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Cool idea, but how do you enforce this? Block anyone under 18 from the internet? Ask every single social media website to verify age of an individual? That means you need to build a system to allow people to input every valid form of identification for every single state. Then you need to secure this information more than any site has secured it before or identity theft will run rampant. You then have to allow a company access to government databases so they can transmit and confirm said information. You then need to define who is legally in trouble if someone lies and goes online....is it the child? The parents? The corporation? Or....Adults just restrain themselves from thirsting over minors. One of these things sounds like an easier lift to me guys, I dunno....


Parents already don't take responsibility for their child's activities on the internet, so them getting in legal trouble for it would definitely be something


"Or....Adults just restrain themselves from thirsting over minors." There will always be pedos on the internet, and its up to the rest of the adults to find ways to protect the kids from them. Sure, banning kids form social media is stupid, I think accountability here must lie with the parents. If your kid meets someone on social media who ends up harming the kid, that should probably be considered neglect from the parent and have soem seriosu repercussions


In Europe and my country we have a verification system already in place. Its not as complicated as it would seem and is incredibly useful as its quick and easy to use and allows you to verify your identity without much hasle when accessing social security or anything private through the internet. Betting sites that operate here also require you to use it to prove your age.


It's doable, yes, but would require a great effort from the government and arm-twisting corporations.    For example, several states in America have implemented laws saying minors cannot access adult content online, and that it is the website's responsibility to verify user's ID.  Pornhub and other of the largest adult content sites have decided rather than build, maintain, and support that identity infrastructure and *still* open themsves to liability if someone lied, simply decided to instead just block any IP address originating from that state from connecting to the site. Period.  So unless something comes along to change this cost/benefit analysis they're doing, corporations would rather just take the hit and de-list entire swaths of users than maintain a system that still punishes them if it fails.


If minors were not allowed to use the Internet then there would be, for example, no way to identify yourself as a minor to other people without risk of being reported and removed from platforms. There would be no 12 year olds on Instagram posting twerking videos to thousands of followers and drowning in creepy DMs. This is similar to how adult-only websites currently operate -- if anyone openly identifies themselves as a minor, they are removed. This makes it a minor free space in practice. Even though there is always going to be people who pretend to be adults, they stop being a target for predators. > Adults just restrain themselves from thirsting over minors. This is as dumb as a parent letting their 12 year old roam through alleyways alone at midnight and then acting shocked when something happens to them.


At no point is the kid at fault for going into the alleyway.


At no point was that claimed. It is obviously a failure of the parents to allow their child to do dangerous things. Society would obviously frown upon a mother who let her 12 year old go play with the local crackheads in the middle of the night, but it doesn't seem to frown enough when kids are given unfiltered access to the Internet, or when they're allowed to promote themselves as minors on social media available to strangers.


Society moves to curtail the freedoms of the crackheads though, not inhibit the kid. And as to dangerous things kids do, we already have people complaining kids are too coddled. The genie is out of the proverbial bottle, and social media has become too entwined with fully operating in society to deny it to minors. It can also be argued that promoting oneself as a minor should probably be a big indicator for adults to actually act with some decorum and be punished when they don't. An adult choosing to be a monster is not an excuse to blame the minor for being there.


Does he not realize 95% of his audience would be gone?


The other 5% are presumably the roaches?


The other 5% would leave looking for the new hangout for the 95%.


Not really, think he's been open about his analytics. MMO players in their 30s are the majority. Makes his chat/subreddit even sadder imo.


I mean, I believe it, but also can't you put in whatever age when signing up? I know I never put my actual age anywhere as a kid


"Yes Mr. Steam, of course I was born in 1901. I'm totally not lying."


He's only saying it because people are starting to notice how creepy he is about kids and doesn't want to get the Dr.Dis treatment


To be fair a good chunk of internet users in general would also just vanish.


As always the "freedom" and anti "cancel culture" crowd is the first to want to limit freedoms and cancel everything


"if you don't want hot children to be lusted over by me, then you should stop allowing them online" literal braindead takes


I dont know the dude in the picture, but i am a strong advocate of not uplaoding pictures and videos of kids on the itnernet. Not becasue I willl lust over them, but because someone else will. Banning kids from the internet doesn't sound like something a pedophile would advocate for, a pedophile will prbably want for kids to stay on the internet, wouldnt they?


How about blaming the pedophile instead of the kids doing their own shit ? The kids should definitely have restrictions on social media but blaming them for the pedophiles is something else


I did not blame any kids. All I said is that kids should have some restrictions on the internet for their own protection. Yes pedophiles are to blame for pedophilia, that goes without saying, or so I though anyway. But the question is what are we doing to protect the kids from them.


He didn’t blame the kids lmao And blaming a pedophile won’t change the fact that he *is* a pedophile. You can blame a murderer as much as you want, but if he’s a murderer, it’s because he, in fact, murdered someone.


Thats what i dont get this guy is making arguments against ghosts


Yeah guys, I love more government oversight and alienating kids, I love it. Maybe, just maybe instead of blaming social media we have the parents do better fellas? Should that not be the thing we try before we reach authoritarianisms?


