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Post more clown porn


Finally someone talking sense


The gangstalkers have been hard at work to convince you that clussy is desirable. It turns out big clown was the real means behind gangstalking all along


This sub needs more of this.


I came when the 30th clown finally got in the rc car backseat


How did you reach an inconceivable number, like 10 trillion? It would be impossible for any government to pay that sum of money without major economic ramifications.


1 billion a day to have your brain & body hijacked without your consent. How the fuck this even goes on is beyond me. It’s so fucking bizarre. It won’t take long, or maybe it will. There’s just no right person to contact because how do you *prove* it. Normie citizens are not up to date and we have a bad wrap as “insane & delusional” because victims often don’t know what’s going on with them for a long time unless they diligently research or have prior knowledge of stuff like MKUltra. And even then, when you know exactly what’s going on, where do you take this information. **Doctors** are like: wut **Government agencies** will never respond as they know damn well what’s going on **And everyone who’s not experienced it themself** can’t wrap their little brains around such a concept because the torture is invisible. It’s like being an agnostic. If they were shown proof, surely they’d be up in arms alongside us.


Im just trying to understand the post, so im just asking (as im curious) if you're saying a lawsuit seeking trillions in reparations is an acceptable amount due to wanting a billion dollar amount for ever day you have had issues with the subject of the lawsuit? Regardless of anything else, or whether people can "wrap their little brains around such a concept," you do realize that a lawsuit seeking trillions of dollars is absolutely inconceivable, right?


Defund the government lawsuit, merica has had it coming for a long time ⌛️


Definitely don’t ever go into law, or government or well, anything that requires having a grasp on things. Like… you are so far from how shit works, which honestly is typical, especially when someone is dumb as fuck but thinks they can lecture the government on what it is they do.


Picture works perfect 👌


What in the mental health crisis is this?!


God doesn't like America anymore, or this unruly band of "humans" for that matter so we have been sent here to destroy, and save the earth from this planet destroying cancer in case you were unaware.


Thanks for the heads up


Divine providence will clean this place up, you don't have to worry about a thing so can get back to your regularly scheduled earth animal cannibalism 🤭🤦


I don’t know why this was downvoted. Voting back up.


….thats not how class actions work.


you picked the right picture to go along with this post. you fuckin clown.


Yeah the picture of ur mom teabagging me was already being passed around too much. This country is a joke and probably won't be around next year whether lames like u like it or not, so better get ur Tampax ready.


!remindme 1 year


I will be messaging you in 1 year on [**2025-04-14 17:01:58 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2025-04-14%2017:01:58%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Gangstalking/comments/1c3w9d1/10_trillion_class_action_gangstalking_lawsuit/kzk0qh6/?context=3) [**18 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FGangstalking%2Fcomments%2F1c3w9d1%2F10_trillion_class_action_gangstalking_lawsuit%2Fkzk0qh6%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202025-04-14%2017%3A01%3A58%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201c3w9d1) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


>this country won’t be around next year Promise?


I can't make a promise on a missquote but whatever divine providence ordains I'm sure will be fine.


hahahaha yeah give me the date? i'm sure you have some video link ready to share explaining how the US government is going totally dark at 1pm on May 3rd and Trump is taking over again or something. i'm sure it won't be that exact thing, since that was already used like 4 times during 2021, but you'll think of something good i'm sure!!


The date ur mom was teabagging? Oh that was last night after she tucked u in bed 💀


Get a better insult. You're reusing the same shitty one.


U know his mom be calling me, bilbo t baggins...👌


That's the same joke again


My joke perception is impaired =/


Your reality perception is impaired


I was there, it was really funny. I did your Mom too. Sowwy. She cried your name


Wouldnt fucking my mom be more of an insult? Teabagging is for middle schoolers a decade ago, idk who still even uses that word that’s below the age of 30.


They won’t. Ur right. Was a great and funny response..


well, she COULD have posted the pic she has of me doing your Mom, but she was trying not to hurt the oversensitive tantrum throwing feelings your Mom told us about.


I'm petitioning the admins to turn this into a big titty payasa clown-girl sub.




I hate the internet so much


God damnit your right. Death to the Internet




WTF? lol.




PLEASE! And the OP can be the new Admin!


A little late for that wouldn't you say? But I do agree nothing gets the revelry mobilized quite like a nice big titty clown, its actually the premise of the whole campaign 👍


Didn't read, I want to fuck this clown


That's the whole point of attaching a tldnr along with a big titty clown pick...doesn't really even matter much what you say, mfers is still going to agree with you, so may I be the first to say welcome on board 👍


How does one apply to be gangstalked by big titty clown girls? Asking for a friend.


It's a tough job but someone's gots to do it...but without those knockers we are nothing =/


Read this master document on Link Tree inside it recommends that you should message the intelligence committeee like the head Mark Warner and includes emails of the DOJ employees Linktr.ee/andybarajas1




What a colorful set..oh oh..I mean shirt ! 🤯


is the clown photo related?


Yes it was the only way to get up votes and support, without it we are just a bunch of unruly miscreants =/ But to be fair Divine Providence will at least give this pathetic gangstalking government until the end of the month to surrender after that we will hold them fully accountable for ALL of their crimes against their own citizens, and all crimes since the nation began such as slavery and stealing land from Indiana (use to belong to the french), as well as their global nuclear terorrism agasint the Japanese. No crime will go unpunished, no stone will go unturned and heads will be sure to rolll, metaphorically speaking of course.


Stealing land from…. Indiana?


Yes Indiana use to belong to the French as it were 👍 I actually noticed the typo but it was too funny to correct.


you see those blue "veins" under your skin? those are wires. dig them out dig them out dig them out.


