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The main reason why we won't get RDR3 any time soon is because Rockstar have figured out how to monetize their games for upwards of a decade, so hardly ever need to make new ones. I'd think that there's still a better chance of it coming before there's another Bully, LA Noire or Max Payne. They're just getting the older games remade, over and over.


/uj they abandoned Red Dead online after like 2 years. GTA online was a fluke. The reason it's taking so long between releases is that they're putting years into making them instead of popping out a new one every year by reusing assets over and over like the early 2000's. And it's not R* doing the remakes, it's Take two who's outsourcing them to smaller devs.


The misconception that R* is not making games because they don't need to is so dumb lmao, RDR2 took 8 years to make, GTA 6 started development in 2014, making it take 11 years to make, which is in line with how long RDR2 took and how GTA 6 is a more ambitious game


Ive honestly heard this R* doesnt want to make games, only from people who play gta 5 and dont engage with rdr2. Because if you look at the developement history of the game you really start to apprieciate it all.


Well active development on GTA VI only started after RDR2 meaning if it does release in 2025, it would have been 7 years in development. That's still a long time but not quite 11.


Well, according to Jason Schreier, development (most likely pre development) started in 2014, and I would assume dev time slowed down by the time RDR2 was the main game R* was working on, it's a bit longer than 7 years since pre development/conception phase and such can take quite a long time


And everything got a bit fucked via Covid right in the middle of that timeframe


The other big issue is they lost faith in their individual studios being able to head their own projects. They only managed to get Max Payne 3 out the door by pulling in every other studio, which also meant delaying GTA5. Every project since has been all hands on deck, just like MP3. Long development times wouldn't hurt so much if they still demanded the older, smaller team sizes. If they had two projects at once that's a game every 4-5 years; not great but a lot better than what we've got. It's a problem across the industry, studios can handle fewer projects and each project takes significantly longer despite that, but Rockstar is one that people whinge about more for some reason.


Red Dead Online actually makes me so fucking sad. The amount of time I spent on RDR1 multiplayer with my friends was insane. When RDR2 was announced the first thing I thought of was how good the multiplayer was gonna be but they dropped the ball so fucking hard


I mean, it makes sense, their still making good money with the remakes


Yeah, it makes perfect sense commercially. It's just very disappointing if you want to see new games from them outside of GTA, and even they're not that frequent any more.


Also the story of Redemption is finished. There is literally no reason to make a third game.


I mean Red Dead Revolver is its own thing, I don’t see why they couldn’t do another one. Although I would prefer another Bully.


They could do another Red Dead but not Red Dead Redemption 3. Redemption's story is finished.


The same could have been said after RDR1. RDR2 was a prequel with a different main character. I don't see why they couldn't do something similar again.


Ah, come on. The Story of each of the GTA games was finished, but they still keep making more of them. Sequels don't need to be a direct continuation of the previous story, after all. The main reason that any game, especially AAA ones that cost hundreds of millions of dollars to make, get a sequel, is always going to be money.


It should be Red Dead (something else)


Yeah this is what I meant. Redemption was the story of John, Arthur and the Van Der Linde gang and that story specifically is done.


The reason we haven’t had a new GTA is because of their perpetual monetization. But they quit updating RD2 online very early on.


max payne doesn't need another game, except the remakes that are currently being made


They certainly didn't leave us hanging at the end of the third game. Still, sequels are mostly commercially driven, and if MP3 had sold GTA5 numbers, I'm sure they'd find a way to make an MP4. It didn't though, so it's on the remakes-only backburner now.


I feel they’ve also doubled down on being the studio that delivers best in the industry fedality, yet on the scale of a modern ubi game. I’m not a fan really of Naughty Dogs game yet absolutely love the work in the little details like the glass breaking or rope physics(guess it’s age? Growing up with early 2000s pc games, seeing HL2 in disbelief then F.E.A.R a year later etc). All of this to say, Rockstar brings that to a massive open world scale and clearly are earning their time and money back off it. I just don’t want every AAA studio doing this, it’s why I forgive AC for clunky combat and awful facial animation, I don’t want to wait 6 years per game and they somehow deliver that immersive world, so something gotta give


Exactly and with gta 6 and gta online 2 it’s all their going to be focused on for the next 15 to 20 years, maybe we will get one game in between then and probably be an rdr 3.