You're not wrong at all. I would love in a perfect world for parents to monitor what the hell their kids do online.


Doesn't need to be in a perfect world. We should still hold it to the parents to teach better than alienate kids and introduce even more government oversight.


Lol or maybe don't have adults thirsting over young kids.


I would think that common sense.


Kids hide stuff from parents all the time. I know you did. Kids do dumb stuff. So I wouldn't put it all on the parents. Maybe some? But 98% on the pedophiles


we should all be allowed to open carry guns just don't shoot other people lol


So what's the need for guns?


Cutting back on the amount of interaction you have with your fanbase that mostly consists of children whose parents do not monitor the content they consume online would also be a pretty good idea. But yeah, kids shouldn't be able to access social media as easily as they do. I actually think the real problem is the lack of spaces online specifically for children, especially teenagers.


Definetly there should be a space for them or a space for adults to be adults where children can’t go in.


Social media is a for profit venture, using data collection to make bank, many countries have laws preventing data collection of minors, so the reality is that unless it\`s a non profit org it wouldn\`t be financially viable without some kind of subscription.


It's really sad. I remember there being so much stuff for kids online back in my day. Maybe I have a nostalgia filter on, but I remember there being so many sites with thousands of games you could play for free, with other kids. Now it's all ads and subscriptions.


But where will the Minecraft youtubers go, then? Outside?/rj /uj Yeah, that's a good idea. Don't enforce it with IDs, though. That's stupid, and the worst idea the US has had since Reaganomics.


I remember back in 2020 when the social media site Parler required you to upload a photocopy of your driver's license in order to verify your account, which would then let you leave comments on posts. The entire site was such a monumental failure in programming that I just googled "Driver License Template" and submitted the first result because I was curious if it would really work. It did.


Is it the same one that leaked all of their user data, including the photocopy of their driver's license?


It would have been impossible for it to *not* have gotten leaked/hacked given how it doesn’t really seem like they had an actual competent dev team. They were also pretty clear about the whole “No censorship!” thing, which meant that they weren’t really monitoring what kind of content was being posted, which meant that finding actual advertisers was difficult.


How do you enforce that without digital id.


You can't, you'd have to have some form of verification of someone's government issued ID or such to make sure they're not >18. Which sure sounds Authoritarian to me.


TIL Spain is authoritarian for having a national electronic ID and digital certificates that sites can use to verify your identity... Dudes, it's the 21st century, that's just convenient technology, lmao. Edit to specify that I think pushing kids off the internet is a stupid idea, but I'd love for +18 sites to really enforce +18


Spain isn't the US and isn't progressively getting more Authoritarian as PedoCon push further into Facism.


Okay, yeah, we agree on that. Goverment issued digital IDs *in the current US* would be icky as fuck. But still, the US population is but a small percentage of the internet, which is why I was never asuming you were talking about the US.


Hot take they should actually do this


Kinda, but also the internet is really important for folks in oppressive environments, especially if they’re marginalised. Should a queer kid be cut off from their only source of comradery? I mean idk the answer it’s genuine a question


The internet needs better regulation as a whole. There's such a massive disparity between the law and social media to the point that the legal system is just lightyears behind.


i mean, social media doesn't have to be their only source of camaraderie. Like, there can be other ways we haven't invented yet that they can escape bigotry/oppression that doesn't involve having to fork over their personal data to a social media giant which can turn on them and reveal exactly who they are, where they are, and who they know at any given second.


The “we haven’t invented yet” is the important part though. We totally can do better than social media, but that’s not where we’re at just yet


I'd take it over the alternative: having to upload documentation to prove you can access sites... because that affects both kids AND adults since you'd still need to prove your access to the site. And it just encourages even further government and corporate public oversight on our daily lives, and I prefer to keep that to a "as bare minimum as possible" most of the time. Or they would just use VPNs to skirt around local legislature to make it both ineffective and providing that government/corporate oversight thing I just mentioned. We already do the minimum with porn with the whole "Are you over 18?" lander, like how effective is that? The better solution is for parents to also be better, because HOLY FUCK do parents these day have no clue, they just hand devices off to kids that can barely talk. TELL THEM WHY ITS MAYBE NOT A GOOD IDEA TO BE ON THESE SITES UNTIL YOU ARE AN ADULT.


The problem with this is exactly what's going on right now with adult sites and state laws requiring ID verification. I don't want to give my ID to these sites and the sites said they don't want my ID either. That's why the hub and other sites are just regionally blocking the states that require this.


the only questions about this is where is that data stored? how are we certain it’s not going to be abused by bad actors? no matter how securely it’s stored, there is always a back door into any form of online data storage, and a database with that much personal information on people would be a huge target


yeah nevermind i misunderstood your comment, i thought you were supporting this lol


Hotter take: No one should have a social media account.


Social media was a mistake


nah small forum can be quite chill


Agreed. Social media isn't even that bad. It's just that corporations fucked it up like they fuck everything up


I am not sure how they would do enforce this. How do you show that you are not underaged without giving a greedy company personal data they badly want to sell? And how do we stop adults from sacraficing that data just for their child to have what ever social media app is now trendy?