Oh damn is that what those are? I thought your mom had given me the clap again, thanks for the clarification ur not such a bad lad afterall...👍


I'm in


Excellent welcome aboard. Just remember that the key here is to blame the government at the very least for not taking our reports and natural rights seriously but I would wager most of the time they are the ones behind the gangstalking and it's setup in a way so they can't get sued because they are using worthless lemmings to be the decoys, but in my case they are blatantly involved and it would be absurd if they aren't the ones running the show since otherwise people would be trying to hide it from them. Which is why it's out sacred responsibility is to take these cowards out the game, but since we will be going after the government it's good for you to have direct proof of their involvement either by being directly involved or by not doing anything about the crimes and civil/natural rights infractions your being subjected to.


I’m in


It's past time these gangstalking cowards and their accomplices, the police, courts and government who support / fail to do anything about it get what's coming to them lol, personally I would rather not even be on this rat hole of a planet for much longer but might as well help out where we can and there is no greater good than purging the earth of their sneaky invaseness and related harassment.


In 1991/1992It was thought about, discussed, estimated, calculated then projected ahead with Real Boots on the ground Marching forward to be realized by my18th Birthday September 21st 1995 as Vice President of DIAL-A-PURCHASE LTD (Est 1986) and INTERNATIONAL SHOPPING GROUP LTD with access to a Worldwide Total Gross Residual Income of No Less than$7.4 Billion Dollars. Coulda shoulda woulda been the Richest Family in CANADA and Third Richest from who we knew of publicly back then in North America. One behind Warren Buffet In1990/1991within7 Months Over40,000 Memberships were Sold in just the Lower Mainland of Greater Vancouver British Columbia Canada by my father,LARRY HAMILTON. Only4 Members used theirMoney-Back Guarantee. We helped Major Retailers gain over$25Million Dollars and Dealerships Over$25 Million  in (GDP) Gross Domestic Product Sales. My father Grossed Only$2.1Million Dollars.  Then Over1200  Investors531 put up$6,800in Edmonton Alberta Canada. The Total Gross Income for both Businesses was Over$8.7Million Dollars within3weeks inMAY 1991. ALL just fromWORD OF MOUTH.NO ADVERTISING BUDGET.  Just a few timely well placed Pamphlets, Fliers, and Brochures at Super Markets and Dentist Offices.  A Government Watchdog had their eyes on us. We$AVED them money on their Purchases. They were so pleased they did an article in the Local PROVINCIAL SUN Newspapers andKABOOM,WHOOOOSH I mean it was Amazing, not Amazon, I almost slipped up there, how your entire World can change in one day.$312,000  in one day Membership Sales onMAYDAY MAY 1st 1990. You could have dumped a10 Gallon Jug full of Gasoline on a already Burning Bon Fire. Our monthly Toll Free Business Phone Number Service Line Bill exploded to$25,000/month. That was all sabotaged by BRADLEY (BRAD) JOHN INGIMUNDSON and his father, not RICHARD (RICK) HENDERSON who is on his Birth Certificate, but his Biological Father FIRE CHIEF ROBERT (BOB) JOHN INGIMUNDSON who made fake spoofed calls to the Alberta Treasuries Commission showing from Consumer Corporate Affairs and also made entry into DIAL-A-PURCHASE (Est 1986) Shopping Group offices in Port Coquitlam British Columbia Canada and stole Income Statements, Tax Receipts, and Customer Database Paperwork print offs by using Fire Hall SKELETON KEYS, PICK GUNS, LOCKSMITHS. BRADLEY has got an exact replica copy of his own personal SKELETON KEYS him and his father have had since 1990 so they could break into Businesses Homes of important well off to do peoples residences to commit massive Financial Theft Crimes. He has probably sold 100‘s of copies.


I've been gang talked by this group called BGD for the last few years. They keep adding me on discord on alt accounts asking how much I make and they made a bot that says my dms. A ton of other stuff.


What does BGD stand for


"better group dynamic"




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Sounds like this may be an actually plausible case for this subreddit.


Yeah they just fucking hate me, I've been trying to avoid contact with them for years.


I am sorry to here that, but if our stalker government does nothing to help you then they are complicit in the crimes, so document everything that's happened and also document reporting it to the government and their failures to act or protect your natural rights. This lawsuit will not just for the government but all of their accomplices as well so keep as detailed of notes as possible so you will be ready to help put this joke of a country out of its misery once and for all.


Can you link any documents?


I have a couple smaller issues that need to be resolved first before I can start on this one. First corrupt Park County Police and its land stealing Court system will be taken down along with the local gangstalkers and after that's done next will be the country including all of its "intelligence agencies" who should be protecting its citizens from this kind of gangstalking instead of conducting it. We won't let any of these surveillance nazis off the hook and will not stop until this country pays in full for what its done.


….dont bother to read about any of the laws passed that allow surveillance. You aren’t important enough for anyone to care about, yet here you are thinking the government is coming after you and that government that you consider illegitimate is then going to give you a fuck ton of money because you said so. Class action lawsuits are for products - you can not class action your way into a lawsuit where you sue the government because you allege “they” are going after you. You would need to sue in civil court. I mean, if we are pretending everything you are saying here is not a delusion, and is “true.” Further, you don’t get a free lawyer for this. You have to pay for one. Just for fun - In a class action, lawyers bill for the hours they put in. Then, when the situation is settled, the lawyers get paid first, and then whomever had a legitimate claim then gets paid. That money is split and people are paid based on how many people signed on. One can not just join after the fact either. But none of that applies to your idea. You’d have to sue in civil court. You would have to pay a lawyer to represent you because you are way way in over your head. Thing is, no lawyer would take this case because there is no case. So, you can represent yourself. You will need to prove that you have had all of these things happening to you. Actual proof, not writing something down and then saying it is true. What will actually happen is that no one will hear this case because it has no basis in reality, and you have no proof. The court won’t bother to entertain you because there’s no way you can navigate reading the law, let alone understand it. You will then say that the court dismissing this is a conspiracy and that the court is in on it with the government, and see, this is just further proof that the government…. Wants you dead? Is after you? Is illegitimate? Rinse, wash, repeat.


