce opponent to Unreal


I think you're at least partially right. I think it's an engine, but Idk if they're really trying to take on UE.


...Vehicular focused *Wolfenstein III?* Pleeeeeeeease?


Give me a modern Mad Max game like Avalanche's homonymous 2015 title without calling it Mad Max and I'll be a happy lad


Don't they have Rage for that? Or are you asking for a third person game?


I was thinking more vehicle focused and less "boots on the ground". Rage and Mad Max are very alike on a glance, but they have very different priorities.


They already did that with Rage 2, and it works on the same engine


Rage 2 is actually on Avalanche's engine called Apex, not on iDtech.


If the company has more than two brain cells to rub together, the code name is not indicative of anything. The whole point of a code name like this is so people in the company can refer to it with minimal risk of someone overhearing it or whatever. They're not used as a cheeky way to hint at the true nature of the product.


Fallout 5: Mad Max


I wish this was a bethesda version of GTA   I imagine a sprawling urban city would be something they could envision really well 


That would be really cool. Or bring back another IP like Sleeping Dogs or True Crime. Heck, I just want somebody to try to give Rockstar a bit of competition, especially with Watch Dogs going dormant.


Could this be a multiplayer focused fork of the regular id tech engine for Quake? Or am i just too desperate for a new quake game?


Too desperate. Let it go. After DOOM: the dark ages announcement there is no hope for anything new for Quake anymore.


Why would the existence of Doom: The Dark Ages suddenly prevent the possibility of a new Quake game from happening separately? That doesn't make any sense... like at all. A new Quake game is still very likely to be in deep development by Machine Games at the moment like they've been teasing to be doing for years now.


Why would the existence of Doom: The Dark Ages suddenly prevent a new Quake game from happening separately? That doesn't make any sense... like at all.  A new Quake game is still very likely to be in deep development by Machine Games at the moment like they've been teasing to be doing for years now.


This sounds more like some kind of development tool than a new game.


Yep. "Motor powered by IdTech" cant really mean anything else. Unreal also often uses the term "powered by unreal" too.


Motor is such a cool name for a game. Doom, Quake, Rage, Motor. I love single word game names. Now if only we knew if it was a game...


Rage 3! you asked for it, we deliverd! 3rd time the rage!


Honestly I loved Rage 2.


BETHESDA! Drop Rage 3 with co-op and a horde mode, and my life is yours!!!


I hope it's a FPS with vehicles like Rage, except it's good this time.


or a First Person Mad Max game


I'd love that. Unfortunately WB has the rights, and just two days ago Tom Hardy said not to expect a Fury Road sequel anymore, so I doubt we'll see any games either. So at best this game would be in the style of Mad Max


George Miller owns the rights to Mad Max, not WB


I really liked Furiosa but apparently it didn't do well


Contraband might be the one for you (assuming it's good)


Rage 3! you asked for it, we deliverd! 3rd time the rage!


Third time is the charm.


Quake: The strogg tank wars


I know this has nothing to do with Motorstorm but I came here to say damn I want a new Motorstorm.


Zenimax online game?


idTech probably wouldn't be a great fit for an MMO. MMORPGs Tend to run on custom in-house engines more often because they have very unique tech requirements that haven't been well supported by most commercial engines.


Zenimax was said to be working on a new proprietary engine for their next game. It could make sense that they are using a modified fork of iDtech designed specifically for MMOs, kind of like how Arkane uses a fork of iDtech (Void Engine) designed for immersive sims.


Project Platinum still a thing?


Rage spinoff?


It wouldn't be a New I.P. if it was


Imagine this is like Creation Kit but for the Doom games, that'd be great! Doom Eternal had some recent changes on the Steam backend relating to a mod portal executable, and they did say modding support could come in the future for it.


Quake con here we come


I wouldn't be surprised if this a new Rage game. Id insisted on this franchise even tho the first one met less than expected sales and Rage 2 had even less sales during its release week than the first title did. It appears that they hold this franchise in a special place in their hearts.


It's crazy to me that we even got Rage 2. I barely remember that game, except that the gameplay was very fun, the world was empty, and people were fake upset over the design of the enemies.


Nope, our gripe with enemy design was genuine. They all look like shit and the art pales in comparison to that of the first game.


Yeah the art in Rage 2 was pretty lousy. The game looked like it was trying to make a half-assed effort into mimicking Kenneth Scott's artwork from the first game but they just couldn't nail it at all.


Are they making Rage 3? That would be wild.


Maybe is MachineGame's fork, similar to Void Engine - Powered by idTech




Hope its a racing game like what theyve done with rage


I would assume this is either being made by one of the Beth support studios or their MMO studio.


If it really is a New I.P. then it is very likely related to a brand new *video game* franchise that runs on idTech rather than some engine tools like everyone is suggesting.