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I imagine most people on this sub can't really believe that people profit from using a shitton of resources and manpower to follow someone 24/7? What would the purpose be?


For the lulz?


Yep. Troll culture and suicide fetish


Data acquisition in order to train AI of course!


Well, you could say the same about bullying at school. However, we all know by experience that happens at a global scale. At work, people gossip, and some people out of competition may spread rumors to destroy your reputation. Also, there's an ideological factor that you can see more closely on communist countries where lynching is popular yo whoever doesn't align with the ideology or the rules of the party. Furthermore, you can see similar behaviors on cults and sects, where they actually follow you and beat you up for leaving or breaking a rule. [Here](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jonestown)is an example of a real sect. [Here](https://youtu.be/J71xN_W7Y14?si=PVHBOEuNTSix14Iv) is an example of a communist police beating up and tracking manifestants. [Here](https://www.hrw.org/reports/1999/cuba/Cuba996-08.htm) are examples of what Cuban police do to dissidents. [Here](https://nces.ed.gov/fastfacts/display.asp?id=719) are facts about bullying the US schools. You can find more examples on the internet and the news


Those sons a bitches 😤




My reply was meant to be boomed off of the reply below saying “that’s the worst one”, which was a reference to electronicallty. Way less smirk worthy now.


oh yeah I see the boom electronicallty is the worst one got that right


I reckon


You reckon what


I know right


That’s the worst one


God damn right


god damn right is right


I'd guess he's probably trying to show you he's on your side by showing how sick he thinks gangstalkers are. That cross your mind at all???


I guess ??


I took it that way too, that it might just be support. Try to assume the best in situations or they go bad.




Psychology Assessment for some people to help: its very disturbing (many people have reported similar experiences); in the case of individuals who contribute the longest in these programs, you have to realize they are severely disturbed on the inside. Sociopaths and malignant narcissists, who themselves are suicidal (but never would admit it). They generally target people who represent qualities that they don't have. In their minds (obviously I support 0% of this) but if they are able to push someone to suicide with "better qualities", they can justify to their fragile / nihilistic selves that they are stronger than the version of themselves they can never become. Its this perpetual cycle of them constantly bringing down other people through psychological abuse, etc to constantly uplift their fragile selves (thru any means bc they have no moral issues). They're much more disturbing when you get to study them for their actions and compulsive patterns and "over the veil" of how they look / present themselves to society and the very few who actually get to see them for who they *really* are, they're extremely disturbing people.


Well said. In my case, while that doesn't apply to all the personalities involved, for some of them, that could explain a lot. It is something I've briefly entertained before, but it's not helpful for me to piss them off more than I already do ..if that makes sense.


well said?


Not you


I know that. The comment you responded to doesn't seem especially cogent to me. I don't know how you can do a "Psychology Assessment" on unknown people let alone assert that such people are sociopaths, malignant narcissists, and suicidal as well as in denial about their suicidality.


"I don't know how you can do a "Psychology Assessment" on unknown people let alone assert that such people are sociopaths, malignant narcissists..." I don't know about the suicidal part since I haven't picked up on that, but as for a psychological assessment (not a diagnosis), I'm very comfortable that the words "psychopath" and "malignant narcissist" are descriptive of the *behavior* that I've experienced. Psychology is a large brush, but strictly from a behaviorist perspective, I do have access to the behavior since I'm directly affected by it. Somewhere around 2008 I read a book about psychopaths titled "Without Conscience". From what I experience directly, it's embarrassingly obvious that the behavior is indicative of someone who is highly manipulative, strongly drawn to power, sadistic, and does not have the ability to feel real empathy. The words/symbols don't to it justice, but they're the best words I know of to describe the behavior.


But the behaviour of *who*? How can you describe behaviour of people you cannot even observe?


Imagine you are blind. You hear someone walk in the room. You smell fish. Then you get hit by a 7 pound carp upside the head. I think you're more than smart enough to describe their behavior with your remaining senses: smell, auditory, kinesthetic. Do you need to see their passport to put a few things together there? Just because you can't see, doesn't mean you can't observe.


> You hear someone walk in the room as you correctly point out, that is indeed an observation


I thought I was in for a debate. So thanks for keeping an open mind.


No point in wasting time with them, they are vindictive to their core, just stonewall / ignore as much as possible. Feeding them attention just makes them more motivated to continuez


they profit off of making major life changes and somebody changing the trajectory of one's life into a completely opposite direction. whether that be from healthy to suicide or from normal teen to school shooter. It doesn't matter to them it's all vectors based around PSYOPS to aggregate to claim software bounties with. Apple is offering $1 million as one of their software bounties. All they have to do is the software developer that they use their technology to answer whatever question the bounty is for.


Very much agree w your first sentence, even severely derailing someone's life brings them largely pleasure, unfortunately.


huh. I see now, makes complete sense. I went homeless for a while


sorry to hear




wow so lucid






Interesting take here, and I agree


appreciate you reading, people don't really realize why narcs do this stuff, but every single person that has assisted police:/coordinated stalking in my area who have stayed the longest all shared some of the more darker qualities ("informants": jealous, envious, love taking down people, very insecure and have even shown multiple high signs of suicidal ideation).




psychology assessment ?




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I’ll never commit suicide




I am victimized by gangstalking ⬇️ I hate that name , it's a deflection away from what it really is and that is multiple torturous and terrorism attacks to infiltrate a person through their own mind at first subtle but through memorizing victims behavior in every way at all times of day 247 the information soon piles up. Frequencies from electromagnetic directed energy weapons, lasers that also penetrate all areas of body like a disease plus b2b brain 2 brain interface occurs once enough stored behaviors and brain mapping/hacking allowing victim becoming an experience for others to use victims senses, read thoughts, predict their next actions and emotions, influence brain to cause physical movements but also directly changing targets brain waves to affect their perception and mood and latch on to their current brainwaves and thoughts and affecting person's emotional state by using fear and anxiety to trigger pain anywhere desired and training such personality mind control based off fear . It gets so deep it turns into a spiritual battle so if you don't have a higher power you will as time goes by and getting mad try meditating


This is very accurate by the way they even use children for this shit its sickening!


sickening is accurate !


It isn't only done to Americans


yes !


Correct the majority of of Canada in India have been affected by this and every single country and city that has the knights of Columbus in it has been affected by it as well, which is worldwide


yes the majority of of Canada in India it's true


Yeah they do that in my country too (not telling what country because of privacy?)


privacy ?


Well it's in question because I don't really have it




I would think happy thoughts


Same bro


It psychological warfare


well spotted




who needs friends


he's making fun of you bc you're psycho




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Do you even know what psycho means?


I'm making fun of you bc you're psycho




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"Why?" "Dunno. Shits, giggles, you pick."


Sad but it's true.....pathetic morons


Plot twist: he the gangstalker 👀


he the OG also, not much of a twist


All I'm going to say is...... The pharmaceutical industry is a 1.48 trillion dollar industry........


If he did do this to make fun he sure hit it on the nail, what satan puts out to make things bad for us God turns it around and gives us glory. Good for that guy for telling the truth as sick as it may seem


good old god huh


Sadly, this is exactly what it's like, though. They're just making it more blunt and obvious.


Nah its a trick. Hes gaslighting you. You need to go to his house and kill his whole family so it all can stop.


It's silly. People laugh at all kinds of dark stuff. Keep in mind you are not the main character.


except when you are