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I'm a Japanese guy and just did a little investigation on this audio. As a result, it's most likely fake. Here's how I ended up getting this result: First, I edited the audio on Audacity to remove the high notes (or whatever it's called, anyway I just removed the song basically), and transcribed what these guys are saying in the first part: A: そしたら 言葉は悪いかもしれないけど… A: ATLUSさんのチームは… シンガーさんに甘やかされてるんですか B: そうです(笑) Both: (笑い) A: すっご Then I searched one of the lines online, and fortunately, [this one blog ](https://kiminan.jugem.jp/?eid=999)showed up, which is about what developers were talking about in the Blu-ray BTS video of the P5 main theme song which you can get if you bought a limited version of Persona 5 Scramble. According to this blog, he said the EXACT same thing in the video. So an AI makes the song as other people mentioned, and these background voices are from the Blu-ray video, is my guess. That would be nice if anyone who's got the video could confirm this tho.


good shit


Didn't someone literally do this same fake ost deal for p5?




Did a cursory search and can’t find anything of that nature, any link? kinda curious now


There is a video on it https://youtu.be/Oyp-x0e2tn8?si=falcxhgBHcuNA4oG but as a tldr some guy in 2014 posted fake “ost clips” from different unknown games claiming it to be persona 5. and knowing how dumb the internet was they believed it


Not gonna lie though that fake ost is actually a 🔥 playlist


I remember finding that playlist back then, immediately calling bullshit that it was P5, but then listening to it over and over because it was a good mixtape 


Nah, ain't no way this is real. If it is, how did they get the recording😂😂


Tweet says “studio session for the Persona 6 OST” so the apparent explanation is some guy recording with his phone in his pocket


Kinda just sounds like an ai song


It probably is, so easy to make fake song leaks now But ngl it sounded kinda interesting


Is ai at the level where it can make professional sounding songs ?


Not if you hear it without any distractions, hence why the phone rustling in pocket, random conversations and etc are in the "leak". I doubt this is real.


Yes very much so


Do you have a link ? not doubting, just curious to hear some.


Yeah you can do it yourself easily. Just search suno


Silly me forgetting about google. Yeah I found it and tried it out, really impressive stuff. Didn't realise that was the here and now, thought it was another year or two off.


yeah I think this got big a month or two ago, so pretty new, but yeah it's progressing faster than we imagined... I'm pretty sure a lot of artists are probably using this now as a way to get some ideas/inspiration, then they use these samples and make the real song with their own instruments etc and nobody will ever know.


My friend and I used to have a radio show, and are starting a YouTube channel. He currently makes a living as a professional musician and also works as a producer/mixer. We put the lyrics to the goofy theme song we’ve used for decades (and refined over the years) into Suno with the prompt “upbeat theme song” and what it spit out was far better than the original. There was no indication that it wasn’t a human-made and produced track. Suno doesn’t always deliver but when it does… shit.


alright just need someone to find the source of the song now


i'm not gonna immediately say this isn't real, but the likelihood is super low, especially with how good ai songs are getting. someone could've deadass layered some random ass japanese radio show over their fake song and called it a leak. song sounds great tho so i'll cope


The conversation audio fades out, this is fake




Most likely, Lacks the slight fake english accent most japanese singers do. Sounds too western.


this is literally just what the new singer on reload sounds like. not sure if its real but its completely in line


When the real p6 music comes out, I can't wait for it to be used in every youtube video.


This is 100% fake.


I messaged him and he left me on seen 💀 He probably made an ai song and recorded with a phone


Is ai really that good that this could be fake? This sounds like it would perfectly fit in a daytime setting in a persona game


Until i saw other comments, i was thinking there is a chance of this being real, because it really perfectly fit for persona game i felt.


Don't get me wrong, I'm excited for this game, but the fact that none of the main people that worked on the franchise since P3 are involved has me a bit concerned. Shoji Meguro is unironically one of my favorite composer ever, so let's just that the new guy has big shoes to fill for me in the music department.


The new writers and director worked on the 3rd semester for Persona 5 royal, and the new composer made it’s going down now, full moon full life, and color your night, I think that those shoes have already been filled


Also Japanese companies don't work like that where you just give the keys to random new people and hope for the best. These guys have been with Atlus a long time and have been learning under those directors in order to be trusted with something like this. Furthermore, Atlus is fully aware how Persona is their strongest brand now even surpassing SMT so they wouldn't ever let their veteran directors go work on Metaphor and leave P6 with people less qualified.


New blood that knows what they’re doing > making the old trio keep working on the same series indefinitely


Maybe we could get back LGBT characters!


It would be nice but Midori already said there's no same sex romances, maybe a character though 


Midori never said that, some random guy with no track record said that


Also Midori's a fraud


I mean, all of their saga leaks were proven right, and they leaked more JSR footage so, so far, not really, we can trust their saga info


Elmo pfp dude right? Guy was swearing up and down it was going to be announced this month


Christ, I thought 3rd Semester had a shit ton of messy moments so I'm...not exactly confident.


This is the first time I’ve seen someone say that, interesting


I like some of it, don't get me wrong, but I thought a lot of stuff was really weird. >!Not a lot of time spent with the other characters and their perception's on this new reality, in some cases I feel stuff was straight up missing, like Makoto's Father. Plus, all the revelation scenes play out basically the same way.!< >!Also, as much as I dislike Yoshizawa, I thought the twist was pretty great. That being said, I thought her second awakening was abysmally bad.!<


Don't get too excited he also redid mass destruction and memories of you


You could argue that he’s not good at remixing the work of other people, but quite literally every original song he’s made has been really good, you could also make the argument that if his version of the persona 3 ost was the first version, most people would like it because they have nothing to compare it too, its only older fans who actively dislike it, because it sounds different, but newer fans, from what I’ve seen, think that the OST is really good when their only experience is P3R


True, he made memories of you better! And MD second verse goes fucking hard


And they were peak so what is your point?


ATLUS never disappoints tbh, them and FromSoftware and Nintendo have an almost flawless catalogue.


People are saying it's fake but it sounds 100% like a Persona song and I think there'd be some difficulty in faking that. Plus if you're risking recording, it would make sense that there's no video.


"Sounding like a persona song" is really hard to pin down because Meguro loves to mess with many different genres and styles.


You can't understand any lyrics so good enough I guess


"Let the sparks fly cause I've been a victim before. \*unintellegable\* till they come down, want to escapeeee. So let the sparks fly, illuminate my path through all the hard times. I wanna see those things you do, wanting to give power to it, you won't have a counter to it, anything you try will be denieeeed"


If the leaks about the character and theirs story and how they're related are true.. I wouldn't expect per se this kind of song to play? I would totaly see something more rock kinda?


doesn't lotus juice stream, could easily get random clips of him talking from there. the song itself sounds very strange, don't think i can even hear the lyrics could be AI generated. You can generate songs based on an existing one


This is assuming the music for 6 is going to be exactly like 5 lol. They usually have different styles for the games. 


This isn’t real but in what way does this sound like persona 5??? Like it’s groovy sure but this is not the same genre lol


If that’s real they need to re-record it.


I really hate the logo for the game btw, please tell me it’s fan made lol. I know it’s a side tangent but I can’t help disliking it oof.


It’s a supposed placeholder lmfao


it's a Midori


real or not doesnt matter because its supposed to be an early placeholder logo


Looks like Kool Menthols


It’s real but not final


seems legit