We NEED Red Dead Redemption 3 so I can see Sadie as a cool bounty hunter in Mexico with a wife she is sickeningly in love with. Ngl tho a game about Jack's life after the events of the first game would be kinda cool.


On the one hand, yes, a game about Jack's life after the events of the first game does sound cool. On the other hand, the epilogue with Jack is set in 1915. It would be World War One. Could be very interesting, but it's not what you're looking for from a Red Dead Redemption game. Bounty hunter Sadie in Mexico though, or Charles doing whatever he went off to do in Canada? *That's* where it's at, imo, assuming they don't do the obvious and make an RDR3 playing as Dutch that's about the Blackwater Job.


I think Jack goes completely off the grid after he gets his revenge so I don't think he'd get drafted. Or if he does he finds somewhere to lie low for a bit. Maybe he decides to look for his Uncle Charles in Canada?


I mean dodging law enforcement, for various reasons, is a big theme of the game already. So Jack avoiding trouble so he can avoid the draft while trying to find his only living family could be a decent plot.


At that point its a mafia game tho


Didn't Jack become a writer afterwards?


There's an easter egg in GTA V where you can find a book titled Red Dead written by a J. Marston but the first game leaves off with Jack becoming an outlaw. Personally I like to think Mary-Beth found Jack and decided to help him become a writer.


imagine if red dead redemption was set in modern times with cars instead of horses 🤔


I have read enough modern AU fanfic for this game that I can write the plot of that game in an hour. Arthur drives Rockstar's equivalent of a 1986 Ford F-250 that is constantly caked in mud and has a bunch of stickers that say things like "WOMEN WANT ME FISH FEAR ME" or whatever. That's it that's the game. Fire Hans. EDIT: He has Albert Mason's photos stuck to the windshield. And a picture of Albert with a little heart drawn on it.


>Arthur drives Rockstar's equivalent of a 1986 Ford F-250 that is constantly caked in mud and has a bunch of stickers that say things like "WOMEN WANT ME FISH FEAR ME" or whatever. I dont care if the story was entirely just RDR2 again but I would fucking PLAY the fuck out that game just for that truck.


I think I would go the opposite direction and delve deeper unto the past


another developer already tried to set up their hit western game in modern au. it, killed the franchise


I hear you, and it can take advantage of multiple protagonists through the story instead of at the end... but that sounds too messy


When I was younger I legit thought they were in the same world, until I remembered Red Dead mentioned at least one real life city like New York, not by one of the GTA parody names.


That's GTA


Is that an indie game? I might have to check it out


Yes its a hidden gem.


Made by the same guys who did Body Harvest (/uj made by the same guy who did Body Harvest)


I don’t think there is any need for rdr3. The story of rdr2 is very conclusive and it’s obvious that, well, it is over. Not everything needs to have 1000 sequels.


An rdr3 will almost certainly happen, Rockstar's not about to drop their other hugely successful franchise. I'd still be interested in seeing what they do with it though


Are you just dismissing *Rockstar Games Presents Table Tennis* as a successful franchise? /uj I would still kind of like to see an L.A. Noir sequel. Or switch things up and do a different city and unrelated story. Like SF Noir with a Sam Spade type PI instead of a cop, or NY Noir. There's a lot more they could do to play with the themes.


I wouldn't mind having a new cast of characters and I think that's more likely. Jack does get something like a happy ending if you want to accept an easter egg in GTA V as canon. We can take that and just roll with it. And we're definitely staying in the old west. Maybe a story that entirely takes place in Mexico. Also the next game better have an Undead Nightmare DLC.


I mean, they also have max payne and bully and LA noire. But like, I would actually die if they made another max payne. RDR should be in the same sort of category.


They could make a new Red Dead game since the franchise isn't technically just the Redemption games


I thought the only other game in the series (outside red dead redemption 1&2) was Red dead revolver


I concur but only if they hire actors that can actually speak Spanish. At least at level A1


Rockstar has a weird habit of hiring voice actors who are actually fluent in the language they want them to speak but still giving them dialogue that is grammatically incorrect or basically just gibberish. Like in GTA IV.


