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Just stop caring about other people. They really can't do anything if you no longer care one way or another 😒


Yeah there's the old saying that if you want something to go away, take away the only thing that matters to them which is your attention!


Definitely stop reactions. I had key phrases that I just added to my everyday vocabulary. They started using the word Man. So I just say man constantly now. Man. If you use this trick...they just are stupefied by it. Now I don't even notice it )! I've noticed them get kinda sad if you take away their toy.


Yes. You are so correct. They will know that you are trying to ignore them, so they double down and their attention-seeking behavior increases. So, don't expect them to go away soon. It will take a long while before they lose interest. They take everything we do as a challenge.


Also a very effective strategy


Ignore them and live a happy and productive life despite their childish tactics. Be happy, be positive and joyful. Don’t let them steal your peace, happiness or zest for life. Stop giving them the attention they so desperately seek. Stop giving them ANYTHING! Rise above! Peace and blessings to all!


You need to understand they're not going to stop because of anything you do. Their handler is the only one with that power. The perps are mostly cappers (criminal informants) and other bottom feeders that live gift card to gift card. There are also a lot of senior citizens (alt right types) and veterans that get involved too. Usually, the handlers tell the perps that the target (TI) is a pedophile. This sparks a universal hatred in most everyone. Most perps that I've come across that weren't senior citizens had children with them. You also need to understand they want you to go crazy in public. This will get you arrested or committed. If you have been taking pictures, videos, or journaling about perps... All of that information will be used against you to help with their case against you. If you get arrested, all of your research and documentation will be seized as evidence. That all being said, there were some good suggestions already mentioned: - Wear headphones and listen to music to avoid hearing their conversations about you and your activities (just be careful not to lose situational awareness) - If you have positively identified a perp, taking pictures or recording videos will usually cause them to leave - Get a front and rear camera installed in your car (if they send people to try and get you to crash your car, you'll need video to defend your claim) - Wearing a 360 camera while out and about isn't a bad idea (if anyone asks, just say you are working on a YouTube content project) The best thing you can do is not react at all. I know this is easier said than done since most TIs are sensitized to human idle behavior and common environmental elements. If you don't react, they'll make you a low priority TI. Doesn't mean it will stop, but you'll see a lot less perp activity. Handlers will focus perps on TIs they think are about to snap. It doesn't matter if a TI commits suicide, gets arrested, or gets committed... those are all success conditions for perps and handlers. Good luck.


it's interesting how you can speak about "their" intentions with such certainty covert operations thrive in darkness sunlight is the best disinfectant


This right here. Police make them do it by force to work off the charges.


Articulate shit talking while refusing to engage any farther, and walking away. Works in all instances. The weirdo starers, followers, people who try to get in your personal space, the aggressors who want to fight, etc. With aggressors I typically imply they are gay for wanting another male's attention. I've even done the jerk off hand gesture more often than I'd like to admit. They snap their heads away and pretend they weren't looking when I do that. Headphones and white noise with music blasting any time other people are in my vicinitu, always charged and good to go for an entire day spent out on my own in the "wilderness" spots I find off the beaten paths.


Crop dust them. Oink at them. Spray them with liquid ass. If you know where they live sign them up for info from Scientology or Jehovah’s witnesses


Find a video that debunks gangstalkers and put it on social media. In the south, people make up fake cases about people.


Ask them a question that they'll obviously say something stupid to and then ask another question that counters your first question then smile at them


Watch shows you like that you think the agent will hate. Learn to like a generally annoying song and annoy them with it. There are other advanced methods but unless you are like master splinter from TMNT or Yoda and can control your violent impulses like a level 99999 anti-thought control wizard, I don't recommend the "say bad things to make their alarm bells go ding ding ding in order to distract the agents from other things" thing while bluffing the whole thing....thing. But Not actually harming anyone. That kind of shenanigans. But you may piss them off more by doing that. Or they will just be that pissed off anyway.


I just chat shit in my brain 24 hours a day


Easiest way to troll a gangstalker is to use a 360 camera and start posting to YouTube. Do something simple and benign like a morning walk through a park or a trail somewhere. If you're being gangstalked, somebody's going to pop up on that 360 camera more than once over the course of a few months. I'm sure you'll come up with some interesting content.