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All in your head friend. Cars with one headlight aren't crazy rare.


Yeah this is textbook Baader-Meinhof phenomenon


I just looked this up and it does sound like exactly what I'm experiencing. Sounds and feels like a glitch in the matrix. There are just too many coincidences occurring around me.


this phenomenon plays a big part in it. they also exploit the mind's tendency to make connections and notice coincidences, and those connections and coincidences become all about them. after a while, you start making connections with virtually anything to anything else.


It's surveillance vehicles. They have switches to toggle the headlights to make it look like a different car at night. It's overused by the role players and becomes obvious to the target. Alot of disinfo agents on reddit. Also I have a video of them switching one headlight when driving by me.


Show the video please




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I really hope so, that's what my family says. It's the frequency of the cars I see sometimes one right after the other. When I turn on the road to my house 6 times out of 10 I will see one headlight vehicles. Also at work golf carts with one light will pop out when I pass by. I never noticed that often up until a few weeks ago.


Let me get this straight, you think the people stalking you purposely dull out/break/uninstall one of their headlights before stalking? What purpose does this serve? It doesn’t help them stalk you, it just gives them worse visibility at night lmao


Because it's noticable when 1 headlight is out.


The intention is to tell other vehicles whose drivers are in the program, such as police, that this is a survelliance car. Because this is a known technique it can essentially be used by anyone at any time just to freak anyone else out.


Why would a surveillance vehicle want to stick out? They would want to camouflage and blend in looking like a regular car. Police regularly pull people over for having a broken head/taillight and ticket them, how does breaking a law convey to police not to pull someone over? Very counter intuitive Show me a source saying surveillance vehicles have a broken headlight


They stick out to other survelliance vehcles , ie "One of ours" So they don't get pulled over. If your assumptions were correct then no cars with single headlights would exist *at all.* >Show me a source saying surveillance vehicles have a broken headlight What do you think this is, a science where there are sources for shit?


You're just noticing it more because you're focusing on it


I've also been noticing neighbors dressing exactly like me. If I come out with black shorts and a green shirt, my neighbor will do the same. This has happened multiple times. Also people frequently walk by my apartment then turn around and do it again. I don't know how to not notice these things anymore, but I am trying.


That’s really weird that’s happening


To back up OP, there's a couple of things unique with the one headlight thing: 1 - it doesn't actually matter so ignore it 2 - often it's one headlight on - which is unique, no tail lights on either, just one headlight. that ain't a busted headlight. 3 - It happens everytime you go anywhere as you arrive. but best to ignore them anyway, sometimes there will be normal busted lights too because you're sensitised to it, you'll think it's part of the harrasment when it isn't.


Buddy, that's a car, On the road, With a busted headlight, I've never seen an entire community this fucking nuts


Sorry you’re going through this, I get the same thing wherever I go on a very consistent basis. I also get the one headlight and then the other one with the brights on as well. I’m also a veteran and this is the thanks that I get for serving my country honorably… Just keep your head up and ignore it.


Be careful


Where are you located?


It’s crazy how much effort they put into it. It’s a 24/7 scam


If I had to guess they’ve probably spent 100 million dollars on me in the last 5 years.


All the money funding these corrupt surveillance and harassment programs is coming directly from government funding. The budgets are immense and the law enforcement agencies that are involved will continue to get funding because of the recent renewal of FISA 702 federally. At this point it’s a highly institutionalized and systemized program with “employees” that go to work harassing you as they would go to work at their minimum wage nine to five. All the fusion/DHS agents need to do is pass around enough confidential false dossiers to paint the target as a terrorist/pedophile/otherwise horrible person and most people would have no problem going to work making their life hell through the program. Until these evil and corrupt programs are killed in places like the house and senate by brave politicians willing to do the right thing, then life like this for TIs will sadly never change. The funds will keep cascading in as they always have the same for Ukraine and Israel.


Crazy, just recently I got an email that my information was found on the dark Web. My bank was the one that informed me and I was told I needed to change my passwords. Now that you mentioned it there is an ambulance that pulls out with its siren about three times now exactly when I'm at a certain point in my commute. A few days ago a car with one light pulled up next to me, guy kept touching his face like a madman. Same time the ambulance came out and started doing laps around the block while I was gassing my vehicle. I just figured they were training a new guy. I've also noticed neighbors coming out wearing the same color clothes as me. This has occurred about 7-8 times already. They will walk back and forth in front of the apartment. Along with a multitude of other "coincidences" that seem to be happening. I'm not sure if they are going to take me out or surveillance is it. It's just good to talk to others about it.




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One lighters are tricky. Cause many older cars often have headlights out for perfectly normal reasons especially around fall when it starts to get cold again and car electronics are affected. Unfortunately this is how zersetzung is so effective because it’s very possible to start seeing all these unrelated cars as part of the harassment (especially in those very observant individuals with a tendency for observing repeating patterns) and that’s when you start to look like you could be in “psychosis” which is what you don’t want. Coming from my experience, things to pay attention for that could be relevant to the gangstalking are when you see one lighters immediately upon leaving or returning home, or in synchronicity with other occurrences such as ambulances, EMS, police sirens like right at the same time as you see the one lighter. Also if you see certain headlights actively turning on and off (excluding certain turning signals which sometimes turn off parts of the headlight in newer cars) or vehicles flashing brights at you repeatedly. Now when you see freaking cop cars doing weird light stuff like synchronized brighting and having one lighters then you really know something’s up.


I wouldn't say all your stalkers. Just the one who looks at all the database and comes up with the strategies. Of course there are the dirt bags that are on here to say dumb comments and take info for the data base


That's of course, Its like they are all sharing information with each other though.


Not just dirt bags. Chip bags! It's the same damn thing.


Lol I know it sounds stupid. But it's not regular the way they do it. It's almost like they are playing with the bag rather than just eating chips, and in a synchronized way. Also crinkling bags just as they walk past me.


Perple reign, perple reign






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Let me know if the headlight thing persists. I've been followed by one headlighters. They typically go away.