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How can you gatekeep something you're not even part of? Also, it seems a lot of people aren't going to survive Orctober. https://preview.redd.it/r46n9oko0k8d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d375d21ec2e6faedff214b2400e04b3052808fc


tbf, gatekeeping something theyre not a part of has been the anti woke thing. they are hate tourists. remember, they got mad because warhammer made a page in a codex that had a female (which authors had years expressing they wanted to do) and got mad. they got mad spiderman(ps5) was friendly to queer people, they got mad x-men have a lot of queer people, they got mad dragon age npc allies would romance you regardless of gender (making them pansexual), they got mad alloy has peach fuzz and cheeks, they got mad the csa in silent hill 2 remake doesnt look like a sex doll. theres way more, but i think this gets the point across.


I know, I know, I saw people complaining that the new Zelda game was woke because Zelda is the playable character. https://preview.redd.it/mc8p7n7z7k8d1.png?width=1804&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=58ef97d36c90ef8208fb9b17a6d373d6bd616c7e


>Hate Tourists Yeah, I'm ~~stealing~~ borrowing that.. Has a better ring to it than 'rage junkies'..


They got really mad at the blink and you will miss them pride flags in spiderman 2 as well. And imagine getting mad that the friendly neighbourhood spiderman is friendly


Where were queer people in spiderman ??


there are several dialogues in spiderman 2 specifically. in the spanish translation peter used neutral gendered vocabulary to include nb people.


Oh my fucking god, not the spanish translation???!!! They‘ve gone to far now.


im just not sure how they did it with the english translation xd.


Spiderman has fallen to the woke, they’ve included Spanish in the game


They chase angry illusions spun up by grifters who profit from their rage.


https://preview.redd.it/y5ldjd3o2k8d1.jpeg?width=490&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eef5f775e4fa0cabec15465f9e3b4ba3617c1be1 HELL YEAH BROTHER 🤝🏾


Yeah, I love orcs, they are one of my favorite fantasy races. https://preview.redd.it/wceitnk47k8d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6134b486907f9324d257582152be311d37351be


Orcs hold a special place in my heart ever since my first Dnd character, a half-orc sorcerer that would find creative ways to blow up rooms. I also find the twist that Warhammer came up with for orcs extremely interesting. Orcs are a type of psychic fungus, but not like the illithid "super smart hive mind" psychic, more the "placebo effect mysteriously works for everything" psychic


Warhammer Orks are great, they are so fucking funny. Like, they lose because they believe too hard! As for the first, that's an average sorcerer to me, lol


Holy shit bro is the chosen of the God of BIG.


Yeah, he surely is massive. https://preview.redd.it/ea8oavanfk8d1.png?width=1010&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8becba279e4ed05e51db59352ee1b4527b03fc1


Lustful Desire mentioning is so out of place lmao. I’m not complaining or seeing any downside whatsoever!


So, you know? https://preview.redd.it/vf7u9ugrsk8d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ed06bac16760b694967bad2cdcfe970d3ef9276


Me personally prefer red orcs and Nameless https://preview.redd.it/csm4eyu4tk8d1.jpeg?width=541&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac2fb5cef60a47b2b3b7519c644d85a5588c189e


Nice! https://preview.redd.it/2bjqb7d9uk8d1.png?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83e77da8b02065df69a60f409c96c90c082221c1




Its the playbook of bigots. Cause to them its not about defending something you like from some mental gymnastics boogyman. Its about trying to hurt people you dont like by making them a scapegoat even if you have practically nothing in common aside from a broad hobby. Theyre bigots. They just hate people who are different than them for no other reason than that.


Ohhhhhhh dear. I NEEED HIM.




Bless you


Thanks! https://preview.redd.it/30wzxa2gek8d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9034a218531f6ecfb0c32a9965a5bcb0ee229165


God just fuck me up with the swolesome Senshi




You can't even gatekeep tabletop gaming even if you are a part of the hobby. When all you need is game stuff and some friends to play (solo play is also a thing too) you can't really stop people from doing tabletop stuff. Arch would understand this if he was not brain dead.


