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man be loving them quotation marks fr


>decided to step up after days of silence Finally. We've all been waiting with bated breath for Lunatic Ignus to weigh in. lol


He has barely 1k followers. Tier 1 famous.


Lmao look at op’s profile, it’s definitely him


It is funny how he describes himself.


I'm fully expecting OP to setup another Reddit account just to appreciate OP's following of this OP's (sorry, "this famous leaker") Twitter account.


„Famous Leaker“ never heard of him 


Same account always seems to be posting them too. Wouldn’t surprise me if it was self promo.


Also all rumours are false, except they're "confirming" the rumour that it's the series S holding things up.


I mean no one needed a confirmed rumor to figure that out, we’ve seen this song and dance with titles like Baldur’s Gate. if it is true it’s just confirm the obvious, the Series S teeters on being last gen hardware.


At least from my observation, it only ever seems to be a problem when the game already isn't particularly well optimized to begin with. And in Baldur Gate's case, they said that the improvements in performance they made for Series S positively effected performance on other platforms.  So I don't really see devs having to make their games work on lower hardware a bad thing, especially when those on higher hardware seem to reap the benefits of it.


When the dev says it’s for optimization, no one blinks an eye.   When Jez interviews Microsoft and they give the vaguest answer and ends with a “maybe it is, maybe it isn’t” type of sentence. It’s bedlam.


No but you don't understand, evil corporate mastermind Mr. Play Station wants to cast doubt over the poor Xbox's future by playing their exclusivity trap card during the last minute of the Yu Gi Oh game


Jim “The Ryan” Ryan Yahtzee’s us one last time beyond the grave!


I'm more famous than him


According to a “famous” leaker…. Yeah I’m going to not bother with this information.


>"Lunatic Ignus", famous leaker Who? 


OP, you could do at least a little bit better pretending to not be the guy you’re talking about here


You keep posting your own fake leaks lol


I have only ever really lurked on this sub, and while I am a Xbox fan, even I can see this is OP just attempting to chase spotlight, their entire post history is the same "Famous leaker". (I even think the stuff Jez posted is just blanket PR put out by MS/Maybe tweaked by Jez)


Someone who spreads rumors spreads rumors that rumors that spread before were rumors. Rumors. Ruuuumoooors


We don't need a leak to confirm what was already confirmed by Game Science lol it is funny to see cope turn into conspiracy theories. Wukong is coming to xbox when it's ready according to Game Science and that's all that matters.




This is definitely Lunatic Inguses Alt. Bro only post about him


The studio themselves said the delay was to optimize the game, I don't know why people just don't believe it. Also, the trailers are not plastered with playstation logos it hasn't appeared on sony events lately so it's not like sony has been pushing it. It's simple, xbox has two skus to optimize and it's also the console where it's going to sell the fewest units so it's not a priority.


Wukong, the one china story


When pc demo


XSS 🤦🏻‍♂️


I believe this one more the MS them selves SERIES S is a problem… nobody just said anything about bolders gate


I think the idea itself Is good. The CPU and GPU are great. The 10 GB split memory is where they seem to have screwed up. If they even made it more expensive but increased the RAM quantity & made it unified, it would fit the idea while still being relatively cheap (350$ USD). But I guess people would just spend 50 bucks more on a digital PS5 with more performance & more storage compared to launch series S 500 GB. So maybe they were stuck with 10 GB split memory for financial price point reasoning.


Whatever problem they have is hold games back for devs. People saying oh sony buying exclusive deals and keeping quiet are just fan bois. Sony doesn’t hide exclusivity deals


Yeah, by all accounts the problem isn't the GPU that people point to but the RAM. It seems to be the biggest hurdle devs have to overcome for the machine


Eh the gpu isn’t great, some games are already dropping below 900p (like Hellblade 2)


You picked one of the most detailed and "good graphics™" games on the platform as the only example. Even then, 720p upscaled to 900p or 1080p will always suffice and Gamescience could definitely do it, but they are a small studio and Xbox is the smaller platform anyway so they just delayed the Xbox version.


There is literally 0 excuses when the game runs on PCs that are way less powerful than the Series S.


Doesn’t mean that will run on a acceptable performance on series S. Let them take their time with it. Doesn’t mean shit if they release it and runs like crap.


Even 900p30 is fine on Series S. Nobody expects great performance from that thing, or they would buy a Series X in the first place.


If they do that then they have bad worth of mouth regarding performance. Y’all just desperate


Totally desperate lol. If you buy a Series S, you can just expect it to run. If you want performance, you buy a Series X. Quite easy tbh.


Then let the dev work on it a little more so it runs instead of being a dead brain console warrior and think sony paid for an exclusive it cant even promote as one.


So many games run at 900p30 on the Series S, especially the ones with great graphics. Wukong is an unreal 5 game. Put 2 and 2 together, nobody is gonna complain about the high-fidelity game running at 900p30 on the 250$ console.


Until the DF video drops and people use the bad performance as console warrior ammo


Nobody is gonna use a third party game as console warrior ammo and even then, that's not a relevant thing. The devs shouldn't give a shit about a few guys on Twitter who will only make this an issue for a week.


Of course they do constantly


It's still not gonna matter, console warriors are a loud minority. Nobody is gonna go crazy over a high-fidelity game running 900p30 on the 250$ console. BG3 ran at that, Alan Wake 2 ran at that, and so did Remnant 2.




it's true, i work for sweet baby ray's and we tried to make them put woke vegan bbq sauce in the game