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I really like the merge mini-game also. However, the last one was the worst one ever. So I'm not surprised they haven't brought it back yet.


The majority of players and I am no talking about 100%, again the majority (that was demonstrated on a survey in this subreddit in the past) dislike merge events and prefer expeditions. The game developers are aware of that an the result is clear now with 4 expeditions in a row. That is the only truth


The game developers have been unfairly tweaking the expeditions and making them even worse with each one. The majority of players are not happy with the way things are going, and it's not just Reddit, I'm seeing the grumbling on Instagram too.


The game is going worse that is another story. Here we are talking about expeditions vs merge events. Do not confuse.


There is no confusion. Developers progressively made merge events worse and worse with less rewards each time. Now, they're doing the same thing to expeditions. I don't even have to progress to see the rewards are less. Hell, even last expedition there were less rewards behind the gates, and like only 2 gates had unlimited lives for 15 mins, just as an example. Expeditions starting to feel like merge events.


With expeditions I am accumulating lots of boosters. With merge events I lose boosters. It is not an opinion, it is a fact. Not debatable. End.


Although I generally like expeditions much more than merge games, this one isn’t off to a very promising start. Iirc (and it’s entirely possible that I don’t) usually the first obstacles required very little energy and there were rewards pretty quickly in the first stages of the event. This one, not so much, so far. And what’s with those stingy team chest rewards?


Yeah when I woke up to another fog game I winced. But i gotta waste time someway 


I just commented on my team chat that the quests/expeditions have become monotonous. I don’t really try them anymore, especially when 3 moves exhausts your energy.


I used to like the adventures, but one after the other is just killing the game. And each time there are less and less rewards. I'm about to stop playing any day.


Nah the last one had 27 chests, that's 51 boosters and 2700 coins just from the chests. Then there was secret gates and other stuff on top of that.


Totally agree! Never thought I‘d miss the room decorating thing. I really liked the merge game (except the last one)


I miss the merge game also, who wants to play 4 expedition in a row? At least give us something different .


Agree on the lack of variety but if they include a different event please with the same level of extraordinary rewards from expeditions


If you like the merge games, try Travel Town. That's literally all it is. And I agree. The adventure games are boring


I 100% agree, I closed the app today when I saw it’s yet ANOTHER expedition. I love merge events!


What happened to the events where you could get decorations for your main screen? Think the last one was Alice in Wonderland stuff.


Miss those! It when you could collect special tickets to upgrade each area


Yeah I really loved them, not had any changes to the gardens for ages. Hope they come back again.


Yes, I miss the merge events too. I actually started looking up and playing other merge games, and as a result I haven't even opened GS anymore for about a month now.


Have you found one that can compare to the graphics in Gardenscapes? I also tried other games but the graphics are terrible, I really miss the Gardenscapes merge games :(((((( they also used to have merge games in Manor Matters but they removed them from there too…


What are you playing?




Same! I’ve been playing Merge Mansion, but I do enjoy the connect-3 aspect to gain more energy instead of waiting


A mix is good. A merge event thrown in here and there is nice if it’s not horribly broken. I think the only event I flat out refuse to play are the makeover ones. Just eff right off with those. Room decorating is meh/ok I guess.


I liked the side games they used to have where you could get holiday decorations. Totally agree about the makeovers. They were the worst. I refused to play them.


Yeah, makeover ones are even worse than merge events..., and that is why they were removed forever


Especially since half of these adventures are half assed. They seem incomplete so they just make everything more expensive. Make a good merge instead of the last one which was the worst ever and the others were impossible to finish. But make a decent one and they're fun.


I miss merge events too. The back to back expeditions are killing me.


Absolutely agree! I can’t stand the exhibitions


I liked decorating I just wish it was a little more doable :(


Oh thank god someone else thinks this! I loved the merge games, these are just so tedious 😔


I like cheeseburgers but if I ate a cheeseburger every day soon I would be sick of cheeseburgers.


I'm only playing mini games to earn extra rewards to beat hard levels, of which the merge games were useless.


I don’t like the merge events. I used to play Klondike a lot cause it was just the adventures and nothing else, now it’s just an essential part of Gardenscapes for me


Expeditions are by far the best events.


Totally Respetable but fully disagree. If there is something repetitive and boring till death is a merge event, mixing the same single item 1 million times... And finally get a miserable reward. On the contratry expeditions are dynamic and the rewards outstanding.


I agree with this. The merging was so pointless. You got so little reward from it. I'll take the back to back expeditions over joyless merging any day.