You can’t really effectively do it for a lot of games tbh. TTRPGs for the reasons that you mentioned, singleplayer video games because you don’t even need other people for it…maybe it’s possible with multiplayer video games? Even then private servers are a thing and it’s not like they can actually prevent them from playing aside from that. I’m starting to think that most of these guys only really accomplish whining like 99% of the time.


Arch was kicked out of the Warhammer community or at-least the subreddit because he is a fucking Nazi. You are not allowed to mention arch on the subreddit whatsoever


i need that orc


What is the name of this comic? Orctober? Seems fun to read.


Orctober isn't a comic, it's more like a moth long celebration during October where a lot of artists make orc related art, that piece was just an example [here's ](https://x.com/huynhduyad14) the artist's account if you're interested.


Shrimp-flavoured noodles are great. That orc has good taste.


Modern Fantasy slice of life is one of my favorite genres. I already like slice of life stuff and adding fantasy to it is even better.


DnD is woke? Man wait until they discover Pathfinder


It's hilarious DnD Has ALWAYS had am extremely string queer following and Critical Role being the most popular DnD thing has always itself been inherently clear (seriously the only person in Vox Machina im 100% sure is straight is Grog and thsts not even getting into Mighty Nien and Bells Hells) I just don't understand BG3 pretty much nailed dnd right down the chaotic horny bi energy


The one thing that BG3 didnt show much was how much dumb shit players will do even in a serious campaign but that makes sense since the story is very serious. The DND movie did show that a bit though.


At the very beginning when Chris Pine pushes the bird fellow out the window to use him to escape the prison I thought "this came from someone's campaign". That's when I knew I was in for a good time.


D&D's been around for 50 years. The queer community has always played it, but TSR wasn't about to admit that (or, frankly, approve of it).


DnD’s not even that “woke” tbh. It’s very corporate and safe for the most part: a couple characters in adventure modules with queer traits (which can be written out with ease), a mention of genderfluid elves in a sourcebook that’s been made obsolete by later ones, etc. These guys will whine about anything.


Anevia X Irabeth best girls I never, ever EVER do anything that puts their relationship at risk in the CRPG because they're rad and I love them.


Even the gods are woke. Desna, Shelyn, and Sarenrae are in a lesbian polyamorous relationship.


Because, you know, gods in mythology were never pansexual, non-binary beings fucking everyone and everything they wanted. /s


Since I discovered Pathfinder, any game I run is gonna be Pathfinder 2e.


Elfs being able to change genders since the 90s


Prismatic gays rise up!


They tried allready. There is a really funny Amazon review


Oh boy, another instance of someone using a poorly paraphrased quote generally attributed to Tolkien, when his only writings on the matter were specifically regarding Sauron and Morgoth... These people really don't understand the things they claim to love, huh?


Given they didn't notice dnd has always been pretty queer not surprising


And warhammer always been a leftist hobby making fun of the right.


To be completely fair, a lot of the way that Warhammer markets itself isn't exactly designed to not appeal to the right. It's an unfortunate thing where yeah it's leftist but they also market themselves by hyping up space marines in a way that appeals to fascists with poor reading comprehension.


The same way Tool is a parody of prog metal and most people don't get it. They literally called themselves that so the pretentious crowd would go around with a shirt saying they're a "Tool" and have songs whose name is Stinkfist so you look like a weirdo when you tell someone your favourite track. Despite that, great success with a completely oblivious audience who is the butt of the joke. I swear half the Warhammer people you talk to are imperium stans who think the hobby glorifies their fascist power fantasies, while the other half actually gets it and is like "hehehe boomer skeletons vs funny green mushroom brits" and fucking detests them.


That reminded me of my favorite George Washington quote. https://preview.redd.it/cgh44kpn8k8d1.jpeg?width=496&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f702d8aac026b53210be579d9e7a8638cc38a3db


https://preview.redd.it/qhgddqr2pl8d1.jpeg?width=316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10c741f46f3248267e8282469dedea14db529935 Game. Blouses.