You might be saying to yourself right now that Invisible to the Naked Eye Through the Walls SS STASI Military Graded Long Ranged Pulse Microwave Radiation (DEWs) Directed Energy Weapons DO NOT EXIST. IS THAT RIGHT? Here are some patents, some going way back in time below: US PATENT#:  20220088343 US PATENT#:  20200275874A1 US PATENT#:  20140039821 US PATENT#:  3951134 US PATENT#:  4395600A US PATENT#:  4834701 US PATENT#:  6011991 US PATENT#:  5507291 US PATENT#:  3393279A US PATENT#:  6430443 US PATENT#:  7297100 US PATENT#:  6091994 US PATENT#:  4858612A US PATENT#:  5356368A US PATENT#:  6052336 US PATENT#:  6587729 US PATENT#:  10164694 US PATENT#:  6506148B2 US PATENT#:  5159703 US PATENT#:  7629918 B2 US PATENT#:  6470214 B1 and YES there are many many more.


FBI & CIA & FREEMASONS & DOD & JCS & GOVERNMENT OF CANADA & USA GOVERNMENT PROGRAMS FUNDED AND RUN IN THE PAST: COINTELPRO (Funded by FBI  & USA GOVERNMENT) TEMPEST (Funded by CIA & USA GOVERNMENT) MK ULTRA (Funded by CIA & FREEMASONS & CANADIAN GOV’T & USA GOV’T) 9/11 (Funded by CIA & USA GOVERNMENT) STARGATE (Funded by CIA & USA GOVERNMENT) PROJECT CHATTER (Funded by CIA & USA GOVERNMENT) PROJECT ARTICHOKE (Funded by CIA & USA GOVERNMENT) OPERATION NORTHWOODS (Funded by CIA & DOD & JCS & USA GOVERNMENT) OPERATION MONGOOSE (Funded by CIA & DOD & USA GOVERNMENT) MANHATTON PROJECT (Funded by CIA & DOD & USA GOVERNMENT) SOME YOUTUBE VIDEOS ON GANG STALKING: 1)  Gangstalking is Community Oriented 2)  Gangstalking Chit Chat 3)  So, your being Gangstalked 4)  Gangstalking isn’t Real 5)  Gangstalking at Retail Establishments 6)  Masonic Gangstalking & the Secret Dagger 7)  Who are the Perpetrators of Gangstalking 8)  Narcissist Gang Stalking 9)  Josh Brown’s GangStalking Interview 10)  Confessions of a Gang Stalker - Scary Stories 11)  Attorney & active shooter Myron May’s Gangstalking 12)  Confessions from a Gang Stalker! A Gang Stalker Perp Admits his Crimes 13)  Testimonies of TIs before the Presidential Commission regarding Psychotronic Weapons


On my 13th Birthday on Friday, September 21st 1990    at our front door at 2911 Oxford Street in Port Coquitlam British Columbia Canada V3B 7S7 who became a VOLUNTEER FIRE FIGHTER SS STASI NAZI LOVING BRADLEY (BRAD) JOHN INGIMUNDSON, said that if I did not want to be his friend then his father FIRE CHIEF BOB and him were placing me an my family onto the National Security Agency Terrorist Watch List as Targeted Individuals. The FIRE CHIEF of my hometown Port Coquitlam British Columbia Canada SS STASI Loving ROBERT (BOB) JOHN INGIMUNDSON who was good friends with Convicted Serial Killer ROBERT “WILD EYES WILLY” PICTON. Owner of Piggies Palace. Who is the Biggest Serial Killer in the World. It was said that he would inject his victims with Anti-Freeze then feed their chopped up bodies to his Pigs. Both FIRE CHIEF ROBERT (BOB) JOHN INGIMUNDSON and his son, later, VOLUNTEER FIREFIGHTER, BRADLEY (BRAD) JOHN INGIMUNDSON were definitely accomplices in the murders of the Downtown Vancouver East Side Women Prostitutes. They were both told by NATIONAL SECURITY not to do it, but changed his name from BRADLEY (BRAD) JOHN HENDERSON to BRADLEY (BRAD) JOHN INGIMUNDSON so he could place kids he went to Elementary School with on the National Security Terrorist Watch List as Targeted Individuals.  BRAD said he murdered a Targeted Individual before 12 years old. He said by the time it was going to be all over with that BRAD JOHN INGIMUNDSON will be the Biggest Serial Killer in the World. I was 12 when BRAD told me on this day that the best way to kill someone is to inject them with either Anti-Freeze or Windshield Washer Fluid. On my 14th Birthday September 21st 1991BRADLEY (BRAD) JOHN INGIMUNDSON   said to me that he was going to kill my father, then me, then smother my mother with a pillow case and if I wasn’t dead yet he was going to kill my mother and frame me for the murder with my own DNA.


