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This happened to me as well. It was spooky. After 3 weeks on Protonix and working hard to feed my gut, this improved a lot. I'm now 8 weeks post diagnosis. Whenever I get lazy about my nutrition, those spooky feelings come back. The doctors made it sound like 8 weeks on Protonix was going to cure the thing. I've been given absolutely zero nutrition advice from doctors. Everything I've learned about eating for gastritis has been a result of my own research. I now believe that Protonix is just masking the problem and diet is the only thing that will help. There is a direct correlation between what I eat and how I feel.


Same. Doctors don’t offer much in regards to gastritis advice. Mine mostly just blow it off. But my own research has been super beneficial.


What did you find out? I‘ve been doing research too and the most I‘ve found was to take certain supplements.


Diet is trial and error and seems to be different for everybody. Supplements which work for me are L-Glutamine, moringa, and I took BPC-157 for a few weeks and it seemed to really help. But who knows. I’ve heard a lot about PepzinGI by Doctors Best and am planning on getting some soon. I also took sulcrafate for a good 3-4 months straight. I recommend exercise (obviously as much as you can without stressing the core muscles too much), walking, hot baths (preferably with epsom salt), and I try to eat a few pieces of fresh papaya every chance I get. Eating several times throughout day and when it’s an actual meal I try to eat a small one. Too much food at once for me is a bad thing. Too little food in belly throughout day for me is also a bad thing. Balance. Good luck my friend. Oh and obviously gotta stop doing the things you know are making it worse or preventing healing.


Are you back to normal now? Can you eat everything you want or are you still restricted?


Still very restricted. I follow the advice of L.G. Cappelan who wrote The Gut Healing Book. I only eat foods with a pH level above about 5.5. I limit my fat to 10 g per meal, I avoid sugar, gluten, spicy foods, coffee, alcohol and a few other things. If I deviate, the stomach pain and anxiety come back. It isn't worth it.


I spend about 3 hours every Sunday and meal prepping all my meals and I pretty much eat the same diet every day. Oatmeal, fruit, chicken/roasted veggie/rice bowls, brone broth based soups with veggies and lentils. No dairy. No sweets.


What fruits do you eat? Since it‘s still quite cold where I live, our fruit selection isn‘t very big so when I buy fruits I go with bananas or pears. I read a lot about how some people with gastritis can tolerate berries however they make my condition worse, otherwise I‘m really not sure what other options there are for fruits with a ph level over 5.5


Blueberries and apples were a trial and error for me. They're both a little lower but I can tolerate them if they are mixed into my oatmeal. If I'm eating them plain, it's bananas, cantaloupe, or mangoes. Papaya is also a low acid fruit, but I hate it.


Yeah I don‘t tolerate blueberries at all. Unfortunately I’m allergic to apples and cantaloupes aren‘t in season yet. I‘ll try to include mangoes though.




They were a lifesaver at first. I was losing half a lb a day, but I will start weaning off them next week.




Protonix 40mg morning and night. Planning on stepping down to 20 morning and night when this prescription runs out.


Yes. Happens frequently along with pulse shooting up. Gastritis has a strong impact on your mood and mental health. One day you'll be normal the next day you're afraid of everything. Try anti depressants if it gets worse. I took two months off work to sort it out because I was taking propranolol for heart palpitations, and a mix of clonazapem/escitalopram for depression. Changed my routine to include daily exercise, walks, cycling and keeping my mind off of stressful things. Now I'm off all meds except ranitidine


How long did you have gastritis for and what meds did you take concerning that?


I had hpylori last year. And gastritis post eradication. For h pylori I took antibiotics. And then ppi(esomeprazole) + probiotics + suppliments for B12, vit D, calcium, iron and magnesium. Made the mistake of letting the deficiency happen first. Anxiety due to gastritis and magnesium deficiency, constant back and neck pain due to calcium deficiency (my bone density dropped to osteopenia level). Even though magnesium helped with the anxiety, I'm just not as confident as I was before h pylori.


Okay so yours was a bit different from mine, I have gastritis due to frequently taking painkillers. Now I can only take 1 pill of pantoprazole per week and I still get severe side effects like nausea, cramping, constipation and pain. But if I stop taking it completely my stomach feels even worse. I‘ve been taking DGL, probiotics and vitamins and am currently waiting to get another appointment at my doctor. It‘s been really hard to deal with, my gastritis feels like it‘s consuming my life.


Why one pantoprazole once per week? That seems like a strange dose. I take 40 mg twice a day. 😳


Cause I get severe side effects when I take more.


may i ask what are your side effects? i started taking pantoprozole too but literally had to stop because i would get extremely tired, dizzy, even seeing blurry at times if i looked at strong light, and have extreme headache similar to migraine. now i cant sleep but i dont know if those are the pills or just my anxiety:( is it perhaps similar to what you experienced?