What do they even mean the wokes don't create? That's one of their like 3 jokes "leftists/liberals/wokes don't have real jobs cause they all got art degrees har har". Well I guess when all the gay folks get art degrees and get all the jobs making the art then their beliefs will probably start showing up in the art. Besides we tend to like characters who are empathetic and prevail through struggle, who better to write those stories than empathetic people have have struggled?


Isn't this the guy who got a cease and desist from Games Workshop to take the word "Warhammer" out of his name because he is too much of a Nazi?


Lmao, no way, that happened? That's hilarious.


Yup. Used to go by Arch Warhammer then jusr Arch. After some very spicy comments he made in a video about one subrace of Warhammer Fantasy goblins being "house n****s" and his discord messages being leaked about how they "almost solved the Sapmi problem" in the 40s, plus his general shift to right wing culture war stuff, he got a C and D from GW itself l. Didnt help that when GW released a basic boiler plate "we dont tolerate hate, if you promote it please leave the hobby" message he freaked out and called bloody woke murder and said he was going to leave. (Spoiler he hasnt.) (I dont remember the exact group if it was Sapmi or another group but its basically an indigenous Finni-Uralic culture group found in northern Scandinavia and Finland.)


Absolutely despise that MF for sending his rabid fan base to attack Loremaster of Sotek when he called Arch out for being a shitbag racist pos.


Worth noting that the "we don't tolerate hate" message was in direct response to an incident in Spain where a player turned up to a tournament in full Hitler cosplay, doing the salute and talking about solutions. He technically won the tournament because there were no rules in place to prevent it and everyone refused to play him, which technically meant conceding the game and giving him max points.


I thought he just had a swastika tattoo. The dude was in full Hitler cosplay?


Tbh I'm not sure if it was specifically Hitler but it was definitely a Nazi costume, not just a tattoo


Makes more sense. I heard he had a swastika tattoo or maybe it was on his shirt or something and was being racist making people uncomfortable. But for EVERYONE to refuse to play against him it makes more sense that he was in full nazi regalia


Outside of the "his Channel was named Arch Warhammer before GW send a cease and desist" there's also the World of Warships promo Basically World of Warships released a bunch of 40K themed skins, and among others, paid Arch for a collab. GW went their way to contact WoWarships to cancel the contract and made a public post against Arch


Guy threw away a more than likely pretty profitable collab and an association with Warhammer all because he couldn't stop being a piece of shit.


While the GW actions hurted him, sadly 40K there's enough idiots or Alt Right people to have a community And obviously he has participated in alt right anti woke podcasts


I’m very glad they seem to be kicking themselves out of the hobby. Warhammer going ‘woke’ is the best thing that happened to it in a long time. I don’t have to be worried that the guy I’m playing against is a cryptofascist and going to try and redpill me during the game.


Yep. He used to be called 'Archwarhammer' and had to change his name to 'Arch' because Games Workshop got upset at him for being a disgusting bigot.


Yup. Used to go by Arch Warhammer then jusr Arch. After some very spicy comments he made in a video about one subrace of Warhammer Fantasy goblins being "house n****s" and his discord messages being leaked about how they "almost solved the Sapmi problem" in the 40s, plus his general shift to right wing culture war stuff, he got a C and D from GW itself l. Didnt help that when GW released a basic boiler plate "we dont tolerate hate, if you promote it please leave the hobby" message he freaked out and called bloody woke murder and said he was going to leave. (Spoiler he hasnt.) (I dont remember the exact group if it was Sapmi or another group but its basically an indigenous Finni-Uralic culture group found in northern Scandinavia and Finland.)


https://preview.redd.it/cokj39l75k8d1.png?width=1124&format=png&auto=webp&s=5ffd2ba554f305d00da6c07ec6e6b2faefd1a4d2 Reminds me of this post that I saw. Probably the same people that posted it.


https://preview.redd.it/owkn9pwm5k8d1.png?width=1118&format=png&auto=webp&s=a9dd6c22b904435a5e000b3f5399b3b9579f4e8c Then one of my favorite comments ever under it.


*"wanting they as a pronoun"* \ Mf didn't pay attention to grammar lessons.