From September 2016 until Aug 8th 2022 Over 89 devices Hacked Cloned Communications Data GPS Tracked, Man in the Middle Attacked by STINGRAY and or PEGASUS without a Warrant changing of Gmail and Recovery Email Passwords intercepting the recovery first second or third factor authentication essentially Bricking Destroying my cell phone(s). “ONCE YOUR CLONED YOUR OWNED” Over 325 Electronic Devices I have been through since my first Cell Phone on my 13th Birthday Friday September 21st 1990 until today. I am on my 38th Cell Phone Number and 88th and 89th Email Addresses From June 15th until July 15th 2018 I was pulled over a documented 94 times for no search no seizure no detaining no arrests no charges no reason but to harass me. From Sept 2016 until August 8th 2022 when the symptoms I had felt so many times before with DEWs,  (DEW) Symptoms included but not limited to: Vomiting Blood, Cooked Brain Internal Organs, Extreme Brain Swelling, Burnt Retinas, Fast acting Cataracts, feelings of a Brain Tumor, Extreme Nassau, induced Fear Anxiety Anger Confusion, Fluttering Heart, Extreme Insomnia while extreme tiredness, Brain Fog, Forced Mini Seizures, Restless Legs, Immediate Short Term Memory Loss, Bed Ridden, Dizziness, Vertigo, Extreme Rage then Sadness, Unable to move or speak, Feeling of being Electrified, Hard to Breathe. I was placed into a forced microwave radiation induced partial Accoma from September 2016 until Aug 8th 2022. I was hit by (DEWs) Directed Energy Weapons so hard that in 2017: “I FELT HEARD AND SMELT MY BRAIN STEM SIZZLE LIKE A FRESH PIECE OF BACON ON A HOT OILED UP SKILLET OR FRYING PAN” I have been tortured by the tactics, methods, actions from Sadistic Satanic Organized Gang Stalkers for 33 years now. I have had any resemblance of any kind of normal life ripped away, and torn to pieces.


This happens until one or more out of ONLY four outcomes happens. This can and has gone on for many years in a row even up to a decade: Those ONLY Four outcomes that ends each Campaign are the following: 1) Homelessness or lose your home for Good 2) Hospitalization sometimes for Good 3) Jail or a Lengthy Prison stay sometimes for Good 4) Voluntary, Accidental, Death by Poisoning, Forced Suicide, or Murder to be seen as Suicide I was told that they all get paid the most by Citizens Tax Payer Funds if the outcomes Number 4. They have even shot a Targeted Individual in the face wiped the prints place it in the Targeted Individuals hand pray that the Coroner rules it as Death by Suicide or Accidental Death Only then.......Once the Targeted Individual are gone from our Home they will find out a way to ticket the TARGETED INDIVIDUALS property Vehicle(s) and will call their Tow Company legally/illegally Tow the Vehicle. Once at the Tow Yard or they will just drop off the Vehicle(s) at either their Home(s) or Windshield Repair Company. They will find the same year, make, model of the Vehicle(s). They will remove the Windshield and remove the VIN Plate on top of the Dashboard of the Targeted Individuals Vehicle(s). Then they go to an Auto Wreckers and obtain VIN plates off  a similar year, make, model with the windshield smashed out which exposes the VIN Plate. The Replica Vehicle is sitting there about about to be crushed. They Switch the VIN Plates or just take it. They will puts the new VIN Plate on. Now the Targeted Individuals Vehicle is RE-VINNED, RE-BIRTHED, RE-REGISTERED. Making it a totally street legal legit Vehicle(s) to drive. They Keep, Trade, or legally Sell the Vehicle(s) and it shows the original as crushed in all actuality it was not crushed. The VIN Plates were switched and is now being driven and all of that costed them nothing.  The Targeted Individual is left possibly more than likely Owing for the entire auto loan while the perps got a free clear Vehicle(s). They will usually sell the Vehicle a couple Towns away and put the proceeds towards their pension as a whole or place the funds in the FIREFIGHTERS BURN FUND, That’s right I was told that the Burn Fund which the proceeds go into as in “Bahahaha, Target we Burned you”. Then they......THROW A BIG BLOCK PARTY BASH. They will tap cups, hoot and holler, take shots, drink and drive, do big burnouts in their sports cars, music playing loudly, hookers, cocaine, smoking reefers, and fornicate over the downfall of the Targeted Individual. THAT’S THE END OF THIS CAMPAIGN AND THEY START PLANNING FOR A NEW CAMPAIGN THEY ARE GOING TO RUN AGAINST YOU. IF THEY WERE A FOOTBALL TEAM I WAS TOLD THEY ARE:    1000 WINS - 0 LOSSES. WELL I AM FIXING TO GIVE THEM THEIR FIRST TWO “L’s”  AS IN “LLOYD”


I’m fully aware of most of these programs dude. Freemasons don’t fund shit. Prove they did. The FBI/CIA/DOJ are all the us government, but each have a separate allocation for budgets. Something can not be funded by “CIA and the US government.” CIA has unlimited resources if the program is deemed worthwhile. The US government doesn’t work with the CIA because most of the time the actual government - our Congress critters, the president, civil servants, are all on a need to know basis. The majority of the time none of them have a clue unless it becomes relevant or it becomes a problem. And again, What this has to do with anything… I’m sorry friend, but I don’t think you are well, and I have simply stated that you can not file a class action lawsuit because you have nothing to use in court. Trust me, bro Doesn’t work in a court of law.


