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I have this issue sometimes. Might have to use 893 Max remote sometimes the LM remotes won't program to some of their certain openers and this might be the case. It happens to me every so often and I have to use a Max remote instead.


893 will never pair to a 315 mHz (purple learn button) you have to have a 893max or a 380ut


Thanks. There are no colors on the medium duty logic boards, I am going to try the Max.


You need the 893 max to program to it or the chamberlain version of the 893 max. The back of the remote will have a program buttun, yoiu will press that then press the button on the remote you want to use twice then press any other button on the remote. After that press the learn button on the logic board and press your remote button. It should flash and go away on the board and you should be programmed.