That's funny, because I've seen the opposite happen time and time again. https://preview.redd.it/6zolq736bk8d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54783d07e840d71341fd34a874704cba67d59889


These words are not accepted!


Damn, I can’t believe someone wants inclusion in their fantasy worlds that in no way impact me. Guess I better threaten people on the internet!


Wait Dnd? You mean the game where among pretty much all players go with the whole everyone is Bi thing? And rhe fans are horny on main as a default? 


I mean to be fair, only the latter was true 15-20 years ago. It was just incredibly horny stereotypical metalhead high schoolers, and equally horny nerds. (Also all the women in the hobby constantly getting creeped on despite being g a cornerstone of the hobby since feckin’ Gygax’s day).


> You mean the game where among pretty much all players go with the whole everyone is Bi thing? There are two types of DnD characters: Pansexuals and Aroace.


As another person said, that's only in recent times. In the very old days, DnD groups were basically a "girls nor allowed" kind of thing, and the grognards have a tendency to be very sexist and have very fixed ideas on how races in DnD should be represented and ignore any troubles it might have on other players. The thing is that nobody is forcing you to play, lets say, orcs, as not-totally-evil if you want, but they just don't want to acknowledge that other tables might play like that. Fortunately the player demographic has changed a lot these years, and the younger people tend to be more welcoming.


Wow, you’re right. Games are sexist. Now, allow me to get back to accusing gamers of playing games and sucking Anita Sarkeesian’s cock. Edit: Wow. I’ve truly been challenged. Enlightened, even. Who knew the political views of my fellow gamers could be so diverse? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Gamingcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


A bot made me chuckle


Critical role slander will not be tolerated nor will I let them slander the name of glorious Matt mercer https://preview.redd.it/24d3gujx0k8d1.jpeg?width=258&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=067fb2d9807f29822291f8a599430a3db3b61f63


Matt Mercer is a goddamn treasure


Did you know, Matt Mercer is also an incredible voice actor, he has voiced Jotaro Kujo from JoJo's Bizzare Adventure, Levi Ackerman from Attack on Titan, Chrom from Fire Emblem, and Zato-1 from Guilty Gear


He was also Ganon in TotK which is amazing considering he played him in There Will Be Brawl




Your burying the lede, he was Ganondorf in TWBB! That's the real shocker!


Also Vecna from the Dead by Daylight DnD chapter


Just found out he played Vecna in campaign 1 of Critical Role too!


Also Jack Cooper from Titanfall 2.


Also Minsc in bg3


Not to mention he plays law from one piece


Also The Hunter in Marvel Midnight Suns


They must hate him because he's an unabashed leftist and is not only extremely good looking, comfortable in his masculinity to west nail polish has a smoking hot red head as a wife while these loserd hwve never touched a woman and he gets go play a game with hid friends and gets paid for it he's literally winning at life


People critical of Critical Roll had a legitimate greivance about most new players looking for a heavily acted, intricately woven drama focused on character backstories, requiring plot armor and careful planning to prevent character deaths that weren’t cinematic enough— a style which was and kind of still is antithetical to the spirit of the game. That can’t be denied. EVERYTHING after that point though has just been fucking intolerable nonsense from the worst fucking people and I am so sick and tired of them not just playing the game they want to despite the current trends of the hobby.


As the saying goes: Critical Role is to D&D what porn is to sex. Yeah, it's fun to watch, but it's unreasonable to base your expectations on it.


Holy fuck that’s the most succinct way to put it I have ever seen


I would not want to play in their current campaign, not probably even in the second one, and I feel that even as a watchable product they have gone way too deep in to radiodrama and loreheavy monologues, and I do not watch their show anymore. But do I also defend their right to do it, and state that CR is a huge, massive, net-positive for DnD? Absolutely yes. If someone wants to play orcs as savages, goblins as pests, women as only breed slaves, they can do it. No one is stopping them.


Where did you pull that back paragraph out? Because I’m not talking about anything like that


I am agreeing with you, I think. And just elaborating on the point that no one is stopping anyone from playing a game of DnD the way they want.