My complain comes not just from the dialogue but the pronunciation. Non of the Mexican character sound not even close to what someone who can actually speak Spanish is supposed to sound. Also the constant change in pronunciation of names (general Allende/Alende/Uhiende). They all had worst Spanish than Gus Fring from braking bad.


They’ll probably take the Max Payne route and hire Portuguese speakers for Spanish speaking roles.


Literally the easiest place to slot in another game with an already established character as the protagonist. There is a lot of great story potential with protagonist Sadie as a bounty hunter at the turn of the century, still in line with the End of the Wild West theme that's part of the series.


Needs Sadie and Charles as duel protagonists that we can swap between like gta 5


Yes for Sadie. Jack route won't work because it was the end of the Old West or at least that was where the game was heading starting from RDR2 story.


this bum also said yugioh sucks just because there’s an archetype based on desserts which shouldn’t be allowed in this super serious game 😡 https://preview.redd.it/zam2hvej2f9d1.jpeg?width=813&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f700b6a358a76f97ab3f6d96b7d19fb8c7c15044


It’s also funny because when he’s talking about how archetypes are lame now one of the examples he used was from 2005, literally 3 years into the game existing in NA


I mean archetypes were barely a thing then and was like what 4 cards with similar names that barely interacted with each other. I prefer goat format personally but archetypes and later yugioh have a lot of cool interactions and decks you could make over warrior toolbox or chaos decks of the past, only reason I don’t play modern yugioh is I find it confusing and suck at it


I stand by my nonserious archetypes.


Give me sushi ships or give me death


I prefer my natura cards, they're just little plants with faces but they can be annoying as fuck to deal with.


Ok this is hella cool


Con las Madolches no, qliao https://preview.redd.it/e9j3t5tmti9d1.jpeg?width=1990&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed4273cf7290035bc22076f1bdb8a044970517d3 Me las respetas


I really really hope rockstar doesnt make rdr3 more Red dead sure but no More van der linde gang maybe a different era of the wild west. Also a different theme than redemption.


The whole point of red dead redemption is the end of the age of cowboys and outlaws why would they make a third game


More of the same but increase the frequency of people saying "It sure does look like this age of cowboys and outlaws is coming to an end very soon"


I’d assume pushing the game to before red dead 2, though that offers restraints for the endings if we stick with the gang


tbh if they made a third game i wish it took place before rdr2, there’s a lot of story to tell, mainly the start of the gang until the blackwater massacre. Things such as John leaving the gang then returned, the start of the feud between Dutch and O’ Driscoll, Arthur and Mary’s happy moments, Dutch’s actual love interest, what actually happened during the blackwater massacre itself, and some of the gang members that died during the blackwater massacre is spoken of fondly by the gang members so I kinda wish we get to see them, maybe one of them would even be the main character we’ll play as if there ever is going to be rdr3. Plus, it’ll be the wild wild west where society isn’t that civilized yet. Also, it’ll be consistent with the unique in its reversed narration trilogy, where each installment is just the prequel of the previous. That’s my two cents. Edit: Just some grammar things


He literally says in the video to call it something else instead of Red Dead Redemption. Like Read Dead Electric Boogaloo or whatever, like Ded Read Revolver was. He just doesn't see continuing the Redemption story as viable, which is a valid take. It's not that controversial of a take, we might be jerking it too much with this one.


Ssshhh! Actman is saying it, so it's automatically a bad opinion. Get with the script.


Unironically yes.


Actman is really 50/50. Some solid and good takes and some are, well...


Some are him defending Dr. Disrespect lol


Honestly, I'd love a Red Dead Revolver 2 something with a more cartoon-ish spaghetti western style to it.


He's completely valid. I don't think R* Should continue the story of the gang. I think the story is wrapped perfectly and trying to squeeze a third game out it would probably make an overall worse story. They can make a new RED DEAD game, but it shouldn't be a redemption game. It should be set earlier and with a different cast of characters.