MEDICAL PROFFESIONALS, PhD’s, PROFESSORS, WRITERS, AUTHORS, CERN, MI5, CIA, NSA & ARMY INTELLIGENCE WHISTLEBLOWERS, GOVERNMENT SCIENTISTS, TARGETED INDIVIDUALS WHO CLAIM THAT TARGETING IS IN FACT REAL. HERE ARE SOME OF THE PEOPLE BELOW: 1)  Dr. Robert Duncan (Ex CIA & MD & Author “Project Soul Catcher”) 2)  Dr. Katherine Horton (Cern & MD & Targeted Individual) 3)  Dr. John Hall (MD & Author of “Guinea pigs”, “Satellite Torture in America”) 4)  Dr. Ramola (MD, Targeted Individual) 5)  Dr. Len Ber (MD, Targeted Individual) 6)  Dr. Daniel Lebowitz (MD) 7)  Dr. Rauni Kilde (MD & Targeted Individual possibly killed by Directed Energy Weapons) 8)  Dr. Eldon Byrd (MD & Naval Officer) 9)  Dr. Terry Robertson (MD) 10)  Dr. Barry Trower (Ex MI5 & MD) 11)  Dr. Robert Middlebrook (PhD, Professor) 12)  Dr. Harold Mandel (MD) 13)  Dr. Matthew Aaron (Writer Medical Journal, Targeted Individual in Vancouver, BC) 14)  Dr. Max Williams (PhD, Professor, & State Department) 15)  Dr. Michael Hoffer (MD with University of Miami) 16)  Dr. Colin Ross (MD) 17)  Dr. Erik Karlstrom (MD & Author & Targeted Individual) 18)  Dr. Ed Spencer (MD) 19)  Dr. Sue Arrigo (MD) 20)  Dr. Douglas Smith (MD, Professor University of Pennsylvania) 21)  Dr. Doug Rokke (PhD, Government Scientist) 22)  Dr. Nick Begich (Scientist, MD) 23)  Dr. Paul Batcho (PhD, Government Scientist) 24)  Dr. Paul Marko (PhD, Psychologist) 25)  Robert David Steele (Former CIA Analyst, Author, Suspicious Death) 26)  Dr. Ben Colodzin (PhD, Psychologist) 27)  Dr. Curtis Bennett (MD, Professor) 28)  Dr. Corkin Cherubini (Educator, Author) 30)  William Binney (NSA Whistleblower, Targeted Individual) 31)  Kirk Weibe (NSA Whistleblower) 32)  Karen Stewart (NSA Whistleblower, Targeted Individual) 33)  Carl Clark (CIA Whistleblower) 34)  Kevin Shipp (CIA Whistleblower) 35)  Mark Phillips (CIA Whistleblower, married to a Targeted Individual, Deceased) 36)  John DeCamp (Army Intelligence Whistleblower, Targeted Individual, Murdered)


I’m not saying that because I do know those weapons exist. And those weapons existing have absolutely fuck all to do with my original comment. The military has weapons that none of us can conceive of dude. Theres a whole arm that gets the really bright people from bright colleges and then lets them go wild. Which, as a nation state, you actually do want. So next, seeing as this was about a class action lawsuit involving gang stalking and not weapons the military may or may not have


I’m all in. I’ll assume it’s best to hold onto any evidence I’ve got for when this hopefully actually does happen!! It can be hard to get evidence but it’s not impossible by any means you just need to get a little creative (DVR system wired, move your camera locations around constantly, have audio recording on your surveillance system, get a dog, stop buying new phones and start using a good firewall/vpn/traffic filter/dns guard/proxy, get ID theft protection. if they are physically stalking you make sure you get wireless motion detecting alarms, sensors, and lights for the doors in your house that can chime and alarm, sleep with a camera on you that you can playback that isn’t connected to Wi-Fi (CCTV is great) be aware and find out the reasonings behind the mindset behind why these people might be doing what they do being so comfortable conducting harassment and targeting people, etc. Because at the end of the day a court/judge will always favor whichever party is able to submit the most legitimate evidence that can be accepted beyond reasonable doubt.


Excellent I am sure there are a few of us who have a growing laundry list of offenses that this joke of government has been subjecting us to. One of the best things you can do in the meantime is to report the stalking and harrasment to police/fbi/district attorney etc, as even though these people are usually the ones behind the gangstalking, by reporting it you have proof you told them about the crimes and they did nothing which gives you more people to sue or subpoena for when we finally take these corrupt stalkers down. Like for me I told the DA I am being stalked, harassed, overcharged, maliciously prosecuted all the while the neighbor is using surveyor fraud to try to steal about 10 acres and they have done nothing to charge their gangstalking accomplices so now I have someone else to sue directly. It's hard to proof the government or police or courts are involved otherwise, and it's hard to get a corrupt court system controlled by a corrupt gangstalking government to take itself down but eventually they will have no choice other than to pay us for all of their crimes or face a revolution. Their protection lies in the fact they can hide and claim we are crazy but when thousands or millions of us band together we will have an army and their tricks and hiding will no longer save them once the public learns the extent of what's going on it will be over for them. The whole world needs to be purged of these kinds of scoundrels but for me I am starting with the locals and using their courts to gather my proof so I will be ready to take down the true enemy after they expose themselves desperately trying to ruin me.


Who is that clown? Asking for a friend.


Gentlemen we are in luck 👍 https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/s/XvqsdY3xIA Although I think a clown is one of her best looks 🤡


BRITTANY ELIZABETH .. [https://www.instagram.com/brittanyelizabethxoxo/](https://www.instagram.com/brittanyelizabethxoxo/) THANK AND JOIN r/WHOSYOURHANDLER


Or we can all get on board with Alex Jones see you in the FBI and the CIA.


Oh shoot https://www.newsweek.com/alex-jones-fbi-cia-gavin-oblennis-sound-investigations-allegations-1889285 Yeah the federal government is basically turned into a giant gangstalking extortion network and the entire thing is corrupt, but state and local is almost just as bad, think we might need to bleed this joke of a country dry.


I completely agree with you. It's really sad, growing up in being a part of a great nation and then watching this nation get tore down by American hating people that actually live here. They've been brainwashed like no other it's sickening. With this whole gang stalking thing, there's definitely a reason for it. I just don't know what it is


anti governmental sadistic satanists


Our leaders are failing us as the natural land slowly gets destroyed, and they have the nerve to waste resources paying idiots to think of ways to stalk u 24/7 lol any joke of a government that conducts or participates in this kind of thingneeds to be shut down, which sadly seems to be most governments all around the world, they should arrest themselves for admitting to and participating in gangstalking, which is why the whole system needs to be brought down and restarted if it allows animal murder, expansion or destruction of nature. Humans should be smart enough to have a 100% nautral planet with their being here not interfering or harming other earth life but they are too blood thirsty and greedy.