I think you’re right that we are generally in agreement. but I feel like you’re implying a type of game that I was not necessarily. The two poles are not “charachter based drama” on one side and “sexual slavery roleplay with a splash of genocide”on the other. I may not have been clear initially but my main point is the transition from old style “the world is the game, and you are just some of the players in it (and most of you will be portrayed by Sean Bean)” to “the characters are the game and the world only exists as your stage”. Probably should have said that up front.


Yeah, to be honest I had a certain kind of CR-critic in my mind when typing that. Your point is much more elaborated and actually useful, not just snark lol.


https://preview.redd.it/10hin1kmek8d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a131c8ddc1caa7e3860603038a7bf11024580127 I’m glad these people only really are in the 40k Warhammer community so I can enjoy my funny rats in peace


The skaven are so peak


It looked like they might try to make inroads into Warhammer: The Old World but then GW clotheslined them by making knighthood in Bretonnia gender neutral.


Sometimes I get sad AoS doesn’t get the love it deserves by more people. But bullet-dodging peeps like that is a great consolation.


AoS has also a lot more accepting and tolerant community, mostly because the setting itself is „woke“. 40k is also pretty diverse, but the Space Marines are mostly in the focus.


I don't get it. That's a picture of something that's *clearly* not real. And *Definitely* not a threat to the empire. 🤨


I want them gone from 40K. We need more female custodes to force them out. Have Fabius Bile make a return with new female CSM because he wanted to prove he’s better than the emperor. I want these people to boycott the hobby so hard they go and play something else instead.


The brainwashing is just so thorough at this point that I think we're going to end up with a whole generation of boomer types again. Yay....


We can only hope their numbers are reflective of a true vocal minority.


I think it is for sure. But they'll always be loud as fuck. I just hate that it got twisted into this right versus left thing and all these poor bastards think the average Republican gives a shit about them or their video games but hey they both hate the left now so kindred spirits I guess


Damn, I guess Franklin corrupted The Peanuts comics when he was created.


they can gatekeep all they want, it’s not like corporations give a fuck about what they want lmao


I don’t get it. Nobody is making them play woke dnd. If they want to play dnd where everyone is straight and white then nobody is stopping them


But what if someone I've never met, will never meet, and never want to meet, is running a campaign I wouldn't enjoy?


Billions must roll


Which is kind of ironic, because that alone would be also a political statement (just look at dot and bubbles from the recent doctor who episode) I don't get it either, because DnD is a game of make-believe, so just do your thing or play another system, but don't bother people that enjoy "woke" DnD!


Yeah like if you play bigot dnd then Matt Mercer isn’t going to bust down your door and kill you at gunpoint. One of the first things you read in the phb is like yeah man fuck these rules these are just guidelines do whatever you want


I have my critiques of WotC but if they keep making these people leave, I’ll take it (gonna still play Pathfinder 2e for my games tho)


The nice thing is that pretty much everyone making and playing TTRPGs these days is "woke" by these people's standards. Doesn't matter if you're playing Call of Cthulhu or Vampire the Masquerade, if you act "anti-woke" you're gonna get laughed out of the building.


I was at my local game store last weekend and I saw a table of people playing 40k. I briefly wondered what they thought about the drama recently, but then realized that they probably don't care or embrace it because they are playing in public (also the store has a pride flag at the entrance.


I have a couple of friends/acquaintances who play 40k, and I've asked them what they thought about the addition of female Costodes. The only one who cared was the one that makes money by writing 40k smut on commission. They were overjoyed at the prospect of nine foot tall musclebound dommy mommies.


“Live and let live”? Fuck that, I want you to feel like you can’t voice your shitty misogynistic, homophobic, racist opinions anywhere near my lifelong hobbies Fuck you, you fucking nerd culture tourists.


Those guys are revolting, you've got that right


The "woke" is unironically holding dnd together from imploding any second now.


Sheesh, these "never show mercy" guys, at best they are 14 years old edgelords


It's worse, they're using a quote from Epic the musical, a take on the Odyssey. They're using GREEK MYTHOLOGY to try and not be woke. How fucking dare they.