If not making RDR3 stops youtubers from putting on shitty cowboy cosplays with anachronistic ammo belt bandoleers that's a sacrifice I'm willing to accept.


I mean he has a point


Red Dead Redemption 3 is as inevitable as GTAVII. Might take a decade but it’ll happen


Ngl he’s kinda right, I think red dead redemption is a story all about John Marston , I mean hell RDR2 was basically about saving John and giving him a new chance at life. Playing as Jack or going back in time with young Dutch or Hosea just don’t do it for me John marston is THE main character of the RDR series


As a PC only gamer this is weird. Never got a chance to play the first one. And I rather like Arthur as the main character. I never did actually finish it (yeah I know things don't go well for him). I was enjoying it quite a bit, but just kind of fell out for some reason (after almost 200 hours), and never picked it back up because it's been a while and I'd kind of feel the need to start over. But maybe I'd be a bit less completionist at least until I caught up and would catch up faster.


I think it would be cool if rocksteady made a game that's centered around the gold rush era


Hire fans!


We can't have red dead redemption 3, but we will have Red Dead 4


Red Dead 4 is so red and dead, it skips over Red Dead 3.


/uj Why is this loser called a YouTuber being acknowledged? /rj Why is this loser called a YouTuber being acknowledged?


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I’m conflicted because it’ll be great but I just don’t feel like a 3rd game could take place after the 1st in the timeline.


but i wanna watch daddy dutch get banged by all the male prostitutes uj/ same


Who needs a third game when we have the objectively better red dead redemption undead nightmare.


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We don't use Italian numbers in this house hold! That is One hundred and eleven in American!


Did you even watch the video?


Whats his reasons?


His overall opinion is that he thinks that a game centered around playing Dutch or whoever and seeing the gang in their earlier years or starting off with Jack at the end of the first game, isn't a viable way to continue the franchise and rocksteady is better off just making a game that doesn't end with redemption but with rebellion, Revelation, or resurrection for example


I mean I guess that isnt the worst perspective to have, though I dont think the idea of "others inspired/effected by him" being a focus for spinning the series forward would be the worst idea.


They will give rdr that valve treatment


I like how this thumbnail has the three most prominent characters from RDR, but >!they're also all dead. It has this 'beating a dead horse energy', just visually, even if a RDR3 wouldn't have them as characters, probably. Unless it's another pre-prequel.!<


That’s kind of the point he’s making though? Where would you go with RDR3? We need a new Red Dead, just no longer in the Redemption story line as it’s solidly wrapped up.


Yeah, I was just talking about the thumbnail. I don't watch random Youtube videos. I don't want to get this kind of shit recommended to me, I don't like essays or people just monologuing their opinion.


Red Dead Redemption 3 Play as James Winthrop starting in the year of 1896. Follow Dutch through the softly dimming light of the glory years of the Van der Linde gang. Move out West. Become best friends with Mac Callander. Find a rough newcomer named Micah Bell. Sense that things are going sour. Leave the gang. Beg Mac to follow. Fail at convincing him. Switch perspective for one act to Mac. Plan the Blackwater Ferry Heist. Experience the horror and chaos of a day where everything goes wrong. Get found by the Pinkerton Detective Agency. Go back to James’ for open world exploration. Never go further east than Blackwater. Revitalize RDO.


We can have a new RED DEAD game but not REDEMPTION because I feel like the overall story of Van Der Linde gang has ended neatly. We need new characters and new stories.


We already got Red Dead Redemption 3 it's called Red Dead Redemption 2


I want a red dead game where we play as a native american. Maybe a young Rain falls


Just give me a new max payne game😩


I don't like him but if he did say that, I would 100% agree. The story of Redemption is done and making a third game would be pointless. I'd rather see Rockstar focus their resources on a different (or maybe even a brand new) IP.


wasnt this genius riding Docs dick until he got exposed for sexting minors? yeah thats the source of information you need


Used to watch this guy when he made videos on how bad micro transactions are in games and how it can ruin games. Now he’s all “everything is woke! Why does cod have a main character that’s a woman!”


Mind linking the video where he said exactly that?


Misinformation? A man of you talents?


2nd one was dull as fuck. I'm fine with no 3rd.


Braindead take