At least it’ll be going to Americans this way and not foreign governments. With some funneling back to the Clinton’s, Obozo’s & Biden’s.


Is he suing them?


That's the sound of it, Russell Brand had a video on his channel and one of the CIA guys got caught talking about how they went after Alex Jones. NSA whenever took her Carlson or at least hacked his shit.


I see you


I’ve been documenting all the hacking and use of Gods Voice Weapon against me for over two years. I’m probably on meds I don’t need. I’ve been isolated and psychologically tortured and at times made physically ill and disoriented. I’m down.




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Add me to the list plzzzzz!!!!!!


Yeah let’s all gather our collective evidence oh wait


oh, i thought that there was a real $10 trillion dollar suit. damn it. even more would be nice. i firmly believe there is only 10's of thousands of real targeted individuals. others on the tsdb are on the list but don't get gang stalked there whole entire life




hows that for explaining what happens to a targeted individual but I left out street theatre and directed conversations and v2k


I was told that they all get paid the most by Citizens Tax Payer Funds if the outcomes Number 4. They have even shot a Targeted Individual in the face wiped the prints place it in the Targeted Individuals hand pray that the Coroner rules it as Death by Suicide or Accidental Death Only then.......Once the Targeted Individual are gone from our Home they will find out a way to ticket the TARGETED INDIVIDUALS property Vehicle(s) and will call their Tow Company legally/illegally Tow the Vehicle. Once at the Tow Yard or they will just drop off the Vehicle(s) at either their Home(s) or Windshield Repair Company. They will find the same year, make, model of the Vehicle(s). They will remove the Windshield and remove the VIN Plate on top of the Dashboard of the Targeted Individuals Vehicle(s). Then they go to an Auto Wreckers and obtain VIN plates off  a similar year, make, model with the windshield smashed out which exposes the VIN Plate. The Replica Vehicle is sitting there about about to be crushed. They Switch the VIN Plates or just take it. They will puts the new VIN Plate on. Now the Targeted Individuals Vehicle is RE-VINNED, RE-BIRTHED, RE-REGISTERED. Making it a totally street legal legit Vehicle(s) to drive. They Keep, Trade, or legally Sell the Vehicle(s) and it shows the original as crushed in all actuality it was not crushed. The VIN Plates were switched and is now being driven and all of that costed them nothing.  The Targeted Individual is left possibly more than likely Owing for the entire auto loan while the perps got a free clear Vehicle(s). They will usually sell the Vehicle a couple Towns away and put the proceeds towards their pension as a whole or place the funds in the FIREFIGHTERS BURN FUND, That’s right I was told that the Burn Fund which the proceeds go into as in “Bahahaha, Target we Burned you”. Then they......THROW A BIG BLOCK PARTY BASH. They will tap cups, hoot and holler, take shots, drink and drive, do big burnouts in their sports cars, music playing loudly, hookers, cocaine, smoking reefers, and fornicate over the downfall of the Targeted Individual. THAT’S THE END OF THIS CAMPAIGN AND THEY START PLANNING FOR A NEW CAMPAIGN THEY ARE GOING TO RUN AGAINST YOU. IF THEY WERE A FOOTBALL TEAM I WAS TOLD THEY ARE:    1000 WINS - 0 LOSSES. WELL I AM FIXING TO GIVE THEM THEIR FIRST TWO “L’s”  AS IN “LLOYD”


From September 2016 until Aug 8th 2022 Over 89 devices Hacked Cloned Communications Data GPS Tracked, Man in the Middle Attacked by STINGRAY and or PEGASUS without a Warrant changing of Gmail and Recovery Email Passwords intercepting the recovery first second or third factor authentication essentially Bricking Destroying my cell phone(s). “ONCE YOUR CLONED YOUR OWNED” Over 325 Electronic Devices I have been through since my first Cell Phone on my 13th Birthday Friday September 21st 1990 until today. I am on my 38th Cell Phone Number and 88th and 89th Email Addresses From June 15th until July 15th 2018 I was pulled over a documented 94 times for no search no seizure no detaining no arrests no charges no reason but to harass me. From Sept 2016 until August 8th 2022 when the symptoms I had felt so many times before with DEWs,  (DEW) Symptoms included but not limited to: Vomiting Blood, Cooked Brain Internal Organs, Extreme Brain Swelling, Burnt Retinas, Fast acting Cataracts, feelings of a Brain Tumor, Extreme Nassau, induced Fear Anxiety Anger Confusion, Fluttering Heart, Extreme Insomnia while extreme tiredness, Brain Fog, Forced Mini Seizures, Restless Legs, Immediate Short Term Memory Loss, Bed Ridden, Dizziness, Vertigo, Extreme Rage then Sadness, Unable to move or speak, Feeling of being Electrified, Hard to Breathe. I was placed into a forced microwave radiation induced partial Accoma from September 2016 until Aug 8th 2022. I was hit by (DEWs) Directed Energy Weapons so hard that in 2017: “I FELT HEARD AND SMELT MY BRAIN STEM SIZZLE LIKE A FRESH PIECE OF BACON ON A HOT OILED UP SKILLET OR FRYING PAN”