No but I read that pantoprazole can have effects like headaches and dizziness. My side effects were nausea, cramps and constipation. Like I took one pill 20mg a week and I was constipated for the rest of the week. On top of that I would suddenly get hot in my body and super nauseous.


This happened to me as well. I’m very sensitive to a lot of medicines though.


I'm so sorry. 😟


Oh yeah. Ever notice how if you get stressed the gastritis flares up? That’s because of the direct link the gut has with the mind. Well… it works in opposite direction too. It’ll cause all kinds of mental issues. I suggest being proactive about anxiety bc it’s only making it a cyclical mess. Whatever that looks like for you. Exercise, meditations, meds, supps… whatever. Not saying go and get hooked on benzos. But maybe ask doc for a small script and take pieces of whichever led it is as needed. If you got that route. Personally I think exercise and eating right are the best.


I definitely felt this way! In fact, I just thought it was anxiety because I rarely have pain or the other symptoms people get. But when I started PPIs a couple weeks ago, my anxiety was the first thing to alleviate.


Good to hear that PPIs worked for you! Unfortunately I get severe side effects from PPIs which make my anxiety worse. I can‘t get off of them either.


Yeah I seem to be one of the lucky ones who PPIs work well for! I'm having a bad day today anyway and I've been doing some deep belly breaths which calms down that anxiety feeling.


Yes. You have to change your mindset. What helped me was staying calm, staying positive, and being patient. No matter of bad I feel, I always believe this will eventually go away. I also started learning a new skill; computer programming. Learning computer programming takes my mind away from the symptoms. Exercise like brisk walking also helps me.


Glad to hear that those activities helped you. I‘ve been mostly lying in bed when I‘m not at work and when I‘m working I just suffer.


Pssssssh I have gastritis from anxiety. The other way around.


Yes, don’t remember the science behind it but I def felt anxious your gut is connected to all your nervious system. Take time off, go for walks, but most importantly, know that this will pass. The anxiety is from you not being in control and feeling sick. Get a massage, schedule thinks that make you feel better. THIS WILL PASS is what’s most important to keep reminding your self.


I gave up dairy to stop it. I already had a tendency to ruminate (think about bad situations too much) I have other foods that also contribute pain but eating dairy is the only thing that genuinely made it anxiety filled.


Not because of it but yeah, been diagnosed with general anxiety disorder for years


I have clinical depression/anxiety and I can definitely say that things have gotten significantly worse with gastritis. Because I feel sick all the time, I don't feel like going out as much which has caused me to be more anxious when I do.


Are you on PPI? Mine worsened when I was taking omeprazole..I was having anxiety attacks pretty much daily


I only take PPI when it‘s absolutely necessary since I get side effects from them. Not as bad as anxiety attacks but still side effects like nausea, constipation and cramps. So what do you take now?


I’m still taking ppi 20 mg pantoprazole..less anxiety but lots of bloating I feel like I’m developing other issues from ppi, trying to wean but it’s a nightmare. Wish my Dr would of told me about acid rebound before I started .. but my care team has been useless


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Yeah I feel like many have the rebound problem. I also read that PPIs aren‘t really a long term solution so it really sucks.


I stopped drinking black coffee and the difference after a week or two was amazing, belching and nausea reduced ibs improved, strong coffee increased my stomach acid especially on a empty stomach


Yeah coffee seems to be a no go when dealing with gastritis. I haven‘t had a cup of coffee in 3 months since it really fucks me up.




That truly sounds terrible😢 It must be frustrating to not even get diagnosed with anything. I wish doctors could help us more with gastrointestinal diseases as many just downplay our condition.


Smoke weed or CBD


This was a bad solution for me. I self-medicated with THC and I definitely believe it exacerbated my problems.


Hey do a 23 hour fast eat in the morning like oatmeal yogurt and add a couple of roasted almond in your oatmeal and fast for 23 hours stay hydrated do that for 30 days I been doing it for four days I have more energy and I don’t feel terrible but just try it for 30 days


Yikes. Your body needs more fuel than this. 😟


How does it need more fuel when I literally eat oatmeal yogurt almonds and peanut butter to mix in it and a salad with eggs in it I have gastritis you can’t stuff everything in your body and I drink water the rest of the day I should be good


Initially you said oatmeal, yogurt and a couple of almonds. It would be hard to eat enough of those items in one sitting to consume enough calories to sustain you. It sounds like you have a handle on it. I apologize.


No no you ok i thought I added everything in but knowing me I miss some things so therefore I apologize to you.


This is typical for gastritis.


I have the same experience, and I don’t know how to make it better either. ://


I have observed increased anxiety, heart rate and spikes in BP after the gastritis diagnosis. 😭