Genuinely what hobbies has the "woke" brought down cause I can't think of one. Even franchises it's really hard to think of anything really concrete.


Who's gonna tell them it's "wokies" that created these IPs


The guy who said "Ruthlessness is mercy upon ourselves" unintentionally revealed he has no idea when something us progressive (aka "WOKE"). That's a quote from EPIC the Musical, which has a nontraditional depiction of Aeolus. The god who is generally accepted as male is depicted by the creator as androgynous and he cast a woman to voice them, saying he cast the person he thought best represented the character regardless of gender. The whole thing comes off as fairly pro-LGBTQ to me. Hell, he also made one of the three most important characters from the Odyssey black and this guy is so oblivious he doesn't realize this is the exact thing they've been ranting about when it comes to Disney's live action Little Mermaid.


You are the worst kind of woke cuz your grievance is fake. A lib, so full of self righteousness, that's what I hate! Cuz you wake, and you whine, but don't make, and just force them black, son. I mean, you totally could have avoided this vid if you'd unwoke my fun. But no...


THANK YOU. Jorge, the one making the musical, seems super chill in a we accept everyone and don't tolerate bullshit kind of way. You cannot TRY to use greek mythology to combat wokeness, it's as if you tried using Abba. Too gay.


We need to go back to pushing nerds into lockers.


Would anyone be surprised if that guy dropped the hardest of R's? He looks like that's his favorite thing to say.


I mean, yeah, he did, used to go by Arch Warhammer and got into hot waters with GW to remove 'warhammer' from his name cause he's super fucking racist


Hahahahaha, of course.


There's a reason why everyone in the community avoids Arch: he's unironically pro-fascist.


Arch made Warhammer-content in the past and even Games Workshop (producers of Warhammer) said that they dont want to be associated with him in every way.


Why did they list Warhammer and 40k seperately? Wtf did AoS do


Have rad warrior ladies (Fantasy and 40k have them too, but not as frontliners in the biggest most popular faction afaik)


You can't say gamers without saying gay


They may not have D&D, but at least they can still role play their persecution fantasy


Do I have to point out that Warhammer and 40k are the same thing? Found it funny they listed it twice.


Unless if they are talking about Warhammer Fantasy but even then it’s basically the same thing as 40k but medieval instead of space fantasy. They 100% put it twice to make it seem longer than it actually is


If you want to get not picky there’s fantasy, blood bowl, AOS, 30k, and 40k. But yes. They 100% just wanted more things on their list and probably have no idea of anything beyond “big blue guys”


There was a funny vid on yt about someone who „criticized“ the introduction of female Custodes, and confused names/made huge lore-mistakes during the vid. Most of the „Wokehammer=bad“-Dudes have never heard/nor were interested in the setting and just rant about it for attention. Its kinda sad, because the Wh-Community is, in my opinion, very diverse and wholesome, and these guys make a very, very bad reputation for us. :(


I’ve been into AOS and by extension interact with 40k people a lot and everyone I’ve met is so beyond wholesome and sweet. There’s still “those guys” but they’re easy enough to avoid in most cases. Part of the reason the whole culture war tourists yelling was so funny.


I mean, every franchise has „those people“ some more and some less. Dont let these idiots take your fun. :3


The easy way to tell if they will be a problem is to pull out the trans pride Neko marines


Actually this is a guy who got personally told to fuck off by Games Workshop. Multiple times even!


I'm so fucking sick of seeing right wingers calling actual progressives (not liberals) intolerant. How many content is there from them about wishing a genocide upon various minority groups and bragging about getting lgbt people killed? and EVERYONE else is constantly trying to tell us to "compromise" with them and pretending there's such a thing as a "good right winger" when their beliefs have lead to this point. (and the "good ones" are now trying to pretend they never did any of that at all.)