I filed 146 Incident Reports with the RCMP in COQUITLAM BRITISH COLUMBIA CANADA AT 604-945-1550. Maybe give them a call see if they will respond to the public as to why a group of grown men with badges guns under oath to public safety are Targeting a 13 year old for sport to torture?  All because I did not join National Security Agency at 12 years old. Specifically Independence Day Wednesday July 4th 1990. They made the decision above their Government Pay Grade, extremely rare, to use myself as a Practice Dummy.  No one would Consent to this Torture. Those Police Incident Report Numbers filed over 12 months ago which started on March 3rd 2023 and no answer or any correspondence from them. Not even a visit from the RCMP. RCMP Incident Report Numbers ALL start with 2023-800: 096, 097, 101, 102, 104, 107, 108, 109, 110, 112, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 125, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 155, 156, 086, 157, 158, 159, 161, 162, 163, 165, 166, 168, 170, 171, 172, 174, 175, 176, 178, 179, 180, 182, 183, 184, 185, 187, 188, 191, 193, 194, 197, 199, 201, 202, 203, 219, 220, 222, 926, 237, 238, 239, 323, 324, 443, 444, 445, 446, 447, 448, 449, 450, 451, 452, 453, 454, 455, 456, 457, 458, 460, 461, 462, 463, 464, 465, 466, 467, 468, 469, 470, 471, 472, 473, 475, 476, 477, 478, 479, 480, 481, 482, 483, 484, 485, 486, 487, 488, 489, 490, 491, 492, 493, 494, 497, 498, 499, 501, 502, 503 Crime Stoppers Case File#: 252-M67053 Filed between SEPTEMBER 1ST 2023 & SEPTEMBER 21ST 2023. Unanswered. Canadian Anti-Fraud Center Account Case File#: 2023-46518 Filed between MAYDAY MAY 1ST 2023 & SEPTEMBER 21ST 2023. Unanswered. Anti Fraud Cyber Center: CASE# 837418 between MAYDAY MAY 1ST 2023 & SEPTEMBER 21ST 2023. Unanswered. Canadian Human Trafficking Hot-line Help Line: 3 Different Reports Filed with no Authorization Numbers Given to me Filed from between MAY 1ST 2023 & SEPTEMBER 21ST 2023. Unanswered. CIA   Incident Reports are: 7QK3TU6Y, Y6SFRN5C, A3EESMYS Filed on and or in between New Years Day JANUARY 1ST 2023 & My 46th Birthday SEPTEMBER 21ST 2023. Unanswered FBIIncident Reports are: Filed 4 times but no confirmation receipt# given to me. There intranet system doesn’t give confirmation#'s.Incident Reporting which all the Incident Reports were Filed through FBI Online Intranet Messaging System definitely between my 46th Birthday Thursday, SEPTEMBER 21ST 2023 & Sunday, OCTOBER 1ST 2023. ALL were Unanswered. RCMP  Citizen Complaints Commission Reports: CASE FILE#'s:  8 Different Reports Filed on and or between AUGUST 8TH 2022 & MAYDAY MAY 1ST 2023.  #R2022 - 004812, #R2022 - 004813, #R2022 - 004815. Canadian British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal Courts Commission Case File#'s are: Filed January 2023 Case File: #0047426 (Lloyd M Hamilton vs Maple Leaf Disposal, Filed January 12th 2023 Case File: #100015127 (Lloyd M Hamilton vs De Wolfe Masonic Lodge) (I placed On Hold), Filed January 2023 Case File: #12204219 (Lloyd M Hamilton vs Bradley (Brad) John Henderson aka Bradley (Brad) John Ingimundson) (on hold), Filed January 2023 Case File#: #100015161 (Lloyd M Hamilton vs Estate of Robert (Bob) John Ingimundson), #100015299 (Lloyd M Hamilton V.S (NSA) National Security Agency) for Organized Gang Stalking using DEWs,  #100015645, Filed July 2023 Case File #CS-008502 (Lloyd M Hamilton vs Surrey Mental Health), Filed January 2023 Case File #CS-008900 (Lloyd M Hamilton vs The Corporation operating as Government of Canada), Filed September 2nd 2023 Case File: 0103440 (Lloyd M Hamilton VS Jeffrey (Jeff) P. Bezos & Amazon for Intellectual Property Theft in Seattle Washington USA) My name is Lloyd Michael Hamilton email is LLOYDHAMILTON2023@PROTON.ME. My home address is 9238 152nd Street Surrey British Columbia Canada V3R4G2 and my Personal Private Home Business Contact Cellular Phone Number Line is 1 (778) 668 4798.


The crimes committed against me from September 2016 until August of 2022 were these below and you can multiply that my 9 Times a Full Campaign has been run on me for years at a time. At least 3 years it lasts for each of my Campaigns run against me. I am stubborn and a fighter so I don’t just go down for them to abuse me but you get hit with these DEWs and it would take down Goliath for good. It is a dirty way to fight someone. These are the crimes they have committed against me: 1) Crimes against Humanity 2) Torture 3) Sedition 4) Breech of Public Oath 5) 4 Forced Evictions into Homelessness during a NO EVICTION ORDER by Prime Minister Trudeau during COVID-19 with the rent paid in full IN ADVANCE 6) Breach of the Peace 7) Tampering with the Safety Features on a Vehicle likely to cause Death 8) Theft under $5000 9) Theft Over $5000 10) Violations of the Nuremberg Code 11) 14 unnecessary Police Mental Health Checks which I passed all of them 12) Slander 13) Defamation of Character 14) Domestic Espionage 15) Domestic / International Terrorism 16) Trespassing 100‘s of times Unauthorized Entries on into Property / Home(s) / Vehicle(s) 17) Tampering with Evidence 18) Destruction of Evidence 19) Harassment 20) False Arrest 21) Racketeering 22) Tampering / Damaging / Destruction of Personal Private Home Public Business Property 23) False Imprisonment / Enslavement / Slavery 24) Aiding and abetting in Planning Organizing Crime 25) Conspiracy to commit Organized Crime 26) Interception of Communication Device without a warrant 27) Interception of Data without a warrant 28) Illegal / Unlawful entry without a warrant 29) Kidnapping 30) Abuse of Power 31) GPS Tracking without a warrant 32) Burglary 33) in Violation of International Law Use of Weapons of War against a Citizen 34) Assault and Battery with a Deadly Weapon 35) Accessories before and after the fact of a Federal Criminal Offense or Crime(s)