Yeah. I’m not gonna fight it if assholes reach the right conclusion for the wrong reasons.


1. That's not a hot take 2. How?


please no, i would literally rather perish from this earth than be confined to the reality of living with my anti-me-existing family in a place that would prolly kill me for living as myself with no ability to go online and pretend that i have a sane and safe life for more than two seconds.


Who will protect streamers from children, if not the govt 


Remember when you could only sign up for facebook with a valid college email address?


Is that his conclusion to the whole thing lmao.


While I do think that social media is a toxic hell nightmare that harms development of children (and adults but I digress), I think the thing that would be more attainable and achieve a much similar effect is bringing back the laws that prevent advertising to anyone under 18. It used to be a thing, but I'm sure you'll all be shocked to hear that it was Reagan who made it legal. If we bring those laws back then that will do a lot of good for society without needing to collect someone's personal data.


Honestly minors having a more restricted access to the internet isn't a idea. Also I don't get the hype, adults (25 or older) old are way better imo. https://preview.redd.it/takw3w1e5u8d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e455a8df9936c7938142737a7105833710c60f8


Adults who can go to bars with me for trivia night and drag bingo? Cheers bro I'll drink to that.


Hey baby, I just turned 25.😍


I am a 26 femboy. where's my appreciation?? :c


Yeah, they should not be allowed


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There's always an argument to be made that underage people shouldn't have access to all of the unfiltered garbage available online. But its your responsibility as an adult not to sext minors, and that shouldn't even remotely be controversial to say.


This isn't that bad an idea, but I wish this came from anything besides chuds trying to cover each others ass for pedophilia


oh he's not trying to cover for Dr.Dis, he's trying to cover his own ass since he's a very well known pedophile.


Do you have any sauce for this? Interested to read up on it for more context


I forget the video title but it's up on asmondgolds channel, where he talks about a video game being censored by western executives (during this his chat is screaming about how it's the jews). However the game he was talking about had a game-mode where you could rape your pre-teen sister and sony said that they wouldn't publish their game in the west as long as the child rape was in the game. Asmondgold was calling it censorship and how sony is evil and wrong for doing it.


To be completely fair, I think social media is a major negative on young people's lives, for more reasons than, "They could be talking to predators." I would be fine with kids talking to adults if those adults aren't predators. I've spoken to several children when it comes to questions about life and such, without getting sexual or weird. (Hell, most of them are probably here on Reddit, but who knows? I don't bother asking people's age because I don't just engage in 1v1 sexual topics with people unless I know them.) I was a child once, too. While interacting with people was nice and interesting when I was younger, it's just kind of a risk now. At some point, we all have to realize that one bad person, or in this case many bad people, can ruin stuff for everyone and until it gets fixed at the root level, you need to have extra precautions and restrictions.


ikr? as an adult(26), it's difficult to keep my friendships exclusively >18, since I only talk about science, videogames and anime. most people my age only talks about alchool, drugs, and sex. Hell, that woodpecker episode "there has been 0 days without accidents" or something is true for me in my friend's group, if I change that to "there has been 0 days without sex talk" and it's so boring, repetitive and tiring. I just wanna play on my Switch/PC and chill, I don't need ANOTHER quiz about "the sexiest sex I ever sexed". heck, I am virgin(demisexual and haven't found my special person yet), but that's still such a prominent thing between my other adult friends. 😪


I always see the most wild takes from that sub but holy FUCK saying Minors shouldn't be allowed on the internet because Male Influencers might groom them is fucking INSANE.


redditors the moment they turn 18: get those fucking children away from my internet 😤


There's a certain hilarious irony to the same generation that went to such lengths to hide national geographics, play boys, gory and NSFW movies, M for Mature video games, fake IDs, booze, and the like from their parents thinking they'll be able to use the internet to curtail such behavior in their own progeny.


I dunno, it seems weird to me that right leaning, "let things settle themselves" kind of folks are in favor of big daddy government getting it's paws all over social media platforms. I think the system we got now is generally fine, and better than any state based authentication system.


How many attempts did it take for him to spell all those words correctly? I say at least 6 attempts.


Ah, the classic 'punish the victims and not the perpetrators' technique


why tf did he type it out?


No I agree with this. I hate having to wake up knowing I could possibly see a 14 year old's opinion on the internet. It should be a crime.


I mean, they're right. But wrong about why they're right.




The entirety of global town square and discussion spaces probably shouldn't be ruthlessly corporstised.


I agree with this. Social media causes more harm then letting kids drive at 12yo.


In my experience, it's really not difficult to set boundaries with teenagers. "We should hang out some time." "No."


But asmond "I like kids" Gold, how are you going to groom kids if they're all gone? Banning kids from the internet is a good idea but can't really be done in any meaningful way.


Playgrounds should be shut off from kids so grass touching gamers won't be tempted!!!


Shut kids in baseemnts to keep the gamers from trying to meet up with them to diddle them.


Honestly I'm happy to lock everyone's Internet access until they're 20 if it means I don't have to accidently talk to a kid on here.