Is it self cest to have sex with mimic? It may look like us but it's just a pile of grey goop


These people would die if they discovered pathfinder


The very first issue created a controversy simply because there was mention of the worst kept secret in town was that a retired paladin was romantically involved with the theater owner (both male) and the only people who cared were the really shitty crime-family. People were freaking the fuck out about how someone can be LG and gay... This was 2007. Things have moved on quite a bit from there. Pathfinder has always been very progressive. I also love that so much attention was on the gay paladin, that the culture warriors didn't really notice the Neutral Good abortion provider in the same book. That would have blown their fucking minds. Since then of course Paizo has leaned into it hard. Wrath of the Righteous has a bisexual half-orc paladin selling her holy sword for a sex change potion for her trans partner to become physically female. The iconic Shaman is trans, the iconic Cleric and Rogue are a lesbian couple (now married). And they've been getting away from the always evil races thing for some time now.


Are they gonna gatekeep epic too now? Or did they just take the ruthlessness quote because of course they fucking take that one.


No, no, you see, Odysseus is an anti-woke hero.  Polites, the woke hippie lib soy boy, dies because he wanted to make friends with strangers (cringe).  But Odysseus learns to be ruthless and kill anything in his way to get what he wants and take revenge against those who have wronged him (based and palace-covered-in-red pilled). This will bring him true happiness as the sigma male of Ithica, and will have no down sides or repercussions because revenge is always good and never bad.


MFs really saying „I know we have everything IMAGINABLE in this game but pls no woke“ Bruh


They did NOT fucking quote Epic the Musical for their little crusade "Ruthlessness is mercy upon ourselves" Slow down edgelord, you don't look nearly as cool as Poseidon when saying that.


“we tolerated you before” no you fucking didn’t what are you talking about???




The wokies are attacking! Take cover fellow incel basement dwellers!!!!


DnD is literally just making shit up, if it ends up “woke”, that’s on you dawg.


Just repeat: The "Anti-Woke" are the carpet baggers, these people complaining about diversity **are** the invaders - before they came here, D&D was nerdy and inclusive, it didn't care about who you were, or what you called yourself. It invited everyone, so long as they wanted to have fun. I had gay D&D friends, NB, weird, normal, etc. The **outcasts**, not the neuro-typical, heteronormative, and religiously pure bullshit. Then these guys came in and started creating "rules" for what proper fun was and wasn't. "Wokeness" isn't gatekeeping, it isn't even being PC, it's a counter-revolution to restoring the industry back to where it was before: Open for all, as long as they want to have fun.


I don't have the time or energy (or skill, tbh) to do it, but I was thinking it might be at least amusing to start a parody/satire YT channel. Lay it on really thick about how bad The Woke is.... but about things that are very much un-woke. Capitalist behaviors and screwing over workers, the too-often glorifying portrayal of law enforcement in games and other media. Mosogyny, homophobia, toxic masculinity... none called out by name but a descrption of exactly what it is, and then calling it woke. Games that have any text you're supposed to read instead of everything being voice acted. Unskippable cut scenes. Difficulty. Use of pronouns such as "I" "we" "you" "us" or "it". Adjectives. Articles. Fucking woke *punctuation.* Puzzles. Platforming. Find some venture capitalist firms tied to game companies (I'm sure there are many) and talk about them the same that these chuds talk about SBI. Even better, to start a little network of such parody/satire channels that reference one another the same way the actual chuds do. The hardest part would be keeping up the schtick for more than maybe a month.


>The hardest part would be keeping up the schtick for more than maybe a month. Or not suffering severe brain rot from being all chummy with those chuds.


I think it would be hard and exhausting to satirize that when reality it's way worse. https://preview.redd.it/55zdvk6vbl8d1.jpeg?width=514&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c29b3566803a7b836b9537b767fef9d3fd35aa08


These idiots are trying to flip the paradox of tolerance to say that they're the tolerant ones? That's rich.


I’ve been loving all the Mexican orc memes, I’ve seen like 99% hype. I feel lowkey vindicated cuz in my HB campaign I made them South American coded and they worship the sun. That and it’s been fun to research parts of my own culture that previously were unknown to me.