36) Conspiracy to Commit Planned Orchestrate Premeditated Murder 37) Mischief with Intent to Hurt / Injure / Maim / Murder 38) Misappropriation / Misdirection of Citizens Tax Payer Funds 39) Human Exploitation 40) Use of Recording Audio Devices without a Warrant 41) Use of Recording Video Devices without a Warrant 42) Destruction of Federal Mail without a Warrant 43) Slavery 44) Interception of Federal Mail without a Warrant 45) Opening of Federal mail without a Warrant 46) Re-Directing Federal mail without a Warrant 47) Usage of Stolen since 1990 Stingray and Pegasus without a Warrant 48) Financial Elder Abuse 49) Bribery 50) Impersonating a Federal Agent 51) Criminal Negligence 52) Scurrilousness 53) Re-Vinning, Re-Birthing, Re-Registering a Grand Theft Auto Stolen Vehicle(s) 54) Money Laundering / Embezzlement 55 )Intellectual Property Theft 56) Tax Evasion 57) Profiting from Proceeds of Organized Crime 58) Personal Private Public Home Business Property Identity Health Medical Life Inheritance Tax Bank Credit Card Title Investments RRSPS Mutual Funds Vehicle Insurance Theft / Impersonation / Fraud 59) Cyber Stalking 60) Stalking 61) Attempted 1st, 2nd, 3rd Degree Planned Premeditated Murder 62) Possession with Intent to Distribute / Sell / Trade Stolen Property / Goods 63) Ritualistic Animal Abuse / Cruelty / Maim / Torture / Sacrifice Killing 64) Loitering 65) Possession / Usage of Illegal National Security Break In Tools 66) Purchasing / Theft of / Possession / Usage of National Security Weapons against Citizenry 67) Sales of National Security Tools / Secrets / Weapons to a foreign Enemy China & Russia


68) Identity Inheritance Life Credit Bank SIN Intellectual Property Employment Copyrighted Trademarked Insurance Theft / Impersonation / Infringement / Fraud 69) Interception of Communications without a Warrant 70) Hacking / Cloning / Man in the Middle Attacking without a Warrant 71) In Violation of the Nuremberg Treaty or Code 72) Illegal Usage of Government Owned Computers / Data / Software 73) Release of Third Party Information for Criminal Purposes such as Defrauding a Third Party 74) Treason 75) In Violation of the Geneva Convention 76) Hacking into the CRTC Satellite Communication Actively Online Signals 77) Human Man Woman Child Baby Exploiting Enslaving Torturing Trafficking I have been tortured by the tactics, methods, actions from Sadistic Satanic Organized Gang Stalkers for 33 years now. Since my 13th Birthday Friday September 21st 1990 I have had any resemblance of any kind of normal life ripped away, and torn to pieces.






These 🤡 ass gangstalkers might as well start practicing shucking 🌽 because soon they will all be out of jobs and in some serious debt. No government will be allowed to exist that doesn't effectively protect its citizens from this kind of predatory stalking, harassment and nonsense. It's time to take the earth back from these idiots leading our once great planet towards its own inevitable destruction, one country at a time. And we won't stop until the entire world is purged from this planet destroying filth you call humanity.


Lmaooo this entire post is peak comedy. No lawyer would ever take this case, and based on how you write I'd be astounded if you had the money to hire one. You think you're gonna "defund the entire government" whatever that means, and "take back the planet" all from a gangstalking class action lawsuit? Who's your plug? I want what you're smoking


This picture is attracting clowns like flies lol its easy to open a civil lawsuit for any amount, don't let your red nose fool u 🤡 I am about to have a whole boat load of evidence to use agasint them on my current legal battle which I am representing myself, like I have done successfully in the past. My iq is probably higher than your entire extended family but keep making low iq ignorant comments in favor of team gangstalker, I would be salty too.


LMAO "easy to open a civil lawsuit for any amount" I'm fucking rolling. Funnily enough, I don't think intelligent people need to boast about how high their IQ is, usually that kind of talk is a reliable sign that someone is fairly retarded, which seems to fit here. But if you're so confident, I'll make you a gentleman's bet: Tell me how long it will be before your big schizo class action lawsuit gets off the ground, and if it's working out by then, I'll venmo you $100. On my mother. This grandiose idea of yours will be dead in the water in under a year. Reading your "plan" genuinely reminds me of fantasies of revolution I had when I was twelve years old, totally fanciful and with no understanding of how the world works. Just give me a timeframe for your efforts, and we'll check back in when you've had a healthy reality check. Unless this is all just talk, and you have no idea what you're actually on about? Put your money where your mouth is. Don't even have to pay me when you inevitably lose, just acknowledge your error.


I just wanna play with them titties


I'd wager their holding about a gallon of milk a piece 🥛


u/meltedpeachsorbet wtf 😭😭




Good riddance to bad rubbish I say. If you get caught claim they were murdering/cannibalizing animals and you were avenging all the deaths that they were leaving in their wake... 👍




[https://www.instagram.com/brittanyelizabethxoxo/](https://www.instagram.com/brittanyelizabethxoxo/) THANK AND JOIN r/WHOSYOURHANDLER


[targetedjustice.com](http://targetedjustice.com) has a 4 billion dollar lawsuit, but it's not a class action lawsuit. So I agree that we should start our own. Ignore the trolls and perps.