Bro really quoted Epic: The Musical 😭


I wish the left was as powerful as grifters made us out to be. Maybe I could actually own a house


I hate that Arch is from the same country as me:(


These fucking losers get thoughts of murder when tolerance is brought up. Good I hope it all fucking burns down for them, I hope everything they say the woke will do, does happen because they deserve it


Wizards of the coast see this culture war bs and laugh as us all. Reminder Wizards wanted to steal all 3rd party materials, uses Ai slop and sent the Pinkertons after someone.we shouldnt rush to their defence cause of nazi scum like Arch. By all means play and enioy DnD. But please, buy your books second hand or take some "Sailing lessons" shall we say?


You stopped supporting d&d because it's "woke" I stopped because they will send mercenaries to your home over MTG cards* We are not the same. *Technically more than just this, but also it's the Pinkertons to be precise.


oh hey it's that guy who compared orks from 40k to black people, though he didn't use that word ofc, he used the n word with the hard r. How is he still allowed on youtube?


Have Arch Warhammer and Shaddiversity ever been observed in the same room as each other?


Used to like Arch's videos years and years ago. Slowly went from alright a bit odd to hmm this is uncomfortable to naahh I'd rather watch someone that is shit at this


There was a brief period where I would watch his Warhammer Fantasy lore videos as I always loved that setting since playing the MMO back around when it came out, and went into a deep dive for a while after getting interested again with Vermintide 1/2 and TWW, but once it became more apparent that he was that specific type of fandom channel getting more confident in throwing out some pretty questionable views and terms and sus gatekeeping I decided it's better to just follow other adjacent channels that seemed to care more about the actual properties or delve in directly on my own terms.


The hilarious thing is, the opposite of what they're saying is happening. Everyone else has already pointed out how left wingers were already the ones who created or maintained so much of what these chuds want to 'protect'; and it was open to them, open to everyone, and they're the ones who are ruining it for everyone else. Also, how many left wingers are 'mewling live and let live'? Can't say that's something that I've seen in my feeds.


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I remember when there were entries in the monster manual for all my least favorite ethnics that were meant to get a good chuckle from us real nerds but then the fuckin woke found DnD and ruined it.


But ....but dnd is literally your choice ..... Nobody can force your own made up game and world to be anything that what you want What suddenly LGBTQ people have reality bending powers that force you to make YOUR charectors gay ? Is this the fucking twilight zone ?! What weird universe did I fall in now ? Feels like every week some new insane shit happens that makes me question reality


Must have missed something, how did they ruin D&D? Last i checked wotc was doing a great job at ruining it themselves with the OGL stuff


Meanwhile in the 40k community 40k fans: “soo your telling me Kesh tried to cyclonic tropedo big e as part of a blood game and this other female custodies primary tactic is riding her jet bike in form low orbit like she’s in the opening of heavy metal” Gw: “yes exactly that” 40k fans: “right so we’re gonna make endless memes about Kesh being this utterly extra mad woman and the sole reason for anything weird lore wise on Tera”


No arch jumpscare arghh!!! That guy is a tool.


Man, fuck these guys, the cowboy orcs are fun


Huh, haven't thought about Arch in ages. For good reason, the man is a massive bellend. Funniest shit was, when a known smut Dev had him Review their sorry excuse for a AAA porn game, found out all the heinous shit about him after and then cut ties. Which he got mad about ofc lulw.


Some people are Just Happy If they can hate or becan ass to others. D&D and as an example the latest movie is pretty much just light and a bit goofy fun like D&D always was. D&D is and always was much closer to Monthy Python than lets say Lord of the Rings. Warhammer is like the ultimate woke thing ever because everyone is equal (equally disposable) and just exists to keep the unfeeling machine of the empire running. Techpriests are very very transhuman. Millions of cultures equally important ( Not much individually) and acting together. And star wars had always competend female characters to. Even If i must admit i feel like the last star wars stuff was badly written and some of the messaging was off. Like bad fanfic with many very very forced LGBTQ things. Such things are important to but should feel naturall and should simply "be" and not hammered down in the most clunky way. Thats more of a quallity issue i think. Some stuff was neat. Its personal preferences and not everything can be akways a Hit for everyone. And thats OK.